SS :: Volume #13

#1203: Sol plans finally

Although Lu Xuan wants to help the Nine Flowers Alliance brothers very much, falls into crazy Illusion God Sect to be clean to cleaning up these, but actually also knows what Ye Wenjun said is the fact, do not look that the present battlefield hits like a raging fire, but decides the victory and defeat finally the battlefield, not here, but between them and Sol. 陆轩虽然很想帮九华盟的兄弟们,将这些陷入疯狂中的幻神宗给清理干净,但却也知道叶文俊说的是事实,别看现在的战场打得如火如荼,但最终决定胜负的战场,不在这里,而在他们与索尔之间。 Finally, the Lu Xuan long sword sweeps away furiously, clenches teeth to drink to make noise greatly: Myriad Sword Tune, Qu Zhong!” 终于,陆轩长剑奋力横扫,咬牙大喝出声:“万剑曲,曲终!” Dials general just like the string, only hears one that collapses, all such as was exploded to shoot to the arrow of string by sword qi of Lu Xuan control generally in abundance, raises sword qi storm, has not turned head. 宛如琴弦拨断一般,只听得崩的一声,所有被陆轩操控的剑气如离弦之箭一般纷纷爆射而出,扬起一阵剑气风暴,没有回头。 All sword qi have poured into Lu Xuan formidable Yuan Energy, after passing through cultivator, still had the remaining prestige, helped Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator clean up a piece of space instantaneously once more, before the Nine Flowers Alliance people who slaughtered furiously naturally were seized the opportunity to be fast clash, seize the domain, everyone in fighting with all might outward diligently, pulled open the front. 所有的剑气都灌注了陆轩强大的元力,贯穿一名武者之后尚有余威,瞬间再次帮九华盟武者清理出了一片空间,奋力厮杀的九华盟众人自然是抓紧时机快速前冲,占领地盘,每一个人都在努力的向外拼杀,拉开战线。 Although the Taiyi Returning Yuan Secret Art resilience is powerful, is actually not enough to support Lu Xuan to open Sword Dao Domain fully, control such many sword qi, erupts wave of later Lu Xuan, slightly some respites, but the promptness of Ye Wenjun reminder, is insufficient the true influence fortunately the Lu Xuan condition. 虽说太乙归元诀的恢复能力强悍,却也不足以支撑陆轩全力开启剑道领域,操控如此之多的剑气,爆发完一波之后的陆轩,略微有些喘息,不过还好叶文俊提醒的及时,不至于真正的影响到陆轩的状态。 Even if not display fully, was not Illusion God Sect these loses mental cultivator to be a worthy opponent by the Lu Xuan strength, he and Ye Wuhen and the others mixed in the Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator group, was similar to several handle sharpest sword edges, the sword referred , the corpse on the ground spread wildly. 即便不全力施展,以陆轩的实力也绝不是幻神宗这些迷失了心智的武者所能匹敌的,他与叶无痕等人混在九华盟武者群中,就如同几柄最为锋利的剑刃,剑之所指,伏尸遍野。 But Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator had also realized the superiority of one's own side, the character radicals of various war departments successively adjust the strategy, making all cultivator all revolve Lu Xuan and the others to break through. 九华盟武者也意识到了己方的优势,各大战部的部首纷纷调整战略,让所有的武者全部围绕陆轩等人来进行突围。 Nine Flowers Alliance in advance step by step, Illusion God Sect step by step was drawn back by compelling, but all paths, level with the corpse with the blood. 九华盟在一步步的前进,幻神宗被一步步的逼退,但所有的道路,都是拿鲜血跟尸体填平的。 , Starts to have Nine Flowers Alliance of several other stagnation points to fight the department one after another to converge, naturally, following also has the Illusion God Sect pursuing troops, has not stemmed from the expectation of Lu Xuan, all Illusion God Sect cultivator are similar to the mad dog same pursues is nipping Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator, does not die continuous. 陆陆续续的,开始有其余几个驻点的九华盟战部汇合过来,当然,随之而来的也还有幻神宗的追兵,没有出乎陆轩的预料,所有的幻神宗武者都如同疯狗一样追咬着九华盟武者,不死不休。 Lu Xuan has killed to be lenient, but faces as before is the enemy of taking place of the fallen, this makes him wonder very much, he cannot see Illusion God Sect completely or is Sol's intention, such casualty is meaningless, what only if Sol is pure is only wants to retaliate Nine Flowers Alliance, wish makes the Nine Flowers Alliance casualty serious, even if so, where that significance is also at? 陆轩都已经杀到手软了,但面对的依旧是前仆后继的敌人,这让他很纳闷,他完全看不出幻神宗或者说是索尔的意图,这样的死伤是毫无意义的,除非是索尔单纯的只是想要报复九华盟,想要让九华盟死伤惨重,但即便如此,那意义又在哪? However Sol had not made an appearance, this makes Lu Xuan they have the feeling that powerful nowhere causes, Lu Xuan wants with Sol to hit a life and death fight very much once more happily, finished this meaningless damage, regarding Sol, in any case death is the Human Race people, does not relate with him, but regarding Lu Xuan and the others, what even if kills is the Illusion God Sect person, that also eventually is the Human Race clansman, kills the certain extent, will be lenient. 不过索尔一直都没有露面,这让陆轩他们有种有力无处使的感觉,陆轩很想再次跟索尔痛痛快快的打一场你死我活的战斗,来结束这毫无意义的损伤,对于索尔来说,反正死的都是人族的人,跟他毫无关系,但对于陆轩等人来说,即便杀的是幻神宗的人,那也终究都是人族的族人,杀到一定程度,是会手软的。 But the Illusion God Sect high level had not appeared, does not know that early died in Sol hand, had to seek. Now they are living, should also become Sol's soul slave? Lu Xuan muses to say. 幻神宗的高层也一直没有出现,不知道是早死在了索尔手上,还是另有所谋。现在就算他们活着,应该也已经成了索尔的魂奴吧?陆轩暗想道。 , He Ritian led the Myriad Sharks Island reinforcements to catch up gradually finally, the Nine Flowers Alliance 300,000 officers, in addition Myriad Sharks Island ten ten thousand cultivator, the strength of both sides allied armies have achieved the unprecedented great strength! Perhaps this is nearly thousand years, even is for several thousand years, the participants are most, a largest war. 渐渐的,何日天终于率领着万鲨岛的援军赶来了,九华盟300000将士,再加上万鲨岛的十万武者,双方联军的力量达到了前所未有的强大!恐怕这是近千年,甚至是数千年来,参与人数最多,规模最大的一场战争了。 His mother, the Illusion God Sect people were insane! Like mad dog!” He Ritian and Nine Flowers Alliance people one round then shouted abuse: We have encountered the attacks of four Illusion God Sect all the way, the population adds is about ten thousand people, actually resembles everyone to be absolutely irreconcilable with our Myriad Sharks Island, each one flushing not awfully, unexpected , the wound of casualty many brothers die.” “他娘的,幻神宗的人都疯了!一个个都像疯狗一样!”何日天九华盟众人一回合便是破口大骂:“一路上我们遭遇了四次幻神宗的攻击,人数加起来也不过万人,却好像每个人都跟我们万鲨岛不共戴天一样,个个都不要命的冲,猝不及防之下,好些兄弟死的死伤的伤。” We also discovered this situation.” The Ye Wuhen racket the shoulder of He Ritian said: According to Xuan'er, the Illusion God Sect people by a soul seal, extremely might be Sol behavior.” “我们也发现这个情况了。”叶无痕拍拍何日天的肩膀道:“据轩儿说,幻神宗的人都被中上了一道魂印,极有可能是索尔所为。” He Ritian while convenient shoulders to say toward the shoulder on his handle axe: „Hasn't Sol, made an appearance? Reveals only part of the truth, only dares to make these Illusion God Sect fellows bring death?” 何日天将他那柄趁手的斧头往肩上一扛道:“索尔呢,还没露面吗?藏头露尾的,只敢让这些幻神宗的家伙来送死?” Ye Wuhen shook the head: No, had not seen including the Eight Sides Temple person that does not know is planning anything. However our people built up similarly, Illusion God Sect so fighting method, lost seriously, so long as we cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, then can advance, breaks their encirclement rings, Sol sooner or later the meeting must make an appearance.” 叶无痕摇了摇头:“没有,连八方圣殿的人也没看到,不知道在谋划些什么。不过我们的人已经集结得差不多了,幻神宗这般打法,也已经损失惨重,我们只要以不变应万变,便能一路推进,破开他们的包围圈,索尔迟早会要露面的。” That does, fears his bird! Previous Soul Race stirs up the beast tide, including the Monster Beast rebellion of nautical mile, killed many Myriad Sharks Island brothers, now the stature my Myriad Sharks Island is revenges!” The He Ritian big axe pounds down suddenly, makes the sound of bang. “那就干,怕他个鸟!上次魂族煽动兽潮,连海里的妖兽都暴动了,害死不少万鲨岛的兄弟,今个儿我万鲨岛就是来报仇的!”何日天的大斧猛然砸下,发出轰的一声响。 Immediately is the bang suddenly Xiang, the entire earth vibrated, suddenly He Ritian and Ye Wuhen cannot help but look at each other in blank diamay. 随即又是轰得一声暴响,整个大地都震动了一下,一时间何日天叶无痕不由得面面相觑。 I...... Is the might of my this axe so big?” He Ritian a little dumbstruck [say / way]. “我……我这一斧头的威力有这么大?”何日天有点发懵的道。 However his voice has not fallen, bang the sound has made a sound once again, saw only the mountain of distant place to start to swing tremblingly, afterward then under glare of the public eye, loudly avalanche! Earth once again fierce vibration, one after another does not stand still, as if a sudden earthquake. 不过他话音未落,轰隆声再度响了起来,只见远处的一座大山开始颤颤巍巍的摇了起来,随后便是在众目睽睽之下,轰然崩塌!大地再度剧烈的抖动起来,一阵接一阵的毫不停歇,仿佛一场突如其来的地震般。 Sees this scenery, the Ye Wuhen complexion cannot help but changes, he does not certainly think that the chain-reaction that this is He Ritian that gives vent to indignation an axe that brings, some people here have clearly gotten up to some tricks, actually as to care for what Wei, temporarily has not known, but absolutely will not be the good deed. 见到此景,叶无痕脸色不由得一变,他当然不会以为这是何日天那泄愤的一斧头带来的连锁反应,分明是有人在这里做了些手脚,至于究竟意欲何为,暂时还不知道,但绝对不会是好事。 Earth unceasing vibration, making human somewhat be flustered, no matter Nine Flowers Alliance or Myriad Sharks Island cultivator, subconsciously mentioned a heart, is Illusion God Sect these wild cultivator simply has not come under any influence on the contrary, suddenly, many cultivator, because loses concentration by the person of Illusion God Sect is struck to kill. 大地不断的震动,让人有些心慌,不管是九华盟还是万鲨岛武者,都下意识的提起了一颗心,反倒是幻神宗那些狂暴的武者根本没有受到任何影响,一时间,不少武者因为分神被幻神宗之人所击杀。 All brothers are calm, no matter any accident has me in this!” Ye Wuhen drinks loud greatly, the calm sound spread to the ear of each cultivator. “所有兄弟都镇定点,不管什么变故都有我在此!”叶无痕高声大喝,沉着的声音传入了每个武者的耳中。 Heard the Ye Wuhen words, the Nine Flowers Alliance people relaxed immediately slightly, right, one's own side had these many people, alliance lord presented with many seniors, the little sound feared anything, let alone was the landslide, even if were the day collapses also had high were going against. 听到叶无痕的话,九华盟众人顿时稍稍放松了一些,对,己方有这么多人,还有盟主与好些前辈在场,一点点动静怕什么,别说是地崩了,就算是天塌了也有高个的顶着。 The landslide is still continuing, slaughters actually never stops, landslide bang sound, war cry of fight, injured pitiful yell sound mixed in the same place, frightening. 地崩还在继续,厮杀却从未停止,地崩的轰隆声,战斗的喊杀声,受伤的惨叫声交杂在一起,令人心惊胆战。 Is mixing in Lu Xuan that in the crowd slaughters, saw that the landslide has not stopped for a very long time, cannot help but suddenly halts, looking pensive. Immediately drops out audiences cultivator to shoot up to the sky suddenly, non-stop flies high of hundred zhang (333m), takes in everything at a glance all around topography and accident! 正混在人群中厮杀的陆轩,见到地崩久久未停,不由得戛然止步,若有所思。随即骤然抛下众武者冲天而起,直飞百丈之高,将四周地势与变故一览无余! Lu Xuan vision from far to near has swept, the landslide, the subsidence of the earth, superficially, seemed the ambush under Illusion God Sect cloth, but the Lu Xuan feeling so is not simple, the feeling of his another palpitation, his intuition told him, this absolutely was an important matter that Sol schemed, even sieged them with Sol desirably here, under the soul to the Illusion God Sect cultivator cloth was printed with the enormous relations. 陆轩的目光由远及近的扫过,山崩了,地陷了,从表面上看,似乎是幻神宗布下的埋伏,但陆轩感觉没这么简单,他又一种心悸的感觉,他的直觉告诉他,这绝对是索尔所图谋的一件大事,甚至跟索尔刻意将他们围困在这里,给幻神宗武者布下魂印有着极大的关系。 Lu Xuan has closed the eye, the release that huge Spiritual Knowledge is outspoken, has covered the trim earth, saw place that many he cannot see, saw thing that many naked eyes cannot see. 陆轩闭上了眼,庞大的神识毫无保留的释放出去,覆盖了整片大地,看到了许多他看不到的地方,也看到了很多肉眼看不见的东西。 In opening eyes instant, Lu Xuan everywhere with amazement, this time, really had in a big way troubles! Originally this is Sol's final plan! 在睁眼的刹那,陆轩满目骇然,这次,真是有大麻烦了!原来这才是索尔的最终谋划!
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