TMBD :: Volume #4

#318: World mutation

Shortly after Sun Wukong and Patriarch meet, heavy rain fell on Kunlun Mountain. 孙悟空祖师见面不久,一场大雨落在了昆仑山 The heavy rain that suddenly comes makes immortals look surprisedly. 忽然而来的大雨让仙人们一个个都面露惊讶。 Kunlun Mountain has the rain, but this rain unusual it does not control the forces of nature to call specially by Dragon King. 昆仑山不是没有雨,但这场雨非常的特别它不是由龙王呼风唤雨唤来的。 Until now, the rainfall of Eastern Continent of Superior Deity is responsible for by Heavenly Palace, this rain does not exist during the plan, Great Emperor of Purple Subtlety ordered to look for person of the disobey orders, finally actually discovered that this heavy rain anybody urged. 迄今为止,东胜神洲的降雨还是由天宫负责,这场雨并不存在于计划当中,紫薇大帝下令寻找违抗命令之人,最后却发现这场大雨不由任何人驱使。 It is completely natural, but baseless below heavy rain. 它是完全自然的、凭空而下的大雨。 Why will present this strange event?” “为什么会出现这种怪事?” The immortals discussed several days, actually let it go finally. 仙人们讨论了好几天,最终却不了了之。 To Eastern Continent of Superior Deity across, starts successively to have this strange phenomenon, they genuinely had realized is not right. 一直到东胜神洲各地,开始陆续出现这种怪异的现象,他们才真正的意识到了不对。 Incessantly is Eastern Continent of Superior Deity, in Southern Jambu Continent and Western Continent of Cattle−gift, one after another had this phenomenon. 不止是东胜神洲,在南赡部洲西牛贺洲,也都相继出现了这种现象。 In this in change that if suddenly comes, the influence that Western Continent of Cattle−gift comes under are most general. 在这个忽如其来的变化里,西牛贺洲受到的影响最为广大。 After hundred years of development, the Western Continent of Cattle−gift subjects have been accustomed to deferring to the weather forecast carry on sowing seeds, to cultivate and harvest, the impact that they are under is biggest. 经过百年的发展,西牛贺洲的子民已经习惯于按照天气预测进行播种、耕作和收获,他们受到的冲击最大。 The Monster Country monster naturally cannot miss this opportunity, starts to start and dissemination rumor wantonly, attempts and changes Myriad Spirits Country trust of subjects' the immortals with the weather issue vacillation. 妖国的妖怪自然不会错过这种机会,开始大肆制造和传播谣言,妄图用天气问题动摇和改变万灵国的子民对仙人们的信任。 Naturally, in Ao Luan and the others under the controls, these rumors has not created very big echo. 当然,在敖鸾等人的管控下,这些谣言都没有造成很大的反响。 To the summer of second year. 一直到了第二年的夏天。 This summer, the consecutively several storm heavy rains have swept across Western Continent of Cattle−gift several main grain-producing regions, although there is a magic technique protection, but the crop is inevitable was affected. 这个夏天,连续几场暴风大雨席卷了西牛贺洲几个主要的产粮区,虽有法术保护,但收成还是不可避免的受到了影响。 This is for hundred years the first time, the Western Continent of Cattle−gift grain yield might as well anticipate. 这是百年来第一次,西牛贺洲的粮食产量不如预期。 The so large-scale weather is unusual, has raised the giant echo in the Myriad Spirits Country folk. 如此大规模的天气异常,在万灵国的民间掀起了巨大的反响。 In addition other two continents also had the strange weather, filled the air restlessly in all will of the people, gave Monster Country to poison people's minds the best opportunity. 加上其他二洲也都出现了怪异的天气,一股不安弥漫在了所有人心里,也给了妖国蛊惑人心最好的机会。 Ao Luan has discovered the danger, enough with two months subsides the disturbance that this Monster Country starts. 敖鸾发现了危险,足足用两个月的时间才把这一次妖国掀起的风波平息。 However after the disturbance subsides, she shocking detection in Myriad Spirits Country presented a new influence: Pure land faction. 然而风波平息之后,她却震惊的察觉到万灵国境内出现了一个新的势力:净土派。 The pure land faction, this influence is the same with its name, the sect that is one crowd admires the person who pure land establishes, the sect was born many years ago, but is the personnel has been scarce, after this weather mutation, population fiercely sharp increase. 净土派,这个势力就和它的名字一样,是一群仰慕净土的人成立的教派,教派早在很多年前就诞生了,但一直是人员稀少,经过这次天气异变之后,人数才猛地剧增。 A Ao Luan investigation, found again this sect has been spreading some rumors, the content is Three Worlds soon will welcome approximately the great misfortune, only has the pure land to avoid a tribulation. 敖鸾再一调查,才发现这个教派内部一直流传着一些传言,内容大致为三界即将迎来大劫,唯有净土才能躲避一劫。 On this day mutation, is one of the rumors. 这天地异变,也是传言之一。 Because the rumor said that people then unconscious has believed this sect. 因为传言说中,人们便不自觉的信了这个教派。 After Ao Luan discovers, is angry, in wants to make anything, the discovery is extremely difficult to deal with, because this sect does not do evil, on the contrary, besides publicizing the pure land, their another main demands, is did many good deeds. 敖鸾发现之后,一阵大怒,在想做些什么,却发现极难对付因为这个教派并不作恶,相反,除了宣扬净土之外,他们另一个主要诉求,就是多行善事 Western Continent of Cattle−gift had many achieve the Way eminent monks and loose immortal has joined this organization, unknowingly rapidly grew. 西牛贺洲有许多的得道高僧和散仙都加入了这个组织,不知不觉就迅速成长起来。 These bald donkey are quite sinister!” “那些秃驴好阴险!” Ao Luan naturally is not a fool, immediately understands this is the scheme of Spirit Mountain. 敖鸾自然不是傻瓜,立刻就明白这是灵山的计谋。 But presents the place that the pure land sends incessantly is Western Continent of Cattle−gift, three most continents have the appearance, moreover grows healthy and strong in the weather change. 但出现净土派的地方不止是西牛贺洲,三大部洲都有出现,而且在天气变化中茁壮成长。 Regional immortals locked the suspicion object of change weather on the Buddha. 各地的仙人都把改变天气的怀疑对象锁定在了佛祖身上。 Kunlun Mountain, Taibai Jinxing had found Sun Wukong hurriedly. 昆仑山,太白金星急匆匆找到了孙悟空 Great Saint.” 大圣。” He cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Jade Emperor hopes that your whereabouts Buddha asked an actual situation.” 他拱手说道:“玉帝希望你去向佛祖问个虚实。” Did not need to ask.” “不用问了。” Sun Wukong is looking at the black lotus on hand. 孙悟空看着手上的黑莲。 He investigated in the two years everywhere, investigated clearly, reason of weather change not in Buddha. 他这两年到处调查了一番,已经调查清楚了,天气变化的原因不在佛祖。 This world, naturally is having the massive and far-reaching change. 这个天地,正在自然的发生着巨大而深远的变化。 Sun Wukong has filled an anxiety at heart. 孙悟空心里弥漫了一丝焦躁。 Root not in Buddha.” “根源不在佛祖。” Sun Wukong said. 孙悟空说道。 Buddha indeed unusual proliferation pure land influence using world, but this is not the plot, but is the open intrigue. 佛祖的确利用天地的异常扩散净土的影响力,但这不是阴谋,而是阳谋。 He does not force all living things, is only the dependence advanced knowledge, tempts and misleads all living things. 他并不强迫众生,只是依靠超前的知识,引诱和蛊惑众生。 Because has not done evil, Sun Wukong was also very difficult to find the reason to destroy his scheme. 因为没有作恶,孙悟空也很难找到理由去破坏他的计谋。 Even, Sun Wukong instinct thought that this is one falls, if his energy suction by the pure land faction, was more difficult to find the root of world mutation. 甚至于,孙悟空本能的觉得这是一个陷进如果他的精力被净土派吸走,就更难找到天地异变的根源。 But that root, is all. 而那个根源,才是一切。 What are you?” “你到底是什么?” Sun Wukong is looking at the black lotus on hand, this was he found from heavy rain. 孙悟空看着手上的黑莲,这是他从一场大雨中找到的。 This time world mutation, absolutely and black lotus cannot cut off the relations. 这次的天地异变,绝对和黑莲脱不了关系。 But while the Sun Wukong ponder, Hell also has some changes. 而在孙悟空思考的同时,地府也在发生一些变化。 Zhang Qing, Zhang Qing...... Could not find......” “张青、张青……怎么找不到……” The Yama palace, wielded the Book of Life and Death judge to look for a long time, had not found the name of dead. 阎王殿,执掌生死簿的判官找了好久,还是没有找到亡者的名字。 monk stands by the Yama palace, said: This person was converted I to teach, established the contract to the Buddha, after dying, will be surpassed by my Buddhism, the reincarnation pure land, the judge did not need to look again.” 一名僧人站在阎王殿旁边,说道:“此人生前皈依我教,向佛祖立下契约,死后将由我佛门超度,转生净土,判官不用再找了。” The words that he said made the judge look at a Qin Guangwang intense. 他说出来的话让判官紧张的看了一眼秦广王。 Continues to look!” “继续找!” Qin Guangwang cold sound said. 秦广王冷声说道。 But, the judge turned half-day Book of Life and Death, truly after not being able to find the personal name, made monk take away being driven to death after suffering an injustice city to surpass the dead. 无奈之下,判官又翻了半天的生死簿,确实找不到人名之后,才让僧人把亡者带去了枉死城超度。 Black and White Impermanence.” 黑白无常。” Qin Guangwang complexion pale looks at this, immediately said: Reported Great Saint, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva abandoned the promise, disturbed my Hell to operate!” 秦广王脸色铁青的看着这一幕,随即说道:“禀告大圣,地藏王菩萨背弃诺言,干扰我地府运行!” Venerable the command.” “尊令。” Black and White Impermanence received an order immediately. 黑白无常立即领命下去了。 Their trends naturally cannot escape the informer of Ksitigarbha. 他们的动向自然也逃不过地藏王的耳目。 Buddha said the great misfortune, actually why?” “佛祖所说大劫,究竟为何?” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva opens the mouth, said: At the present I make all, is actually to is wrong?” 地藏王菩萨开口,说道:“而今我所做一切,究竟是对是错?” Buddha has said that before the great misfortune, ten thousand Buddha obeys orders by all means the conduct.” “佛祖说过,大劫之前,万佛只管听令行事。” Listens attentively to open the eye, said: „After the great misfortune, all sins, will be undertaken by Buddha.” 谛听睁开眼睛,说道:“大劫之后,一切罪孽,将由佛祖一人承担。” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sighed: So, why is bent on having to start from Western Continent of Cattle−gift?” 地藏王菩萨叹息:“就算如此,为何偏要从西牛贺洲开始?” He really does not think clearly, Buddha lets he spends the first pure land follower, unexpectedly is the Western Continent of Cattle−gift person. 他实在想不明白,佛祖让他度化的第一个净土信徒,竟然是西牛贺洲的人。 Moreover the method is so strong, looks like must see to be the same to Sun Wukong simply. 而且手段如此强硬,简直就像是要给孙悟空看到一样。 Buddha so does, has the profound meaning inevitably.” “佛祖如此做,必然有深意。” Compared with the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, listened attentively to knows are more: Perhaps Buddha original intention, must camouflage the eye of Great Saint.” 比起地藏王菩萨,谛听知道的更多:“也许佛祖本意,就是要遮蔽大圣的眼睛。” „?” “哦?” The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is curious: What does Buddha have not to make Great Saint know?” 地藏王菩萨好奇起来:“佛祖有什么不想让大圣知道?” Does not know.” “不知道。” Listens attentively to shake the head, the Buddha saw anything, it completely is not clear. 谛听摇头,佛祖看到了什么,它也完全不明白。 But it understands that a matter, the Buddha does not want to make Sun Wukong know, as if after Sun Wukong knows, will have more dangerous matter occurrence. 但它明白一件事,佛祖不想让孙悟空知道,似乎孙悟空知道之后,会有更危险的事情发生。 I and others obeyed orders can, the Buddha has the word, after the great misfortune, its Burden of sin is encumbered, must have new Buddha to replace him.” “我等听令便可,佛祖有言,大劫过后,它业障缠身,必有新佛代替他。” Listened attentively to that sighed: That new Buddha, perhaps is......” 谛听叹息一声:“那新佛,恐怕就是……” Although it has not said the name, but Ksitigarbha understands. 它虽然没有说出名字,但地藏王明白。 That definitely is not east comes Buddha. 那肯定不是东来佛祖。
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