ELN :: Volume #5

#64: Past scene

The Jiang Baimian sense is exceptionally keen, immediately detects in this building had anything to be inspired. 蒋白棉感官异常敏锐,立刻就察觉到这栋楼宇内有什么东西被引动了。 Then, she saw the small jade Buddha of Shang Jianyao palm like before the vigilant church hall was embezzled dark, vanished inch by inch. 然后,她看见商见曜掌心的小玉佛就像之前在警惕教堂大厅被黑暗吞没一样,一寸一寸地消失了。 In the Jiang Baimian heart moves, side looks to outside, discovered that the window place does not know when leapt the rich white fog, making Long Yuehong lie in nearby form looks like remotely about several hundred meters. 蒋白棉心中一动,侧头望向外面,发现窗户处不知什么时候腾起了浓郁的白雾,让龙悦红趴在附近的身影遥远地像在几百米开外。 Has the situation.” Jiang Baimian returns to the head, the sinking sound has informed Shang Jianyao. “有情况。”蒋白棉回过脑袋,沉声告知商见曜 During the speeches, her vision gradually solidifies, because behind Shang Jianyao, the carrying/sustaining staff introduced that wall of column, no longer tattered, became very complete. 说话间,她目光逐渐凝固,因为商见曜背后,原本承载员工介绍栏的那堵墙壁,不复刚才的破烂,变得非常完整。 Dim in many rays, its above is pasting pictures, under the picture is the literal introduction. 黯淡了不少的光线里,它的上面贴着一张张照片,照片之下是文字性介绍。 Jiang Baimian fixes the eyes on to look, confirmed a matter fast: 蒋白棉定睛望去,飞快确认了一件事情: In the food company staff of these picture representatives, named Liu Lu, is the sales manager. 那些照片代表的食品公司员工里,有一位叫做刘璐,是销售经理。 Before this and Shang Jianyao, sees in 522 room master that trauma complete consistent. 这和商见曜之前在“522”房间主人那处心理阴影里看到的完全一致。 At this time, the Shang Jianyao also turning around body, makes noise: 此时,商见曜也转过了身体,啧啧出声: „Did time flow backwards?” “时光倒流了?” Jiang Baimian has not responded to him, but will look at the staff to introduce the four corners of column. 蒋白棉没有回应他,而是将目光投向了员工介绍栏的四个角落。 Her pupil enlarged once again. 她的瞳孔又一次放大了。 That four places do not have the defect picture! 那四个地方都没有缺失照片! Jiang Baimian calms down, hurries to inquire Shang Jianyao: 蒋白棉定了定神,赶紧询问起商见曜: Before you said that was where difference the picture?” “之前你说是哪里差了照片?” Because Shang Jianyao described with the language at that time, the handpainted entire staff had not introduced that the column confirmed the situation, therefore Jiang Baimian was not clear the position definitive that he used was actually to be opposite to him, took the wall and bulletin board as the reference. 因为商见曜当时是用语言来描述,未手绘整个员工介绍栏来确认情况,所以蒋白棉不清楚他用的方位限定词究竟是相对他而言,还是以墙壁、布告栏为参照。 The staff introduced that the left bottom of column can be this bulletin board's left bottom, can be near the left hand of Shang Jianyao, both are just opposite. 员工介绍栏的左下角既可以是这布告栏本身的左下角,也可以是商见曜的左手边,两者刚好相反。 Shang Jianyao made the sound of sigh: 商见曜发出了感叹的声音: Real time flowed backwards!” “真的时光倒流了!” His raised the hand referred to a place: 他抬手指向了一个地方: There.” “那里。” Jiang Baimian when looks, distinguishes the image and writing, suddenly the entrance of feeling this room has the person's shadow to flash. 蒋白棉正待望去,分辨图像和文字,忽然感觉这个房间的门口有人影一闪。 She also induced certain electrical signal, but had not detected that had human consciousness to exist. 她随之感应到了一定的电信号,但没察觉到有人类意识存在。 Jiang Baimian space illusion is ready, while will look at the entrance. 蒋白棉一边“空间幻觉”蓄势待发,一边将目光投向了门口。 The next second, she saw a person's shadow. 下一秒,她看见了一道人影。 That is a female, remains black short hair that was just coming to one's ear, in the white shirt, outside is wearing the blue small western-style clothes, the youth is just right, the appearance is fine, in the portrait with some picture is exactly the same. 那是位女性,留着刚刚过耳的黑色短发,内着白色衬衣,外穿蓝色小西服,青春正好,样貌精致,与某张照片上的人像一模一样。 Liu Lu?” The Jiang Baimian sinking sound inquired. “刘璐?”蒋白棉沉声询问。 Naturally, what she asked was Shang Jianyao, rather than entrance that female. 当然,她问的是商见曜,而非门口那位女性。 Shang Jianyao nods: 商见曜点了点头: She felt rejuvenated.” “她返老还童了。” Bah, this can call child ? " Honest Shang Jianyao refuted itself, „ with being back to the youth was more appropriate.” “呸,这能叫童?”诚实的商见曜反驳起自己,“用重回年轻时代更恰当。” Jiang Baimian looked at carefully Liu Lu's face one carefully, discovered she truly not before Shang Jianyao said that examines carefully 30 in a big way several, or older, this was one just had/left the campus 34 years, made every effort to show the maturity and professional young girl with the hairstyle and attire. 蒋白棉仔细又端详了刘璐的脸庞一阵,发现她确实不像商见曜之前说的那样,细看有三十大几,或者更加年长,这就是一个刚出校园三四年,力求用发型、衣着展现自身成熟度和职业性的年轻女孩。 The dialogue of Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian has not affected Liu Lu, in this eye the blood threads are quite many actually the sober girl to regard them , if no thing, moved toward the staff to introduce the column step by step. 商见曜蒋白棉的对话没有影响刘璐,这个眼中血丝较多却颇为清醒的女孩视他们如无物,一步一步走向了员工介绍栏。 Liu Lu stopped in the wall front, looked at the above picture and introduction earnestly. 刘璐停在了墙壁前方,认真看起上面的照片和介绍。 The individuality excelled at originally the ripe Shang Jianyao stand open her side, appreciated with her together. 个性开朗擅长自来熟的商见曜站到了她的旁边,与她一同欣赏。 Jiang Baimian slightly does to hesitate, walked, takes the lead to look to „” should that picture of defect. 蒋白棉略作沉吟,也走了过去,率先望向“原本”应该缺失的那张照片。 In the picture is a young man, the 23 or 24-year-old appearance, must be smaller than Liu Lu. 照片上是一个年轻男子,二十三四岁的样子,比刘璐还要小。 His appearance proper, has the neat short hair, contour characteristics that is not worth look into. 他模样周正,留着清爽的短发,没什么值得探究的外形特征。 Under the Jiang Baimian vision moved, falls in the introduction of correspondence: 蒋白棉目光下移,落到了对应的介绍上: Ge Junfei, sales manager, iron mountain people......” “葛俊飞,销售经理,铁山市人……” Comes from Changheshi...... Jiang Baimian does not sigh in the heart. 不是从长河市来的啊……蒋白棉在心中叹了口气。 Changheshi Union Iron and steel plant is the old name of iron and steel plant ruins, is on Shang Jianyao the excavation site of that medical record also original, one of the Buddhism five Great Sage places. 长河市联合钢铁厂是钢铁厂废墟的原名,是商见曜身上那本病历还原件的发掘地,佛门五大圣地之一。 „Before old accent group, has guessed, is the picture of defect corresponds model/pattern Wensi, Li Jin dragon to have the traffic accident to become the son of vegetable. “旧调小组”之前还猜测过,缺失的照片是不是对应范文思、李锦龙出车祸成为植物人的儿子。 Although Long Yuehong had clearly proven at that time this is impossible, but confirms now truly, Jiang Baimian is a disappointment. 虽然当时龙悦红已经有力地证明了这不可能,但现在真正确认了,蒋白棉还是一阵失望。 She has not delayed the time, looked at other picture and writing introduced, tried hard to remember them, afterward made the detailed analysis. 她没有耽搁时间,将目光投向了别的照片和文字介绍,力图记住它们,事后做详细的分析。 In the dim environment, Jiang Baimian glanced over merely, discovered some details: 昏暗的环境里,蒋白棉仅仅这么浏览了一遍,就发现了一些细节: Although iron mountain belongs to the large city, many outsider seek a livelihood, but staff as before near half of food company sale branch are the natives. 虽然铁山市属于特大型城市,有很多外来者讨生活,但食品公司销售部门的员工依旧有近一半是本地人。 „Is this showing treatment stable, suits too has not in a big way pursued?” In the Jiang Baimian silent whisper, stood in Shang Jianyao nearby Liu Lu had the new movement. “这说明待遇稳定,适合没太大追求的?”蒋白棉无声嘀咕中,站在商见曜旁边的刘璐有了新的动作。 As her vision carries over the side corner, the expression on her face a little twists gradually. 随着她的目光移向侧面角落,她脸上的表情渐渐有点扭曲。 Liu Lu goes forward one step, extends the right hand, a picture that tore off Ge Junfei and writes the white thin steel plate of literal introduction. 刘璐啪地上前一步,伸出右手,一把扯下了葛俊飞的照片和写着文字性介绍的白色薄板。 Brushes, Liu Lu both hands dance in the air, ripped the fragment that picture. 刷刷刷,刘璐双手飞舞,将那张照片撕成了碎块。 Shang Jianyao looks dumbfoundedly, lifted both hands actually to forget applause. 商见曜看得“目瞪口呆”,抬起双手却忘了鼓掌。 Liu Lu also makes the smashing that white thin steel plate. 紧接着,刘璐把那块白色薄板也弄得粉碎。 Dregs male?” Shang Jianyao exciting opens the mouth. “渣男?”商见曜兴奋开口。 Liu Lu ignores, has not responded him completely, brings these fragments, left the room. 刘璐置若罔闻,完全没有搭理他,带着那些碎片,自顾自离开了房间。 In the Jiang Baimian heart moves, half step with. 蒋白棉心中一动,快步跟了上去。 This time corridor, the ray is dim, like around 4 : 00 pm, is not close 67 : 00 pm, when Sun only remains wipes the afterglow situation. 此时的走廊,光线非常黯淡,不像才下午 4 点多,更接近晚上67点,太阳只剩一抹余晖时的情况。 Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao follow in Liu Lu behind, arrives at the corridor center-section with her, turned to the left side. 蒋白棉商见曜跟在刘璐身后,和她一起来到走廊中段,拐向了左侧。 Shang Jianyao looked at marking, stopped the footsteps on own initiative. 商见曜看了眼标识,主动停下了脚步。 Here is the public toilet, Liu Lu entered the female bathroom. 这里是公共厕所,刘璐进了女性卫生间。 Spoke polite Shang Jianyao naturally unable to excel at rushing. 讲礼貌的商见曜当然不能擅闯。 Jiang Baimian has not attempted to convince him, in enters. 蒋白棉没企图说服他,自行入内。 Then, she saw in Liu Lu's to throw in a squatting urinal hand fragment, stepped on flushing water with the foot. 然后,她看见刘璐把手中的碎片扔到了一个蹲便池内,用脚踩了冲水器。 Crash-bang in the sound, these things all entered the sewer. 哗啦啦的声音里,那些事物全部进了下水道。 After Old World destroys, has not been hit by the attack in the city, the power supply and water supply it seems like maintained some time normal...... Jiang Baimian along with imagining, while looks at Liu Lu Station before the squatting urinal, looks under, the chest is fluctuating fiercely. 旧世界毁灭之后,没遭受袭击的城市内,供电和供水看来保持了一段时间的正常……蒋白棉一边随意想着,一边看着刘璐站在蹲便池前,望着下方,胸口剧烈起伏。 She gasps for breath in the big mouth. 她在大口喘气。 Why? Here air is not good.” Jiang Baimian also thinks oneself were polluted by Shang Jianyao, had this bewildered thought unexpectedly, finally discovered that feeds this fellow not to know when walked, is built on itself by, directs. “何必呢?这里空气又不好。”蒋白棉还以为自己被商见曜污染,竟产生了这种莫名其妙的念头,结果发现喂这家伙不知什么时候走了进来,立于自己旁边,指指点点。 Politeness?” Jiang Baimian aerobic and leans to ask funnily. “礼貌呢?”蒋白棉又好气又好笑地侧头问道。 Shang Jianyao shot a look at her one eyes: 商见曜瞥了她一眼: Stodgy! “迂腐! At this time also cared about this matter?” “这种时候还在意这种事情?” Which Shang Jianyao...... is this? Spiritless timid, but mean sinister that? Jiang Baimian rubbed the tooth. ……这是哪个商见曜?懦弱胆小但阴狠毒辣的那个?蒋白棉磨了磨牙齿。 At this time, Liu Lu steady breath, turned around to leave the bathroom , before turning back the staff to introduce the column . 这时,刘璐平稳了呼吸,转身离开卫生间,又走回了员工介绍栏前。 When she passed by Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, looked that has not looked at their one eyes, does not exist like them. 她路过商见曜蒋白棉时,看都没看他们一眼,就像他们根本不存在。 Returned to that room, Jiang Baimian to look all around, planned first to give the staff to introduce the column to photograph, keeps the archive. 回到原本那个房间,蒋白棉环顾了一圈,打算先给员工介绍栏拍张照片,留作存档。 She can look, Shang Jianyao has been eager to try, wants to test Liu Lu. 她看得出来,商见曜已经跃跃欲试,想要试探刘璐。 At this moment, Jiang Baimian discovered that Liu Lu's form seemed transparent a point. 就在这时,蒋白棉发现刘璐的身影似乎透明了一点。 This......” in the Jiang Baimian mind just had the thought to flash through, the surrounding ray has brightened fast, Liu Lu's form and complete staff introduction column like illuminating fierce Yang thin Xue, one melted completely. “这……”蒋白棉脑海内刚有念头闪过,周围的光线已飞快变亮,刘璐的身影和完整的员工介绍栏就像照到了烈阳的薄雪,一下消融殆尽。 Jiang Baimian also looks to the window, sure enough saw that there thick fog is defeated and dispersed. 蒋白棉随之望向窗口,果不其然看到那里的浓雾在溃散。 She takes up the intercom immediately, makes noise the inquiry: 她当即拿起对讲机,出声询问: Had the situation a moment ago?” “刚才有情况吗?” Long Yuehong answers quickly: 龙悦红很快做出回答: Has. “有。 Room one becomes very dark, your forms also become very fuzzy, I try to contact you with the intercom, but absolutely does not have the effect.” “房间一下变得很暗,你们的身影也变得非常模糊,我试图用对讲机联络你们,但完全没有效果。” Bai Chen follows saying: 白晨跟着说道: „The entire building probably was dark a point.” “整栋楼房都好像暗了一点。” Old standard? Your that side what situation?” Jiang Baimian pursues asks. “老格呢?你那边什么情况?”蒋白棉追问道。 Navalho had the synthesis feeling sound sound: 格纳瓦略带合成感的声音响了起来: I summarized information. “我正在综合数据。 Ok, the preliminary finding was, in the building had the intense magnetic field change a moment ago.” “好了,初步结论是,刚才楼房内有强烈的磁场变化。” How I have not induced......” the Jiang Baimian sound change am gradually young. “我怎么没感应……”蒋白棉的声音逐渐变小。 Does not know that which Shang Jianyao smiled: 不知哪个商见曜笑了起来: Only the reason is in this mountain.” “只缘身在此山中。” At this moment, that small jade Buddha appeared in his hand. 此时此刻,那个小玉佛又出现在了他的手中。 Jiang Baimian restrains the mind, looked at the eye piece outlet: 蒋白棉收敛住心神,望了眼窗外道: Nearly five points, made a search finally, looked that here did have to be many anything, then withdrew this ruins before the darkness, tomorrow will come again.” “快五点了,最后再做一遍搜索,看这里有没有多出什么东西,然后在天黑前撤出这个废墟,明天再来。” Yes, Team leader!” Shang Jianyao replied very loudly, which nerve also did not know and builds mistakenly. “是,组长!”商见曜回答得非常大声,也不知道又搭错了哪根神经。 After a half hour of effort, old accent group confirmed before the second food company's internal situation and Shang Jianyao use the small jade Buddha, does not have any distinguishes. 经过半个小时的努力,“旧调小组”确认第二食品公司内部的情况和商见曜使用小玉佛前没有任何区别。 They return to the vehicle, goes toward the urban fringe. 他们回到车上,往城市边缘而去。 On the way, several people have not made the discussion, after planning to pitch camp, brainstorm. 途中,几人未做讨论,打算扎营之后再头脑风暴。 Is opening, Bai Chen is sharp-eyed said: 开着开着,白晨眼尖地说道: Salvation army car(riage).” “‘救世军’的车。” Deep vehicles slow Datong, Li who Shouyi from another direction opens their private car. 从另一个方向开过来的深色车辆正是徐大同、黎守义他们的座驾。 Shang Jianyao presses down the glass, wielded the arm: 商见曜按下车窗,挥起了手臂: You came finally!” “你们终于来了!” Deep vehicles vice- harnesses the position, slow Datong found out the head: 深色车辆的副驾位置,徐大同探出了脑袋: We have gone to the second food company, anything had not discovered, but also meets strangely higher having no interest attack, gave to destroy the front door of that building.” “我们已经去过第二食品公司,什么都没发现,还遇到奇怪的‘高等无心者’袭击,把那栋楼房的大门都给弄垮了。” ? Long Yuehong could not bear lean the head. 啊?龙悦红忍不住侧了侧脑袋。 He suspected that oneself misunderstood. 他怀疑自己听错了。 Old accent group just left from the iron mountain second food company shortly, although there front door is opening wide, but is perfect! “旧调小组”刚从铁山市第二食品公司离开没多久,那里的大门虽然敞开着,但完好无损!
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