SS :: Volume #13

#1227: Three kotows

A Qilin anger, the horizontal corpse spreads wildly! 麒麟一怒,横尸遍野! Qilin Arm is a Qilin clan to strong one move, space underground, nothing which is not broken, let alone present Sol, his exhausts the Soul Strength construction the Heavenly Soul network, in the Lu Xuan eye, simply then likely is together the spider web, a stamp, then can destroy gently easily. 麒麟臂乃是麒麟一族的至强一招,天上地下,无所不破,更何况眼前的索尔,他那耗尽魂力构建的天魂地网,在陆轩眼中,简直便像是一道蛛网,轻轻一戳,便是能轻易毁去。 Rumbled Sol's looks at Lu Xuan this helplessly to the strong fist, was actually draws back does not have to draw back, Soul Race was good at dodging, was actually not good at defending, his impediment has only cost Lu Xuan less than time, was thoroughly by roaring flame burning down that this fist carried completely, but this greatly strengthened fist, at direct bang his main body. 索尔眼睁睁的看着陆轩这至强一拳轰了过来,却是退无可退了,魂族擅长闪躲,却并不擅长防御,他的阻挡只耗费了陆轩不到一丝的时间,便是彻底被这一拳所携带的烈焰焚烧殆尽,而这极强的一拳,直接轰上了他的本体。 Bang! 轰隆! Just likes a world thunderclap, resounds through the highest heaven! 恍若天地一声炸雷,响彻九霄! Sol's the sound of pitiful yell was covered by this rock the earth sound, the people only see the fist completely hit Sol who Lu Xuan rumbles, Sol that huge body sudden reduction, was burnt, is not ordinary Soul Strength, but is Sol's source Soul Strength, is his main body. 索尔的惨叫之声都被这震天动地的声音所掩盖,众人只看到陆轩轰出的这一拳完完整整的命中索尔,索尔那庞大的身躯急剧的缩小,那被燃烧掉的,可不是普普通通的魂力,而是索尔的本源魂力,更是他的本体。 A move, heavy losses! 一招,重创! Lu Xuan! I vowed kill you!” Sol's crazy squeal resounds, this fist, has almost destroyed Sol half main bodies, he cultivates source Soul Strength that comes laboriously, diverges innumerably in this moment, if before him, resists Bing Ling and A'Li by this strength, perhaps has the opportunity extinguishing by them kills. 陆轩!我誓杀你!”索尔疯狂的尖叫声响起,这一拳,几乎是毁灭了索尔半数的本体,他辛辛苦苦修炼而来的本源魂力,在这一刻散去无数,若他之前以这种实力去对抗冰灵阿狸的话,恐怕都有机会被他们给灭杀。 „To kill me, that puts out your skill to come!” Taking advantage of this fist Qilin Arm, the Lu Xuan imposing manner has almost achieved the apex, was only a pity that a strength of Qilin Arm type consumption is really extremely tremendous, if otherwise comes a fist again, he can kill to the bang Sol instantaneously. “想杀我,那就拿出你的本事来吧!”借着这一拳麒麟臂,陆轩的气势几乎是达到了顶点,只可惜麒麟臂一式消耗的力量实在是太过巨大,否则若是再来一拳,他瞬间就能将索尔给轰杀。 Do not look that Sol is damaged seriously, but this moment Lu Xuan does not feel better, the left arm is numb. If not he just success concise the body of Transcendent, by the Lu Xuan original body, cannot withstand the strength of this fist, perhaps the instantaneous arm must blast open. However in other words, if Lu Xuan cannot break through Transcendent, this fist cannot achieve so the strength. 别看索尔严重受创,但此刻陆轩也不太好受,左臂麻木无比。若非他刚刚成功凝练了超凡之躯,以陆轩原来的身体,根本承受不住这一拳的力量,恐怕瞬间手臂就得炸裂。不过换言之,若是陆轩没能突破超凡,这一拳也达不到如此力量。 The left arm could not display the strength not to be unimportant, Lu Xuan also had his in the hand sword, sword flees the capital! 左臂发挥不出来力量了不要紧,陆轩还有他的手中之剑,剑名蒙尘! Sol was crazy, even if he puts together today has been destroyed in a moment by oneself ten thousand years of cultivation level, vowed must extinguish has killed Lu Xuan! So long as he can extinguish kills Lu Xuan, captures the body of Lu Xuan, swallows the Lu Xuan soul, in this Celestial Sword Continent, he as before to strong person! 索尔已经疯狂了,哪怕他今天拼了让自己万年修为毁于一旦,也誓要灭杀了陆轩!只要他能灭杀陆轩,夺得陆轩的躯体,吞噬陆轩的灵魂,在这天剑大陆,他依旧是至强之人! In a flash, he has then killed, the huge body disperses suddenly, is divided into ten thousand, is carrying the intermittent ghost sobbing wolf howling sound, neat plunging Lu Xuan. 一瞬间,他便是重新杀了回来,庞大的身躯骤然分散,一分为万,携带着阵阵鬼泣狼嚎之声,齐刷刷的扑向陆轩 Ten thousand ghosts bite the soul!” “万鬼噬魂!” The Lu Xuan long sword flings, soars to the heavens sword intent to burst out, overwhelming in upright aura in world vigorously, monster evil Yi Pi. 陆轩长剑一甩,冲霄剑意迸发,一股浩然于天地间的正气蓬勃而出,妖邪易辟。 How ten thousand ghosts, come many, I then suppress many! Whirlwind Scatters the Clouds!” “万鬼又如何,来多少,我便镇压多少!风卷残云!” Lu Xuan by overwhelming Sword Dao, puts forth the Celestial Sword Nine Layers fourth type, in a twinkling the wind has the clouds rush forth, such as the strong winds comber, goes toward the ten thousand ghosts of Sol incarnation. 陆轩以浩然剑道,使出天剑九重第四式,霎时间风起云涌,如狂风卷浪般,朝索尔化身的万鬼而去。 The souls of that ten thousand ghost bump into overwhelming sword qi, touching damage, extinguishes. But has many fish slip through eventually, breaks through Lu Xuan sword qi, directly soars him to come, sad and shrill sounds, making one hear scared. 那万鬼之魂碰上一道道浩然剑气,触之即损,中之即灭。但终究还是有不少的漏网之鱼,突破陆轩剑气,直奔他本身而来,一道道凄厉之声,令人闻之胆寒。 Lu Xuan actually takes the sword as to direct, ties seal instantaneously sharp, the sword such as puts on the variegated butterfly to flash, the thunder seal takes shape together immediately. 陆轩却是以剑为引,瞬间结印,剑尖如穿花蝴蝶般闪动,一道雷霆印章顿时成型。 Myriad Layers Thunderclap Seal! 万重雷霆印 By the Lu Xuan present attainments, ties seal directly heavily hundred! The whole body in ten zhang (3.33 m), the thunder is densely covered, souls direct the thunder, vanishes in puff of smoke instantaneously. 陆轩如今的造诣,直接结印百重!周身十丈之内,雷霆密布,一道道阴魂引下雷霆,瞬间灰飞烟灭。 Sol has been at this moment actually mad must want insanely, before he then dreaded that Lu Xuan in many ways method, now was actually another eating to the suffering, no matter before , Qilin Arm of that fist looking disdainfully world, was Whirlwind Scatters the Clouds, this where was common Transcendent Realm cultivator can have? Has not thought after the Lu Xuan body has [gold/metal] body, unifies the symbol formation attainments, can create killing of such big to oneself. 索尔此刻却是已经气得要疯了,之前他便是忌惮陆轩的多端手段,如今却是又一次的吃到了苦头,不管是之前那一拳睥睨天下的麒麟臂,还是刚才的风卷残云,这哪里是寻常超凡境武者能拥有的?更没想到陆轩身具金雷之体后,结合符阵造诣,能对自己造成如此之大的杀伤。 This person, does not have the weakness simply! 这人,简直没有弱点! Lu Xuan actually must manage does not forgive the person, takes advantage of the prestige of Myriad Layers Thunderclap Seal, the sword is leaving like the dragon, Three Purifying Breaking Soul Sword such as the painting broken demon sways to open, this set of Martial Skill is to cope with Soul Race specially creates, Lu Xuan displayed when Great Void Realm can still make Sol dread incomparably, since at this moment is Transcendent, that was thorough showed the might of this set of swordsmanship. 陆轩却是得理不饶人,依仗着万重雷霆印之威,剑出如龙,三清破魂剑如丹青破魔般挥洒而开,这套武技乃专为对付魂族而创,陆轩太虚境时施展尚能让索尔忌惮无比,此刻既然已是超凡,那便是彻底的将这套剑法的威力展现开来。 Regardless of there is anything to keep off in the front, I cut it from a sword. 无论有什么挡在面前,我自一剑斩之。 Sol started to fear, he was not Lu Xuan, he did not have no Celestial Emperor to inherit, he was only ordinary Soul Race, has not killed to incur, reason that without the unique skill, he can be rampant in Celestial Sword Continent, is his ultra Celestial Sword Continent Human Race strength that depended, as long as elite point Soul Senior, was insufficient to be linked true Transcendent Realm Celestial Sword Human Race to prevent. 索尔开始怕了,他不是陆轩,他没有什么天帝传承,他只是一个普普通通的魂族,没有杀招,没有绝技,他之所以能在天剑大陆嚣张,靠的便是他远超天剑大陆人族的实力,但凡精英一点的魂尊,也不至于被连一个真正超凡境天剑人族所阻挡。 But now, his only superiority, had been levelled, because Human Race had Transcendent Lu Xuan. Although was the person of new promote Transcendent, but the Lu Xuan inside story, was how formidable compared with Sol! Solely is type Qilin Arm, caused heavy losses to Sol, if Sol can have killing of this grade of rank to incur, the Nine Flowers Alliance gang early the soul has perhaps turned over to the dwelling place of the dead. 但如今,他唯一的优势,已经被抹平了,因为人族有了一个超凡陆轩。虽然是新晋超凡之人,但陆轩的底蕴,比起索尔来说何其强大!单单是一式麒麟臂,就已将索尔重创,若是索尔能有这等级别的杀招,九华盟一伙人恐怕早已经魂归九泉了。 Since cannot hit, that then runs away! Regarding this phrase, Sol is not strange. Why he can by the ordinary body practice to the boundary of Soul Senior, that then be because he pities the life, the innumerable escapes, trade the opportunity of innumerable living, the little accumulation, achieves the present boundary. 既然打不过,那便逃!对于这个字眼,索尔并不陌生。他为何能以平凡之躯修炼至魂尊之境,那便是因为他惜命,无数次的逃命,换得无数次活下来的机会,一点点的累积,才达到如今的境界。 He can live in Place of Seal such place on last legs for one ten thousand years, now has not fettered, how does he then again live on dishonorably for one ten thousand years? 他在封印之地那样的地方都能苟延残喘的活一个万年,如今没有束缚,他便是再苟活一个万年又如何? He believes how long Lu Xuan could not stay in Celestial Sword Continent absolutely, in the world of mortals, achieved Transcendent Realm is peak, then Lu Xuan sooner or later the meeting must go to Heaven Territory, even Ling Jin and A'Li will go with Bing Ling. When the time comes waits for Lu Xuan and the others to depart, but the Celestial Sword Human Race peak powerhouse in this fights the casualty completely, this Celestial Sword Continent can also be as before is controlled by his Sol! 况且他相信,陆轩绝对在天剑大陆呆不了多久,在下界,达到超凡之境已是顶尖,接下来陆轩迟早会要去天域,甚至凌瑾阿狸冰灵都会去。到时候等陆轩等人离去,而天剑人族顶尖强者又在这一战死伤殆尽,这天剑大陆依旧还会是会被他索尔主宰! „The enmity of today, coming day must report!” Sol piles a few words with clenched jaws. His heart in the drop blood, this war, he lost too in a big way, even ten thousand years ago that fought to be bigger, at that time, he after all not directly resisted with Bing Ling and Duan Hongchen hardly, but this time, actually by Lu Xuan institute routing stiffly. “今日之仇,来日必报!”索尔咬牙切齿的摞下一句话。他的心头在滴血,这一战,他损失得太大了,甚至比万年前那一战来得还要大,那时候,他毕竟没有正面跟冰灵段红尘硬抗,而这一次,却是被陆轩所硬生生的击溃。 The Soul Strength instantaneous congealment that Sol scatters, turns into nine groups to be divided the soul, divides to shoot the four directions to run away, he does not believe that Lu Xuan can all keep oneself all Clone! 索尔散落的魂力瞬间凝结,化成九团分魂,分射四方而逃,他就不信,陆轩能将自己所有的分身全都留下来! Has not thought that Sol said runs away runs away, decisive. However Lu Xuan is actually one sneers, this war, harms them to lose such seriousness, if also made Sol run away, he did hold a memorial service for Ye Wenjun and the others with what? Holds a memorial service for 23 offering sacrifices with what, but death Divine Symbol Master? 没想到索尔说逃就逃,果断至极。不过陆轩却是一声冷笑,这一战,害得他们损失如此之惨重,若是还让索尔逃了,那他拿什么来祭奠叶文俊等人?拿什么来祭奠来23名献祭而死的神符师 The sound that looks at Sol runs away, Lu Xuan makes noise slowly: Before made you run away time and time again, this time, you could not escape.” 看着索尔遁去的声音,陆轩缓缓出声:“之前让你逃了一次又一次,这一次,你逃不掉了。” The long sword in the sky, is divided into nine! 长剑当空,一分为九! After Lu Xuan achieves Transcendent Realm, the sword that receives, first time appears in the common people at present, the Celestial Sword Nine Layers fifth type Yunlong nine presently! 陆轩达到超凡之境后才领取的这一剑,第一次出现在世人眼前,天剑九重第五式云龙九现! sword qi able to move unhindered 30,000 li (0.5km), a sword light cold ten Kitakyushu! These nine swords, contained the sensibility of Lu Xuan lifetime! 剑气纵横30000里,一剑光寒十九州!这九剑,蕴含了陆轩毕生的感悟! Sword overwhelming Sword Dao, two sword Destruction Sword Dao, three sword Slaughter Sword Dao, four sword cultivator Luo Sword Dao, five sword Immortal Sword Dao, six sword Five Elements Sword said that seven sword wind and thunder Sword Dao, Sword Dao of eight sword strength, nine sword life and death Sword Dao! 一剑浩然剑道,二剑毁灭剑道,三剑杀戮剑道,四剑修剑道,五剑不朽剑道,六剑五行剑道,七剑风雷剑道,八剑力之剑道,九剑生死剑道 The sword leaves like the dragon, bloodthirsty Fang Gui. Nine souls, instantaneous annihilation. 剑出如龙,嗜血方归。九道分魂,瞬间湮灭。 From now, this day, this place, does not have Sol this person again. 从此以后,此天,此地,再无索尔此人。 „Did death, die?” Making noise that Ye Haoran some cannot determine, does not blame him so to display, was really Sol displays too had been strong, used their these many powerhouses, is unable to prevent. “死,死了?”叶浩然有些不敢确定的出声,不怪他如此表现,实在是索尔表现得一直太强了些,倾尽他们这么多强者,都无法阻挡。 But now, Lu Xuan only leaves three moves, is thoroughly puts to death it, really extremely made one shock. 但如今,陆轩仅出三招,便是彻底将其诛杀,实在是太过令人震撼。 Ye Wuhen turns the head to look to him, has smiled saying with a smile: Died, we have won, Human Race, won.” 叶无痕转头看向他,笑了笑道:“死了,我们赢了,人族,赢了。” Ha, won! We won!” Ye Haoran erupts one to laugh wildly instantaneously, they were constrained too for a long time! Was constrained desperately nearly only remaining, but now, they won! “哈哈哈,赢了!我们赢了啊!”叶浩然瞬间爆发出一阵狂笑,他们被压抑得太久了!被压抑得险些只剩下绝望,但现在,他们赢了! Ye Haoran turns the head to look to Ye Wenyan, is excited shouts to make noise: Great grandfather, you looked that we win......” 叶浩然转头看向叶文彦,兴奋得大喊出声:“太爷爷,你看,我们赢……” His voice stops suddenly, looks at sits in meditation in place Ye Wenyan, just now excited vanishes instantaneously without a trace, the plump, the knees kneel down, knocks on by. 他的话音戛然而止,怔怔的看着静坐于地的叶文彦,方才的兴奋瞬间消失得无影无踪,扑通一声,双膝跪倒,以头叩地。 Sword Confucian Ye Wenyan, dies in a sitting posture in this. 剑儒叶文彦,坐化于此。 On his face is hanging the tranquil smile, one such as past temperateness, gentle, child Mu. He saw Human Race worked as one, saw the descendants of one mind, saw Ye Family sub- broke through Transcendent, saw Soul Race Sol, passed away. 他的脸上挂着恬静的微笑,一如以往的温和,慈祥,孺慕。他看到了人族齐心协力,看到了子孙齐心,看到了叶家子突破超凡,看到了魂族索尔,一命归西。 His lived, shoulders were too many, but he was actually bearing this heavy responsibility, walked step by step, arrives at the present. Now, he can feel at ease finally, left him to spend countless painstaking care Nine Flowers Alliance relieved, left this piece to breed his land. 他此生,背负了太多,但他却背负着这道重任,一步步走来,走到现在。如今,他终于可以安心了,安心的离开他花费了无数心血的九华盟,离开了这片孕育了他的土地。 Simultaneously returns with Ye Wenyan, Sikong Zhengqing, two battles several hundred years of old enemy, at the life last minute, actually for the first time collaborated, lives Yan, what Shengqing, although un- same year same month and same day live, actually in the same year same month and same day die, this lives, his also foot. 叶文彦同时归去的,还有司空正卿,两位争斗了数百年的宿敌,在生命的最后一刻,却是首次联手,既生彦,何生卿,虽未同年同月同日生,却是同年同月同日死,此生,他亦足矣。 Lu Xuan treads the spatial return, kneels down silently, at this moment, his mood is unable to express to Ye Wenyan 1/10 the gratitude and respect. Ye Wenyan dies for Human Race, dies for his Lu Xuan, in the Lu Xuan mind, the Ye Wenyan altitude, with the Celestial Emperor Ye Tian altitude, is without change. But a person for Heaven Territory Human Race, but a person for Celestial Sword Human Race. 陆轩踏空归来,默然跪倒,此刻,他的心情无法表达对叶文彦1的感激与尊敬。叶文彦是为了人族而死,亦是为了他陆轩而死,在陆轩的心目中,叶文彦的高度,与天帝叶天的高度,一般无二。只不过一人为了天域人族,而一人为了天剑人族而已。 Ye Wuhen eye socket micro red, makes noise with deep veneration: Sees off Old Ancestor and Sikong Qianbei.” 叶无痕眼眶微红,肃然出声:“恭送老祖与司空前辈。” Presents all people, including Ling Jin, performs all kneels down, kotows together. 在场所有人,包括凌瑾在内,尽皆跪倒,齐叩首。 First knocks on, is 28 offers sacrifices, but death Divine Symbol Master. 第一叩,为28名献祭而死的神符师 Second knocks on, is Sword Demon Ye Wenjun that a sword dies. 第二叩,为一剑绝命的剑魔叶文俊 Third knocks on, for combustion life finally magnificent Ye Wenyan and Sikong Zhengqing. 第三叩,为燃烧生命最后辉煌的叶文彦司空正卿 They are the heroes who Celestial Sword Human Race deserves! This war, all people are the heroes! 他们都是天剑人族当之无愧的英雄!这一战,所有人都是英雄! Celestial Sword Continent experiences for a long time the tribulation, but since can cross the ten thousand years ago great misfortune, can cross for ten thousand years later today's great misfortune, in the future, settled anybody, any matter, cannot overthrow Celestial Sword Human Race! 天剑大陆久经磨难,但既然能渡过万年前的大劫,又能渡过万年后今日的大劫,日后,也定当没有任何人,任何事,能打倒天剑人族 Lu Xuan gains ground, face upwards to pledge that some day the sword in the hand, will certainly slaughter completely all Heaven Territory Soul Race, with hold a memorial service because of them the older generation of sacrifice! 陆轩抬头,仰天发誓,有朝一日剑在手,必将屠尽所有天域魂族,用以祭奠因为他们而牺牲的先辈!
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