Smoketoumakes the finalpreparationin the oneselfyouthtablet, comparesinLou Xiaoyi, herpreparationwantedsimply.
烟婾在自己的青春碑中做最后的准备,相较于娄小乙,她的准备就要简单了很多。Adjusts the condition that the bodywhatconditionmeetsbecomes an immortal, thisactuallydoes not have the conclusion; It looks like the vessel, packed, full of teacupisfull, water jarcompletely is also full, Lou Xiaoyiis the bigwater jar that the decorative band over a curtainuses, butmost peopleare the every large or smallteacups, theyonlyneedto install the elementary force, but the water jaractuallymustinstall the purpleentropy.
把身体调整到什么状态才符合登仙的条件,这其实并没有定论;就像是容器,装满了就可以,茶杯的满是满,水缸的满也是满,娄小乙是走水用的大水缸,而绝大部分人则是大大小小的茶杯,他们只需要装元力就可以,而水缸却要装紫熵。Suchdifference, cannotguarantee the probability that the water jarbecomes an immortalcertainlyis higher than the teacup, can actually after certainlyguarantee the water jarbecomes an immortal, compared withteacup!
这样的区别,并不能保证水缸登仙的几率就一定比茶杯高,却一定能保证水缸成仙后比茶杯强!Repairsnow, smoketouhas toacknowledge that sheisquiteordinaryteacupthatkind, naturally, suchteacup, universecultivation world how many?
The youthGrand Daoprospectis uncertain, mainlyrefers to the becoming enlightenedtime, sheis unable to analyze that cangatherin the flash that the eraalternates said that or after draggingto the epoch ?
青春大道前景不明,主要是指成道时机,她无法判断能不能在纪元更迭的一刹那合道,或者拖到新纪元后?Suchworrynot only her, allgoals are also quite gentle, will placecultivator on Grand Dao unable to determine the futurethe day after tomorrowoneselfwill gather a time!
这样的烦恼也不仅只她一个,所有目标比较平和,把前途放在后天大道上的修士都不能确定自己的合道时间!All can only lookwhen the time comes, when looks the eraalternatesinevitablyrenewalbesidesinnateGrand Dao, but can also give a ridesomeday after tomorrowGrand Dao?
一切都只能到时候看,看纪元更迭时必然更新的除先天大道外,还能不能捎上一些后天大道?Lou Xiaoyi and azureprofoundworryshealsohas, reason thatsomewhaturgentlyisbecause, when the eraalternatescannotgathersaid,selects the partition is very disadvantageousto the followingday.娄小乙和青玄的顾虑她也有,之所以有些急迫就是因为,如果纪元更迭时不能合道,对接下来的天择分拆就很不利。
The will of the peopledispersed, the teamwas not goodto bring.
The general situationisgood, Xiaoyicame back, azureprofoundalsoreigns, the dayselects the arrangedconnection of mainlandto be smooth, moredutiesgavetheseHalf ImmortalandTrue Monarch, thisis an obviousconnection.
The thing that theycanrealize, otherHalf Immortal can also realize. Therefore, most partsdividebothstepsHalf Immortalto hand oververysmoothly the responsibility, thisis a tacit understanding, because the presentsituationshowed, the eraalternatesthem likely not necessarilyto have the opportunityto careat that momentagain the dayselects the mainland, thismatteris not goodto state clearly, can only get an idea.
他们能意识到的东西,别的半仙也能意识到。所以,大部分两步半仙都把责任交得很顺利,这是一种默契,因为现在的情况表明,纪元更迭那一刻他们很可能未必再有机会去关心天择大陆,这事不好明说,就只能意会。FewtwoHalf Immortalinsistedoneselfresponsibility, theyareselectto regard the resolutiondaytruly is a faith, rather thanon the way of boundarytaking advantage ofthis..
只有极少数两步半仙坚持了自己的责任,他们才是真正把拆分天择当成是一个信念,而不是借此上境的途径。。Lou Xiaoyiplacesin the direction the universegeneral situation, sheisfocusesinitsswordlineage/vein, thisis the division of labor that does not needto state clearly, to develop the swordlineage/vein, cannotonlyfocusin the swordlineage/vein, youneedto look farther aheadare deeper.娄小乙把方向放在宇宙大局上,她则是把注意力专注于本身剑脉上,这是不需要明说的分工,要想发展剑脉,就不能只把眼光放在剑脉上,你需要看得更远更深。Busymanyyears, finallythese dayspeacefulespeciallyprecious, shetreasures like thistranquilly, thishelpsadjustoneselfbefore the big changeto a relativelygentleconditionvery much.
忙忙碌碌了很多年,最后这一段时间的安静尤其珍贵,她很珍惜这样的平静,这很有利于在大变前把自己调整到一个相对平和的状态。Actually, pressesinherburden/shoulder pole is really notanything, the universeepochdevelopment directionwent beyondherarea of competence, individualboundarybreaks throughdoes not make good use of one's time, makesherhave the leisureto standsitsin a more aloofpositionlooks at the wind and cloud.
The friend in distant placecomesto visit, but alsoleads an unexpectedlittle friend. When facing the wind the Daoistisshegoes outto travelaccidentallyknows, issomefates, has such Daoist of sense of proportionvery much, has also helpedherinsomeaccident, the universeis vast, canseeinsuchperiod the oldknowledge is also a happiness, after the era, whoinwhom where can't talk clearly?
有一个远方的朋友前来拜访,还带着一个出人意料的小朋友。临风道人是她外出游历时偶然结识的,也算是有些缘份,很有分寸感的这么一个道人,在某个偶然事件中对她也有所帮助,宇宙辽阔,在这样的时期能看到旧识也是一种幸福,纪元过后,谁在谁不在又哪里说得清楚?„Your daughter? Thatreallymustcongratulatefellow daoist! practiceis alone, canhavesuch a sustenanceto our boundary, is the luck!”
“你的女儿?那真的要恭喜道友了!修行孤寂,到了我们这个境界还能有这样一份寄托,是福!”Faces the windto draw the daughterto salutetosmoketoustraight, when two peopleinitiallyknowledgeheis a Yuangod, smoketouisYang Spirit;Several thousandyearslaterheisYang Spirit, the smokeSenior Sisteris away fromtwoHalf Immortal of immortalone pace, cultivating true virtue the spell of good or bad fortuneis wonderful, lets the personyearns forspontaneouslyat the same time , the drawincreases the innumerablefeelingsto be moved.
临风拉着女儿端端正正的給烟婾行礼,两人初识时他是元神,烟婾是阳神;几千年后他是阳神,烟师姐已经是距离仙人一步之遥的两步半仙,修真际遇妙不可言,让人油然向往的同时,也平增无数的感慨伤感。„Heavenly Daowaitsme is not thin, suchboundaryalsobestowsmybigritual, inYuanzu;Wantswithout limits, quests for Sichuan after conquering Gansu, althoughgiftbeautiful, butalsohas the slight defect, this timecatches upto come toYellow Dragon, is the track seeking, might as wellsaid that tosatisfyprivatehopes!”
“天道待我不薄,这样的境界还赐我一份大礼,于愿足矣;只是欲无止境,得陇望蜀,礼物虽美,但又另有瑕疵,此番赶来黄龙,与其说是寻道,就还不如说是为满足私愿!”Smoketousmiles, the meaning of herveryclearold friend, thisisbrings the daughter, is thinkinghas a look at the means that whathasto solveinYellow Dragon? The presentYellow Dragonalmostgathered the universeallgentlemen of overhaul, herecould not find the means that can perhaps thatonly the Exalted Immortalcourtyard, whobe able to achieve?
烟婾笑笑,她很清楚老朋友的意思,这是把女儿带来,想着在黄龙看看有没有什么解决的办法?现在的黄龙几乎聚集了宇宙所有的大修之士,在这里找不到办法,那就恐怕只能上仙庭了,谁又做得到呢?Beckonsto the little miss, says with a smile: „ Prettychild! Young personchanged/easy, the outstandingly beautifulmove of jealousy, haditsince ancient times!
冲小姑娘招招手,笑道:“好俊的孩子!红颜易老,绝色招嫉,古来有之!Icome to see, butfaces the windyoualsoto know, hand that my pairraises the sword, treating the illness to save the patientis notmystrong point. ”
The meaning of herveryclearold friend, the personisdefinitelystrives fora lot, naturallybylawcultivation baselord, after allthiswill beexcelling of lawlineage/vein, reason thatwill look forher, butwill harbor a bit of fantasytoheryouthboundary?
The youthoften , not the oldarrowheadimmortal, refuses to abandon hope, personindesperatecondition, so long aswill have a strawnot to give up.
青春常在,不老镝仙,死马当作活马医,人在绝望的状态下只要有一根稻草都不会放弃。Butmakesracking brains of father, whendaughteractuallymuddyindifferent, the rainseesto curl the lip,
但做父亲的绞尽脑汁,当女儿的却浑无所谓,雨见撇撇嘴,„Smokeauntdoes not doto listen to the father, lifefirst, whatminute/share of length? 800years of agemost people are the longevity, what but alsothere is not dissatisfied? The light raintripis only grandfor the experienceuniverse, Grand Daofluctuates, can actually benefits, to medoes not matter.”
“烟姨休要听父亲的,人生一世,何分长短?八百年寿数于绝大部分人来说都是高寿,还有什么不满足的?小雨此行只为见识宇宙壮阔,大道变幻,其实能不能在其中得到好处,对我来说就无所谓。”Smoketounoddedwith a smile, refers tofacing the wind, „ your child, the state of mindalsodecidedcompared withyou, trulywas the seed of cultivate the dao!
烟婾含笑点头,指了指临风,“你这孩子,心境比你还定,真正是修道的种子!Good, youliveindifferently, Ialsogovernindifferently, everyoneis joyful, whichachieves! ”
好,你既无所谓生,我也无所谓治,大家快快乐乐,做到哪儿就是哪儿!”Chatted, has conducted the thoroughinvestigationtothischild'sbody, like thisoperatedobjecthersuchHalf Immortalis reallyordinary, butwas a matter, governingwas a different matter.
The birth and death, is the Heavenly Daorightalone, has the extremelystrictlimit and restraint, thereforehaspracticeto start, inuniversecultivation worldhas not presented the so-calledimmortalitymedicine, the bringing back to lifemedicine, the bodyremoulds the medicinewait/etc, lifepillalsohas the strictlimit, whatboundaryanythinglevelcanaddmanyto have the fate, does not existby the medicinemakessomeimmortalityprogress.
生老病死,是独属于天道的权利,有极严格的限制和约束,所以自有修行开始,宇宙修真界中就从来都没有出现所谓的长生不老药,起死回生药,身体重塑药等等,就连寿元丹也有严格的限制,什么境界什么层次能加多少都是有定数的,不存在靠药物来取得部分长生的效果。World of mortalscultivation world, actually the paradise is also so same, will extendsomeone'slifeto create the causes and effectstocasually, evenyougave others to extendmanylongevitysenselessly, will subtractmanylongevity, helped others 'sbehaviorwith the oneselflifetruly.
凡间修真界如此,其实仙界也一样,随便延长某一个人的生命都会对施法者造成因果,甚至你給他人无谓延了多少寿,施法者就会减去多少寿,真正是拿自己的生命去成全他人的行为。Alsobecause ofsuchstrictrule, thereforethiscultivation worldseemsorderly, is insufficientto becomea hopeless messrandomly, varioustypesstealdayto steal the lifeto emerge one after another incessantly, is the calamity of cultivation world, rather thanluck.
也正是因为这样严格的规则,所以这个修真界才显得秩序井然,不至于乱成一锅粥,各种偷天窃命层出不穷,是修真界之祸,而不是福。Doesto inquire aboutslightly, without the hurriedconclusion, is only the discretearrangement, „this, the light rainkeepsin my youthtablet, something musttake your time, cannot be anxious! Youshouldmakeanythingto makeanythingto go, does not needto worry about!”
稍做探寻,也没有匆忙结论,只是谨慎安排,“这样吧,小雨就留在我这青春碑里,有些东西要慢慢来,急不得!你该做什么就做什么去,不必挂怀!”Faces the wind the deepritual, „before the era, gives back to the Senior Sisterto giveso manytroubles, faces the windreallyanxiously, the obligationdid not thank, the Senior Sisterreluctantly.”
临风深深一礼,“纪元之前还給师姐添这么多的麻烦,临风委实不安,大恩不谢,师姐也不要勉强。”Smoketoubeckons with the hand, „is also not necessarily ablebecomes, attempt; The light raincan see through, youactuallya littleplanned!”
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