SOD :: Volume #5

#484: Taking root

magic circuit energy fluctuation, as if twinkling to the ocean waves escort to the distant place the information, is centered on the Cecil Lord city, takes establishes in the magic energy obelisk in wilderness, city, village and logistics depot massively for relaying, the Jibril sound travels by magic circuit, the synchronization is transmitted each small patch of land ground that the broadcast system nowadays can cover- in Kant, in Glen, in Tanzan, in Horsman, as well as in satellite towns between these four cities, several hundred at the same time large-scale magic circuit terminal that is used in the public service was lightened. 魔网的能量波动着,仿佛瞬息即至的海浪般将信息送往远方,以塞西尔主城为中心,以大量设置在荒野、城市、乡村、兵站中的魔能方尖碑为中继,吉普莉的声音搭乘着魔网,同步被传输到了广播系统现今所能覆盖的每一寸土地上-在康德,在葛兰,在坦桑,在霍斯曼,以及在这四座城市之间的一座座卫星镇上,数百座用于公共服务的大型魔网终端机同时被点亮了。 Before this broadcast starts, various government affairs halls have then issued the bulletin, will tell the residents to have program to broadcast when the specific time, the interested party can go to the recent magic circuit terminal onlooking to look, this unusual bulletin certainly aroused the curiosity and interests of countless person-, because the first broadcast test coverage of magic circuit branch has not completed, will see anything truly is „the magic circuit broadcast the person will not be actually many, the great majority people to this new thing no concept that the government affairs hall will speak, but they will actually know a matter: The government affairs hall announced thing that is definitely useful. 早在这次广播开始之前,各处政务厅便已经发出告示,告诉市民们在特定的时间将会有“节目”播出,感兴趣的人可以自行前往最近的魔网终端机旁观看,这奇特的告示毫无疑问地引起了无数人的好奇和关注-由于第一次广播测试时魔网主干的覆盖还未完成,真正见过什么是“魔网广播”的人其实并不多,大多数人都对政务厅所讲的这件新鲜玩意儿没有什么概念,但他们却知道一件事:政务厅公布出来的东西,那肯定是有用的。 Therefore many curious people gathered in the squares in various places early, directs regarding the magic circuit terminal that these set up recently- these terminals were open to the people, although the expense was slightly expensive, actually still in ordinary families' tolerance range, but in fact since they set up, few people applied to use these machines: The population of this time basically does not have the fluidity, the great majority person to live his entire life in a place, moreover its human relations circle also limits in a small area, has the demand contacts the distant relative basically is not the aristocrat is a rich merchant. 于是很多好奇的民众早早地就聚集到了各处的广场上,围绕着那些新近设立的魔网终端机指指点点-这些终端机对民众开放,费用虽然略贵,却也仍然在普通人家的承受范围内,但实际上自从它们设立之后,只有很少的人申请使用过这些机器:这个时代的人口基本没有流动性,大多数人一生都生活在一个地方,而且其交际圈子也局限在小范围内,有需求联络远方亲属的基本上不是贵族就是富商。 These receive the person who the migration government order influence moves also to be basically tied down by care of one's family come together, has not applied to use the magic circuit communication the necessity. 那些受到迁移政令影响搬迁过来的人基本也都是拖家带口一起过来的,也没有申请使用魔网通讯的必要。 Even so, gathers the great majority person in square knows probably some concepts, they know these seem like the strange large-scale magic equipment in the inconceivable way to contact the distant place, the voice and image transfer of distant place. 但即便如此,聚集在广场上的大多数人还是大概知道一些概念的,他们知道这些看上去奇奇怪怪的大型魔法装置可以以不可思议的方式联络远处,把远处的声音和图像传输过来。 Then these machines were lightened, the picture and sound from distant place really appears before everyone. 然后这些机器就被点亮了,来自远方的画面和声音真的浮现在大家面前。 It seems like very pretty woman to appear in the hologram projection, she sits the living room in home probably equally is in relaxed at will and people square is greeting: Fellow audience, everyone's good, I am Jibril, you can call my Miss Witch......” 一个看上去很漂亮的女人出现在全息投影上,她就好像坐在家中的客厅一样轻松随意地和广场上的人们打着招呼:“各位观众,大家好,我是吉普莉,你们可以叫我女巫小姐……” The crowd that regional gathers sent out the tumult immediately, some people when this huge hologram projection appears are frightened, sends out calls out in alarm intermittently, some people expressed admiration dumbfoundedly, but also some people then hold on person immediately, inquired that actually this was anything- even also attractive girl on some person stupidly looks at hologram projections, when Jibril is smiling self introduction, they also lifted the hand to greet: „...... You good......” your good Miss Witch.” Miss Witch, I called Sam......” 各地聚集起来的人群顿时发出了骚动,有人在这幅巨大的全息投影出现时被吓到,发出阵阵惊呼,有人则目瞪口呆地啧啧称奇,还有人立刻便拉住身旁的人,询问起这究竟是什么东西-甚至还有一些人傻愣愣地看着全息投影上的漂亮姑娘,在吉普莉微笑着自我介绍的时候,他们也抬起手来打着招呼:“啊……你好……”“你好女巫小姐。”“女巫小姐,我叫山姆……” A month ago Gawain?? In a small area Duke Cecil conducts victory broadcast tests the nature, moreover Duke dignified is deterring all people, gathers the crowd near pilot basically does not dare to have the too big tumult, but this time, is Human Race first grade of magic circuit program official broadcasts the later real achieve field response in history. 一个多月前高文??塞西尔公爵在小范围内进行的“胜利广播”是测试性质的,而且公爵威严震慑着所有的人,聚集在试点附近的人群基本上都不怎么敢有太大骚动,而这一次,才算是人类有史以来第一档魔网节目正式播出之后的真实现场反应。 In the square in Cecil Lord city, Godwin?? Orlan many then directs own apprentice to record the magical machinery photography of image with specialized immediately this historical moment. 塞西尔主城区的广场上,戈德温??奥兰多立刻便指挥着自己的学徒专门纪录影像的魔导机械拍摄下了这历史性的一刻。 Jibril that hologram projects does not certainly know the situations in regional squares, she continues to do oneself work: „...... Welcome arrives at first issue of «Witch Time», today, we must speak in Luan city the matter of...... 全息投影上的吉普莉当然不知道各地广场上的情况,她只是继续做着自己的工作:“……欢迎来到第一期的《女巫时间》,今天,我们要讲一讲卢安城中发生的事情…… First, welcome a friend visits- we be honored invited Cecil Holy Light Church Wright mister very much, Human Race in history first White Knight. Welcome you, Wright mister.” “首先,欢迎一位朋友的造访-我们很荣幸地邀请到了塞西尔圣光教堂莱特先生,人类有史以来第一位白骑士。欢迎您,莱特先生。” As the Jibril voice falls, viewpoint of hologram projection was expanded, people noticed that originally also sits a person opposite of Jibril- a body is big, wears the Priest robe, the side has the man who light Holy Light surrounds. 随着吉普莉的话音落下,全息投影的视角被扩大了一些,人们看到原来在吉普莉对面还坐着一个人-一个身材非常高大,身穿牧师袍,身边有淡淡圣光环绕的男人。 Noun White Knight that people puzzled in new hears, this glossary strange , seems not existing Holy Light profession, contents that on several issues of newspaper also some person thinking of distributed recently, on the face reveal look looking pensive. 人们困惑于新听到的名词-白骑士,这个词汇陌生的很,似乎并非现有的圣光职业,也有一些人联想到了最近发行的几期报纸上的内容,脸上露出若有所思的模样 But Wright in hologram projection is greeting to the audience: Hello, I am Wright. Miss Jibril, does not need to call me with Your Excellency, we can relax the conversation.” 全息投影中的莱特则对着观众们打起了招呼:“大家好,我是莱特吉普莉小姐,不必用‘阁下’来称呼我,我们可以放松交谈。” Good, Wright mister. I want first to ask you to answer my question, I believe that the audience are also very curious these issues- what meaning your profession ‚is White Knight?” “好的,莱特先生。我想先请您解答一下我的问题,我相信观众们也很好奇这些问题-请问您的职业白骑士’是什么意思?” First, I am honored very much our Feudal Lord, great Gawain?? Duke Cecil is this new profession name- a White Knight word is Lord Duke first proposes. But the birth about White Knight...... please allow me the just-concluded that war to start to mention from us this year......” “首先,我很荣幸我们的领主,伟大的高文??塞西尔公爵为这个新职业命名-白骑士一词是公爵大人首先提出的。而关于白骑士的诞生……请允许我从我们今年刚刚结束的那场战争开始说起……” Each region broadcast the crowd that at the scene gathers are getting more and more, waited people at home also to hear the news of magic circuit broadcast massively, was drawn by the relatives and friends is arriving can see the broadcast image the place, they with astonishment in this inconceivable magic, who curious two in the person who in the projection talked are, use and concept of curious this projection, but was quick, they were then given the attraction by program's content. 各地播出现场上聚集的人群越来越多,大量原先待在家里的民众也听到了魔网广播的消息,被亲朋好友们拉着来到了能够看到广播影像的地方,他们惊愕于这不可思议魔法,好奇两个在投影中谈话的人是谁,好奇这种投影的用处和概念,但很快,他们便被节目本身的内容给吸引了。 They immerse in narration of Wright, immerses is remote in that and their life, in story that but has earnestly. 他们沉浸在莱特的讲述中,沉浸在那个和他们的生活非常遥远,但又切实发生的故事里。 Wright truly is outstanding preaching. 莱特确实是一个优秀的传教者。 Although his preaching style is individualistic, when he preached the expression to be denounced by traditional Priest, but he was really good at grabbing the heart of average person very much, excelled very much, in can cause in the situation of audience resonance, told own story to more people listens. 尽管他传教的画风特立独行,尽管他布道时的言辞被传统牧师所诟病,但他真的很擅长抓住普通人的心,很擅长在能够引起听众共鸣的情况下,把自己的故事讲给更多的人听。 The crowd in square does not know that gradually is when peaceful, no matter everybody, no matter the people of the lower classes, calmly are all listening- many of them for a lifetime has not left the place that was born to grow up, for a lifetime had not heard the matter of distant place, has not heard other lives. 广场上的人群不知何时渐渐安静下来,不管男女老少,不管贩夫走卒,全都静静地听着-他们中许多人一辈子都没有离开过自己出生长大的地方,一辈子都没听说过远方的事情,没有听说过其他的人生。 The appearance of newspaper, making in them the portion person have channel that understood the outside world, but these not learn to read person still and information missed, but magic circuit broadcast- gave all man-machine meetings. 报纸的出现,让他们中的一部分人有了了解外部世界的渠道,但那些不识字的人仍然和信息无缘,可是魔网广播-给了所有人机会。 Even not learn to read person, can still stand hologram projection that before magic crystal makes, listens a story of distant place. 即便不识字的人,也可以站在魔法水晶制造出的全息投影前,去听一段远方的故事。 Listens to listen, they discovered that oneself until now the thing of cognition vacillated, massive had never thought previously, has never contacted the information heads on to them- 听着听着,他们发现自己一直以来所认知的东西动摇了,大量此前从未想过,从未接触过的信息向他们扑面而来- Noble Knight becomes when the hunger and fear will not have the human nature, graceful is only their full foot adorning. 贵族骑士也会在饥饿和恐惧中变得毫无人性可言,优雅只是他们饱足之余的妆点。 Extraordinary attacks the weaponless refugee in the wilderness, grain that only to snatch in the refugee hand that maintains life finally. 超凡者在旷野上袭击手无寸铁的难民,只为了抢难民手中最后那点保命的粮食。 Cecil Battle Corps soldiers in dark at night fights the raider, that scene that Wright described the poetry of baseless and irrational concoctions was also more soul-stirring than any wandering minstrel hackneyed stuff, absorbed the person heartstrings. 塞西尔战斗兵团的士兵们在黑暗的夜晚与袭击者搏斗,莱特所描述的那番景象比任何吟游诗人老套又胡编乱造的诗歌都惊心动魄,摄人心弦。 But in final final, Holy See Knight arrived- 而在最后的最后,教廷骑士登场了- People think at first Holy See Knight the Religion story will be the same with the past has listened, becomes in the chivalrous person who in exhausted perseveres, stands to uphold justice, however the truth is- they are also big and hungry, moreover totally gave up the humane bottom line in the face of the hunger compared with everyone. 人们起先以为教廷骑士将会和以往听过的宗教故事一样,成为在困顿中坚守的义士,站出来匡扶正义,然而真相是-他们同样饥肠辘辘,而且在饥饿面前比所有人都彻底地放弃了人性的底线。 When Emily drops down, people are sorrowful, when White Knight is born, people call out in alarm and inspire. 当艾米丽倒下的时候,人们为之悲痛,当白骑士诞生的时候,人们为之惊呼和鼓舞。 Does not have the entertainment in this, is ill-informed, civilian life monotonous depressed time, the mood of people transfers to compared with experiencing earthman easy many of information bombing, their mood change scope will also be more intense, is brighter, under this special background, brand-new „the magic circuit broadcast is like the beforehand newspaper, had the influence of far ultra required value at the beginning of the birth. 在这个没有娱乐,信息匮乏,平民生活单调苦闷的时代,人们的情绪调动起来要远比经历过信息轰炸的地球人容易的多,他们的情绪变化幅度也会更加激烈,更加鲜明,在这个特殊的时代背景下,全新的“魔网广播”就和之前的报纸一样,在诞生之初就产生了远超预期值的影响。 This principle is very simple- is the arid land, more can absorb the moisture content by the swift and violent momentum. 这个原理很简单-越是干旱的土地,越是能够以迅猛的势头吸纳水分。 „...... On that day, I becomes White Knight, I think that I had hugged the Holy Light real righteousness, but that real righteousness is: Holy Light should not by the position of person binding, it is each native of Italy......” “……在那一天,我成为了白骑士,我想我已经拥抱了圣光的真义,而那真义就是:圣光不应被人的身份地位所束缚,它是属于每一个义人的……” Wright finished this story, but sits in his opposite Jibril responded is half beat behind slightly- Miss Witch as if carefully by narration of Wright not touching, forgot itself to continue following suddenly. 莱特结束了这个故事,而坐在他对面的吉普莉则反应略微慢了半拍-女巫小姐似乎也不小心被莱特的讲述给触动了,以至于一时间忘了自己该接过后面的话题。 But she obtained the reminders of room opposite these technology personnel luckily promptly, responded rapidly: This is really a story that made one touch, Wright mister...... about that little girl Emily...... I thinks that you should brief her situation?” 但幸好她及时得到了房间对面那些技术人员的提醒,迅速反应了过来:“这真是个令人触动的故事,莱特先生……那么关于那个小女孩艾米丽……我想您应该讲讲她的情况了吧?” Gathers the crowd in square is in abundance curious- on that dead little girl also had what miracle to happen? 聚集在广场上的人群纷纷好奇起来-难道那个已经死去的小女孩身上还有什么奇迹发生? The miracle truly happened. 奇迹确实发生了。 Wright is smiling to lens, later he raised the hand slightly, one group of dim Holy Light also appear behind from him. 莱特面向“镜头”微笑着,随后他微微扬起了手,一团朦胧的圣光随之从他身后浮现出来。 When that translucent spirit body little girl appears in the picture, the residents before magic circuit terminal call out in alarm unceasingly. 当那个半透明的灵体小姑娘出现在画面中的时候,魔网终端机前的市民们惊呼不断。 If generally, such will be close to the spirit little girl braving definitely to take the person very much to have a scare suddenly, however has the Wright beforehand story as the upholstery, Emily will reappear people had almost not been frightened, instead many people exuded the pleasantly surprised call: 如果是在一般情况下,这样一个很接近幽灵的小姑娘突然冒出来肯定会把人吓一大跳,然而有着莱特之前的故事作为铺垫,艾米丽浮现出来的时候人们几乎没受到惊吓,反而不少人发出了惊喜的呼声: She is also living!” That did little girl resurrect?!” Holy Light blesses!” „It is not, she seems like a spirit......” not to experience! You have not seen these Holy Light!” “她还活着!”“那个小姑娘复活了?!”“圣光保佑!”“不是,她好像是个幽灵……”“没见识!你没看到那些圣光么!” Wright does not know outside situation, but he can guess correctly, he summoned one group of small Holy Light conveniently, fed fluttering in oneself behind little girl, at the same time said with a smile: I will praise Holy Light forever, because it brought to return to this world Emily. If you see, Emily is one completely spirit body that is condensed by Holy Light- her appearance, proved exactly my sensibility to the Holy Light is close to the truth, she is the Holy Light miracle.” 莱特不知道外面的情况,但他能猜到,他随手召唤出一团小小的圣光,喂给飘在自己身后的小姑娘,一边笑着说道:“我将永远赞美圣光,因为它把艾米丽带回到了这个世界。如你们所见,艾米丽是一个完全由圣光凝聚成的灵体-她的出现,恰恰证明了我对圣光的感悟是接近真理的,她是圣光的奇迹。” Emily holds that group small ray to gnaw fast, then suddenly is showing a big smile to the lens, then she beckons with the hand, seems notifying the audience, after several seconds of type, her form dissipates gradually in Wright halo. 艾米丽抱着那团小小的光芒飞快地啃着,然后突然对着镜头露出一个大大的微笑,接着她摆了摆手,仿佛是在跟观众们打着招呼,几秒种后,她的身影才渐渐消散在莱特身边的光晕中。 Holy Light miracle...... 圣光的奇迹…… Thousands of crowd collects in regional town squares, are sighing with emotion this Holy Light miracle at the same time. 数以万计的人群聚集在各地的城镇广场上,在同一时间感慨着这个圣光的奇迹。 Holy See Knight hurts the innocent fact, White Knight by own proves Way of Holy Light the fact, the Church not sacred fact, Emily is the fact of Holy Light miracle...... 教廷骑士伤害无辜的事实,白骑士“以自身证圣光之道”的事实,教会并不神圣的事实,艾米丽就是圣光奇迹的事实…… The one by one fact entered in the hearts of tens of thousands of people like this easily, takes root in them. 一个个事实就这样轻而易举地进入了数以万计的民众的心中,在他们心里扎了根。 ( Right, almost forgot- book review area moves everyone to pay attention! The comment area tops the placard.) (对了对了,差点忘了-书评区同人活动大家关注一下!评区置顶帖。) . Wonderful reading room 。妙书屋
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