TDLOIK :: Volume #18 守冲篇

#2859: This wave of blood owes ( 1 / 92 )

Wang Ling stared at the option that three are jumping out of suddenly to fall into thinking deeply, although chose three rewards to seem like really very attractively...... enough one box of simple surface, making Wang Ling almost subconscious chose three. 王令盯着三个突然跳出的选项陷入了深思,虽然选择三的奖励看上去真的很诱人……足足一箱的干脆面,让王令差点下意识的就选了三。 However at this important moment, he bore, the vine road dust wants to look after he chose three, goes directly without the plot of peak resistance. 然而在这关键时刻,他还是忍住了,藤路尘就是想看他选了三之后去直接与无相峰对抗的剧情。 Moreover as the matter stands, has the suspicion that initiative raises one's head, moreover he seems like, for this simple surface attacks brutally, the person of completely no prospect??? 而且这样一来,就有主动出头的嫌疑,而且他像是为了这点干脆面就大打出手,完全没有一点出息的人吗??? Also, this option also said simple surface one box, had not said is what taste simple! 再说了,这个选项也只是说了干脆面一箱,也没说是什么口味的干脆嘛! If only the sloppy ordinary black pepper taste, the big probability was unable to satisfy the Wang Ling appetite, Wang Ling craves in now tasting all kinds of custom-made taste simple surface as well as supplies the version especially. 如果只是稀松平常的胡椒面儿味的,大概率已经无法满足王令的胃口了,王令现在热衷于品尝各式各样的定制口味干脆面以及特供版。 The ordinary flavor has been hard the taste need that meets Wang Ling to grow day after day. 普通的味道早就已经难以满足王令日渐增长的口味需求。 „Did your elder brother, you see the choice? What chooses?” At this time, Li Changzhe asked. He and section Linyan this time has not received the choice question, but is relying on the response of Wang Ling, he thought that Wang Ling definitely saw anything chooses. “令兄,你是不是看到选择了?什么选择?”此时,李畅喆问道。他和章霖燕这一次没有收到选择题,但是凭借着王令的反应,他觉得王令肯定是看到了什么选择。 Moreover is very attractive choice...... 而且还是很诱人的选择…… section Linyan has not seen Wang Ling that has always kept silent low-key also to have such expression unexpectedly, that eyeball stared to feed quickly! 就连章霖燕也未曾见过一向低调默不作声的王令居然也有这样的表情,那眼珠子都快瞪出来了啊喂! Is rewards immortal and or is Saint? 难道是奖励仙器、或者是圣器? If can attain Saint in this trial, that really blood without a doubt gains. 如果能在这次试炼中拿到圣器,那就是真的毫无疑问的血赚。 A high-school student, in the hand can have Saint, walking you are on this street the prettiest child! Normally, builds the base period or the high-school student of gold/metal pill period, could not control Saint! 一个高中生,手上能拥有一件圣器,走出去你就是这条街上最靓的崽!正常情况下,一个只有筑基期或者金丹期的高中生,是驾驭不了圣器的! Jumps the ranks the operation higher Buddhist musical instrument to have high backlash risk, so long as this point will have the understood person to the cultivation knowledge will understand, but this will not actually affect usually to take to show off. 越级操纵高等法器具有很高的反噬风险,这一点只要对修真知识有所了解的人都会懂,但这其实也不影响平常拿出来显摆。 Naturally, Li Changzhe or section Linyan, do not think absolutely most attracts the Wang Ling thing...... unexpectedly is only in the sales store the common puffed food. 当然,不论是李畅喆还是章霖燕,绝对不会想到最吸引王令的东西……居然只是小卖部里常见的膨化食品而已。 After staring at the option three are intertwining the last second, Wang Ling does not have working as of Uefuji road dust finally, chose the option two. 在盯着选项三纠结到最后一秒后,王令最后还是没有上藤路尘的当,选了选项二。 The reward is high-grade spirit and third-order magic arts. 奖励是一件上品灵器和一本3阶法术。 To Wang Ling is the things of two does not have any uses...... 王令来说又是两件没有任何用处的东西…… His hand grasps the Heavenly Dao, this is the category of ultra step magic arts, cannot with existence that the rank weighs. 他手握天道,这已经是属于超阶法术的范畴,已经不是可以用等级来衡量的存在。 Naturally, Wang Ling cannot take a liking to these things, naturally has other person to take a liking. 当然,王令瞧不上这些东西,自然还是有别的人瞧上的。 Side he feels remains for the time being, later brings to see somebody off to make the favor done at little or no cost as if also well, that privilege card, although he does not know to be useful, but looks at the Li Changzhe beforehand attitude, this gadget grips in the hand should be following is also used to exchange the simple surface important item. 他觉得姑且留在身边,之后拿来送人做做顺水人情似乎也不错,还有那张特权卡,虽然他也不知道有什么用,不过看李畅喆之前的态度,这玩意儿攥在手里应该也是后续用来交换干脆面的重要道具。 This flash, Wang Ling saw the light suddenly suddenly. 这一瞬间,王令忽然顿悟了。 These that in his hand attains trash, actually can definitely bring to exchange with others! 他手上拿到的这些“垃圾”,其实完全可以拿来和别人交换啊! So long as there are these items , the simple surface of what taste cannot trade! Also needs to carry out the dangerous task in option specially? 只要有这些道具在,什么样口味的干脆面换不到!还需要特意去执行选项里的危险任务吗? After completing the choice, obviously were absent from work without an excuse that side also to receive the following script instruction, immediately according to afterward plan starts own performance. 完成了选择后,显然旷工们那边也收到了后续的剧本指令,立刻按照后来的计划开始了自己的表演。 That full beard man named armor said hastily: I know that must restore good person sect obsolete gathering spirit big to need to restore the resources much, at present sect Menda nears. We must collect the resources in a short time, feared that is also not easy.” 那位名叫铁衣的络腮胡子男人连忙道:“我知道要修复好人宗老旧的聚灵大阵需要不少修复资源,眼下宗门大比在即。我们短时间内要筹集到资源,怕也是不容易的。” What good way does that armor mister have?” Li Changzhe asked. “那铁衣先生有什么好办法?”李畅喆问。 In riches and honor danger asked that I know that had a dangerous mystical place...... there resources to use at will,” “富贵险中求,我知道有一处危险的秘境……那里的资源可以随意取用,” Uses at will? This type place?” “随意取用?还有这种好地方?” Premise is, must hit that to defend mountain spirit to be good, that is protects the block resources the natural spirit, the strength is very strong. We overwhelm with numerical strength, launches the attack not to can not necessarily be victorious completely, but this will also come some people injured inevitably, but now the good person sect besides the resources, the manpower is also the key, must therefore without buckle personnel, will use these resources.” “前提是,得打过那个守山灵才行,那是守护片区资源的自然灵,实力很强。我们人多势众,全部发起进攻未必打不过,但这也一来势必会有人受伤,可现在咱们好人宗除了资源外,人力也是关键,因此必须在不折损人员的情况下,取用那些资源。” The armor said: Therefore, has a plan for the present, the best way is to bypass defends mountain spirit. Before Hyongjeri of our miner has many people, is nearby that stretch of natural area sect gate the member, is very ripe to that side topography. If takes the alley, could bypass defends mountain spirit, has 80%-90% probability...... the shortcoming is, once defended mountain spirit discovered, when we retreat was not good to retreat.” 铁衣说道:“故此,为今之计,最好的办法就是绕过守山灵。我们这矿工的兄弟里有不少人之前就是那片自然区附近宗门的成员,对那边的地势很熟。如果走小路,或许可以绕过守山灵,有个80%-90%的概率吧……缺点是,一旦被守山灵发现,我们撤退时就不好撤退了。” This saying made section Linyan fall into the thinking, as a bowman, she can actually display very strong geographical position advantage in the natural environment. 这话让章霖燕陷入了思索,作为一名弓手,在自然环境下她其实能发挥出很强的地理位置优势。 Defends mountain spirit the strength to be very strong, least is also gold/metal pill later the peak boundary, even may be initial period of a Yuan infant, the aggressivity is very strong, moreover skin coarse meat is thick. The shortcoming is the movement is slow, therefore in normal condition, if bumps into, must run can run away...... 守山灵的实力很强,最少也得是金丹后期巅峰的境界,甚至有可能是元婴初期,攻击性很强,而且皮糙肉厚。缺点是动作过于缓慢,所以正常情况下如果碰到,要跑还是可以跑掉的…… All defending mountains look like the backyard guarding the door wicked dog spirit, has not pursued you not to put, so long as you will withdraw from the region they deeply not to pursue. 所有的守山灵就像是后院的看门恶犬,不会一直追着你不放,只要你撤出区域它们也不会深追下去。 To defending mountain spirit, under protects the eyes to hide the day material treasure is the key. 对守山灵而言,守护好自己眼皮子底下的天材地宝才是关键。 That first defers to the means that the armor big brother said to try.” “那就先按照铁衣大哥说的办法试一试吧。” After the formed voice technique and Wang Ling discussed that opinion that three people decide to accept the armor. 用组队语音术和王令商量后,三人决定采纳铁衣的意见。 Only defends mountain spirit, Wang Ling simply has not actually paid attention, is guarding the door, but also without his two clam. 区区一个守山灵,王令其实根本没有放在眼里,都是看门的而言,还没他的二蛤强呢。 They arrived at a jungle entrance under the leadership of armor, the jungle deep place is the be continuous unceasing mountain range, inside has the aura of powerful spirit beast, was full of the danger. 他们在铁衣的带领下来到了一处密林入口,密林的深处就是绵延不绝的山脉,里面有许多强悍灵兽的气息,充满了危险。 This trail opens artificially, some people know, according to the view of armor, this is the shortcut that a senior keeps, the position is not fixed, only has to know the say/way of change to know that found the shortcut the means. 这条小径是人为开辟出来的,鲜少有人知道,根据铁衣的说法,这是一位前辈留下来的捷径,位置并不固定,唯有知晓变化之道才能知道找到捷径的办法。 Therefore, was what senior operated this alley.” section Linyan is very curious. “所以,是什么前辈开了这条小路。”章霖燕很好奇。 Such method non- average person can accomplish, difficulty high of technique of geography change, must unify five lines of Eight Trigrams (gossip), understands the astronomy land features, has very strict request to the overall cultivation level of set up formation. 这样的手段非一般人可以办到,地理变化之术的难度非常之高,需结合五行八卦,了解天文地脉,对布阵者的整体修真水平都有十分严格的要求。 „Before hearing that senior, is not to have the peak.” “听说那前辈之前是无相峰的。” Doesn't have...... does not have the peak?” “无……无相峰?” Yes, starts actually this block from this jungle does not have the resources within peak range.” The armor replied. “是啊,从这密林开始其实这片区也是无相峰范围内的资源。”铁衣回答道。 „......” “……” Indeed this following armor did not have the peak block to snatch the resources to come...... 敢情这跟着铁衣还是来无相峰的片区来抢资源来了…… Wang Ling does not have to think oneself were given the repertoire by the vine road dust finally. 王令没想到自己最终还是被藤路尘给套路了。 This has stepped into does not have the resources block of peak range, let alone defended mountain spirit detected, so long as does not have in the peak to have the disciple to discover, a fight of small scale was inevitable. 这都已经踏进无相峰范围的资源片区了,别说被守山灵察觉,只要无相峰中有弟子发现,一场小规模的战斗就无可避免了。 The Wang Ling innermost feelings are sighing, he felt, if this, makes this block would rather directly randomly. Nearby let more people join the resources pick( snatch) collection( tribulation) the action! 王令内心叹息着,他觉得如果这样,倒不如直接让这片区变得更乱一点。让附近更多人加入资源采(抢)集(劫)的行动来! He cannot light/only by the vine road dust to the design, design design vine road dust...... 他也不能光被藤路尘给设计,也得设计设计藤路尘……
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