The say/wayboundarystorm of place of Yellow Dragonis still deteriorating, some timepasses, sees only the failure, withoutsuccess!
黄龙之地的道境风暴还在恶化,一段时间过去,就只见失败,没有成功!Thisseizes a process, succeeding is always very difficult, the failure is very simple! Contributing no work but be undetected because of othersare too many, once the support, is a rout!
这就是夺道的过程,成功总是很艰难,失败却很简单!滥竽充数者太多,一旦支持不住,就是个溃败!Someimmortalhavekindhearted, is not ruthless, butsuchimmortalafter all is a few, for after mostimmortalconsiders, fewsometroublesome, is relentless, is conscientious in discharging official duties.
有的仙人心存仁厚,不赶尽杀绝,但这样的仙人毕竟是少数,大多数仙人为了以后着想,少些麻烦,就毫不留情,公事公办。ThesegatherHalf Immortal of spatialsay/wayalsomany, leeway that draws back;Buttakes advantage to seizetothese saying that thiswas doomedis a disaster!
When the eraalternateswas full of the jubilation, onlyseessuccessfully, because the loser the lifealsohas the guaranteethereforealsoobviouslyanything;Butthissay/wayboundarystormtrulyis the stormtime, at leastfarexceedsdisciplinethattimeonbrutal, estimates, inseveral thousandcultivatorwill at least haveover a thousandtragedies, isonebalanced of Heavenly Dao.
A azureprofoundYin-YangGrand Daoconstant voltageopponenthead, buthehas not displayed, butis the patientwaiting, several thousandyearspassed by, do not missthis moment!
青玄的阴阳大道稳压对手一头,但他并没有借此发挥,而是耐心的等待,数千年都过去了,也不差这一刻!Inhisfeeling, the timehas not arrived! Needsto have a personstarts the epochsubvertsfirst! Thispersonwill not have the secondpersonto havesuchqualificationsbesidesLou Xiaoyi, therefore, the waitingis good!
在他的感觉中,时机还没有到!需要有个人来开启新纪元的颠覆第一场!这个人除了娄小乙外就不会有第二个人有这样的资格,所以,等待就好!Has the similarfeelingalsohasthesetrulyhopefullyto seize a personabout the say/way, becausehopeful, canclearerexperiencesky overhead, andtakes advantage of opportunity, butis, rather thanabsurdlyfromraising one's headto top.
有同样感觉的还有那些真正有希望合道夺道的人,正是因为有希望,才能更清晰的体会天心,并顺势而为,而不是妄自出头去拔头筹。Somethings, must the correctperson, appearin the correctposition, does the correctmatter!
有些东西,是必须正确的人,出现在正确的位置,做正确的事!Thisis the potentialrule that Grand Daooperates, youcannotprovoke, thatwill makeyoupay the hugeprice! Thesein the person who seizing the say/wayis defeatedone after anotherdo not understand that thistruth, ruined the lifefinallyhere.
The soupmustLouYasitaste, becauseis the Grand Daorule of epochheformulates!
头汤必须娄押司来尝,因为是他制定的新纪元的大道规则!He, will if successful explain that Heavenly Daoapproveshissubversioncriterion!
It is not successful, explained that hiscriterionhas the issue! Is more radicalormore temperatecultivatoron the needgathers, nowlooks like, ifLouYasigathersinadequately, that can only choosetemperatelymore discretesubversionstrategy, thisiseveryoneapproves.
不成功,说明他的尺度有问题!就需要更激进或更温和的修士来合,现在看来,如果娄押司合不成,那就只能选择更温和更谨慎的颠覆策略,这是大家都认可的。No oneknows the criterion of Heavenly Daoapproval! Alsono oneknowssuccess or failure that the dayselects the partition! Thereforealsoonno oneknows whether LouYasican succeed!
没人知道天道认可的尺度!也没人知道天择分拆的成败!所以也就没人知道娄押司能否成功!LouYasiin the preparatory stage of place of Yellow Dragonisextremelymagnificent, makingeveryonethink that hesubvertsfourcandidatesinevitably, but the era, the say/waypersonnot, thismademanypeoplehave the suspiciontohim! Does not suspecthisability, butsuspectedhisTianjuan!
娄押司在黄龙之地的准备阶段是极其辉煌的,让所有人都以为他是必然的颠覆四道人选,但纪元之更,道更人不更,这让很多人对他产生了怀疑!不是怀疑他的能力,而是怀疑他的天眷!Has the toomanyhigh-sounding talkrampantresultsincultivation worldby the model that Heavenly Daoabandons, ifLouYasiis also one of them, this pointis not strange, becausehe is not only rampant, the extremely arrogantstratagemgoes againstradically!
在修真界中有太多高调嚣张结果被天道抛弃的范例,如果娄押司也在其中,这一点也不奇怪,因为他已经不仅仅是嚣张,根本就是狂妄谋逆!Thendayselected the partition unable to hide the truth from the person, tenseveral hundreds of millionspeople of deaths, the injuredwas countless, causes and effects made one be awed at the sight!
再然后的天择分拆也瞒不了人,十数亿人的死亡,伤者不计其数,这其中的因果让人望而生畏!Therefore, when fishes in troubled watersHalf Immortal that is defeatedone after another, a pessimisticmoodcoveredthem, the prospectstarts becomes not clear.
所以,当浑水摸鱼的半仙们接二连三的失败时,一股悲观的情绪就笼罩了他们,前景开始变得不明确起来。Simultaneouslybecomes not explicit, the road of theirturning over totownship!
同时变得不明确的,还有他们的归乡之路!Will achieve wishes?
...... A struggle, still conducted like a raging firein the universeGrand Daofield! Althoughwantsto ride the bandwagon, but is the same is not infrequenttruly, everyone who Grand Daocomesis waiting for a turning point, turning point that launches the finalgeneral attack.
……道争,仍然在宇宙大道场中进行得如火如荼!虽然很多都是想搭顺风车的,但真正为大道而来的同样不在少数,大家都在等待一个契机,一个发起最后总攻的契机。Refuses to compromisein the silence! Is refusing to compromisesilent!
在沉默中僵持!在僵持中沉默!Butin the center of storm, actuallyimaginescompared with the bystandertranquil..
但在风暴的中心,却比外人想象的更加的平静。。Subvertsfourafter the initial stagenormalsay/waystruggles, immortalstarted the say/wayto kill, after the say/waykilled the non-solution, re-entered the normalsay/waystruggle the rhythm!
颠覆四道在初期的正常道争后,仙人们开始了道杀,在道杀无解后,又重回正常道争的节奏!Thisinexpected of Lou Xiaoyi, hissay/waykillsthistype of violationsay/way not possiblyto struggle the choice of principlevery muchclearlylikelylong-time, so long asheverycomes, the opposite partycannot certainly continue.
这在娄小乙的意料之中,他很清楚像道杀这种违背道争原则的选择就不可能长久,只要他挺过来,对方就一定无以为继。Factsshowedhisjudgmentis right.
事实证明了他的判断是对的。Alsocancontinueto return toright track, explained that thesefouropponentsstillstrictly adhered to the immortalintegrity, the words that but, does not strictly adhere, how can they?
还能继续回到正轨,说明这四个对手仍然谨守仙人的操守,但是,不谨守的话,他们又能怎么样呢?right track, means that a boundaryrubs! Even ifLou Xiaoyihas the advantage, heis impossibleto achievewhenfacingfourGolden ImmortalLordsteamroll.正轨,就意味着道境相磨!哪怕娄小乙占据优势,他也不可能做到在面对四个金仙道主时都碾压而过。
The resistance of opponentis tenacious, thisis the strengthcompetition, does not have anyfloweris skillful.
对手的抵抗非常顽强,这是实打实的实力比拼,没有任何花巧。Slow, is steadfast!
缓慢,却坚定不移!immortalhad the leisurely moodandthisswordfinallycultivates the communication, does not play out, looks like the heart-to-heart talk of elderandyounger generation.仙人们终于有了闲心和这个剑修沟通,不是剑拔弩张的,就像是长辈和晚辈的谈心。
The long nighttakes the leadto open the mouth, „IamoneYuandayrevere, Louyoung friend we have met!”
永夜率先开口,“吾乃一元天尊,娄小友我们见过面!”Lou Xiaoyibows with hands claspedstraight, „has met! Moreover the seniorgives the direction of younger generationto be manyon the newsamsara, until nowthinks ofit, benefits greatly!”娄小乙端正一揖,“见过面!而且前辈在新轮回上給晚辈的指点甚多,至今思之,受益匪浅!”
The long nightsighed, „thatwasfor on a samsaratogetherseveral millionyears of painstaking care, did not have the tiny bithidden! Otherwise, Iam unable to gatherthis field of endeavor! Held the light of little friend, ranksthispositionsecretly, but alsolooks at the little friendno wonder!”
永夜就叹了口气,“那是为在轮回一道上数百万年的心血,没有一丝一毫的隐藏!不如此,我也无法合得此道!托了小友的光,窃居此位,还望小友莫怪!”Lou Xiaoyilaughs in spite of trying not, „ whathas is quite strange? Grand Daovacant, learneveryonemayoccupyit! When the seniorsdirectspares no effort, wantsto cometo directfor the epochcommon people, notformyLou Xiaoyioneperson?娄小乙失笑,“有什么好怪的?大道空置,习道者人人可居之!前辈指点时不遗余力,想来是为新纪元苍生指点,又不是为我娄小乙一人?
The seniorscan achieve, the younger generationalsosamecanachieve!
前辈做得到,晚辈也一样能做到!This timeseizes saying that non-forprivate! Butisfelt that the seniorshave the fishyonGrand Dao, toprotectthissay/way, cannotbe deceived, asking the seniorto excuse me! ”
此番夺道,非是为私!而是感觉前辈们在大道上有蹊跷,为护本道,不容亵渎,请前辈见谅!”OneYuandayreveresasked,„Grand Dao of little friendis so radical, Icanknow that iswhatreasonmustinduct an unpredictabledirectionuniversecultivation world?”
一元天尊就问,“小友之大道如此激进,我能知道是什么原因就一定要把宇宙修真界导入一个不可预知的方向么?”Lou Xiaoyiis very patient, „ first, in the universeis impossible the direction that hasto know in advance! Youthought that myGrand Daoprospectis not bright, Ialsothought that theseoldGrand Daoalsonot necessarilyadaptin the epoch! Is indelib, everyone thinks that the oneselfwayis most suitablethisuniverse, butthesealsowherehas the certainty?娄小乙很耐心,“首先,宇宙中就不可能有预知的方向!您觉得我的大道前景未明,我还觉得那些旧大道在新纪元中还未必适应呢!先入为主,每个人都认为自己的方式最适合这个宇宙,但这其中又哪有一定?Iam uncertain! Yourthatsetis also uncertain!
我不一定!您那一套同样不一定!Heavenly Daodoes not know that whatappearancein the futureis, do youactuallyrequestme?天道都不知道未来是个什么样子,您却来要求我?
Was thisis a little severe? ”
这是不是有点过于严苛了?”To the passinggratitude and grudges, hedoes not wantto raiseagain! The solutioncannot untie, thatis a different matter! Hein the idea of simpleelaborationoneself, sayslistensnowto the opponent, saidto the oneselfhear, listensincluding the universecontroltodarkness!
„ Next, is notImustchoose! Butis the choice of situation! Thistrutheveryoneunderstands! If myLou Xiaoyipraying mantisarm, when the car(riage), presumptuously thinks the strengthto subvertthisuniverseby one cultivating true virtueorder, Ihad revealed after suchthoughts, vanished into thin air.
“其次,也不是我要选择!而是大势的选择!这个道理大家都明白!如果是我娄小乙螳臂当车,妄想凭借一已之力就颠覆这个宇宙的修真秩序,那我早就表露出这样的心思后就烟消云散了。Sincecanarrivethisstep, naturallyhasto arrive atthisstepreason! ”
既然能走到这一步,当然就有走到这一步的理由!”Shows a faint smile, „as forspeaking ofradically? Mythisis not considered asradical! IfreallyItake responsibility, Iwill also limit the annual ringtoimmortal! What a pity, perhapsIdid not havesuchopportunity.”
Does oneYuandayreveresis very curious, „limit the immortalannual ring? Howto say? Whattruthhas?”
一元天尊很好奇,“限制仙人年轮?怎么说?有什么道理?”Lou Xiaoyigently, „, only thendied, canstimulate the freshhappiness! Ifweare regarded aslastdayevery day, youdo not think that wewill enrichmany?娄小乙轻轻到,“只有死亡,才能刺激生的美好!如果我们把每一天都当作是最后一天来过,您不认为我们会充实很多么?Before the eraalternatesthisfinalseveral thousandyears, do youdothing that had not achievedover the past 1000000 years? Holds the heart that 1 millionyearshad not held? Is suchtimemore meaningful? Has the quality?
就像纪元更迭前这最后几千年,您是不是做了过去1000000年都没做到的事?是不是操了百万年都没操的心?这样的时间是不是更有意义?更有质量?Youdid not think that the paradise of olderawas extremely stodgydropslazily? Whatreason? Isalsoimmortality!
您不觉得旧纪元的仙界太过死板懒堕了么?什么原因?就是也长生!immortalitydouble-edged sword, whileeternal, will bring the inertiato everyone! ”长生是把双刃剑,在永恒的同时,也会給每个人带来惰性!”
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