ELN :: Volume #5

#195: Change after gate

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Nava replied honestly: 格纳瓦老老实实地回答道: Very greatly possibly in some stage city place. “很大可能在台城某个地方。 They should encounter the danger at that time, has the member and large unit is separate.” “他们当时应该是遭遇了危险,才有成员和大部队失散。” Jiang Baimian thinks was saying: 蒋白棉思索着说道: In school on that corpse does not have any and Buddhism related goods. “学校里面那具尸体身上没有任何与佛门相关的物品。 He should be follows to have Buddhism faith token the person enters really the stage city, but this big probability is somebody in scientific expedition team.” “他应该是跟着持有佛门‘信物’的人进入真台城的,而这大概率是科考队中的某人。” In other words, the entire scientific expedition team enters really the stage city accidentally, encounters the danger, scatters in all directions to flee, does not have the possibility that who can go out is quite high again. 也就是说,整个科考队偶然进入真台城,遭遇危险,四散奔逃,再也没谁能出去的可能性还是相当高的。 Perhaps that corpse Buddhism faith token fell in other place, rather than did not have.” Honest Shang Jianyao refuted one. “说不定那具尸体身上的佛门‘信物’掉在了别的地方,而不是没有。”诚实的商见曜反驳了一句。 This is another possibility.” Jiang Baimian tranquil response. “这是另外一个可能。”蒋白棉平静回应。 Bai Chen nods: 白晨点了点头: Loses the salvation army in dreamland ‚’ to come here from other place on foot.” “迷失在梦境里的这名‘救世军’是从别的地方徒步来到这边的。” Her reason is: 她的理由是: We had inspected the nearby before, has not discovered relatively also the quite new vehicles.” “我们之前检查过附近,没发现相对还比较新的车辆。” Since is on foot, the possibility that his following large unit comes was also high.” Jiang Baimian un. “既然是徒步,那他跟着大部队进来的可能性又高了一些。”蒋白棉“嗯”了一声。 From the stage city edge to here, at least 20 kilometers, comes on foot absolutely is not the wise choice. 从台城边缘到这里,至少有二十公里,徒步过来绝对不是明智的选择。 In other words is, that corpse encounters the danger outside the stage city, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, enters really the stage city, arrived here possibility to be low. 换句话说就是,那具尸体在台城以外遭遇危险,慌不择路,进入真台城,一路走到这里的可能性非常低。 Jiang Baimian looked all around immediately: 蒋白棉随即环顾了一圈: First goes out, here discussed that anything is a little fearful and apprehensive, the fear has what accident/surprise.” “先出去吧,在这里讨论什么都有点胆战心惊,害怕又出现什么意外。” Regarding this, Long Yuehong lifts both hands approval. 对此,龙悦红举双手赞同。 This time, old accent group quite successfully the old route returns, releases the city. 这一次,“旧调小组”相当顺利地原路返回,出了台城。 Arrives after the water source camping area, they wash the face respectively, sobered a metal skeleton of mind Nava also wiping the face section, removes the dust of above contamination. 抵达靠近水源的宿营地后,他们各自洗了把脸,清醒了一下头脑格纳瓦也擦了擦脸部的金属骨骼,去掉上面沾染的尘埃。 Sees the surrounding scene to have no change, Long Yuehong breathes a sigh of relief secretly. 见周围场景没什么变化,龙悦红暗自舒了口气。 He inquired Jiang Baimian: 他询问起蒋白棉: Team leader, how then to arrange?” “组长,接下来怎么安排?” After such a thrilling the adventure of stimulation and major rises, he only wants to blow off the brain, the level body, treats with little white in the same place, the waiting returns to „the Pangu lifeform the journey. 经过这么一场惊险刺激、大起大落的冒险,他只想放空大脑,躺平身体,和小白待在一起,等待返回“盘古生物”的旅程。 Shang Jianyao snatched before Jiang Baimian makes replied: 商见曜抢在蒋白棉之前做出了回答: Only remained the benevolence hospital vegetable rehabilitation center not to explore, comes!” “只剩仁惠医院植物人康复中心没有探索了,来都来了!” Seeing a Long Yuehong face is heavy, has not done to pay attention, he reveals the face that taught with skill and patience: 龙悦红一脸沉重,未做理睬,他露出循循善诱的脸孔: What fears? Our strength preserves is quite complete, but was short can connect village lived the telephone number. “怕什么?我们实力保存得还相当完好,只是少了可以连通‘庄生’的电话号码。 Benevolence hospital vegetable rehabilitation center has the new world at most ‚’ the node, we have enough means to deal!” “仁惠医院植物人康复中心顶多存在‘新世界’的节点,我们有足够的办法应对!” No matter Jiang Baimian, is Nava, can release the high-tension current. 不管是蒋白棉,还是格纳瓦,都能释放高压电流。 Similarly, Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen can also use that simple discharge device that beforehand makes. 同样的,商见曜龙悦红白晨还可以使用之前制造的那个简易放电装置。 What has the new world at most ‚’ the node? You have not gone, how to know?” Long Yuehong does not believe from the start. “什么叫顶多存在‘新世界’的节点?你又没去过,怎么知道的?”龙悦红压根儿不信。 Shang Jianyao assumes an air of self approbation to say with a smile: 商见曜摇头晃脑笑道: Recluse divine strategy.” “山人神机妙算。” At this time, Jiang Baimian said looking pensive: 这时,蒋白棉若有所思地说道: If Ding Ling husband Ji Qiang that scientific expedition team truly entered really the stage city, where they are most likely to encounter the danger, made that the team members do scatter in all directions to flee?” “如果丁苓丈夫季强那支科考队确实进了真台城,那他们最有可能在哪里遭遇危险,弄得队员们四散奔逃?” Benevolence hospital.” The Bai Chen voice slightly lowland replied. “仁惠医院。”白晨嗓音略低地回答道。 Looking from the current situation, the life of stage city destroyed in Old World died at that moment instantaneously, had no way to present higher having no interest, the powerful aberrant. 从目前的情况看,台城的生灵在“旧世界”毁灭那一刻都瞬间死亡了,没法出现高等“无心者”、强大的畸变生物。 In other words, except for itself contains the secret, the danger from „the outside world certain places, other stage city places are unlikely to let a scientific expedition team destruction that has the specialists to protect. 也就是说,除了本身蕴藏秘密,危险来自“外界”的某些场所,台城其余地方都不太可能让一支有专业人员保护的科考队覆灭。 But these contain the place of secret, old accent group knows, only then harbor homeland, benevolence hospital and stage city's first high school. 而那些蕴藏秘密的场所,“旧调小组”知道的只有港湾家园、仁惠医院、台城第一高级中学。 They have gone to the harbor homeland and stage city's first high school, the former has no risk, latter interior only then an external corpse. 他们已去过港湾家园和台城第一高级中学,前者没什么危险性,后者内部只有一具外来的尸体。 Then, by the information that current has, Ding Ling husband Ji Qiang that scientific expedition team truly big probability at the matter that the benevolence hospital has. 那么,以当前掌握的信息出发,丁苓丈夫季强那支科考队确实大概率在仁惠医院出的事。 Naturally, old accent group temporarily is unable to remove the stage city to have the possibilities in other danger points, after all here situation is quite special, when Old World destroys has not encountered bombing, without the personnel infects massively does not have worry, the residents died like this silently. 当然,“旧调小组”暂时无法排除台城存在其他危险地点的可能,毕竟这里的情况相当特殊,旧世界毁灭时既没有遭遇轰炸,也没人员大规模感染“无心病”,市民们就这样无声无息死去了。 Hears the reply of Bai Chen, Shang Jianyao is even more anxious: 听到白晨的回答,商见曜愈发急切: Therefore should go!” “所以更应该去!” Old accent group also owes Ding Ling favor. “旧调小组”还欠丁苓的人情。 Moreover, they are equivalent pass Ding Ling, the indirect sinking and floating a nuclear warhead, was a little really afraid. 另外,他们相当于通过丁苓,间接漂没了一颗核弹头,委实有点心虚。 Jiang Baimian lifted the hand to prevent the urging of Shang Jianyao, said with a smile: 蒋白棉抬手阻止了商见曜的催促,笑着说道: You prepare to eat, at noon! I report next these days experience to the company, has a liking for has anything to suggest facing the subsequent arrangements.” “你们准备吃的,都中午了!我向公司汇报下这段时间的经历,看上面对后续安排有什么建议。” Good.” Shang Jianyao changed the model staff instantaneously. “好吧。”商见曜瞬间变回了模范员工。 When he and Bai Chen, Long Yuehong prepares the lunch, Nava patrol security, Jiang Baimian considered to write the telegram. 他和白晨龙悦红准备午饭,格纳瓦巡逻警戒时,蒋白棉斟酌着写起了电报。 She can enter really the reason of stage city to sum up the group to have six knows bead this to have no issue, six know bead truly to let wearing and surrounding 50 meters people looks through the false stage city. 她将自家小组能进入真台城的理由归结为有“六识珠”这没有任何问题,“六识珠”确实能让佩戴者和周围五十米的人看破虚假的台城。 Meanwhile, she hidden went to the group complete carbon base person to lose in that bitter experience of dreamland collectively, what said was groups, depended upon the auxiliary chip, retrieved reluctantly, escaped. 同时,她隐去了小组全部碳基人集体迷失于梦境的那次遭遇,说的是分组进去,依靠辅助芯片,勉强找回自我,逃了出来。 Following dials mysterious number there that Vija provides, what Jiang Baimian description is in northern Ukraine with the aid of the robot help, successfully stored this number prepared in the good cell phone in advance. 后续拨打阿维娅提供的神秘号码那里,蒋白棉描述的是在乌北借助机器人帮忙,将这个号码成功存入了预先准备好的手机内。 When beautification corresponding detail, Jiang Baimian hears Shang Jianyao makes oh the sound suddenly, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen also has or the long or short inspiration sound. 修饰相应细节时,蒋白棉突然听到商见曜发出“哇喔”的声音,龙悦红白晨也有或长或短的吸气声。 What's wrong?” She lifts the head, the vigilant inquiry said. “怎么了?”她抬起脑袋,警惕询问道。 Shang Jianyao points at the stage city direction saying: 商见曜指着台城方向道: Looks quickly!” “快看!” Jiang Baimian side looks, seeing the distant place is the construction stands in great numbers, preserves relatively complete real stage city. 蒋白棉侧头望去,看到远处是建筑林立,保存相对完好的真台城。 This and beforehand scene is no different, because old accent group brings six to know bead and small jade Buddha. 这和之前的景象没什么不同,因为“旧调小组”带着“六识珠”和小玉佛。 What issue has?” The Jiang Baimian question asked. “有什么问题吗?”蒋白棉疑问问道。 Shang Jianyao referred to behind: 商见曜指了指身后: I threw the backpack to 50 meters away.” “我把背包丢到50米外了。” Six know bead and small jade Buddha in his backpack. “六识珠”和小玉佛都在他的背包内。 Jiang Baimian also cannot bear inspires lightly: 蒋白棉同样忍不住轻吸了口气: „Did the false stage city vanish?” “假台城消失了?” A Shang Jianyao face said with a smile contentedly: 商见曜一脸自得地笑道: I a moment ago to evade the work, pondered there, since village lived had awaked, the dreamland of first high school vanished, will that false stage city also follow not to see? “我刚才为了逃避劳动,就在那里思考,既然‘庄生’已经醒了,第一高级中学的梦境消失了,那假台城是不是也会跟着不见? I experimented, the answer truly so.” “我试验了一下,答案确实如此。” To be so frank and upright...... Long Yuehong that must stealing to act slippery the thoughts of says to whisper deceitfully. 要不要把偷奸耍滑的心思说的这么光明正大啊……龙悦红嘀咕了起来。 The Jiang Baimian appreciation nods: 蒋白棉赞赏点头: Mentality is good.” “思路不错。” Although there is no too big significance. 虽然这没什么太大的意义。 Shang Jianyao follows close on was also saying: 商见曜紧跟着又道: „Do you still remember? I in mind corridor, saw 102 in room am village lives the dreamland, is the stage city's first high school.” “你们还记得吗?我之前在‘心灵走廊’内,看见‘102’房间里是‘庄生’的梦境,是台城第一高级中学。” Right.” Bai Chen, Long Yuehong and Nava also nod. “对。”白晨龙悦红、格纳瓦同时点头。 In the Jiang Baimian heart moves: 蒋白棉则心中一动: Now village lived awakes.” “现在‘庄生’醒了。” Shang Jianyao shows the satisfactory smile: 商见曜露出满意的笑容: Therefore, my very curious present will enter 102 room to see anything. “所以,我很好奇现在进入‘102’房间会看到什么。 Holds the year trauma?” “执岁的心理阴影?” „Was this too dangerous?” Long Yuehong blurted out. “这太危险了吧?”龙悦红脱口而出。 Shang Jianyao does not care muddily said: 商见曜浑不在意地说道: I have a look in the entrance, doesn't go in? “我只是在门口看看,又不进去? Relax, in us discrete accounts for majority.” “放心,我们之中谨慎的占大多数。” Right? I do not believe...... Long Yuehong not to say words at heart. 是吗?我不信……龙悦红没有把心里的话说出来。 Jiang Baimian considered evil ways: 蒋白棉斟酌了一下道: That has a look.” “那去看看吧。” Then, she thousand urged ten thousand injunctions, enabling Shang Jianyao absolutely absolutely to jump over perimeter/thunder pool one step. 然后,她千叮咛万嘱咐,让商见曜绝对绝对不能越雷池一步。 ............ ………… Mind corridor, Shang Jianyao arrived at 102 room entrance once again. “心灵走廊”内,商见曜们又一次来到了“102”房间门口。 Stands on spreading the corridor of dark yellow thick rug, he stretches out the right palm, twists hand that the brass casts, proceeds to push gently. 站在铺着暗黄色厚地毯的过道上,他伸出右掌,拧动黄铜铸就的把手,轻轻往前一推。 The gate opened, a rear darkness, are hard to see clearly the concrete scene. 门开了,后方一片黑暗,难以看清楚具体的景象。 Shang Jianyao proficiently walked toward in one step. 商见曜熟练地往内走了一步。 He has the luminous appearance at present suddenly, the rivers wind never the distant place to pass through together. 他眼前忽有光亮出现,一道河流蜿蜒着从不远处经过。 Bend, an architectural style ancient village hides in the dim weather, the entrance is standing erect a giant locust tree. 河弯处,一座建筑式样古老的村落藏在昏暗的天色内,入口处屹立着一株巨大的槐树。 The branches and leaves of that locust tree are shaking gently, seems greeting Shang Jianyao in the past. 那槐树的枝叶轻轻摇动着,仿佛在招呼商见曜过去。 Asked to ask Shang Jianyao of wonderful Shang Jianyao and crude no brain newly split, wanted the starting to walk footsteps, in the past was a guest, was actually suppressed by other Shang Jianyao forcefully, bundles solid, lifted the room. 求新求奇的商见曜和鲁莽无脑的商见曜自行分裂了出来,就要迈开脚步,过去做客,却被其余商见曜强行镇压,捆得严严实实,抬出了房间。 ............ ………… Great river city Linhe Village village that old locust tree?” Listened to the description of Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and Nava mind to flash through a name of Buddhism sacred place simultaneously. “大江市临河村村口那株老槐树?”听完商见曜的描述,蒋白棉龙悦红白晨、格纳瓦“脑海”内同时闪过了一处佛门圣地的名称。 Shang Jianyao is excited: 商见曜则一脸兴奋: „Does there have village lives the trauma?” “那里有‘庄生’的心理阴影?” Perhaps.” The Jiang Baimian sound does not lower voluntarily, the fear encounters the day to hit to be struck by lightning. “也许。”蒋白棉的声音不自觉放低,害怕遭遇天打雷劈。 She aspirates saying: 她吐了口气道: This matter then discussed again, is not anxious. “这事回头再商量,也不急。 I first send the telegram, you do well the food.” “我先发电报,你们把饭弄好。” In a while, she will put in order a telegram to send, waits for „the Pangu lifeform reply. 没过多久,她将整份电报都拍发了出去,等待起“盘古生物”回复。 In the process of waiting, old accent group ate simply, fills the belly. 等待的过程中,“旧调小组”简单吃了一顿,填饱了肚子。 Food can make the mood of person relax, when Long Yuehong compared with just evacuated relaxed much. 食物能让人的情绪缓和,龙悦红比刚撤离时放松了不少。 He is looking at the stage city direction, suddenly smiled one, happily said: 他望着台城方向,忽然笑了一声,欣慰说道: This time we have not destroyed sacred place, ascetic practices section these Buddhist priests cannot say omen again already presently, great misfortune to.” “这次我们也没有破坏圣地,‘苦行部’那些僧人不能再说‘预兆已现,大劫将至’了。” Shang Jianyao hehe said with a smile: 商见曜呵呵笑道: Isn't does not go in? “又不是不进去了? „When perhaps we explore the benevolence hospital, will trigger the chain-reaction, causing the stage city's first high school to collapse.” “说不定我们探索仁惠医院时,会引发连锁反应,导致台城第一高级中学坍塌。” He finishes speaking, Nava makes the sound suddenly: 他话音刚落,格纳瓦猛然发出声音: Detects in the missile attack of way! “侦测到在途的导弹打击! Repeats, detects in the missile attack of way! “重复一遍,侦测到在途的导弹打击! Seeks for the bunker respectively!” “各自寻找掩体!” Jiang Baimian and the others had a scare, does not dare to neglect, nearby found the bunker, hid itself. 蒋白棉等人吓了一跳,不敢怠慢,就近找到掩体,藏好了自己。 In a while, they see the missile to fly one after another from the distant place, fell into really the stage city. 没过多久,他们看见一枚又一枚导弹从远处飞来,落入了真台城。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆!轰隆! In everything may become vulnerable, the flame leaps, the sound is ear-spitting. 地动山摇间,火光腾起,声音震耳。 The goals of these missiles seem like not old accent group, but is stage city vestige. 那些导弹的目标看起来不是“旧调小组”,而是台城这处遗迹。
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