Compares the Ye Xing'stest, the followingtestis much lighter, has not started the bigdisturbance.
相比叶星的测试,后面的测试则要平淡得多,没有掀起多大的风波。Quick, the Sub-Clanjuniorsthentest, besidesYe Xing, has not presented the destiny under secondGrade 4again!
很快,分族子弟便测试完毕,除了叶星之外,再也没有出现第二个四品之下的天命!Ye Feng, Ye QingandLiu Shuangling, because came from Green Leaf Town, was paid attention tobyYe Wenying, particularlyYe Feng, was asked is also the Ye Tiannangrandson, similarlybyYe Wenyinginheart.
After the Sub-Clanjuniorstest, is juniors the test of not of the same surname, by the quality, the juniorsnot of the same surnameobviouslymisscompared with the Sub-Clanjuniorsplanned, in more than hundredyouth, only thentwoare the Five Starsdestiny, othermajor partsare the Four Starsdestiny, there is a fewis the Three Starsdestiny.分族子弟测试后,便是外姓子弟的测试,论质量,外姓子弟明显要比分族子弟差了一筹,百余个少年中,只有两个是五星天命,其余绝大部分都是四星天命,也有少数几个是三星天命。As for the Two Starsdestiny, is still onedoes not have, Ye Xingisonlyone!
至于二星天命,依然是一个都没有,叶星是唯一的一个!Ye Familyto the capitalqualitativetest, can only detect the destiny, as forAstrology, does not havethatcondition, therefore, the capitalqualitativeheight, naturallytakes the destinyas the standard.叶家对资质的测试,只能测出天命,至于星相,则没有那个条件,所以,资质的高低,自然是以天命为准。
After testing the intelligence, is the strengthtest!
测试完资质之后,是实力测试!„Then, testsyourstrengths, will havetwomain familydisciplesto testyou, actuallyhaving a look atyouto be ableinunder the hand/subordinate of main familydisciple, insistsseveralmoves!”Greatannounced.
“接下来,测试你们的实力,会有两位主族的弟子来测试你们,看看你们究竟能够在主族弟子的手下,坚持几招!”叶维宏宣布道。Strengthtest, regarding the audiencesyounger generationtreatmentandassignmentnotpractical significance, the real cause that reason thatmustconduct the strengthtestis, makingthesenewdisciplesbe tidied upby the main familyfellow apprentice, toinitial show of strength, so as to avoidrefuses to acceptto teach!
实力测试,对于众后辈的待遇及分配并无实际意义,之所以要进行实力测试的真正原因是,让这些新弟子都被主族的师兄收拾一顿,给个下马威,免得不服管教!After all, disciple who thesereceivenewly, in the respectiveoriginalplace, isranking among the bestcharacter, unavoidablyis supercilious, mustresult to killtheirarrogance.
毕竟,这些新收的弟子,在各自原来的地方,都是数一数二的人物,难免心高气傲,必须得杀杀他们的傲气。Greatsaidthatthentwoyouthwalked, rightis older, makesfifteen or sixteen years old, the leftyearsummaryis small, is approximately 13 or 14-year-old, theirvisionnot of the same surnamesweepto the Sub-Clanjuniors and disciple, on the faceis having the obviouscolorproudly!
叶维宏说完,便有两个少年走了过来,右边的年纪大些,约十五六岁,左边的年纪略小,约十三四岁,两人的目光向分族子弟、外姓弟子一扫,脸上带着明显的傲然之色!Whentwoyouthapproach, greatintroduced: „Thesetwoareto test the main familydisciple of yourstrength, rightcallingYe Yuntao, 16 years old, cultivation baseMartial Dao Fourth Layerpeak, leftcallingYe Yunfan, 14 years old, cultivation baseMartial Dao Third Layerpeak, twobothare the Elder Ye Wenyingfavoritedisciples!”
待两个少年走近,叶维宏介绍道:“这两位就是测试你们实力的主族弟子,右边的叫叶云涛,16岁,修为武道四重巅峰,左边的叫叶云帆,14岁,修为武道三重巅峰,两位都是叶文鹰长老的得意弟子!”Indisciple who receivesnewly, there isMartial Dao Third Layer, hasMartial Dao Fourth Layer, ifonlyteststheirstrengthswith a main familydisciple, sends the Martial Dao Fourth Layerdisciple, to the Martial Dao Third Layercompletecrush, a movedefeats, does not haveanymeaning, sends the Martial Dao Third Layerdisciple, cannot suppressMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, therefore, has then senttwo.
新收的弟子中,有武道三重,有武道四重,如果只用一个主族弟子来考验他们的实力,派武道四重的弟子,对武道三重完全碾压,一招就败,没什么意思,派武道三重的弟子,又压制不住武道四重的武者,所以,便派了两个。SinceisYe Wenyingis responsible forcultivation of newdisciple, tests the newdisciplestrength the duty, naturallyis this [lineage/vein]disciple.
既然是叶文鹰负责新弟子的修炼,那么,测试新弟子实力的任务,自然是他这一脉的弟子。„Master......! Twodeacons!”
“师父……!二执事!”Ye YuntaoandYe Yunfanwalked, first is bowstoYe Wenyingsalutes, thengreatgreeted.叶云涛和叶云帆走了过来,先是和躬身向叶文鹰行礼,然后才向叶维宏打了声招呼。Ye Wenyingnoddedtothem, thenincurredstartingtoYe Yunfan, Ye Yunfanarrived in front ofYe Wenyingimmediatelyquickly.叶文鹰向两人点了点头,然后向叶云帆招了下手,叶云帆立即快步来到叶文鹰面前。Whisper of Ye Wenyingin a low voiceby the Ye Yunfanearseveral, visiontraceinYe Xing and Ye Fengtwopeople, has sweptone.叶文鹰在叶云帆耳旁低声耳语了几句,目光不着痕迹的在叶星、叶峰二人身上,扫了一眼。Ye Yunfannodsagain and again, the corners of the mouthturned upwardsslightly, revealsavagesmiling expression, the visionhave sweptonetowardYe Xing and Ye Fengtwopeoplesimilarly.叶云帆连连点头,嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝凶残的笑意,目光同样往叶星、叶峰两人身上扫了一眼。
The Ye Xingeyesscanning, sees clearly all actions of opposite partyclear, the corners of the mouthrevealsmiling expressionsimilarly.叶星双眼扫描,将对方的一切举动都洞察得一清二楚,嘴角同样露出一丝笑意。Ye Fengsomewhatis actually nervous, althoughhehas not seenYe Wenying and Ye Yunfanmeaningful glance, does not know that theywere sayinganything, actuallyalsounderstandsthattohimandYe Xingshouldnot be the good deed.叶峰倒是神色有些紧张,虽然他没有看到叶文鹰和叶云帆的眼色,也不知道两人在说什么,却也明白,对他和叶星应该不是什么好事。WhenYe Wenyinggiveshand signal that canstart, the greatsoundsaid: „Strengthtest, starting from, Martial Dao Fourth Layer, consultstoYe Yuntaonow, Martial Dao Third Layer, consultstoYe Yunfan, looked that youcaninsisthow longtime, startsfrom the leftas before, comes!”
待叶文鹰给出可以开始的手势,叶维宏大声说道:“实力测试,现在开始,武道四重的,向叶云涛请教,武道三重的,向叶云帆请教,看你们能够坚持多久的时间,依旧从左边开始,一个一个来!”„Ye Yuheng, Martial Dao Third Layer! Asked the fellow apprenticeto advise!”Ye Yuhengas beforeisfirstgoing on stage, arrives at the Ye Yunfanfront.
“叶玉衡,武道三重!请师兄指教!”叶玉衡依旧是第一个上场,走到叶云帆前方。„Igiveonyou a class, makingyouknow, amongdisparitywithmain familydisciples!”Ye Yunfanwalked.
“开始!”Asgreatissues an order, Ye Yunfanleaves the fingerimmediately, displaysunexpectedlyisMiddle Grade Martial ArtPicking Mountain Palm!
随着叶维宏一声令下,叶云帆立即出手指,施展的竟然是中品武学劈山掌!Merelytwomoves, Ye Yuhengwas then dividedto flyby a Ye Yunfanpalm, throws downlong time unable to crawlin the ground.
仅仅两招,叶玉衡便被叶云帆一掌劈飞,摔倒在地面半晌都爬不起来。Sincemustgivenewdiscipleinitial show of strength, getting ridnaturallycannotbe too light.
既然要给新弟子一个下马威,出手自然不能太轻了。Whatsecondgoing on stageisYe Yufeng, Martial Dao Fourth Layer, the matchisMartial Dao Fourth LayerYe Yuntao!
The Ye Yufengsituationis not better than Ye Yuhengon, istwomoves, was flownby a Ye Yuntaofistbang, similarlysuddenlycannot crawl.叶玉风的情况没比叶玉衡好上一丝,也是两招,便被叶云涛一拳轰飞,同样一时间爬不起来。
The newdisciplecomes upone after another, thesein the talent that respectiveSub-Clanranks among the best, Ye YuntaowithrealmandYe Yunfanunder the hand/subordinate, overwhelming majoritiesis not beingthreemoves of enemies, canreceivefivemoves of few.
一个接一个新弟子上去,这些在各自分族数一数二的天才,在同境界的叶云涛、叶云帆手下,绝大多数不是三招之敌,能接下五招的寥寥无几。AlthoughinthishasYe YuntaoandYe Yunfancultivation baseinMartial Dao Fourth Layer and Third Layerrealmpeakreason, theirmilitary**with is also a bigfactor, strongeronmanycompared with the Sub-Clanjuniors.
这里面虽然有叶云涛、叶云帆的修为都在武道四重、三重境界巅峰的原因,两人的武**用也是一大因素,比起分族子弟要强上许多。Newdisciplesare defeatedshortly, the audiencesnewdiscipleshave revealed the panic-strickencolor, theyandmain familydiscipleindeed have bigdisparityin the strength.
眼看一个又一个新弟子落败,众新弟子都露出了惊骇之色,他们与主族弟子在实力上的确是有很大的差别。Thisinitial show of strength, haseffectvery much!
这个下马威,很有效果!„The eighthmove...... The ninthmove...... The tenthmove......”
“第八招……第九招……第十招……”„Ye Baiyuanstrives to excel, isfirsthas insistedtenmoves of people!”
After Hundred Justice TownYe Baiyuangoes on stage, the audiencesnewdisciplecalls out in alarmagain and again, heinYe Yuntaounder the hand/subordinateinsisted that tenmoveshave not defeated.百义镇的叶百元上场后,众新弟子惊呼连连,他在叶云涛手下坚持十招未败。Butbefore then, Ye YuntaoorYe Yunfanunder the hand/subordinate, nobodycaninsist the tenthmove.
而在此之前,无论是叶云涛还是叶云帆手下,都还没有人能够坚持到第十招。Ye Baiyuanin the 15 th movedefeatedin the Ye Yuntaohand, butwas only the minor woundis also defeated, on the facecompletelywas the happy expression, the visionhas sweptoneto the audiencesnewdisciple, was quite self-satisfied.叶百元在第15招败在了叶云涛手中,但也只是轻伤落败,脸上尽是喜色,目光向众新弟子扫了一眼,颇为得意。
After Ye Baiyuan, newdisciple who goes on stage, withfrontsimilar, had not insisted the person who againtenmoveshave not defeated, let aloneinsists the 15 th move.叶百元之后上场的新弟子,和前面的都差不多,再也没有坚持十招未败的人,更别说坚持到第15招。„Ye Xing, Martial Dao Third Layer, askingfellow apprenticeto advise!” After Ye Baiyuan, has been in a while one's turnYe Xing.
“叶星,武道三重,请师兄指教!”叶百元之后,没过多久就轮到了叶星。Ye Yunfanvisiononebright, was having the slightlysavagesmile.叶云帆目光一亮,带着略显凶残的微笑走了出来。„The waste of thisTwo Starsdestiny, dared the to talk nonsensestrengtha moment ago, can hehave the strongstrength? Hey......! Ithought that his movecannot insist!”
“这个二星天命的废物,刚才还敢妄言实力,他能有多强的实力?嘿嘿……!我看他一招都坚持不住!”SeesYe Xingto go on stage, saying of Ye Baiyuansoundsarcasm/irony.
见叶星上场,叶百元声音讽刺的说道。„Senior Brother Baiyuanpinkeyelike the torch, sensitive to the finest detail, will not misreadabsolutely!”
“百元师兄火眼如炬,明察秋毫,绝对不会看错!”„Um, detected the Two Starsdestinya moment ago, he can also use as an excuse, the strengthwith the strengthtestsnow, does not have the excuse to look......!”
The strength that Ye Baiyuanshowsmakes the audiencesnewdiscipleshocking, sidemanypeoplepathisflatter.叶百元表现出来的实力让众新弟子震惊,旁边不少人都拍他马屁。Othernewdisciples, even if not pat the Ye Baiyuanflatter, butalsocomparesto agree with the view of Ye Baiyuan.
其余的新弟子,纵然不拍叶百元的马屁,但也比较认同叶百元的看法。OnlyhasYe Feng, Ye Qing and Liu Shuangling that three people came fromGreen Leaf Town, thenhas shown the strangelook.
唯有从青叶镇而来的叶峰、叶青、柳霜玲三人,则露出了古怪的神色。During the peoplediscussions, betweenYe XingandYe Yunfan, began.
众人议论间,叶星和叶云帆之间,已经动起手来。Picking Mountain Palm!劈山掌!Aftergreatorderedto start the flash, the Ye Yunfanthenarrowstepflushed, a palmtoYe Xingright in the faceGeYaunder.
当叶维宏下令开始之后的一瞬间,叶云帆便箭步冲了上来,一掌对叶星劈头盖压而下。Holds the windto be swift and fierce, humstraightsound, Ye Yunfangets ridtoYe Xing, mustgo all outobviouslya lottoanynewdisciplescompared withbefore.
掌风凌厉,呜呜直响,叶云帆对叶星出手,明显比之前对任何一个新弟子都要卖力得多。Facingfullgetting rid of Ye Yunfan, Ye Xingis the manneris free, such asstrollsto forward, displaysBone Exploding Fist, has wielded a fistconveniently.
面对叶云帆的全力出手,叶星却是神态自若,如闲庭信步向前,施展骨爆拳,随手挥了一拳。Bone Exploding Fist?骨爆拳?
The audiencesnewdisciplesees that immediatelyeyeballfellplace, Ye Xinghas not usedincludingMartial Techniqueunexpectedly, has only usedBone Exploding Fist of to strengthen one's bodystrongbone?
Can thatresistYe YunfanPicking Mountain Palm? ButPicking Mountain PalmMiddle Grade Martial Skill!
那怎能抵挡叶云帆的劈山掌?劈山掌可是中品武技啊!If before , some newdisciplesare indefinite, whetherYe Xing can only walkonemoveinYe Yunfanunder the hand/subordinate, thennow, intheirheartshas determined.
如果说之前还有一些新弟子不确定,叶星是否只能在叶云帆手下走一招,那么现在,他们心中都已经确定了。However the result, is actually stems frompeopleto anticipate.
A dull thumping sound, the fistpalmcollidesintogether, takes backin pairs, the Ye Xing'sbodyhas not drawn backhalfstep!
一声闷响,拳掌碰撞在一起,双双收回,叶星的身体未退半步!On the contraryisYe Yunfan, felt that frighteningstrength, could not bear the rearwarddraw backonestep!
反倒是叶云帆,感觉一股恐怖的力量袭来,忍不住向后方退了一步!Whatwas the vertigo?
什么难道是眼花了吗?Inaudiencesnewdiscipleeyesreveals the vision that does not dareto believe that somepeoplealsorubbed the eyes.
众新弟子眼中露出不敢置信的目光,一些人还揉了揉眼。But, does not have the vertigo, Ye Yunfanindeed, had been repelledonestepby a Ye Xingfist!
可是,并没有眼花,叶云帆的的确确,被叶星一拳击退了一步!Let aloneisthesenewdisciples, even if great, Ye Wenyingtakes the elder, on the faceobviouslyhas also revealed the startledcolor.
The Ye Wenyingcomplexiondid not explain, coldsnort|hum a sound track: „Hasn't eaten meal? A strengthdoes not have!”叶文鹰的脸色十分不喻,冷哼一声道:“没吃饭吗?一点力气都没有!”
The Ye Yunfanwhole facebulgered, hisbeforehandmatch, whichwas not madebyhimeverywherelooks for the tooth, insteadwas repelled a moment ago actuallyby the enemy, thisis the firsttime.叶云帆满脸胀得通红,他之前的对手,哪一个不是被他打得满地找牙,刚才却反被对方击退,这还是第一次。Hissomedo not dareto believethisresult, remembersduty that Mastertransfers, inhiseyehas revealed the savagemeaning.
他自己都有些不敢置信这个结果,想起师父交待的任务,他的眼中露出了凶残之意。„Vein Dividing Palm!”
“分脉手!”Ye Yunfandrinksgreatly, flushedtoYe Xingonce more.叶云帆一声大喝,再次向叶星冲了过来。ThisdisplayingVein Dividing Palm, isMiddle Grade Martial Skill, butcompares toPicking Mountain Palmactuallyevil and cruelmany, the movewill possibly be divided the musclechaotic[lineage/vein], has the serious results.
这一次施展的分脉手,也是一种中品武技,但是比起劈山掌却要歹毒得多,中招者可能会分筋乱脉,产生严重后果。Even, meets the meridiansbreak, becomes a disabled person.
甚至,会经脉断裂,成为一个废人。Ye Xingcomplexiononecold, the opposite partyputs forthsoevil and cruelMartial Artsunexpectedly, but, hereafter is main family, the opposite partyis the main familydisciple, in the Ye Xingheart, even if there is the anger, has not actually manifested suddenly.叶星脸色一寒,对方竟然使出如此歹毒的武学,不过,这里毕竟是主族,对方身为主族弟子,叶星心中纵有怒气,却也没有发作。
The Ye Yunfanattacking track, cannot escapeYe Xing'seyes, the Ye Xingbodyflashes, the Vein Dividing Palmstyle of opposite party, 11evaded.叶云帆的攻击轨迹,逃不过叶星的双眼,叶星身体闪动间,将对方的分脉手招式,11避过。
It looks like inYe Xing, dragginghisseveralmoves, the opposite party unable to project onhim, naturallyreceived the hand.
在叶星看来,拖他个十几招,对方打不到他,自然就收手了。Tenmoves...... 15moves...... 20moves......
十招……15招……20招……Sign that Ye Yunfansimplyhas not stoppedattacking, insteadgets ridmore and morequickly, is getting more and more ruthless.叶云帆根本没有停止攻击的迹象,反而出手越来越快,越来越狠。
The audiencesnewdisciplelooksfearful and apprehensive, even ifYe XinginYe Yunfanunder the hand/subordinate, had insisted20moves, were neglected.
众新弟子一个个看得心惊肉跳,哪怕叶星在叶云帆的手下,已经坚持了20招,都被人忽略。Now, allnewdisciplesare with trepidation, look at the Ye Yunfanlook, whichtests the Ye Xing'sstrength, mustkillYe Xingto be ordinarysimply.
现在,所有的新弟子都提心掉胆,看叶云帆的神色,哪是测试叶星的实力,简直就是要杀了叶星一般。Even if the clay buddhaalsohasthreepoints of anger! AfterYe Xinghas fended the Ye Yunfan20moves, the enemyis aggressive, the Ye Xing'sangererupted.
“给我滚!”Ye Xingshouted angrily, the strengthdisplay of Bone Exploding Fistto70-80%, a fiercefistrumbled.叶星一声怒喝,骨爆拳的力量发挥至七八成,猛的一拳轰出。
The palm that suddenly the Ye Xing'sfistandYe Yunfangraspcollidesintogether, blood-curdling screamresounds, the person's shadowrearwardflewtogethersuddenly!
・・・On Mondayclashes the list, askedrecommendationticket! The brotherspleasesupportone!!!(
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