ELN :: Volume #4

#86: Completion

Has not waited for Ugoh to inquire, Jiang Baimian said: 没等乌戈询问,蒋白棉自顾自说道: We had bumped into it in city ruins......” “我们曾经在一个城市废墟碰到过它……” How she made in the dream of massive vestige hunter dead, and the others how to experience that ability the nightmare horse not to make the too big modification to speak, needing the detail was exhaustive, making one believe. 她将梦魇马如何制造了大量遗迹猎人的梦中死亡、自己等人如何体验到那种能力没做太大改动地讲了一遍,务求细节详尽,让人相信。 Ugoh was silent to listen to this matter, the vision to sweep back and forth several in Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao. 乌戈沉默着听完了这件事情,目光在蒋白棉商见曜之间来回扫了几遍。 You actually lived.” He uses light tone as always to say. “你们竟然活下来了。”他用一如既往的平淡语气说道。 A moment ago only what Jiang Baimian had not said is how old accent group to flee nightmare horse real dreamland. 蒋白棉刚才唯独没讲的是“旧调小组”是怎么逃离梦魇马“真实梦境”的。 No, we have died.” Shang Jianyao replied heavily, now what you see was only our ghost, it existed because of ideal.” “不,我们已经死了。”商见曜沉重回答道,“你现在看到的只是我们的鬼魂,它因理想而存在。” Sees Ugoh not to know how should meet these two words, Jiang Baimian smiled saying with a smile: 见乌戈不知道该怎么接这两句话,蒋白棉笑了笑道: We have the companion.” “我们是有同伴的啊。” What she said is the complete truth, at that time depended upon is mainly Shang Jianyao gets a sudden inspiration infers clown who” is on site to display, but unifies old accent group current situation, will make one think directly was that robot played the significant role. 她说的是完完全全的实话,当时依靠的主要是商见曜灵机一动临场发挥的“推理小丑”,但结合“旧调小组”当前的情况,却会让人直接认为是那个机器人发挥了重要作用。 Ugoh eyelid hung to return to normal, the head seemed like slightly cannot the insight move. 乌戈眼皮垂了一下又恢复了正常,脑袋似乎微不可见地动了动。 Jiang Baimian continues saying: 蒋白棉继续说道: What is more surprising, that horse has the master, its master even tamed many higher having no interest, is dangerous. “更让人惊讶的是,那匹马是有主人的,它的主人甚至驯服了多名‘高等无心者’,非常危险。 „An elder who we know told us, the owner of that horse can destroy this city, so long as here mind corridor the level awakening number was small to the certain extent.” “我们认识的一位长辈告诉我们,那匹马的主人可以毁灭这座城市,只要这里的‘心灵走廊’层次觉醒者数量少到一定程度。” Ugoh has not neglected the reminder of Jiang Baimian, the faint expression were more than several to segregate a moment ago heavily. 乌戈没有忽视蒋白棉的提醒,淡漠的表情比刚才多了几分凝重。 But from these words language, he also caught a detail a moment ago: 而从刚才这番话语中,他还捕捉到了一个细节: The background of front team is very strong, the when owner of elder discussion that horse they know, the tone relaxed nature, displays very equally. 面前这支队伍的背景很强,他们认识的长辈讨论那匹马的主人时,口吻轻松自然,表现得非常平等。 Almost was this, if you saw, informed our troublesome, will give the reward.” Jiang Baimian hands over shallowly does not say the depth, ended the exchange in the most normal way. “差不多就是这样了,如果你有看见,麻烦通知我们一下,会给报酬的。”蒋白棉交浅不言深,以最正常的方式结束了交流。 She patted under oneself forehead immediately: 她随即轻拍了下自己的额头: Aiya, almost forgot, if we had not lived in the hotel on that day, you write down the corresponding information, force in our rooms.” “哎呀,差点忘记,要是我们那天没在旅馆内住,你就把相应的情报写下来,塞进我们的房间。” Ugoh looks at her and Shang Jianyao, has not reached an agreement, has not said good. 乌戈看着她和商见曜,没有说好,也没有说不行。 Had/Left the hotel, Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief saying: 出了旅馆,蒋白棉舒了口气道: Goes back to rest, then looked when the boss can give us the news.” “回去休息吧,接下来就看老板什么时候能给我们消息了。” Such looking for a needle in a haystack -type seeking is not means. 这么一直大海捞针式的寻找也不是个办法。 Shang Jianyao then looked at a hotel, heartfelt benediction: 商见曜回头望了眼旅馆,衷心祝福道: Hopes that small to do not scare the person of boss and his sect.” “希望小冲不要吓坏老板和他那个教派的人。” ............ ………… The time is passing in the waiting and observation fast, in an instant arrived at the day that old accent group and Lehman traded. 时间在等待和观察中飞快流逝着,转眼就到了“旧调小组”和雷曼交易的日子。 You inspect.” Lehman made Rondahl and the others lift two plank boxes. “你们检查一下。”雷曼让龙达尔等人抬出了两个板条箱。 Long Yuehong and Bai Chen open one respectively, confirmed earnestly whether has the issue. 龙悦红白晨各自打开一个,认真确认起是否有问题。 AC-45 military exoskeleton installment, although is not the latest model, but has been able to load many modules, you even can play the game...... Lehman to speak thoughtlessly a introduced through the helmet mask, „the T1 multipurpose mechanical arm, we joint industry produces, the strong point said very clearly, may in the accuracy of operation, not be bad, can be used to complete various types to the matter that the precision has requests high, un, it is said with human body nerve connection, uses ‚’ the technology that the Pangu lifeform provides, hehe, Pangu lifeform, although the reputation is not quite good, making one think that felt. Frightened, but certain technologies are really strong, no wonder by many people are thought is one of possible murderers Old World destroys.” “AC—45型军用外骨骼装置,虽然不是最新型号的,但已经能加载多种模块,你甚至能通过头盔面罩玩游戏……”雷曼随口介绍道,“T1型多功能机械手臂,我们‘联合工业’出产的,强项说得很明白,可在操作的精确性上,一点也不差,可以用来完成各种对精度有较高要求的事情,嗯,据说和人体神经接驳这一块,有采用‘盘古生物’提供的技术,呵呵,‘盘古生物’虽然名声不太好,让人想到就感觉恐惧,但某些技术真的非常强,难怪被许多人认为是旧世界毁灭的可能凶手之一。” Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and the others bore each other impulsion of looking at each other. 蒋白棉龙悦红等人忍住了彼此对视的冲动。 Right, we are this big villain organization...... 对,我们就是这个大反派组织的…… Which functions does it have?” Shang Jianyao closely examines the situation of mechanical arm impatiently. “它还有哪些功能?”商见曜则迫不及待地追问机械手臂的情况。 Lehman looked at that iron black mechanical arm one, recalled the evil ways: 雷曼看了那只铁黑色的机械手臂一眼,回忆了下道: It has an energy module, can provide the extra boost, letting you to wield the explosive force extremely strong fist, can pinch the neck of average person...... “它有一个能源模块,可以提供额外的助力,让你能挥出爆发力极强的拳头,能捏断普通人的脖子…… It can spring blade, injector, air nozzle and other things, can produce what results to depend on you specifically to install anything ahead of time...... “它能弹出刀刃、注射器、喷气管等东西,具体能产生什么效果取决于你们提前装了什么…… It has the laser module, can squeeze out the reserve the energy, the emission rate not low laser, but there is no way compared with the military exoskeleton installment after all, has more than enough one time several...... “它有激光模块,可以榨取储备的能源,发射强度不低的激光,但这毕竟没法和军用外骨骼装置相比,一次用不了几回…… „......” “……” Speaking of finally, Lehman shows off saying: 说到最后,雷曼夸耀道: „The alloy intensity that this mechanical arm uses is very high, once in some people of frontages a round of shell......” “这种机械手臂用的合金强度很高,曾经有人正面中了一发炮弹……” „Did he use this mechanical arm to keep off?” Long Yuehong breaks amazed. “他用这种机械手臂挡下来了?”龙悦红惊诧打断。 Lehman shakes the head: 雷曼摇了摇头: No. “没有。 What I want to say that although his whole person by scrap, but his mechanical arm is well-preserved, being damaged is not serious.” “我想说的是,虽然他整个人都被炸碎了,但他的机械手臂还保存完好,受损不算严重。” This had what meaning...... Long Yuehong to imagine under the whole person exploded pulp only remains the mechanical arm perfect scene, thought that this had a not being able to say incredible feeling. 这有什么意思……龙悦红想象了下整个人被炸的稀巴烂只剩机械手臂完好无损的场景,觉得这有种说不出的荒诞感。 Shang Jianyao has not cared about this matter, a face asked regrettably: 商见曜没在意这件事情,一脸遗憾地问道: „Can't it be used for the canned food?” “它不能用来开罐头吗?” „......” Simple and honest old farmer Lehman was startled, „ is not good, you install a can opener not on the line “……”憨厚老农般的雷曼怔了一下,“也不是不行,你加装一个罐头刀不就行 ? Moreover, at its intensity, opens forcefully is not the issue. ” 了?而且,以它的强度,强行打开也不是问题。” „.” A Shang Jianyao face is eager to try. “哦哦。”商见曜一脸跃跃欲试。 Confirmed that both goods did not have the issue, Jiang Baimian made the delivery the left bank manors and that batch of commodities. 确认好两件物品都没有问题,蒋白棉将左岸庄园和那批物资做了交割。 How as for following to shift the manor property rights, the Lehman own means that do not need them to act, only with providing prepared material. 至于后续怎么转移庄园所有权,雷曼自有办法,不需要他们出面,只用提供齐备的资料。 But that big, yesterday just the old that Taiwan armed forces with exoskeleton equipment mortgage to black garment party old accent group has stored in them that bank account number that Lehman gave. 而那一大笔奥雷,昨天刚把旧的那台军用外骨骼装置抵押给“黑衫党”的“旧调小组”已经将它们存入了雷曼给的那个银行账号内。 , handled finally.” Lehman looks that receives various types of commodities , the relenting gas channel/angrily said. “呼,总算搞定。”雷曼看着手下们收起各种物资,松了口气道。 He puts out one pack of colorful prints from the clothing pocket at once: 他旋即从衣物口袋内拿出了一叠花花绿绿的印刷物: This is the admission ticket of aristocrat theater box you want, earliest that three days later, hehe, at that time, I should leave the initial city.” “这是你们要的贵族包厢的门票,最早那场在三天后,呵呵,那个时候,我应该已经离开最初城了。” Good.” Jiang Baimian received that pack of admission tickets with a smile. “不错。”蒋白棉笑着接过了那叠门票。 ............ ………… At noon, wolf's lair outside, old accent group five members sits, in oneself that has re-equipped on jeep, looks from afar a building clamored the lively fast-food restaurant and busy, Li Qiong and the others. 中午时分,“狼窝”外面,“旧调小组”五位成员坐在自己那辆改装过的吉普车上,远远看着一楼喧哗热闹的快餐店和忙忙碌碌的苏娜、李琼等人。 Since the left bank manor delivers to old accent group in hand, the fast-food restaurant that this is called Kase did business officially. 自从左岸庄园交割到“旧调小组”手上,这家叫做“卡斯”的快餐店就正式营业了。 What and other original dust person prostitutes use is the inexpensive strategy, what the name uses is initial city in currency unit smallest that. 苏娜等原本的灰土人妓女采用的是廉价策略,就连名字都用的是“最初城”货币单位里最小的那个。 They depend upon the commodity channel and advantage of scale preparing food, made compared with ate also cheaply this slogan at home. 她们依靠物资渠道和规模做菜的优势,打出了“比在家里吃还便宜”这个口号。 If not, the fast-food restaurant could not attract large numbers of stevedore and surrounding floor citizen. 如果不这样,快餐店根本吸引不了大量的码头工人和周围的底层公民。 At this matter, they displayed to exceed the maturity that Jiang Baimian and the others estimated that black bread that for example, they sold, forever was consistent with the floor price of nearby region, but was actually not lower, so as to avoid the bakeries of these local citizens cannot open, but simultaneously they will throw in one cup of cooled boiled water additionally, so long as the customer chose in the shop eats. 在这件事情上,苏娜她们表现出了超越蒋白棉等人预想的成熟,比如,她们卖的黑面包,永远和附近区域的最低价一致,但却不低于,免得那些本地公民的面包房开不下去,而同时她们会额外附赠一杯冷开水只要顾客选择在店内食用。 Therefore, since these days, as the fame gradually fires, the business of fast-food restaurant is better and better, that pot pot food and spare bread that ahead of time make, less than 1 hour can sell out completely. 所以,这段时间以来,随着名气逐渐打响,快餐店的生意是越来越好,提前做好的那一锅锅菜肴和备用的面包,不到一个小时就能全部卖光。 Naturally their could not make what money, maintained balanced at most, slightly a little earnings, this biggest advantage was, opened the hotel never to oneself, how the sisters can also have stuttering hungrily again. 当然她们这也赚不了什么钱,顶多维持个平衡,稍有点盈余,这最大的好处是,开饭店的永远不会饿到自己,姐妹们再怎么样也能有口吃的。 For serveral days, must have some people look for trouble, but wolf's lair the present is also black garment party in name, many black garment party member help, they quite dealt with ease. This also makes them practice the marksmanship assiduously, is exercising. 这些天里,少不了有人来找麻烦,但“狼窝”现在名义上还属于“黑衫党”,还有不少“黑衫党”成员“帮忙”,苏娜她们较为轻松就应付了过去。这也让她们更加刻苦地练习起枪法,锻炼着身体。 Looks at their appearances, although is tired and busy, but is very energetic, has the working zeal very much.” Long Yuehong is looking at out of the window, unknowingly showed the smile. “看她们的样子,虽然又累又忙,但都很精神,很有干劲。”龙悦红望着窗外,不知不觉露出了笑容。 Can greet?” He then asked. “要去打个招呼吗?”他回头问道。 Jiang Baimian shakes the head: 蒋白棉摇了摇头: Does not use, we provoke counter- wisdom to teach now ‚’, can disagree/not with they to contact disagrees they to contact temporarily. “不用了,我们现在招惹了‘反智教’,能不和她们接触就暂时不和她们接触。 little white, drives, we go to Terence there, received exchange with the exoskeleton equipment the beforehand that Taiwan armed forces.” “小白,开车,我们去特伦斯那里,把之前那台军用外骨骼装置换回来。” Although Shang Jianyao displays to installing the hope of mechanical arm, but that goods to old accent group, truly could not apply in a short time. 虽然商见曜表现出了对装机械手臂的渴望,但那件物品对“旧调小组”来说,短时间内也确实派不上用场。 Red great wolf area, Stern Street, 25 th. 红巨狼区,斯特恩街,25号。 Terence saw that iron black multipurpose mechanical arm. 特伦斯看到了那只铁黑色的多功能机械手臂。 His vision a little straightens for a while. 他的目光一时都有点发直。 Can use exoskeleton equipment also us that Taiwan armed forces.” Jiang Baimian says. “可以把那台军用外骨骼装置还我们了。”蒋白棉开口说道。 Terence takes back the line of sight, inspires to say secretly: 特伦斯收回视线,暗自吸了口气道: Good, without issue!” “好,没问题!” At this moment, in his mind only has a thought: 这一刻,他脑海里只有一个念头: Actually at present is this team what terrifying team? 眼前这支队伍究竟是个什么恐怖团队? On the one hand there is awakening, on the other hand casual put out Taiwan armed forces with the exoskeleton equipment and a mechanical arm, but they use these mortgage to purchase, has not known that is anything! 一方面有觉醒者,另一方面随随便便就拿出了一台军用外骨骼装置、一只机械手臂,而他们用这些抵押来购买的,还不知道是什么! Such team, although has no way to compare favorably with the elite group of regular troops, but organizes in the vestige hunter and criminal syndicate, can be called absolutely great! 这样的队伍,虽然没法和正规军队的精英小组媲美,但在遗迹猎人、黑帮组织里,绝对称得上一等一! , Terence stacked the smile, is probing asking: 顿了一下,特伦斯堆起笑容,试探着问道: „Do your two goods sell?” “你们这两件物品卖吗?” No matter black garment party, exceeds intelligence mission, has intense earnestly seeking to similar equipment. 不管“黑衫党”,还是“超越灵性”教团,对类似装备都有强烈的渴求。 „Did you say?” Jiang Baimian asked back with a smile. “你说呢?”蒋白棉笑着反问。 Terence aspirates saying: 特伦斯吐了口气道: I understand, this type of control goods are very difficult to obtain, have the means that without whom is willing to sell.” “我明白,这种管制物品很难获得,不是没有办法,没谁愿意出售。” Jiang Baimian thinks, then said: 蒋白棉想了一下,转而说道: Right, a matter asked you to help.” “对了,还有件事情找你帮忙。” What?” Terence instantaneously becomes vigilant. “什么?”特伦斯瞬间变得警惕。 Do not lend money? 不会又要借钱吧? Jiang Baimian said with a smile: 蒋白棉笑吟吟说道: I want to buy some hair dyes through you......” “我想通过你们买些染发剂……” She reported the names of many goods, when goal is to watch the corner/horn fights, making oneself not so conspicuous, likely normal native of Red River. 她一口气报了好些物品的名称,目的是观赏角斗时,让自身不那么显眼,像正常的“红河人”。 Sees Terence to be shocked, Shang Jianyao smiled, helped make up one: 见特伦斯愣住,商见曜笑了起来,帮忙补了一句: Relax, this time will pay money.” “放心,这次会付钱的。” He a little displays is very excited. 他表现得很有点兴奋。
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