SOD :: Volume #6

#540: technology stretches ahead

The mind connects in the technology laboratory, old Druid Pittman still calmly lay down in that silver-white seat. 心灵连接技术实验室内,老德鲁伊皮特曼仍然静静地躺在那银白色的座椅中。 Seat bottom rune in a disorderly way is flashing on and off the twinkle, is connecting the foundation and in man-made nerve cable/search of nerve electronic contact array is fluctuating weak light blue glimmer, some type low and deep humming sound the sound transmits from the installment, that is among rune base plate the resonance trembles the sent out sound, but sits old Druid in installment is shutting tightly the eyes, looks as if has fallen into the deepest dreamland. 座椅底部的符文正在有规律地明灭闪烁,连接着底座和神经触点阵列的人造神经索上浮动着一层微弱的浅蓝色微光,某种低沉的嗡嗡声从装置内部传来,那是符文基板之间共鸣震颤所发出的声响,而坐在装置内的老德鲁伊则紧闭着双眼,看上去仿佛已经陷入最为深沉的梦乡。 He the network access,” Gawain had said that now in network in aids the personnel exchange.” “他已经接入网络了,”高文说道,“现在正在和网络里的接应人员交流。” Connection is stable, the frequency direction detection is normal,” Carmel floats by a control desk in cabin not far away, is monitoring on the control desk twinkle uncertain rune while said that sign that temporarily has not exposed.” “连接稳定,频率定向正常,”卡迈尔漂浮在座舱不远处的一处操作台旁,一边监视着操作台上闪烁不定的符文一边说道,“暂时没有暴露的迹象。” Life symptom is steady, the nerve pressure is normal.” Blows a fuse the equipment to be normal urgently.” Is monitoring the brain activity continually.” “生命体征平稳,神经压力正常。”“紧急熔断装置正常。”“正在持续监控大脑活动。” A series of report sounds transmit from various laboratory places, in these reports, around junction device everyone relaxes. 一连串的报告声从实验室各处传来,在这些报告中,连接装置周围的每一个人都松了口气。 Amber cannot bear whisper: - I also think that this old man will die above.” 琥珀忍不住嘀咕起来:“呼-我还以为这老头会死在上面呢。” Even if usually in this fellow does not have the respect to Pittman noisily, but Gawain can look, regarding as if half foster father general Pittman, Amber quite somewhat cares at heart. 哪怕平日里这家伙对皮特曼吵吵闹闹毫无尊敬之意,但高文看得出来,对于仿佛半个养父一般的皮特曼,琥珀心里还是颇有些在意的。 Gawain looked to stands in Jenny of not far away peacefully: „Can the rune system of Eternal Sleepers also by the rune logic optimization reorganization, yes?” 高文则看向安安静静站在不远处的詹妮:“永眠者符文体系也可以被符文逻辑学优化重组,是么?” Is......,” Jenny hurries to reply, „, although from the beginning when determines interference value meets some difficulties, but we discovered finally the rune system of Eternal Sleepers still abided by the rule of rune logic, moreover Reversing Formation technology can also use on this junction device......” “是……是的,”詹妮赶紧答道,“虽然一开始在重新测定干扰值的时候遇上一些困难,但最终我们还是发现永眠者符文体系仍然遵循符文逻辑学的规律,而且逆变阵技术也能用在这个连接装置上……” Eternal Sleepers...... their Dark Divine Spell and Druid magic spell is similar, transforms from Divine Spell,” Gawain sighed looking pensive, Myriad Gods...... your veils were really more and more thin......” 永眠者……他们的黑暗神术德鲁伊法术类似,也是从神术转化来的,”高文若有所思地感叹了一句,“众神啊……你们的面纱真是越来越薄了……” Testing time ended, prepares to transmit the prompting message...... the prompting message to transmit, receives the experimental subject brain wave feedback...... to separate the nerve rope connection.” “测试时间结束,准备传输提示信息……提示信息已发送,收到实验对象脑波回馈……断开神经索连接。” Was responsible for the pilot connection installment technology personnel making noise suddenly, broke Gawain's talk to oneself , followed the resonance sound that gradually got down low and deep, that silver-white seat bottom rune brilliance gradually gloomy. 负责控制连接装置的技术人员突然出声,打断了高文的自言自语,紧接着,伴随一阵逐渐低沉下去的共鸣声响,那台银白色座椅底部的符文光辉渐渐暗淡了下来。 Pittman on seat calmly lay down the moment, later suddenly opened the eye, how as if remembers to breathe generally in gulps the sorption air/Qi suddenly, in that aged body makes the worn-out bellower general sound, enough after more than ten seconds, he stabilizes, long shouted the tone: ...... returns the feeling in body to be really good......” 座椅上的皮特曼静静地躺了片刻,随后突然睁开了眼睛,紧接着就仿佛突然想起该怎么呼吸一般大口大口地吸着气,那副老迈的躯体内发出破旧风箱一般的声音,足足十几秒之后,他才稳定下来,长长地呼了口气:“呼……重新回到躯体里的感觉真好……” Is separated from the mind network to have the quite serious dizziness and weightlessness feeling for the first time,” by looks at has the assistant to go forward old Druid to support by the arm from the seat, Gawain nods, then reveals serious look, „, but before then, to be rigorous and safe, we must first confirm a matter......” “第一次脱离心灵网络是会有比较严重的眩晕和失重感,”看着旁边有助手上前把老德鲁伊从座椅中搀扶出来,高文点了点头,然后紧接着露出严肃的模样,“但在此之前,为了严谨和安全,我们首先要确认一件事……” Carmel left the control and monitor console, floats to the junction device by. 卡迈尔离开了监控台,漂浮到连接装置旁。 Eye of Gawain looks at old Druid: Showed that you were still Pittman, rather than some following Eternal Sleepers that the network infiltrated.” 高文看着德鲁伊的眼睛:“证明你仍然是皮特曼,而不是某个顺着网络渗透过来的永眠者。” Lucky medicinal ointment two silver coin one bottles, are out of print charm to buy two to deliver one, practices divination the first three half prices , helping give a name free!” “好运药膏两个银币一瓶,绝版护身符买二送一,占卜前三次半价,免费帮忙起名啦!” Half of people cover the face to turn the head, Carmel brightness also all of a sudden dark 30%, only then Gawain went forward to grip the hand of Pittman with a smile: Welcome back to Cecil. Also has besides the dizziness other ill?” 现场一半的人都捂着脸转过头去,卡迈尔的亮度也一下子暗了30%,只有高文笑着上前握住了皮特曼的手:“欢迎回到塞西尔。除了眩晕之外还有别的不适么?” Pittman eventually is Extraordinary, he stood a meeting by the cabin, breathed several tones then to restore, then knits the brows slightly pondered: On the whole no sequela, but after...... , can the attachment cipher trade? This cipher to my old people was too awkward......” 皮特曼终究是超凡者,他在座舱旁边站了一会,喘了几口气便恢复过来,接着皱起眉略一思考:“大体上没什么后遗症,不过……以后接头暗号能不能换一下?这个暗号对我这种老年人而言还是太尴尬了……” 737-year-old old people gives the attachment cipher that you design, your has something under 87-year-old awkwardly,” does not wait for the Gawain opens the mouth, nearby Amber swept little old man one, scene both old people that a few words choked could not speak, „, moreover did you have awkwardly this concept?” “一个737岁的老年人给你设计的接头暗号,你一个不到87岁的有什么可尴尬的,”不等高文开口,旁边的琥珀就扫了小老头一眼,一句话噎的现场两个老年人都说不出话来,“而且你也有‘尴尬’这个概念?” Pittman: „......” 皮特曼:“……” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……” Said that connects the later situation,” Gawain thought that the atmosphere is becoming stranger, hurries to cough two to pull back the right track the topic, how many did you sneak? What connected in the process to see? Has or has scanned by the safety system interception?” “说说连接之后的情况吧,”高文觉得现场气氛正在越变越古怪,赶紧干咳两声把话题拉回到正轨,“你潜入了第几层?连接过程中都看到了什么?有没有被安全系统拦截或扫描过?” technology related personnel on the scene gathers one immediately, everyone brings curious and inquisition line of sight looks at stands in middle Pittman, Pittman after was reorganizing a train of thought slightly opened the mouth at a moderate pace: I sneak should be is called conscious draws level the level, there is the location in city of Dreamland, is all surface layer conscious connection regions. Connects in the process most stages not to have the vision, can only have the off and on illusion...... I to go round the security mechanism thoroughly, or the security mechanism completely disregards my connection......” 在场的技术相关人员立刻聚拢到了一起,每个人都带着好奇和探究的视线看着站在中间的皮特曼,皮特曼则在略微整理了一下思绪之后不紧不慢地开口了:“我潜入到的应该是被称作‘意识层’的层面,那里是梦境之城的所在地,是所有表层意识交汇的区域。连接过程中大部分阶段是没有视觉的,只能产生断断续续的幻觉……我应该是彻底绕开了安全机制,或者说,安全机制完全无视我的连接……” Pittman calmly was saying he experience in entire connection process, the surrounding everyone is listening earnestly, Amber that even if idlest, opened the curious eye at this time, a character did not fall to the ground to hear finally. 皮特曼静静地说着他在整个连接过程中的所见所闻,周围的每一个人都认认真真地听着,哪怕是最闲不下来的琥珀,这时候也睁大好奇的眼睛,一字不落地听到了最后。 „...... In summary, I think that our Stage 1 solid machine tests are completely successful, junction device unaccurate, secure channel similarly reliable,” Pittman said finally, next, we should consider to conduct the connection of multiple.” “……综上,我认为我们第一阶段的实机测试是完全成功的,连接装置稳定可靠,‘安全信道’同样可靠,”皮特曼最后说道,“下一步,我们应该考虑进行复数的连接了。” Gawain slight bow, and looks to Rebecca: „Does this junction device currently have the possibility of mass production?” 高文微微点着头,并看向瑞贝卡:“这个连接装置目前有量产的可能么?” Temporarily has the difficulty,” Rebecca thinks, reveals awkward look, some key components only then can process in the laboratory, for example the organic medium link of man-made nerve rope- primary cause was the processing process was too complex, the middle must use mana to install to adjust frequently, but must have certain Druid knowledge, the worker level in factory was perhaps insufficient, must train to have the worker of enough skill level to require not the short time.” “暂时有难度,”瑞贝卡想了想,露出为难的模样,“一些关键部件还是只有在实验室里能加工出来,比如人造神经索的有机介质环-主要原因是加工过程太复杂了,中间要频繁使用魔力装置来进行调整,还要具备一定的德鲁伊知识,工厂里的工人水平恐怕不够,要培训出有足够技能水平的工人需要不短的时间。” In most situations, restricts the primary factor of Cecil new thing mass production advancement is not the machine precision, because there is Nicholas Egg in the laying foundation function of initial steps, the Cecil's industrial machinery solved most precision problems from the beginning- worker skill is a long-time bottleneck. 在大部分情况下,制约塞西尔新事物量产进程的主要因素都不是机器精度,因为有尼古拉斯蛋在起步阶段的奠基作用,塞西尔的工业机器从一开始就解决了大部分精度问题-工人技能才是个长久的瓶颈。 Human Race after all is not a machine, mass, becomes the technology worker of system to require the time foster and accumulation. 人类毕竟不是机器,大批量的、成体系的技术工人是需要时间来培养和积累的。 Takes your time, this equipment direct all the people promote not realistically......” Gawain to sigh, accepted the reality, present stage first conducts the laboratory to make, assembles to be able for the installment that a project group uses. The concrete quantity you act according to the actual situation to decide.” “慢慢来吧,这种装置直接全民推广也不现实……”高文叹了口气,接受了现实,“现阶段先进行实验室制造,组装出可以供一个项目小组使用的装置来。具体数量你们根据实际情况来定。” Used...... Carmel to listen to something for a project group from the Gawain's words, you planned...... conducted the title of experiment in the Eternal Sleepers mind network?” “供一个项目小组使用……”卡迈尔高文的话里听出了一些东西,“您难道是打算在永眠者的心灵网络里……进行实验项目?” Doesn't feel very good?” The Gawain eyebrow selects, such good technology naturally must use in the research, brings to have daydream to waste?” “不觉得很好么?”高文眉毛一挑,“这么好的技术当然要用在研究上,拿来做白日梦岂不是浪费?” Carmel is startled slightly, later bends the waist, in the tone has the happy expression: „...... I expressed the agreement.” 卡迈尔微微一怔,随后弯下腰来,语气中带着笑意:“……我深表同意。” That, we should give a name to this junction device,” Gawain nods, is pointing at the silver-white seat or cabin in platform, what opinion do you have?” “那么,我们应该给这个连接装置起一个名字了,”高文点点头,指着平台上的银白色座椅或者说座舱,“你们有什么意见么?” Pittman and Jenny and the others exchanged a Look Carmel mutually is an exception, his look is not quite good to understand that- later looks as if by prior agreement to Gawain. 皮特曼詹妮等人互相交换了一下眼神-卡迈尔除外,他的眼神不太好理解-随后不约而同地看向高文 We think that should name by you,” Jenny is smiling, respectfully and said earnestly, „, although it is the achievement that we create, but all related technology are you comes through various way collection, the overwhelming majority inspiration of project also originates from you, was named by you are appropriate.” “我们认为应该由您来命名,”詹妮微笑着,恭敬而认真地说道,“虽然它是我们创造的成果,但所有相关技术都是您通过各种途径搜集而来,项目的绝大部分灵感也来源于您,由您来命名再合适不过了。” Although Gawain wants saying that the technology glory most should give credit to the technology inventor, but thinks carefully, seems like most technology in this junction device is the Eternal Sleepers Evil Cultist products, he then does not have excessively to decline, but is looks at that silver-white seat, fell into the short thinking. 虽然高文很想说技术的荣耀最应该归功于技术的发明者,但仔细想了想,貌似这套连接装置里的大部分技术都是永眠者邪教徒的产物,他也便没有过多推辞,而是看着那银白色的座椅,陷入了短暂的思索中。 The little wicked interest floats the heart unknowingly. 一点点恶趣味不知不觉浮上心头。 The style of this thing is not in any case normal. 反正这东西的画风也不正常。 Immersion type nerve cabin,” Gawain said him to think that conformed to the name of this thing style, called the immersion type nerve cabin- was called Immersion Cabin, what kind of?” “浸入式神经座舱,”高文说出了一个他认为最符合此物画风的名字,“就叫浸入式神经座舱吧-简称浸入舱,怎么样?” Immersion type nerve cabin......” Carmel repeats the phrase that this combines temporarily, although read the feeling is quite strange, but this short several words just right described all characteristics of junction device, he nodded, was a good name.” “浸入式神经座舱……”卡迈尔重复了一遍这个临时组合起来的词组,尽管读起来感觉颇为古怪,但这短短的几个单词却恰到好处地描述出了连接装置的所有特点,他不禁点起头来,“是个好名字。” Gawain and Amber left Magical Technology Research Institute, leaves with them together, Pittman that prepares to go back to rest. 高文琥珀离开了魔导技术研究所,与他们一同离开的,还有准备回去休息的皮特曼 The street in Cecil city, was still extremely busy, full of vitality. 塞西尔城的街头,仍然热闹非凡,生机勃勃。 That is a tall and pleasing to the eye city,” walks on the street, Pittman did not have the reason to sigh suddenly, „, was too beautiful.” “那是一座美轮美奂的城市,”走在街道上,皮特曼突然没来由地感叹了一句,“真的,太美了。” „The city of Dreamland?” Gawain stops the footsteps, looked at this little old man one, is careful, person very easy immersion in which that contacts for the first time.” 梦境之城?”高文停下脚步,看了这个小老头一眼,“要小心,第一次接触的人很容易沉浸其中。” I,” Pittman will not blink, smiled, that city is truly beautiful, even is it can be said that perfect, but is because it was too perfect, therefore I will not be attracted by it- it lets some of some of my fears perfectly.” “我不会,”皮特曼眨眨眼,笑了起来,“那座城市确实很美,甚至可以说是完美,但就是因为它太完美了,所以我才不会被它吸引-它完美的让我都有一些害怕。” Gawain shakes the head, takes a step to continue stand forth: Heaven that the perfect world, after making one unable to bear in the thinking of legend people die, can arrive in- lives is entering such a city, truly made the person increase anxiously.” 高文摇了摇头,迈步继续向前走去:“过于完美的世界,让人忍不住联想到传说中人们死后才会抵达的天国-活着进入那样一座城市,确实令人徒增不安。” Pittman is suddenly curious: You are experienced, after dying, really has a perfect heaven?” 皮特曼突然好奇起来:“您有经验,死后真的有一座完美的天国么?” „...... I draw an analogy.” “……我只是打个比方。” They passed by Area mage edge „the purple crystal avenue, here, a new store entrance is gathering the crowd. 他们路过了法师边缘的“紫水晶大街”,在这里,一座新开业的商店门口正聚集着人群。 Gawain looks up forward, saw that store entrance is hanging government affairs hall supervisory project marking, but in nearby display window, then places neat and tidy, to reflect the sunlight, to send out the metal sense of reality large-scale bracelet or the hand armor type installment. 高文抬头向前看去,看到那商店门口悬挂着“政务厅监管项目”的标识,而在旁边的橱窗里,则摆放着整整齐齐、反射着阳光、散发着金属质感的大型臂环或手铠样的装置。 Gawain talked over in a soft voice: First has started to try to do business to the civilian open magical terminal retail shop......” 高文轻声念叨起来:“第一间向平民开放的魔导终端零售店已经开始试营业了么……” As one of the Cecil early magical technology products, the magical terminal is not the precise and advanced thing, moreover can replace the compatible platform of core module as one type, this type of equipment has high civil potential from the beginning- it can install destructive magic spell to act as the weapon, can install the auxiliary rune flapper to turn into the convenient tool, regarding always harbors intentions to extraordinary force push to Gawain of all the people, civil of this thing is inevitable. 作为塞西尔最早期的魔导技术产物之一,魔导终端并不是什么高精尖的事物,而且作为一种能够更换核心模块的兼容平台,这种装置从一开始就有很高的民用潜力-它可以装上杀伤性法术来充当武器,也可以安装辅助性的符文插板来变成便利的工具,对于始终心心念念要把超凡力量推向全民的高文而言,这东西的民用化是必然的。 last year, Rebecca and the others was successful to make to have the welding based on soldiers magical terminal, to cut and tow the function the project with the terminal, and allocated to magical technician and project personnel use, but after some time collection material and improvement, easy-to-use and is safer, more inexpensive civil version magical terminal to appear in the general public finally at present. 早在去年,瑞贝卡等人就成功在士兵们的魔导终端基础上制造出了具备焊接、切割、牵引功能的工程用终端,并配发给了魔导技师和工程人员使用,而经过一段时间的收集资料和改进,更加易用、更加安全、更加廉价的民用版魔导终端终于出现在了普通民众眼前。 The powers of these magical terminals are lower, but can still be used to release most basic several trivial spell as well as several guard magic spell that reduced the might, the average person can act as the tool with it, can be used for the self-defense self-defense in the open country, is really a very convenient thing. 这些魔导终端的功率更低,但仍然能用于释放最基础的几种戏法以及几种降低了威力的护身法术,普通人既可以拿它来充当工具,在野外的时候也能用来自卫防身,实在是一种很便利的东西。 But Gawain observed a meeting before the store, the crowd that actually the discovery gathers although are many, buys the resident in magical terminal to be few truly. 高文在商店前观察了一会,却发现聚集起来的人群虽然不少,真正花钱购买魔导终端的市民却寥寥无几。 „Very normal, magic regarding the great majority person was still aloof thing, even if their side everywhere is the magical strength, perhaps the great majority person has not thought will have personally spell casting time,” Pittman said in the one side, „, moreover spoke the truth, although dozens silver coins were not many, but to many was also a good money, was used to diligently and thriftily average person, not because merely novel amusing spent so much money to purchase the equally strange thing rashly.” “很正常,魔法对于大多数人而言仍然是个‘超然’的东西,哪怕他们身边已经处处是魔导力量,大多数人恐怕也没想过自己会有亲自‘施法’的时候,”皮特曼在一旁说道,“而且说实话,几十个银币虽然不多,但对于很多人而言也是一笔大钱了,勤俭惯了的普通人,是不会仅仅因为新奇有趣就贸然花这么多钱去购买一样陌生事物的。” This promotes the inevitable phenomenon in magical technology process. 这是推广魔导技术过程中的必然现象。 Gawain looks at distant place that is gathering in the store of crowd, slightly a thinking, turns the head to say to Amber: Makes your competent person hand/subordinate guide slightly.” 高文看着远处那聚集着人群的商店,略一思索,转头对琥珀说道:“让你手下的干员稍微引导一下。” Amber spoke thoughtlessly to accept: Ok.” 琥珀随口应承下来:“行。” Hears so happily, Gawain that Amber complies was on the contrary surprised: How this time to comply was so simple?” 听到琥珀答应的如此痛快,高文反倒是惊讶了:“这次怎么答应的这么干脆了?” „, when the request is that help/gang old profession that mixes in the ball many people,” Amber beckons with the hand, said that anything guides, is not works as the request......” “给人当托是那帮混球里不少人的老本行,”琥珀摆摆手,“说什么引导一下,不就是当托么……” Gawain: „...... You understand but actually also right.” 高文:“……你这么理解倒也没错。” Three people looked at that a store that finally sells the civil magical terminal, before turning around to leave, Pittman said one suddenly: Actually nerve rope technology not only can be used to establish the brain machine connection, to allow the person to enter the mind network, it also has the application of possibility.” 三人最后看了一眼那间出售民用魔导终端的商店,在转身离开之前,皮特曼突然说了一句:“其实神经索技术不仅仅能用于建立脑机连接、让人进入心灵网络,它还有个可能的应用方向。” The Gawain intonation rises: „Oh?” 高文语调上扬:“哦?” You devote to letting the average person also grasp the magic Strength magical the terminal can solve half of problems, but the nerve rope...... perhaps can solve the other half problem for you.” “您致力于让普通人也掌握魔法的力量-魔导终端可以解决一半的问题,而神经索……或许能为您解决另一半问题。” . Wonderful reading room 。妙书屋 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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