TDLOIK :: Volume #18 守冲篇

#1957: Gave the big Senior Brother entire cannot ( 1 / 92 )

This ore boss manager of reveals an extremely evil rich countenance, incomparably was saying rampantly matter that concerned sect Menda supports. 这位矿老板身边的经理露出一副万恶的富人嘴脸,无比嚣张的说着有关宗门大比赞助的事。 Wang Ling and the others only know that the original good person peak is the loan participates in sect Menda...... 王令等人这才知道原来好人峰是贷款去参加宗门大比的…… Your several must know, the cultivation forever is the difficult matter, do not look at work in this mine tunnel to be very laborious, in fact most exercises the human body strength and patience, if unearths quality good fire spirit stones also to have the extra bonus. That Manager horse looks at devils, but is actually not that bad person.” The big Senior Brother face of good person does best to convince was saying to the Wang Ling three people. “你们几个要知道,修炼永远都是艰苦的事,别看这矿洞里的工作很辛苦,实际上是最锻炼人体力、耐心的,如果挖掘到成色不错的火灵石还有额外的奖金。那位马经理看着凶神恶煞,但其实也不是那么坏的人。”好人的大师兄一脸苦口婆心的对着王令三人说道。 The Wang Ling three people look at each other in blank dismay, an intuition as if by prior agreement, that is this big Senior Brother perhaps by this mine tunnel heavy of manager pua. 王令三人面面相觑,不约而同的有一种直觉,那就是这位大师兄恐怕是被这矿洞的经理pua的不轻。 Moreover why this loan participates in sect Menda, because then can't return the repertoire that money was deceived to work is so familiar-sounding? 而且为什么这贷款参加宗门大比,然后因为还不上钱又被骗去打工的套路这么耳熟呢? Must know, any loan has the interest, moreover you pay for whatever you get...... the light is depends on digs fire spirit stones to render back the money, can never return the opposite party making a snowman -type interest. 须知道,任何的贷款都是有利息的,而且羊毛出在羊身上……光是靠着挖火灵石还钱,永远还不上对方滚雪球式的利息。 However the big Senior Brother also said but actually means that that unearths quality excellent high-quality fire spirit stones, but can unearth high-quality fire spirit stones really to look at the luck like this. 不过大师兄倒也是说了一个办法,那就是挖掘到成色极好的高级火灵石,不过能挖掘出这样的高级火灵石委实是太看运气了。 In a mine tunnel, can unearth the region of high-level spirit stones generally in the deep place of mine tunnel, even the shallow layer still has the probability of certain producing goods to be possible this is also minimal. 在一个矿洞中,能挖掘出高级灵石的地带一般都在矿洞的深处,即便浅层也有一定出货的概率可这也是微乎其微的。 Now their several people are arranged to mine in the shallow layer, obviously is this mine tunnel black heart boss but intentionally for it, they possibly digs the ore not to have the means to pay off sect gate the debt as the matter stands here for a lifetime. 现在他们几人都被安排在浅层挖矿,显然是这矿洞黑心老板故意而为之,这样一来他们可能在这里挖一辈子矿都没办法还清宗门的债务。 Arrived let alone, Wang Ling thought that this script arrangement very has the pedagogical meaning. 到别说,王令觉得这剧本安排还是挺有教育意义的。 The loan can have, but must first weigh own repayment capability, without the source of income definitely cannot take this road, next obtains certainly the regular bank organization to go is quite credible. 贷款可以有,但首先得衡量自己的还款能力,没有收入来源肯定不能走这条路,其次就是一定得到正规的银行机构去才比较靠谱。 Loaning person who if this by some chance meets the black heart, the light is the interest that this makes a snowman you cannot endure, these fresh reality cultivation world Ainley often put in order by the black heart loan are with one's family broken up and decimated. 这万一要是遇到黑心的放款人,光是这滚雪球的利息你都吃不消,那些鲜活的现实修真世界安利往往都是被黑心贷款整得家破人亡的。 No training, then started the work in mine tunnel by this good person peak big fellow apprentice's leading the way Wang Ling and the others merely. 没有任何的培训,仅仅凭借这位好人峰大师兄的引路王令等人便开始了矿洞里的工作。 The ore boss gives their item is a bamboo basket and an ore pickaxe. 矿老板给他们的道具就是一只竹篓和一把矿镐。 Bit to knock for quite a while everywhere, Li Changzhe, section Linyan the whole body is the perspiration, however had achieved nothing. 叮叮咣咣四处敲了半天,李畅喆、章霖燕已经满身是汗,然而均是一无所获。 Mining of real world was too difficult, without them imagines comes easily, if wanted in the game to a place crazy point mouse on the line. 现实世界的挖矿太艰难了,没有他们想象中来得容易,如果是在游戏里只要对着一个地方狂点鼠标就行了。 Our main line duties should promote sect gate, won sect Menda? How to mine? Moreover this also too consumed the physical strength, when sect Menda we also did have the ample force fight on that day?” Li Changzhe with forming a team to send greetings the technique, on own initiative said to Wang Ling and section Linyan. “我们的主线任务应该是振兴宗门,赢得宗门大比吧?怎么来挖矿来了?而且这也太消耗体力了,等到宗门大比那天我们还有余力战斗吗?”李畅喆用组队传音术,主动对王令和章霖燕说道。 Regarding this, section Linyan feels very much the same way. 对此,章霖燕深有同感。 She thought that such situation is not very right. 她觉得这样的情况很不对劲。 Originally they because of three person collectively duties, outset sect gate come weakly compared with others. 本来他们因为三个人集体任务,起始宗门就已经要比其他人来得弱了。 bent/tune Shuling is actually comfortable, joined richly no peak, under puts on...... them who the suit punch-in goes to work to conserve strength to mine unexpectedly, what truth is this? 曲书灵倒是舒坦,加入了有钱的无相峰,穿着西装打卡上班养精蓄锐的……他们居然要下地挖矿,这是什么道理? Therefore present urgent matter, must pay off the gate foreign loan as soon as possible, was separated from the work in mine tunnel they to have more possibilities. 所以眼前的当务之急,还是要尽快的还清宗门外债才可以,只有脱离了矿洞中的工作他们才拥有更多的可能性。 But Wang Ling naturally also thought of this. 王令自然也是想到了这点的。 The good environment here is dim, in all directions is the dusky smog that fire spirit stones sends out, gave Li Changzhe and section Linyan the ore pickaxe taking advantage of smog shield Wang Ling quietly exerted temporary greatly lucky technique. 好在这里的环境昏暗,四处都是火灵石散发出的灰蒙蒙的烟雾,借着烟雾的掩护王令悄悄给李畅喆和章霖燕两人的矿镐施加了一层临时“大幸运术”。 He very long has not used this Heavenly Dao magic arts, because this extreme magic arts will seriously destroy the game to keep in balance, but for now displays their wisdom and bravery with the vine road dust that side, to break through the present deadlock, Wang Ling has to offer a sacrifice to such method. 他已经很久没有使用过这门天道法术了,因为这种极端的法术会严重破坏游戏制衡,可现在为了和藤路尘那边斗智斗勇,同时也是为了解除眼下的僵局,王令不得不祭出这样的手段。 In that flash that the technique law exerts, Li Changzhe brandishes the ore pickaxe next one strikes to strike. 就在术法施加完的那一瞬间,李畅喆抡起矿镐的下一击敲打。 Nail!” “钉!” With clear dike impact noise, has the basketball size to pass red golden ray spirit stones fully in the breaking open dike gap place, sends out the dazzling ray. 伴随着一声清脆的岩壁撞击声,一枚足有篮球般大小透着红金色光芒的灵石在破开的岩壁缺口处,散发出耀眼的光芒来。 Li Changzhe in great surprise: Left...... produces goods! Best quality goods fire spirit stones!” 李畅喆大惊:“出……出货了!极品火灵石!” This is not high-quality fire spirit stones, but is the best quality goods in fire spirit stones! Can be as good as ten high-quality fire spirit stones together! 这都不是高级火灵石,而是火灵石中的极品!一块抵得上十颗高级火灵石! The big Senior Brother of that good person peak was also stunned, according to contract that before signed, so long as dug to deducting a percentage that eight high-quality fire spirit stones received in exchange for can pay off the foreign loan that sect gate lent. 那位好人峰的大师兄也愕然了,按照之前签订的契约,只要挖到八枚高级火灵石换取到的提成就可以还清宗门借贷的外债。 Now this best quality goods fire spirit stones, not only can make them pay off the foreign loan, even can also slightly gain one from that black heart boss hand. 现在这一颗极品火灵石,不仅能让他们还清外债,甚至还能从那位黑心老板手上小赚一笔。 Junior Brother Li...... your luck was too good.” In the big Senior Brother heart startled, because of according to the original script, they will complete the collections of eight high-quality fire spirit stones tomorrow, all are in the script design. “李师弟……你的运气真的太好了。”大师兄心中愕然,因为按照原本的剧本,他们会在明天完成八颗高级火灵石的采集,一切都是剧本里设计好的。 However at present Li Changzhe overfulfills the duty, this gave directly the big fellow apprentices of this good person peak entire cannot. 然而眼下李畅喆超额完成任务,这把这位好人峰的大师兄都给直接整不会了。 At this time, the people vision in mine tunnel with the appearance of this best quality goods fire spirit stones was attracted. 此时,矿洞中的众人目光都随着这颗极品火灵石的出现而被吸引。 Everyone does not think, near this time chapter of continuous rain jena also produced goods unexpectedly! 所有人都不会想到,此时的章霖燕那边居然也出货了! Moreover that is the pure golden light, probably come sparkingly compared with that Li Changzhe digs! 而且那是纯正的金光,远要比李畅喆挖到的这颗还要来得闪亮! Right now in the entire mine tunnel the instantaneous lying trough, incessantly was the big Senior Brother of that good person peak, the mine tunnel manager and ore bosses who even/including to come inspected the work was again and again ignorant, was three faces compels directly ignorant. 这下子整个矿洞中瞬间卧槽连连,不止是那位好人峰的大师兄,连来视察工作的矿洞经理和矿老板都懵了,直接就是三脸懵逼。 Lying trough! Investigates extremely hot spirit stones! 卧槽!究极火灵石! As the name suggests, the value of this fire spirit stones also probably be higher than a level compared with best quality goods fire spirit stones, the whole body is sending out the golden light! After the ray draws back disperses, what the entire fire spirit stones presents is a material quality of drill lithograph, in the red stone body brings an indescribable translucence. 顾名思义,这枚火灵石的价值要比极品火灵石还要高出一个层级,浑身散发着金光!而在光芒退散后,整颗火灵石呈现的是一种钻石版的材质,通红的石身中带着一种难以言喻的透亮。 This type natural beautiful attracted everyone's attention in the flash, the ore pickaxes on many manpower fall on the ground are unsensible. 这种自然的美丽在一瞬间吸引了所有人的视线,不少人手上的矿镐掉落在地上都毫无知觉。 This investigates extremely hot spirit stones, but compares favorably with the values of 100 best quality goods fire spirit stones! 这一枚究极火灵石,可是比得上100枚极品火灵石的价值啊! At the same time, before nine days of essence seeks the monitoring device gate of institute, the vine road dust was also silly. 同一时刻,九天精觅院的监视器门前,藤路尘也傻了。 Turns the head to look hastily to the nearby staff: This producing goods rate/lead what's the matter? I do not make you establish to knock 100 a time times to give guaranteeing a minimum intermediate fire spirit stones every time! How can let the work that they finish ahead of schedule to repay a debt quickly?” 连忙转头看向边上的工作人员:“这个出货率到底是怎么回事?我不是让你们设置好每敲100次给一次保底的中级火灵石吗!怎么能这么快让他们提前完成还债的工作?” This is now the thoughts of most card sign gizmondos, guaranteeing a minimum, but cannot give completely, must to the player the feeling of hitting a club to the sweet jujube, can make the krypton old continuous toward inside sufficient money. 这是现在大多数卡牌游戏公司的思维,给保底,但又不能完全给,必须要给玩家一种打一棒子给颗甜枣的感觉,才能让氪老们源源不断的往里面充钱。 According to the vine road dust original plan, he wants to exert pressure in such extreme environment, comes to see the Wang Ling real horizon. 按照藤路尘原本的计划,他想在这样的极限环境中施压,来看看王令的真实水准。 But now, all by Li Changzhe and section Linyan sudden good luck breaking. 可现在,一切都被李畅喆和章霖燕突如其来的好运气给打破了。 Received reproving, the staff are also very suffering: Vine old...... we do not know where has problems! Properly speaking, the best quality goods fire spirit stones producing goods rate/lead is minimal, only then knocks to have with the ore pickaxe fully 100,000 times. Investigates extremely hot spirit stones to knock the full 1 million talents to leave at least guarantees a minimum...... their luck is really good scary!” 受到了训斥,工作人员也很委屈:“藤老……我们也不知道哪里出问题啊!按理说,极品火灵石出货率是微乎其微的,只有用矿镐敲满10万次才有。究极火灵石最少要敲满100万次才出保底……他们的运气实在是好的吓人!”
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