SS :: Volume #13

#1201: The flames of war burn

Hears this word, presented all people cannot help but completely to stand, has not thought that made what Sun and Moon language to become Zhen, Eight Sides Temple transfer the troops at this time unexpectedly, must take an action absolutely. 听得此言,在场所有人不由得全部都站了起来,没想到竟然让何日月一语成箴,八方圣殿在这个时候调动人马,绝对是要有所行动。 But in this time, together passing message rune emerged out of thin air before the body of Ye Wuhen, Ye Wuhen look cold, pinching fast exploded passing message rune clearly, the sound that Celestial Sword fought Zhao Feng passed on. 而就在此时,一道传音符凭空出现在了叶无痕的身前,叶无痕神色一凛,飞快的捏爆传音符,天剑战部赵峰的声音清晰的传了出来。 alliance lord, scouts incoming telegram according to the front, defended the circle the surrounding to present massive cultivator in us, was approaching unceasingly, was the war defends, asking alliance lord to tell.” 盟主,据前方斥候来报,在我们防御圈的外围出现了大量武者,正在不断逼近,是战是守,请盟主吩咐。” Listens to Zhao Feng notification, Ye Wuhen to turn the head toward the people saying: Illusion God Sect started to take action, we must instantly make the plan.” 听完赵峰的通报,叶无痕转头朝众人说道:“幻神宗已经开始行动,我们必须即刻制定计划了。” Naturally is the war.” He Ritian said loudly: „Here we far away run up to inadequate of coming is travels, is the mule is horse, drew to know, even if were Eight Sides Temple iron core of stands that side Illusion God Sect, we also not necessarily feared.” “自然是战。”何日天大声道:“我们大老远跑到这边来难道是来旅游的不成,是骡子是马,拉出来溜溜就知道了,就算是八方圣殿铁了心站在幻神宗那边,我们也未必就怕了。” I also approved.” What Sun and Moon took a stand afterward. “我也赞成。”何日月随后表态。 Ye Wuhen nods: Good, such being the case, that then fights! Minute weak, about strong, since Illusion God Sect is having the idea of encircling, that military strength will be inevitably weak, we then to expose the surface, a centralized all-out attack point.” 叶无痕点点头:“好,既然如此,那便战!分则弱,合则强,既然幻神宗打着围剿的主意,那兵力势必薄弱,我们便以点破面,集中全力攻击一点。” All listens your, Myriad Sharks Island had prepared up and down already fight.” He Ritian will direct has given Ye Wuhen fully completely. “全听你的,万鲨岛上下早就做好了战斗的准备。”何日天将指挥的全力全部交给了叶无痕 Our then concentration of effort, completely toward the direction advance that Illusion God Sect is, takes in one vigorous effort the Illusion God Sect headquarters. So long as our troops concentrate, even if Illusion God Sect and Eight Sides Temple builds up in together, not necessarily does not have strength of the war.” “那我们便集中兵力,全部朝幻神宗所在的方向突进,一鼓作气将幻神宗总部拿下来。只要我们的人马集中起来,就算是幻神宗八方圣殿集结在一起,也未必没有一战之力。” After having prepared fight, people then no longer dilatory, Ye Wuhen labelled the map of Nine Flowers Alliance each foothold position to give He Ritian one, told that He Ritian quickly built up the Myriad Sharks Island person to close up toward the Nine Flowers Alliance No. 5 foothold, No. 5 foothold, is away from a Illusion God Sect recent place. 做好了战斗的准备之后,众人便不再拖沓,叶无痕将一副标注了九华盟各个据点位置的地图交给何日天,吩咐何日天快速集结万鲨岛的人往九华盟五号据点靠拢,五号据点,是距离幻神宗最近的一处地方。 Afterward Nine Flowers Alliance several people instantly start, directly soar No. 5 foothold to go, simultaneously sent greetings to Zhao Feng, making Zhao Feng transmit the news, ordering Nine Flowers Alliance all war departments to rush toward No. 5 foothold. 随后九华盟几人即刻启程,直奔五号据点而去,同时传音给了赵峰,让赵峰将消息传达了下去,命令九华盟所有战部全部奔赴五号据点。 Does not have the words all the way, the people heart somewhat is serious, getting rid of Eight Sides Temple far exceeded their expectation, Eight Sides Temple started to transfer at this time, obviously to prevent Nine Flowers Alliance and Myriad Sharks Island traitor within, a short time, they buried the undercover in Eight Sides Temple unable the news to pass on promptly. 一路上无话,众人心头都有些沉重,八方圣殿的出手远远超出了他们的预料,八方圣殿在这个时候才开始调动,显然是为了防止九华盟万鲨岛的内奸,一时半会儿,他们埋藏在八方圣殿中的卧底也无法将消息及时传回来。 Now Ye Wuhen does not know that actually the Eight Sides Temple person will appear where, does not know that they sent many people, does not know the outcome that Sol and Illusion God Sect hit was any idea. This enemy is dark my bright aspect, making Ye Wuhen some not dare to make a decision easily, but besides the war, they do not have any other choices, even if knew perfectly well that front has the trap, has to rush. 现在叶无痕根本不知道八方圣殿的人究竟会出现在哪里,也不知道他们派来了多少人,更不知道索尔和幻神宗打的究竟是什么主意。这种敌暗我明的局面,让叶无痕有些不敢轻易决断,但除了战之外,他们没有任何别的选择,即便明知前方有陷阱,也不得不闯。 Here after is Illusion God Sect and Eight Sides Temple home game, once lets Eight Sides Temple and Illusion God Sect true completeness builds up, Nine Flowers Alliance and stratagem which ensures success of Myriad Sharks Island allied armies is actually not big, don't forget, the Illusion God Sect that side may have a Sol. 这里毕竟是幻神宗八方圣殿的主场,一旦让八方圣殿幻神宗真正的完全集结起来,九华盟万鲨岛联军的胜算其实并不大,别忘了,幻神宗那边可有一个索尔。 When Ye Wuhen and Lu Xuan and the others arrived at No. 5 foothold, the fight has started. 叶无痕陆轩等人到达五号据点的时候,战斗已经打响了。 Illusion God Sect from that moment of motion, was similar to the machine of spiral spring was ordinary, is unable to stop again. General that just like Ye Wuhen they expect, Nine Flowers Alliance the position of each foothold had been controlled by Illusion God Sect completely, but as No. the 5 foothold of forefront, without doubt is the goal of bearing the brunt. 幻神宗从行动的那一刻,就如同一个上了发条的机器一般,再也无法停下了。正如叶无痕他们所预料的一般,九华盟的各个据点的位置已经全部被幻神宗所掌控,而作为最前线的五号据点,无疑是首当其冲的目标。 Long-range raid that innumerable Illusion God Sect cultivator take place of the fallen comes, when Lu Xuan and the others rushed, the fight has hit like a raging fire, because before was worried that No. 5 foothold bears the brunt, Ye Wuhen has specially arranged eight war departments, about 30,000 people in this, has enough three Nine Flowers Alliance subordinates to fight the department, but facing the attack of Illusion God Sect, is hits now unexpectedly shares half and half, Nine Flowers Alliance gets a winning side reluctantly, is far from having the one-sided aspect in Ye Wuhen imagination. 无数的幻神宗武者前仆后继的奔袭而来,当陆轩等人赶到之时,战斗已经打得如火如荼,之前正是因为担心五号据点首当其冲,叶无痕特意安排了八个战部,近30000人于此,其中更是有着足足三个九华盟直属战部,但如今面对幻神宗的攻击,竟然是打得平分秋色,九华盟勉强占据一丝上风,却远远没有出现叶无痕想象中的一边倒的局面。 Including No. 5 foothold that deploys troops for defense with emphasis, in addition so, the situations in several other footholds can be imagined, unceasing has the news to feed in Ye Wuhen here, the personnel in other seven footholds toward the process that in No. 5 foothold closes up, suffered blocks of varying degrees, delays the time that Nine Flowers Alliance built up greatly. 连重点布防的五号据点尚且如此,其余几个据点的情况可想而知,不断的有消息传回叶无痕的这里,其余七个据点的人员往五号据点靠拢的过程中,均遭受到了不同程度的堵截,大大的延缓了九华盟集结的时间。 Do not prolong contact, builds up toward No. 5 foothold rapidly, among various war departments maintains the news is momentarily unimpeded, closes up. Moreover, momentarily pays attention Sol's trail, once discovers Sol, first notifies to me.” Ye Wuhen fast ordering, shoots at the heads in major stagnation points several passing message rune separately. “不要恋战,迅速往五号据点集结,各大战部之间随时保持消息畅通,一齐靠拢。另外,随时留意索尔的踪迹,一旦发现索尔,第一时间向我通报。”叶无痕快速的下令,将几道传音符分别射向各大驻点的负责人。 Wants us to aid?” Ye Haoran asked. “要不要我们去接应?”叶浩然问道。 „It is not good.” Ye Wuhen rejects pointedly said: Now Sol has not made an appearance, our several people must momentarily maintain at the same place, otherwise, once encounters Sol, no one can block.” “不行。”叶无痕断然否决道:“如今索尔尚未露面,我们几人必须随时保持在一起,否则的话,一旦遭遇索尔,谁也挡不住。” Lu Xuan stands saying: Such being the case, that sends the war department of No. 5 stagnation point to aid, is prevented the impact of Illusion God Sect by us here.” 陆轩站出来道:“既然如此,那就派五号驻点的战部去接应,由我们在这里阻挡幻神宗的冲击。” This is actually feasible.” Ye Wuhen nods: Cannot send completely, if Sol takes advantage to come these days, our Clone does not have the technique, is unable to guard 5 th to stop him.” “这倒是可行。”叶无痕点点头:“不过也不能全部派走,万一索尔趁这段时间现身,我们分身无术,无法镇守五号点又去阻拦他。” Ye Wuhen looks for No. 5 stagnation point head fast, Ling Feng fights the character radical of department, making him assign four war departments to go to aid the recent four stagnation point personnel respectively, but at this point, Lu Xuan several people broke in the battlefield in abundance. 叶无痕快速找来五号驻点负责人,凌风战部的部首,让他调派四个战部分别前往接应最近的四个驻点人员,而在此时,陆轩几人已经纷纷冲入了战场。 By Lu Xuan and the others the strengths, in the battlefield that this moment conflict slaughters, is similar to the bullying is then ordinary, the Ye Wenjun leisurely strolling idle courtyard, sword, writes with a free pen, the Ling Jin form moves fast, everywhere one visit sees only the enemy to draw back the powder in abundance, actually could not find the Ling Jin form. 陆轩等人的实力,此刻冲突厮杀的战场中,便如同虎入羊群一般,叶文俊信步闲庭,一剑一个,挥洒自如,凌瑾身影飘忽,所到之处只见敌人纷纷退散,却找不到凌瑾的身影。 Several other people also respectively use method, fast helps Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator to repel the enemy, Lu Xuan breaks in the enemy group, immediately then several Illusion God Sect cultivator that kills to get angry rushes ahead, Lu Xuan Dust Covered Sword comes out of the sheath immediately, sword light sweeps away, forces to draw back it instantaneously, cuts to kill 56 people. 其余几人也各自施展手段,快速的助九华盟武者退敌,陆轩冲入敌群中,顿时便有十几名杀红了眼的幻神宗武者冲杀过来,陆轩当即蒙尘剑出鞘,一道剑光横扫,瞬间将其逼退,斩杀56人。 But several other people see that not only does not draw back, instead was crazier, sword light blade qi was mixed is making a long-range raid to come together, two cultivator released the imaginary technique toward Lu Xuan, tried to confuse Lu Xuan. 但其余几人见状不但不退,反而是更疯狂了,剑光刀气交杂在一起奔袭而来,还有两名武者陆轩释放出了幻术,试图迷惑住陆轩 Lu Xuan condenses together Wall of Thorns conveniently, has blocked the opposite attack, as for imaginary technique, regarding Lu Xuan radically useless. Has not spent many hands and feet, cultivator that these act recklessly was then swept clear by Lu Xuan. 陆轩随手凝聚一道荆棘之墙,挡住了对面的攻击,至于幻术,对于陆轩来说根本无用。没费多少手脚,这些不知死活的武者便是被陆轩清扫一空。 However Lu Xuan instead frowned at this moment, before was only looks at, has not felt to leave anything, but enters the battlefield now personally, discovered that some did not suit, Illusion God Sect cultivator, as if completely did not give a thought to own life and death, when left the move only attacked does not defend, completely was the move of going all out. 不过陆轩此刻反而是皱起了眉头,之前只是看着,还没感觉出什么,但如今亲自进入战场,才发现有些不对劲,幻神宗武者,似乎完全不顾自己的生死,出招之际只攻不守,完全是拼命的招数。 Only if were compelled into hopeless situation, otherwise who will go often all out? Now but Illusion God Sect is besieging Nine Flowers Alliance, but was not Nine Flowers Alliance has surrounded Illusion God Sect. 除非是被逼入了绝境,否则谁会动不动就拼命?如今可是幻神宗在围攻九华盟,而并非九华盟困住了幻神宗 Now he was understood, why the Nine Flowers Alliance enough eight powerful war departments guarded here, actually cannot repel Illusion God Sect cultivator, if each cultivator were this fighting method, that Nine Flowers Alliance cultivator indeed was hard to resist, Illusion God Sect cultivator can each not awfully, but Nine Flowers Alliance actually estimated that was hard some people to achieve, this with had nothing to do loyally, after all the human pitied the life. 现在他算是明白了,为何九华盟足足八个实力强大的战部镇守在这里,却没能击退幻神宗武者,如果每个武者都是这个打法,那九华盟武者的确难以抵挡,幻神宗武者可以每个都不要命,但九华盟这边却估计难以有人做到,这与忠诚无关,毕竟人都是惜命的。
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