SOD :: Volume #7

#658: Finished

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Sword of Chapter 658 daybreak 黎明之剑第658章 Finished 都结束了 The thick cloud hangs down, rainstorm pouring, entire Whitesand region by darkness that cannot look at the boundary is covering, under the cloud cluster of swirl, the curtain of rain as if hangs upside down from the horizon in place sea, to is crowded doubtable whether the degree of suffocating, in this is similar to the Doomsday general darkness and squally shower, the innumerable strange limbs are multiplying, the innumerable nondescriptive things cheer are condensing from the rain, but all witnesses all these People Iron Throne on soldier, Military officer, the war technicians, will be life-long are unable to forget spirit that this curtain brings shocks. 浓云低垂,暴雨倾盆,整个白沙地区被一片望不到边际的黑暗笼罩着,旋涡状的云团下,雨幕仿佛从天际倒悬于地的一片海洋,已经密集到让人怀疑是否会在其中窒息的程度,而在这如同世界末日一般的黑暗和狂风骤雨中,无数怪异的肢体在滋生,无数难以名状的事物欢呼着从雨中凝聚,而所有目睹这一切的人-铁王座上的士兵,军官,战争技师们,将终生无法忘记这一幕带来的精神震撼。 Iron Throne all crew members crossed to fall in the car(riage) to linger the positive upfront spirited optimistic atmosphere. 铁王座全体乘员过了个整列车都萦绕着积极正面昂扬乐观的氛围。 Closes down the mind shielding systems.” Commander Maryland felt own mind unprecedented clear, and judged that the vehicle-borne mind shielding systems could not have applied, then ordered. “关闭心智防护系统。”指挥官马里兰感觉自己头脑前所未有的清晰,并判断出了车载心智防护系统已经派不上用场,便下令道。 composite body that is hard with the language description was still moving, ta hangs down from the cloud top vortex, as if huge deep sea creature is using the innumerable whiskers to lick to lick the land, but appears from the cloud cluster not, only then this huge composite body- works as lightning blasting open, the illumination strongest time, Maryland can see that also many small build human form lifeform shuttle back and forth in these whiskers, they as if take all kinds of tools, in that chaos gluttony grand feast busy, with the aid of the Extraordinary strong vision, Maryland distinguishes the Miss Tyr on shape and Feudal Territory of some individuals almost. 那个难以用语言描述的结构体仍然在活动着,ta从云顶旋涡中倒垂下来,仿佛一个庞然的深海生物正在用无数的触须舔舐大地,但从云团里出现的并不只有这个庞大的结构体-当闪电炸裂,光照最强的时候,马里兰可以看到还有很多小体型的人形生物在那些触须之间穿梭,她们似乎拿着各种各样的工具,在那场混乱的饕餮盛宴中忙忙碌碌,借助超凡者的强大视力,马里兰分辨出其中一些个体的形态和领地上的提尔小姐差不多。 But the shapes of other individuals were not good to describe...... them to piece together various grotesque limbs beside the body of human form, even some do not know that should be the limbs, probably...... casual long as...... 但另外一些个体的形态就不是那么好描述了……她们在人形的躯体之外又拼凑了各种各样奇形怪状的肢体,甚至有一些都不知道该不该算是肢体,就好像……随便长长似的…… These are the Cecil's allies, Siren from deep sea. 那些就是塞西尔的盟友,来自深海的海妖们。 Thank God, this powerful ethnic group is the Cecil's ally. 谢天谢地,这个强大的族群是塞西尔的盟友。 The adjutant walked from side, on this young military officer face brings a confusion: General, what now do we need to make?” 副官从旁边走了过来,这位年轻的军官脸上带着一丝困惑:“将军,现在我们需要做什么吗?” What need not does,” Maryland said to the adjutant, and other rain stopped well.” “什么都不用做,”马里兰对副官说道,“等雨停就好。” Yes, General.” “是,将军。” Two people also raised the head, by covering the strengthening is protecting the train glass of shield, looked to distant place that gluttony grand feast. 两人同时抬起头,透过覆盖着强化护盾的列车车窗,看向了远处那场饕餮盛宴。 In the center of this dark rainstorm, in soon the evolution is the water element domain warp jump field central area, forest that” the whisker forms already the man-made god and external environment isolates completely completely, 3200 tide female monster union mimicry leave sea sovereign giant beast is covering this region with its phenomenally huge body, 在这场黑暗暴雨的中心,在已经快要完全演化为水元素领域折跃场中心区域,触须所形成的“森林”已经将人造之神和外界环境完全隔绝,三千两百名潮汐女妖联合拟态出的“海皇”巨兽用它那空前庞大的躯体覆盖着这个区域, That a lot of whiskers that in the sea sovereign dangles, the rune brilliance twinkle flashes on and off, the overlapping illusory force field interwove airtight barrier, Giant Deer all resistances at risk of life flew back without any results in front of that powerful barrier. 在海皇垂下的那千百条触须之间,符文光辉闪烁明灭,层层叠叠的虚幻力场交织成了密不透风的屏障,巨鹿所有的拼死反抗都在那强大的屏障面前无功而返。 In region that in the sea sovereign covers, in barrier, has General Siren of deep sea Feudal Lord title Vanessa to direct the deep sea soldiers are completing to food final processing. 而在海皇笼罩的区域中,在屏障内部,拥有深海领主称号的海妖将军凡妮莎正指挥着深海战士们完成对“食物”的最后处理。 The rainstorm pouring environment is mimicry sea that” the element warp jump field makes, Siren can smoothly move in such environment, they like hover at this moment same in the sea are going through in the curtain of rain, in long charge warblade with hand is cutting Giant Deer that still in the huge body that the instinct struggles. 暴雨倾盆的环境是元素折跃场制造出的“拟态海洋”,海妖们在这样的环境中可以自如移动,她们此刻就如同在海洋中游动一样在雨幕中穿行着,用手中的长柄充能战刃切割着巨鹿那仍然在本能挣扎的庞大身体。 This is a dangerous work, although that Giant Deer had died, but its within the body residual huge vitality and mana were still maintaining these flesh, even lets these flesh after being segmented can also the independent survival some time, facing this opponent, even powerful deep sea soldier, even made the home advantage and ambush advantage, Siren still could not avoid some casualties. 这是一个颇具危险性的工作,尽管那巨鹿已经死去,但它体内残留的庞大生命力和魔力仍然在维持那些血肉,甚至让那些血肉在被切分开之后还能独立生存一段时间,面对这种对手,即便是强大的深海战士,即便制造出了主场优势和伏击优势,海妖们仍然免不了一些伤亡。 Nearby the Giant Deer shoulder neck, a rash deep sea soldier is brandishing in the hand warblade, cut open one still in the flesh of creeping motion, a dazzling electric arc does not have the omen to erupt from the wound, divided the body of that unlucky Siren directly, the latter only sent out a scream with enough time, then changed into the disintegrate water splash with a crash, dissipated in the air. 巨鹿肩颈附近,一个过于莽撞的深海战士挥舞着手中战刃,切开了一块仍在蠕动的血肉,一道刺眼的电弧毫无预兆地从伤口中爆发出来,正面劈中了那倒霉海妖的身体,后者只来得及发出一声尖叫,便砰然化为四分五裂的水花,消散在空气中。 Saw this in nearby busy Siren, several shouted: „- Fish lives the failure, the zero is eliminated!” 在附近忙碌的海妖们看到了这一幕,其中几个叫嚷起来:“啊-鱼生失败,零分出局!” This is very popular a taunt sentence in the Siren society, is used to ridicule these Siren that because the careless general idea/careless died incautiously. 这是在海妖社会中一句非常流行的嘲讽语句,用来嘲笑那些因为马虎大意就一不小心死掉的海妖 Happen to from the nearby roaming passed/lived Vanessa swinging snake tail, picks up warblade that the death soldier fell, empty was wielding to these somewhat unconventional soldier: Attention order!! Only if you have not died from infancy to maturity!” 正好从附近游过的凡妮莎摆动蛇尾,捡起了死亡战士掉落的战刃,对着那些有些忘形的士兵虚挥了一下:“注意秩序!!除非你们从小到大没有死过!” The soldiers hurry to disperse, continue to carry out the task, cuts the Giant Deer corpse or copes with these troublesome product that” multiplies from the Giant Deer blood, Vanessa conveniently recycling warblade throws for following in own side Siren- that Siren incarnation is a sea demon that has large number of arms, on this moment each arm is curling several warblade. 士兵们慌忙散开,继续去执行任务,去切割巨鹿的尸体或对付那些从巨鹿血液中滋生出来的“麻烦产物”,凡妮莎则随手把回收来的战刃扔给跟在自己身旁的一名海妖-那海妖化身为一个有着大量腕足的海魔,此刻每一条腕足上都卷着好几把战刃 Goes back these weapon belts, one do not fall, when they resurrected led again.” “把这些武器带回去,一把都不要落下,等她们复活了再来领。” The tide female monster that has the light purple fish tail swam from the distant place, in her hand takes one swagger stick that had the complex trace, in blister floated flesh lump specimen that is cutting: General, the flesh lump that cuts has completed the preliminary appraisal.” 一名有着淡紫色鱼尾的潮汐女妖从远处游了过来,她手中拿着一把带有复杂纹路的短杖,身边的水泡中漂浮着许多切割下来的肉块样本:“将军,切割下来的肉块已经完成初步鉴定了。” Finally how?” “结果怎么样?” Good taste!” Siren of purple tail first is to make an effort to nod, somewhat knits the brows, „, but the taste is not very good, moreover energy somewhat heterogeneous, this thing seems like some joining together product, and technology very immature. Moreover, its regeneration is also limited, at present should surpass the threshold value, its reproductive property is declining suddenly, this point cannot compare the big squid completely......” “好味!”紫色尾巴的海妖先是使劲点点头,紧接着又有些皱起眉,“但口感不是很好,而且能量有些驳杂,这东西很像是某种拼合产物,并且技术不成熟。另外,它的再生也是有限的,目前应该已经超过阈值,其再生能力正急剧衰退,这一点完全比不上大鱿鱼……” Un...... is not accidental/surprised, after all this is replica that Human Race makes ‚’,” Vanessa speaks thoughtlessly saying that quality difference is normal, but to few doesn't guarantee all one wants to eat greatly? Moreover, can this thing energize to the reactor?” “嗯……并不意外,毕竟这是人类制造出来的‘仿制品’,”凡妮莎随口说道,“品质差是正常的,但至少量大管饱不是么?另外,这东西可以给反应炉供能么?” Should not have the issue, but needs many extraction working procedures, will otherwise possibly result in certain pressure on the reactor,” Siren of purple tail said earnestly, Rainbow Light technology that if Tyr transmits can use smoothly, our internal efficiency will enhance over 30%, this batch of new fuels will be very cost-effective.” “应该没问题,但需要多一层萃取工序,否则可能会对反应炉造成一定压力,”紫色尾巴的海妖认真说道,“如果提尔传输过来的虹光技术可以顺利使用的话,我们的能量转化效率会提高三成以上,这批新燃料就会很划算。” Very good, that collects- goes back later portion to supplement the consumption to everyone, portion energizes to the reactor, how to assign specifically decided by the queen.” “很好,那就都收集起来吧-回去之后一部分给大家补充消耗,一部分给反应炉供能,具体如何分配就由女王决定。” Yes, General,” the purple tail Siren nod said, later looked at that to accept Giant Deer one of the cutting, „was really inconceivable...... land civilization of this season can make this type of thing unexpectedly. I have thought their technology levels are very low, but they actually made Prismatic Light Unit, but also made this thing...... not to know that they made this thing technology to publicize, perhaps if possible, can solve the problem that the big squid output was insufficient.” “是,将军,”紫尾海妖点头说道,随后看了那正在接受切割的巨鹿一眼,“真是不可思议啊……这一季的陆地文明竟然可以造出这种东西。我一直认为他们的技术水平很低,但他们却造出了虹光装置,还造出了这东西……也不知道他们造这东西的技术能不能公开,如果可以的话,说不定就能解决大鱿鱼产量不足的问题了。” Perhaps is not good,” Vanessa sighed, I heard made this God technology very cruel darkness, not only Human Race own moral outlook was unacceptable, the queen did not plan to want, we came to here to process these ‚the technology product,...... withered away as for this technology.” “恐怕不行,”凡妮莎叹了口气,“我听说制造这个‘神灵’的技术非常残忍黑暗,不但人类自己的道德观不能接受,女王也不打算要,我们来这里只是处理掉这些‘技术产物’的,至于这项技术本身……就这么消亡吧。” Purple tail Siren blinks, muttered: Oneself cannot accept actually to make, Human Race is really strange race......” 紫尾海妖眨了眨眼,咕哝起来:“自己都不能接受却还是造了出来,人类真是个奇怪的种族……” Their ethnic group is the fission, this is one of the special characteristics, without the means that” Vanessa said that these Human Race that and we cooperate are also only one of their ethnic groups, but similar ethnic group among the Human Race society also has many...... to do to understand that them difference, is quite troublesome.” “他们的族群是分裂的,这是特质之一,没办法,”凡妮莎说道,“和我们合作的这些人类也只是他们的族群之一,而类似的族群在人类社会还有许多……想要搞明白他们之间的区别,相当麻烦。” Purple tail Siren thinks, sends out a regrettable sigh: Oh...... was really rare such good cook.” 紫尾海妖想了想,发出一声遗憾的叹息:“唉……真是难得了这么好的厨艺。” Yes, rare such good cook.” “是啊,难得了这么好的厨艺。” ...... …… All finished. 一切都结束了。 In the Silver Castle velvet study room, on the hologram projection device was demonstrating latest information that Iron Throne passes on. 白银堡天鹅绒书房内,全息投影装置上显示着铁王座传回来的最新信息。 The world was covered dark, the violent storm is washing out Whitesand region, huge deep sea creature arrives in the rain, a gluttony grand feast is that man-made god final result. 天地被黑暗笼罩,狂风暴雨冲刷着白沙地区,巨大的深海生物在雨中降临,一场饕餮盛宴就是那人造之神最终的结局。 It looks like in Gawain, this is really a hopeful image, only the picture has the impact pitifully, does not seem suitable under the current social background to all the people publicizes. 高文看来,这真是一段充满希望的影像,只可惜画面太具冲击,在当前的社会背景下似乎并不适宜对全民公开。 We can consider how then should propagandize,” Gawain knocked the table gently, the attention attracts two protect Duke( Grand Consul), the disaster of All Things Finally Die Society manufacture, was ended by the present initially, but if wants to make it fall to the ground steadily, we also had many things very to do.” “我们可以考虑接下来该怎么宣传了,”高文轻轻敲了敲桌子,将两位守护公爵(大执政官)的注意力吸引过来,“万物终亡会制造的这场灾难,到现在才算初步结束,但要想让它平稳落地,我们还有很多事情要做。” Baldwin Duke inspires gently, cannot bear ask: „Is that you mentioned Siren?” 柏德文公爵轻轻吸了口气,还是忍不住问道:“那就是您提到的‘海妖’么?” Right, Siren, presents the deep sea ethnic groups in many legend, what is different from most legend ethnic groups, they exist, moreover had established certain relation with us.” “没错,海妖,出现在很多传说里的深海族群,但和大部分传说族群不同的是,她们真实存在,而且已经和我们建立了一定联系。” Baldwin seemed like some words to say, but started to speak but hesitated, actually nearby Victoria opened the mouth very much directly: „Does this have the risk?” 柏德文似乎有话想说,但又欲言又止,倒是旁边的维多利亚很直接地开口了:“这有风险么?” Has the risk with any other race contact, but sometimes we do not have to choose, moreover I analyzed, these Siren are worth trusting- two years ago, Southern Region had made the contact with Siren, our some technology exchange, although the scale is not big, but at least achieved equal dialog to a certain extent.” “和任何异族接触都有风险,但有时候我们没得选择,而且就我个人判断,这些海妖值得信任-早在两年前,南境就已经和海妖建立了联系,我们有一些技术交流,虽然规模不大,但至少做到了一定程度上的平等对话。” Baldwin and Victoria exchanged a look, as if relaxes slightly, but spirit somewhat was still tight. 柏德文维多利亚相互交流了一下眼神,似乎略微松了口气,但精神仍有些紧绷。 Gawain knows certainly why this is. 高文当然知道这是为什么。 His both hands spread out, backward by high back chair: „ I know that you are worried about anything, said honestly, they is a very powerful ethnic group, although its domain in deep sea, but if they want, they truly can start the storm on the land...... the storms in various types of significances, but we must conscious to a fact: 他双手摊开,向后靠在高背椅上:“我知道你们在担心什么,坦白说,她们是一个非常强大的族群,虽然其领域是在深海,但如果她们愿意,她们确实可以在陆地上掀起风暴……各种意义上的风暴,但我们必须意识到一个事实: No matter we do want, in this world has the so powerful ethnic group, Siren exists, Dragon race exists, perhaps some only have powerful race in legend also exist, their perhaps lives in very far place, but if they want, they can arrive at this piece of Loren Continent, but we...... the coastline cannot even go out. “不管我们愿不愿意,这个世界上就是存在如此强大的族群,海妖存在,龙族存在,一些仅存在于传说里的强大种族说不定也都存在,他们或许住在很远的地方,但如果他们愿意,他们就是能来到这片洛伦大陆,而我们……连海岸线都出不去。 These race are genuine, our these by the sea and race of civilization level blockade should rejoice that only, at least they also has no hostility to us. “这些种族切切实实地存在着,我们这些被海洋和自身文明水平封锁的种族唯一应该庆幸的,就是至少他们对我们还没什么敌意。 But this type does not have hostility is not we strives, is the destiny bestows. “但这种‘没有敌意’不是我们争取来的,是命运施舍来的。 We can only do two matters, first, facing this fact, because evaded and pretends ignorance unable to solve the problem ; Second, develops itself, do not halt in the current moment peace, should not be hoodwinked by the temporary prosperity, beyond our vision, this world is big, if wants the long-lived in this very big world, the development is the top priority.” “我们只能做两件事,第一,面对这个事实,因为逃避和装聋作哑都解决不了问题;第二,发展自己,不要止步于当前的片刻和平,不要被短暂的繁荣蒙蔽,在我们的目光之外,这个世界还大得很,如果想在这个很大的世界上长久生存下去,发展才是硬道理。” Gawain is very straightforward, looked like in two Grand Consul that words saying, perhaps this straightforward words even a little attacked them the self-confidence as Human Race. 高文把话说的很直白,在两位大执政官看来,这直白的话说不定甚至有点打击他们身为人类的自信。 Acknowledged oneself small and weak are very difficult, is more difficult to people like them. 承认自己弱小是很难的,对他们这种人而言更难。 But some facts must clearly recognize, the power that every so often develops lies in conscious to own insufficiency, but this exactly is Human Race on this lands , was blocked the inland 700 years later, the things that under the numerous protections peaceful 700 years later were short, looking from some aspect, is one of reasons past Ainz Kingdom declined. 但有些事实必须认清才可以,很多时候发展的动力就在于意识到自身的不足,而这恰恰是这片土地上的人类在被封锁于内陆七百年后、在重重保护下和平了七百年后所欠缺的东西,从某种方面看,也是昔日安苏王国衰落的原因之一。 Siren is peace-loving race, these from the deep sea and mentality marvelous and lively friendly lifeform are the Cecil duchy( present Cecil Empire) precious ally, such that however said like Gawain, this friendly is not Human Race strives, is only the Human Race luck is good. 海妖是一个爱好和平的种族,这些来自深海、思路奇妙、活泼友善的生物是塞西尔公国(如今的塞西尔帝国)的宝贵盟友,然而就像高文说的那样,这份“友善”不是人类自己争取来的,只是人类运气好而已。 Therefore Gawain so regards as important between Cecil and Siren technology cooperation, even if what cooperates is only 1-2 key technology, this also means that at least Human Race has the qualifications and these deep sea creature dialogue. 所以高文才如此看重塞西尔海妖之间的“技术合作”,哪怕合作的只是区区1-2关键技术,这也意味着至少人类是有资格和这些深海生物“对话”的。 If in Cecilian Rainbow Light technology did not even have initially, even if these deep sea creature are friendly, they will be interested to a remote land on small duchy? 如果当初塞西尔人手里连虹光技术都没有,那些深海生物哪怕再友善,她们会对遥远陆地上的一个小小公国感兴趣么? Perhaps looks at backwardness Human Race one on land, will delay them to dig the squid. 恐怕多看陆地上的落后人类一眼,都会耽误她们挖鱿鱼吧。 The development is the top priority, this point Cecilian knows, and has gotten to know the benefits of the development, but the people of this national some larger part have not known, in front of Gawain two Grand Consul perhaps are wisdom in this larger part person, they have felt social progress a pressing, but to let their profoundly conscious to important nature of development, broadens their visions, Gawain needs to demonstrate some more direct-viewing thing to them. 发展才是硬道理,这一点塞西尔人知道,并且已经从发展中尝到了甜头,但这个国家还有一大半的人不知道,高文面前的两位大执政官或许是这一大半人中的明智者,他们已经感觉到了“社会进步”的一丝紧迫性,但为了让他们更加深刻地意识到发展的重要性,开阔他们的眼界,高文有必要给他们展示一些更直观的东西。 Nearby Baldwin showed a look looking pensive, Victoria also understood Gawain said these intentions. 旁边的柏德文露出一丝若有所思的神色,维多利亚也理解了高文说这些的用意。 In this moment, two Duke had some feeling suddenly- in a Gawain Cecil Duke family/home that dies and is reborn the elder, is almost really spending the strength is maintaining this with all one's heart family lasting probably every time, but must find the way to teach the bear children who and guide these to refuse to accept to teach, must pay attention to guide, must pay attention to warn, must pay attention to preach, is reminding tirelessly: Do not move this ; Do not move that ; Do not leave uncultivated the studies ; Must be careful the danger ; Must exercise ; Must eat the vegetables ; Must be together with the brothers and sisters harmoniously......” 在这一刻,两位公爵突然产生了某种感觉-死而复生的高文?塞西尔公爵真的就好像一位家中长辈,几乎每时每刻都在费尽心力地维系着这个“家庭”的存续,还要一直想办法管教、引导那些不服管教的熊孩子们,要注意引导,要注意警示,要注意说教,不厌其烦地提醒着:“不要动这个;不要动那个;不要荒废了学业;要小心危险;要锻炼身体;要多吃蔬菜;要和兄弟姐妹们和谐相处……” However no one has listened his, bear a children civil war house opening, but also burnt down the kitchen and warehouse( east Holy Spirit Plain grain-producing region), compelled Ancestor crawls the fire fighting from the bed at over 700 years old of...... 然而谁都没听他的,熊孩子们一场内战就把房子给拆了,还烧掉了厨房和仓库(圣灵平原东部产粮区),逼的老祖宗以七百多岁高龄从床上爬起来救火…… Two Duke subconsciously look to Gawain, at the same time thought that this Founding Hero is not really easy. 两位公爵下意识地看向高文,同一时间觉得这位开国英雄是真不容易。 Gawain noticed two people of look changes, happily tried hard to guide to transform the processes of these two old aristocrats in oneself to obtain the good result, but was quick he to feel these two look probably a little not too right...... 高文注意到了二人的眼神变化,欣慰于自己努力引导改造这两位旧贵族的过程得到了不错的成效,但很快他就觉得这两人眼神好像有点不太对…… ...... …… At the same time, in Nether Shadow World, the most deep place of disobedient fortress. 同一时间,幽影界内,忤逆堡垒的最深处。 In the dark chaos nihility space, giant stone and islands of every large or small float formed the torn to pieces land, the ancient battleship wreckage that a big piece is sending out light glimmer is surrounding a sending out white light Giant Deer corpse, in this as if eternal silent space, Giant Deer Amorn is opening the eyes, in the crystal eye pupil, reflects the picture that are flashing through unceasingly: 黑暗混沌的虚无空间中,大大小小漂浮的巨石和岛屿形成了支离破碎的大地,一大片散发着淡淡微光的古代战舰残骸环绕着一具散发白光的巨鹿尸体,在这仿佛永恒寂静的空间内,巨鹿阿莫恩微睁着双眼,水晶般的眼眸中,倒映着一幕幕不断闪过的画面: Is covering the steel armor and protects the train of shield to speed along the railway rail, the violent anger man-made god is in hot pursuit behind the armored train. 覆盖着钢铁装甲和护盾的列车在铁轨上飞驰,暴怒的人造之神在装甲列车后面穷追不舍。 The artillery position firepower of mortal full, is bombing Abomination and god of disaster impact battleline. 凡人的火炮阵地火力全开,轰炸着冲击阵线的神孽和神灾。 Rainstorm pouring, the space crevice launches in the thick cloud, the nondescriptive heteromorphous limbs from in the air dangles, is tearing the Giant Deer corpse, eats to the heart's content in the grand feast. 暴雨倾盆,空间裂隙在浓云中展开,难以名状的异形肢体从空中垂下,撕扯着巨鹿的尸体,在盛宴中大快朵颐。 In the rift valley of underground deep place, in collapsing to split open ancient palace, a vitality abundant, but the strange plant is growing in the dikes to the utmost, some innumerable vines spread from it, this plant huge to covering less than half rift valley, and may see that shocking tearing and burning down trace have spread together from its bottom top. 地下深处的裂谷内,坍塌开裂的古代宫殿中,一株生机盎然但又极尽诡异的植物在岩壁间生长着,又有无数藤蔓从它周围蔓延出去,这株植物庞大到覆盖了小半个裂谷,并可看到一道触目惊心的撕裂、焚烧痕迹从其底部一直蔓延到顶部。 Pictures flash through, finally belongs to the nihility gradually. 一幕幕画面闪过,最终渐渐归于虚无。 After long-term deathly stillness, that pair of crystal eyeball is gloomy, Giant Deer Amorn closed the eye, white glimmer that the side lingers slightly is also dim. 长时间的死寂之后,那双水晶般的眼球暗淡下来,巨鹿阿莫恩重新闭上了眼睛,身边萦绕的白色微光也略微黯淡下去。
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