SWOSS :: Volume #6

#536: Gives to say!

Although ten thousand flowered feast the war of god altogether has 1900 god level experts, truly but besides first 100, can settle on by blood blade god big those who are able after all is a few. 虽然万花宴的神廷之战共有一千九百名神级高手,可除了前一百名外,能真正被血刃神廷大能者们看中的毕竟是少数。 Quick, a god guard goes out from the main shrine deep place again, bright sound said: Top 100, as well as after 100, obtains the token, along with me comes.” 很快,一位界神侍卫再次从主殿深处走出,朗声道:“排在前100位的,以及一百位后得到令牌的,都随我进来。” Whish! 哗! More than 100 young god level experts set out from the sliver of table of most surrounding. 一百多位年轻的神级高手从最外围的长条桌起身。 Ranks first, and nine Li self who receives three tokens does not pass on responsibilities, first leaves the seat. 排名第一,且收到三枚令牌的九黎自是当仁不让,第一个离开自己座位。 Before then, he Xue Lan contemptuously swept one toward white clothing young lad, holds up the head in the frontline. 在这之前,他更是朝白衣童子‘薛澜’轻蔑地扫了一眼,昂首走在最前方。 Xue Lan of young lad appearance has not actually noticed the provocation of opposite party, in his present heart the immersion is also building up the golden token, after hearing that say/way moderate sound wild with joy excited. 只是童子模样的薛澜却是并未注意到对方的挑衅,他现在心中还沉浸在炼化金色令牌,听到那道温和声音后的狂喜激动中。 Finally can see summer clan macrocosm legend that summer sovereign.” “终于能见到夏族大世界传说中的那位夏皇了。” The semblance just like the 13 or 14-year-old young lad, has led a pious life actually more than 3600 years of Xue Lan, the eye is bright. 外表犹如十三四岁童子,实则已修行三千六百多年的薛澜,眼睛亮亮的。 He will never forget, is in the duty of that change destiny, comprehends summer sovereign to keep the chaos tablet of summer clan macrocosm luck, oneself can comprehend the spaces and time two true meaning, and emerges depending on this, was discovered by the family old ancestors, oneself will rescue from samsara in space and time temple. 他永远不会忘记,正是在那次改变命运的任务中,幸运地参悟到夏皇留在夏族大世界的混沌碑,自己才能领悟空间、时间两门真意,并凭此脱颖而出,被家族老祖发现,将自己从时空神殿的轮回者中解救出来。 Your four are left Gongzhu the hangers-on.” “你们四位都是左宫主门下。” Your three are Tyrant Xionglao the ancestor hangers-on.” “你们三位都是霸兇老祖门下。” Your both are north retinue Dianzhu hanger-on.” “你们两位都是北扈殿主门下。” ...... …… Altogether 103 are going the god level expert of acknowledging as teacher big those who are able under the arrangement of god guard, is divided into the different small groups to stand. 一共一百零三位将要拜师大能者的神级高手在界神侍卫的安排下,一个个分成不同的小团体站在一起。 Does obeisance in the same teacher hanger-on, is the same batch, will wait to go to acknowledge as teacher together. 拜在同一个师尊门下的,就是同一批,等会一同进去拜师。 Xue Lan and another two young teenage boys and girls stand finally. 薛澜和另外两名年轻的少男少女站在最后。 Front is the decisive battle top 100 god level expert. 前面是决战排名在前100位的神级高手。 But their three, is only not in first 100, actually receives the lucky fellow of token. 而他们三个,也是仅有的不在前一百名,却收到令牌的幸运儿。 „It is not longer than our practicing time, having anything is quite self-satisfied.” “不就是比我们修行时间更久些,有什么好得意的。” As if in front of young master's contemptuous the look stimulation by these, the appearance delicate young girl was bitten the lip stubbornly, in the eye is revealing several points of not indignation. 仿佛是被那些前面的年轻高手轻蔑的眼神刺激,长相清秀的少女死死咬着嘴唇,眼中流露出几分不忿。 little sister, does not need to pay attention to them.” Nearby handsome youngster said, „don't our practicing years are short, do not have the teacher to direct, arrive at final god to fight a decisive battle? Now has big those who are able to be willing to receive us, heard that Xia Zhi Emperor is one of the five side emperors. From now on who who is weak, and look.” “小妹,不用理会他们。”一旁的俊朗少年则是道,“我们修行岁月短,又没有师尊指点,不也走到最后的神廷决战?现在有大能者愿意收我们,听说那位夏至帝君还是五方帝君之一。今后到底谁强谁弱,且看着吧。” You are call peaceful/late Qingyan to be red, right?” Xue Lan looked around teenage boys and girls, is somewhat astonished: „Don't you know the summer sovereign status?” “你们是叫晏青晏红,对吧?”薛澜看了看旁边的少男少女,有些惊愕:“难道你们不知道夏皇身份?” Even these two from now on are the same side Senior Brother younger sister's teenage boys and girls is not the god respected family family backgrounds, cannot contact the level above big those who are able to exist. 就算这两个今后将是自己同门师兄妹的少男少女不是神界大家族出身,接触不到大能者之上的层次存在。 May deliver them to come the mansion lord who participates in god to fight a decisive battle, generally should also direct. 可送他们前来参加神廷决战的府主,一般也应该会指点一下吧。 Listens to this meaning, isn't the teacher status that they are going to do obeisance unexpectedly clear? 听这意思,他们竟然连自己将要拜的老师身份都不清楚? summer sovereign?” peaceful/late azure somewhat has doubts, is Xia Zhi emperor's another name? We come from the Chushan mansion, the mansion commanding general we deliver to god to come, then hurried back. The Senior Brother calls Xue Lan ? “夏皇?”晏青有些疑惑,“是夏至帝君的另一个称呼吗?我们是从竹山府来的,府主将我们送到神廷来,便赶回去了。师兄是叫薛澜?” Hears two people from the Chushan mansion, Xue Lan understands immediately. 听到两人是来自竹山府,薛澜顿时明白过来。 Before of Chushan government offices that three ancestors main have fallen from the sky it is said that moreover listened to the family/home the elder to say definitely was very ignominious. 之前那位三祖之一的竹山府主据说已经陨落,而且听家中长辈说死的还很不光彩。 The present Chushan mansion is experiencing the brutal bloody clean, no wonder even/including ten thousand spent feast grade of grand meeting unable to attend. 如今的竹山府正在经历残酷的血腥清洗,难怪连万花宴这等盛会都顾不上了。 Possibly was also that new promote mansion lord, did not favor these two young brother and sister. 可能也是那位新晋府主,并不看好这两名年轻兄妹吧。 Un, from now on we were the fellow apprentices. summer sovereign the status you and others can apparent.” Xue Lan nods smiles, as for them......” “嗯,今后我们就是师兄弟了。夏皇的身份你们等会便知。”薛澜点头一笑,“至于他们……” Saying, Xue Lansao the eye had started batches to enter ten thousand flower feast, starts to acknowledge as teacher the god level experts, intent has referred to the said/tunnel: Does not need to pay attention.” 说着,薛澜扫了眼已经开始一批批进入万花宴内部,开始去拜师的神级高手们,意有所指地道:“不用理会。” The young brother and sister somewhat are ignorant. 年轻的兄妹俩都有些懵懂。 However they know, although at present this white clothing young lad in the decisive battle rock row to first 100, in others had not discussed that knew is the direct descendant juniors of god top family Xue, the vision wants high many compared with them. 不过他们知道,眼前这白衣童子虽然也未曾在决战中排到前一百,却是在旁人议论得知是神界顶尖家族‘薛家’的嫡系子弟,眼界自是比他们要高的多。 The groups of god level experts under the god bodyguard's reminder, go to acknowledge as teacher. 一批批神级高手在界神侍卫的提醒下,进去拜师。 Quick only remains their three people. 很快就只剩他们三人。 Arrived you.” The god guard looks to three little fellows of being the last, in the vision admires does not hide, „the Xia Zhi control in the most above seat, one not will be intense.” “到你们了。”界神侍卫看向留在最后的三个小家伙,目光中的艳羡毫不掩藏,“夏至主宰在最上方的座位,一会莫要紧张。” Xia Zhi control?” peaceful/late Qingyan eyes stare red suddenly perfectly round. 夏至主宰?”晏青晏红忽然眼睛瞪得滚圆。 They are again ignorant, is obviously different to this from the big those who are able's name, knows. 他们就是再无知,对这明显不同于大能者的称呼,也还是知道一些的。 Receives us for the Xia Zhi Emperor of disciple, controls unexpectedly?” “收我们为徒的夏至帝君,竟然是主宰?” Brother and sister two some head blanks, can only follow suddenly blindly Xue Lan, walks into the main shrine. 兄妹两个一时间脑袋都有些空白,只能亦步亦趋地跟着薛澜,步入主殿。 This time main shrine, the thick fog has dissipated. 此时的主殿,浓雾已经消散。 Their three little fellows, come in then to receive in the palace everyone's attention. 他们三个小家伙,一进来便受到殿中所有人的瞩目。 That vision, lets have the preparation Xue Lan palm to start vastly profoundly to sweat. 那一道道浩瀚深邃地目光,让已有准备的薛澜都手心开始冒汗。 Sees so many four heavy Heaven gods as for the first time, as well as peaceful/late Qingyan of big those who are able is red, anxiously somewhat is more helpless. 至于头一次见到这么多四重天界神,以及大能者的晏青晏红,更是紧张地有些手足无措起来。 Do not be anxious.” The sound resounds in three people of ears together familiar, was that say/way moderate sound in former token. “不要紧张。”一道熟悉地声音在三人耳边响起,正是之前令牌中的那道温和声音。 Three people look up to the frontline, was seeing that a young man sits in the main shrine midpoint. 三人抬头看向最前方,正看到一名年轻的男子坐在主殿正中央。 Mild such as the vision of jade as if there is strength of infection mind, making their nervous hearts return to normal truly. 温润如玉的目光仿佛具有感染心灵的力量,让他们紧张的心真正平复下来。 Frontline their trend, passed by big those who are able shoulder to shoulder, just now stops until the young man in front. 他们并肩走向最前方,路过一位位大能者,直到年轻男子面前方才停下。 Disciple pays a visit the teacher.” “弟子拜见师尊。” Xia Zhi looks to kneel before oneself three young little fellows. 夏至看着跪在自己面前的三个年轻小家伙。 Practices in 3600, another two also cultivation for more than 6700 years, is this god fights a decisive battle youngest three. 一个修炼三千六百年,另外两个也不过修炼六千七百多年,是这次神廷决战中最为年轻的三个。 Gets up.” The Xia Zhi smile said. “起来吧。”夏至微笑道。 Yes.” After Xue Lan, the peaceful/late Qingyan red three people kotow again respectfully, sets out. “是。”薛澜、晏青晏红三人再次恭敬叩首后才起身。 This bows politely, since then the masters and disciples causes and effects status establishment, three people of lives will have the tremendous changes. 这一叩拜,从此师徒因果名份确立,三人的人生也将发生翻天覆地的变化。 After Xue Lan of child appearance is anxious, now looks at the teacher fully is excited Chong adore/admire, peaceful/late Qingyan red as before somewhat dizzy. 孩童模样的薛澜紧张过后,现在看着师尊满是兴奋崇慕,晏青晏红则依旧有些晕晕地。 Especially with the teacher sits together these exist, each seems in the legend existence of god most peak. 尤其是与自己师尊坐在一起的那些存在,每一个似乎都是传说中神界最巅峰的存在。 Moreover the teacher is the control. 而且师尊为主宰。 Aren't oneself will control the disciple from now on? 那自己今后不就是主宰门人? The happiness comes was also too sudden! 幸福来的也太突然了! The line ends the acknowledging as teacher ritual, three people under the influence of god maidservant, arrive under the main shrine to take a seat. 行完拜师礼,三人在界神侍女的引领下,来到主殿下方入座。 Originally only then the decisive battle top 100 god level expert has the seat. 原本只有决战排名前100的神级高手才有座位。 At this time the maidservants actually increased three seats for their three control disciples specially, was precisely arranges frontline the has god level expert, close to the positions of four heavy Heaven gods. 此时侍女们却是专为他们三名主宰弟子又增加了三个座位,且是排在所有神级高手最前方,接近四重天界神的位置。 Other surroundings top hundred god level experts looked that envies to envy unbelievable with their vision full contain. 周围其他排在前百名的神级高手们看向他们的目光都满含嫉妒羡慕和难以置信。 Acknowledges as teacher the control?” “拜师主宰?” „Do they do obeisance unexpectedly in Xia Zhi control the hanger-on?” “他们竟然拜在夏至主宰门下?” Nine Li ranked the first, is several of envy wants to go crazy at this time , when Xue Lan vision sweeps actually has to make the smile. 排名第一的九黎,此时更是嫉妒的几欲发狂,可在薛澜目光扫来时却不得不强作笑颜。 Originally the ignorant person is I......” “原来无知的人是我……” Ten thousand flowered feast continue. 万花宴继续进行。 As all acknowledged as teacher to finish, final feast ten thousand flowered true fruits were carried everyone seat. 随着所有拜师结束,最后的大餐‘万花真果’被端上所有人席位。 Xue Lan and other god level little fellows eat incomparable fragrant, but these big those who are able have eaten repeatedly, now also merely is only the desire of satisfied food and drink. 薛澜等神级小家伙们吃的无比香甜,而那些大能者们都吃过多次,如今也仅仅只是满足些口腹之欲。 And others controlled as for the blood blade god emperor as well as Xia Zhi, to some ate does not care. 至于血刃神帝以及夏至等主宰们,对些许吃食就更不在意了。 In the matter of receiving disciple after Xia Zhi and eastern uncle snow eagle also discussed one, controlled big those who are able to start to leave. 在对夏至和东伯雪鹰的收徒之事又议论一番后,一位位主宰大能者开始离开。 This ten thousand flowered feast formally ended. 这届万花宴正式结束。 Xia Zhi also leads the apprentice who the wife family members as well as three accept newly to leave god. 夏至也带着妻子家人以及三个新收的徒弟离开神廷。 ...... In a thunder island control mansion garden. ……雷霆岛主宰府的一座花园中。 Xia Zhi sits on a stone stool at will, the surroundings vegetation is prosperous, the scenery is beautiful. 夏至随意地坐在一石凳上,周围草木繁盛,景色秀丽。 Teacher.” “师尊。” After placing is occupied by the cave mansion retinue, Xue Lan, peaceful/late azure, the peaceful/late red three people come here, salutes to Xia Zhi respectfully. 安置好居住洞府仆从后,薛澜、晏青、晏红三人来到这里,对夏至恭敬行礼。 Xia Zhi looks at three young little fellows, is somewhat satisfied. 夏至看着三个年轻的小家伙,也有些满意。 The practicing years are short, can actually arrive at god to fight a decisive battle, representative the natural talent perception are uncommon. 修行岁月短,却能走到神廷决战,代表天资悟性都不凡。 If not for this presented more than ten evildoer/monstrous talent talent that grasps product Shenxin, attracted the attention of other big those who are able, by they three natural talents, might be liked at the former years ten thousand flower feast big those who are able favoring very much. 若不是这届出现了十几名掌握一品神心的妖孽天才,吸引了其他大能者的注意,以他们三个的天资,在往届万花宴也很有可能得到爱才的大能者青睐。 My present hanger-on not disciple, in disciple, only then your three people.” Xia Zhi opens the mouth saying that „, if you and others were outstanding enough, naturally has the opportunity to become me to pass on the disciple.” “我如今门下并无弟子,内门弟子只有你们三人。”夏至开口道,“若你等足够优秀,自然有机会成为我亲传弟子。” Yes.” Three people should say respectfully, in heart excited. “是。”三人都恭敬应道,心中兴奋不已。 Can acknowledge as teacher the control, is the recording a name disciple does not know that many experts wish for earnestly, let alone under teacher place, only then their three people. 能拜师主宰,就是记名弟子也不知多少高手求之不得,更别说师尊座下只有他们三人了。 Xue Lan.” “薛澜。” Xia Zhi looks to with also some white robe young lads of origin, I observe the war of your god, the space god heart and time god heart have thoroughly comprehended, is not far from a space and time god heart.” 夏至看向与自己还有些渊源的白袍童子,“我观你神廷之战,空间神心和时间神心都已悟透,距离一品时空神心也已不远。” He has not thought, oneself keeps the chaos tablet of hometown summer clan world, has not guided an enough outstanding later generation for summer clan, was lets be on the contrary Xue Lan of samsara emerged at that time. 他也未想到,自己留在家乡夏族世界的混沌碑,没有为夏族引导出一名足够优秀的后辈,反倒是让当时身为轮回者的薛澜脱颖而出。 Yes.” Xue Lan nods, disciple wants first to grasp the space and time god heart, the next world god heart, mixes the hole god heart, the fourth gate god heart is undecided.” “是。”薛澜点头,“弟子想先掌握时空神心,其次世界神心,混洞神心,第四门神心还未定。” Has the family elders to guide, Xue Lan will lead a pious life to the future has the plan. 有家族长辈引导,薛澜对未来修行已有规划。 Other god hearts are not anxious.” The Xia Zhi smile said, may first continue to comprehend the space and time god heart, in addition, when I pass on you light fusion principle together, you may try comprehending.” “其他神心不急。”夏至微笑道,“可先继续参悟时空神心,除此之外,我传你‘光时’融合法则一道,你可试着参悟。” Saying, Xia Zhi conveniently one finger/refers. 说着,夏至随手一指。 . 咻。 A ray flies into Xue Lan forehead. 一道光芒飞入薛澜的眉心中。 A lot of Pictures and text, the image message transfer in the past, respectively was space and time god heart when the direction, as well as he swallowed light that’ the world main body grasped fusion principle. 大量图文、影像讯息传递过去,分别是‘时空神心’的指点,以及他吞噬世界本尊所掌握的‘光时’融合法则。 As for the peaceful/late Qingyan red brother and sister. 至于晏青晏红兄妹。 Elder Brother peaceful/late azure, what now grasps is two space god heart and three life god heart, by the Xia Zhi instruction wooden spatial fusion principle. 哥哥晏青,如今掌握的是二品‘空间神心’和三品‘生命神心’,被夏至传授‘木空’融合法则。 Younger sister peaceful/late red, grasped is also two time god heart and three ‚the Yang Thunder God heart, when obtained thunder the direction of fusion principle. 妹妹晏红,掌握的也是二品‘时间神心’和三品‘阳雷神心’,也得到了‘雷时’融合法则的指点。 Looks that front is accepting the three apprentices of magnanimous news, in the Xia Zhi vision also has some anticipations. 看着面前都在接受着海量讯息的三个徒弟,夏至的目光中也有着些许期待。 Swallows the practicing system of the world whether successfully to establish in this world, will look at from now on these three little fellows beyond the practicing system of true meaning god heart, can comprehend this universe revolution rule. 吞噬世界的修行体系能否在这一世界成功建立,就看今后这三个小家伙在真意神心的修行体系外,能不能领悟这宇宙运转规则了。
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