TCS :: Volume #11

#1085: Chaotic war

Looks at this and beforehand no difference spacious region, thought of previously the own here dry/does matter, the Luo Xiu mood on good many, but he knows, now is not the time that own injured spring sad autumn here, therefore, sneaked in directly radiated the area of coverage, although has Formation Law that the expert arranged around this, was cut off the ways of these radiation outward dissemination, but Luo Xiu can so relaxed going, was because this Formation Law only aimed at wanders these radiation factors in space, not in view of life body. 看着这和之前没什么区别的空旷地域,想到此前自己在这里干的事情,罗修心情好上不少,不过他知道,现在不是自己在这里伤春悲秋的时候,因此,直接钻进了辐射覆盖区,虽然在这周围已经有高手布置的阵法,阻隔这些辐射向外传播的途径,但是罗修之所以能够如此轻松的进去,是因为这阵法只针对游荡在空间当中的那些辐射因子,并没有针对生命体。 Especially Luo Xiu discovered, in the central area of this nuclear explosion, the zoology and botany survival, makes him feel unexpectedly was somewhat inconceivable. However at once he shows facial expression suddenly, here is not Earth Federation, in this world, in the world has world's spiritual energy this thing to exist. 尤其是罗修发现,在这核爆的中心区域,竟然还有动植物生存,就更加让他感觉到有些不可思议了。不过旋即他就露出了恍然的神情,这里可不是地球联邦,在这个世界,天地间可是有着天地元气这东西存在的。 But region that the radiation affects , during has not imagined is so bleak, even if the might of nuclear bomb has not been weaken, the radiated wave that however as a result of the world's spiritual energy special attribute, after vital world's spiritual energy can reduce radiation explosion, produces enormously, the scene that also therefore, Luo Xiu sees, in the central area of nuclear explosion, unexpectedly is a green lawn scene, makes him be surprised. 而辐射所波及的区域,也并没有想象当中的那么荒凉,哪怕核弹的威力一点没有减弱,但是由于天地元气的特殊属性,充满活力的天地元气可以极大的削减辐射爆炸之后产生的辐射波,也因此,罗修看到的景象,就是在核爆的中心区域,竟然是一片绿草茵茵的景象,着实让他大感意外。 After here, before Luo Xiu instead is not likely, is so anxious, he at this moment has been away from the indefinite demon country to surpass the most star territory, so far distance, even if that person has to go against heaven's will Divine Ability, is impossible to catch up in such a short time. 到了这里之后,罗修反而不是像之前那么急切的,此时此刻的他已经距离无定魔国超出大半个星域了,如此远的距离,哪怕那人有着逆天神通,也不可能在如此短的时间内赶过来。 Luo Xiu even suspected at this moment that person can also induce to the accurate position of his Divine Soul brand mark, should be only an approximate position, even so, he also has nothing to relax the vigilant idea, instead even more serious seriously treated the situation in this moment within the body. 罗修此刻甚至都怀疑,那人还能不能感应到他的神魂烙印的准确位置,应该只是一个大致的位置吧,即便如此,他也没什么放松警惕的想法,反而越发的严肃认真对待此刻体内的情况了。 within the body that the day demon clone has flooded Sun to be really hot everywhere, what is very strange, that strange Divine Soul fluctuation, actually cannot eliminate, Luo Xiu can feel, the time unknown strengths, are widely separated by do not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km), locked his position distantly, although this feeling, as increasing of distance, slightly has not been possible to check, but exists exists, his can distinguish comes out. 天魔分身的体内已经到处充斥着太阳真火,但是很诡异的是,那股诡异的神魂波动,却没能消除了,罗修能够感受到,时刻有一股未知的力量,正远隔不知道多少万里,遥遥锁定了他的位置,虽然这种感觉随着距离的变大,已经微不可查,但是存在就是存在,他这点还是能分辨的出来的。 Seeks arranged Formation Law that region, Luo Xiu, because does not have the frame of reference, in addition here environment had had the tremendous changes, he spent for a long time, under the help of system, will arrange a cross plane transmission place to look before. 寻找原来布置阵法的那片区域,罗修由于没有参照物,加上这里的环境已经发生了天翻地覆的变化,他花了很长时间,才在系统的帮助之下,将之前布置跨位面传送阵的地方找出来。 Just, at this moment here is scorched earth, what makes his helpless is, originally Formation Law arrangement region, because before demolished time, he specifically aimed, therefore at this moment there, is a being too deep to see the bottom giant gulf, because the time had passed by for many years, bottom of the gulf has the water gathering, formed a lake, so situation, made Luo Xiu inexplicable had in a heart to be scared the feeling that. 只不过,此刻这里已经是一片焦土,更加让他无奈的是,原来阵法布置的区域,由于之前爆破的时候,他是专门针对的,所以此刻那里,已经是一个深不见底的巨大深坑,而且由于时间已经过去了多年,深坑底部已经有水汇聚,形成了一个湖泊,如此情形,也让罗修莫名的有种心中发毛的感觉。 Therefore he also no longer hesitates, hurried in the mind called system: system, what kind of? Here south can also through here spatial by-path sign, go to gaze the section continent directly?” 于是他也不再犹豫,急忙在脑海中呼叫系统:“系统,怎么样?在这里还能不能通过这里的空间道标,直接去南瞻部洲?” Luo Xiu really does not want to stay for a long time in this at this moment, he can obviously feel, with the lapse of time, the own day demon clone the undergone crisis is more intense, the so strange situation, makes his thorough does not dare to have any idea of treating it lightly. 罗修此刻真的不想在此久留,他能够明显感觉到,随着时间的推移,自己天魔分身所经受的危机就越强烈,如此诡异的情形,让他彻底的不敢有任何掉以轻心的想法。 Obviously, that part of great bear arhat, for on him the strength of these beliefs, are spare nothing, must catch own, thinks that the own possibly bitter experience the crisis, Luo Xiu then did not have the interest, the somewhat urgent mood again is also intense. 很显然,那位天罡罗汉为了他身上的那些信仰之力,是不惜代价,也要抓到自己的,想到自己可能遭遇的危机,罗修便没了兴致,有些急迫的心情也再次激烈起来。 „It is not good, you must toward the forward flight 327 meters, the float midair, in that position be the most accurate spatial by-path sign node, before because , the explosion that we do here, making this space somewhat chaotic, you determined that must do that because is not careful, likely will lose void in the universe middle, but is unable to withdraw, without the direction of space coordinate, will likely lose in the void turbulent flow, this system did not suggest the Host risk, after all only took about three months, this system can give the radical elimination that silk Divine Soul brand mark, these days you hid directly and that's the end, definitely do not need to take risk. Wrestles, moreover after we pass, directly enters that stretch of restricted area, you know that there danger, by your present condition, can shoulder, is an issue! Do not forget, in that stone spends, but you capture in a super powerhouse mouth, by that powerful stone monster terrifying battle strength, once by him were discovered your existence, is waiting for you, will be inexhaustible chasing down, even when the time comes, might as well will stay here!” system does not have first to agree to the request of Luo Xiu, instead opening the mouth exploratory asking. “不行,你要往前飞三百二十七米,悬浮半空,在那个位置才是最准确的空间道标节点,只是由于之前我们在这里搞出来的爆炸,使得这空间有些混乱,你确定要这么做,因为一个不小心,很可能就会迷失在宇宙虚空当中,而无法脱身,没有空间坐标的指引,甚至很可能会迷失在虚空乱流当中,本系统不建议宿主冒险,毕竟只需要三个月左右,本系统就可以将那丝神魂烙印给彻底清除,这段时间你直接躲躲藏藏就是了,完全没必要冒险一搏,而且我们过去之后,还是直接进入那片禁地,你知道那里的危险,以你现在的状态,能不能扛得住,还是个问题呢!你不要忘了,那朵石中花,可是你在一个超级强者的口中夺取的,以那强大石头怪物的恐怖战斗力,一旦被他发现你的存在,等待着你的,将是无穷无尽的追杀,甚至于到时候,还不如呆在这边呢!”系统并没有第一时间就同意罗修的要求,反而开口试探性的问道。 After all looks like in system, took risk to sneak across the past with it, might as well honest dull here, while two side wars time, can have the opportunity with the aid of that Changing Life Temple transmission, south sneaking into quietly gazed the section continent, such safe incomparable, always felt better takes risk to pass through the space storm here, came safely many. 毕竟在系统看来,与其冒险偷渡过去,还不如老老实实的呆在这里,趁着两方大战的时候,能不能有机会借助那化生寺的传送阵,悄悄的溜进南瞻部洲,那样才安全无比,总好过在这里冒险穿越空间风暴,来得安全多了。 This you leave alone, you only need to tell me, according to your view does, can the shuttle be directly void, arrives at south to gaze the section continent, if can, that begin, we leave immediately, I can feel, that Changing Life Temple part of great bear arhat, is close to here rapidly, the speed controls delimitation compass Teleport compared with me, but also wants on quick that some, so powerful existence, is threatening my life frequently, I will be impossible to place in others 's hand safely, will hide unable to hide, even can only take risk one to wrestle, when the time comes, we will just pass by the past. Changing Life Temple there, gave the end their backyards directly! When really the old man has no advantage to be inadequate facing them, this group of people want to do, the goal is self-evident, here was cheap they with it, might as well bring the thing to run away together, at the worst perishes together, do they dare to rush to the void crack with my risk hardly are an issue?!” Luo Xiu curls the lip, thinking little of face, with very strong tone, says. “这个你别管,你只需要告诉我,按照你的说法去做,能不能直接穿梭虚空,到达南瞻部洲,如果能的话,那就动手,我们立刻离开,我能够感受到,那位化生寺的天罡罗汉,正在飞速接近我们这里,速度比我操控定界罗盘瞬移,还要快上那么一些,如此强悍的存在,时刻威胁着我的生命,我不可能将安全放在他人的手上的,躲也躲不过去,甚至只能冒险一搏了,到时候,我们过去刚好会路过化生寺那里,直接把他们的后院给端了!真当老夫面对他们没有任何优势不成,这群人想要干什么,目的不言而喻,与其在这里便宜了他们,不如带着东西一起逃走,大不了同归于尽,他们敢不敢和我一起冒险硬闯虚空裂缝还是个问题呢?!”罗修撇撇嘴,一脸的不以为意,用十分强硬的语气,开口说道。 Then system then no longer opens the mouth to urge Luo Xiu, after all he also has nothing to worry that if rushes for the first time south gazes the section continent, but may also be an unknown world, when they return from there security, south gazes the section continent all, regarding system, is not strange, has the sufficient experience to resolve various crises, was far from the danger. 然后系统便不再开口劝罗修,毕竟他也没什么好担心的,如果说第一次闯南瞻部洲,还有可能是一个未知的世界,但是当他们从那里安全返回,南瞻部洲的一切,对于系统来说,已经不陌生,有着充足的经验来应对各种危机,就更谈不上危险了。 Therefore, the danger only lies when the shuttle is void, which perspective regardless of after all from, long-distance transmission is one enormous test on Cultivator body, not to mention, Luo Xiu this type depends on the Innate Spiritual Treasure delimitation compass in within the body to conduct space teleportation, price big how needs to pay. 所以,危险只在于在穿梭虚空的时候,毕竟无论从哪方面来看,远距离传送都是对修士身体的一种极大考验,更不用说,罗修这种只是靠着体内的先天灵宝定界罗盘来进行空间挪移呢,这其中所需要付出的代价何其之大。 Thinks aspect that is going to face, Luo Xiu no longer hesitates, quickly mobilizes the strength, the strength of Principle starts to restore to consume, with him, if no Sun to be really hot, frequently absorbs to swallow to refine world's spiritual energy, for him supplemented that the consumption in within the body, he at this moment the oil lamp is completely dry, even so, the present Luo Xiu condition is not very still wonderful. 想到接下来将要面对的局面,罗修不再犹豫,急忙调动力量,开始恢复消耗的法则之力,与他来说,如果不是有太阳真火,时时刻刻吸收吞噬炼化天地元气,为他补充体内的消耗,此刻的他已然油尽灯枯,即便如此,现在的罗修状态依旧很不妙。 Moreover the most essential point is, since previous time has overdrawn the energy, he did not have the time to restore, in addition his greatly Luo Golden Immortal is completely fake goods, supplemented the strength of Principle consumes, time needed, it can be imagined. 而且最关键的一点是,自从上次透支能量以来,他一直没有时间恢复,加上他这大罗金仙完全就是个冒牌货,补充消耗掉的法则之力,所需要的时间,可想而知。 Luo Xiu at this moment, resigned-looking sitting there, the restoration of strength of static waiting within the body Principle, the strength of these Principle wants to restore, may the imagination during is more difficult, particularly he is unable to have the strength of Principle, must depend on Sun really to be hot every little bit assimilation, refining up, the speed can be imagined slowly. 此时此刻的罗修,一脸无奈的坐在那里,静静的等待体内法则之力的恢复,这些法则之力想要恢复,可比想象当中的还要困难,尤其是他自身无法产生法则之力,只得靠太阳真火一点一滴的同化,炼化,速度之慢可想而知。 Time passing slowly, three days of time has passed in an instant, these days middle, system has been adjusting the space coordinate, Luo Xiu cannot enter the deep level in the middle of completely practice, once for a while, he must stand, stretches a little bit, moves the position, spent three days, in the mind system, finally adjusted the junction of space coordinate. 时间缓缓的流逝,转眼间三天时间就已过去,在这段时间当中,系统一直在校正着空间坐标,罗修又不能完全进入深层次的修炼当中,时不时的,他就必须站起来,活动一下身体,挪一下位置,花了三天的时间,脑海中系统,终于调整好了空间坐标的连接点。 But has not waited for Luo Xiu to order, suddenly, he felt that own whole body for it one tight, an inexplicable crisis, arrives suddenly, Luo Xiu does not dare to neglect, quickly opens the mouth to exclaim to in the mind system loudly: Indicates the position to me, I must leave here immediately, has the crisis to arrive, that person pursued!” 只不过还没等罗修下命令,忽然间,他就感觉到自己周身为之一紧,一股莫名的危机,陡然降临,罗修不敢怠慢,急忙对脑海中系统开口大吼道:“给我指明方位,我要立刻离开这里,有危机降临,那人追过来了!” Shouted this, Luo Xiu no matter also system heard, quickly assigned out the delimitation compass, instilled into own the strength of complete Principle, a terrifying space fluctuation production, the delimitation compass coerced Luo Xiu, changed into a ray, sneaked in directly void middle. 喊完这一句,罗修也不管系统有没有听到,急忙调出定界罗盘,将自己的全部法则之力灌输进去,一股恐怖的空间波动产生,定界罗盘裹挟罗修,化为一道光芒,直接钻进了虚空当中。 But at the same time, with departure of Luo Xiu, in this stretch of the world, looks like the glass same cuns (2.5 cm) breaks, surrounding void had the greatest terrifying turbulent flow suddenly, a dreadful pressure, from transmits void, at this moment, the entire day Yin city, including the surrounding 1 million kilometers region, all people felt a heart pain, these cultivation level weak spat blood dead at the scene, more person at the scene stupors. 而与此同时,随着罗修的离开,这片天地间,就像是玻璃一样寸寸断裂,周围的虚空忽然间产生了莫大的恐怖乱流,一股滔天的威压,自虚空传来,此时此刻,整个天阴城,包括周围的百万公里区域内,所有的人都感觉到心头一痛,那些修为较弱的更是当场吐血身亡,更多的人当场昏迷。 But at the same time, in the position of Mysterious Nether sect, ten shooting up to the sky powerful aura, is catching up to here at the extremely extraordinary speed, these more than ten people, the Mysterious Nether sect who returns to from the plane battlefield fast do the Luo Golden Immortal level powerhouse. 而与此同时,在玄冥宗的方位,十多道冲天而起的强大气息,正在以极为超绝的速度向这边赶来,这十多人,正是从位面战场快速返回的玄冥宗一干大罗金仙层次的强者 They have not rested with enough time, induced a more terrifying aura directly, arrived near own Sect, when particularly they discovered, this person of aura also extremely familiar time, these people quickly jumped out Sect, caught up toward the day Yin city. 他们这些人还没来得及休息,就直接感应到了更加恐怖的气息,降临在自家宗门附近,尤其是当他们发现,这人的气息还极为熟悉的时候,这些人一个个急忙窜出宗门,向着天阴城赶来。 Is the master of this aura is extremely really aggressive, if cannot give to stop his slaughter, likely, the whole world will change into a dead territory, ten greatly Luo Golden Immortal powerhouse aura, makes that send out fearful existence of infinite killing intent, received his wide scope slaughter Divine Ability, at this moment, all people, so long as is also living, felt a depressing atmosphere, is approaching. 实在是这气息的主人太过生猛,如果不能将他的屠杀给制止,很可能,整个世界都会化为一片死域,十多道大罗金仙强者的气息,也让那散发出无穷杀意的可怕存在,收起了他大范围屠杀的神通,此时此刻,所有的人只要还活着的,都感受到了一股压抑的氛围,正在靠近。 Then, more terrifying Divine Ability fluctuation production, dreadful killing intent, along with more than ten terrifying killing intent, is colliding void, both sides just a contact, all kinds of Divine Ability rare treasures, the might displayed instantaneously in a big way, is ready to fight, opens the big move of crazy output completely, simply does not have the slight scruples. 然后,更加恐怖的神通波动产生,一股滔天的杀意,伴随着十多股恐怖的杀意,在虚空碰撞,双方刚一接触,各种各样的神通秘宝,威力瞬间发挥到最大,一个个摩拳擦掌,全部都是开大招疯狂的输出,根本没有丝毫的顾忌。 Everyone was clear, this part of great bear arhat comes here goal, nothing but is to make them have scruples, but has been determined to him extinguish kills numerous powerhouse here, has the agreement in secret, even if this time encircles kills the part of great bear arhat, the sacrifice also refused to balk again greatly. 所有人都清楚,这位天罡罗汉来这里的目的,无非就是让他们有所顾忌,但是已经下定决心要把他灭杀在这里的众多强者,已经私下里有了约定,哪怕这次围杀天罡罗汉,牺牲再大也在所不惜。 A both contact erupts the strongest attack instantaneously, both sides are not the new face, knows very much the way of opposite party, Mysterious Nether sect powerhouse of more than ten Luo Golden Immortal besieges the part of great bear arhat greatly jointly, the part of great bear arhat also refuses to admit being inferior, terrifying flesh body by the incisiveness that he displays. 双方普一接触就瞬间爆发最强攻击,双方又不是什么生面孔,很知道对方的路数,玄冥宗的十多个大罗金仙强者联手围攻天罡罗汉,天罡罗汉也不甘示弱,恐怖的肉身被他发挥的淋漓尽致。 If Luo Xiu sees this, will definitely exclaim in surprise that in this part of great bear arhat terrifying flesh body preying ability, but in crowd that this besieges, balance Tianan is one of them impressively, two people facial color at this moment is very just ugly, is really they have not thought that unexpectedly Luo Xiu disregards astral arhat will direct nearby Sect directly on this day, compelling them to make a move, had not planned the good action, at this moment actually ponders over without enough time carefully, must take risk to besiege this person. 如果罗修见到这一幕,肯定会惊叹于这位天罡罗汉恐怖的肉身搏杀能力,而在这围攻的人群当中,天平天安赫然就在其中,只不过此刻的两人都面色很难看,实在是他们也没想到,罗修竟然不管不顾的直接将这天罡罗汉引到宗门附近,逼他们不得不出手,原本还没有规划好的行动,此刻却来不及细细琢磨,只得冒险出来围攻这人。 Otherwise, was slaughtered the general public wantonly, but absolutely is not the scene that they are willing to see, therefore, at this moment, the aspect in field fell into the rubber at once, two people incomparable regret, if we had known, should not comply to win the day at this moment that view, was really wins day of own to get rid, actually threw the mess to the Mysterious Nether sect. 不然的话,被人大肆屠杀普通民众,可绝对不是他们愿意看到的景象,因此,此时此刻,场中的局面一时之间陷入了胶着,两人此刻无比的后悔,早知道如此,就不应该答应赢天的那番说法,实在是赢天自己摆脱了,却把烂摊子扔给了玄冥宗。 Let two people hate the tooth to be itchy, but facing this terrifying existence, two people quickly tidies up the mind, launches the attack of respective most powerful, launched besieging to this part of great bear arhat, by the terrifying strength of astral arhat of this day, many people are not necessarily able to take the deceased person jointly, not to mention was counted others, the quick more and more experts joined the fight, had Changing Life Temple, there are other experts of honey-comb universe, at once, trim battlefield range was getting bigger and bigger. 让得两人恨得牙痒痒的,但是面对这种恐怖的存在,两人急忙收拾心神,发动各自最强大的攻击,对这位天罡罗汉展开了围攻,以这天罡罗汉的恐怖实力,多人联手都未必能够拿得下死人,更不用说算上其他人了,很快越来越多的高手加入战斗,有化生寺的,也有蜂巢宇宙的其他高手,一时之间,整片战场范围越来越大。 That Big Senior Brother in balance mouth, leads more than ten people, besieges this part of great bear arhat, but the result is very touching. Besieges facing more than ten experts of the same class, avoidance idea that part of great bear arhat person not only has no, even also in a short time struck to kill three people. 天平口中的那位大师兄,带着手下的十多人,来围攻这位天罡罗汉,不过结局很感人。面对十多个同级别的高手围攻,天罡罗汉这人不但没有任何的退避想法,甚至还在极短的时间内就击杀了三人。 Depends on the strength of its powerful flesh body, the terrifying flesh body preying ability, as well as in the hand that goes against heaven's will to the extreme sharp weapon, this person when battles with the same rank expert, displays terrifying lethality that fierce did not fear. 靠着其强悍的肉身之力,恐怖的肉身搏杀能力,以及手上那逆天到极点的锋利武器,这人在和同级别高手作战的时候,表现出了悍不畏死的恐怖杀伤力。 At once, the good way has not dealt with this person of wanton bombing, must send people to constrain this person, the day industry old ancestor of Mysterious Nether sect, at this moment is actually the forced smile, as once hit him who has not known many set of social dealings with astral arhat of that day, very clear this person of terrifying. 一时之间,没有太好的办法来应对这人的狂轰滥炸,只得派人拖住此人,玄冥宗的天业老祖,此刻却是苦笑不已,作为曾经和那天罡罗汉打过不知道多少套交道的他,很清楚这人的恐怖。 Before, they are the plan make an arrangement, then benefitted the advantage with the aid of the place, thinking the means the mobile space of this person limiting, was good to take the opportunity to strike to kill him thoroughly here, but all Formation Law plates have not refined with enough time, Luo Xiu led the person to visit. 之前,他们是打算做一番布置,然后借助地利优势,想办法把此人的移动空间给限制住,好借机彻底将他击杀在这里,只是所有的阵法阵盘还没来得及炼制,罗修就带着人上门了。 He thinks all sorts of possibilities, have not thought only, at present this situation, therefore, the scene somewhat is at once chaotic . Moreover the somewhat lopsided trend, this makes him really have the impulsion that wish shouts 'motherfucker', this situation, he previously may really not think. 他想到了种种可能性,唯独没想到,眼前这种情况,所以一时之间,场面有些混乱,而且有些一面倒的趋势,这让他真的有种想要骂娘的冲动,这种情况,他此前可真没想到。
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