EOG :: Volume #4

#317: The adjustment of unusual demon network

The adjustment of Chapter 316 unusual demon network 第316章超凡魔网的调整 Next morning, Lin Xiao asked the father to want monster flesh, was a that unknown tentacle strange tentacle that last night massacred. 第二天一大早,林霄去找老爹要了一份怪物血肉,就是昨晚杀掉的那未知触手怪的一条触手。 This monster is not very strong, the rank estimate over 20 levels, are not the first fusion most appropriate intensity, exceeds this rank the strange strength of monster flesh implication is too strong, does not suit the rookie’s first fusion. 这怪物不算很强,等级估计不超过二十级,是第一次融合最合适的强度,超过这个等级的怪物血肉蕴含的诡异力量太强,不适合新人第一次融合。 This so-called rank, is the strength rank division of this world, a ten levels of ridge, each over ten levels of this ridge, the strength will have the qualitative promotion, regardless of the monster of this world, arrives at this world the child and even Lin Xiao in nightmare their strength division is this. 这个所谓等级,是这个世界的力量级别划分,十级一个坎,每超过十级这个坎,实力会有质的提升,不论这个世界的怪物,还是降临这个世界的梦魇之子乃至林霄他们的力量划分都是这样。 Although this muscle tentacle has cut, but is also maintaining an activeness, the size is turned into the present arm to be thick by the former thigh thickly, on ship chef with a thick metal box that packed the ice sealed up its attire, originally was prepares to ship back the ashore to sell out. 这条肌肉触手虽然已经斩下来了,但还保持着一丝活性,大小由之前大腿粗变成了现在手臂粗,船上厨师长用一个装满冰的厚厚金属箱将其装起来封住,本来是准备运回岸上卖掉。 This thing is the ready-made monster flesh, can sell to various island feudal lords, or the major chambers of commerce, can sell a good price. 这玩意就是现成的怪物血肉,可以卖给各海岛领主,或者各大商会,都能卖个好价钱。 Door pass/test good, outside the definite room no one, Lin Xiao takes out this pulp solid tentacle with the hook, then launches magic cube, launches a chaos vortex to swallow the tentacle under the tentacle. 将门关好,确定屋外没人,林霄用勾子将这条肉质扎实的触手取出,然后展开魔方,在触手下方展开一个混沌漩涡将触手吞下。 This half-dead tentacle swallowed instantaneous inflates to work loose, is powerful, but its was inhaled in the vortex, another was hung to hold on unable by the hook to work loose stubbornly. 本半死不活的触手被吞下的瞬间膨胀起来想挣脱,力量十足,但其一头被吸入漩涡中,另一头被勾子挂住死死拉住无法挣脱。 After all has cut from the main body, the activeness has, after struggling for more than ten seconds exhausted the remaining strength, the retracting original design was swallowed by magic cube all of a sudden again. 毕竟早已经从本体斩下,活性有余,在挣扎了十几秒后耗尽残余力量,一下子又重新缩回原样被魔方吞下。 This thing one was swallowed into the magic cube space no longer to move like the strip dead fish by magic cube immediately, his intention moves, in god sea an illusory magic cube gently revolution, the invisible strength arrives to grind one group of blood muddy flesh groups this muscle tentacle, immediately saw the gray tentacle empty shadow that one group reduces departs from the flesh in the magic cube space dashes back and forth. 这玩意一被魔方吞入魔方空间内立即像条死鱼一样不再动弹,他心念一动,神海中虚幻的魔方轻轻一转,无形的力量降临将这条肌肉触手碾成一团血肉泥团,当即看到一团缩小的灰色触手虚影从血肉中飞出在魔方空间内来回冲撞。 This is in this monster flesh the remaining strength, the normative need suppresses by the demon medicine, but also is unable to suppress completely. 这就是这怪物血肉中残余的力量,正常需要靠魔药压制,还无法完全压制。 But at this time this remaining strength extremely flustered fleeing in all directions in magic cube, is probably same faced with what total destruction. 但此时在魔方内这残余力量极为慌张的四处逃窜,好像面临什么灭顶之灾一样。 Lin Xiao observed slightly, shows a faint smile to rotate magic cube, this remaining gray tentacle empty shadow obliterates the dust gray light to scatter directly, then second round of magic cube rotates, this gray light obliterates again slightly, but also. 林霄稍观察了一下,微微一笑转动魔方,这残余的灰色触手虚影直接磨灭成点点灰尘般灰光飘散,然后第二轮魔方转动,这点点灰光再次磨灭得更小但还在。 The third round. 第三轮。 The fourth round. 第四轮。 The fifth round, this gray light has obliterated at this time has the bacteria to be small, if unable to induce in the magic cube space. 第五轮,此时这灰光已然磨灭得有细菌那么小,如果不是在魔方空间内都无法感应到。 Was too tenacious!” “太顽强了吧!” This is in the magic cube space, at magic cube space strength, no matter bumps into anything to obliterate with ease, these rubbed not to obliterate time continually five times unexpectedly thoroughly, no wonder people in this world can only with the demon medicine suppress but is unable to obliterate, this fellow was also too tenacious. 这可是在魔方空间内,以魔方空间的力量,以及不管碰到什么都是轻松磨灭,这一次一连磨了五次竟然还未彻底磨灭,难怪这个世界的人们只能用魔药压制而无法磨灭,这家伙也太顽强了吧。 However tenaciously is also again tenacious, is unable to obliterate, but comes matters several times. 不过再顽强也只是顽强,并非无法磨灭,只是多来几次的事而已。 When 11 th magic cube rotates, the mill to had also been obliterated the nihility compared with the bacteria small gray light finally, the colorless dust point that turning into the naked eye is unable to detect fans into the magic cube space. 当第十一次魔方转动,已碾磨至比细菌还小的灰光终于被磨灭成虚无,化成肉眼无法察觉的无色尘点散入魔方空间内。 At this time this colorless dust is the pure unknown strength, for the time being pays no attention, he uses Good Fortune Cube the remaining flesh purification, then integrates in this colorless dust this magic cube space, again then 此时这无色尘点已经是纯净的未知力量,暂且不理,他用造化魔方将残余的血肉净化,然后将这无色尘点重新融入这魔方空间内,再然后 He consumed fortune's energy of four units to integrate, this was this monster flesh may fuse the fortune's energy upper limit, integrates fortune's energy not to enhance a wee bit might again. 他消耗了四单位的造化能量融入其中,这是这份怪物血肉可融合造化能量的上限,再融入造化能量也不会提升一丁点威力。 As continuous fortune's energy integrates, the red flesh starts to send out the light ray, the flesh is starting becomes has the gloss transparently, does not know the strength of how to describing disclosed slowly. 随着源源不断的造化能量融入,红色血肉开始散发着淡淡的光芒,血肉开始变得透明有光泽,一股不知如何形容的力量缓缓从中透露出来。 Until fortune's energy of four units integrate completely, this group of flesh have turned into one group transparently just like the fruit jelly flesh, then 直到四单位的造化能量全部融入,这一团血肉已化成一团透明宛如果冻般血肉,然后 Lin Xiao opens the mouth, one group of transparent fluid fruit jellies appear before him flow in his mouth. 林霄张开嘴巴,一团透明的流质果冻在他面前出现流入他口中。 The taste looks like attracts the fruit jelly to be the same, but does not have the flavor, several attract, Lin Xiao shuts the eye slowly. 口感就像是吸果冻一样,只是没有味道,几下就吸完,林霄缓缓闭下眼睛。 Approximately after more than ten seconds, his chest muscle jumps the fist big package to retract suddenly rapidly, the shoulder, the both arms muscle also jumped suddenly, then, the body more place muscles are beating again unceasingly, his whole body muscle floats off at the visible speed, the outline highlights, the build becomes strong. 约十多秒后,他胸口肌肉突然跳起拳头大一个包又迅速缩回,紧接着肩膀,双臂肌肉也突然跳了一下,再然后,身上更多地方肌肉在不断跳动,他浑身肌肉以肉眼可见的速度浮起,轮廓凸显,体型变壮。 Meanwhile, Lin Xiao can feel that fiery of own within the body muscle, probably is the same in the combustion, a powerful strength gushes out to flow the whole body from the body gene deep place. 与此同时,林霄能感觉到自己体内肌肉的火热,好像在燃烧一样,一股强大的力量从身体基因深处涌出流遍全身。 This strengthening continued entire one hour, when he opens the eye again, discovered that the whole world changed is small. 这种强化持续了整整一个小时,当他再次睁开眼睛时,发现整个世界都变小了。 No, should say that he increased. 不,应该说他变大了。 Raised the head to prepare to examine, discovered that the clothes have cracked to reveal the muscle that the dragon ties, the small arm has inflated several times merely, the palm is thicker, felt that can grasp a basketball or wraps up a head of average person completely. 抬起头准备查看,发现衣服已经崩裂露出虬结的肌肉,仅仅小手臂就已膨胀好几倍,手掌更加粗大,感觉一手能掌握住一个篮球或完全包住一个普通人的脑袋。 Looks at the whole body again, muscle Ben stretch/open, is ordinary just like the ultra strong healthy mister, muscular, but is not abnormal, instead line very exquisite. 再看全身,肌肉贲张,宛如超强壮的健美先生一般,肌肉发达但不畸形,反而线条非常的优美。 Meanwhile his height about eight is also turned into now two meters by beforehand one meter about 23, high a big truncation. 同时他的身高也由之前一米八左右变成现在两米二三左右,高了一大截。 But this merely is the change of surface, intrinsic changes. 但这仅仅是表面的变化,还有内在变化。 For example his muscle tightly, inherited all abilities of that tentacle simultaneously. 比如他的肌肉更强更紧实,同时继承了那条触手的所有能力。 He tries to put out a hand empty to press forward, arm muscle rapid rise several times, the length also rose suddenly all of a sudden several times, the arm rose more than three meters to press the door directly. 他试着伸出手向前虚按,手臂肌肉迅速膨胀数倍,长度也一下子暴涨了好几倍,手臂直接涨成三米多按到了房门。 The intention moves, the both arms and body muscle inflate similarly, turned into a three meters many muscle young giant instantaneously, the strength instantaneous powerful several times. 心念一动,双臂以及身躯肌肉同样膨胀,瞬间化成一个三米多的肌肉小巨人,实力瞬间强大了好几倍。 Moreover this is also not the limit, because the room is so big, if there is an enough space, he can turn into a five-meter muscle giant, the arm is longest to rise more than a 20 meters myo- adductor muscle, has the powerful strength and ultra-high resilience. 而且这还不是极限,因为房间就这么大,如果有足够的空间,他能化成一个高达五米的肌肉巨人,手臂最长能涨成一条长达二十多米的肌肉柱,拥有强大的力量以及超高的恢复能力。 He tries to make an effort gently, the table that the hard ship wood makes broke off the same place, pinches the powder gently. 他试着轻轻用力,坚硬的船木做成的桌子就被掰下一块,轻轻一捏成粉。 Very good!” “很好!” First fusion monster flesh strengthening scope unexpected big, waits to obtain more powerful monster flesh to fuse in the future will again be definitely more powerful. 第一次融合怪物血肉强化幅度出乎预料的大,等将来获得更强大怪物血肉再次融合必然会更强大。 The most important thing is, he could not feel completely after fusing this monster flesh, has what unusuality, probably he resembled like this. 最重要的是,他完全感觉不到融合这怪物血肉后有什么异常,好像他本来就这样似的。 Following one he has been adapting to the strength of rising suddenly all day, slowly restores the original design the build. 接下来一整天他一直在适应暴涨的力量,慢慢将体型恢复原样。 The seeker number navigates in the sea level, the destination is Peal Island of distant place, that is giant housing islands, by a powerful feudal lord rule, is they anchors the replenishment supply frequently the place. 探索者号在海面上航行,目的地是远方的珍珠岛,那是一个巨大的居住岛屿,由一位强大的领主统治,也是他们经常停靠补充物资的地方。 Does not have the land in this world, at least had not heard in the Lin Xiao memory mainland word, even if the experienced senior captain had also never said mainland word, in their concepts, the whole world is huge unmeasurable sea, as well as in the sea is spread like stars in the sky the densely covered islands. 在这个世界没有陆地,起码在林霄记忆中没有听说过大陆这个词,哪怕见多识广的老船长也从未说过大陆这个词,在他们的观念中,整个世界是一个庞大无边际的大海,以及大海中星罗密布的岛屿。 Most islands are full of the danger, by the strange monster, the indescribable unusuality, or the non- human alien race occupies. 大部分岛屿充满着危险,由诡异的怪物,不可名状的异常,或者非人类异族所占据。 Human can only the sticking together survival in islands that in having the water resources has, by powerful feudal lord protection. 人类只能抱团生存在有水资源存在的岛屿上,由强大的领主保护。 In this world's only transportation way is the ship transport, because in sea everywhere strange and evil monster, or the fearful alien race of life in sea, the seaborne commerce is not prosperous, the common ships do not dare to enter the sea far away from the safe islands. 在这个世界唯一的交通方式就是船运,但因为大海中无处不在的诡异与邪恶怪物,或者生活在海中的可怕异族,海上贸易并不昌盛,一般的船只可不敢远离安全的岛屿进入大海。 The seeker number is an exploration ship, except for runs the trade to make money occasionally, the most common activity is goes to the sea deep place exploration unknown, the islands, are other. 探索者号是一艘探索船,除了偶尔跑一下贸易赚点钱,最常见的活动是前往大海深处探索未知,不论是岛屿,还是其他。 This they just came back from the distant seas time, purchased a number of commodities to return to Peal Island to gain a price difference on the way. 这一次他们刚从远海回来,顺路购买了一批物资回珍珠岛赚一点差价。 At this time they to the Peal Island also 56 days of distances, are very near, but is not safe. 此时他们离珍珠岛还有五六天的路程,已经算是很近了,但还不算安全。 In fact does not have the safe place in this world, even if nearby the main islands of major feudal lords is not safe, lives in the strange once for a while being close island of seabed, heard some people of accidental deaths almost every several days the news. 事实上在这个世界就没有安全的地方,哪怕各大领主的主岛附近都不算安全,生活在海底的诡异时不时的接近海岛,几乎每隔几天就听到有人意外死亡的消息。 Finished eating the food, Lin Xiao takes on the sickle the deck, today is he is on duty. 吃完饭,林霄拿着弯刀上了甲板,今天是他值班。 According to the double-hour calculates that at this time is during the daytime, but a sky piece jet black just like night, the seeker number breaks open the flood black sea water to go forward. 按时辰来算此时是白天,但天空一片漆黑宛如黑夜,探索者号破开泛黑的海水向前行驶。 In the deck has several sailors to stand sentry, they do not dare to stand to fear that saw the thing that anything is not suitable to look, only dares to hide in the deck listens attentively to outside sound by the scoop channel of ship's tower. 甲板上有几名水手在放哨,他们不敢站起来怕看到什么不适合看的东西,只敢藏在甲板靠船楼的一个凹槽内倾听外面的声音。 Lin Xiao calmly walks in the deck, the nearby broad side is very high, almost one meter about five, are prevents them to see outside sea unknowingly, to prevent in the sea has anything to see them. 林霄静静走在甲板上,边上船舷很高,差不多有一米五左右,即是阻挡他们不经意看到外面大海,也是为了防止大海中有什么看到他们。 Transferred one not to see anything, after he arrived at the ship wei deck, found a place to sit got down calmly is lying down. 转了一圈没看到什么,他来到了船艉甲板后找了个地方坐了下来静静躺着。 On the ship does not have the light, usually will not light a lamp, this is feared that attracts strange existence in sea. 船上没有灯光,平时都不会点灯,这是怕吸引到海中的诡异存在。 But Lin Xiao can see own arm clearly, muscle along with his intention ballooning, muscles under his intention drum like mousie, when is bored is very interesting. 林霄能清楚的看到自己的手臂,肌肉随他心意鼓胀,一块块肌肉在他心意下像小老鼠一样鼓来鼓去,无聊时挺有趣的。 The unconscious several hours passed by, the half-asleep partly awakes Lin Xiao to open eyes suddenly, inclines the head and listens attentively, whips the hull sound not to have other sounds besides the sea water, on the ship quiet. 不知不觉几个小时过去了,半睡半醒中林霄突然睁开眼,侧耳倾听,除了海水拍打船体声外没其他声音,船上静悄悄的。 He closes the eye, after several seconds, fierce opening, raised the sickle to stand got up to walk toward the bow. 他重新闭上眼睛,数秒后猛的张开,提起弯刀站了起来向船首走去。 The foot steps on sound gently in the deck in this lonesome calm night especially obvious, Lin Xiao felt that own heartbeat does not know why is accelerating, arrives at the bow slowly, the corner of the eye split vision felt that outside the broad side jet black as if there is vision to gaze at itself, his corner of the eye selects to suppress has not been looking. 脚踩在甲板上轻轻的声音在这寂静夜中格外的明显,林霄感觉自己的心跳不知为何在加速,缓缓走到船头,眼角余光感觉船舷外漆黑中似乎有目光在注视着自己,他眼角一挑强忍着没看。 Several steps arrive at the bow, three sailors had two to fall asleep, by first half narrowed the eyes to focus in the wall, saw that he appeared in the front subconsciousness jumped, two falling asleep sailors received the stimulation conditioned reflex to wake up. 几步来到船首,三名水手有两个已经睡着了,还有一个靠在墙上半眯着眼,看到他出现在面前下意识跳了起来,两个睡着的水手受到刺激条件反射般醒来。 Lin Xiao sizes up three people, asked: 林霄打量三人,问道: Has exceptionally.” “有没有异常。” Three people shake the head again and again: 三人连连摇头: Some of our people have been awaking, has not discovered exceptionally.” “我们一直有人醒着,没有发现异常。” Lin Xiao nodded, turned around to look at a deck, under three human feet had a residual sticking mark, he took back the vision to raise the blade to leave. 林霄点了点头,转身看了一眼甲板,三人脚下有一丝残留的粘痕,他收回目光提着刀离开。 Waits to change to another side, before he arrives at the ship's tower, opens the door to enter, deeply before inspiring arrives at the room of senior captain, counts on the fingers the orderly rap gently. 等转到另一边,他来到船楼前推开门进入,深吸一口气来到老船长的房间前,屈指有规律的轻轻敲击。 Three light single layers. 三轻一重。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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