SOD :: Volume #7

#656: Hunts for the god

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Sword of Chapter 656 daybreak 黎明之剑第656章 Hunts for the god 猎神 Turbulent energy by injected system, from technology creation of ancient hometown, in the energy surged expressed buzz the cry, the energy pipeline is jumping for joy, the mechanism is cheering, the huge element warp jump tower cascade sent out intermittent radiant radiance, in the powerful mana pulse, the barrier of element and real world was broken, a special space crevice opened slowly, as if the vortex center presented a dark deep eye, in the eye was surging clear wave light- 汹涌的能量被注入系统,源自古老故乡的技术造物在能量涌动中发出了嗡鸣,能量管线在雀跃,机械结构在欢呼,庞大的元素折跃逐层散发出阵阵璀璨的光华,在强大的魔力脉冲中,元素和现实世界的隔阂被打破了,一道特殊的空间裂隙缓缓张开,仿佛漩涡中心出现了一颗幽暗深沉的眼睛,眼睛中涌动着粼粼波光- Evaporation!” Evaporation!” Evaporation!” “蒸发!”“蒸发!”“蒸发!” Siren are cheering, in the warp jump field fluctuated suddenly blue radiance, a body of only Siren became in radiance illusory, surges, and leapt the inexhaustible mist, almost, 11,000 deep sea soldiers, the ocean waves cutting edges and tide Grandmaster then completely lost the physique suddenly, evaporated for the turbulent steam, rushed to the element crevice of upper air. 海妖们欢呼着,折跃场内骤然浮动起了大片大片的蓝色光华,一只只海妖的身体在光华中变得虚幻、涌动,并腾起了无穷无尽的水雾,几乎眨眼之间,一万一千名深海战士、海浪先锋、潮汐大师便完全失去了形体,蒸发为汹涌的蒸汽,涌向了高空的元素裂隙。 In the warp jump field resounds an intermittent slating howling sound, in the big square, the Siren form rapidly becomes sparse, along with condensing for giant air mass expeditionary force enters the crevice, around the square these topography along, to lead to distant place mothership the energy pipeline that extends are one by one gloomy, large number of ancillary facilities also opened the respective radiation grid, starts thermal energy that releases to save. 折跃场内响起一阵阵雷鸣般的呼啸声,偌大的广场上,海妖们的身影迅速变得稀疏起来,伴随着凝聚为巨型气团的“远征军”进入裂隙,广场周围那些沿着地势延伸的、通向远处母舰的能量管道逐一暗淡下来,大量附属设备也打开了各自的散热栅格,开始释放积蓄的热能。 Petia shouted the tone slightly, the silver-white long hair raises in the sea breeze gently, this deep sea rule raised the head, is gazing at the remote sea level, as if the line of sight across the impediment of space, saw already the sisters on another piece of continent. 佩提亚微微呼了口气,银白色的长发在海风中轻轻扬起,这位深海统治者抬起头,注视着遥远的海面,仿佛视线穿过空间的阻隔,看到了已经远在另一片大陆上的姐妹们。 She sighed in a soft voice has not really thought...... we will restart these ancient equipment unexpectedly...... this season land civilization also are really amusing.” 她轻声感叹“真没想到……我们竟然会重启这些古老的设备……这一季陆地文明还真是有趣。” amusing, is somewhat dangerous,” deep sea maidservant Rosalia is swinging gently the snake tail, said by Petia, by strength of manufacture Human Race Gods, attempts to hunt and kill Gods by the strength of Human Race ‚’...... regardless of the time being their Gods are what things, this season Human Race conduct way could be called universally shocking sufficiently.” 有趣,也有些危险,”深海侍女罗莎莉亚轻轻摆动着蛇尾,在佩提亚旁边说道,“以人类之力制造‘神明’,又尝试以人类之力猎杀‘神明’……姑且不论他们的神明是什么东西,这一季人类的行事方式都足以称得上惊世骇俗了。” „...... perhaps Siren should also learn/study these short life race universally shocking, after all, they can create Prismatic Light Unit such marvelous technology,” Petia said in a soft voice, later she looks up the element crevice that sky over warp jump tower had not closed, told, maintained the channel to open, returned until the sisters.” “……或许海妖也该学习一下这些短寿种族的‘惊世骇俗’,毕竟,他们能创造出虹光装置那样的奇妙技术,”佩提亚轻声说道,随后她抬头看了一眼折跃上空仍未关闭的元素裂隙,吩咐道,“保持通道开启,直到姐妹们返回。” Yes.” “是。” Petia looked at around a square, in nearby several high stage, the soldiers is maintaining the security, the weapon equipment that more than ten have the graceful arc and conchoidal duplicate armor aims at the sky distantly the crevice, in the duplicate armor slits of installment, water color glimmer surges unceasingly. 佩提亚又看了一眼广场周围,在附近的几处高台上,战士们正在保持警戒,十几座带有优雅弧线和贝壳状覆甲的武器装置遥遥指向天空的裂隙,装置的覆甲缝隙间,水色的微光不断涌动。 Siren lost many science and technology in this world, large number of ancient equipment are unable to operate, 海妖们在这个世界失落了很多科技,大量古老的设备也无法运行, But after all experienced so many years difficult adaptations, they are some good things. 但毕竟经历了这么多年的艰难适应,她们还是有一些好东西的。 Granule pulse fort stays half state of activation, if returns from the crevice the thing that does not know...... hits directly.” “粒子脉冲炮台保持半激活状态,如果从裂隙里返回的是不认识的东西……直接打下来。” Yes, your majesty.” “是,陛下。” ...... …… The magic crystal rail gun sends out the fulmination, the obelisk shape shell sends out the sharp wailing in the air, after temporary delay, shell hit target, in that pure and holy, but on the strange monster blasted out the flesh that one group of dim brilliance and scattered in all directions. 魔晶轨道炮发出爆鸣,方尖碑状的炮弹在空气中发出锐利的尖啸,短暂延迟之后,炮弹命中目标,在那圣洁而诡异的怪物身上炸开了一团朦胧的光焰和四散的血肉。 The hunters hit very much accurate, now the prey is enraged successfully. 猎人打得很准,现在猎物被成功激怒了。 That frightening flesh creation sent out can only with shouting that the hysterical/frenzy noise described, shouted in the world to change color, the land instantaneously covered by the burning hot scorches and innumerable strange fresh flower vines, it swayed a body in the continual several explosions, later ran out of the smog that the explosion formed, imitated in the antlers that if the light cast is fermenting one group of powerful energy impacts. 那令人恐惧的血肉造物发出了只能用狂乱噪音形容的嘶吼,嘶吼声中天地变色,大地瞬间被炙热焦痕和无数诡异的鲜花藤蔓覆盖起来,它在连续的几次爆炸中摇晃了一下身体,随后冲出了爆炸形成的烟雾,仿若光铸的鹿角之间酝酿着一团强大的能量冲击。 The tank engine thunders, brave commando unit before that monster runs out of the smog then had flushed- before open fire, all engines in preheating, after open fire, all tank including for one second not to delay, defers to the predetermined plan entered this hunting for the next link directly. 战车引擎轰鸣,“勇敢者”突击队在那怪物冲出烟雾之前便已经冲了出去-在开炮之前,所有的引擎就在预热,在开炮之后,所有的战车连一秒钟都没有耽搁,直接就按照预定方案进入了这场“捕猎”的下一个环节。 Seven tank start to speed away on one scorches plain, then enraged man-made god is whooshing, while crazy started the pursuit, it is releasing that hard-to-control strength recklessly, is releasing the All Things Finally Die believer in Strength of Gods that” its within the body implants, in this pursues in dashing about wildly that and escapes, the confused road that is combining the scorch, fresh flower, death and vitality extends in the land, looks from the upper air, the group of this confused crazy just like in World Serpent that on the scorched earth goes through, but python front...... aims at the Cecil legion Fort Thorin defense line distantly. 七辆战车开始在一片焦痕的平原上疾驰,而那被激怒的人造之神一边嘶吼着,一边疯狂地发动了追击,它肆意释放着自己那难以控制的力量,释放着万物终亡教徒在它体内植入的“神明之力”,在这追与逃的狂奔中,一条混杂着焦痕、鲜花、死亡、生机的错乱之路在大地上延伸开来,从高空望去,这条错乱的疯狂之路宛若在焦土上穿行的尘世巨蟒,而巨蟒的前端……遥遥指向塞西尔军团索林堡防线。 After full awakens, the strength of that man-made god further promotes and mutation, even if now periphery does not have the life, that monster can also let the stone and steel blooms the flowering shrubs. 在充分苏醒之后,那人造之神的力量进一步提升和变异,现在哪怕周围没有生命,那怪物也能让石头和钢铁绽放出花丛来。 The wild wind blew, is coercing the dry grit, is whipping the armor of tank, heavy tank launches running quickly in the rugged war zone, the caterpillar band steamroll the land of burned black to split open, the steamroll once belongs King, belongs to Feudal Lord, is the Knight land, the steamroll for generations serf and underclass once sweated the stretch of land, the violent anger Gods angrily roars, blazing plasma jet as if long whips brush in brave squad behind, makes spreading across blazing fissures on this road/s. 狂野的风吹了起来,裹挟着干燥的沙石,拍打着坦克的装甲,沉重的战车在崎岖的战区展开奔驰,履带碾压着焦黑开裂的土地,碾压着曾经属于国王的、属于领主的、属于骑士的土地,碾压着世世代代农奴贱民曾经流过血汗的这片大地,暴怒的“神明”怒吼起来,一道道炽热的等离子射流仿佛长鞭般抽打在“勇敢者”小队身后,在这条道路上制造出一道道纵横交错的炽热裂痕。 wander crystal cluster giant on the plain were also enraged, they listening to that noise shouting, heard the summon of last stage node, they are responding, sends out same chaos inexplicable howling, charged into that say/way to combine the path of death and vitality, scorch and fresh flower, the bright arcane electric arc in the distant place shone, innumerable swayed the great shadow to appear in the field of vision boundary. 在平原上游荡晶簇巨人们也被激怒了,它们“听”到了那噪音般的嘶吼,听到了最上级节点的呼唤,它们回应着,发出同样混沌莫名的吼叫,冲向了那道混杂着死亡和生机、焦痕和鲜花的轨迹,明亮的奥术电弧在远方亮了起来,数不清的摇晃巨影出现在视野边际。 A monster army is building up, Handte can feel the evil intention and hostility in the air thick cannot melt, even if there is protection of mind shielding systems, he still felt that oneself heart as if blasting open started the crazy beat, he looks through the observation window to outside plain, sees the electricity snake dance, angry Giant from wells up in all directions, the sky every single minute becomes especially gloomy, this, just like wandering minstrel in Doomsday that in the poem described. 一支怪物大军正在集结,汉特能感受到空气中浓得化不开的恶意和敌意,即便有着心智防护系统的保护,他也感觉自己的心脏仿佛炸裂般开始了疯狂跳动,他通过观察窗口看向外面的平原,看到电蛇狂舞,愤怒的巨人从四面八方涌来,天空每分每秒都变得格外阴沉,这一幕,宛若吟游诗人们在诗篇中描述的世界末日 Now, the hunter Handte's experience really can interpolate in the book. 现在,猎人汉特的经历真的可以写进书里了。 tank is continue accelerate, the engine sends out shouting that is unable to withstand the load, repulsion mechanism as if must these connecting rods and gears tears the enhancement output, but beginning these speed of generation of tanks has exceeded the design speed, has been close to its structure limit, countdown that each of these mechanism howled is the total disassembly and deactivation, but violent anger Gods is getting more and more near. 战车在继续加速,引擎发出不堪重负的嘶吼,斥力机关仿佛要把那些连杆和齿轮都撕裂般提高着出力,但这些初代坦克的速度已经超过设计速度,已经接近它的结构极限,那些机械装置的每一声吼叫都是彻底解体、卡死的倒计时,而暴怒的“神明”已经越来越近了。 In fact Handte does not know that what thing that Giant Deer is, his senior officer, or senior officer senior officer possibly knows, what relations but does that have? 事实上汉特并不知道那头巨鹿到底是什么东西,他的长官,或者长官长官可能知道,但那又有什么关系呢? He is a soldier, is a hunter, now he must complete the duty of soldier and hunter simultaneously. 他是一个士兵,还是一个猎人,现在他要同时完成士兵和猎人的任务了。 Armored Griffin passed over gently and swiftly from the sky 装甲狮鹫从天空掠过 After one minute, a dazzling white light hears, brings low and deep humming sound the sound from the East suddenly, is full of the imposing manner to sweep brave squad nearby land, hundreds of crystal cluster giant vanished in a puff of smoke in the white light, changes to continuously haze. 一分钟后,一道刺眼的白光突然从东方传来,带着低沉的嗡嗡声,充满气势地扫过勇敢者小队附近的大地,数以百计的晶簇巨人在白光中灰飞烟灭,化作一缕缕烟气。 They entered the Fort Thorin defense line the light beam artillery firing distance. 他们进入索林堡防线的光束炮射程了。 In Iron Throne, Maryland focuses on the monitoring picture that the observation car(riage) of brave squad is passing on, outside his glass, the lasing of powerful energy light beam from the mountain wall of distant place comes out together, crosses the defense line construction, has swept the western south side sky. 铁王座内,马里兰紧盯着勇敢者小队的观察车传回来的监控画面,在他身旁的车窗外,一道气势如虹的能量光束从远处的山壁上激射出来,越过防线建筑,扫过了西南侧的天空。 Almost has not delayed, in monitoring picture of transmitting, he through brave viewpoint also saw that light beam. 几乎没有延迟,在传来的监控画面上,他通过“勇敢者”的视角也看到了那道光束。 The deafening artillery sound, set the heavy fortress artillery in ravine bunker launches the later grading to start to bomb in the calibration light beam, the innumerable every large or small shells and contained the light beam of powerful energy to bridge over the remote space length, launched the attack to that beyond enemy still at field of vision, crackle of gunfire continuously even compared this defense line established later any day to be resounding and stormy, if were not the tactical section compartment opened sound-insulated barrier promptly, under the environment that perhaps in this fire thundered Maryland own sound will not listen continually clearly. 震耳欲聋的炮声响了起来,设置在山间掩体中的重型要塞炮在校准光束发射之后次第开始炮击,无数大大小小的炮弹和蕴含着强大能量的光束跨过遥远的空间距离,对那个尚在视野之外的敌人发动了攻击,连续不断的炮声甚至比这道防线建立之后的任何一天都要响亮和密集,如果不是战术段车厢及时开启了隔音结界,恐怕在这炮火轰鸣的环境下马里兰连自己的声音都会听不清楚。 The voice of adjutant conveys general from side! Various units have deferred to the scheduled instruction to start to attack, the brave squad enters the shield region.” 副官的声音从旁边传来“将军!各单位已按照预定指令开始攻击,勇敢者小队进入掩护区域。” Continues to attack, the attention of branch target,” Maryland ordered loudly, „ hunting dog squadron, went to aid brave- later removed into Eastern Region according to the plan. “继续攻击,转移目标的注意力,”马里兰大声下令,“‘猎犬’中队,前去接应勇敢者-随后按计划撤入东境 „ The defense line entire firepower attacks for ten minutes, later various units evacuate according to the timetable. “防线全火力攻击十分钟,之后各单位按照时间表撤离。 Iron Throne power spine/ridge charge, relieves the chassis limit hook.” 铁王座动力充能,解除底盘限制钩。” Instructions issue, the surroundings transmit subordinate's response unceasingly and other locate the nervous busy order respectively, but in this moment, the Maryland mood instead is tranquil. 一条条指令下达,周围不断传来部下的回应和其余各处紧张繁忙的口令声,但在这一刻,马里兰的心情却反而平静下来。 Here soldier is the outstanding soldier, Commander is also outstanding Commander- as Cecil currently most powerful and most advanced land war machine, Iron Throne enjoys the great honor, its each crew member elite that reassigns from each army, has experienced the Cecil battle and the veteran of Southern Region integration war and Fort Boulder war, but these veterans add on enough powerful war machine again, in the Maryland hand is the best sign surface that this country can take. 这里的士兵都是优秀的士兵,指挥官也是优秀的指挥官-作为塞西尔目前最强大、最先进的地面战争机器,铁王座享有殊荣,它的每一个乘员都是从各个部队抽调出来的精锐,是经历过塞西尔保卫战、南境统合战争、磐石要塞之战的老兵,而这些老兵再加上足够强大的战争机器,马里兰手中已经是这个国家能拿出来的最好的牌面。 He cannot request more. 他已经不能要求更多了。 On the defense line, various units start to defer to the instruction to act, this/should persevering of persevering, the evacuation of this/should evacuation, Maryland calmly is waiting for in the Iron Throne control center with his vehicle crew members, finally waited till the arrival of next stage- 防线上,各单位开始按照指令行动,该坚守的坚守,该撤离的撤离,马里兰则和他的车组成员们在铁王座的控制中心静静等待着,终于等到了下一个阶段的到来- Goal enters the visual range!” A soldier calls loudly. “目标进入目视范围!”一名士兵高声喊道。 The monster that is flooding the contradictory feeling and strange feeling appeared, soars the big piece mist and dust that along with the distant plain on, the monster that flesh combination becomes appears in the brilliance, dashes about wildly in the defense line direction. 那个充斥着矛盾感和诡异感的怪物出现了,伴随着远方平原上腾空而起的大片烟尘,那血肉组合而成的怪物在光辉中浮现,向着防线的方向一路狂奔。 It is scarred, the flesh breaks up, does not know that many is it originally that abnormal body bringing, many is injures by the shell and light beam of defense line launch, it seemed to have received the wound of considerable degree, but judged from its distance and speed, this defense line is very difficult to block it. 它伤痕累累,血肉崩解,不知道有多少是它原本那畸形的躯体自带,有多少是被防线发射的炮弹和光束所伤,它似乎已经受了相当程度的创伤,但从其距离和速度判断,这条防线恐怕很难将它挡住。 Maryland cannot bear the sigh, if there is many orbital cannon and light beam artillery perhaps can block this monster, but he also knows that this not realistic- these giant weapons are not in a short period of time can produce, even if produced, was capable of manipulating their technology soldiers is still insufficient. 马里兰忍不住感叹,如果有更多的轨道巨炮和光束炮或许就能挡住这个怪物,但他也知道这不现实-那些巨大的兵器不是一朝一夕就能生产出来的,即便生产出来了,有能力操纵它们的技术士兵也不够。 That man-made Gods noticed to keep off in the front hindrance, noticed to bring the grief to oneself unceasingly the root is winged insect that” that say/way hindrance launched, its instinct is angry, is running in the anger, as if will break through Cecilian city garrison quickly. 那人造的神明注意到了挡在前方的阻碍,也注意到了不断给自己带来伤痛的根源就是那道阻碍发射出来的“飞虫”,它本能地愤怒着,在愤怒中奔跑着,似乎很快就会突破塞西尔人的城防。 But defensive war not, only then defending stubbornly this type. 但防御战可不只有“固守”这一种。 The goal entered the mark range, the orbital fort between faces is gradually tranquil, four light beam artillery also cease all activities at the same time, the magic circuit totals of various positions close down, but in the center of entire defense line, is dormant for a long time war machine actually to start loudly. 目标进入了标记范围,山壁间的轨道炮台渐渐平静下来,四门光束炮也同一时间偃旗息鼓,各处阵地的魔网全数关停,但在整个防线的中心,一台蛰伏许久的战争机器却轰然启动。 Several artillery sounds, Iron Throne head and tail both sides arsenal sections revealed their fangs, the large-scale rail gun sends out deafening thundering, but resounds along with cannon, this heavy train top-mounted several magic energy crystal were also lightened at the same time, intense mana fluctuation then fills the air instantaneously in the battlefield. 数声炮响,“铁王座”首尾两端的武库段亮出了它们的獠牙,大型轨道炮发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣,而伴随着巨炮响起,这辆重型列车顶部安装的数个魔能水晶也在同一时间被点亮,强烈的魔力波动瞬间便弥漫在战场上。 Falls into the hysterical/frenzy to one, the vitality and mana as the monster of goal, the attraction of this bait is unable to resist simply. 对一个陷入狂乱,将生命力和魔力作为目标的怪物而言,这个诱饵的吸引力简直无法抗拒。 Arsenal section opens fire, first round of attack hit!” “武库段开火,首轮攻击命中!” Vehicle-borne magic energy obelisk activation!” “车载魔能方尖碑激活!” Goal starts to move again!” “目标再次开始移动!” Maryland deeply inspires, lifts the arm, wields layer on layer/heavily 马里兰深吸了一口气,抬起手臂,重重挥下 Iron Throne, start!” 铁王座,启动!” A resounding horn resounds between the hills and plain, the collision and fricative of mechanical operation resounded, cover the black armor, to protect the armored train of shield to start sincerely, the chassis design of repulsion advancement way and low friction of high performance made flexible rapid, while that violent anger that this serious steel monster far ratio seemed like Gods started to shift to the chase, the train has left the platform along the track, ran out of the defense line, charged into the Whitesand Hills direction, accelerated unceasingly. 一声响亮的车笛在群山与平原之间响起,机械运转的碰撞与摩擦声响成一片,覆盖着黑色装甲、厚重护盾的装甲列车启动了,高性能的斥力式推进方式和低摩擦的底盘设计让这沉重的钢铁怪物远比看上去的灵活迅速,在那暴怒的“神明”开始转向追逐的同时,列车已经沿着轨道离开站台,冲出防线,冲向白沙丘陵的方向,不断加速。 But behind Iron Throne, on the charge track west plain, starts to dash about wildly the man-made god of chase because of the violent anger. 而在铁王座后方,在充能轨道西侧的平原上,就是因暴怒而开始狂奔追逐的人造之神。 In Gods behind, that say/way is combining the trace of vitality and death, scorch and flowered vine turned striking curved before the Fort Thorin defense line, the booklet to South, extends. 在“神明”身后,那道混杂着生机与死亡、焦痕与花藤的痕迹在索林堡防线前拐了个醒目的弯,折向南方,一路延伸。 Wonderful reading room 妙书屋 The sword of daybreak 黎明之剑
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