Although the endless nighthotprelude's Chapter 4familiarnightfromhaving the memorystarts, Long Yuehongtimeshave experiencedsimilarscene, buthumanwill never vanishto the unknownfearto the darkness, only if the spirithas the issue, otherwise the boldperson, will walkalonein the silentnightcorridor, the heartdeep placewill have that littlefearunavoidably.
The flashlightraysweepswithin, Long Yuehongthinks that Shang Jianyaohad said:
A persontakes the nightroadtime, if afraid, sangtooneselflistens!
一个人走夜路的时候,如果害怕,就唱歌给自己听!Before, hedid not spare a glance, after allhelived for 23yearsin the floor, even ifremovednomemoryresidualin childhood, was still familiarto the correspondingenvironment for nearly20years, closed one's eyescannot the going astraypath.
之前,他对此不屑一顾,毕竟他在所处楼层生活了二十三年,即使排除没什么记忆残留的幼时,也对相应环境熟悉了近二十年,闭着眼睛都不会走错道路。Insuchsituation, the fearwill not be serious, can definitely overcome.
这样的情况下,恐惧不会太严重,完全可以克服。Butnow, situated instrange622, darkalwaysafterhisflashlightrayputs asiderules the responding region, letshimcannot help buton the infant.
但现在,位于陌生的622层,黑暗总是在他电筒光芒移开后重新统治对应区域,让他心里不由自主就毛毛的。Canagainterrifyinglycompared with the nightterrifying of thesecityruins? Long Yuehongsilenttalked to oneself, the courageas ifcame back.
再恐怖能比那些城市废墟的夜晚恐怖?龙悦红无声自语了一句,胆气仿佛又回来了。Hisstepstepsgreatly, the pacebecomesquickly.
他步伐迈得更大,步频变得更快。As forsingingto emboldenthis means that hehas not usedfinally.
The sopeacefulnight, doesn't thisharass a person of cleardream?
如此安静的夜里,这不是扰人清梦吗?Benefitsfromoccupying the layout of flooris mostly the same except for minor differences, needsto consider that the arrangement of pollution dischargepipeline, but before Long Yuehongturns off the lights, hasonthis went to bathroom, thereforehehas not spent the toomuchtimeto arrive in the destination.
得益于居住楼层的布局大同小异,需要考虑到排污管道的布置,而龙悦红熄灯前又不是没在这一层上过厕所,所以他未花费太多时间就抵达了目的地。This is located in the Barea and public toilet in areaintersection point.
这是位于b区和区交界处的公共厕所。In the men's room, does the pale yellowrayswayin the gloomycoldnight wind, the night and daywas uncertain, makingLong Yuehongremember the ghostmovie in Old Worldentertainmentmaterialsuddenly.
男厕所内,昏黄的光芒在阴森寒冷的夜风中摇摇晃晃,晦明不定,让龙悦红陡然想起了旧世界娱乐资料里的鬼怪电影。Suchthoughtflashesto pass, herelies on20years of rich experienceto judgesomepeople, when the squattingrestroomis operating the flashlight, sways.
这样的念头一闪而逝,他凭借二十年的丰富经验判断是有人在蹲厕所的时候开着电筒,晃来晃去。Does not know the frugalenergyration! ExpensiveisLong Yuehong of d7levelstaffis maintaining the thriftyspiritatthisaspectas before.
不知道节约能源配给!贵为d7级员工的龙悦红在这方面依旧保持着节俭的精神。„The Pangulifeform”internalenergyrationshareonlydecidesaccording to the official rank and post, wantsto spendcontribution pointsto buycannot buy!
“盘古生物”内部的能源配给份额只根据职级和岗位来定,想花贡献点买都买不到!Naturally, thisis only the publiclevel, in secret, hassomebeginningnumberpeopleto makeyougo tohishometo use electricity.
当然,这只是公开层面,私下里,出得起点数就有人让你去他家用电。Long Yuehongtakes back the vision, before arriving at a funnel-shaped urinal, solvesownproblem.龙悦红收回目光,走到一个小便斗前,解决起自己的问题。Fordoes not sprinkle, he also has not turned off the flashlight, itscardonback of the hand.
为了不洒出去,他同样未关电筒,将它卡在了手背上。on the back of the hand of t1mechanical arm.
t1型机械手臂的手背上。Shookshaking, after pulling the zipper, the Long Yuehongsubconsciousnesslooks at the place that the eyepale yellowrayswayed,
抖了抖,扯上拉链后,龙悦红下意识又望了眼昏黄光芒摇晃的地方,Suddenly, hisvisionstraightensslightly.
突然,他目光略微发直。Heseesthatpiecepale yellow to have the lightsmogto fill the air, from time to timeinflates, from time to timetumbles, as ifhasownvitality.
他看见那片昏黄里有淡淡的烟雾在弥漫,时而膨胀,时而翻滚,仿佛有自己的生命力。At the same time that the Long Yuehongbrowwrinklesslightly, heard a depressingmoanindistinctly.龙悦红眉头微微皱起的同时,隐约听到了一声压抑的呻吟。Ifthismoanhasto resemblenot to have, seems restrainingsomepain.
, The Long Yuehongmindbecomesextremelysober.
His firstresponsewithdraws from the public toilet, needs further consideration, butthinksat once,thisis a company, reallyhas problems, everyonewill be affected, oneselfdraw backdoes not have to draw back.
他第一反应是退出公共厕所,从长计议,但旋即想到,这是公司内部,真出了什么问题,大家都会受到影响,自己退无可退。Firstunder the confirmationiswhatsituation, the incorrectwords, hurryorderdirectorroomreporting...... Long Yuehongrapidlyto make the resolution, switches offownflashlight, compartmentedwalkstowardthatstep by step.
先确认下是什么情况,不对的话,赶紧去秩序督导室上报……龙悦红迅速做出决断,关掉自己的电筒,一步一步往那个隔间走去。Hemoreapproaches, thatsmogisobvious, containssomepainfulmoanto be even more clear.
他越是靠近,那烟雾越是明显,蕴藏着某种痛苦的呻吟越发清晰。Sees with own eyes the goalto be in sight, Long Yuehongspanned, leapt up.
The nextsecond, heandsquattedthatmanbigeyeincompartmentedto tread the small eye.
After temporarysolidification, the manis anxious and anger:
短暂的凝固后,那男人又急又怒:„Whatlooks atto look?”
“看什么看?”Long Yuehongmouthopening and closing a say/way:龙悦红嘴巴翕动了一阵道:„Why don't youclose?”
The manis clamping the rootcigarettesingle-handedly, oneis hand-held the door, the air/Qiis instead saying with a smileextremely:
那男子一手夹着根卷烟,一手扶着门扉,气极反笑道:„Greater part of the night , did no one, howIopen the doorto pass a wind?”
“大半夜的,又没什么人,我开门通个风怎么了?”Long Yuehongcalms down:龙悦红定了定神:„Smoke where youcome?”
“你哪来的烟?”Except foroverwhelming majority the person who „the Pangulifeform”, has elapsed the old generation who anda fewcarries over the custom, otherstaffdo not smoke, thereforeLong Yuehongsimplyhas not thoughttowardthisaspecta moment ago.
“盘古生物”内部,除了绝大部分已经逝去的老一代和少数被带出习惯的人,其他员工都不抽烟,所以龙悦红刚才根本没往这方面想。Thisthingin some senseis the luxury goods.
The bellyhas not leaptcleanly, the buttockshave not scratched, squat the man there to jumpto punchLong Yuehong.
„ Myvaluefield personneltime, tradesat a blackmoorwildernessliving area!
“我值外勤的时候,在黑沼荒野一个聚居点换来的!„What's wrong? Iam the newstaff, having the addiction for tobaccois very normal!”
“怎么了?我是新加入的员工,有烟瘾很正常!”Hisvisionsweeps, the pupilhas enlargedsuddenly, screenedLong Yuehongthatbar ironblackarm.
他目光一扫间,瞳孔忽然有所放大,映出了龙悦红那条铁黑色的手臂。Long Yuehongthensees clearly the appearance of opposite party: The skinis black, a yellow around the mouthtooth, the faceis bumpy, in the eyehas the obviousblood threads, lookedhas not been the Gene Modificationexternalstaff, the appearancehas only been ableto say not uglyis not scary.龙悦红这才看清楚对方的样子:皮肤偏黑,一口黄牙,脸庞坑坑洼洼,眼睛内有明显的血丝,一看就是未做过基因改良的外来员工,长相只能说不丑不吓人。Turns over toawkwardlyawkwardly, Long Yuehongfurtherasked:
尴尬归尴尬,龙悦红还是进一步问道:„Why did you, whymoana moment ago?”
“那你刚才为什么,为什么呻吟?”„Constipationis not good, Big brother?” The maleattitudebecomesquitewell.
“便秘不行吗,大哥?”那男子态度变得相当好。Long Yuehonghollow laugh:龙悦红干笑了一声:„Ijusthad/left the field personnelto come back, the spiritalsostretchesquitetightly, the responseis a little excessive, excuse me.”
“我刚出外勤回来,精神还绷得比较紧,反应有点过度,不好意思啊。”„Understood.”Appearance that maleis very goodto speak.
“理解理解。”那男子一副很好说话的模样。Heevil ways:
他顿了一下道:„Ok, doesn't standbeforemelike this? No, can Iclose the door?”
“可以,不这样站在我面前吗?呃,不,我可以把门关上了吗?”„Can.”Long Yuehongparticularlythanked the rayto be dimat this time, cannot illuminateowncomplexion.
“可以可以。”龙悦红分外感谢此时光芒黯淡,照不出自己的脸色。Hefinishes speaking, thatcompartmenteddooron the round triprotation, gathered.
他话音刚落,那个隔间的门扉就往回转动,合了起来。Insidethatmansilentseveralseconds of say/way:
里面那个男子沉默了几秒道:„Yourwhichactionbrigade, the mechanical arm that fromwheredoes make?”
“你哪个行动大队的啊,从什么地方弄来的机械手臂?”„Iam a special actiongroup.”Based on the secrecy principle, Long Yuehong can only replysketchily.
他好奇问道:„Youcared that what the mechanical armdoes make?”
The compartmentedinmansighed:
隔间内的男子叹了口气道:„Iam the externalstaff, but alsodoes not have the qualificationsto makeGene Modification, mustgoto manifest the dutyfrequently, togo on living, lives to tour the office workpost, trades the mechanical armto be very cost-effectivewith an arm.”
“我是外来的员工,还没资格做基因改良,又经常得去地表出任务,为了活下去,活到可以转内勤岗,用一条胳臂换机械手臂很划算。”Long Yuehongthinks,saidsincerely:龙悦红想了想,诚恳说道:„Very expensive/noble.”
“很贵的。”„Yeah......” the compartmentedinmansends out a sighagain.
“哎……”隔间内的男子再次发出一声叹息。Long Yuehonghas not toldhimin the dutyto lose the armto make the lifeformartificial limbto transplantfree, butdoes not have the leeway of choice, and has not possibly obtainedabilitygoodthese, becauseloses the armto bleedinevitablyseriously, the probability of not being able to rescue is actually not low, especiallyis in the surface, treatswithout enough timetime, isso.龙悦红没告诉他任务中失去手臂可以免费做生物义肢移植,只是没有挑选的余地,而且没可能得到能力不错的那些,因为失去手臂必然出血严重,抢救不回来的概率其实不低,尤其身在地表,来不及医治的时候,更是如此。Hehas transferred the body, moved towardoutside the public toilet.
他转过身体,走向了公共厕所外面。Had such a comparison, hesuddenlyfelt the ownpresentconditionis quite good.
有了这么一个对照,他突然觉得自身现在的状况相当不错。No longerhad/left the dutyto be better...... Long Yuehongis thinking, whilehad the surroundingswith the flashlightoptionaltitle deed.
不再出任务就更好了……龙悦红一边想着,一边用电筒随意地照起周围。Heseesonmanywallsto have the doodle that the assortedchalkdraws, someare deep, someare childish, someempty boastings, unique.
他看到不少墙壁上有各色粉笔画出的涂鸦,有的深沉,有的童稚,有的浮夸,各具特色。This and scenes of 495manyplacesare exactly the same.
别的居住层同样如此。Whydoes not know, Long Yuehongis inexplicable.
不知为什么,龙悦红莫名欣喜。Thisis the externalstaffstartsto integrate the performance of company, isamongthemhas the symbol that the descendantis born.
这是外来员工开始融入公司的表现,也是他们之间有后代诞生的象征。Thinks ofhere, hereturned to the step of Barea No. 59roomto speed upmuch.
想到这里,他返回b区59号房间的步伐加快了不少。Walked34steps, Long Yuehongstopped, the sidecrossed the ear.
走了三四步,龙悦红停了下来,侧过了耳朵。Heas ifprobablypossiblyheard the sound that spokea moment ago.
他刚才似乎大概可能听到说话的声音。Listened toonecarefully, heexcept for the snoring sound, anythinghas not harvested.
仔细听了一阵,他除了鼾声,什么都没有收获。„Really the spirithas not relaxed...... Long Yuehongto self-ridiculeto shake the headcompletely”, walkstowardBarea59 th.
…………Next morning, 647, No. 14room.
第二天上午,647层,14号房间。Long YuehongandBai Chenwalkedhand in hand, discovered that in the officeonly has a Shang Jianyaoperson.龙悦红和白晨手拉手走了进去,发现办公室里只有商见曜一个人。Hisstanceis rampant, pressed the limit the chairbackward, the both feetputon the table.
他姿态非常嚣张,将椅子向后压到了极限,双脚搁到了桌上。„Team leader?”Long Yuehongloosens the hand of Bai Chen, the subconsciousnessasks.
The Shang Jianyaosmilerespondedbrightly:商见曜笑容灿烂地回应:„Youguess.”
“你猜。”Alsogetting lost? Long Yuehongwantsto reply, suddenlynapeonecool, terrifiedsober.
又迷路了?龙悦红本想这么回答,突然后颈一凉,悚然清醒。If this team leaderwandersin the corridor, was heardbehindmeto speakhermalicious remarksbyher, the troublewas big! Herhearingat this timedifferentpast! Long Yuehongthenlooked atonefiercely, had not discovered that outsidesomepeoplepass through.
这要是组长就在走廊徘徊,被她听到我背后说她坏话,麻烦就大了!她的听力今时不同往日了!龙悦红猛地回头看了一眼,没发现外面有人经过。Buthiscorner of the eyesplit visionlooked atBai Chento take back the handquietly, fromownnapeposition.
但他眼角余光瞄到白晨悄悄地收回了手,从自己后颈位置。Long Yuehongstared at the past, saw the corners of the mouth that turned upwardsslightlyin the Bai Chenseriousexpression.龙悦红凝望过去,于白晨一本正经的表情上看见了略微翘起的嘴角。Healsofollowsto showsomesmile.
他也跟着露出些许笑容。„woofWoof woof!”Shang Jianyao said.
“汪汪汪!”商见曜叫了起来。Long Yuehongis a little awkward, the telephone in officeresounds.龙悦红正有点尴尬,办公室内的电话叮铃铃响起。„Meetsquickly.”Heis busy atsayingtoShang Jianyao.
“快去接。”他忙对商见曜说道。Indifferent of Shang Jianyaoface:商见曜一脸的无所谓:„Definitelyislooksto become known, shewas not also, meetshas not known that foundwhatexcusetoher, was inferior that did not meet.”
“肯定是找大白的,她又不在,接了还不知道给她找什么理由,不如不接。”„Alsoyes.”Long Yuehongthinks,thoughtisthistruth.
“也是。”龙悦红想了想,觉得是这个道理。Bai Chenhad not opposed.白晨也未反对。
The telephonerang, finallyceases.
叮铃铃的电话响了一阵,终于停息。Alsocrossed for tenminutes, Jiang Baimianwalked into the office.
又过了十来分钟,蒋白棉走入了办公室。Shehas not givenanyexplanation, the expressionas usual and team memberssays the hello.
她没有做任何解释,表情如常地和组员们打起招呼。Jiang Baimianjustsat downshortly , the planeresoundsonce again, makes the sound.蒋白棉刚坐下没多久,座机又一次响起,发出叮铃铃的声音。Shepicks up the microphone, near the gatheringear, listened toone, „un un”two, thenshifted toShang Jianyao, shoutsloudly:
她拿起话筒,凑到耳边,听了一阵,“嗯嗯”了两声,然后转向商见曜,大声喊道:„Hey, looksyour!”
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