SPCR :: Volume #28

#2755: Challenges 5 【Thanked the 20180819 support】

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Some people because of seizing die for justice! 有人因为夺道而殉道! This was this line counter cast the shadow! What most awfully is, the person of dying for justice are many! And is increasing! 这为这次行逆蒙上了阴影!最要命的是,殉道的人还不少!而且还在增加! This is the impulsive price! Thinks that Lou Yasi takes the lead, can clash a inconsistency the above innate day after tomorrow? 这就是冲动的代价!以为娄押司领头,就能把上面的先天后天冲得个七零八落? Said the struggle, must look at the cultivator individual accumulation and background! Cannot solve by the blood for a while bravely. But must make clear to seize the trenches of say/way, can only pay enough many prices! 道争,仍然要看修士个人的积累和底蕴!不是靠一时血勇能解决的。只不过要搞清楚夺道的沟沟坎坎,就只能付出足够多的代价! Main has not entered the happiest extent, taking advantage already total defeat! Outside Yuan infant True Monarch cannot see profound mystery, gradually thought that this say/way boundary storm can have a strong beginning but a weak ending time? 正主们还未进入佳境,趁火打劫的已经折戟沉沙!外面的元婴真君看不出这其中的玄奥,渐渐的就觉得这一次的道境风暴就有可能虎头蛇尾? At least, without is so optimistic. But is good because of Lou Yasi has not lost, old address for jail warden also, all also hopeful. 最起码,没有那么乐观。但好在娄押司还没输,押司还在,一切就还有希望。 ...... Lou Xiaoyi has not lost, but his say/way boundary competes also starts to change flavor slowly, is not he wants to change, but is his opponent is changing! ……娄小乙是没有输,但他的道境争夺也开始慢慢变了味,不是他想变,而是他的对手在变! Obviously, his opponents are familiar, will therefore choose same dealing ; This also means, they have to the provocation of Lou Xiaoyi beforehand expected, and did fully the earlier schoolwork. 显然,他的对手们互相之间是熟悉的,所以才会选择了同样的应对;这也就意味着,他们事先对娄小乙的挑衅是有预期的,并做足了前期的功课。 The say/way struggles somewhat to lose shape, kills the direction to transform to the say/way! 道争有些走样,向道杀方向转变! A fact is, what is true superior win and inferior wash out? Although the epoch had opened mutual swallowing between Grand Dao, but the entire concrete process still waits for improving in the actual operation, not concrete operating condition. 一个事实是,什么才是真正的优胜劣汰?虽然新纪元已经开启了大道之间的互相吞噬,但整个具体过程还有待在实际操作中完善,并没有具体的操作规范。 Moreover, Grand Dao selects the lord, said that Lord can also affect Grand Dao! This is bidirectional, and a whose no one should attach in saying. 另外,大道择主,道主也能影响大道!这是双向的,并没有谁就应该依附于谁一说。 In several million years of old era, once had the corridor Lord in the long time river original Grand Dao the situation that changes to change beyond all recognition! Whether the change succeeds, depends on the contribution to the universe, you change to be inferior on the contrary original was good, only to satisfy oneself private hopes, that will be abandoned by Grand Dao, is the reason that many immortal lord dismisses falls. 在旧纪元的数百万年中,也曾出现过道主在漫长的时间长河中把本来的大道改得面目全非的情况!改变是否成功,取决于对宇宙的贡献,你改得反倒不如原来好了,只为满足自己的私愿,那就会被大道所抛弃,就是很多仙人道主黜落的原因。 Effort of change? Grand Dao is more important, your change more needs to be discrete, one will not pay attention to be kicked slightly by Grand Dao, for example Golden Immortal innate Grand Dao, saying the lord wants to change five lines, then sorry, you violated the natural law slightly, the natural law will abandon you.. 改变的力度?大道越重要,你的改变就越需要谨慎,稍微一不留神就会被大道踢掉,比如金仙们的先天大道,道主想改五行,那么对不起,你稍微违背了自然规律,自然规律就会抛弃你。。 On the other hand, the change of Grand Dao must be more free the day after tomorrow, will integrate too many artificial factors after all the day after tomorrow in inside. 相对来说,后天大道的改变要更自由些,毕竟后天融入了太多的人为的因素在里面。 Subverting four is Golden Immortal innate Grand Dao, theoretically the fault-tolerant rate/lead is very low, the change cannot go with the tide of the development of universe cultivation world slightly, said that Lord may be very abandoned by Grand Dao ; However, they are newly create Grand Dao, the era also just start, if fine-tunes these four Grand Dao now, what role can actually play is very difficult to say to the universe cultivation world future development. 颠覆四道是金仙先天大道,理论上容错率很低,改变稍微不能顺应宇宙修真界的发展,道主就很可能被大道抛弃;但是,它们又都是新创大道,纪元也才将将开始,所以如果现在就对这四个大道进行微调的话,其实对宇宙修真界未来的发展会起到什么样的作用还很难说。 This is the thing that requires the time to confirm, if draws enough the time is long, any will dope the change of selfishness to bring the fatal disaster to the lord, but the issue was, the present time is not very long! 这是需要时间来验证的东西,如果把时间段拉得足够长,任何掺杂了私心的改变都会給道主带来杀身之祸,但问题是,现在的时间段还不够长! When these four Grand Dao discovery Lord changes do not conform to the objective of subverting, Lou Xiaoyi has died had returned innumerably, this is the reason that four lords dare the trimming. 等这四个大道发现道主的改变已经不符合颠覆的宗旨时,娄小乙已经死过无数回了,这就是四位道主敢于微调的原因。 Lou Xiaoyi felt such change! The opponents have no longer focused on the say/way struggling, because each of them the understanding in boundary cannot achieve open and aboveboard defeats Lou Xiaoyi this to set up! 娄小乙感觉到的就是这样的变化!对手们已经不再把重点放在道争上,因为他们每一个人在道境上的理解都不能做到堂堂正正的击败娄小乙这个立道者! When Lou Xiaoyi takes four to unite in together as an operation free system, such disparity is getting bigger and bigger! Finally big to the situation that they have to change! 娄小乙把四道联合在一起作为一个运转自如的体系时,这样的差距就越来越大!最后大到他们不得不求变的地步! Is the say/way kills! 就是道杀! Said that in the struggle should be correct to kill? Now does not have the conclusion! Subverts in four not to stipulate this point, was initially , his set of thing that 35 space Golden Immortal said also has needs in that part that in the time polishes. 道争中应不应该有道杀?现在还没有定论!颠覆四道中并没有规定这一点,就是当初在三十五天上金仙们所说的,他这套东西还有很多需要在时间中打磨的那部分。 Kills? It is not accidental/surprised! Before seized innumerable that in the say/way failed dead, everyone can understand, this seizes penalty after the failure, the following defied superiors, was reasonable ; But if struggles to turn into the say/way to kill the say/way completely, that puts the cart before the horse, deviated the basic concept of struggle. 杀?并不意外!之前夺道中失败身亡的无数,大家都能理解,这是夺道失败后的惩罚,以下犯上,合乎情理;但如果把道争就完全变成道杀,那就是本末倒置,就偏离了道争的基本概念。 But these things, the need time solve! To Grand Dao, they make the response time, even if short, will far exceed a Half Immortal age. 但这些东西,需要时间来解决!对大道来说,它们做出反应的时间哪怕再短,也会远远超出一个半仙的寿数。 Lou Xiaoyi looked to understand finally, these four people do not want passing achievement Golden Immortal! Their goals are very simple, preventing Lou Xiaoyi to become an immortal about the say/way! 娄小乙终于看明白了,这四个人根本就没想过去成就金仙!他们的目的就很简单,阻止娄小乙合道成仙! Smoke and mirrors, but must further conclusive, but kills to the say/way, he is not strange! 只是雾里看花,还需进一步的确凿,但对道杀,他可一点也不陌生! Among them the say/way struggle, starts becomes somewhat scarlet- bare- bare. 他们之间的道争,开始变得有些赤-裸-裸了。 Swallows the say/way to advocate entirely Liuhen the incarnation hole shape, heaven and earth gathers, the Lou Xiaoyi package, innumerable swallowing way one by one launches instantaneously simultaneously, test is to swallowing the mechanism understood, as well as using. 吞噬道主俱留痕化身洞象,天地一合,瞬间把娄小乙包裹在内,同时无数的吞噬方式一一展开,考验的就是彼此之间对吞噬的机理理解,以及应用。 entirely Liusun not necessarily and on Lou Xiaoyi altitude in a higher level, but in pure swallowing, compared with actually fast changing swallows to deal! 在更高层次上俱留孙未必及得上娄小乙的高度,但在纯粹的吞噬中,比的却是瞬息万变的吞噬应对! Consulted minor repair, dares to peep Grand Dao absurdly?” “磋尔小修,也敢妄窥大道?” Lou Xiaoyi accomplishes a task with ease, concealed shrinks the tail, Grand Dao does not keep the nameless person!” 娄小乙游刃有余,“藏头缩尾,大道不留无名人!” Several rounds, entirely Liusun cannot profit, under knows for a long time holds is difficult to sustain, then diverges the hole shape, consciousness goes along with the hole likely. 几个回合,俱留孙占不到便宜,知道久持之下难以为继,遂散去洞象,意识随洞象而去。 Lou Xiaoyi has not pestered, because in the Grand Dao field has the tribulation thunder to roll down! 娄小乙也没纠缠,因为大道场中已经有劫雷滚滚而下! He has to deal with four immortal Lord say/way to kill continuously! This is he brings upon oneself, who makes him challenge four Grand Dao one time? 他不得不连续应对四个仙人道主的道杀!这是他自找的,谁让他一次性挑战四个大道 But four Grand Dao actually cannot collaborate, because they are not the true body on the scene, but is struggle of the boundary consciousness, in the Grand Dao field, the possibility without ganged up on! 但四个大道却不能联手,因为他们都不是真身在场,而是道境意识之争,在大道场中,没有群殴的可能! Regarding the tribulation thunder, he chose thunder Yin! If four Grand Dao must select his weak area, belongs to day tribulation! Even if fused Hong Tiangang thunder ability, still some people in this universe on tribulation thunder not under him! Especially some immortal! 对于劫雷,他选择了雷隐!四个大道如果一定要挑一个他的短板,非天劫莫属!哪怕是融合了洪天罡的雷霆能力,在这个宇宙中仍然有人在劫雷上不下于他!尤其是某个仙人 thunder Yin, by boundary of big thunder no word, focuses on plundering, rather than thunder! Naturally, is not he cannot resist, but is he knows the breach not here, therefore is not willing to make the effort! 雷隐,就是以大雷无音的境界,着重于劫,而不是雷!当然,不是他不能对抗,而是他知道突破口不在这里,所以不愿意多花力气! Thunder Grand Dao is in the old era most venerated attacking Grand Dao, excels at the thunder every cultivates immortal to be everywhere, does the thing why then he must not excel at with oneself resist the aspect that others most excel at? 雷霆大道是旧纪元中最受尊崇的攻伐大道,擅长雷霆的凡修仙人比比皆是,那么他为什么就一定要用自己并不擅长的东西去对抗别人最擅长的方面呢? Several thunder, many thunderclap, north the day robbing on the way lord Guo also takes him to have no means that he cannot, because the opponent chose thunder Yin to blame others not to dare to accept a challenge directly, true lay in plundering directly, rather than thunder! 几番雷霆,多少霹雳,天劫道主北郭也拿他没什么办法,他也不能因为对手选择了雷隐就怪罪别人不敢正面应战,真正的正面在于劫,而不是雷! Was his oneself changes the Grand Dao ideal condition leaning! 是他自己大道意境改偏了! Therefore Lou Xiaoyi defends satisfied, satisfied! 所以娄小乙守得惬意,心安理得! The thunder collects, the new samsara of long night Grandmaster arrives! both sides started samsara one after another to kill based on new nether world! 雷霆敛去,永夜大师的新轮回登场!双方在新阴曹地府的基础上开始了一轮又一轮的轮回杀! In this regard, the long night cannot take any advantage! Even if the hell defends, does not participate in two people samsara competions! 在这方面,永夜占不到任何便宜!哪怕地府守中,绝不参与两人的轮回比拼! This is the Lou Xiaoyi clever place! Even if the hell is he establishes, even if he wants the opens the mouth, ten palace Yama can be partial in him, he also has no idea of borrowing potential! 这就是娄小乙的高妙之处!哪怕地府是他建立的,哪怕他只要开口,十殿阎罗就一定会偏向于他,他也没有任何借势的想法! Followed private, he possibly can defeat the long night at the scene, but will actually lose points in front of Heavenly Dao, the fool does that. 循了私,他可能能战胜永夜当场,但却会在天道面前失分,傻子才这么做呢。
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