Ye Xingtook a bath, has changedclothes, after having used the breakfast, thenwent to the main hall in Patriarch's Mansioninstitutealong withXiaoqing.叶星洗了个澡,换了身衣服,用过早膳之后,便随小青来到了家主府院的正厅。Xiaoqingadvances the notification, after having been permitted, Ye Xingenteredbehind the main hallparentalroom.小青先行通报,得到许可之后,叶星进入了正厅后方的父母居室。Ye FamilyMistressLiu E, lies downaboveinsideluxuriousbed, the sidelies down the baby who was just born.叶家主母柳娥,躺在里面的豪华大床之上,身边躺着一个刚刚出生的婴儿。
The Liu Eattention, onbaby, has not notedYe Xing'sto come.柳娥的注意力,都在身旁的婴儿上,并没有注意到叶星的进来。Ye FamilyPatriarchYe Feihong, standsinbedside, the visionlookssimilarlyon the baby on bed, aftercoming inYe Xinghas looked atone, the visionshiftsabove the baby.叶家家主叶飞鸿,站在床边,目光同样看在床上的婴儿上,对于进来的叶星看过一眼之后,目光又转移到了婴儿之上。In the Ye Feihongside, but also is standingattractiveyoungYoung Lady, saw that the Ye Xingcorners of the mouthcurl upwardsslightly, hasmeaning of tauntindistinctly.
在叶飞鸿的身旁,还站着一个漂亮的妙龄少女,看到叶星嘴角微微一翘,隐隐约约有一种嘲讽的意味。Ye Xinghas then recognizedthisyoungYoung Lady, iscousinLiu Shuangling of originalmaster, is the fiancee of originalmaster.叶星一眼便认出了这个妙龄少女,是原主人的表妹柳霜玲,也是原主人的未婚妻。Because the originalmasterseesherandGreat EldergrandsonYe Qingin the same place, angrilyhad become confused the reason, finally, actuallycannot hitincludingYe Qing'sYounger BrotherYe Hu.
原主人正是因为看见她和大长老的孙子叶青在一起,才被愤怒冲昏了理智,结果,却连叶青的弟弟叶虎都打不过。Finallyenhances strong points and avoids weaknesses, withYe Hucompetitionrock climbing, has not won, insteadhas broken the head, passed away, the bodywas occupiedbypresentYe Xing.
最后扬长避短,和叶虎比试攀岩,也没有获胜,反而摔伤了脑袋,一命呜呼,身体被现在的叶星占据。„Father, mother.”
“爹,娘。”Ye Xinghad already been ready, mustuse the status of originalmaster, seesYe FeihongandLiu E, thenshoutedwithoutanyhindrance.叶星早就做好了准备,要利用原主人的身份,看到叶飞鸿和柳娥,没有任何阻碍便喊了出来。Heard the Ye Xing'ssound, the Liu EvisiontransferredtoYe Xing, on the facerevealedlightsmiling expression, said: „Xing'er, youcome, comes to seeyourYounger Brotherquickly.”
听到叶星的声音,柳娥的目光才向叶星转了过来,脸上露出淡淡的笑意,道:“星儿,你来啦,快来看看你弟弟。”Ye Xingforwards, arrives at the bedside, looks at the baby on bed, said: „Does Younger Brothername?”叶星向前,走到床边,看着床上的婴儿,说道:“弟弟叫什么名儿?”Heis the person of affectionbaby, heis not an originalmaster, will winhisallregardingYounger Brotherin the futureanddoes not care, thereforedoes not have the facial expression of difference.
他本是喜爱婴孩之人,并且,他也并非原主人,对于弟弟将来会夺走他的一切并不在意,所以并没有异样的神情。„Hischildhood namecalledYe Bao, given nameto callYe Chen.”
“他小名叫叶宝,大名叫叶辰。”On the Liu Efacebringssatisfiedsmiling expression, Ye Xingnot to be hostile towardYe Chen, thismadeherverysatisfied.柳娥脸上带着满足的笑意,叶星并没有仇视叶辰,这点令她很满意。
, Liu Ereceived the smiling face , to continue saying: „Xing'er, listening toXiaoqing saying that youdid inducetoPower of Starslast night?”
顿了顿,柳娥收起笑脸,继续说道:“星儿,听小青说,你昨夜感应到星辰之力了?”„Um!”Ye Xingnods.
“嗯!”叶星点头。Liu Ehas not revealed the color of liking, tranquil[say / way]: „InducesPower of Stars, finallywas not the wastebody, butyou were 16 years old, willinducedPower of Stars, in the future the achievementwill be limited, yourYounger Brotherwas born, the inbornout of phase, had the star lightshiningnighttime sky, thiswas the trillion of day of stardescending to earth, in the futuremustbecomeoutstandingcharacter, socharacter, mustquitetrainsince childhood, in the future, yourmedicinal ingredientsresourceswill give from now onyouYounger Brother, did youhave the opinion?”柳娥并没有露出欢喜之色,平静的道:“感应到星辰之力,总算不是废体了,不过你已经16岁,才堪堪感应星辰之力,未来成就有限,你弟弟出世,天生异相,有星光照耀夜空,此乃天星下凡之兆,未来必会成为一个杰出人物,如此人物,必须从小好生培养,从今往后,你的药材资源都给你弟弟,你有没有意见?”As the saying goes, civil arts when poor and martial arts when rich!
The formidablebody and spirit, musthave the sufficientnutritionsupport, not only need havein a big waymakes up the vitalitypreciousfood, but alsoneedssomemedicinal ingredientsto be nourishing.
强大体魄,必须要有充足的营养支持,不仅要有大补气血的珍贵食物,还需要一些药材滋养身体。Cultivate Martial Arts, musthave the resources, the wealthyfamily propertycould not have undertaken.炼武,必须要有资源,没有富裕的家底根本承担不起。BeforehandYe Xing, trivialwastebody, can actually Bone Exploding Fistcultivationto18loudsituations, be far fromothermortalscancompare, althoughthisrepairsto build up the relationswithhimindustriouslypainstakingly, but if had not supplemented that vitalityfoodandmedicinal ingredients, heis impossibleto build the solidfoundation.
以前的叶星,区区废体,却能够将骨爆拳修炼到18响的地步,远非其他凡人能够相比,这虽然与他勤修苦炼有关系,但若没有补充气血的食物、药材,他不可能打下坚实的基础。RegardingbeforehandYe Xing, did not have the medicinal ingredientsresources, hisroad aheadwill cut off, howcultivation, Bone Exploding Fist is also again difficult the promotion, even, because the nutritioncannot follow, does not enterinsteaddraws back.
对于以前的叶星而言,没有了药材资源,他的前路将被生生斩断,再怎么修炼,骨爆拳也难有提升,甚至,因为营养跟不上,不进反退。BeforeYe Xingas the child of Patriarch, the medicinal ingredientsresources that assignedare many, nowLiu Emustreceiveto give the youngest soncompletelyYe Chen, obviouslytotallygives upYe Xing.叶星作为家主之子,以前分配到的药材资源不少,现在柳娥全部都要收回去给小儿子叶辰,显然是将叶星彻底放弃。No, in fact, Ye Xingas the wastebody, alreadygave uptohiminYe Feihong and Liu Eheart, since continuously, butrefuses to abandon hope, thislets the Ye Xingsound of sword the massivemedicinal ingredientsresources.
不,实际上,叶星作为废体,在叶飞鸿、柳娥心中早就已经对他放弃了,一直以来,只是死马当活马医,这才把大量的药材资源让叶星霍霍。Nowhad the secondson, naturallymustusetrainsfully, even ifYe XinginducedPower of Stars, but it seems like it is too lateinYe FeihongandLiu E, will not have had the tiny bitconfidencetoYe Xing'sin the future.
现在有了第二个儿子,当然是要倾尽全力培养,纵然叶星已经感应星辰之力,但在叶飞鸿、柳娥看来为时已晚,并没有对叶星的未来产生一丝一毫的信心。„Ido not have the opinion!”
“我没有意见!”Ye Xingearlyexpectedthisresult, the lookis usual.叶星早已经料到这个结果,神色如常。Inhisheartdoes not have a complaint, canhaveSuperbrain, is the hugegood fortune, whocancompare? HowYe Xingwill intertwineforthatlittlemedicinal ingredientsresources.
他心中没有一点抱怨,能够拥有超脑,就已经是天大的福份,谁能相比?叶星岂会为那一点点药材资源而纠结。Ye Xing'sis free and easy, madeYe FeihongandLiu Eslightlysomewhataccidentalactually, theyfeltthatas ifhas not completely understoodthisson.叶星的洒脱,倒是令叶飞鸿、柳娥略微有些意外,两人感觉到,似乎没有看透这个儿子。Howeverthisis also good, clearly recognizesreality, discontentedlyis always bettercompared with the heart.
不过这样也好,认清现实,总比心中不满要好。„Does intentionallynaturally!”
“故作大方!”NearbyLiu Shuanglingbewilderednot being feeling wellsomewhat, perhaps after isYe Xingcomes, thenhas disregardedherreason, the ducksaid:
一旁的柳霜玲莫明其妙的有些不爽,或许是叶星进来之后,便一直无视她的缘故,扁嘴道:„Cousin, do not think that inducesPower of Stars, cansmoothcultivationget down, Star Poweris infinite, but the intelligence of personis limited, a Martial Daoway, the resourcesare important, don't youlove dearly?”
“表哥,不要以为感应到星辰之力,就可以顺顺畅畅的修炼下去,星力无穷,但人的资质却有限,武道一途,资源至关重要,你一点都不心疼?”Ye XinglookedtoLiu Shuangling, the eyenarrows the eyesslightly, said with a smile: „GivesmeYounger Brother, whyIlove dearly, doesn't giveyouthisbystander?”叶星向柳霜玲看了过去,眼睛微微一眯,微笑道:“给我弟弟,我为什么心疼,又不是给你这个外人?”
A Liu Shuanglingcomplexionazure, Ye Xinghas gathered from infancy to maturity roundherto transfer, only thenshesaid the Ye Xing'sshare, whenis one's turnYe Xingshe?柳霜玲脸色一青,从小到大,叶星都一直围着她转,只有她说叶星的份,什么时候轮到叶星来说她?„Paternal aunt, Uncle, yousee the cousinhe...... Hesaid that Iam a bystander!”
“姑妈,姑父,你看表哥他……他说我是外人!”Liu Shuanglingstamps the feet, strikes an attitude to cry, carries outtwobigbackers.柳霜玲一跺脚,作势欲哭,搬出两座大靠山。„Xing'er, spoke, Shuanglingwasyourcousin, wasyourfiancee, was not the bystander.”
“星儿,怎么说话呢,霜玲是你表妹,也是你未婚妻,可不是外人。”Liu Eputs on a serious faceto sayimmediatelythatLiu Shuanglingishermaternal homeniece, naturallycannotmakeherbe wronged.柳娥顿时板着脸道,柳霜玲是她娘家侄女,当然不能让她受了委屈。„Fiancee......!” The Ye Xingcorners of the mouthrevealwipe the ridicule, the originalmasterregards the treasureLiu Shuangling, butis inferior to a grassinhim.
“未婚妻……!”叶星嘴角露出一抹讥笑,原主人将柳霜玲当成宝,但在他中不如一根草。„Ye Xing, the mind of manshouldbe broader, leavessuchnarrow-minded.”
“叶星,男子汉的胸怀应该宽阔一些,别这么小肚鸡肠。”Ye Feihonghas also opened the mouth, henaturallyknowstoconflict between Ye XingandYe Qing and Ye Hu, thinks that Ye Xingvents angerinLiu Shuangling, said:叶飞鸿也开口了,他对叶星和叶青、叶虎之间的冲突自然知晓,认为叶星迁怒于柳霜玲,道:„Shuangling, althoughisyourfiancee, butlivesinYe Family, withYe Familyjuniorsplayingshould be, wherebe ableonlyto gather roundyouto transfer, a minor mattermakes the repeated difficulties, but alsofightsagainstyouryounger male cousin, compared with the rock climbing, finallynot onlylost, but alsofallsoneselfremains unconscious, yousaid that youdo lose face!”
“霜玲虽然是你未婚妻,但在叶家居住,和叶家子弟一起玩耍是应该的,哪能只围着你一个人转,一点小事就闹得风风雨雨,还跟你堂弟打架、比攀岩,结果不仅输了,还把自己摔得昏迷不醒,你说你丢不丢人!”Ye FeihongasYe FamilyPatriarch, had the wastebodyson, was directedbehind, thereforein the heartdid not treatregardingYe Xingsees.叶飞鸿作为叶家家主,生了个废体儿子,本就遭人背后指点,所以心中对于叶星一直不怎么待见。ThisYe Xing and Ye Hucompetitionrock climbinglost, but alsofallsremains unconscious, has become a Ye Familyjoke, the Ye Feihongnesthas caught fireat heart.
这一次叶星和叶虎比试攀岩输了,还摔得昏迷不醒,更是成了叶家一个笑话,叶飞鸿心里一直窝着火。Just, in the Ye Xingstupor, the anger in Ye Feihongheartdid not have the opportunityto vent, afterwardyoungest sonYe Chenwas born, the anger in hearthad been dilutedjoyfully.
只不过,叶星一直昏迷中,叶飞鸿心中的火气一直没有机会发泄,后来小儿子叶辰出世,心中的火气被喜悦冲淡了许多。Now, Ye Xingin the front, during the talksmadeYe Feihongremember the Ye Xingrock climbingto fall the darkmatter, the anger in heartpromotes.
现在,叶星就在面前,谈话间让叶飞鸿又想起了叶星攀岩摔昏的事,心中的火气又提升起来。Ye Xingis speechless, this cheapfather is really interesting, oneselfson'sotherfianceesandmanappointments, actuallyalsoscolded themselvessonnarrow-minded, can be broader?叶星无语,他这个便宜老爸还真有意思,自己儿子的未婚妻和其他男人约会了,竟然还骂自己儿子小肚鸡肠,要胸怀宽阔一些?
哦……Ye XingrespondedquicklythatShuangling and Ye Qingappointment, thatwas only the view of originalmaster, otherpeoplenot necessarilythink.叶星很快反应过来,霜玲和叶青约会,那只是原主人的看法,其他人未必这么认为。In the memory of originalmaster, ShuanglingandYe Qingare flirting with the eyestogether, amongthem the relations, are not indeed ordinary, therefore the rightful ownertalented personmeets the angerto be dreadful, became confused the reason.
原主人的记忆中,霜玲和叶青在一起眉来眼去,两人之间的关系,的确不一般,所以原主人才会怒火滔天,被冲昏了理智。Howeverthismatteris very difficult to talk clearly, does not have the solidqualitativeevidence, said over and over again, inothersopinion, alwaysYe Xingnarrow-minded, in the heartfeels inferior, thereforeenvied......
不过这事很难说得清,没有实质的证据,说来说去,在别人看来,总是叶星小肚鸡肠,心中自卑,所以嫉妒……Also, presentYe Xing, is notoriginalYe Xing, the thought that hesimplydo not talk clearly, heneeds the status of originalmasterin briefnow, firstis stayinginYe Family, when the laterwingwas hard, sooner or laterleaveshere.
“爹教训的是!”Ye Xingis not angry, the lookusualexpression, makingYe Feihongfeel that fought with the fistson the cotton, the followingangerhad the feeling that planted unable to vent.叶星并不气恼,神色如常的表情,让叶飞鸿感觉一拳打在了棉花上,后面的怒火有种发泄不出来的感觉。Does not wait forYe Feihongto teachagain, Ye Xingalsothensaid: „Father, IinducedPower of Stars, butCultivation Technique, not having asked the fatherto bestow the biography!”
不等叶飞鸿再教训,叶星又接着道:“爹,我已经感应星辰之力,但还不会修炼功法,请爹赐传!”AlthoughonXiaoqing's, Ye Xinghas learned the cultivationmethods of threemeridians, butthat is truantafter all, toavoidtroubling, hemustresult injustifiablestudyCultivation Techniqueto be good.
虽说在小青的身上,叶星已经学到三条经脉的修炼方法,但那毕竟是偷学的,为了避免麻烦,他必须得名正言顺的学一种修炼功法才行。Ye Feihongindeedhasto continueto teach the Ye Xing'splan, butwas pillagedbyYe Xing, makinghisfollowingwordsswallow back, put outsecret bookto throwfrom the bosomtoYe Xing:叶飞鸿的确是有继续教训叶星的打算,但被叶星抢白,让他后面的话都咽了回去,从怀中拿出一本秘笈扔给了叶星:„Oneselfbuild upwell.”
“自己好好炼。”Ye Xingreceivessecret book, the title pagewrites‚Evergreen Art’threecharacters.叶星将秘笈接下,封面写着‘长青功’三字。HeknowsEvergreen Art, isLower Grade Merit Law, Ye FamilyMartial Artist, in the Martial Disciplestage, is cultivationthistechnique.
他知道长青功,是下品功法,叶家武者,在武徒阶段,皆是修炼这门功法。Ye Xingin the cultivationmethod on Xiaoqingbeing truant, isEvergreen Art, but, cultivation of XiaoqingtoEvergreen Art was really toobad, the cultivationmethod of thatthreemeridianswas full of loopholes.叶星在小青身上偷学的修炼方法,正是长青功,只不过,小青对长青功的修炼实在是太差了,那三条经脉的修炼方法漏洞百出。Ye Xingonlyaccording to modeldelimits the bottle gourd, does not havetechniqueto refer, even ifhasSuperbrainto be also hard the Evergreen Artrestoration that is full of loopholes, nowhadEvergreen Artsecret book, thatwas different, has the Bone Exploding Fistprecedent, the leafAstrologyletter, Superbraincan certainlyEvergreen Artcalculationto a more perfectdegree.叶星仅是依样划葫芦,并没有功法参照,哪怕拥有超脑也难以将那漏洞百出的长青功复原,现在有了长青功的秘笈,那就不同了,有骨爆拳的前例,叶星相信,超脑一定可以将长青功推衍到更完美的程度。„Thanks the father!”
“谢谢爹!”Ye XinggrabsEvergreen Art, on the faceis having the smile of the heart, said: „Father, mother, Ye Xingasked to be excusedfirst.”叶星抓着长青功,脸上带着发自内心的微笑,道:“爹,娘,叶星先告退了。”„Paternal auntanduncle, Ialsoexited......!”Liu Shuanglingsees that.
……„Cousin, congratulatesyou, 16 years old, inducedPower of Starsfinally, finallyno longerwerewastebodyone!”
“表哥,恭喜你啊,16岁了,总算感应到了星辰之力,终于不再是废体一个了!”Outside the main hall, Liu ShuanglingovertakesYe Xing, thenbylatter'searsaid that saidin a low voice: „Was a pity that is16 years old, Elder Brother Ye QingisMartial Dao Fourth Layergenuine warrior, butyouinducePower of Stars, justMartial DaoBasic, he he......, Regardless ofyouhowdiligently, yourthis whole life, gives up any idea ofcompared withonElder Brother Ye Qing.”
The word, Liu Shuanglingexudes the bellcommonlaughter, goes far awayquickly.
言罢,柳霜玲发出银铃一般的笑声,快步远去。Martial Dao Fourth Layer?武道四重?Ye Xingshows a faint smile, hisgoalisMartial Saint, ispeerless expert, trivialMartial Dao Fourth LayerYe Qing, Ye Xingcontinuallydoes not havewith the thought that hecompares.叶星微微一笑,他的目标是武圣,是绝世高手,区区武道四重的叶青,叶星可是连与他比一比的念头都没有。Returns to the room, Xiaoqingto wait, Ye Xingdrives outher, makingherplay, thenhas put outEvergreen Artsecret book, watchespage after page.
回到房间,小青正在等候,叶星将她撵走,让她自己玩去,然后拿出了长青功秘笈,一页一页观看。Every timelooks atonepage, the contentwas scannedinSuperbrainbyYe Xing, permanentexists, even if is for a lifetime impossibleto forgetthatanyphotographic memorycomparesitnoton.
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