Manydisciplesonce believe that Ye Xingbeforedecisive battlestartsfirstis madspits blood!
不少弟子曾认为,叶星会在决战开始之前先气得吐血!Theyhave made a mistake, the Ye Xinglookis indifferent, the whole facesmile, pointvitalitydoes not have, isYe Yunkong, smiling expression on faceis coagulatingon the contraryin an instant, the whole piecefacegot darkinstantaneously, gloomymustlook likedark clouds.
他们都错了,叶星神色淡然,满脸微笑,一点生气都没有,反倒是叶云空,脸上的笑意在刹那间凝固,整张脸瞬间黑了下来,阴沉得就像是一片乌云。„Absurd! Absurd......!”Ye Yunkongseveralwantto spit blood!
“岂有此理!岂有此理……!”叶云空几欲吐血!HeandLiu Shuanglingcomehand in hand, the goalwantsto attackYe Xing, finally, Ye Xinghas not been attacking, oneselfinsteadresulted in the face countenancenotto saveby the Ye Xingattack!
他和柳霜玲手拉手而来,目的就是想打击叶星,结果,叶星没打击着,自己反被叶星打击得颜面无存!Heis the grandson of Elder, in the elitedisciplefirsttenexistences, maybe talked intobyYe Xinghas picked the worn-out shoes, and under the worn-out shoes that Ye Xing that picksdoes not want, does thistonebear?
他乃长老之孙,精英弟子中前十的存在,可被叶星说成了捡破鞋的,并且捡的还是叶星不要的破鞋,这口气怎忍得下?Ye Yunkongfacegloomylike the water, the handreceived, unemotionallyto looktoLiu Shuangling, askedin a low voice: „You...... ByYe Xingresting?”叶云空的脸阴沉如水,手收了回来,面无表情看向柳霜玲,低声问道:“你……已经被叶星给休了?”Liu Shuanglinghad a scareby the Ye Yunkongice-coldvision, the complexionblanch, nodded!柳霜玲被叶云空冰冷的目光吓了一跳,脸色发白,点了点头!„Yunkongmaster......!”
“云空师……!”„Snort!”Liu Shuanglingalsowantsto explainanything, Ye Yunkonghas shoved openher, roaredin a low voice: „Yourthisinexpensivewoman, reallyhasthismatterto hide the truth fromme, leavetome!”
“哼!”柳霜玲还想解释点什么,叶云空已经将她推开,低声咆哮道:“你这个贱女人,竟然有这种事瞒着我,给我滚!”Liu Shuanglingdoes not dareto believelooks atYe Yunkong, has not thought that the lattersaidgets angrygets angry, but, inherheartactuallydoes not dareto hatetoYe Yunkong, the resentment in heartshiftedonYe Xing.柳霜玲不敢置信的看着叶云空,没想到后者说翻脸就翻脸,可是,她心中却是不敢对叶云空有所怨恨,心中的怨气都转移到了叶星身上。Hereyesis staring atYe Xing, was disclosing the color of hate, in the heartwas cursing: „Senior Brother Yunkonggets angrytome, allblamesyourthiswaste, Icursedyouto make into the disabled personbySenior Brother Yunkong, disabledfor a lifetime!”
她的双眼盯着叶星,透露着怨恨之色,心中在诅咒:“云空师兄对我翻脸,全怪你这废物,我诅咒你被云空师兄打成残废,残废一辈子!”Ye Xingregarding the vision of Liu Shuanglinghate, turns a blind eye, walksto the squarecenterspaciousregiondirectly.叶星对于柳霜玲怨恨的目光,视若无睹,径直走至广场中心的空旷地带。„Senior Brother Yunkong, comes up, Imakeyoueverywherehit the tooth!”Ye Xinggrinninglooks atYe Yunkong, beckons.
The Ye Yunkongcomplexionis pale, the doublefistgrasps, straightsound!叶云空脸色铁青,双拳一握,咔嚓直响!However, has not waited forYe Yunkongto respond, an iron towerform, flushedfromYe Yunkong, randirectlyinto the squarecenterspaciousregion.
不过,还不等叶云空回应,一个铁塔般的身影,已经从叶云空后方冲了出来,直接跑入了广场中心的空旷地带。IsdiscipleYe Man that Ye Wenyingreceivesnewly, heis looking angrily atYe Xing, shouted to clear the way: „Ye Xing, wantsto fightwithSenior Brother Yunkong, Imusthave a look atyouto havethatqualificationsbut actually!”
是叶文鹰新收的弟子叶蛮,他怒视着叶星,喝道:“叶星,想跟云空师兄交手,我倒要看看你有没有那个资格!”Ye Xingnarrows the eyesto focus, the corners of the mouthrevealwipe the dangeroussmiling expression, said: „The under the hand/subordinatedefeated general, previoustimeis it seems like insufficienttoyourlesson, heard that afterwardyouhad not been shortto bullyYe Feng, is very good, todayIfirsttidy upyou!”叶星眯着眼,嘴角露出一抹危险的笑意,道:“手下败将,看来上次给你的教训还不够啊,听说后来你没少去欺负叶峰,很好,今天我就先收拾你!”Onemonth on Ye XinginimprisoningMountain Cliff Crime, Ye FengpersonsingleShibao, was often brought the personto beatbyYe Man, thisYe Xingis helpless, bullying that onlyhastodayforYe Fengthismonth of receive, givesYe Manalsoto go backcompletely.叶星在囚山罪崖上的一个月,叶峰人单势薄,常被叶蛮带人殴打,这点叶星无能为力,唯有今天替叶峰将这一个月受到的欺负,全部都给叶蛮还回去。
The Ye Manfistpinches, a bodybow, the bonesnapsagain and again, shouted to clear the way:叶蛮拳头一捏,身体一躬,骨爆声连连,喝道:„Ye Xing, youalsothinkcanlook like for onemonth ago defeatsme? I! Mycultivation basehas stepped intoMartial Dao Fifth Layer , to promote for the elitedisciple, butyou, does thismonthare imprisoningMountain Cliff Crimeto think of faults, fightwithmewithwhat?”
“叶星,你还以为能像一个月前战胜我么?我呸!我的修为已经踏入武道五重,晋升为精英弟子,而你,这一个月都在囚山罪崖思过,拿什么跟我斗?”„Heyhey......!”Ye Manwas sayingsneers, coldsound track: „Onemonth ago yougiveme, todayIcantentimesgives back toyou, Imustbreak the bone of yourwhole body, makingyouturn into a disabled personthoroughly!”
“嘿嘿嘿嘿……!”叶蛮说着冷笑起来,寒声道:“一个月前你给我的,今天我会十倍的还给你,我要打断你全身的骨头,让你彻底变成一个废人!”Ye Xingcoldlysmiles, said: „Breaks the bone of mywhole body? Same sidediscipledecisive battle, this seems to be improper!”叶星冷冷的一笑,道:“打断我全身的骨头?同门弟子决战,这似乎不妥吧!”„Why notproper!”Ye Mangloomysmiles.
“有何不妥!”叶蛮阴森森的一笑。ImmediatelyYe ManthensalutestoYe Wenying in squareedgegarretdoes obeisance, said: „Master, Ye Xingis powerful, the disciplemustget ridfully, the Kungfudoes not have the eye, ifinjuredYe Xing, allwas the action of having no intention, askingMasterto uphold the justice!”
The audiencesMartial Artistvision, unevenlooksto the garret that Ye Wenyingis at!
众武者的目光,齐唰唰的都向叶文鹰所在的阁楼看去!EveryoneunderstandsthatYe Manthiswasmustreceive ordersto offend somebody.
The Ye Wenyingsoundconveysfrom afar: „Kungfucontends, is injuredto be unavoidable, the fight of today, so long as the offending somebodylife, is not the reason, unpunished.”叶文鹰的声音远远传来:“拳脚相争,受伤在所难免,今日之战斗,只要不伤人性命,皆属常情,不受处罚。”„Yes, Master!” When Ye Mansalutesonce moredoes obeisance, turns aroundlooks atYe Xing, has shown the savagesmiling face.
“是,师父!”叶蛮再次行礼一拜,转身看着叶星时,已经露出了凶残的笑容。At this moment, onYe Xing'sface, reappearedsimilarlysavagesmiling expression, the visionbecomesswift and fierce!
The fight of today, so long asdoes not hurt the human life, is all unpunished! Ye Xingmostwantsto listenwasthese words!
今日之战斗,只要不伤人命,皆不受处罚!叶星最想听的就是这句话了!InYe Wenyingnearbygarret, Ye Yundielooks outsquarecentralYe XingandYe Man, frowns saying: „Yunlong, the war of today, will perhaps not give up, don't youstop?”叶文鹰旁边的阁楼上,叶云蝶遥望广场中央的叶星、叶蛮,蹙眉说道:“云龙,今日之战,恐怕不会善罢甘休,你就不制止一下?”Ye Yunlongswungseveralfans, shows a faint smile, said:叶云龙摇了几下扇子,微微一笑,道:„Why can Istop? Thisis the challenge that Ye Xinginitiates, sincehedaresto meetYe Yunkong, expressed that hehascertainassurance, ifhewon, will presentextraordinarytalentcharacteron behalf ofYe Family, ifhehas defeated, thatmakeshimbe selectedto teach, the Sub-Clanjuniorswantto step on the head of main familyelite, certainlymustpay a price!”
“我为何要制止?这是叶星发起的挑战,既然他敢约战叶云空,就表示他有一定的把握,如果他胜了,代表叶家会出现一尊了不得的天才人物,如果他败了,那就让他受点教训吧,分族子弟想踩在主族精英的头上,肯定是要付出一点代价的!”„The Yunlongelder brother, Ye Xingjust nowsteps intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, andwent toMartial Paviliononetime, was punishedto imprisonMountain Cliff Crimeto think of faults for onemonthbyElder Wenying, thisjustgot downfrom the crimecliff, starts the duel, thisis very unfairregardingYe Xing!”
“云龙哥,叶星才刚踏入武道四重,并且就去了武阁一次,便被文鹰长老罚去囚山罪崖思过一个月,这刚从罪崖下来,就开始决斗,这对于叶星很不公平啊!”ByYe Yunkong, an agealsowantedslightly the twenty three years oldyouthto saycompared withhim.叶云空旁边,一个年纪比他还要小了两三岁的少年说道。Ye Yunlong was very obviously intimatetothisyouth, has patted the shoulder of youth, said: „Yunxi, flaunts the hero to pay the price, thisway of the world, does not haveabsolutefair, but is very absolutely fair!”叶云龙显然对这少年很亲近,拍了拍少年的肩膀,道:“云西,逞英雄是要付出代价的,这世道,没有绝对的公平,但绝对很公平!”Ye Yunxidid not understand that Ye Yunlongbountifulpassword, said: „Heis an interestingperson, Ithinkactuallyvery muchhecanwin!”叶云西不理解叶云龙的饶口令,道:“他是个有意思的人,我倒是很想他能赢!”Ye Yunlongshows a faint smile, said: „Ialsohope that hecanwin, Xiong FamilyandWei Familyhave to enter the peaktalent of Amethyst Mountain Academytalentclass, myYe Familydoes not only have, ifhecanexceedYe ManandYe Yunkong, heis the talent of thispeakrank, Ye Familyreallyneeds a suchtalent......!”叶云龙微微一笑,道:“我也希望他能赢,熊家、韦家都有可入紫山学院天才班的顶尖天才,唯我叶家没有,他若能胜过叶蛮和叶云空,那他就是这种顶尖级别的天才,叶家很需要一个这样的天才……!”
When the garrettalked, Ye XingandYe Manbegan!
阁楼中谈话时,叶星和叶蛮已经动起手来!„MakesyoutastemyMiddle Grade Martial SkillRoaring Tiger Fist!”
“让你尝尝我的中品武技虎咆拳!”Ye Mandrinksgreatly, bodysuch asfierce tigerdescends the mountain, in front ofsuddenlyChongzhiYe Xing, a fist strikeleaves, the strong windsrise steeply, hiddenhas the sound of tigerroaring.叶蛮一声大喝,身如猛虎下山,暴冲至叶星面前,一拳击出,狂风陡起,隐有虎咆之声。Ye ManRoaring Tiger Fist, the attainmentsare profounder than Ye Yuntao, has surmountedsmall accomplishment, mightfrightening.叶蛮的虎咆拳,造诣比叶云涛还要精深,已经超越小成,威力恐怖。
Before January, Ye Manand a Ye Xingwar, has not usedRoaring Tiger Fist, merelyonemonth, Ye Mantohas surmounted the small accomplishmentsituationRoaring Tiger Fistcultivation, thisis the progressis absolutely amazingly quick!
一月以前,叶蛮和叶星一战,并没有使用虎咆拳,仅仅一个月的时间,叶蛮就已经将虎咆拳修炼到了超越小成的地步,这绝对是进展神速!Ye Xingrepairs the Cultivate Martial Artstechniquespeedto be quick, thatisbecausehasSuperbrainto be auxiliary, is an exception, normalMartial Artist, arrives atSmall Accomplishment RealmMiddle Grade Martial Skillcultivation, even if diligent, thatalsotakes2-3months.叶星修炼武技的速度快,那是因为有超脑辅助,是个例外,正常的武者,将一门中品武技修炼到小成境界,就算是勤奋,那也需要两三个月的时间。Thus it can be seen, the Ye ManRoaring Tiger Fistattainmentsare profound, is not only becauseheis diligent, must haveother people'sdirection and guidance!
由此可见,叶蛮的虎咆拳造诣精深,不仅仅是因为他勤奋而已,少不了他人的指点与教导!Canadviseother peopleto repair the Cultivate Martial Artstechnique, oneselfmustthisMartial Techniquecultivationtoveryprofoundrealm, even if notPerfect must approachPerfect, otherwiseis hardto see the insufficiency and flaw in other peopleMartial Technique.
能够指教他人修炼武技,自身必须要将这种武技修炼到很高深的境界,就算不是圆满也要接近圆满,否则难以看出他人武技中的不足与破绽。CanRoaring Tiger FistcultivationtoclosePerfect, evenisPerfect Realm, Ye Clanfew, caninstructYe Man, hasYe ManMasterYe Wenying!
能够将虎咆拳修炼到接近圆满,甚至是圆满境界的,叶族没有几个,能够指导叶蛮的,也只有叶蛮的师父叶文鹰!Thismonth, Ye Wenyingtakes the troubleto teachYe Man, andYe Mancultivation basesuchquicklyonbreakthroughFifth Stage, clearlyhas the function.
这一个月,叶文鹰费心教导叶蛮,并且叶蛮的修为这么快就突破五重,显然是有作用的。Ye MansnatchesbeforeYe YunkongchallengesYe Xing, naturallyis the arrangement of Ye Wenying.叶蛮抢在叶云空之前挑战叶星,自然是叶文鹰的安排。FirstmakesYe Mantake the lead, ifwon, Ye Xingnaturallymaliciouslywill be tidied up, ifhas defeated, canconsume the Ye Xing'sphysical strength, canmakeYe Yunkongsee the Ye Xing'sdetails.
先让叶蛮打头阵,若是胜了,叶星自然会被狠狠收拾一顿,若是败了,即能够消耗叶星的体力,也能够让叶云空看出叶星的底细。Ye Manbegins, the entiresquarebecomessilent, the vision of allpeoplelookedto the squarecenter.叶蛮一动手,整个广场都变得寂静起来,所有人的目光都看向了广场中央。Facing a Ye Manimposing mannerpowerfulfist, the Ye Xinglookis indifferent, halfhas not drawn back, insteadonestepforwards, to the Ye Manhedgeon.
面对叶蛮气势强盛的一拳,叶星神色淡然,半步未退,反而一步向前,向叶蛮对冲而上。In the fist of Ye Man, makes the sound of tigerroaringto attack fiercely, butat the appointed time, the Ye Xingpalmpostslike the blade, welcomed the fist of Ye Manto cut.
就在叶蛮的拳头,发出虎咆之音猛击而至时,叶星手掌并列如刀,迎着叶蛮的拳头斩去。Low Grade Martial SkillSeven Section Slash!下品武技七截斩!Manypersonlooksstare, althoughSeven Section SlashisextremelyfierceLow Grade Martial Skill, but the mightis notveryformidable, the major functionlies ininterruptsothers'strength.
不少人神色一愣,七截斩虽然是极为厉害的下品武技,但威力并不是很强大,主要功能在于截断别人的力量。Martial Technique that ifopposite partycultivation baseandquite, displayandquite, displaysSeven Section Slashis a goodchoice, Martial Technique that butopposite partycultivation base, displaysis higher, at this timedisplayedSeven Section Slash, radicallywithattacking somebody stronger than oneself!
The disciplesdo not endureto look straight ahead, Ye Manthisfistis so formidable, definitelywill hitbonerupturing the Ye Xing'spalm!
众弟子不忍直视,叶蛮这一拳如此强大,肯定会将叶星的手掌打得骨头爆裂!Only thenfewpeople, for example, certainelitedisciples, certaindeacons, as well asYe Wenying in garret, inthisflash, sawSeven Section Slash that Ye Xingdisplays is very uncommon, in the eyehas revealed the startledcolor!
The fist of Ye XingandYe Mancollidestogether!叶星和叶蛮的拳头碰撞在一起!Sad and shrillblood-curdling screamresoundsinstantaneously!
The disciplesare surprised, blood-curdling screamis notYe Xing, unexpectedlyisYe Man, a fist that herumbles, was similar toreceive an electric shockreceived.
众弟子大吃一惊,惨叫的不是叶星,竟然是叶蛮,他轰出去的一拳,如同触电般收了回来。InYe Manheartpanic-stricken, hisveryclearfistbonehas made the sound of break, was given the interruptionbyYe Xingthispalmdirectly!叶蛮心中惊骇,他很清楚拳骨发出了断裂的声音,直接被叶星这一掌给截断!Does not wait forYe Manto retrocede, Ye Xinghas bullied the bodyon, both handspostlike the blade, cutsagain and again.
不等叶蛮后退,叶星已经欺身而上,双手并列如刀,连连斩下。Everyonecuts, sevenchanges, mysteriousinfinite, strengthis astonishing, cutseparatelyon the Ye Manboth handsboth feet.
每一斩,都有七种变化,玄妙无穷,力量惊人,分别斩在了叶蛮的双手双脚上。Everyonecutsfollows the sound that boneexplodestogether, the Ye Manwhole bodybecomes tender, the both legsare unable to support the body, severalwantto fall to the ground.
每一斩都伴随着一道骨头爆裂的声音,叶蛮全身发软,双腿无法支撑身体,几欲倒地。Butat this time, Ye Xing is actually onegreatlydrinks: „WhoteachesyourRoaring Tiger Fist? Flexureitchyis not good, lets the experienceoneanythingistrueRoaring Tiger Fist!”
A Ye Xingfistrumbles, with the sound of fierce tigerroaring, numerousstrokingon the chest of Ye Man!叶星一拳轰出,伴随着猛虎咆哮之音,重重的击打在叶蛮的胸膛上!
The breastbone of Ye Manhas brokeninstantaneouslyseveral, insad and shrillblood-curdling scream, the bodywhizonethenbackwardflies, departstenseveralrice, fallsfallson the place, the pain**, cannot be crawling.叶蛮的胸骨瞬间断裂了好几根,在凄厉的惨叫中,身体嗖的一下便向后飞起,足足飞出十数米,才摔落在地,痛苦的**着,已经爬不起来。In the distant placegarret, the Ye Wenyingcomplexionis pale, fiercegrips tightly the doublefist, in the heart seemed like rumbled a fist, uncomfortable!
远处阁楼上,叶文鹰脸色铁青,猛的紧握双拳,心中就像是被人轰了一拳般,难受至极!Ye Manunexpectedlysoeasilywas defeatedbyYe Xing, andalsohitssopitifully, reallystems fromhisanticipation.叶蛮竟然如此轻易的就被叶星打败,并且还打得如此凄惨,实在是出乎他的意料。EspeciallyYe Xingthat‚whoteachesyourRoaring Tiger Fist’, this is hitting the shamelessness of Ye Wenyingcompletely! Ismakeshimangry!
尤其是叶星那一句‘谁教你的虎咆拳’,这完全是在打叶文鹰的老脸!更是让他愤怒!Ye Yunkonggrips tightly the fistsimilarly, the browmicrowrinkle, the Ye Xing'sstrengthbottom linehecannot be lookingcompletely, before then, howhehas not regarded as importantYe Xing, buthas regarded at this moment actually the powerful enemyYe Xing!叶云空同样紧握着拳头,眉头微皱,叶星的实力底线他完全看不出来,在此之前,他并没有将叶星如何看重,但是此刻却已经将叶星当成了劲敌!I1153(
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