ELN :: Volume #5

#52: Another group of people

Friendly hand the archbishop leads clear/pain Ge, Shao beam, adore/admire Chi and the others, saw local bishop Anton Nyola under the vigilant Saint emblem. “友善之手”的大主教带着楚格、邵梁、慕迟等人,于警惕圣徽之下见到了本地主教安东尼奥拉。 This height exceeds one meter eight, is throwing over the black cape, wears extremely Jane/simple mask, head infertile, seems like quite strong clergy to lift the both arms, intersects in the chest front, in the future will draw back one step: 这位身高超过一米八,披着黑色斗篷,戴着极简面具,头上寸草不生,看起来相当强壮的神职人员抬起双臂,交叉在胸前,往后退了一步: Vigilant is the prompt of god. “警惕是神的提示。 Archbishop Delphi, your rooms have arranged.” “德尔洛大主教,你们的房间已经安排好。” Hair sparse Archbishop Delphi wants according to friendly hand most officially the most sincere formality, to a Anton Nyola hug, but sees the vigilant performance that he not minces, has the turning around body, to show the back to the opposite party, and said in the Red River language: 头发稀疏的德尔洛大主教本想按照“友善之手”最正式最有诚意的礼节,给安东尼奥拉一个拥抱,但看到他毫不掩饰的警惕表现,只好转过身体,将后背展现给对方,并用红河语道: Meanly, believes each other.” “友善对人,相信彼此。” Divergent obviousness between a two big religious sects. 两大教派之间的分歧一下昭然若揭。 Moreover, one side this and vigilant sect and frightened mission seize in the doctrine key point respectively different, friendly hand makes a fresh start completely, does not have the least bit similarity with another two. 而且,这和警惕教派、恐惧教团在教义重点上各据一边不同,“友善之手”完全另起炉灶,和另外两家没有半点相似之处。 Only together is, friendly hand belief similarly is October/ten months holds year quiet paternal aunt. 唯一的共同是,“友善之手”信仰的同样是十月的执岁“幽姑”。 If the vigilant sect and frightened mission common origin live, that friendly hand is outside picks. 如果说警惕教派、恐惧教团同源而生,那“友善之手”就是外面捡来的。 This in some sense also slightly is equal to the fact. 这在某种意义上也略等于事实。 In the chaotic age, friendly hand origin needs to unite resistance in these having no interest and crowds of various aberrants, these people depend on the mutual attention, the absolute sincerity cooperation, had a bloody road reluctantly, opened the different living areas, to quiet paternal aunt the belief disseminated. 混乱年代里,“友善之手”发源于那些需要团结起来对抗“无心者”和各种畸变生物的人群,那些人靠着守望相助,精诚合作,勉强杀开了一条血路,开辟出不同的聚居点,将对“幽姑”的这种信仰传播开来。 Friendly hand the idea and „the salvation army has something in common essentially, both sides also truly have the long and close cooperation. “友善之手”的理念和“救世军”在本质上有共同之处,双方也确实有着漫长而密切的合作。 But until the New Calender 10 years, because of quiet paternal aunt the tora, friendly hand sends people to participate in the general education conference between vigilant religious sects and frightened missions fixedly. 而直到新历十年,因着“幽姑”的神谕,“友善之手”才固定派人参加警惕教派、恐惧教团之间的普教会议。 As a result of their existences, the vigilant sect and frightened mission has not repeated front to dispute to attack brutally several times, almost kills the redeye the situation. 正是由于他们的存在,警惕教派和恐惧教团才没有重复前面几次争执到大打出手,差点杀红眼睛的情况。 With clear/pain Ge the words that on the road self-ridicules is: 用楚格在路上自嘲的话语来说就是: Holds the year not to endure the follower to encounter the unnecessary casualties because of a doctrine dispute, sends friendly hand specially the person mediates a quarrel. 执岁不忍自家信徒因一点教义纷争就遭遇不必要的伤亡,特意派“友善之手”的人过来劝架。 When follows own personnel to turn around neatly, back toward the vigilant sect bishop Anton Nyola line ritual, Delphi this friendly hand the archbishop the attitude is genial, the tone said affably: 等到跟随自己的人员齐刷刷转身,背朝警惕教派主教安东尼奥拉行完了礼,德尔洛这位“友善之手”的大主教才态度和煦,语气舒缓地说道: I had come red stone Ji, that has had the contact with underground ark, is the old friend. “我曾经来过红石集,和‘地下方舟’那位有过接触,算是老朋友。 Does not know how he, can make me visit now?” “不知道他现在怎么样了,可以让我去拜会一下吗?” Anton Nyola withstand/top the white side Jane/simple mask, the sinking sound was saying: 安东尼奥拉顶着白色的极简面具,沉声说道: Timarco had died, underground ark changed the master.” “迪马尔科已经死亡,‘地下方舟’换了主人。” „Do you do?” Delphi displays seems like to hear this matter for the first time. “你们做的?”德尔洛表现的像是第一次听说这件事情。 Anton Nyola shakes the head: 安东尼奥拉摇了摇头: „ It is not. “不是。 Is five outsider.” “是五个外来者。” They also hold the year follower?” Delphi surprised asked. “他们也是执岁的信徒?”德尔洛“惊讶”问道。 Anton Nyola shakes the head again: 安东尼奥拉再次摇头: I am not quite clear their beliefs, but they definitely do not hold the year follower, usually continuously in red stone Ji, occasionally comes. “我不太清楚他们的信仰,但他们肯定不是执岁的信徒,平时也不住在红石集,偶尔才过来。 Actually, you should see them a moment ago, you enter the church time, they happen to leave the hall, returns to the bottom.” “其实,你们刚才应该有见过他们,你们进入教堂的时候,他们正好离开大厅,返回地底。” „......” Nearby clear/pain Ge recalled earnestly discovered Bishop Anton Nyola said should be Bai Chen their four people. “……”旁边的楚格认真回想了一下才发现安东尼奥拉主教说的应该是白晨他们四个人。 They? 他们? Did they get rid of one to be thought by Archbishop Delphi compared with he stronger awakening? 他们干掉了一位被德尔洛大主教认为比他更强的觉醒者? Was Bai Chen so when fierce? 白晨什么时候这么厉害了? Although her companion seems like from the big influence, but is also insufficient is so strong? 她的同伴虽然看起来像是来自大势力,但也不至于这么强吧? Too young...... 太年轻了…… The one by one thought flies to flash, clear/pain Gebao the suspicion of instinct, is opening the mouth to ask: 一个个念头飞闪间,楚格抱着本能的怀疑,开口问道: Bishop, you did not say kills underground ark originally the master has five people? “主教阁下,你不是说杀死‘地下方舟’原本主人的有五个人吗? A moment ago we saw only has four......” “我们刚才看到的只有四个……” Anton Nyola has not done to conceal: 安东尼奥拉未做隐瞒: One is the intelligent robot, this time has not come.” “还有一个是智能机器人,这次没过来。” Bai Chen that intelligent robot? clear/pain Ge felt the matter to. 白晨那个智能机器人?楚格感觉事情对上了。 But he does not like to believe. 但他还是不愿意相信。 Then how many years, Bai Chen grows the situation that oneself need to look, and joined a strength immeasurably deep squad? Moreover, in these years, oneself have the harvest, compared has huge difference initially. 这才多少年,白晨就成长到了自己需要仰望的地步,并且加入了一个实力深不可测的小队?而且,这些年里,自己也不是没有收获,相比当初已经有了天壤之别。 Archbishop Delphi considered under asked: 德尔洛大主教斟酌了下问道: „Is main force that intelligent robot?” “主力是那个智能机器人?” Right, very much awakening who the intelligent robot restrains certain domains, even after the opposite party has entered mind corridor...... recalls this, clear/pain Ge subconsciously breathes a sigh of relief, thought that is reasonable. 对啊,智能机器人很克制某些领域的觉醒者,哪怕对方已经进入“心灵走廊”……记起这点后,楚格下意识舒了口气,觉得还算合理。 I am not clear, I have not participated, the scene has not left behind the monitoring video recording.” Anton Nyola replied calmly. “我不清楚,我没有参与,现场也未留下监控录像。”安东尼奥拉平静回答。 Friendly hand archbishop Delphi sees that cannot repress own doubts again: “友善之手”的大主教德尔洛见状,再也按捺不住自己的疑惑: They are outsider, does not believe to hold the year, you visit them to intrude the church bottom helplessly, kills the owner of ark? “他们是外来者,又不信仰执岁,你们就眼睁睁看着他们闯入教堂地底,杀死方舟的主人? „The owner of ark holds the year follower.” “方舟的主人可是执岁的信徒啊。” Sect that even if to friendly be famous, cannot do this asking for trouble matter! 哪怕以友善著称的自家教派,也干不出这种开门揖盗的事情! Anton Nyola voice did not lower a point voluntarily: 安东尼奥拉声音不自觉放低了一点: Held the year to tacitly consent.” “执岁默许了。” Delphi terrified one startled, looked all around one saying: 德尔洛悚然一惊,环顾了一圈道: Holds the year to tacitly consent that kills the owner of ark? “执岁默许杀死方舟的主人? You why don't begin? By the strength of your sect, completes this matter to have more than enough to spare. “那你们为什么不自己动手?以你们教派的实力,完成这件事情绰绰有余。 At that time was sudden, requested without enough time the frightened bishops do support?” “当时事发突然,来不及请求恐惧主教们支援?” Anton Nyola has not given any reply, but lifts the hand again, good a ritual: 安东尼奥拉未做任何回答,只是再次抬手,行了一礼: Vigilant is the prompt of god.” “警惕是神的提示。” ............ ………… In the afternoon, old accent group follows another smuggling team, went down to iron mountain. 下午时分,“旧调小组”跟随另一支走私队伍,深入了铁山。 They surplus the book collections in the ark had screened in the morning, had not discovered that again the valuable clue . Moreover, they also found time the vigilant church, visiting caution Song what and bishop Anton Nyola, obtained the materials of some iron mountain ruins from their. 他们上午已经把方舟内剩余的藏书筛选了一遍,未再发现有价值的线索,另外,他们还抽空去了警惕教堂,拜访警示者宋何与主教安东尼奥拉,从他们那里得到了一些铁山市废墟的资料。 Meeting place that underground ark administration committee and mountain Guaimen decide in a turning point of mountain road. “地下方舟”管理委员会和山怪们约定的碰面地点在一条山路的拐弯处。 Here one side is the cliff, one side is the cliff, the terrain is precipitous. 这里一侧是峭壁,一侧是悬崖,地形非常险峻。 To mountain Guaimen, once these smugglers expose the hostility, will hide the companion on cliff will push the giant stone, will stir the muddy aspect, oneself and the others will depend upon the talent, will climb up from the cliff place downward, will vanish in the jungle. 对山怪们来说,一旦那些走私者展露出敌意,藏在峭壁上的同伴就会把巨石推下来,搅浑局面,自己等人则依靠天赋,从悬崖处攀爬往下,消失在密林里。 Old accent group four members got down the jeep one after another, waits for in Chepang. “旧调小组”四名成员相继下了吉普,等待于车旁。 Crossed for probably ten minutes, the skin chromatic polarization is blue, benefitting the tooth is incisive, has fiendish features feeling hills to swing the vine very much strangely, flies to fall from the cliff wall. 过了大概十分钟,肤色偏蓝,利齿尖锐,很有青面獠牙感的一群山怪荡着藤蔓,从崖壁上飞落。 Just like the fish person, they are also vigilant enough, slightly did to size up discovers this time many four strangers. 和鱼人一样,他们同样足够警惕,略作打量就发现这次多了四个陌生人。 Does not wait for them to open the mouth, Shang Jianyao has lifted the blue white loudspeaker, shouts worn out: 不等他们开口,商见曜已抬起蓝白色的扩音器,有气无力地喊道: Do not be anxious: “不要紧张: You are the person, we are also the person ; “你们是人,我们也是人; You are trade the resources, we are also trade the resources ; “你们是来交易资源的,我们也是来交易资源的; Therefore......” “所以……” In order to save spirit, what this Shang Jianyao uses is more familiar infers clown. 为了节约精神,这次商见曜使用的是自己更熟悉的“推理小丑”。 mountain Guaimen by convincing, was recommended instantaneously a representative, asked on own initiative: 山怪们瞬间被“说服”,推举出一名代表,主动问道: What resources do you want to trade?” “你们想交易什么资源?” What he uses is the comparison has the dialect feeling grey patois. 他用的是比较有方言感的灰土语。 Jiang Baimian goes forward two footpaths: 蒋白棉上前两步道: We use three box of bread flour to trade the iron mountain ruins related information.” “我们用三箱面粉换铁山市废墟相关的情报。” These three box of bread flour are they use the extra munitions to trade from underground ark. 这三箱面粉是他们用多余军火从“地下方舟”换来的。 Representative mountain strange/monster gawked for several seconds saying: 山怪代表愣了好几秒才道: Asked.” “问吧。” Jiang Baimian first from simplest asking: 蒋白棉先从最简单的问起: „Has your clan and tribe explored the iron mountain ruins in the chaotic age?” “你们部族在混乱年代有探索过铁山市废墟吗?” Most starts not to have, there was too dangerous, after having no interest was eliminated were many, our elders attempt to collect food.” Representative mountain strange/monster replied quite adeptly. “最开始没有,那里太危险了,等到‘无心者’被清除了很多后,我们的长辈才尝试去搜罗食物。”山怪代表回答得颇为娴熟。 Jiang Baimian pursues immediately asks: 蒋白棉立刻追问道: What strange matter your elders have to come across there, has to collect the useful goods or the information?” “你们的长辈在那里有遇到什么怪异的事情吗,有搜集到有用的物品或者情报吗?” Representative mountain strange/monster the rattle-drum swung the head: 山怪代表拨浪鼓般摇起了脑袋: „, We are always primarily looking for food, clothes and quilt other goods that move occasionally, after some people climb mountains to trade, sold. “一直以来,我们都是以找食物、衣服和被子为主,偶尔搬回来的其他物品,在有人上山交易后,都卖出去了。 „...... iron mountain ruins at that time many powerful having no interest, has the fearful ability, we only dare around walking, other place have nothing strangely.” “呃……铁山市废墟当时有不少强大的‘无心者’,拥有可怕的能力,我们只敢绕着走,别的地方没什么诡异的。” Jiang Baimian thought evil ways: 蒋白棉想了一下道: „Do you have to bring back to the incoming telegram papers, magazines and books?” “你们有带回来报纸、杂志、书籍吗?” Generally speaking, only if meets to study the scholar in Old World, otherwise this kind of goods are very difficult to trade. 一般来讲,除非遇上研究旧世界的学者,否则这类物品很难交易出去。 Representative mountain strange/monster the blue face shows the slightly strange expression: 山怪代表偏蓝的脸孔露出略显奇怪的表情: „ Has actually, we are used to light a fire and paper a wall, when the mattress of makeshift bed on the ground, makes the teaching material of children. “有倒是有,我们用来生火、糊墙、当地铺的床垫、做小孩们的教材。 But couple of days ago some people had asked this matter, but also looked on the spot, is faultless any book.” “但前两天就有人问过这件事情,还实地看了,没挑出任何一本书。” Have some people asked? In couple of days ago? The Jiang Baimian look suddenly becomes sharp: 有人问过?就在前两天?蒋白棉的眼神骤然变得锐利: Which people?” “哪些人?” Shang Jianyao follows to open the mouth, exceptionally shock, hates bitterly: 商见曜跟着开口,异常“震惊”,痛心疾首: You, you are not very vigilant! “你们,你们不够警惕啊! How can lead the stranger to return to the clan and tribe location?” “怎么能带陌生人回部族所在地?” That hills were strangely silent simultaneously, as if until discovered at this moment this is a very serious concern. 那群山怪同时沉默了,似乎直到此时此刻才发现这是一个非常严重的问题。
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