SPCR :: Volume #20

#1952: Regaining 【Is hegemon palace radical white Jiageng】

PS: Asked to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket. PS:求保底月票。 .................. ……………… Lou Xiaoyi swings in the oneself choices, one can be partial to the actual result, one can be partial to the moral principle, even if his such existence stressed the morals very somewhat to be strange. 娄小乙就在自己的取舍之间摇摆,一会偏向实际效果,一会偏向伦理道德,哪怕他这样的存在讲道德就很有些奇怪。 Hesitates again, ultimately must decide! 再是犹豫,终须决定! Finally, in balance at heart, his deviation follows the logic morals, naturally, to him not such on big, is a lower limit thought is doing strangely. 最终,在心里的天平中,他更偏向遵循论理道德,当然,对他来说也没有这么高大上,就是一种底限思想在做怪。 Insisting that the lower limit is to pay the price, slow make the blood boil that the price is his light halo drops the speed of starts changes! 坚持底限是要付出代价的,代价就是他这道光圈下降的速度开始变的慢的令人发指! This process, he started to learn the appropriate control, for example, no longer required one day one day suffering time, but can achieve to separate on several th, even separated ten several days shortened the oneself realizing from experience time, looked like the videocorder drew back the key quickly, this helped him adopt these useless times fast, for example child infancy. 这个过程,他开始学会了适当的控制,比如,不再需要一日一日的捱时间,而是可以做到隔几日,甚至隔十数日的缩短自己的体悟时间,就像是录像机的快退键,这有助于他快速通过那些无用的时间段,比如孩童婴儿阶段。 He met a good opportunity of forcefully fusion. 他遇到了一个强行融合的好机会。 Through the reincarnation counter samsara of so many worlds, Lou Xiaoyi to the samsara, in the riddle to the embryo had very profound understanding, discovered many regular things, for example, the time-gap of samsara. 通过这么多世的转世逆轮回,娄小乙对轮回,对胎中之谜有了很深刻的了解,同时也发现了很多规律性的东西,比如,轮回的时间间隔。 After is not everyone died, enters the next life immediately, here has the issue of time lining up waits for! But standby period is actually by Heavenly Dao judged that you decide in the good and evil of last, why this is also in some world of mortals people of reasons that described such and some for the number world good man, because did good deeds to do good deeds, therefore reincarnation especially was quick, but actually few people heard that who was the ninth evil person, because their reincarnations are always off and on, Heavenly Dao intentionally in letting their such souls waited in lining up. 不是每个人死了之后都会立刻进入下一个人生的,这里有一个排队等待的时间的问题!而等待时间的长短却是由天道来判断你在上一世的善恶而定,这也就是为什么在凡间有人描述某某某为数世善人的原因,因为行善积德,所以转生的就尤其快,但却很少有人听说谁是九世恶人,因为他们的转世总是断断续续的,天道故意在让他们这样的灵魂在排队中等候。 Lou Xiaoyi is tried to find out that such experience, basically can infer on first of this body by the present is to do good deeds more, does evil more? 娄小乙就是摸索出了这样的经验,到了现在就基本能推导出这具身体的上一世到底是行善多一些呢,还是作恶多些? The experiences of dozens, he discovers oneself this body, although very accent, but generally speaking is a good person, therefore is very short in the time that lining up waits, this is Heavenly Dao to his reward, but places under his current condition, fuses forcefully disadvantageously to him! 数十世的经历下来,他发现自己这具身体虽然很不着调,但总体来说还是个好人,所以在排队等候的时间就很短,这是天道对他的奖励,但放在他目前的状况下,对他强行融合不利! In order to achieves the integration process the perfection, this time wants longer is quite good, to has grasped similar regular him, this possibly is his rare opportunity! 为了能做到融合过程的尽善尽美,这个时间段还是要长一些比较好,对已经掌握了类似规律性的他来说,这可能是他的一个难得的机会! Is does or does not do? 是做还是不做呢? The consciousness immerses in embryo again- in embryo, in this moment, his sensation specially keen, he can feel that last oneself is very possible is a big evil person, can feel that such seizing shed can reduce to lowly the influence of moral level, can feel that all seize the condition of shed already mature, he perhaps cannot wait for a ratio time more suitable opportunity again, can feel that oneself the energetic circle of non- full scale is also hard to sink now again...... 意识再一次沉浸在胚-胎中,在这一刻,他的感知特别的灵敏,他能感觉到上一世自己很可能是个大恶人,能感觉到这样的夺舍能把道德层面的影响压缩到最低,能感觉到一切夺舍的条件都已经成-熟,他恐怕再也等不到一个比这次更合适的机会,也能感觉到自己现在不足尺的精神圈再也难以下沉…… Everything is ready, only owes the east wind...... the east wind is his determination! 万事俱备,只欠东风……东风就是他的决心! Successful, should be the practice idea of cultivator, obeys the divine intervention, follows the conscience! 水到渠成,就应该是修士修行理念,顺从天意,遵循本心! He all these from the consciousness, smile however had smiled, no longer pondered, no longer careworn, but chose the embrionic body...... to sleep together! 他把这一切又从意识中过了一遍,哂然一笑,不再思考,不再劳神,而是选择了个胚体一起……睡觉! This is a crucial choice! After having been through repeatedly dozens reincarnations, he thing that gave up such a long time understanding, gave the inactivity to cultivate/repair oneself, allow nature to take its course! 这是个关键性的选择!在历经数十次转世后,他放弃了这么长时间所理解的东西,把自己交給了无为而修,顺其自然! This is a gambling! What gambling is the farewell is mediocre, there is a brighter future! 这是一个赌!赌的是告别平庸,有一个更加光明的未来! After long waiting, when he appears in the reincarnation again, he was being besieged by one group of knights! In most notorious the thief as a mainland, the murderer, the sex fiend, both hands stained bloody him to evade encircling of innumerable correct path person, but this time, he could not hide again! 漫长的等待后,当他再一次出现在转世中时,他正在被一群侠客围攻!作为一个大陆上最臭名昭著的大盗,凶手,色魔,双手沾满血腥的他躲过了无数次正道人士的围剿,但这一次,他再也躲不过去了! When the number weapon goes into his body, making the knights feel what is afraid, on this greatly wicked face that wipes sends smiling of innermost feelings completely! 当数般兵器扎进他的身体时,让侠客们感到不寒而栗的是,这个大恶人脸上那抹完全发乎内心的笑! Carefree smiling! Smiling of feeling relieved! Hopeful smiling! 畅快的笑!如释重负的笑!充满希望的笑! Because in his top of the head does not have that circle energetic body again! Did not vanish, but in sea of consciousness of this body, combines with the body, fuses together! 因为他头顶上已经再也没有了那圈精神体!不是消失了,而是就在这具身体的意识海中,和身体合二为一,融为一体! He bet right! The energetic body does not need with the person direct contact, the factor of consideration instead to be other reason! 他赌对了!精神体根本就不需要和人直接接触,考量的因素反而是别的原因! A person, even if different age stage in oneself first , is not completely same oneself, difference between what view or the reincarnation bodies? 一个人,哪怕在自己一世中的不同年纪阶段,也不完全是一样的自己,又更何论还是转世身之间的差别? The change, is the universe true meaning, including human! 变化,才是宇宙的真谛,也包括人类! The body has died, this time, because the spirit and body have fused completely, the samsara was broken, he does not have again the journey of reincarnation continues to go, cannot achieve, does not need! 身已死,这一次,因为精神和身体已经完全融合,轮回被打断,他没有再继续接下去的转世之旅,做不到,也没必要! Withdrew the original state of entering this ordinary world, felt that the oneself ability restored! 退出到了进入这个平凡世界的初始状态,感觉自己的能力又恢复了过来! Looked toward from here again, a ordinary world path has opened wide to him, that was he innumerable past entrances! 从这里再往里看,平凡世界的条条道路都已对他敞开,那就是他无数个过去的入口! Having a path is close! He can guess correctly behind this path is anything! That is a sword repairs certainly the mammoth life! 只有一条道路是封闭的!他能猜出这条道路后面是什么!那就一定是一名剑修波澜壮阔的一生! He gave up, henceforth has nothing to do in him again! Now what because he chooses is truly ordinary Young Master Lou Residence! 他放弃了,从此再于他无干!因为他现在选择的是真正平凡的娄府少爷! Opens a road, naturally will close another! Is impossible to be greedy! 打开一条路,当然就会关上另一条!不可能多吃多占! Why is one, rather than two? He had two special pasts! 为什么是一条,而不是两条?他是有两段特殊的过去的! The answer only has one, that two in the past likely were a matter! He also not necessarily is passes through the guest, that two past master was, but he was not, he was indigenous, this was the truth! 答案只有一个,那两段过去很可能就是一回事!他也未必就是个穿越客,那两段过去的主人是,而他不是,他就是个土著,这就是事情的真相! From now on, other cultivator look at his future again, cannot see had presented the phenomenon again, that previous life passing, that peerless ominous sword, will be doomed to become the history! 从现在开始,其他修士再看他的未来,就再也看不到曾经出现过的异像,那段前世过往,那柄绝世凶剑,将注定成为历史! But he, lost forever knew this past opportunity! 而他,也永远失去了了解这段过去的机会! He did not regret, compares to listen to others' story, he wants to have the oneself story! 他不后悔,相比起听别人的故事,他更想拥有自己的故事! He has not departed, but stands for a very long time here, is staring at this already to passing that he closes! This passing, gave him at the beginning of his practice too many help, can say, his earlier important chance majority from here, without this past, he does not know oneself can also reach the present altitude? 他没有离去,而是久久站在这里,凝视着这条已经对他关闭的过往!这段过往,在他修行之初給了他太多的帮助,可以说,他前期的重要机缘大部分都是来自这里,没有这段过去,他不知道自己还能不能达到现在的高度? Even also involved these to support his existence behind him silently! 甚至也牵扯到了那些在他背后默默支持他的存在! Nine masters, the big bird, the fat dwelling, Black Dragon, the wild pig, bi xie, wait/etc, without this passing, he is doomed to exist to miss with these, this is the fact! 九爷,大鸟,肥宅,黑龙,山猪,赑屃,等等,没有这段过往,他就注定和这些存在无缘,这是事实! He not by the person kindness the person who turns around to get angry does not recognize! Just the opposite, he regards as important these especially! 他不是受人恩惠转身就翻脸不认的人!恰恰相反,他尤其看重这些! Smiles, muttered: „ Many thanks your companion and helps, please once forgive my young ignorant! 轻轻一笑,喃喃道:“多谢你的陪伴和帮助,请原谅我曾经的年少无知! However you must know, the small eagle must always grow up! Forever when under the powerful wing, was doomed he is not not possible to soar to great heights, wrestled the cloud contrary wind! Therefore must eat the egg shell, alone facing all! 但是你要知道,小鹰总是要长大的!永远待在强大的羽翼下,就注定了他不可能展翅高飞,搏云逆风!所以要吃掉蛋壳,独自面对一切! I will not say thanks, because I must scratch buttocks to you! This is this world most difficult duty! 我不会说感谢,因为我还得給你擦屁-股!这是这个世界最艰难的任务! Even to your repayment! ” 就算是对你的报答吧!”
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