SS :: Volume #13

#1216: Destiny it war( 12)

It seems like put out true strength!” Sikong Zhengqing sneers, does not know that fishes out a seed to throw instantaneously from where, calls out makes noise: Myriad things growth!” “看来得拿出真正的实力了!”司空正卿一声冷笑,不知从何处摸出一把种子瞬间扔出,暴喝出声:“万物生长!” Under the stimulation of movement of Wood Attribute Yuan Energy, that seed sees the wind to be then long, instantaneously then crazy extends, the innumerable vines covered entirely entire airborne, welcoming without hesitation have pulled out Soul Technique in an instant to Sol's extreme complication. 木系元力的催动下,那一颗颗种子见风便长,瞬间便是疯狂的延伸起来,无数的藤蔓刹那间布满了整个空中,毫不犹豫的迎向了索尔的千丝万缕抽魂术 Black soul silk twines the green vine, the advance that does not live, tries to break the defense of Sikong Zhengqing, but Sikong Zhengqing actually is also stimulation of movement Yuan Energy not to stop, the vine that extends looks at the person to be dazzled, has blocked Sol's wave of invasion unexpectedly stiffly. 黑色的魂丝缠绕上绿色的藤蔓,不住的突进,试图突破司空正卿的防守,而司空正卿却也是一刻不停的催动元力,延伸的藤蔓看得人眼花缭乱,竟是硬生生的挡住了索尔的这波入侵。 But afterward Sol's attack then, complicated pulls out Soul Technique not to stop instantly, the two chains in hand were was similar to together black like lightning have actually pulled out, if by it were selected, the injury of receiving compared with was twined by the soul silk heavily. 而随后索尔的攻击霎时便至,千丝万缕抽魂术未停,手中的两条锁链却是如同一道黑色的闪电般抽了过来,若是被其抽中,受到的伤害可是比被魂丝缠绕来得更加沉重。 At this time Ye Wenyan gets rid outrageously, his sword technique, not like Ye Wenjun like that gorgeous gaudy, appears somewhat unadorned, but is quite practical, resembles slowly extremely quick, the sword incurs to get rid, often keeps off in the chains must by it place, making it not probably pass Lei Chi Half-Step. 此时叶文彦悍然出手,他的剑术,不像叶文俊那般绚丽花哨,显得有些朴实无华,但却极为实用,似慢极快,剑招出手,往往挡在锁链必经之处,使其不得逾雷池半步 Although both sides simultaneously intensified the effort of getting rid, but the Ye Wenyan two people by two pairs one, maintained a power balance once again, but said is the power balance, actually must discuss, Sol got the winning side obviously. The people on the scene can look, the Ye Wenyan two people are only then ability to parry, but does not have the strength to hit back. 虽然双方同时加大了出手的力度,但叶文彦二人以二对一,再度维持住了一个均势,不过说是均势,其实真要论起来,索尔是明显占据上风的。在场众人都能看得出来,叶文彦二人已是只有招架之功,而无还手之力。 Sikong Zhengqing is not no need saying that he maintains the myriad things to grow at this moment fully, with resist Sol's extreme complication to pull out Soul Technique , could not extract the least bit time to do other, even if so, forfeit territory that the net of vine under the corrosion of soul silk, as in. 司空正卿不必说,他此刻全力维持着万物生长,用以抵挡索尔的千丝万缕抽魂术,已是抽不出半点功夫来干别的,即便是如此,藤蔓之网在魂丝的侵蚀下,依旧在不住的丧失领土。 It seems like as for Ye Wenyan gets rid with ease already enjoyable, the person but who is familiar with his style then knows, Ye Wenyan regardless of facing any match, is so the situation, this is his style, he faces, but Half-Step Soul Saint Sol, where has looks like like that relaxed. 至于叶文彦看似出手已经轻松写意,但熟悉他风格的人便是会知道,叶文彦无论面对什么对手,都是这般情况,这便是他的风格,他所面对的可是半步魂圣的索尔,哪有看起来的那般轻松。 Besides immerses and Ling Jin of Lu Xuan in practice with restoring injury, all people are the facial expression tie tight, does not dare to have relaxes slightly, the fight of this intensity, the victory crosses the hands behind the back often only in the flash, once the Ye Wenyan two people reveal slightly the defeat shape, the people will then close, aid two people, resists Sol, continuation is Lu Xuan wins the time. 除了沉浸与修炼中的陆轩与恢复伤势的凌瑾之外,所有人都是神情紧绷,不敢有丝毫放松,这种强度的战斗,胜负手往往只在一瞬间,一旦叶文彦二人露出丝毫败象,众人便会一拥而上,接应二人,对抗索尔,继续为陆轩争取时间。 Xuan'er, you may probably refuel! Ye Wenjun looked at Lu Xuan, in the heart has made noise silently, now they not only are Lu Xuan win the time, won the time for Celestial Sword Human Race. 轩儿,你可要加油啊!叶文俊看了一眼陆轩,心中默默出声,如今他们不但是在为陆轩争取时间,更是为天剑人族争取时间。 Lu Xuan diligently, is only the matter of practice, never takes individual will as the shift, he has let loose now all carefully, braving the danger that overstated to swallow up Soul Strength wantonly, the trim soul lake space in the shake of going all out, in the past above the limpid incomparable soul lake, at this moment fluttered dark impurity, in this case, will have him then to overstate slightly carelessly. 陆轩何尝不努力,只是修炼之事,从不以个人意志为转移,他如今已经放开一切小心,冒着走火入魔的危险大肆鲸吞魂力了,整片魂湖空间都在拼命的震荡,以往清澈无比的魂湖之上,此刻都飘上了一丝黑乎乎的杂质,这种情况下,稍有不慎他便会走火入魔。 But Lu Xuan could not attend to that many, so long as has not reached the limit that he withstands, has not arrived at the edge that overstated, he will then not stop! All people are going all out, he must go all out, this war, is the war of destiny! 陆轩已经顾不得那么多了,只要还没到他承受的极限,没有到达走火入魔的边缘,那他便不会停!所有人都在拼命,他也必须拼命,这一战,是命运之战! Feels formidable Soul Strength that side Lu Xuan fluctuates unceasingly, nobody dares to disturb Lu Xuan, now what because bears the pressure to be biggest is Lu Xuan, even if Lu Xuan these years have experienced many matters, even pass through in the life and death edge more than once, but to all people on the scene, Lu Xuan are also only a child, but this child, a person shoulder selects the entire Continent Human Race safety now, perhaps could not compare past Celestial Emperor Ye Tian to shoulder the entire Heaven Territory Human Race safety to be so heavy, but regarding Lu Xuan, this is he did not have the burden. 感受到陆轩身旁不断波动的强大魂力,没有人敢打扰陆轩,因为现在承受压力最大的正是陆轩自己,哪怕陆轩这些年经历过了不少的事情,甚至在生死边缘走过不止一次,但相对于在场的所有人而言,陆轩都还只是个孩子,但如今正是这个孩子,一个人肩挑上了整整一个大陆人族的安危,或许比不上当年天帝叶天肩负整个天域人族的安危那么沉重,但对于陆轩而言,这已是他从没有过的负担了。 ! 啪啪啪! A clear explosive sound transmits, the Sikong Zhengqing life vine was stretched several instantaneously, Sol laughs wildly, the innumerable soul silk go to enter, is similar to poisonous snake sprints, the people complexion immediately changes! 一阵清脆的爆响声传来,司空正卿的生命藤蔓瞬间被绷断了十几条,索尔一声狂笑,无数魂丝趁虚而入,如同一条条毒蛇般冲刺过来,众人脸色顿时为之一变! When the people almost cannot repress must get rid, sword light across the sky cuts to fall, cuts off Sol's that batch of soul silk instantaneously around the middle, is Ye Wenyan when at a crucial moment, got rid forcefully, defused this wave of crisis. 众人几乎按捺不住就要出手之际,一道剑光横空斩落,瞬间将索尔的那批魂丝拦腰斩断,正是叶文彦在千钧一发之际,强行出手,化解了这一波危机。 In the Sikong Zhengqing heart an arrogance does not know that from where lives, they simultaneously cope with Sol's attack, oneself also want Ye Wenyan to help, has this whole life been really inferior to him? 司空正卿心中一股傲气不知从何生起,两人同时对付索尔的攻击,自己难道还要叶文彦来帮忙吗,难道自己这辈子真的一直都不如他? Puff, a Sikong Zhengqing palm racket to own chest, spouts an essence and blood suddenly, immediately the big hand wields, the essence and blood turns into the blood fog that fills to be slurped by the life vine directly, that several rattan that was just cut off grow suddenly once again, moreover was thicker than before, was stronger! 噗的一声,司空正卿猛然一掌拍向自己的胸脯,喷出一口精血,随即大手一挥,精血直接变成弥漫的血雾被生命藤蔓所吸食,刚刚断掉的那十几根藤条眨眼间再度成长起来,而且比之前更粗,更强! Goes back to me!” Sikong Zhengqing drinks severely, both hands push suddenly, the life rattan is similar to the officers who made is common, initiated the charge instantaneously, only heard to collapse the sound to get up, Sol's winding the soul silk of vine suddenly was collapsed the innumerable strip, with great difficulty through the space that nibbling to occupy, unexpectedly was once again by Sikong Zhengqing seizing. “给我回去!”司空正卿一声厉喝,双手猛然一推,生命藤条如同得令的将士一般,瞬间发起冲锋,只听得崩崩之声响起,索尔的缠绕出藤蔓的魂丝一时间被崩断无数条,好不容易通过蚕食而占据的空间,竟是再度被司空正卿给夺了回来。 Ye Wenyan feels the Sikong Zhengqing sound, the complexion shows a faint smile, he knows that this is the Sikong Zhengqing temper, will never concede. 叶文彦感受到司空正卿的动静,脸色微微一笑,他知道,这就是司空正卿的性子,永远不服输。 However Sikong Zhengqing this action, has provoked Sol actually, his solemn Half-Step Soul Saint, unexpectedly by two successive Transcendent Realm Human Race blocking, said that simply is the great shame! 不过司空正卿这一举动,倒是惹恼了索尔,他堂堂半步魂圣,竟然被两个连超凡之境人族给挡住了,说出去简直是奇耻大辱! Pulls the silk soul to direct!” Sol makes noise sad and shrill, in a flash, all soul silk all become the nihility get up unexpectedly, Sikong Zhengqing in great surprise, how regardless of he stimulates to movement the life vine, throughout is actually not able its interception, only to be able the looks at innumerable soul silk sprint helplessly. “牵丝魂引!”索尔凄厉出声,一瞬间,所有的魂丝竟是全都变得虚无起来,司空正卿大惊,无论他如何催动生命藤蔓,却始终都无法将其拦截,只能眼睁睁的看着无数魂丝冲刺而来。 This was Soul Strength compares Yuan Energy the biggest superiority, Soul Strength can visible, can the invisible, visible thing be good to guard, the invisible thing was actually hard to prevent. 这便是魂力相比起元力而言最大的优势了,魂力可以有形,也可以无形,有形之物好防备,无形之物却是难以阻挡。 This moment Sol's soul silk comes following the life vine hauling of Sikong Zhengqing, but then gave to twine instantaneously the most life vine. 此刻索尔的魂丝顺着司空正卿的生命藤蔓牵引而来,不过瞬间便是将大半的生命藤蔓都给缠绕住了。 Sol sees that severe Xiao: Explodes!” 索尔见状厉笑一声:“爆!” Collapse! The sound of fierce explosion got up, has used energy Sikong Zhengqing most Yuan Energy, even absorbed the life vine that his essence and blood grew, in an instant was exploded almost. 崩!剧烈的爆炸之声响起,费劲了司空正卿大半元力,甚至吸收了他一口精血所成长起来的生命藤蔓,刹那间被炸得7788。 Puff, Sikong Zhengqing spouts a blood once again, personal appearance sways. Sol this move, it may be said that is the mutually wounded fighting method, he transforms the soul silk condition first forcefully, finally completely from exploding, to him is also not a small consumption, but his big enterprise has lots of assets, in addition all around Soul Strength is rich, does not care about these, but this regarding Sikong Zhengqing, is actually not a small attack. 噗的一声,司空正卿再度喷出一口鲜血,身形一阵摇晃。索尔这一招,可谓是两败俱伤的打法,他先是强行转变魂丝状态,最后全部自爆,对他自己也是个不小的消耗,但他家大业大,再加上四周魂力浓郁,根本不在意这些,但这对于司空正卿来说,却是个不小的打击。 Your these tricks, in the this Senior eye are really extremely low-level, then makes you experience, what is Half-Step Soul Saint! Calls back from the dead, combinate form!” Sol cries out strangely, along with wielding of his both hands, all around Soul Strength is similar to Whirlwind Scatters the Clouds general crazy surges. “你们这些伎俩,在本尊眼中实在是太过低级,接下来便让你们见识见识,什么叫半步魂圣!招魂,聚形!”索尔一阵怪叫,随着他双手的挥动,四周的魂力如同风卷残云一般疯狂的涌动起来。 Follows, lets all person dumbfounded appearances, wears the mail-armor and helmet innumerably person, emerges out of thin air in Soul Strength, everyone is having not under the Great Void Realm aura! 紧随其后,让所有人目瞪口呆的一幕出现,无数身披甲胄的“人”,在魂力之中凭空出现,每个人都带着不下太虚境的气息! PS: The front chapter number mistake, after patronizing is changing the war of destiny falls, forgot to revise regulations the pitch number actually, this chapter should be 1215 chapters. PS:前面章节号错误,光顾着改命运之战的后坠,倒是忘了改章节数了,这章应该是1215章了。
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