TMBD :: Volume #5

#489: Day of starting later

In Five Manors Monastery garden, a Great Immortal Zhenyuan face sad is drinking the ginseng fruit tea. 五庄观的庭院里,镇元大仙一脸忧伤的喝着人参果茶。 Master continually has cried for two days, now recovers consciousness finally.” “师父一连哭了两天,现在总算缓过来了。” spider spirit hide after the tree discussed low voice: Departure of Heavenly Emperor attacked to him is too big.” 蜘蛛精们躲在树后小声议论:“天帝的离开对他打击太大了。” His present eye is red.” “他现在的眼睛还是红的。” They often stretch out the head, peeps Great Immortal Zhenyuan. 她们不时伸出脑袋,偷看镇元大仙 Great Immortal Zhenyuan puts toward the stone table on the teacup: What did you say stealthily?” 镇元大仙把茶杯往石桌上一放:“你们鬼鬼祟祟说些什么?” „, Has not had!” “没有、没有!” spider spirit jump to beckon with the hand hastily. 蜘蛛精们连忙跳出来摆手。 We were saying...... Right, we have not played to suffice in Hell, how to come back.” “我们在说……对了,我们还没在地府玩够,怎么就回来了。” Right right, resurrecting was too quick.” “对啊对啊,复活的太快了。” spider spirit encircle side Great Immortal Zhenyuan, chirp saying. 蜘蛛精们围在镇元大仙身边,叽叽喳喳的说道。 Great Immortal Zhenyuan knows that they are lying, but cold snort/hum, no longer has haggled over: virtuous brother leaves behind these many karmic virtue, the rapidness of nature resurrecting.” 镇元大仙知道她们在说谎,但还是冷哼了一声,不再计较:“贤弟留下这么多功德,自然复活的快。” When Sun Wukong leaves has left behind massive karmic virtue. 孙悟空离开时留下了大量的功德 People who that karmic virtue let the sacrifice can return. 那份功德让牺牲的人都得以回归。 However remoulds the immortal body consumption to be huge, the numerous immortals immortal strength has not actually restored to be too many. 然而重塑仙体消耗巨大,众仙的仙力却没有恢复太多。 This strength is not one day two days can recover.” “这力量可不是一天两天能恢复的。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan looked at disciples one eyes: „Don't you eat ginseng fruit seriously?” 镇元大仙看了弟子们一眼:“你们当真不吃人参果?” Does not want!” “不要!” spider spirit reject immediately. 蜘蛛精们立刻拒绝了。 Did not eat.” “不吃就算了。” Great Immortal Zhenyuan cold snort/hum, outside has been filled with the seeking ginseng fruit immortal, he rejected. 镇元大仙冷哼,外面挤满了求取人参果的仙人,他都拒绝了。 He only gives spider spirit to provide opportunity. 他只给蜘蛛精们提供机会。 Since they do not know to treasure, he does not demand. 既然她们不知道珍惜,那他也不强求。 Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Water Curtain Cave. 花果山,水帘洞 The immortals stand near the waterfall, discussion continuous. 仙人们站在瀑布边,议论不休。 That mainland that flies, is if wants the means to make?” “飞出去的那块大陆,是不是要想办法弄回来?” „It is not good, now the earth was just tranquil, will do this to fear will trigger the earthquake!” “不行,现在大地刚平静下来,这样做恐会引发大地震!” Moreover our present strengths are too weak, is impossible to achieve this matter.” “而且我们现在力量太弱,不可能做到这件事。” Waits for the fairy maiden decision.” “还是等仙子决定吧。” numerous immortals looks to Water Curtain Cave: Now the fairy maiden pays no attention to the proper business, is really worrying.” 众仙纷纷看向水帘洞:“现在仙子不理正事,真叫人担心。” They had the decision to many matters, actually can only accumulate, waited for that Ao Luan spoke finally. 他们对很多事已经有了决定,却只能都攒着,等待敖鸾最终发话。 But Ao Luan also immerses in the sadness, the immortals not good to disturb. 敖鸾还沉浸在悲伤中,仙人们都不好去打扰。 At this time, Resplendent Azure Great Emperor and Gou Chen came together. 这时,青华大帝勾陈一起过来了。 Great Emperor.” “大帝。” numerous immortals hopes that the liberator, one had all moved forward to meet somebody. 众仙盼来了救星,呼啦一下全迎了上去。 Was needless saying that we know.” “不用说了,我们都知道。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor shakes the head: Really is the unreasoning passion fellow.” 青华大帝摇头:“真是个痴情的家伙。” Gives me her.” “把她交给我吧。” Behind him emits a head to say. 他背后冒出一个脑袋说道。 numerous immortals then discovered, Mother Earth lies in Resplendent Azure Great Emperor carries on the back. 众仙这才发现,后土趴在青华大帝背上。 I have the means.” “我有办法。” Mother Earth carries on the back to jump down from Resplendent Azure Great Emperor, walks toward Water Curtain Cave. 后土从青华大帝背上跳下来,向水帘洞走去。 Resplendent Azure Great Emperor and Gou Chen look at each other one, followed. 青华大帝勾陈对视一眼,也跟了进去。 In Water Curtain Cave, Ao Luan takes a book to look, seems like is not unusual. 水帘洞里,敖鸾拿着一本书看着,看似并无异常。 The page that but her gloomy expression, as well as the half of the day has not changed told three people, her thoughts not in book. 但她暗淡的表情,以及半天都没有翻动的书页告诉三人,她的心思不在书上。 A Gou Chen anger: Ao Luan, your majesty gives you imperial jade seal, does not let you here from the resentful self-pity.” 勾陈一怒:“敖鸾,陛下把玉玺交给你,可不是让你在这里自怨自怜。” Ao Luan hears the sound, recovered, looked at three people of one. 敖鸾听到声音,回过神来,看了三人一眼。 I know.” “我知道。” Saying that she coldly: I think that person static several days aren't good?” 她冷冷的说道:“我想一个人静几天都不行吗?” Everybody and others your several days.” “大家等不了你几天。” The Gou Chen tone is very straight. 勾陈语气很直。 Three Worlds has a hundred things to do, we have not stopped the time of footsteps.” 三界百废待兴,我们没有停下脚步的时间。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor looks to Ao Luan, sighed, said: Your majesty kept a gift to you, where the Mother Earth empress knew it.” 青华大帝看向敖鸾,叹息一声,说道:“陛下给你留了一件礼物,后土娘娘知道它在哪里。” You, if wants it, comes with me.” “你如果想要它,就跟我来。” Mother Earth nods, said: I lead you to go.” 后土点头,说道:“我带你去。” Good.” “好。” Ao Luan stands up, left Water Curtain Cave with her. 敖鸾站起,跟她离开了水帘洞 Hopes that she can handle your majesty great trust, a bit faster buoys up.” “希望她当得起陛下的重托,快点振作起来。” Resplendent Azure Great Emperor looks the back that they go far away said. 青华大帝看着她们远去的背影说道。 The Ao Luan two people arrive at the bottom. 敖鸾二人来到地底。 In the Women's Country underground spirit lineage/vein, the spiritual energy most abundant place, Mother Earth stopped. 女儿国地下灵脉,灵气最充裕的地方,后土停了下来。 I can only lead you to come here, the remaining roads you must open with the imperial jade seal.” “我只能带你到这里,剩下的路你要用玉玺开启。” Ao Luan puts out the imperial jade seal, seven color rays of light shine upon a gate baseless. 敖鸾拿出玉玺,七彩光芒凭空映照出一道门。 The front door opens, shows blanket of white light. 大门打开,透出一片白光。 She alone goes through the front door, Langya blessed land appears at present. 她独自穿过大门,琅琊福地出现在眼前。 The pure white fog fills the air in blessed land, the stalagmite, Shi Hua, stone tree send out glistening rays of light as always. 洁白的云雾弥漫在福地里面,石笋、石花、石树一如既往发出莹莹光芒 But in the blessed land center, the engraved pillar of being indomitable spirit attracted the attention of Ao Luan. 而在福地中心,顶天立地的华表吸引了敖鸾的注意。 She stands on the foundation of engraved pillar, looks at tread numerous handwriting, in the heart surges the intense sentiment, the eye socket cannot bear flood red slightly. 她站在华表的底座上,看着地面众多的字迹,心中又涌起强烈的感情,眼圈忍不住微微泛红。 This is the elder brother cultivation place.” “这是兄长修行的地方。” Ao Luan strokes the foundation gently, the hand somewhat shivers, as if can also feel the Sun Wukong's aura. 敖鸾轻轻抚摸底座,手有些颤抖,似乎还能感受到孙悟空的气息。 A cauldron furnace places on the foundation, Ao Luan lifts, then had the silver light together to fly. 一只鼎炉放在底座上,敖鸾一掀开,便有一道银光飞了出来。 Buzz, the silver light from the sky circles for one week, returned to front of Ao Luan. “嗡”的一声,银光在空中盘旋一周,回到了敖鸾面前。 That is round crescent moon shape immortal item. 那是一轮弯月形状的仙器 It is glittering and translucent carving, refracts the beautiful radiant light, is similar to the crystal. 它晶莹剔透,折射出美丽璀璨的光、如同水晶。 Ao Luan extends one's hand, moon on docile falls starts. 敖鸾伸出手,月轮就温顺的落入手中。 The warm and loyal thought transmits her heart from palm, as if fuses together with her life. 温暖、忠诚的意念从掌心传递到她的心底,仿佛与她的生命融为一体。 It called the luan the phoenix.” “它叫鸾凤。” A familiar sound suddenly resounds. 一个熟悉的声音突然响起。 That is the Sun Wukong's sound. 那是孙悟空的声音。 Ao Luan is startled, the tears unknowingly gush out the eye socket. 敖鸾怔住,泪水不知不觉涌出眼眶。 In this leaves leeway in the space of Sun Wukong aura, she does not need to conceal itself. 在这个留有孙悟空气息的空间里,她再也不用掩饰自己。 „............” “呜……呜哇……” Ao Luan enclasps the moon, has cried heartily. 敖鸾抱紧月轮,尽情的哭了起来。 All pain of person, are to the incompetent anger. 人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒。 This moment Ao Luan understood finally, she not in sad, but for own incompetent and angry. 这一刻的敖鸾终于明白了,她不是在悲伤,而是在为自己的无能而愤怒。 „, Wū wū......” “呜、哇呜呜……” She makes an effort to cry, rending of crying. 她使劲哭着,哭的撕心裂肺。 But this is she last sob. 但这是她最后一次的哭泣。 Next day, numerous immortals receives the order, arrives at Water Curtain Cave again. 第二天,众仙接到命令,再次来到水帘洞 Starts.” “启程吧。” Ao Luan stands near the throne, sound is limpid and firm: With our wisdom and strengths, changes to the wing of Three Worlds, goes to look for the elder brother.” 敖鸾站在王座边,声音清澈而坚定:“用我们的智慧和力量,化作三界的翅膀,去把兄长找回来。” All people have shown the smiling face. 所有人都露出了笑容。 On this day starting from, they had a day of being worthy of the reputation later. 这一天开始,他们有了一位名副其实的天后。
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