SS :: Volume #13

#1225: Sword Demon traditional music of which has been lost, Lu Xuan Transcendent

At this moment nobody can describe that shocking of this sword, dazzling sword glow, all around will complement dark, as if rays of light in this piece of space, was all attracted by this sword came general. 此刻没人能形容这一剑的惊艳,耀眼的剑芒,将四周都映衬得黑暗了起来,似乎这一片空间中的光芒,全都被这一剑吸引了过来一般。 This inevitably is in Ye Wenjun this life, the most formidable sword that displays. 这必然是叶文俊这一生中,所施展出来的最为强大的一剑。 Because not only in this sword, fused this life all regarding the sensibility of Sword Dao, because, this sword is he uses the life to cause. The people often said to go all out, who gives up to defeat own life really? Can disregard the life and death truly? 不仅仅因为这一剑中,融合了他这一生所有对于剑道的感悟,更因为,这一剑是他用性命使出来的。人们常说拼命拼命,但有谁真的舍得拼掉自己的性命?真正能够将生死置之度外? But Ye Wenyan energy, Sikong Zhengqing energy, present Ye Wenjun, energy! 叶文彦能,司空正卿能,如今的叶文俊,亦能! Ten Absolute Swords, injures oneself first, then injures the enemy, this type dies, certainly is own life. 十绝剑,先伤己,再伤敌,这一式绝命,绝的便是自己的性命。 Without any preparation, without any upholstery, when he keeps off the flash in front of Sol, he naturally has put forth in Ten Absolute Swords most taboo. Conduct such decisiveness, does not count any consequence, does not hesitate any price, has no qualms in the name of Sword Demon. 没有任何的心理准备,没有任何的铺垫,当他挡在索尔面前的这一瞬间,他就那么自然而然的使出了十绝剑中最为禁忌的一式。行事如此之果断,不计任何后果,不惜任何代价,无愧于剑魔之称。 This sword, has broken space, coagulated the time, such thorn slowly to Sol, unadorned, however shockingly! 这一剑,破开了空间,凝固了时间,就这么缓缓的刺向索尔,朴实无华,然惊艳至极! Expected completely Sol who Ye Wenjun this type, has paid the price for his having a low opinion of the enemy, he receives to irritate to draw back, but actually radically quickly Ye Wenjun this seems like a slow incomparable sword. 完全预料到叶文俊这一式的索尔,为他的轻敌付出了代价,他收招急退,但却根本快不过叶文俊这看似缓慢无比的一剑。 One group of soul flame were cut the crack by this sword directly, changes into the nihility, without a doubt, this injures Sol's main body, if he has the entity, that this sword quite Yu Bian has cut off his arm. 一团魂焰被这一剑直接斩裂,化为虚无,毫无疑问,这已经是伤到了索尔的本体,若他有实体的话,那这一剑相当于便是斩断了他一条臂膀。 Resounds with Sol's pitiful yell, Ye Wenjun laughs to make noise: I, but...... Sword Demon!” 伴随着索尔的惨叫响起,叶文俊哈哈大笑出声:“我可是……剑魔啊!” A language finishes, his aura deteriorates instantaneously, until nihility. 一语言毕,他的气息瞬间衰败,直至虚无。 One generation of Sword Demon, finally become traditional music of which has been lost. 一代剑魔,终成绝响。 Roar!” “吼!” Shocking penetrating place the sound of dragon roar resounds through the entire world, the eye of A'Li was red, five Clone follow the Divine Dragon Phase like lightning bang to Sol, leaves the claw like the thunderclap, under its broken absurd talent, Sol that is hard injured soul body is similar to the material object is ordinary, by A'Li crazy tearing. 震天彻地的龙吟之声响彻寰宇,阿狸的眼睛红了,五道分身伴随神龙法相如闪电般轰向索尔,出爪如迅雷,在它的破妄天赋之下,索尔那难以被伤的魂体如同实物一般,被阿狸疯狂的撕扯。 Ye Wenjun such died, dies unexpected, even makes A'Li without enough time sad. In the Nine Flowers Alliance people, besides Lu Xuan, the Ye Wenjun status in the A'Li heart is highest, most is better with A'Li. 叶文俊就这么死了,死得猝不及防,甚至让阿狸都来不及悲伤。九华盟众人里,除了陆轩之外,叶文俊的地位在阿狸心中便是最高的,也是与阿狸最要好的。 Because Ye Wenjun is unconventional, most likes teasing A'Li to play, the time that both are together is fairly long, when because also in Eight Sides Temple it with Lu Xuan was chased down, is a Ye Wenjun sword drops from the clouds, rescues Lu Xuan. 因为叶文俊放荡不羁,最爱逗弄阿狸玩耍,两者相处的时间相当长,也因为在八方圣殿它与陆轩被追杀之际,是叶文俊一剑从天而降,救下陆轩 Without enough time sad, that then only then angry , is angry, can fall in torrents the anger in A'Li heart. 来不及悲伤,那便只有愤怒,也只有愤怒,方能倾泻阿狸心中的怒火。 Sol lifts the hand counter-attack, one then strikes to fly A'Li Clone, but under flickers, this Clone is direct tearing is then void, again appeared in Sol's side, claw flexure under maliciously, returned the favor. 索尔抬手反击,一把便将阿狸的一道分身击飞,但下一瞬,这道分身便是直接撕裂虚空,再一次出现在了索尔的身旁,狠狠的一爪挠下,还以颜色。 The death of Ye Wenjun, almost stimulates the nerves of all people, this was in the Nine Flowers Alliance people, person who first died truly, Ye Wenyan, although has dispersed the merit, but has not died in a sitting posture, although Sikong Zhengqing already combustion essence and blood, but the imposing manner has not used up as before, only had Ye Wenjun, after a sword, the dust turned over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth. 叶文俊之死,几乎是刺激到了所有人的神经,这是九华盟众人中,第一个真正陨落的人,叶文彦虽已散功,但尚未坐化,司空正卿虽已燃烧精血,但依旧气势未竭,唯有叶文俊,一剑过后,尘归尘,土归土。 All people got angry, roars with one voice, under hating and angry will, erupted the unparalleled imposing manner and fighting spirit, was once again two soul soldiers is cut in a flash to kill. 所有人都红了眼,齐声怒吼,在仇恨与愤怒的意志下,爆发出了无双的气势与斗志,转瞬间,便是再度有两名魂战士被斩杀。 Bing Ling also drags along almost the oil completely lamp dry body to launch the attack toward Sol, but she threat to Sol greatly reduced at this moment, what main attack is A'Li, she can only cooperate the hand from side. 冰灵亦是拖着几乎油尽灯枯的身躯朝索尔发动攻击,只是此刻她对索尔的威胁已经大大降低了,主攻的是阿狸,她只能从旁协手。 But Sol died a sword cut to arrive at the source by Ye Wenjun, but has not affected he too many strength displays, this is also Soul Race compares the Human Race superiority, if Human Race were broken an arm, a strength then must remove most likely, but Thalben does not have the body, loss nothing but is only some source Soul Strength, only if were cut he about half source Soul Strength, perhaps at that time he is unable to maintain including the main body, can only escape. 而索尔虽然被叶文俊绝命一剑伤到本源,但还不至于影响到他太多的实力发挥,这也是魂族相比起人族的优势,若是人族被断一臂,一身实力便要去掉十之八九,但索尔本无身躯,损失的无非只是一些本源魂力,除非是被斩掉他近半数的本源魂力,那时候他恐怕连本体都无法维持,只能逃命了。 In Lu Xuan of body of concise Transcendent, came under an influence, the whole body lends a cloudy and cold aura, although at this moment he is breaking through, but the intelligence is similar to an observer is ordinary, gets a panoramic view all, falling from the sky of Ye Wenjun, clear was looked by him in the eye, that flickers, he even has to give up continue attack Transcendent, gets rid to break the thought of Ye Wenjun that sword. 正在凝练超凡之体的陆轩,也受到了一丝影响,浑身散发出一丝阴冷的气息,此刻他虽在突破,但神智却如同一个旁观者一般,将一切都尽收眼底,叶文俊的陨落,清晰的被他看在眼中,那一瞬,他甚至有放弃继续冲击超凡,出手打断叶文俊那一剑的念头。 However Ye Wenyan light words, making him calm, Ye Wenyan said that you must do right by his sacrifice. 但是叶文彦的一句淡淡的话,让他冷静了下来,叶文彦说,你要对得起他的牺牲。 How can do right by his sacrifice? That naturally breaks through Transcendent, cuts to kill Sol! 如何才能对得起他的牺牲?那自然是突破超凡,斩杀索尔! The firm incomparable Sun aurin stone, was built up by Lu Xuan in this moment suddenly, one point 36, inject from the Lu Xuan whole body 36 big holes! 坚固无比的太阳金精石,在这一刻骤然被陆轩所炼化,一分36,从陆轩周身36道大穴射入! He could not wait! 他已经等不及了! Ye Wenjun had sacrificed, Ye Wenyan dies in a sitting posture nears, Sikong Zhengqing will be the essence and blood soon will also burn completely, then the next quarter, will be Bing Ling will also exhaust to fall into billion years of deep sleep because of Soul Strength once again, will be A'Li thoroughly is also destroyed the soul by Sol, then Ye Wuhen and the others will again come one time to go all out Ten Absolute Swords? 叶文俊已经牺牲了,叶文彦坐化在即,司空正卿亦是精血即将燃烧殆尽,那么下一刻,是不是冰灵也会因魂力耗尽而再度陷入千百万年的沉睡,是不是阿狸也将被索尔彻底摧毁灵魂,然后叶无痕等人再来一次拼命般的十绝剑 Any price, Lu Xuan does not want to withstand, cannot withstand. 任何一个代价,陆轩都根本不想承受,也承受不起。 The A'Li aura gradually becomes dispirited, the price of so crazily attacking, that then means that strength of consumption its bloodlines increases, must withstand came from Sol's attack, but the Bing Ling main body was scattered by Sol thoroughly, returns the Human Race shape, the body fell into the translucent condition, can support the strength that she spends freely not to be many. 阿狸的气息渐渐变得萎靡,如此狂攻的代价,那便意味着它的血脉之力消耗大增,更要承受更多来自索尔的攻击,而冰灵的本体已经被索尔彻底打散,重新回到了人族形态,躯体更是陷入了半透明状态,能支撑她挥霍的力量已经不多了。 But that side Sikong Zhengqing, although was extinguished several soul soldiers by them, but situation not only has not changed superior, instead inferiority, because the Sikong Zhengqing aura started to decline, the essence and blood, burnt similarly. Ye Guangjian and Ye Ruida, have completed the plan of going all out at any time. 司空正卿那边,虽说被他们灭了数名魂战士,但局势不但没有变优,反而更加劣势了,因为司空正卿的气息已经开始衰退,精血,燃烧得差不多了。叶光鉴叶睿达,随时做好了拼命的打算。 In this time, a cloudless day thunderclap, instantaneous crack! 就在此时,晴天一声霹雳,瞬间炸响! The strong winds sweep across, day present phenomenon! 狂风席卷,天现异象! Float in airborne Lu Xuan, finger sudden curving, afterward, opens eyes, the body is hanging and vertical. 漂浮于空中的陆轩,手指突然的弯曲了一下,随后,睁眼,身体悬空而立。 Sol turns the head suddenly, looks to Lu Xuan, that is...... Is the Transcendent Realm aura! 索尔猛然转头,看向陆轩,那是……属于超凡之境的气息! Transcendent, Transcendent...... Ha Ha!” Ye Wenyan has sent out gratified laughing, they, the gambling won! 超凡,超凡啊……哈哈!”叶文彦发出了一丝欣慰的大笑,他们,赌赢了! Lu Xuan lifts the hand to wield, all around Yuan Energy sweeps across, changes to Yuan Energy clothes, covers own body. Now he is Seven Spirit Physique's Body, seven big Elemental Yuan Energy, are very for him compatible, has at one's command, as if like a fish in water general. 陆轩抬手一挥,四周元力席卷,化作一身元力衣裳,盖住自己的身体。如今他乃是七灵体之身,七大元素系元力,对他来说无比亲和,如臂使指,仿佛如鱼得水一般。 Lu Xuan has not looked immediately to Sol, but looked that to corpse who Ye Wenjun has fallen to the ground, did not have vitality Ye Wenjun, on the face hangs is wiping the tranquil smiling face, pursues Sword Dao Sword Demon regarding a life, can put forth a that lifetime shocking sword, this lives fully. 陆轩没有在第一时间看向索尔,而是看向了叶文俊倒地的尸身,已毫无生机的叶文俊,脸上挂着一抹恬静的笑容,对于一个一生追求剑道剑魔而言,能使出那毕生惊艳的一剑,此生足矣。 Lu Xuan reveals wipes sad color, but quick was then received by him, now, is not the time of mourning. 陆轩露出一抹悲伤之色,但很快便是被他收起,如今,还不是悼念的时刻。 Gains ground, in the Lu Xuan eye flashes through meaning of the firm and resolute withering, this vision, making Sol heart be startled. 重新抬头,陆轩眼中闪过一丝坚毅的肃杀之意,这个目光,令索尔心惊。 Looked that to was besieged Ye Wuhen and the others in imminent danger by the soul soldier, Lu Xuan leaves the sound track: „The thing of this grade of puppet, why must has among in the world.” 看向被魂战士围攻得岌岌可危的叶无痕等人,陆轩出声道:“这等傀儡之物,何须存在于世间。” Lu Xuan puts out a hand to fish, one group of thunder are the condensation in the hand, immediately lifts the hand to wield, dozens Static Heart Thunder divide direction of fire each soul soldier, thunder blasting open, all change into the nihility. 陆轩伸手一捞,一团雷霆便是凝聚于手中,随即抬手挥出,数十道静心雷分射向每一个魂战士,雷霆炸裂,一切化为虚无。 Before made the soul soldier who the people did utmost can resist, now actually in Lu Xuan raised hand to lift the feet, unravelled. 之前令众人竭尽全力方能抵抗的魂战士,如今却是在陆轩举手抬足间,灰飞烟灭。
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