TCS :: Volume #11

#1083: Self-knowledge

Luo Xiu thinks carefully, discovered own has no omission, he is very definite, own has not exposed anything, even if wins god knows his real status, but also has no too major problem, after all own in their opinion, should have no opportunity of resistance, already the result that is doomed to die. 罗修仔细想了想,发现自己没有任何遗漏,他很确定,自己并没有暴露些什么,哪怕赢天知道他的真实身份,但是也没什么太大的问题,毕竟自己在他们看来,应该是已经没什么反抗的机会了,是已经注定会死的结局。 But regarding Luo Xiu, in his moment heart understands, own raised to act with them at this time separately, shouldn't be fully supported? However looks to win day like this, very obviously is not, moreover does not know because of anything, the winning day at this moment somewhat seems to be intense, seems was worried very balance Tianan two people will agree with Luo Xiu the proposition. 而对于罗修来说,他此刻心中明白,自己这个时候提出来和他们分头行动,难道不应该得到全力支持吗?但是看赢天这样子,很显然不是,而且不知道因为什么,此时此刻的赢天似乎有些紧张,好似十分担心天平天安两人会同意罗修的这个提议似的。 Wins the day, I am somewhat curious, to this time, why you did not agree! Can say your reason to me? You should know, by my present physical condition, acts with you, will only implicate you, simultaneously I am clearer than you, even that delimitation compass prestige can be exceptionally powerful, but by my present physical condition, is unable to stimulate its complete prestige energy, regarding must lead you to run away, that is at all impossible, my one person had no issue. Moreover the most essential point is, because of my reason, wants chasing down that throws off this part of great bear arhat, temporarily does not have the opportunity, only then your I separate to act, this can thorough astral arhat will direct here to come on that day, but at my present speed, with my Divine Soul induction force, avoids his chasing down temporarily, is without the issue, so long as I can constrain them, you act separately, go back to relate in the plane battlefield these sect expert, so long as there is a person to return, we on having opportunity of achievement, in addition, you have other better way!” Luo Xiu to is winning the day to let go, the extremely helpless opens the mouth said. “赢天,我有些好奇,都到这个时候了,你为什么不同意!能跟我说说你的理由嘛?你应该知道,以我现在的身体状况,和你们一起行动,只会拖累你们,同时我比你们更清楚,即便那定界罗盘威能异常强大,但是以我现在的身体状况,是根本无法激发它的全部威能的,至于说要带着你们逃走,那就是根本不可能的了,我一个人倒没什么问题。而且最关键的一点是,因为我的原因,想要甩掉这位天罡罗汉的追杀,暂时来说是没机会的,只有你我分开行动,这样才能够彻底的将那天罡罗汉引到我这里来,而以我现在的速度,和我的神魂感应力,暂时躲避他的追杀,还是没问题的,只要我能拖住他们,你们分头行动,回去联系在位面战场的那些师门高手,只要有人返回,我们就有获胜的机会,除此之外,难道你还有其他更好的办法吗!”罗修对着赢天一摊手,极为无奈的开口说道。 He at this moment, 100% assurances are certain, wins the day definitely to have scruples anything, but he cannot attend to now this many, he chooses lays cards on the table with this fellow directly, after all the present aspect has been beyond control he is not prudent, after all compared with the own poor life, some troubles that possibly comes, cannot be regarded anything, a main point is actually, the time emergency case danger, his own deep realizing, own and the others as if entered in the middle of an impasse, but regarding Luo Xiu, he and other person maximum difference on lies in he has the opportunity to live departure, moreover opportunity. Very greatly, therefore, he definitely does not need they dead with sweet Gong with balance Tianan. 此时此刻的他,有百分之百的把握可以肯定,赢天肯定是在顾忌什么,只不过他现在也顾不上这许多了,他选择直接和这家伙摊牌,毕竟现在的局面已经由不得他不慎重了,毕竟和自己的小命相比,可能而来的些许麻烦,也算不得什么,更主要的一点却是,时间紧急情况危险,他自己深深的意识到,自己等人似乎走入了一个死胡同当中,而对于罗修来说,他和其他人最大的不同就在于他有机会活着离开,而且机会还很大,因此,他完全没必要和天平天安他们这些人同甘共死。 After all, said that sentence impolite words, he and these people had no relations not saying that even to a certain extent, existence of own, instead was their big boosts, now these people act recklessly, that own was not worthwhile with them takes risk. 毕竟,说句不客气的话,他和这些人没有任何的关系不说,甚至于从某种程度上来说,自己的存在,反而是他们的一大助力,如今这些人不知死活,那自己也犯不着和他们冒险。 „Those words, cannot divide forces, once because was defeated by them one by one, several of us are impossible to support the reinforcements to arrive, in that case, our world may be destroyed by them, when the time comes, but was really your my issue, what consequence when the time comes had, did not need me saying that everyone should also understand, the most essential matter, you haven't felt something fishy? If part of great bear arhat that person of cultivation level is similar to is so terrifying, he who balance Senior Brother said that has really pursued, after all by his strength, that part of great bear arhat has the steamroll strength, destroys completely our four people, that absolutely is the hand with gripping matter, but he merely is only the way of use long-distance attack, comes to implement the attack to us, I suspected that this time comes, is not his main body, or is only his one clone, you feel!” However what makes Luo Xiu not think, wins day actually very firm shaking the head, a face looks at the idiot to be the same, looks at Luo Xiu, the tone has a prudent that facial expression, Luo Xiu to feel that strange, he at this moment, can from winning the day body extremely, feels an inexplicable imposing manner. “还是那句话,不能分兵,因为一旦被他们逐个击破,我们几个不可能撑到援军到来,那样子的话,我们这个世界都可能会被他们所毁灭,到时候,可真就是你我的问题了,到时候有什么后果,不用我多说,大家应该也都明白吧,还有最关键的一件事,你们难道不觉得事情有些蹊跷吗?天罡罗汉那人的修为如果真如同天平师兄说的那么恐怖,那他早就真追过来了,毕竟以他一个人的实力,那位天罡罗汉都具有碾压性的实力,灭掉我们四人,那绝对是手拿把攥的事情,而他仅仅只是使用远程攻击的方式,来对我们实行打击,我怀疑这次过来的,并不是他的本体,或者是只是他的一个分身罢了,你们觉着呢!”然而让罗修没想到的是,赢天却十分坚决的摇摇头,一脸看白痴一样的,看着罗修,语气当中带着一丝慎重那种神情,罗修感觉极为的陌生,此时此刻的他,能从赢天的身上,感受到一股莫名的气势。 Won day finishing speaking, in the field fell into at once quietly, as we all know, something cannot bring to light said, three people were clearer, the Luo Xiu previous proposition was most accurate, but won the day strongly to oppose, balance Tianan they cannot speak the opposition, after all on the scene, but three people came from the Mysterious Nether sect. 赢天的话音刚落,场中一时之间陷入了沉寂,所有人都知道,有些事情不能挑明了说,三人更加清楚,罗修此前的提议才是最准确的,只是赢天极力反对,天平天安他们也就不能出言反对,毕竟在场的,可有三人来自玄冥宗。 Good, matter so, do not intertwine again these, we base on the opinion of day magnificent to come, since he is unable to relieve Divine Soul brand mark temporarily, that makes him first stay here, we three return sects quietly, they have the contact with Big Senior Brother as soon as possible, only in this way, can have the opportunity to overturn, otherwise, the time of if delaying grew, all of us can only static waiting for death, this not be the aspects that I want to see!” Sees in the field no one to open the mouth slowly, the balance coughed two, somewhat helpless looks at Luo Xiu one, the inevitab opens the mouth said. “好啦,事情已经如此,就不要再纠结这些了,我们就按照天华的意见来,既然他暂时无法解除身上的神魂烙印,那就让他一个人先呆在这里,我们三个悄悄的返回宗派,尽快和大师兄他们取得联系,只有如此,才能有机会翻盘,不然的话,如果拖的时间长了,我们所有人都只能静静的等死,这可不是我想看到的局面!”见场中迟迟没人开口,天平咳嗽了两声,有些无奈的看罗修一眼,无可奈何的开口说道。 To him, he does not want to notice that this situation happened, but does not have the means that after all, compared with his time mood, what is main was must clarify astral arhat is the true body came on that day, clone, this regarding the development of entire war, has the extremely huge role, if can determine what was really the true body of that part of great bear arhat, can mobilize everyone to come to encircle kills this person. 对于他而言,他是不想看到这一幕情况发生的,但是也没办法,毕竟,和他此时的心境相比,最主要的是要弄清楚那天罡罗汉到底是真身前来,还是分身过来的,这对于整个战局的发展,都有着万分巨大的作用,因为如果能够确定来的真是那位天罡罗汉的真身,就可以发动所有人前来围杀此人。 In this world, their these Great Cultivator that grows from here, has the advantageous geographical advantage, even if ruins this world, refuses to balk, because only then got rid of him, in the plane battlefield, they can have the absolute dominant advantage. By that time, has to sit the negotiations with these people the qualifications, otherwise, they are at the position of defense forever, but everyone was clear, defended unable to solve the problem. 在这个世界里,他们这些从这里成长起来的大修士,又有着得天独厚的地理优势,哪怕把这个世界毁掉,也是在所不惜,因为只有干掉了他,在位面战场上,他们才能够占据绝对的主导优势。到那个时候,才有和这些人坐下来谈判的资格,不然的话,他们永远处于防御的地位,但是所有人都清楚,防御是解决不了问题的。 Won the day also to say anything, just Luo Xiu at this moment actually went forward one step, before arriving at his body directly, is passing on the sound said to his Divine Soul in a low voice: Felt relieved, can look from my these two Senior Brother appearances, their two had the full assurance, only needed to clarify, before sneak attacked our that people are clone, the main body came, so long as determined this, we can make relative dealt, only by doing this, can solve the crisis of this world once and for all, I may not want the time to be kept thinking, before you, should feel, indefinite demon country's of chaotic, the world that if we ruled also turned into like this, even my your me also turned into these general public such, that. Also really might as well die hundred!” 赢天还想开口说什么,只不过此刻的罗修却上前一步,直接来到他的身前,低声对着他神魂传音道:“放心好了,从我这两位师兄的样子能看出来,他们两个是有十足的把握的,只需要弄清楚,之前偷袭我们的那人是分身过来的,还是本体过来的,只要确定了这点,我们就可以做出相对的应对来,也只有如此,才能够一劳永逸的解决这个世界的危机,我可不想时刻被人惦记,你之前应该也能够感受到,无定魔国的混乱吧,如果我们所统治的世界也变成这样子,甚至我你我也变成了那些普通民众那样子,那还真就不如一死百了!” Also, I know that you are worried about anything, but you can put in the belly the heart, I promised you, will not do that heartless matter absolutely, although my present body has the issue, but you should be also clear, in a short time, this runes tower should not have the issue, so long as can support the initial several months, I can bit by bit the Divine Soul brand mark of my palm, little wearing down falls, although this time not determination, but uncertain on will fall into the hand of enemy!” Does not wait to win the day opens the mouth, Luo Xiu says. “还有,我知道你担心什么,不过你可以把心放肚子里,我向你保证,绝对不会干出那种丧尽天良的事情的,虽然我现在身体有问题,但是你应该也清楚,短时间内,这座符文塔应该也没问题的,只要能够撑过最初的几个月,我就可以一点一点的将我手掌的这神魂烙印,一点点的消磨掉,虽然这时间不确定,但是也不一定就会落入敌人的手上!”不等赢天开口,罗修紧接着开口说道。 Then, a Luo Xiu face sincere looks at this person, regarding winning the day worry, Luo Xiu is well aware, is really his root foot, winning the day is very clear, in addition he does not know that existence in within the body system, does not know, Luo Xiu dares so, had the full assurance. 然后,罗修一脸真诚的看着此人,对于赢天的担心,罗修心知肚明,实在是他的根脚,赢天十分清楚,加之他并不知道体内系统的存在,更加不知道,罗修之所以敢如此,也是有了十足的把握的。 However this point about system, Luo Xiu has no way to inform to win the day truthfully, must therefore so the view, win the day after all looks like, if Luo Xiu is unable to solve within the body that Divine Soul brand mark, the immediate consequence that likely causes is, his day of demon will do several things at the same time to be taken away by the enemy, by that time, was equivalent tempered their strength in disguised form, but strengthened the strength of enemy side, was he most is so worried. 但是关于系统的这一点,罗修又没法如实告知赢天,所以只得如此说法,毕竟在赢天看来,如果罗修无法解决体内那神魂烙印,很可能导致的直接后果就是,他的这具天魔分身会被敌人夺去,到那个时候,就相当于变相的削弱了他们的力量,而增强了敌方的实力,如此才是他最担心的。 Wins the day to nod, then deep looked at Luo Xiu one, has turned around to come to see to balance Tianan, opens the mouth to ask: Two Senior Brother, take completely your energy Crystal Stone, if wish lets the seal of this runes tower, can support three to six months, must increase the oil reserve to it, now this tall Tanei energy has consumed 7788, if not supplement, likely the brace will be about several days, will have the aura leak the situation, initially I constructed this tall tower time, the energy supplies Underground Spiritual Vein of empire and will be linked to each other, because afterward broke through big Luo Golden Immortal to succeed, will build up to turn into own Magic Treasure alone, if I. Leaves here words with you together, this thing could not insist for several days, therefore can only provide energy Crystal Stone for it!” Wins the day to visit two people, in the middle of the tone is very uncomfortable, but has not actually opened the mouth to refute the proposition of Luo Xiu again. 赢天只是点点头,然后深深的望了罗修一眼,转过身来看向天平天安,开口问道:“两位师兄,把你们身上的能量晶石全部取出来,如果想要让这符文塔的封印,能够支撑三到六个月,就必须给它增加能源储备,现在这座高塔内的能源已经消耗得七七八八,如果不加以补充的话,很可能会撑不过几天,就会发生气息外泄的情况,当初我修建这座高塔的时候,能源的供给是将帝国的地底灵脉和之连在一起的,后来因为突破大罗金仙成功,才将之单独炼化成自己法宝,我如果跟你们一块离开这里的话,这东西坚持不了几天的,所以只能为它提供能量晶石!”赢天看着两人,语气当中很是不爽,但是却也没再开口反驳罗修的提议。 Then, matter was simple, Luo Xiu took out part of Crystal Stone, these energy Crystal Stone that in addition two day chessboard day takes, handed over directly in hand that wins the day, will win the day to place in the middle of that energy storage trough that the tower will go against completely, although will make some waste, but the situation will be urgent, could not attend to this many. 然后,事情就简单了,罗修取出了一部分晶石,加上两位天枰天取出来的那些能量晶石,直接交到了赢天的手中,赢天将之全部放在塔顶的那能量储存槽当中,虽然这么做有些浪费,但是情况紧急,也顾不上这许多了。 The later matter was simpler, people quietly left from here, was only left over a Luo Xiu person to stay in the middle of this runes tower, but, the outside world was not at this moment tranquil, two sneak attacks cannot succeed Luo Xiu and the others stayed behind, making that part of great bear arhat whole person be at a violent anger the condition, these Formation Law that particularly after inspecting them arranged tied, was the violent anger is more unusual. 之后的事情就简单多了,众人悄悄的从这里离开,只剩下罗修一个人呆在这座符文塔当中,而此时此刻,外界也并不平静,两次偷袭都没能成功将罗修等人留下,让那位天罡罗汉整个人都处于一种暴怒的状态,尤其是在检查完他们布置的那些阵法结界之后,更是暴怒异常。 Because he discovered, profound spatial and the others cannot before the plan completes them all confession, at this moment, three people had died, could not find the object of air vent again, therefore, they must begin to arrange various Formation Law personally, the strength of collection belief. 因为他发现,玄空等人并没能够按计划完成他们之前的所有交代,此时此刻,三人已经死了,也就再也找不到出气的对象了,因此,他们只得亲自动手布置各种阵法,收集信仰之力。 Especially when they discovered, profound spatial unexpectedly collecting the strength of good belief, belt/bring on the body of own, is to make the part of great bear arhat some people and others, wish of air/Qi stamp one's foot shouts 'motherfucker', moreover now these things are missing, is lets do in the high-level heart of support the violent anger. 尤其是当他们发现,玄空竟然把收集好的信仰之力,带在自己的身上,就更是让天罡罗汉一干人等,气的想要跳脚骂娘,而且如今这些东西下落不明,更是让一干过来支援的高层心中暴怒不已。 They are not the fools, very clear this means anything, likely, has the thing preparation to evacuate unreliably spatially, or was he had died, but transmitted the information that from Sect that also proved this point, laid aside soul lamp in gate unreliably spatially has extinguished, proved profound had died spatially. 他们这些人都不是傻子,很清楚这意味着什么,很可能,玄空带着东西准备撤离,或者是他已经死了,而从宗门那传来的信息,也证明了这一点,玄空放置在门内的魂灯已经熄灭,也就证明了玄空已经死亡。 But spiritual liquid that the strength of these beliefs he carries along change into, has lost the trail now, most possible appearance place, on the body of Luo Xiu, but two sneak attacks cannot do to this person, lets their deep realizing, wants to seize again the strength of these beliefs, has become is unlikely. 而他随身携带的那些信仰之力化为的灵液,如今早就已经失去了踪迹,最可能的出现地,就是在罗修的身上,但是两次偷袭都没能够奈何得了此人,也让他们深深的意识到,想要再将那些信仰之力夺回来,已经变得不太可能。 Thinks these more than ten years of labor , a dynasty changes into the nihility now, how can not make these person of violent angers unusual, therefore these Changing Life Temple senior buddhist monks, increased regarding Luo Xiu and the others the searches. The present aspect has become even more chaotic, world setup for it big change type. 一想到这十多年的辛苦,如今一朝化为虚无,怎么能不让这些人暴怒异常的,所以这些化生寺的老秃驴们,加大了对于罗修等人的搜索。如今的局面已经变得越发混乱,整个世界格局都为之大变样。 What is more terrifying, between each empires of present, does not know these things, everyone is not clear, the present situation to them, means anything, therefore, when the aspect deteriorates thoroughly, the Mysterious Nether empire or the Qin Empire, accept battle in haste, in ten of just starting during many days, two big empires had lost the big piece national territory, this merely is only more than ten days, has lost such big . Moreover the person of death is countless. 更加恐怖的是,如今的各个帝国之间,并不知道发生的这些事情,所有人都不清楚,如今的局势对于他们来说,意味着什么,因此,当局面彻底恶化的时候,无论是玄冥帝国还是大秦帝国,都只是仓促应战,在刚开始的十多天当中,两大帝国就已经丢失了大片国土,这仅仅只是十多天的时间,就已经损失如此之大,而且死的人不计其数。 These Changing Life Temple monks, disregard radically, in their terrifying brainwashing methods, the person who so long as was captured alive by them, will turn around absolutely, begins to the own compatriot directly, under the so strange aspect, lets as we all know, the circumstance was even more disadvantageous to them. 那些化生寺的和尚,根本不管不顾,以他们那种恐怖的洗脑手段,只要被他们活捉的人,绝对会转过身来,直接对自己的同胞动手,如此诡异的局面之下,让得所有人都知道,情势越发对他们不利了。 Moreover the most essential point is, the leaderships in two big empires, are unable to have the contact with the character of their old ancestor rank, two big empires, even how the firm determination, could not avoid the dispirited aspect happening again. 而且最关键的一点是,两大帝国的高层,在无法和自家的老祖级别的人物取得联系,两大帝国,即便再怎么坚定意志,也避免不了人心涣散的局面发生。 Therefore, after balance Tianan as well as wins the day and the others return to respective Sect respectively, seen is such a mess, that to them, has at present, is they are not willing to see that absolutely, when particularly they see with one's own eyes, now the after critical situation in empire, some people and others also keeps mouth shut, all proved the speculation of Luo Xiu is correct, made them see clearly, these in everyone opinion, extremely normal matter, as well as happened in this world all sorts of made the situation that one dreaded. 所以,当天平天安以及赢天等人各自返回各自的宗门之后,看到的就是这么一副烂摊子,对于他们来说,眼前发生的这一幕,绝对是他们不愿意看到的,尤其是当他们亲眼看到,如今帝国的危急局势之后,一干人等一个个也都默默无言,所有的一切都证明了罗修的推测是正确的,也都清楚的让他们看到了,那些原本在所有人看来,都极为正常的事情,以及发生在这个世界的种种令人畏惧的情况。 But at the same time, Luo Xiu here, actually encountered very big trouble, in his opinion, this should be an extremely simple matter, at this moment made his thorough fell into the dilemma. 而与此同时,在罗修这里,却遭遇到了很大的麻烦,原本在他看来,这应该是极为简单的一件事情,此刻却让他彻底的陷入了两难境地。 In his opinion, but wears down that person to keep the Divine Soul brand mark on own, this radically is the matter that can achieve simply, but, this is regarding his main body, is only the issue of duration, but clone regarding his day demon, is actually a biggest trouble. 在他看来,只是消磨掉那人留在自己手上的神魂烙印,这根本就是很简单就能做到的事情,但是,这是对于他的本体而言,只是时间长短的问题,但是对于他的天魔分身,却是一个最大的麻烦。 Because his day demon clone, the whole comprised of the soul bodies, this causes this Divine Soul strength, when hidden not to have the mark to follow, even after he scans one own clone whole body carefully, without discovering that Divine Soul brand mark, actually which place in the middle of body, Luo Xiu really somewhat to compel at once ignorant, even if he before again how optimistic self-confident, the means at this moment also as before having no, can solve the problem. 因为他的天魔分身,整体是由一个又一个的魂体组成的,这才导致这神魂力,在隐藏起来的时候无迹可循,哪怕他将自己的分身周身仔细扫描一遍之后,也没发现那神魂烙印,究竟是在身体当中的哪一个地方,罗修一时之间真的有些懵逼了,哪怕他之前再怎么乐观自信,此刻也依旧没有任何的办法,能够解决身上的问题。 . 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