TCS :: Volume #16

#1520: Daring the greatest danger

However he also thought deeply about a time of small meeting merely, then sets firm resolve, because he discovered that thunder Batian who grasps the jade symbol, directly soars the position that the Spirit Stone ore to go unexpectedly, sees this, making Luo Xiu a little not calm, he knows that the time are not much, if were really found that Innate spiritual object by this fellow, will definitely find that Innate Formation Law, will also discover inevitably the thing of remaining these Innate, this may not be the situation that he is willing to see. 不过他也仅仅只是思索了一小会的功夫,便下定了决心,因为他发现手持玉符的那雷霸天,竟然直奔灵石矿所在的方位而去,看到这一幕,让罗修有点儿不淡定了,他知道时间已经不多了,真要是被这家伙找到了那先天灵物,肯定会发现那先天阵法,同时也势必会发现剩下的那些先天之物,这可不是他愿意看到的情形。 Deeply looked at nine infants again, the Luo Xiu within the body strength released suddenly, thunder Principle first showed completely, in a flash, world's spiritual energy in this piece of region on the fierce surges, gathered to come rapidly, then the Luo Xiu Divine Soul strength released full power, the everywhere wild thunder direct bang killed to nine infants as well as his others, in instance that he acted, the original everywhere swallow rosy cloud vanished instantaneously, the endless black dark cloud will cover in everyone's top of the head shortly, almost instantaneously, under the Luo Xiu Divine Soul strength control, the wild thunder fell in torrents full power, allowing cloud Cangsheng and the others just like to enter the thunder state to be the same instantaneously. 再次深深看了一眼九婴,罗修体内力量猛然间释放,雷霆法则第一时间就全部展现,一瞬间,这片区域内的天地元气就剧烈翻腾,迅速聚拢而来,接着罗修神魂力全力释放,漫天狂暴的雷霆直接轰杀向了九婴以及其他人,在他出手的瞬间,原本的漫天燕霞瞬间消失,无尽的黑色乌云顷刻之间笼罩在所有人的头顶,几乎瞬间,在罗修神魂力全力操控下,狂暴的雷霆倾泻而下,让云苍生等人宛如瞬间进入了雷霆国度一样。 Similarly, because is sudden, they radically without thinking, some people dare to sneak attack them, absolutely would have no to make any dealing, more than ten people solid withstood Luo Xiu this to act suddenly the thunder attack that somewhat looks in inconceivable top of the head inundated the Heavenly Thunder thunderclap, fell into compelled the condition ignorant. 同样的,由于事发突然,他们根本就没想到,会有人敢对他们进行偷袭,也根本就没有做出任何的应对,十多人都结结实实的承受了罗修这突然出手的雷霆攻击,一个个都有些不可思议地看着头顶上的漫天雷霆,陷入了懵逼状态。 Really is their these 11 people walks together, that sweeps away the matter that the world can also achieve easily, therefore they have not thought, at this time some people dare to pull a tooth on the fingers/tiger mouth, however, they at this moment actually true bitter experience sneak attack, how can also these angry to be in addition incredible! Sees this, inexplicable Luo Xiu cannot help but a little wants to laugh, he has not thought that own will so easily go well. 实在是他们这十一人走在一起,那就是横扫天下也是轻而易举能做到的事情,因此他们根本就不曾想到,这个时候会有人敢在虎口上拔牙,然而,他们此刻却真真正正的遭遇到了偷袭,又怎么能不让这些人愤怒外加不可置信的!见到这一幕,莫名的罗修不由得有点想要发笑,就连他也没想到自己会如此轻易地得手。 Originally time from the beginning, he is the preparation launches the attack to nine infant people alone, is only considering the great strength of these people, Luo Xiu was worried that own was besieged, as well as he also wants to take the opportunity to ruin the jade symbols in these person of hands, simultaneously he also knows, wants to cease Innate spiritual object to be discovered thoroughly, own must direct everyone, otherwise, if really makes them continue to search , the lord knows can have anything to surpass the unexpected matter to appear. 原本一开始的时候,他是准备单独对九婴一个人展开攻击的,只是考虑到这些人的强大,罗修担心自己遭到围攻,以及他也想借机毁掉这些人手中的玉符,同时他也知道,想要彻底杜绝先天灵物被发现,自己必须把所有人都引走,不然的话,真要是让他们继续搜寻下去的话,天晓得会不会有什么超出意料之外的事情出现。 Therefore, over and over after the thinking, he chooses the risk to try, simultaneously acts in view of 11 people, moreover must get rid of nine infants, the price that Luo Xiu needs to pay somewhat makes him unable to endure , the Divine Soul strength that the consumption of strength still in next, the true important person assigns/life the gadget that is he consumes rapidly. 所以,再三思索之后,他选择冒险试试,同时针对十一人出手,而且还要干掉九婴,罗修所需要付出的代价着实是有些让他吃不消,力量的消耗还在其次,真正要人命的玩意儿则是他飞速消耗掉的神魂力。 Strength that thunder Principle unites, is his time Principle Space Principle, needs to consume the huge Divine Soul strength, these 11 people who must know cloud Tiange, but with his existence of the same class, to guarantee own can direct everyone, he must show the enough strong strength, gives to attack everyone. Although makes the suspicion of courting death, to prevent is not really able to give to direct everyone, he also has to take risk to do. 无论是雷霆法则凝聚的力量,还是他身上的时间法则空间法则,都需要消耗庞大的神魂力,要知道云天阁的这十一个人,可都是跟他同级别的存在,为了确保自己能够把所有人都引走,他必须展现足够强大的实力,将所有人都给攻击到。虽然这么做有找死的嫌疑,但是为了防止真的无法将所有人都给引走,他也不得不冒险这么干。 But transfers world's spiritual energy to release the earliest possible time of endless thunder in Luo Xiu, world's spiritual energy fierce surges that thunder Principle condenses, becomes wild world's spiritual energy even more, under the thunder Principle in addition holds, almost submerged 11 people on the scene instantaneously, nine infants of bearing the brunt, in Luo Xiu under looks after specially, almost spits blood to fall to the ground instantaneously, especially before he was at the critical moment of therapy, the sneak attack time that Luo chooses is ingenuity like that therefore almost instantaneous, Luo Xiu uses the thunder to give the thorough paralysis his sense. 而在罗修调动天地元气释放无尽雷霆的第一时间,雷霆法则凝聚的天地元气剧烈翻腾,变得越发狂暴的天地元气,在雷霆法则的加持之下,几乎瞬间淹没了在场的十一人,首当其冲的九婴,在罗修的特意关照下,几乎瞬间就吐血倒地,尤其之前他就处在疗伤的关键时刻,罗所选择的偷袭时机又是那般的巧妙,所以几乎瞬间,罗修就用雷霆将他的感官给彻底的麻痹。 In addition, sees the own attack effective instance, the output of strength Luo Xiu increases, draws support from the wild thunder directly as well as stores up the Heavenly Tribulation strength in the middle of own flesh body cell, tore into shreds flesh body of nine infants instantaneously, in his soul had not responded in the situation, puts out a hand to fish directly, gave to receive in the middle of own Magic Treasure his soul. 不但如此,见到自己的攻击奏效的瞬间,罗修加大的力量的输出,直接借助狂暴的雷霆以及储存在自己肉身细胞当中的天劫力量,瞬间撕碎了九婴的肉身,在他的灵魂还没反应过来的情况下,直接伸手一捞,把他的灵魂也给收入了自己法宝当中。 Completes all these, Luo Xiu also welcomed cloud Cangsheng and the others finally the counter-attack, moreover is ten people of full power counter-attack, the counter-attack strength is extremely terrifying, sneak attacked they almost displayed the respective strongest attack subconsciously, just the wide scope thunder attack of Luo Xiu is not the ornaments, the endless thunder that he controls, changes into said innumerably Thunder Dragon welcomed similarly to ten people of counter-attack Divine Ability. 做完这一切,罗修也终于迎来了云苍生等人的反击,而且是十人的全力反击,反击力量极其恐怖,被偷袭的他们几乎是下意识地都将各自的最强攻击施展了出来,只不过罗修的大范围雷霆攻击也并不是摆设,他所操控的无尽雷霆,化为无数道雷龙同样迎向了十人的反击神通 At the same time, deals with the powerful offensives of ten same rank powerhouse, the counter- tension that particularly the magnanimous energy collision has, making Luo Xiu almost not stand steadily, five main internal organs (entrails) feeling incomparable discomfort, even if his eighteen lohans Body Refining secret art has tended to big accomplishment, the situation of but facing, still still made him feel that whole body incomparable pain, the grief on flesh body in next, including several people of attacks also supplement the powerful soul attack, this regarding Luo Xiu, is most awfully, even if his soul is the colors of rare nine color, but the present this curtain, is he felt as before is unable to withstand. Front the huge attack, his whole person somewhat cannot support, the beforehand tentative plan contrast bitter experience at this moment, making in the Luo Xiu heart understand, he underestimated Divine Ability that cloud common people these people counter-attack, to the harm that he brought. 同一时间,应对十个同级别强者的强大攻击,尤其是海量的能量碰撞产生的反弹力,让罗修几乎站立不稳,五脏六腑感觉无比的难受,即便他的十八罗汉炼体诀已经趋于大成,但所面对的这种情况,也仍旧让他感觉周身无比的痛苦,肉身上的伤痛都在其次,其中有几人的攻击还附带强大的灵魂攻击,这对于罗修来说,才是最要命的,哪怕他的灵魂是罕见的九彩之色,但是眼前的这一幕,依旧是他感觉无法承受的巨大攻击面前,他整个人都有些支撑不住,之前的设想对比此刻的遭遇,让罗修心中明白,他低估了云苍生这些人反击的神通,给他带来的伤害了。 Mysterious Nether, is you! Do you want to do? Hands over quickly the souls of nine infants! You dare to intend to sneak attack to our cloud Tiange, you died! You somewhat were rather bold, dares to sneak attack us unexpectedly, inadequate when really my cloud Tiange is a vegetarian, has not stopped, offended my cloud Tiange, do not let me and others live departure, otherwise your universe sect will regret absolutely!” After seeing clearly the Luo Xiu appearance, facial expression on cloud Cang the unfamiliar face is almost impossible to conceal that anger, is really somewhat unexpected, if at this moment is ten thousand Modian or is the person sneak attacks of four temples, their also not being the extent that anger, before whatever them, how to imagine, has not thought that can be the Luo Xiu choice makes a move to sneak attack to them here. 玄冥,是你!你想干什么?快把九婴的灵魂交出来!你敢对我们云天阁出手偷袭,你死定了!你未免有些胆大包天了,竟然敢偷袭我们所有人,真当我云天阁吃素的不成,还不住手,得罪了我云天阁,别让我等活着离开,不然你乾坤宗绝对会后悔的!”等到看清楚了罗修的样貌之后,云苍生脸上的神情几乎无法掩饰那种愤怒,实在是有些出人意料,此刻如果是万魔殿或者是四圣殿的人偷袭,他们还不至于如此愤怒,然而任凭他们之前怎么想象,也没想到会是罗修选择在这里对他们出手偷袭。 Hehe, little frightens the person here, the old man does not frighten in a big way, you want to do, has moved near the Spirit Stone ore of my universe sect, I also want to ask that you want to do! Haven't you left? Why will also appear here, you in the domain of my universe sect, so unscrupulous release soul strength, are seeking for anything! Your cloud Tiange is powerful, but cannot be supercilious like this!” Luo Xiu is facing ten people of attacks, in the hand rapid pinching finger joints with the thumb, the endless thunder gathers, dozens Thunder Dragon charged into cloud Cangsheng and the others crazily, simultaneously in his mouth also opens the mouth to counter-attack to say extremely angrily. “呵呵,少在这里吓唬人,老夫又不是吓大的,你们想要干什么,一直在我乾坤宗的这处灵石矿附近活动,我还想问问你们想干嘛呢!你们不是已经离开了吗?为什么还会出现在这里,你们在我乾坤宗的地盘上,如此肆无忌惮的释放灵魂力,到底在寻找什么!你们云天阁是强大,但是也不能这样目中无人吧!”罗修面对着十人的攻击,手上飞速的掐诀,无尽雷霆汇聚,数十道雷龙疯狂地冲向了云苍生等人,同时他口中也极为愤怒地开口反击道。 Suddenly, the vitality fierce surges between this world, the respective Great Divine Ability magical technique attack spreads across general like the advantage arrow, the imposing manner is earth-shaking, the wild attack just like the energy mighty current, is washing out all in this piece of region repeatedly, fight between both sides develops in vitality competition of regarding this region, both sides frequented each other repeatedly drew in the surrounding vitality, is washing out the present numerous Divine Ability attack repeatedly, was only several time of breath, Luo Xiu felt merely own a little could not support, was really these ten people as if is also makes a determined effort, wants to disregard, even if ruined this region. Also must give to stay behind Luo Xiu, this crazy approach, making Luo Xiu feel the pressure. 一时间,这片天地间的元气剧烈翻腾,各自的大神通术法攻击如同利箭纵横交错一般,气势惊天动地,狂暴的攻击宛如能量洪流般,一遍遍地冲刷着这片区域内的一切,双方之间的战斗更是发展成了对于这片区域内的元气的争夺,双方你来我往反复的将周围的元气收拢,一遍又一遍的冲刷着眼前的众多神通攻击,仅仅只是几个呼吸的时间,罗修就感觉自己有点儿撑不住了,实在是这十个人似乎也是发狠,想要不管不顾了,哪怕毁掉这片区域也要把罗修给留下,这种疯狂的做法,让罗修感觉到了压力。 Even if the wild thunder is with overpowering momentum, however in opposite cloud Tiange the person is also not a fool, they are very clear, a strength of Luo Xiu person again how powerful, faces the attacks of their many people is not impossible completely following, so under situation, so long as can block the Luo Xiu escape route, the people believe that some of them are the method can stay here Luo Xiu. 狂暴的雷霆纵然气势磅礴,但是对面的云天阁中人也都不是傻子,他们很清楚,罗修一个人的实力再怎么强大,面对着他们多人的攻击也不可能全部接下来,如此情形之下,只要能堵住罗修的退路,众人相信他们有的是手段能把罗修留在这里。 Luo Xiu detected probably their intention, excessively did not pester with them, only if he were silly, otherwise, is not willing dead to knock with these people here, because here was too near from the Spirit Stone ore, once both sides erupted a stronger attack, that will affect that piece of Spirit Stone ore absolutely the security. 罗修像是察觉到了他们的意图般,根本就不跟他们过多纠缠,他除非是傻了,不然的话,根本就不愿意在这里跟这些人死磕到底,因为这里距离灵石矿太近了,一旦双方爆发更强的攻击,那绝对会波及那片灵石矿的安全的。 Therefore Luo Xiu is almost refuting more than ten people of attacks, counter-attack while retrocedes, to prevent these people divides forces, he displays very strongly, once discovered that some people want toward Spirit Stone ore there, he branches out several Thunder Dragon instantaneously, direct attack these fellows, after entanglement again and again, Luo Xiu make these people go toward the reversed direction of universe sect finally. 所以罗修几乎是硬顶着十几人的攻击,一边反击一边后退的,而且为了防止这些人分兵,他表现得很是强势,一旦发现有人想要往灵石矿那里去,他就瞬间分出几道雷龙,直接攻击这些家伙,经过几次三番的纠缠,罗修终于引着这些人朝着乾坤宗的反方向而去。 This all the way, he was hit by more than ten attacks three times, if not the eighteen lohans Body Refining secret art builds on powerful flesh body, Luo Xiu at this moment had been ripped the smashing, even so, his five main internal organs (entrails) also had the dislocation, before him complete different, Luo Xiu that at this moment conceives, after these days with the combat process of cloud Tiange people, he discovers practice in this great desolate world, regardless of cultivation level is strong, but still could not achieve his eventuality regarding the control of energy, the attack might of cloud Tiange these fellows strong, but the energy actually extremely dispersion, the attack of wide scope looks vast momentum., But really has externals without substance. 这一路上,他先后三次被十几道攻击命中,如果不是十八罗汉炼体诀筑就的强大肉身,此时此刻的罗修早已被撕成粉碎,即便如此,他的五脏六腑也发生了错位,和他之前所设想的完全不同,此时此刻的罗修,经过这段时间跟云天阁众人的战斗过程,他发现这个洪荒世界的修行者,无论修为多强,但是对于能量的掌控仍然达不到他的万一,云天阁这些家伙的攻击威力强则强矣,但是能量却极为分散,大范围的攻击看上去声势浩大,但真的只是徒有其表。 At the beginning, Luo Xiu also by the attacks of these people, fooling dumbfounded, when he can shoulder the attacks of these people with the aid of several Thunder Dragon, he knows own after this Heavenly Tribulation baptism, the whole person changed. The thunder attack method is even more mature, moreover makes him also strengthen to this world strength control, an especially essential point is, has experienced previous that Heavenly Tribulation, he can unscrupulous acts in this world, but does not need to be worried that own will be given the repel by this stretch of the world. 刚开始的时候,罗修也被这些人的攻击,给唬的一愣一愣的,但是当他能够借助几条雷龙就扛住这些人的攻击的时候,他就知道自己经过这场天劫的洗礼之后,整个人都发生了改变。雷霆攻击手段越发成熟,而且还使得他对这片天地力量掌控也随之增强,尤其关键的一点是,经历过先前的那场天劫,他可以肆无忌惮的在这个世界出手,而不需要担心自己会被这片天地给排斥。 If only thunder Principle, Luo Xiu will face more than ten people to besiege may suffer a loss, when he can switch over the attack method at any time, means that the situation had the huge change, for example Luo Xiu at this moment has been certain, will use time Principle that oneself will grasp promptly, in this tangled warfare, the time will decelerate the effect of playing more astonishing. 如果只是雷霆法则的话,罗修面对着十多人围攻可能会吃些亏,但是当他可以随时切换攻击手段的时候,就意味着情况有了巨大的改变,比如说此刻的罗修已然可以肯定,及时动用自身所掌握的时间法则,在这混战当中,时间减速所起到的效果更加惊人。 Especially many times were attacked the hit at the same time, depends powerful time Principle and Space Principle, can make the injury that he suffers reduce over 70%, this absolutely is an extremely terrifying going against heaven's will ability, so terrifying reducing wound effect, before is him, has not thought. 尤其很多次被攻击命中的同时,仗着强大的时间法则空间法则,能够让他遭受的伤害减少七成以上,这绝对是一项极其恐怖的逆天能力,如此恐怖的减伤效果,是他之前根本不曾想到的。 Therefore hits Luo Xiu that while draws back is facing the wanton bombing of these people, thinks little radically, just started some of his also scruples, when he discovered the attacks of other cloud common people people, although can also shake his strength source, but is actually not able to become the substantive injury to other party time, Luo Xiu knows that own does not need to be worried about the own defense issue completely. 所以边打边退的罗修面对着这些人的狂轰滥炸,根本就不以为意,刚开始的时候他还有些顾忌,但是当他发现无论是云苍生还是其他人的攻击,虽然也能撼动他的力量本源,但是却根本无法对他造成实质性伤害的时候,罗修就知道自己完全不需要担心自己的防御问题。 But during following half-day time, Luo Xiu hits while drew back, leading cloud Tiange these people to arrive on in the domain in Qing, the people fought the place visited, the rock crack along the way, trees by the thorough change fragment powder, all kinds of pitiful scenes were everywhere, moreover these human powerhouse that was attracted by the people powerful aura, escaped in a panic. 而接下来的半天时间当中,罗修边打边退,带着云天阁的这些人一路来到了上清宫的地盘上,众人战斗沿途所过之处,山石崩裂,树木被彻底的化为齑粉,各种各样的凄惨场景比比皆是,而且被众人强大气息所吸引的那些人类强者,也都一个个仓皇而逃。 Really is the strength that cloud Tiange at this moment these fellows use, has surpassed many influence the powerful offensive of highest rank powerhouse, small-scale Sect defense Formation Law that they passed by along the way, under the Luo Xiu thunder affects, changes into the fragment powder directly, entire Sect high and low people under the attack of Luo Xiu, thorough vanishes does not see. 实在是此时此刻的云天阁的这些家伙所动用的力量,已经超出了很多势力的最高级别强者的强大攻击,就连他们沿途路过的一个小型门派的防御阵法,都在罗修的雷霆波及之下,直接化为齑粉,整个门派上下的人都在罗修的攻击之下,彻底的消失不见。 This time Luo Xiu could not attend to the wound and innocent, he clearly realized very much, own can save the life at this moment is most essential, with the lapse of time, even his mental force were powerful enough, world's spiritual energy that but can transfer is still reducing, after all a pair of ten fight, is not his present boundary can endure, if were not time Principle often helps him slow down the attack of enemy, Luo Xiu at this moment has experienced personally the heavy losses. 这个时候的罗修也顾不上伤及无辜了,他很清楚地意识到,自己此时此刻能够保住性命才是最关键的,随着时间的推移,即便他精神力足够强大,但是所能调动的天地元气也在减少,毕竟一对十的战斗,根本就不是他现在的境界能够吃得消的,如果不是时间法则不时的帮他减缓一下敌人的攻击,此时此刻的罗修早已经身受重创了。 Even so, he does not feel better to pour in next now, the injury on spiritual exhausted and flesh body makes him feel incomparably uncomfortably, if before, he will be does not believe, some people can give to be oppressive him on flesh body suffer extreme distress, but the scene on own, truly took a class to him, making Luo Xiu at this moment feel that the incomparable aggrievedness, was being pressed the pain of hitting, although he previously has also realized, but was never similar to these time so, was intensity like that gives uncomfortable feeling that he brought, was by his incomparable. Depressed. 即便如此,他现在也不好受倒在其次,精神上的疲惫以及肉身上的伤势却让他感觉无比难受,如果说之前,他是根本不会相信,有人能在肉身上把他给虐得死去活来,但是发生在自己身上的这一幕场景,确确实实给他上了一课,让此刻的罗修感觉无比的憋屈,被人压着打的痛苦,他此前虽然也体会过,但从未如同这一次这般,是那般的强烈,给他带来的不爽感觉,更是让他无比的郁闷。 As the saying goes double fist difficult enemy four, he at this moment has this feeling, just started, Thunder Dragon who thunder Principle forms can also resist the attack of cloud Tiange people sufficiently, but with the lapse of time, Luo Xiu was unable to maintain so huge energy consumption again, even if most strengths are to depend on world's spiritual energy supplemented, the world's spiritual energy quantity that he can transfer now is also reducing rapidly, although part of reasons because of the Principle influence of this stretch of the world, but more because of the present entire western region, because this war of people, enabling world's spiritual energy of entire great desolate western region to have the imbalance, world's spiritual energy of some places have also been supplemented radically without enough time, must transfer by Luo Xiu and the others directly, now the fight of people had turned into the seesaw battle, has turned from the original powerful offensive regarding the control of world's spiritual energy Principle to spelling, all people know fight that has in this region, regardless of where, cloud Tiange these people get the absolute winning side. 有道是双拳难敌四手,此刻的他就有这种感觉,刚开始的时候,雷霆法则形成的雷龙还能足以抵抗云天阁众人的攻击,但是随着时间的推移,罗修已经无法再维持这般庞大的能量消耗了,哪怕大部分力量都是靠着天地元气补充,他现在所能调动的天地元气数量也在飞速减少,虽然有一部分原因是因为这片天地的法则影响,但更多的则是因为如今的整个西域,都因为众人的这场大战,使得整个洪荒西域的天地元气都发生了失衡,有些地方的天地元气根本还来不及得到补充,就被罗修等人得直接调走了,现在众人的战斗已经变成了拉锯战,已经从原来的强大攻击变成了对于天地元气法则的掌控对拼,所有的人都知道了发生在这片区域的战斗,而无论从哪里来看,云天阁的这些人都是占据绝对上风的。 Apex 顶点 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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