Lou Xiaoyiin the differentdaysselectsin the fragmentto survey, calm, disregardotherbrokenmatters.娄小乙在不同天择碎片中勘测,平心静气,把其它破事都置之度外。
The situationis not smooth! Did not say how thesenodulesmalldomainwere dangerous, in facttheirpartitionsin the unusualsuccess that in the geological structuremade, thisrelied on the formercarefulpreparation and Half Immortaloverhaulaccuratevision!
情况并不顺利!不是说这些小碎块小界域就怎么危险了,事实上他们的分拆在地质结构上做的非常的成功,这依赖于之前精心的准备和半仙大修精准的眼光!99domainhehad looked athalf, is all stable, the pro and conspacefusionhas not destroyedthem, means that theirvitalitiesare still stronginthisnewworld, fardoes not dare saying that the accident/surprise in universewas unforeseen, buthasat leasthundreds of thousands ofyears of thisisminimum.
真正的麻烦在各个界域的实际生存状况上!Twobigfactorsdecided the future of thesefragment:
两大因素决定了这些碎块的未来:Onelies in the division of atmosphere, at that time the situationwas urgent, the radishquickdid not give a welcoming dinner, the pursuespeedconstantly, races against timewith the pro and conspacefusion, finallycreated the imbalanceinatmospheredivision, somefragmentdomaindo not have the issue, somebroke away from the control, the atmosphere is drainingrapidly!
一个在于大气层的分割,当时情况紧急,萝卜快了不洗泥,一味的追求速度,和正反空间融合抢时间,结果就造成了在大气层分割上的不均衡,有的碎块界域没有问题,有的则脱离了控制,大气层正在飞速流失中!Anotherfactoris, natural phenomenoneruption that onvariousdomainemerges one after another incessantly! This is becausewhenpartitionthey can only consider the spaceslit, has no wayto give dual attention tofivelines of spirit vein in earth's crust, otherwise, reallymust a domainperfectpartition, hundredyearsnot necessarilybe able to achieve, buttheyactuallyless thanopened on the 1 st oneat that time!
The result of like thiscreatingis, somefragmentdomainland featuresfivelineswere completely destroyed, the value of evenrestoringdoes not have, the timepasses by, unifies the issue of atmosphere, will havenearlarger partdomainin the millenniumsto turn into the genuinewildstarinhundredyears!
这样造成的结果就是,有的碎块界域的地脉五行被完全破坏,连修复的价值都没有,时间过去,结合大气层的问题,将有将近一大半的界域在百年千年内就会变成真正的荒星!Theyconsidered that the damage control after mistake will be very troublesome, buthas not actually thought that will troubletothissituation!
他们考虑过事后的善后会很麻烦,但却从来没想到会麻烦到这种地步!99domain, have the issuehas more than 50! Thisis notHalf Immortalcanchangeby the ability, butis the natural law of photostar!
九十九个界域,有问题的就有五十多个!这不是半仙凭借能力能改变的,而是星体的自然规律!Anynatureforms, the photostar of suitablehabitat, passed through the change of longannual ringultimatelyto formsuchenvironment, humancanaffectto a certain extent, actuallycannotcompletelyabout.
The atmosphere, the land features, the temperature, the natural phenomenon, cultivatorwantswithshortseveral yearsdozensyearstransforms the environment that themnaturedozensseveral millionyearsform, is thatpossible?
大气层,地脉,温度,自然现象,修士想用短短数年数十年的时间把他们改造成大自然数十数百万年才形成的环境,那怎么可能?Did not say that theypartitionedto be defeated, the pureprobability, canachieveeachmainlandfragmentto have the aerosphere, canlivetemporarily, thisis not very easy, evenit can be said thatmiracle.
不是说他们就分拆失败了,就单纯概率来说,能做到每个大陆碎片都有气层,都暂时能够生活,这已经很不容易,甚至可以说是个奇迹。Onlycansay,99cansurvive, canpractice, thisbeis impossibleto achieve! The creatorcreate the universe, inhow manyphotostarcelestial phenomena can humanlifepractice?
只能说,九十九个都能生存,都能修行,这根本就是不可能做到的!造物主创造宇宙,多少个星体天象中才有一颗人类能够生活修行的?In1 millionless thanone!
The idealis very plentiful, the factis very brutal, even iftheydois very splendid, talent41domain that occupiestrulysuitably, butoccupiessuitablycanpractice, is about28!
理想很丰满,事实很残酷,哪怕他们做的已经很出色了,真正宜居的才四十一颗界域,而宜居又能修行的,不过二十八颗!Thisis the reality!
The broughtissueis, howthisoversix, 70 billionordinarymortalsto shifttosafedomainon?
带来的问题就是,怎么把这超过六,七百亿的普通凡人转移到安全的界域上?Establishes the spacechannel? The body of mortalcannot undergospace the strength of tearing!
建立空间通道?凡人的身体根本经受不住空间的撕扯之力!Withflyingboattransportation? Can thattransport/fortunetogoeslord knows when?
拿飞舟运输?那得运到猴年马月去?ThisisLou Xiaoyiwheneachfragmentundergroundsurveycontinuously the issue that considers! Butracks one's brains for manyyears, cannot draw up a feasibleplan.
这是娄小乙在各个碎片地下勘测时一直在考虑的问题!但苦思多年,也拿不出一个可行性的方案。On this day, drilledfromfragmentdomain, for the first timeappears, was inundated the spatialcultivatorcrowdfoolingjumped, dense, seemed filledentirevoid, only such a drills, understandsprobablywherethesepeoplecome from.
这一日,从一颗碎块界域中钻了出来,乍一露头,就被漫空的修士人群給唬了一跳,黑压压的,仿佛挤满了整个虚空,只这么一打眼,也大概明白了这些人都来自哪里。Alsois very normal, after all is not farfromYellow Dragon, how manymeaningsbut do thesepeoplecomeare?
也很正常,毕竟距离黄龙不远,但这些人过来是几个意思?Saw that LouYasicomes out, voidexudes the cheers of earth-shattering!
看到娄押司出来,虚空中发出天崩地裂的欢呼声!ToLouYasi, hereeachcultivatoris the heartfeltrespect, ifalso the personinuniversecultivation worldcansolvetheirdifficulties, thenbesidesLouYasi, does not have the secondrightcandidateagain! Is they come herehopeto be at!
对娄押司,这里的每个修士都是衷心的敬仰,如果在宇宙修真界中还有一个人能解决他们的困难,那除了娄押司外,再也没有第二个合适的人选!就是他们过来这里的希望所在!Exemptsto raise the monkmorenumerous, heis the representative who everyoneelects, is notbecauseis best knownintheseHalf Immortal, but is someLouYasigood and evilalsofriendship, is not strange;Althoughbelongsto protect the dayto meetone, has not had no consideration for face, tosuchsay/waystruggle, cultivatorslookscompares.
免提和尚越众而出,他是大家推选出来的代表,不是因为在这些半仙中最有声望,而是和娄押司好歹还有些交情,不算陌生;虽然属于护天会一员,到底没有撕破脸,对这样的道争,修士们看的还是比较开的。„Old address for jail wardenis laborious, benefits the people! Benefits the universe, the prestigebroadbiography......”
“押司辛苦,为民造福!泽被宇宙,威名广传……”Lou Xiaoyibeckons with the handwith a smile, „good and evil was also an old acquaintance, mytemperamentyouknow, the idle talkdo not saymuch, said the goaldirectly, otherwisedo not blamemenot to give the old friend the face! Thiscultivator, canaffectmyanythingten million/countlessin your opinion, butyoushouldbe clear,suchweaponryto meanythingis not!”娄小乙笑着摆摆手,“好歹也是老熟人了,我的脾气你知道,废话不要多说,直接说目的,否则别怪我不給老朋友面子!这千万修士,在你们看来能影响我什么,但你应该清楚,这样的阵仗对我来说什么都不是!”Exemptsraisessmiles, the wordsare very impolite, butthisisLouYasitemperament, so, does not aim in himoriginally..
免提一笑,话很不客气,但这就是娄押司的脾气,自来如此,并不是针对于他。。Thereforehits, „ hehe, the old address for jail wardenissuchstraight talk from a straightforward person! Ispoke frankly, Iand othersthis, was really forced, has a matter unable to solve, actuallyrelated toten million/countlesscultivatoron the scene, thereforeeveryonecomestogether, requestedshamelessly!
于是打个哈哈,“呵呵,押司还是这么快言快语!也罢,那我就直说了,我等来此,实在是被逼无奈,有件事无法解决,却是涉及在场千万修士,所以大家一起过来,厚颜相求!Isthis, the old address for jail wardenalsoknows the erato open, the spacefluctuates...... ”
是这样的,押司也知道纪元开启,空间变幻……”Lou Xiaoyistaticlistens, has not revealed the impatientmeaning. Somethings, the sympathize, is unable to ignore;For exampleat presentthismatter, soundingis the meaning of going homereturning to home village, butinfluenceis really big, cannottreat lightly.娄小乙静静的听完,也并没流露出不耐烦之意。有些东西,感同身受,无法置之不理;比如眼前这件事,听起来就是个归家回乡的意思,但这其中的影响甚大,可不能等闲视之。Half Immortaldoes not raise, they can always go back, cannot go backalsoindifferently, is the ageplaced there, wherecannotpractice?半仙不提,他们总是能回去的,回不去也无所谓,寿数摆在那里,哪里不能修行?
The True Monarchissueis not big, put togetherflying of short remaining lifemostly, canfly, at leastcanflyhas the place of humancultivation worldterritory.真君也问题不大,大部分拼了老命的飞,还是能飞回去的,至少能飞到有人类修真界域的地方。
The realissueleaveson the Yuaninfant, ishereoccupiesmostcultivator, since 1200ages, generallysix, 700years of to becomeYing, cancomes the place of Yellow Dragonandwaits, overwhelming majorityageshave surpassedthousandnumbers, onlyremainsone, 200years of age, wantsto flyto be no different thandream of a foolfromYellow Dragon.
真正的问题出在元婴上,也是这里占绝大多数的修士,千二的寿数,一般都六,七百年成婴,能前来黄龙之地并等待至今,绝大部分的寿数都早已超过了千数,只剩一,二百年的寿数,想从黄龙飞出去无异于痴人说梦。Theyare the universecultivation worldmain army, undertakesfunction that in the dao lineageinheritanceis linking the preceding with the following, the leadershiptolow rankcultivatoris huge, suchseveral millionpeoplepass awayfinallyin the journey, toentireuniversecultivation worldis the losses that is unable to bear.
The epoch, the new look, cannotbe the meteorology that the MesozoicYuaninfantlarge surface areaexterminated!
The Goddid not consider that thisissue, establishedimmortal of Yellow Dragonalso dead initially, presentimmortalcannot attend, then, askshisbodynow, can heignore?
老天爷不考虑这个问题,当初建立黄龙的仙人也早就死翘翘,现在的仙人顾不上,那么,现在求到了他的身上,他能置之不理么?Hehas not worked aswith the universealready, no matter whatcustom, but the positionto his, something youcould not avoid!
他从来也没有拿宇宙当已任的习惯,但地位到了他这样的,有些事你也避不开!Hedoes not manage, inthisuniversecultivation worldwhocanstand? Good- compelsseven, 800ascended the skyto pass away , stayed behindcannotsay that allwas the dregs, butwas not the apex, cannotcount on!
他都不管,这宇宙修真界中谁能站出来?牛-逼点的七,八百个都上天成仙去也,留下的不能说全是糟粕,但也算不上顶尖,不能指望!In the heartsighed, when this fatherbecame mother, was really tired!
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