“给我滚!”AlthoughYe Xingis disinclinedto lower oneself to the same levelwithYe Hu, buthas gotten at this moment also angry, the directfistthenrumblesto the palm that Ye Hugraspedin the past.叶星虽然懒得跟叶虎一般见识,但此刻也怒了,直接一拳便向叶虎抓来的手掌轰了过去。Ye Xingwithin the bodyexudes the crackle and rattleexplosivesound, has displayedBone Exploding Fist.叶星体内发出噼里啪啦的爆响声,施展了骨爆拳。AlthoughYe Huwas smaller than was two years old him, but is actually Martial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple, is noteasily the generation of coping, Ye Xingdisplays the limitBone Exploding Fiststrength.叶虎虽然比他小了两岁,但却是武道三重的武徒,可不是轻易对付之辈,叶星将骨爆拳的力量发挥到极限。However, 101resounding, insameresoundinstantaneously, soundsto be only a crackle and rattleexplosive, the bystanderis unable to distinguish many sounds.
不过,101声脆响,在同一瞬间响起,听起来只是噼里啪啦一顿爆响,外人根本无法分辨到底有多少响。„Daresto fightme?”
“敢跟我动手?”SeesYe Xingto begin, Ye Hueyesonebright, on the facereveals the color of disdaining, shouted to clear the way: „Whatleaveisyou!”
见叶星动手,叶虎双眼一亮,脸上露出不屑之色,喝道:“滚的是你!”Drinksgreatly, the Ye Hupalmis the fist, within the bodyresounds the crackle and rattleexplosivesoundsimilarly, displaysBone Exploding Fist.
砰Twofistsrelative, a dull thumping sound.
The Ye Hulookchanges into the shockinstantaneously, the fistwas similar toreceive an electric shockshrank, the bodydrew backcontinuallythreesteps.叶虎的神色瞬间化为震惊,拳头如同触电般缩了回去,身体连退三步。Oncultivation base, Ye XingisMartial Dao Second Layer, Ye HuisMartial Dao Third Layer, has differedrealm.
论修为,叶星是武道二重,叶虎是武道三重,相差了一个境界。However, by the Bone Exploding Fistattainments, Ye HuinitiallyentersMartial Dao Third Layer, has not built upPerfectBone Exploding Fist, isGrand Accomplishment Realm, compared withBone Exploding Fist of Ye Xing101resounding, strengthis far from.
但是,论骨爆拳的造诣,叶虎初入武道三重,还没有将骨爆拳炼到圆满,才是大成境界,比起叶星101声脆响的骨爆拳,力量相差甚远。Comprehensive comparison, strength of Ye Xingthisfisteven better.
综合比较起来,叶星这一拳的力量更胜一筹。„Good, good, good! Ye Xing, Ihad not taughtyoubeforewell, todayImustmakeyoutaste the color!”
The Ye Hucomplexionbulgered, becomes angry out of shame, was repelledby a Ye Xingthiswastebodyfistunexpectedly, thismadehim unable to accept.叶虎脸色胀得通红,恼羞成怒,竟然被叶星这个废体一拳击退,这令他无法接受。In his opinion, reason thata moment agosuffered a loss, wasbecauseYe Xingseized the opportunity, heturned the palmin a hurryinto the fist, strengthhas not displayedcompletely.
在他看来,刚才之所以吃亏,是因为叶星抢了先机,他仓促间化掌为拳,力量完全没有发挥出来。Nowheprepared, musthiteverywherethiswastebodylooks for the tooth, managedhimis the child of Patriarch.
现在他准备好了,一定要把这个废体打得满地找牙,管他是不是家主之子。Ye Huis shouting, within the bodyis an explosive, a fistattackstoYe Xing.叶虎大喊着,体内又是一阵爆响,一拳向叶星攻来。Ye Xingcoldsnort|hum, surmountsPerfectBone Exploding Fistdepending onhim, but alsoreallydoes not fearinitiallyentersMartial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple.叶星冷哼一声,凭他超越圆满的骨爆拳,还真是不惧初入武道三重的武徒。Let alone, hehas not utilized the ability of Superbrainscanning, onceutilizes, Ye Huanyflawwill revealin his eyeswithout doubt, even ifYe HuisMartial Dao Third Layerpeak, Ye Xingdoes not fearhim.
何况,他还没有运用超脑扫描的能力,一旦运用,叶虎的任何破绽在他眼中都会显露无疑,就算叶虎是武道三重巅峰,叶星也不惧他。Bone Exploding Fist!骨爆拳!Ye Xinghas a mindto try the Perfect Bone Exploding Fistmight, resembles the needle-tipto wield a fistto the wheat awngenerally, attackstoYe Hu.叶星有心一试完美骨爆拳的威力,似针尖对麦芒一般挥出一拳,向叶虎对攻。However, has not waitedto collide in the fist of Ye Hutogether, the Ye Xing'sarmshrinkssuddenly, the fistreceived.
不过,还不等与叶虎的拳头碰撞在一起,叶星的手臂突然间一缩,拳头收了回来。At this time, twobiggraspedsuddenlyfrom the one side, has grasped the Ye Huhandbowl, anotherhandgot nothing for one's effort.
The Ye Feitingheartis astonished, Ye Xingcanevade that unexpectedly this grasps, makinghimbe startled.叶飞廷心头一讶,叶星竟然能避过他这一抓,令他吃惊。„Whodaresto blockme......?”
The Ye Huwrist|skillwas heldsuddenly, hisinangeris bellowing, armfiercereceivesbackward, the wrist|skillmarksilk that what a pity, heldhas not actually moved.叶虎的手腕突然间被人抓住,正在愤怒中的他一声大吼,手臂猛的向后一收,可惜,被人抓住的手腕却纹丝未动。„Third Elder!”
“三长老!”Sideresounds a respectfulsound, Ye FamilyMartial ArtisttoholdingYe Hu the middle-aged personis respectful.
旁边响起一阵恭敬的声音,叶家武者都对抓住叶虎的中年人毕恭毕敬。„LeafThird Elder!”Inshopguest, respectstothispersonvery much.
“叶三长老!”就连店中宾客,也对此人很是尊敬。Ye Familyis the Green Leaf TownfirstMartial Daoaristocratic family, andMain Familyhas the hugeinfluenceinSky-Blue City, Ye FamilyThird Elder, thatisstampsstamps the feet, bigcharacter that Green Leaf Townmustvibrate.叶家是青叶镇第一武道世家,并且主家更是在天沧城都有着庞大的势力,叶家三长老,那可是跺一跺脚,青叶镇都要震动的大人物。„Three...... Third Elder!”
“三……三长老!”Ye Hulookonestartled, immediatelycalms down, Third ElderthatistrueMartial Artist, andisMartial Dao Fourth Layerpeakcultivation base, halffoothas stepped intoexistence of Martial Dao Fifth Layer.叶虎神色一惊,顿时冷静下来,三长老那可是真正的武者,并且是武道四重巅峰的修为,半只脚都踏入了武道五重的存在。Martial Dao Third LayerandFourth Layeraretogether the watersheds, hein front ofMartial Dao Fourth Layer, the ability that has not revolted againstcompletely.武道三重和四重是一道分水岭,他在武道四重面前,完全没有反抗的能力。Naturally, Third Eldercultivation baseis not main, whatis essentialisThird ElderisPatriarchownYounger Brother, Ye Xingis the Third Elderbiologicalnephew, underthis'thousands of staring eyes' , he ifhas punchedYe Xing, lesson that perhapsThird Eldercandoublehe.
当然,三长老的修为不是最主要的,关键的是三长老是家主的亲弟弟,叶星是三长老的亲侄子,在这众目睽睽之下,他若是揍了叶星一顿,说不定三长老会加倍的教训他。Althoughhe is also the Third Eldernephew, butis not the biologicalnephew, is only the nephew, there is a difference.
他虽然也是三长老的侄子,但不是亲侄,只是堂侄,还是有区别的。Thismakesinhisheartrejoicethatis goodnot to punchYe Xing, alsosecretlyrebukes oneself, the weaponshop is managesbyThird Elder, herebeginswithYe Xingis really the non-wisdom.
这让他心中庆幸,好在还没有真的揍叶星,同时也暗暗自责,武器店便是由三长老管理的,在这里跟叶星动手实属不智。In the Ye HuheartdecidedthatlatermustteachYe Xing, mustfind a safeplace, after having punched, thenruns backhisgrandfatherthere, hisgrandfatherisGreat Elder, Martial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, hashisgrandfatherto cover, even ifhas punchedYe Xing, will not receive any bigpunishment.叶虎心中决定,以后要教训叶星,得找个安全的地方,揍了之后便跑回他爷爷那里,他爷爷是大长老,武道五重的武者,有他爷爷罩着,就算是揍了叶星,也不会受什么大的处罚。„Third Elder!”Ye Xingalsoslightlynods the headtoYe Feiting.
“三长老!”叶星也向叶飞廷微微颔首。AlthoughYe Feitingis the Ye Xing'sbiologicaluncle, becauseYe Xingis the reason of wastebody, does not receiveYe Feitingto attach great importance tovery much, between relationsare notveryclose, beforehandYe Xingsaid that Ye Feiting is also Third Elder, Ye Xingcontinuessuchto call, does not haveanythingnot to be normalactually.叶飞廷虽是叶星的亲叔叔,但因为叶星是废体的缘故,并不是很受叶飞廷重视,之间的关系并不是十分亲密,以前的叶星称叶飞庭也是三长老,叶星继续这么称呼,倒是没有什么不正常。„Youwhat's the matter, oneselfbrothersalsofight, making the personbe laughed, highly improper?”
“你们两个怎么回事,自家兄弟还打架,让人见笑,成何体统?”Ye Feitingloosens the Ye Huwrist|skill, staredonetothem, has not favoredanyside.叶飞廷松开叶虎的手腕,对两人都瞪了一眼,并没有偏袒任何一方。Ye HutoYe Xingtaunted, thenhasin the shop the waiterto fear that twoYoung Mastermadein the weaponshop, has informedYe Feiting, thereforeYe Feitingwill catch up with.叶虎对叶星冷嘲热讽的时候,便有店中伙计怕两位少爷在武器店中闹起来,去通知了叶飞廷,所以叶飞廷才会赶了个正着。Otherwise, usuallyYe Feitingat allnotinweaponshop, butincourtyard after weaponshop.
若不然,平时叶飞廷根本不在武器店,而是在武器店后的府院之中。„Third Elder, Ye Xingdoes not have the wealth, actuallywantsto borrow the value6200moneyabovearrowsin the shop, ifeverybodyso, thatentireweaponshopmustbe borrowed, myYe Familymusthave nothing to eat, myYe Familyis the rich people, has the gaugeto have the moment, in the shop the weapon can only buy, cannotborrow, thereforeIresolutelyopposedthatYe Xingactuallybeginstome.”
“三长老,叶星没有钱财,却想在店中借用价值6200银子以上的弓箭,若是人人如此,那整个武器店岂不是都要被借了出去,我叶家都得喝西北风了,我叶家是大户人家,有规有矩,店中武器只能买,不能借,所以我坚决反对,叶星却对我动手。”Ye Husaidloudlythatthis matterhethinksto occupy the principle, is impassioned.叶虎大声说道,此事他自认为占理,语气激昂。„After January, Iwill pay the doubleprices.”Ye Xinglightsaying.
“一月之后,我会付上双倍的价钱。”叶星淡淡的说道。About the long and short of the story of matter, had the waiterto considerby the Ye Feitingearin a low voice.
The Ye Feitingdoublehand back after behind, said: „Is the Ye Familyjuniors, the thing of trivial6200money, canmakeyourangry glarecontend, reallymademedisappointed.”叶飞廷双手背于身后,道:“都是叶家子弟,区区6200银子的东西,就能够让你们怒目相争,真是令我失望。”Saidthem, the Ye FeitingvisionlookedtoLu Daxiong: „Lu Daxiong!”
将两人都说了一顿,叶飞廷的目光向鲁大雄看了过去:“鲁大雄!”Lu Daxiongnods the headimmediatelyforwards: „Third Elder!”鲁大雄立即颔首向前:“三长老!”Ye Feitingsaid: „You can solvetheirbattles, ratherwas borne the lossbyoneself, is very good, butthisset of bow and arrowdid not needyouto go to the expense, the accountinmyhead, wasIgivesYe Xing's.”叶飞廷道:“你能够为了解决他们的争斗,宁愿让自己承担损失,很不错,不过这套弓箭不需要你来破费了,把账记在我的头上吧,是我送给叶星的。”Lu Daxiongrespectful[say / way]: „Yes, Third Elder.”鲁大雄恭敬的道:“是,三长老。”
The Ye FeitingmannermadeYe Xingsomewhatbe astonished, it seems like that the originalmasterdid not knowabout this unclethatlooks likefrom the present, Ye Feitingto this nephewwasverygood.叶飞廷的态度令叶星有些讶异,看来原主人对他这个叔叔并不了解,从现在看来,叶飞廷对他这个侄子还是很不错的。„Many thanksuncle!”
“多谢叔叔!”Ye Xingis not the indifferentperson, sinceYe Feitingis goodtohim, henaturallycannotcallhimagainisThird Elder, among the unclenephewsappears the freshshare.叶星不是冷漠之人,既然叶飞廷对他好,他自然不会再称呼其为三长老,叔侄之间显得生份。„After thistimeis injured, youare different from before.”
“这次受伤之后,你跟以前不一样了。”Ye Feitinglooks atYe Xing, beforehandYe Xingbeforehim, timid, feels inferior, does not dareto speak, hehas patted the Ye Xing'sshoulder: „Thisis good!”叶飞廷看着叶星,以前的叶星在他面前,唯唯诺诺,非常自卑,根本不敢多说话,他拍了拍叶星的肩膀:“这样才好!”
The word, Ye Feitingturns aroundto depart.
言罢,叶飞廷转身离去。Ye Hucoldsnort|hum, staredYe Xingonemaliciously, complexionuglygoing downstairswent.叶虎冷哼一声,狠狠的瞪了叶星一眼,脸色难看的下楼而去。„Ye XingYoung Master!”
“叶星少爷!”Lu Daxiongwill quiverto hand overtoYe Xing, insidehas20Cyan Metal Arrow(s).鲁大雄将箭筒向叶星递了过来,里面有20枝青金箭。Ye Xingwill quiverto tie upfirstinback, thencarries on the arm the iron-gray roughcastbowslantinglyon the body, went downstairs.叶星先将箭筒绑在后背,然后将铁胎弓斜挎在身上,下了楼。In a weaponshopbuilding, Ye Xinghas bought a sharpshortblade edge, thisdoes not needmanysilver coinsbut actually, Ye Xingcan afford.
After leaving the weaponshop, Ye Xinghas bought a pointin a medicinal ingredientsshop**, then leftGreen Leaf Town, goestowardClear Sky Mountain Range.
离开武器店后,叶星又在一家药材店买了一点**,然后便离开了青叶镇,往青云山脉而去。Clear Sky Mountain Range, is a verygiantmountain range, limitless, Green Leaf TownMartial Artist, buthas explored very smallpart of scopes.青云山脉,是一条十分巨大的山脉,无边无际,青叶镇的武者,只是探索了很小一部分的范围。Green Leaf Townbelongs to the mountainous area, leaves the town less thanoneli (0.5km), is mountain ridgeone after another, Ye Xingenters, was similar to a water drophas fallen into the sea, appearedverytiny, not worthy of mentioning.青叶镇属于山区,出镇不到一里,便是一条又一条的山岭,叶星进入其中,如同一滴水掉入了大海,显得十分的渺小,微不足道。TrueClear Sky Mountain Range, is the high mountain ridge, is not the ordinarymountain ridgecancompare, only thenin the Clear Sky Mountain Rangehigh mountain ridge, canbreed the fierce and maliciousbeast of prey, the wild animal in ordinarymountain ridge, can only be the small creature, cannotcomparewithFerocious Beast.
真正的青云山脉,都是崇山峻岭,远不是普通的山岭能够相比,只有青云山脉的崇山峻岭中,才能孕育出凶狠的猛兽,普通山岭中的野兽,只能算是小动物而已,跟凶兽不能比。Ye Xingcrossedmountain ridgeone after another, walkedonfive kilometers, finallyarrives in front of a bigmountain ridge, compares the mountain ridge of Ye Xingunder foot, the presentbigmountain ridge, highonetimehas continued.叶星翻过了一条又一条的山岭,足足走了上十里,才终于来到一条高大的山岭面前,相比叶星脚下的山岭,眼前的高大山岭,足足高了一倍不止。ThisisClear Sky Mountain Range, no, can only be the Clear Sky Mountain Rangebranch veinandsurrounding, trueClear Sky Mountain Rangewas too broad, nobodyknows the boundary, the legendmountain rangedeep placehas a biggermountain ridge, hasto be possiblecompared withMartial SaintsuperFerocious Beast.
这才是青云山脉,不,只能算是青云山脉的支脉、外围,真正的青云山脉太广阔了,没人知道边际,传说山脉深处有更加高大的山岭,更有可比武圣的超级凶兽。Ye Xingsharplyhas not been enteringinClear Sky Mountain Range, butstoppedinwoods under mountain range.叶星没有急着进入青云山脉中,而是在山脉下的一片树林中停了下来。Hemustbe familiar with the bow and arrow.
他得熟悉一下弓箭。OnEarth, heis an outstandingarcher, the project that mostlikesplayingthenshoots arrows, is almost every shot hits the target, oncewas known as that has seized the archer of nationalshootingchampion, competes with him, finallyactuallydisastrous defeatonhim.
在地球上,他是一个优秀的箭手,最喜欢玩的项目便是射箭,几乎是百发百中,曾经有一个号称是夺过国家射击冠军的箭手,跟他比试,结果却惨败在他上。For this reason, afterwardheinvirtualgameMysterious Fantasy World, the occupation that played is a hunter, grasped the long bow, the acting aloneworld.
正因如此,后来他在虚拟游戏玄幻世界中,玩的职业便是猎人,手持长弓,独行天下。Regarding the bow and arrow, hehas the unusualtalent, thistalentfromsoul, even ifhas traded a body, talentas in.
对于弓箭,他有着超凡的天赋,这种天赋是源自灵魂的,即使是换了一具身体,天赋依旧在。And, nowthis, on the bodycompared withEarthis much stronger, the strength of armwasformidabletentimeshas continued, but the strength of armwas the bowmanextremelyimportantcondition.
The eyesight, similarlyis one of the bowmanimportant conditions, butYe XingfusesSuperbrain, eyesmayfarsightedandscanning, has the superioritycompared withanybody'seyesight.
The strength of armandeyesightYe Xingare overEarthtentimesto continue, therefore, inStars Continent, hecandisplayhisshootingtalent.
臂力、目力叶星都超过地球十倍不止,所以,在星辰大陆,他更能发挥他的射击天赋。Ye Xinghas chosenthighthicktrees, as the goal, completes the markon the bough, thengoes out ofbeyondhundredmeters, has put out the iron-gray roughcastbow, allocatesCyan Metal Arrow(s).叶星选了一颗大腿粗的树木,做为目标,在树干上做好标记,然后走出百米之外,拿出了铁胎弓,拨出一支青金箭。Draws, archery!
The soundgets upfrom out of the blue, Cyan Metal Arrow(s)explodesto shoot, flashes pastinvoid.
破空声起,青金箭爆射而出,在虚空中一闪而过。Merely after oneblinks, Cyan Metal Arrow(s)alreadysteadynailabovebough.
The iron-gray roughcastbowassixStoneQianggong, is really unusual, Ye Xingin the bow and arrow that onEarthshoots, a being hardperpendicular incidencehundredmetersdistance, let aloneis widely separated byhundredmetershittarget.
铁胎弓作为六石强弓,果然非同一般,叶星在地球上射的弓箭,都难以直射百米的距离,更别说远隔百米命中目标。However, the Ye Xing'sgoal, incessantlyisthattree, butis the mark on bough, immediatelylookedusing the farsightedfunction.(
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