SR :: Volume #23

#2213: Bewildered

Actually weighed the country elders and seventh night of the seventh lunar month to say anything, no one knows. 衡国长老们和七夕究竟说了些什么,谁也不知道。 But the channel establishes shortly, nine victors can enjoy their fruits of victory. 但通道还是在不久后建立,九名胜利者可以享受他们的胜利果实了。 Heard, still might present the danger, that between cultivator, but the beast like Li Ji, does not need to be worried about this. 听说进去之后仍然有可能出现危险,修士之间的那种,但像李绩这样的大虫,就根本不需要担心这个。 The people have not moved, eight person simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform look at Li Ji, this is the politeness, is the respect to the powerhouse, first that generally goes to advanced is in the people recognizes most has cultivator of qualifications powerful, then files in turn, everyone has a steelyard at heart, to cultivator, has does not permit the time rarely, several two does not suppose including oneself several jin (0.5 kg) clear, this is culltivated in vain. 众人都没动,八个人齐齐把目光投向李绩,这是礼貌,是对强者的尊重,一般先进去的第一个都是众人中公认最强大最有资历的修士,然后依次鱼贯而入,每个人的心里都有一杆秤,对修士来说,很少发生不准的时候,连自己几斤几两都估摸不清,这道才是白修了 Li Ji understood everyone's meaning quickly, is not good to decline, therefore the natural square group oar, just now kills was ominous, must display genial friendly side, 李绩很快明白了大家的意思,也不好推辞,故大大方方的四方团楫,方才杀的凶了,现在须得表现出自己和善友好的一面, First to eight cultivator obtained the qualifications, this poor Daoist is lucky, but also depends on everyone to lend a hand, slightly crosses today, if there is an opportunity, when with conspires is drunk!” 先对八名获得资格的修士,“贫道侥幸,还赖各位帮衬,略过今日,若有机会当与诸位共谋一醉!” What is lends a hand? These people have not disturbed when the homicide nine infants lend a hand! These words are unnecessary, you did not say that has an arrogance in the body, no one complained, but if you said that after that had the reason of meeting. 什么是帮衬?这些人没在他杀九婴时捣乱就是帮衬!这些话可说可不说,你不说那是自有一股傲气在身,也没人埋怨,但如果你说了,那以后就有了见面之缘。 Eight people return to the oar in abundance, the homogeneous same clan is different, their choices are good, total made nine infants who that conduct is unable to forecast go in! 八人纷纷回楫,同种同族就是不同,他们的选择是不错的,总比让那个行事无法预测的九婴进去强多了! Again to weighing the country elders, Mongolian elder takes the trouble, lost the time because of this poor Daoist, another day fortunately, when has a good swim weighs the country scenery, knows tall Xian!” 再对衡国众长老,“蒙诸位长老费心,因为贫道而耽误了时间,改日有幸,当畅游衡国风光,结识诸位高闲!” The elders return a courtesy together, when the heart on some regrets, this sword cultivator has the murderous intention is a person, under this normal state probably is a person, does not know that which is real? Which is false? If really spoke the truth to understand the communication, can know one is a big strong help. 长老们齐齐回礼,心中就有些后悔,这剑修动杀机时是一个人,这正常状态下好像又是一个人,也不知哪个是真?哪个是假?如果真的这么讲道理懂沟通,能够结识一番可是一个大大的强援呢。 Also to several hundred viewers, my today, is tomorrow! The life cannot be a viewer, hopes one day, I can also stand below, looked that must recompense to hope!” 又面向数百看客,“我之今日,就是诸位明天!人生不能一直做个看客,但愿有一天,我也能站在下面,看诸位得偿所愿!” Several hundred Half Immortal end rituals return, this sword cultivator is very good, no matter real false, at least this saying to be comfortable, when should kill kills, when this/should is modest modest, un, perhaps is the contact of value? 数百半仙端礼而回,这剑修很不错,不管真的假的,起码这话是让人舒服的,该杀时杀,该谦时谦,嗯,也许是个值的交往的? Also to that dozens loser who slaughters the space, „ failure is not fearful! What is fearful was because of being defeated to lose the enthusiasm! 又面向那数十名杀戮空间的失败者,“失败并不可怕!可怕的是因为失败而失去了热情! Among your me, not complained not hates, if just now had the offending place, cannotted help doing that but also asked everyone to forgive! ” 你我之间,无怨无恨,方才若有得罪处,是情非得已,还请各位体谅!” These words make the dejected losers comfort very much, actually in them in slaughtering space simply not with this sword cultivator to, can have this polite speech, is a respect! 这番话让垂头丧气的失败者们心里很安慰,其实他们之中绝大部分在杀戮空间中就根本没和这剑修对上,能有这番场面话,就是一种尊重! Finally shifts to the light 11 mother directions, years are so well static, because some people carrying a heavy load vanguard ; My success, has your half!” 最后转向光十一娘方向,“岁月如此静好,因为有人在负重前行;我的成功,有你的一半!” The light 11 mothers discovered awkwardly many vision gaze, but in her heart actually does not have too many irritable, curls the lip to mumble: 光十一娘尴尬的发现很多目光注视过来,但她心中竟然没有太多的烦燥,撇撇嘴嘟囔道: Must speak these cynical remark, big crowd of people......, when the old lady does not know that this is the pit?” “偏偏要说这些怪话,大庭广众的……当老娘不知道这都是坑么?” Li Ji expressed thanks, like the victory speech of previous generation, on the shelf to seal/confer push, installed, naturally should make the proper business, these bullshits must the fining be succinct, brief and to the point, said too many on the contrary misdemeanor. 李绩致谢完毕,就像前世的获奖感言,上架封推,装完了,自然该做正事,这些屁话必须精炼简洁,言简意赅,说的太多了反倒坏事。 Natural turns around, following channel straight to slaughtering Great Dao stone tablet flying goes, in the eyes of several hundred pairs of Half Immortal Great Existence, is graceful, fast light and lively, such as the illness/quick of falcon, such as of crane...... 潇洒的一个转身,顺着通道笔直的向杀戮大道碑飞去,在数百双半仙大能的眼中,身姿曼妙,迅捷轻灵,如隼之疾,如鹤之雅…… Then, hits on slaughtering the Great Dao tablet , was hit really! 然后,一头撞在杀戮大道碑上,着着实实的,被撞了回来! Although in heart surprised, but the Crow Li facial skin is thick enough, the look is invariable, because there is first time an experience when Grand Emptiness Great Dao tablet, therefore this time was rebounded appears the cloud poor business conditions to be light, the stance is calm, the hairstyle is not chaotic, 虽然心中惊讶,但李乌鸦脸皮够厚,神色不变,因为有头一次在太虚大道碑前的经历,所以这一次被反弹回来时就显得云淡风轻,姿态从容,发型不乱, The leisurely mood self-ridiculed, this posture is incorrect! I made a wrong demonstration to everyone......” 还有闲心自嘲,“这个姿势是不对的!我給大家做了个错误的展示……” The experience that was shot were many, knows cannot silly hits, therefore can only approach the Great Dao tablet, puts out a hand to probe the actual situation, looks at other cultivator entries, he actually including a small finger unable to extend! 被弹回来的经历多了,知道可不能再傻乎乎的撞上去,于是只能靠近大道碑,伸出手试探虚实,看着身边其他修士一个个的进入,他却连一根小指头也伸不进去! ...... In the sky, daoist carries a young girl to go down in the world the line, facial color anxiety, with a worried look, with his depression just right opposite, is actually cross sits the young girl facial features on shoulder curved, ……天空中,一名道人扛着一位少女落魄而行,面色愁苦,愁眉不展,与他的郁闷正好相反的,却是跨坐肩上的少女眉眼弯的都直不起来, In 11 mother over a million years of long ages, she also never has only had such happy a day, her life, stereotyped, worry-free not happy, arrives simply palely, has not had to she bored mood lightly, as if the goal of bath hot rebirth, to wait for the arrival of next Nirvana. 就光十一娘上百万年的漫长寿数中,她还从未有过这么开心的一天,她的生命,千篇一律,无忧无喜,简单到苍白,平淡到她连无聊的情绪都不曾有过,仿佛浴火重生的目的,就是为了等待下一次涅槃的到来。 The antique bloodlines beast also has certainly the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness mood, but to lives forever them in universe, these mood have become unnecessary, possibly also because of this, their ages will be that more complex than human fluctuates to want a long many reason the mood. 太古血脉兽当然也有喜怒哀乐的情绪,但对永远生活在宇宙中的它们来说,这些情绪早就成了多余,可能也正是因为这样,它们的寿数才会比情绪复杂变幻的人类要长的多的一个原因吧。 11 mothers are very only happy, she did not look that others lose face on the happy superficial temper unlucky, in fact, the day selects the mainland and Main World adds, who dies who live who will have bad luck will not affect her mood, but under the person, under his big crowd of people had/left the big clown only, she cannot control oneself happy mood, 光十一娘现在很开心,她不是看别人倒霉出丑就开心的浅薄性子,事实上,天择大陆和主世界都加起来,谁死谁活谁倒霉都不会影响到她一丝情绪,但唯独底下的这个人,他大庭广众之下出了大丑,她就不能控制自己的愉快情绪, The happiness wants to speak, „after......, may let alone these successfully have I half of bullshits, the old lady I cannot throw this person!” 开心就想说话,“……以后可别说那些成功有我一半的屁话了,老娘我丢不起这个人!” Now their attitude almost fell, remained silent not to speak turns into Li Ji, the light 11 mothers actually turned into the chatterbox, 现在两人的态度几乎的掉了个,闷声不语的变成了李绩,光十一娘却变成了话痨, How do you think? Under the broad daylight, in big crowd of people, one pile of bullshits, thank this education that a welldoing of life big winner, for finally that being a focus of public attention head iron?” “你怎么想的?光天化日之下,大庭广众之中,一堆的屁话,感谢这个教育那个,一副人生大赢家的德行,就为了最后那一次万众瞩目的头铁?” Li Ji continues quietly, hitting a person when he is down that but the light 11 mothers actually show no mercy whatsoever, 李绩继续沉默寡言,但光十一娘却毫不容情的落井下石, Has the crack words, will you worm one's way into? Hoped the head not to worm one's way into, fart- stock also stayed outside! “有地缝的话,你会钻进去么?但愿不会脑袋钻进去了,屁-股还留在外面! Our Main World comes here cultivator is not quite few, everyone tried hard for dozens several million years, established the Main World cultivator brilliance great image laboriously, by your iron destroying cleanness! 咱们主世界来这里的修士并不太少,大家努力了数十数百万年,辛辛苦苦建立了主世界修士光辉伟岸的形象,就被你这一次头铁給毁的干干净净! On your hits the reputation of losing, kills ten nine infants unable to save again, must kill Liu to fear that can redeem a prestige! 就你这一撞失去的名声,再杀十个九婴都挽救不回来,非得杀个相柳氏怕是才能挽回点声誉! Actually your reputation smelly also has no relations with me, what you will make next time, don't draw me? 其实你名声臭不臭的和我也没什么关系,但下次你做什么,别把我拉进来好么? If this matter hits on me, the old lady I must the bath hot rebirth be able to wash off the shame slightly, but I thought that you are actually indifferent? 这事要是撞我身上,老娘我非得浴火重生才能稍微洗刷耻辱,不过我看你倒是无所谓? Your this dao lineage, ten points, or considers to add innate Great Dao again? ” 你这道统,十分的了得,要不考虑考虑再加一门先天大道?” Li Ji tastes in the ponder, he to teasing of 11 mothers the angry, inborn immunity is only astonishing, after is not the on the shelf, subscribes is zero, big matter! 李绩在沉思中回过味来,他对光十一娘的取笑一点也不着恼,天生免疫力惊人,不就是上架后首订为零么,多大个事!
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