SWOSS :: Volume #3

#294: Spoils of war!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰!轰!轰! hatred/enemy Pu the clone four wings shakes, 90,000 kilometers huge body is actually quickly like the lightning, suddenly, the giant hoof claw displays «Rips the Day of Crack» mystique, the body bang broken five times that cloud Lang causes, blood eclipse claw supplementary the strength of blood eclipse easily annihilates the big piece immortal supernatural power. 仇璞分身四翼一震,九万公里长的庞大躯体却是快如闪电,眨眼间,巨大的蹄爪施展《撕天裂地》秘法,将云狼使的身体轰碎五次,血蚀爪附带的血蚀之力轻易湮灭大片不朽神力。 cloud Lang enables absolutely not to have the ability to dodge, although bodies condense, may just condense that terrifying beast claw to grasp again, damages each time 2 immortal bodies, the severe pain makes him very demented. 云狼使完全没能力闪躲,虽然一次次身体凝聚,可刚凝聚那恐怖的兽爪再次抓来,每次都损毁二的不朽身体,剧痛让他无比癫狂。 No.” cloud Lang causes hiss to exclaim, how possibly is the Emperor limit!” “不。”云狼使嘶吼道,“怎么可能是封王极限啊!” He knows himself , if not run away, even if oneself have the body of not dying, may under this terrifying ominous beast attacks, be finished as before. 他知道自己若是再不逃走,就算自己有不死之身,可在这恐怖凶兽一次次攻击下,依旧会完蛋。 I only have 75 immortal god bodies, strength less than 80%, if damages 30, the strength only had 50%. When the time comes, the ominous beast of this Emperor limit easily can annihilate me forcefully.” cloud Lang makes the innermost feelings very anxious, is not good, I must escape, I cannot die!” “我只剩下75的不朽神体,实力不到80%,若是损毁30,实力就只剩下50%了。到时候,这封王极限的凶兽轻易就能把我强行湮灭。”云狼使内心无比焦急,“不行,我要逃,我不能死!” Must know that the god body just started to lose some have minimal impact on the strength, but in the future, the strength influence is more astonishing and odd. 要知道神体刚开始损失些许对实力影响不大,可越往后,实力影响就越加惊人和离谱。 Loses in ten, has almost not affected on the strength. 损失十内,对实力几乎没影响。 Loses 30, the strength only has 50%. 损失30,实力只剩下50%。 Loses 50, the strength only has 10%. 损失50,实力只剩下10%。 Loses 70, strength perhaps 1%. 损失70,实力恐怕百分之一都不到。 Loses 90, will definitely fall into the deep sleep, even consciousness loses, really does not have the strength of resistance by that time directly, even if primary Emperor still has can enslave his easily soul. 损失90,更是必然会陷入沉睡,连意识都失去,真到那时候就直接毫无反抗之力,即使是初等封王存在也能将他轻易灵魂奴役。 Emperor limit powerhouse, you do not compel me! Lets off me!” cloud Lang causes to send greetings anxiously, I, if from exploding, even if you will not die, still the meeting god body is damaged, but that human aurora king certainly will die!” 封王极限强者,你别逼我!放过我吧!”云狼使急切传音,“我若是自爆,就算你不会死,也会神体受损,而那人类极光王一定会死的!” Compels you?” hatred/enemy Pu clone in the dark golden pupil to flash through one to disdain, makes the god body that just condensed grasp again broken cloud Lang, monster clan, suffers to death!” “逼你?”仇璞分身暗金色的眸子中闪过一丝不屑,再次将云狼使刚凝聚的神体抓碎,“妖族,还是受死吧!” Whish! 哗! The domain of aurora covers, makes the shatter body separate cloud Lang, the tremendous fetter strength makes him condense the body becomes extremely difficult. 极光界的领域笼罩过来,将云狼使破碎的身体割裂开,巨大的束缚力量让他凝聚身体都变得极难。 Wants with from exploding threatens me?” The distant place stands Xia Zhi on summit, the innermost feelings laughs, you can from exploding say again!” “想用自爆威胁我?”远处站在山巅上的夏至,内心嗤笑,“你能自爆再说吧!” The Emperor higher powerhouse from exploding, the great power of instantaneously erupting absolutely the Emperor limit powerhouse strikes is more terrifying, if ordinary immortal Emperor, is body small and weak human, the falling from the sky probability is enormous. 封王高等强者自爆,瞬间爆发的强大力量绝对比封王极限强者的一击还要恐怖,若是普通不朽封王,又是身体弱小的人类,陨落概率极大。 But was rumbled broken cloud Lang to cause under hatred/enemy Puti the claw unceasingly, there is a limit of domain class heavy treasure aurora, at this time the immortal powerhouse is most often used to threaten the opponent from exploding exceptionally is difficult. 可是在仇璞蹄爪下不断被轰碎的云狼使,又有领域类重宝极光界的限制,此时就连不朽强者最常用来威胁对手的自爆都异常困难。 No!” “不!” Shortly immortal god body destruction is only left over 50, lost half of souls is too big to his strength influence, finally clone to attack the gap to find a moment free time in hatred/enemy Pu, did not hesitate again the combustion god body, spread out reluctantly. 眼看着不朽神体毁灭的只剩下50,损失一半的灵魂对他实力影响太大了,终于在仇璞分身攻击间隙找到一刻空闲,不惜再次燃烧神体,勉强拉开距离。 Whish! 哗! The secret mark that the imprisoned space fluctuates vanishes suddenly, cloud Lang causes only to think the weak feeling in own soul is very intense, as if possibly falls into the deep sleep momentarily. 禁锢空间波动的秘纹突然消失,云狼使只觉自己灵魂上的虚弱感无比强烈,仿佛随时都可能陷入沉睡。 Walks quickly.” cloud Lang makes induce to the familiar space fluctuates, must display to flicker to move to leave. “快走。”云狼使感应到熟悉的空间波动,就要施展瞬移离开。 Buzz! 嗡! The range of surrounding area thousand li (500 km) arrives at a strange rule fluctuation suddenly, lets movement stagnation that cloud Lang causes in current moment. 方圆千里的范围突然降临一股奇异的规则波动,让云狼使的动作停滞在当前一刻。 hatred/enemy Pu clone whole body close black secret mark radiance passes, particularly chest front most numerous most and diverse secret Wengeng is the sending out tyrannical fluctuation. 仇璞分身全身细密的黑色秘纹光华流转,尤其是胸前的最为繁杂的秘纹更是散发强横波动。 Time faction the talent mystique of universe special life hatred/enemy Pu- time-out! 时间派系的宇宙特殊生命仇璞的天赋秘法-时间暂停! The tyrannical mystique of far ultra ordinary life sensibility principle utilization, making cloud Lang make the innermost feelings very desperate. 远超普通生命感悟法则运用的强横秘法,让云狼使内心无比绝望。 Should not come, I should not come!” Thought not affected cloud Lang makes the innermost feelings shout crazily, ended, ended, all ended!” “不该来的,我不该来的啊!”思维不受影响的云狼使内心疯狂嘶吼,“完了,完了,一切都完了!” Hits and cannot be victorious, escapes and cannot run away, saw that ominous beast has not seized the chance after imprisons him attacks, although has doubts, the soul will that but cloud Lang causes struggles fiercely, he had decided that after the function that the time suspends vanishes, immediately from exploding. 打又打不过,逃又逃不走,看到那凶兽并未趁机在将他禁锢后攻击,虽然疑惑,但云狼使的灵魂意志剧烈挣扎,他已经决定,时间暂停的作用消失后立即自爆。 Even if cannot kill that hateful aurora king, must make front Emperor limit ominous beast god body be damaged. 就算不能将那可恶的极光王杀死,也要让面前的封王极限凶兽神体受损。 I am eight big controlling wolves make it cloud Lang cause!” “我可是八大驭狼使之一的云狼使啊!” ! 唰! The Xia Zhi form suddenly appears in in the air, looked that to causes by cloud Lang who the time-out imprisons, time suspends imprisoning Emperor most breath time, cannot make him have the opportunity to escape or from exploding.” 夏至身影突然出现在空中,看向被时间暂停禁锢住的云狼使,“时间暂停禁锢封王最多一息时间,不能让他有机会逃脱或者自爆。” The strength in within the body world stirs, an illusory image of bronze bell appears in the Xia Zhi top of the head is void, thump- thump- thump-” melodious great inexplicable bell resounds, cloud Lang of visible sound wave trace to distant place cause. 体内世界之力鼓荡,一座青铜大钟的幻影出现在夏至头顶虚空,“咚-咚-咚-”悠扬宏大的莫名钟鸣响起,一道道肉眼可见的声波纹路荡向远处的云狼使。 After bell called the sound wave to transmit cloud Lang caused the body, the entire immortal body loudly explodes broken, the soul only left behind last to shout, later smoke disappearing cloud to extinguish. 钟鸣声波传递到云狼使身上后,整个不朽身体轰然爆碎,灵魂只留下最后一道嘶吼,随后烟消云灭。 „The strength of 100,000 times of main soul seven color Wu Xi give, I read strength oscillation amplitude 100 times in addition «to tall Moyin Mystique» naturalization demon sound, was the Emperor limit powerhouse I dares to kill, will also fear that your Emperor higher cloud Lang did cause?” “七彩吴曦赋予的十万倍界主灵魂之力,加上我念力振幅100倍的《至高魔音秘法》‘归化魔音’,就是封王极限强者我都敢杀,还会怕你这封王高等的云狼使?” Xia Zhi double pupil ice-cold, various goods and world rings that causes, leave behind after cloud Lang receives, hatred/enemy Pu clone returns within the body world, later flickers to move to leave. 夏至双眸冰冷,将云狼使死后留下的各种物品以及世界戒指收起,仇璞分身重新回到体内世界,随后瞬移离开。 One of monster clan 18 royalty, the eight big controlling wolves of day wolf race's battlefield outside the territory makes it cloud Lang cause to fall from the sky. 妖族十八皇族之一,天狼一族在域外战场的八大驭狼使之一云狼使陨落。 Kills my is human Undying Emperor aurora king! He has the heavy treasure, revenges to me!” Before cloud Lang causes the soul destruction, last that sends out shouts, sends out to all allies within 10 billion kilometers range instantaneously. “杀死我的是人类封王不朽‘极光王’!他有重宝,给我报仇!”云狼使灵魂毁灭前发出的最后一道嘶吼,瞬间向百亿公里范围内的所有盟友发出。 „The aurora king of human? Isn't the aurora marquis?” “人类的极光王?不是极光侯吗?” cloud Lang causes, did ten thousand forest Fengnei absolute overlord, die unexpectedly?” “云狼使啊,万林峰内的绝对霸主,竟然死了?” Heavy treasure! That human aurora king really has the heavy treasure!” “重宝啊!那人类极光王竟然有重宝!” Greedy is also competent, these ten thousand forest peak water mixed more and more! We hurry to change a region.” “眼馋也得有实力,这万林峰的水越来越混了!我们赶紧换一个区域。” The monster clan allies that receives the news in abundance are panic-stricken exceptionally, even Emperor higher exist can strike to kill, this aurora king absolutely is the Emperor peak and even strong existence of Emperor limit. 收到讯息的妖族盟友们纷纷惊恐异常,连封王高等存在都能击杀,这极光王绝对是封王巅峰乃至封王极限的超强存在。 Suddenly, the monster clan immortal teams of entire ten thousand forest peak regions flee in abundance, for fear that meets unlucky super exists like this. 一时间,整个万林峰区域的妖族不朽队伍纷纷逃离,生怕倒霉遇到这样的超级存在。 Human Undying Emperor aurora king, the strength at least Emperor peak, has the heavy treasure.” “人类封王不朽‘极光王’,实力至少封王巅峰,身有重宝。” The monster clan camp team that as flees shifts to other regions, the given name of human aurora king is also transmits to various places fast, incessantly is the monster clan, the mechanical clan and insect clan also receive the news. 随着逃离的妖族阵营队伍转移到其他各处区域,人类极光王的名号也是飞快向各处传递,不止是妖族,机械族、虫族也都纷纷收到讯息。 But creates all these Xia Zhi, flickers to move to leave unceasingly, in the position direction according to celestial chart, hurries to toward the third battlefield No. 072 barracks base. 而造成这一切的夏至,不断瞬移离开,照着星图中的方位指引,朝第三战场072号兵营基地赶去。 The consumption the time, flickers to move most of the day unceasingly, front Xia Zhi looks at as if giant star barracks base, a heart suddenly loosen. 耗费大半天时间,不断瞬移下,夏至看着面前仿佛巨大星球的兵营基地,心底骤然一松。 Will fall the black ink asterisk to take out, Xia Zhi, accelerates to fly directly toward the barracks base. 将陨墨星号取出,夏至进入后,直接加速朝兵营基地飞去。 The diameter several million kilometers are also larger the fierce war machine compared with Sun, the tall and pleasing to the eye colored energy cover energy cycle, among is the void law bans often opens, from barracks base certain distance, is unable to flicker to move, can only take the spaceship to approach. 直径数百万公里比太阳还要大的多的狰狞战争机器,美轮美奂的彩色能量罩能量循环,其内更是虚空法禁常开,距离兵营基地一定距离内,根本无法瞬移,只能乘坐宇宙飞船靠近。 Drop!” “滴!” Soldier Xia Zhi, your spaceship from will accept the barracks base to control at this moment, forbids to resist, if resists is attacked by the base, the consequence is proud.” “士兵夏至,你的飞船从此刻起将接受兵营基地控制,禁止抵抗,如果抵抗将会遭到基地的攻击,后果自负。” When spaceship after barracks base, was deprived the control forcefully, Xia Zhi looks that fierce, seemingly ancient and backward muzzle that on the barracks base stretches out, as well as in muzzle numerous and diverse strange principle secret mark, fool resists......” 当飞船靠近兵营基地后,就被强行剥夺控制权,夏至看着兵营基地上伸出的那一个个狰狞,看似古老而落后的炮口,以及炮口上繁杂诡异的法则秘纹,“傻子才抵抗……” The spaceship was controlled is flying into from a barracks base innumerable channel entrance, after ring-like corridor flight for a long time, enters in a hall. 飞船被控制着从兵营基地无数通道其中一个入口飞入,又沿着环形廊道飞行许久后,才进入一个大厅中。 Puts on the human waiter of uniform/subdue to welcome to go out of Xia Zhi of spaceship with a smile, welcome to turn over to the nest, the soldier. You want to retire, is the rest.” 穿着制服的人类侍者笑着迎上走出飞船的夏至,“欢迎归巢,士兵。你是想退役,还是休息。” Turns over to the nest? Haha, but also is very vivid.” The Xia Zhi heart is dark, after waving to fall the black ink asterisk receives, replies, rest. “归巢?哈哈,还挺形象。”夏至心底暗乐,挥手将陨墨星号收起后,回答道,“休息”。 Please along with me come.” The waiters said with a smile. “请随我来。”侍者笑道。 Xia Zhi follows the waiter to leave turns over to the nest hall, after flying several tens of thousands kilometers, arrives at excellent surroundings is. 夏至跟随侍者离开归巢大厅,飞行数万公里后,来到一处环境优美的所在。 In hundreds of thousands of kilometers length and breadth space, unexpectedly is deep blue incomparable sea, the innumerable different model islands are spread like stars in the sky densely covered in the deep sea, in the sand beach is also to become Pai a even/including villa, let just Xia Zhi that the battlefield from the territory returned, as if returned to Earth the seashore of famous vacation. 数十万公里的广袤空间内,竟是一片蔚蓝无比的大海,无数造型各异的小岛星罗密布在深海中,沙滩上也是成排的连栋别墅,让刚从域外战场归来的夏至,仿佛回到地球上度假胜地的海边。 „The left sand beach is the rest and recreation area, island in these even/including villa and sea gives you residences of these free soldiers.” The waiters introduced with a smile, random distribution to your residence, will transmit by the virtual universe system to you numbers, defers to the serial number to move in directly. If wants to continue to go on an expedition, goes to battle with the hall along the right channel.” “左边沙滩是休闲娱乐区,那些连栋别墅和海中的小岛都是给你们这些自由士兵的住所。”侍者笑着介绍,“随机分配给你的住所,会由虚拟宇宙系统发送给你编号,直接按照编号入住就可以。若是想要继续征战,沿着右边通道就是出战大厅。” Xia Zhi nods. 夏至点头。 For successive one year, seen is not the starry sky is the desolated mountain peak, at this time looks at the beautiful coastal scenery, Xia Zhi cannot bear praise one, really good!” 连续一年,见到的不是星空就是荒芜的山峰,此时看着美丽的海岸风景,夏至忍不住夸赞一声,“真不错!” „No. 072 barracks base from the core combat region of third battlefield star human bone floating island recently, the soldiers who came this rest is Undying Emperor, the environment was certainly good.” The waiters said with a smile, soldier you rested well, I do not disturb.” “072号兵营基地距离第三战场的核心战斗区域‘星骸浮岛’最近,来这休息的士兵都是封王不朽,环境当然好。”侍者笑道,“士兵你好好休息,我就不打扰了。” According to the serial number that the virtual universe sends, Xia Zhi arrives at beautiful islands, the entire island is he, in the base rests the period private territory, without permitting anybody can not enter. 根据虚拟宇宙发来的编号,夏至来到一处美丽的岛屿,整座小岛就是他在基地休息期间的私人领地,未经允许任何人不得进入。 The islands are not big, the occupying land area is about 2 square kilometers, walks in the soft close sand beach, Xia Zhi entered own dwelling. 岛屿不大,占地不过二平方公里,走在柔软细密的沙滩上,夏至进入了自己的住处。 Whish!” “哗!” Saw the swimming pool that outside the fine wooden villa the shape varies, Xia Zhi cannot bear leap forward in the warm water, really comfortable! A year does not have the take a bath, the feeling is always uncomfortable.” 看到精致木质别墅外形状各异的泳池,夏至忍不住跃入温热的水中,“真舒服!一年没泡澡,感觉身上总是不舒服。” Lies down in the swimming pool, on Xia Zhi is holding appreciatively a world ring, kills the spoils of war that cloud Lang enables to obtain. 躺在泳池内,夏至手上把玩着一枚世界戒指,正是杀死云狼使得到的战利品。 Has a look at the Emperor higher powerhouse of monster clan, the net worth to have any good thing.” The Xia Zhi eye reveal anticipated, the strength of the world enters the ring, later investigates inside world. “看看妖族的封王高等强者,身家都有什么好东西。”夏至眼露期待,世界之力进入戒指,随后探查里面的世界。 Ha, is this Undying Emperor of monster clan or mechanical clan?” After Xia Zhi investigation , is actually astonished incomparable, so many mechanical puppets, the mechanical clan spaceship, it seems like that this cloud Lang caused to kill a mechanical clan to be immortal, has not sold out the spoils of war, now falls to my hand.” “哈,这是妖族还是机械族的封王不朽?”夏至探查后却是惊愕无比,“这么多机械傀儡,还有机械族飞船,看来这云狼使曾经杀过一机械族不朽,还未将战利品卖掉,如今又落到我手里。” In 100000 km in diameter ring world, is placing the large expanse of mechanical puppet at this time neatly, many have burst, within the body energy core was broken directly. 直径100000公里的戒指世界内,此时整齐摆放着成片的机械傀儡,不少都已经破裂开,体内能量核心被直接震碎。 Diameter about three kilometers pyramid spaceships, are the F level metal shipyard extend Ms. Shi to make unexpectedly all over the body, only this spaceship needed materials metal on value more than ten million mixed elements, has not only calculated the mechanical clan science and technology instrument. 一艘直径约有三千米的金字塔飞船,竟然通体都是F级金属‘坞延石母’制成,单是这艘飞船光用料金属就价值上千万混元单位,还没算其中的机械族科技仪器。 Palestinian Babata.” The Xia Zhi thought summon said that you under inventory our time spoils of war.” “巴巴塔。”夏至意念呼唤道,“你来清点下我们这次的战利品。” Such matter, gives the intelligent assistant to manage most is free from worry. 这样的事,还是交给智能助手来办最为省心。 Good, gives me.” Palestinian Babata complies with one, later controls mechanical puppet body to start lightly to entire ring space in all. “好的,交给我。”巴巴塔答应一声,随后控制机械傀儡身体对整个戒指空间内的一切开始轻点。 Xia Zhi a material quality main tone is the black, the goods of taking the form of collar style take out, with can easily feel that in the hand its embodiment has the light space principle to fluctuate. 夏至则是将其中一件材质主色调为黑色,形似项圈样式的物品取出,拿在手里都能轻易感觉到其内蕴含着淡淡的空间法则波动。 This should be this time biggest harvests.” “这个应该是这次最大的收获了吧。” Xia Zhi infiltrates in strength of the world this collar, the energetic mark that in the strength of the world contains recognizes the lord it instantaneously, an information then integrates in the Xia Zhi consciousness directly. 夏至将一丝世界之力渗透进这项圈中,世界之力中蕴含的精神印记瞬间将其认主,一段信息便直接融入夏至意识中。 Bans the link of emptying, suppresses the seal class special heavy treasure, the function in the space the region fluctuates locks completely, making the space be the principle class powerhouse is unable to flicker to move. ‘禁空之环’,镇压封印类特殊重宝,功能则是将区域内空间波动完全锁定,使空间系法则类强者无法瞬移。 The operation requirements are are extremely high to the comprehension degree of space class principle, Xia Zhi tries to stimulate to movement this to ban the link of emptying in secret mark, is the discovery is quite complex, moreover among secret Wengeng is space blockade class secret mark, this aspect he studies is not deep. 使用要求则是对空间类法则的领悟程度极高,夏至试着催动这‘禁空之环’内的秘纹,却是发现极为复杂,而且其内的秘纹更是空间封锁类秘纹,这方面他研究并不深。 The space principle indeed mainly may be divided to flicker to move, space to strangle to death, space to prohibit these three categories, each category next minute/share many minor sorts, like flicker to move to subdivide dying thing to flicker to move to space resonating body to melt and other void minor sorts......, only then the comprehension, can flicker completely to move to the ability. 空间法则的确主要是可分为瞬移、空间绞杀、空间封禁这三大类,每个大类下分诸多小类,像‘瞬移’就可细分成‘死物瞬移’‘空间共振’‘身融虚空’等诸多小类……只有全部领悟,才能拥有瞬移能力。 Xia Zhi fuses the sensibility as well as so many years that comprehending the dual god feeds , the space principle also only grasps to flicker to move, strangles to death and space to the space prohibits these two kinds comprehend is not deep. 夏至融合第二元神传回的感悟以及这么多年的参悟,空间法则也只掌握瞬移,对空间绞杀及空间封禁这两类参悟的并不深。 I said that cloud Lang causes is the Emperor higher strength, can grasp the space principle unexpectedly two categories of unique skills, it seems like he can space blockade depend was this bans the link of emptying.” Xia Zhi secretly thought, „, although the present has more than enough, but studies secret mark, actually to comprehending the space principle help is enormous.” “我说那云狼使不过是封王高等实力,竟然就能掌握空间法则的两大类绝招,看来他能施展空间封锁靠的就是这件‘禁空之环’了。”夏至暗道,“虽然现在用不了,不过研究其中的秘纹,倒是对参悟空间法则帮助极大。” Will ban the link of emptying to receive within the body world, among making hatred/enemy Pu clone to study the space to prohibit kind of secret mark, on the Xia Zhi face to show the smile. 将禁空之环收到体内世界,让仇璞分身去研究其内的空间封禁类秘纹,夏至脸上露出笑容。 Striking to kill the Emperor higher alien race to be immortal, rewards 100 trillion military exploits, has included his military exploit. 击杀封王高等异族不朽,奖励100万亿军功,已经计入他的军功。 Now he is the free body, can exchange mixed elements the military exploit directly, or exchanges the Virtual Universe Corporation overall, the proportion is 100,000 military exploit quite 1 mixed elements or 1 overall. 如今他已是自由身,可以将军功直接兑换成混元单位,或者兑换成虚拟宇宙公司的积分,比例则是10万军功相当一混元单位或是一积分。 100 trillion military exploits are equivalent to 10 hundred million mixed elements. 100万亿军功就相当于十亿混元单位 Where however the accumulation military exploit earns the efficiency of property to be able and on strikes to kill the treasure that the background character obtains to be many. 但是积累军功赚取财物的效率哪能及得上击杀有背景人物得到的宝物多。 Bans the link of emptying like this heavy treasure, this value is unable to estimate only, attains in Primordial Chaos City to give to the ethnic group, will not at least be lower than hatred/enemy Pu clone with two heavy treasures. 像这‘禁空之环’重宝,单这一件价值就无法估量,拿到混沌城内献给族群,至少不会低于仇璞分身用的两件重宝。 „To complete the Virtual Universe Corporation life and death to discipline, makes Emperor higher like cloud Lang, only need strike to kill nine to complete again.” The Xia Zhi heart secretly thought, teacher gave my seven color Wu Xi is too strong, I also can only stimulate to movement the azure light/only sunlight now, the strength of increase 100,000 times of main soul, if achieved the blue light/only sunlight, even the purple light/only sunlight, strength of the main soul, 100 times read under the strength oscillation amplitude ten million/countless, coordinated my demon sound god the mystique, was does not have the issue to war revering!” “想要完成虚拟宇宙公司的生死磨练,像云狼使这样的封王高等,只需再击杀九个就完成了。”夏至心底暗道,“老师给我的七彩吴曦太强了,我现在还只能催动青色光曦,增幅十万倍界主灵魂之力,要是达到蓝色光曦,甚至紫色光曦,千万倍的界主灵魂之力,100倍念力振幅下,配合我的魔音神将秘法,就是对战尊者也没问题吧!” Lord of gift darkness seven color Wu Xi itself/Ben is to lord of also function universe some soul class True Treasure, in his such main hand, the might is to go against heaven's will incomparably. 黑暗之主赠予的‘七彩吴曦’本就是对宇宙之主也有一些作用的灵魂类至宝,在他这样的界主手上,威力更是逆天无比。 Must cultivation the say/way and the material attack my beast god, the universe trillion ethnic groups, like these energy class lives, the metal class life and rock class life wait/etc, does not have the soul, under the opponent who if I bump into the battlefield, the main body erupted many Emperor peak strength to be possible some insufficiently to look!” “还是要多修炼我的兽神之道和物质攻击,宇宙亿万族群,像那些能量类生命,金属类生命、岩石类生命等等,很多都是没有灵魂的,我若在战场上碰到这样的对手,本尊爆发下最多封王巅峰的实力可就有些不够看了!” In this year fights actually the somewhat new sensibility, cultivates.” A Xia Zhi wisp of consciousness connection virtual universe , to continue to practice the fight mystique of say/way of beast god to the cultivation field. “这一年战斗下来倒是有些新的感悟,修炼去。”夏至一缕意识连接虚拟宇宙,到修炼场中继续练习兽神之道的战斗秘法。 ...... …… Virtual Universe Corporation each position conducts the core member who the life and death disciplines, the fight video will feed in the headquarters synchronously, although disciplines, does not make the talents bring death, will have the experiences of high-level attention these peerless talents anytime. 虚拟宇宙公司每位进行生死磨练的核心成员,战斗视频都会同步传回总部,虽说是磨练,却也不是让天才们去送死,随时都会有高层关注这些绝世天才们的经历。 Xia Zhi as the darkness the main disciple, outwardly on teacher is actually the Primordial Chaos City lord, his fight videos and various news are passed to the Primordial Chaos City lord by the virtual universe system directly. 夏至身为黑暗之主的弟子,明面上的师尊却是混沌城主,他的战斗视频及各项讯息都是由虚拟宇宙系统直接传给混沌城主。 Virtual universe, the highest peak of thunder island, in the palace in endless chaos air current deep place. 虚拟宇宙,雷霆岛的最高巅峰,无尽混沌气流深处的一座宫殿中。 This little fellow, but also mixed aurora king title?” The Primordial Chaos City lord sits cross-legged to sit in the throne, after looking at front the fight video on light screen, chuckle, „, since the spreading given name, that should also have a status in Hong pledge.” “这小家伙,还混了个‘极光王’的封号?”混沌城主盘膝坐于王座,看完面前光幕上的战斗视频后轻笑一声,“既然传开名号了,那也该在鸿盟有个身份了。” The Primordial Chaos City main finger, the Virtual Universe Corporation being in power person's order sends out lightly immediately. 混沌城主手指轻点,虚拟宇宙公司掌权人的命令随即发出。 Suddenly, in Hong pledge after short communication, a special envoy team was sent out. 一时间,鸿盟内经过短暂沟通后,一支特使队伍被派出。
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