TCKAOTU :: Volume #8

#751: Degeneration?( Three)

Chaotic years rapidness of quick conclusion, this year at the end of September, the seed of rebellion was pressed dead in earth. 混乱的年月来的快结束的更快,这一年的九月底,叛乱的种子就被按死在土里。 Except that city gate many some dry corpses of hanging to death, the application number of outcomer greatly reduced 36, the capacity reduced beside 50% directly, as if all have no difference. 除了城门口多出了一些吊死的干尸,外来者的申请数量大减少了36,还有通过率更是直接降低了50%之外,似乎一切并没有什么区别。 This playing of playing, this/should noisy noise, should open party continues, even if some people were shouting that selects us seriously in very special period wartime period, even if some next door really people go to war, all as if on the world with Harley especially big wilderness seem like no relations. 该玩的玩,该闹的闹,该开party的继续开,就算有人在大喊严肃点我们在非常时期战时时期,就算隔壁真有人打仗,一切似乎与哈莱特大荒原上的世人似乎是没有什么关系。 But something, are actually changing quietly. 但有的东西,却在悄然改变的。 „...... The life span of native of Morocco , Greece from the average in 1500, to from 200 to 300 years, quick presented a large number of aging people.” “......希摩人的寿命从平均一千五百年,到了两百至三百年吗,很快就出现大量的老龄化人口。” They should not discover, change essentially, is the change on lifeform level /dna, how long but this could not be full.” “他们自己应该没有发现,本质上的改变,是生物层次/dna上的改变,但这也满不了多久。” Birth rate enhanced, feeds back from the major hospitals, the conservative estimate enhanced over ten times, we need to prepare for dealing with population large explosion various.” “出生率提高了,从各大医院反馈过来的,保守估计提高了十倍以上,我们需要做好应对人口大爆炸的各项准备。” Race potential enhanced, the learn/study talent obviously promotes, is this longevity plants to short-lived exchanging changes?” “种族潜力提高了,学习天赋明显提升,这是长寿种到短命种的兑变吗?” Thunder was the resistance reduced, controlled the thunder and lightning the natural talent also to weaken, several big master and Shaman presented the sign of obvious aged and reduced order, the average strength presented the small intensity. The other aspect that but the life span shortens, the cell of young adults exchanges to change the speed improving, their metabolism ability promotion is obvious, the cell reproductive property , the straightforward point said, the presence rate/lead of big soldier was higher.” “雷系抗性降低了,驾驭雷电的自然天赋也变弱了,几个大术士和萨满都出现了明显老化和降阶的迹象,平均战力出现了小幅强度。但寿命变短的另外一面,青壮年的细胞兑变速度提高,他们新陈代谢能力提升明显,细胞再生能力也强了,直白点说,大战士的出场率高了很多。” ..... This is the life main presenting, cursed?” “.....这是生命之主的馈赠,还是诅咒?” Do not want to be many, this is the result that the world edition renews, the hatching world is unable to undertake does not need so many longevities to plant, drags not dead to the natural circulation the clothes eating insect that the non- output wastes the resources, the large surface area adjustment is only the time issue. Because the potential surface war exists, the world urgently needs has enough many resistance forces, sped up this evolution to evolve the speed that made all such obviously.” “别想多了,这是世界版本更新的结果,孵化的世界无法承担也不需要如此多的长寿种,对自然循环来说拖着不死又不产量只是浪费资源的蛀虫,大面积调整只是时间问题。只不过由于位面战争存在,世界迫切需要产生足够多的抵抗力量,加快了这个进化演变的速度,才让一切变得这么明显。” The Rorschach words, gave the conclusion, but in fact he gave actually radically is the answer, was this world current truth. 罗夏的话语,算是给出了结论,但实际上他给出却根本是答案,是这个世界正在发生的真相。 In life in main position, many that he sees, learned many, basically ICEY and secure Szo Rayne most species to him are not the mysteries, grasped the youngster of life authority, many that can actually make. 在生命之主的位置上,他看到的很多,学到的很多,基本上艾希、安索雷恩大部分生物物种对他来说不是奥秘,掌握了生命权柄的少年,其实可以做的很多。 For example, under studies the children of another two elements, pinching a reproductive capacity is extremely strong, life span extremely to be of short, the cannon fodder race inborn strong war, this is also many ICEY big shot on the requirement that oneself put forward. 比如说,学下另外两位元素之子,捏一个繁殖力极强、寿命极短、天生强战的炮灰种族,这也是很多艾希大佬对自己提出的要求。 But finally, he gave up this idea. 但最后,他放弃了这种想法。 If an intelligent race, from birth to become others' weapon, that was also too pitiful. Moreover, this extremely unnatural life violated the life rule, quick is repaired and maintained by the world. If not repair and maintain, hehe, that will be more miserable.” “如果一个智慧种族,从出生就为了成为别人的兵器,那也太可悲了。而且,这种极其不自然的生命违反了生命规则,很快就会被世界修整。如果不修整,呵呵,那会更惨。” By the double pupil of destiny, seemed to have seen this world was covered by this short-lived fight race, the tyrannical evolution ability and unpreventible exuberant multiplication strength, let all intruder and local residents tasted by control that human controlled. 透过命运的双瞳,似乎已经看到了这个世界被这种短命战斗种族覆盖,强横的进化能力和不可阻止的旺盛繁衍力,让所有入侵者和本土居民尝到了“被人类所支配的控制”。 Infatuated destiny, will certainly become the toys of destiny, plays with life, played with by the life inevitably. 痴迷命运者,必将成为命运的玩物,玩弄生命者,必然被生命所玩弄。 Has the jurisdiction not to represent can run amuck, after considers repeatedly, Rorschach decides to give up the authority in this aspect. 有权限不代表着能够胡作非为,在反复斟酌之后,罗夏决定放弃这方面的权柄。 Has thrown a pair of child between the relation, he is carrying out the responsibility of god of some lives as before, for example the treatment of native of Morocco , Greece is not an exceptional case, on the contrary, after this is he already gives favored treatment to quietly the product. 只是投过双子之间的联系,他依旧履行着部分生命之神的职责,比如说希摩人的待遇并不是特例,相反,这还是他已经悄悄优待后的产物。 Over 70% lives are over 500 years longevities plant, this long natural circulation world is unable to undertake.” “七成以上的生命是五百年以上的长寿种,这漫长的自然循环世界根本无法承担。” The rule of life sped up all these occurrences, quicker dying of old age, a quicker growth, quicker renewal, more new generation powerhouses will be born over about following hundred years, these calories occupied the so-called established powerhouses of huge resource in some bottleneck, is demanded all by the physical body that oneself die of old age crazily. 生命的规则加快了这一切的发生,更快的老去,更快的成长,更快的更新换代,更多的新生代强者会在接下来的百年来诞生,那些卡在某个瓶颈却占据了大量资源的所谓老牌强者,会被自己疯狂老去的肉体索取走一切。 Brutal? Extremely brutal. 残酷吗?极其的残酷。 Fair? Is unfair. 公平吗?一点都不公平。 But...... this lives. 但......这就是生活。 But to the entire star the whole world, your ethnic group is the parasitic parasites to plant above, the life and death is to derive own nutrient consumes own resources, perhaps did not have to be instead better completely, the lord of new life can in receive such return with the world negotiations, is good. 但对整个星球整个世界来说,你一个族群都是寄生在其上寄生种,生死都是汲取自己的养分消耗自己的资源,或许全部没了反而更好,新的生命之主能够在和世界谈判上获得这样的回报,已经算是不错了。 Rorschach sits in that position also a little lingering fear, perhaps without prompt arrival of lord of life, the opposite party will reduce the life span to about 50 years directly, will be the present grown native of Morocco , Greece will pass away in three years continually completely, the entire Wright wilderness became the true death open land. 罗夏坐上那个位置上还有点后怕,如果没有生命之主的及时到位,恐怕对方会直接将寿命降低到五十年左右,连带的就是现在的成年希摩人会在三年连全部老死,整个哈莱特荒原成为真正的死亡荒地。 In some sense, this is the significance that the godhood owner has, the world has not existed, its consciousness instinct as selfish as limit, without with the channel of its communication and proposed that possibly accepted opinion, the situation is very easy to appear toward the global development, makes the intelligent lifeform die possibility certainly to transform. 从某种意义上来说,这就是神职所有者存在的意义,世界没有自我存在,它的意识本能自私到极限,如果没有与其沟通的渠道和提出可能被接受的意见,事态很容易出现向着整个世界发展,却让智慧生物死绝的可能性转变。 But on the other hand, was actually ICEY and secure Szo Rayne's negotiations, that rank was too high, the jurisdiction that Rorschach also only then glanced, suggested also to be overruled mostly. 而另外一方面,却是艾希和安索雷恩的谈判了,那等级太高了,罗夏也只有过目的权限,建议也多半都被否决了。 The straightforward point said, is as the link of river of the netherworld, the union of element rule, two world started gradually to unite, the head worked as, was really so-called most-favored-nation / most benefit race issue. 直白点说,就是随着冥河的链接,元素规则的联合,两个世界开始逐渐联合了,首当其中的,确是所谓的“最惠国/最惠种族的问题”。 In family/home was too poor, mother own child does not want to raise, let alone others' child.” “家里太穷了,妈妈连自己的孩子都不想养了,别说别人的孩子。” Closest description, probably is this truth. 最贴近的形容,大概就是这个道理。 You in ICEY are 200 years of grown elf, finally can live 500 to 800 years old, the strength be strong enough can live 2000...... to here, 200 should pass away! 你在艾希是两百年成年的精灵,最后可以活500到800岁,实力够强可以活两千......到我这里,两百就该老死了! The collision of this natural law, is unreasonable machinery wearing , the life rule and race brand mark wears on the world trees of two world repeatedly, ICEY lord of secure Szo Rayne's nature the lord of life, the share that also only then looks on...... at least they said. 这种自然规律的碰撞,是不讲道理的机械磨合,生命规则、种族烙印在两个世界的世界树上反复磨合,艾希的自然之主安索雷恩的生命之主,也只有旁观的份......至少他们自己是这么说的。 Considering both sides is the firm counter- elf person ..... the graciousness, right, the victim is elf race. 考虑到双方都是坚定的反精灵主义者.....恩,没错,受害者又是精灵族 Afterward, the elf race lineages and elf various God published did not have the dirty words fully is actually the open letter of malicious regards...... good, spoke frankly, this world's only large-scale victim probably was elf race, they reached secure Szo Rayne's hand to cut off ruthlessly, who does not want for a long time, to be secure Szo Rayne also presented the large-scale elf tropic tide exactly at once. 事后,精灵族裔和精灵诸神发表了不带脏字却满是恶意问候的公开信......好吧,直说了,这个世界唯一的大规模受害者大概就是精灵族了,他们伸向安索雷恩的手被狠狠斩断了,谁不想活久点,一时之间就是安索雷恩也出现了大规模的精灵回归潮。 Although the issue are very many, but without doubt, is more short-lived, the vitality to be stronger( cell high-speed fission), the reproductive capacity to be stronger, learning capability stronger new student/life various races, adapts to the following war time, fulfillment of life rule, conformed to the expectation of secure Szo Rayne, all samsara restart the revolution. 虽然问题挺多,但无疑,更短命、生命力更强(细胞高速分裂)、繁殖力更强、学习能力更强的新生诸种族,更适应接下来的战争时间,生命规则的履行,也符合了安索雷恩自己的预期,一切轮回重新开始运转。
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