SAG :: Volume #1 武道九重篇

#2: Ultra brain ( Part 3 )

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The picture in mind, Ye Xing has a familiar feeling, has thought quickly then. 脑海中的画面,叶星有一种熟悉感,很快便想了起来。 He participates in Mysterious Fantasy World in measures, the body like this had also been scanned, but, scanned at that time his, is the supercomputer! 他参加玄幻世界的内测时,身体也被这样扫描过,但是,当时扫描他的,是超级电脑! ? 难道? In the Ye Xing heart shakes, in heart flashes through one to make him feel the unbelievable thought! 叶星心中一震,心中闪过一个令他感到难以置信的念头! The supercomputer and his brain fused, his brain, surpasses average man trillion times of Superbrain! 超级电脑和他的大脑融合了,他的大脑,是超过常人亿万倍的超脑 Ye Xing is clear, the function of supercomputer is formidable, if a head of person, the function has the supercomputer to be so formidable, then, this person intelligent? 叶星非常清楚,超级电脑的功能有多么强大,如果一个人的脑袋,功能有超级电脑这么强大,那么,这个人会有多聪明? That absolutely is photographic memory, anything will look understands, one study, definitely will be monstruous talent to the extreme talent! 那绝对是过目不忘,任何东西一看就懂、一学就会,肯定是一个妖孽到极点的天才! In order to confirm in the heart thinks that the Ye Xing's vision puts aside from Xiaoqing, looks with total concentration to the front wall. 为了证实心中所想,叶星的目光从小青身上移开,聚精会神向前方的墙壁看去。 The Superbrain scanning function, may not only limit to the human body. 超脑的扫描功能,可不仅仅局限于人体而已。 Really, under the Ye Xing's gaze, the front wall is quickly transparent, remaining some veins, in the wall the ingredient of soil and stone, was only scanned by Superbrain, includes on many Earth no unknown mineral! 果然,在叶星的注视下,前方的墙壁很快便透明起来,只剩下了一些脉络,墙壁中泥土、石块的成份,都被超脑扫描出来,含有许多地球上没有的未知矿物! A perspective wall, obviously is not the Superbrain scanning limit, quick, the Ye Xing's vision penetrated second and third wall, in his mind, has formed a translucent model, the wall no longer is the essence, but is veins. 透视一堵墙壁,显然不是超脑的扫描极限,很快,叶星的目光又穿透了第二堵、第三堵墙壁,在他脑海中,形成了一个半透明的模型,墙壁不再是实质,而是一条条脉络。 After the Ye Xing's vision penetrates three walls, the front presented person's shadows, he knows where this is, is the main hall outside his parents room. 叶星的目光穿透三堵墙壁之后,前方出现了一个个人影,他知道这是什么地方,是他父母居室外的厅堂。 Parents? 父母? In the Ye Xing's heart shakes, he is an orphan, does not have the parents, was a moment ago, in the mind is actually the instinct has lightened parents' glossary, obviously this is the instinct of original master realizes. 叶星的心中一震,他是个孤儿,没有父母,可是刚才,脑海中却是本能的闪出了父母的词汇,显然这是原主人的本能意识。 The original master is most profound regarding parents' memory, although he is a waste body, this point made Ye Feihong and Liu E is very disappointed, but as the only son, Ye Feihong and Liu E quite cared to him. 原主人对于父母的记忆最为深刻,虽然他是个废体,这一点令叶飞鸿柳娥很失望,但作为独子,叶飞鸿柳娥对他还是颇为关心。 However, all these after Liu E had the second embryo, changed, Ye Feihong and Liu E attention has placed on the second embryo, neglects and slight gradually to him. 不过,这一切在柳娥有了第二胎之后,就变了,叶飞鸿柳娥注意力都放在了第二胎上,对他逐渐疏忽、冷淡起来。 Especially along with leaving birth of second embryo is getting more and more near, recent one month, Liu E lives in seclusion, Ye Feihong completely was also concerned with him. 尤其是随着离第二胎的降生越来越近,最近一个多月,柳娥深居不出,叶飞鸿对他也完全不闻不问。 The second embryo regarding Ye Feihong this [lineage/vein] Patriarch whether Inheritance gets down, is very important, Ye Xing this waste body, at this time, naturally was neglected, or gave up. 第二胎对于叶飞鸿这一脉的家主之能否传承下去,十分重要,叶星这个废体,在这个时候,自然是被忽视,或者说是放弃了。 Ye Xing through remembering, can feel, the original master is a loyal son, regarding parents holds to read deeply, even if were died, in the mental consciousness of hiding also had to the deep attachment of parents. 叶星通过记忆,可以感觉得出来,原主人是个孝子,对于父母的执念极深,即便是已经死去,潜藏的精神意识中都还有对父母的深深眷恋。 Although the original master is a waste body, is unable to step into Martial Dao, but assiduous exercise fleshly body, has actually exercised extremely strongly, although is a 16-year-old youth, but in the body contained not small strength. 虽然原主人是个废体,无法踏入武道,但是却一直刻苦的锻炼肉身,将身体锻炼得极为强壮,虽然才是个16岁的少年,可是身体中却蕴含了不小的力量 Ye Xing in this strange world, does not know what course to follow, Ye Family is the Martial Dao aristocratic family, he wants cultivation, naturally must keep Ye Family. 叶星在这陌生的世界,根本不知道何去何从,叶家武道世家,他想要修炼,当然是要留在叶家 Therefore, since he occupied the body of original master, naturally must use the status of original master, this can keep Ye Family. 所以,既然他占据了原主人的身体,当然是要利用原主人的身份,这样才能留在叶家 Then, the parents of original master, are his parents. 那么,原主人的父母,就是他的父母。 As for the fiancee of original master, in the Ye Xing heart cold snort|hum, has sooner or later rested her! 至于原主人的未婚妻,叶星心中冷哼一声,迟早休了她! At this moment late at night, but in that main hall so many people, obviously were his mother must have the second child. 此刻正是深夜,可那厅堂中如此多人,显然是他母亲要生第二胎了。 His Younger Brother or the younger sister in mother's belly, have still made his father not love mother not to love, if this lives, perhaps he was not treated sees. 他这个弟弟或是妹妹还在母亲的肚子里,就已经让他爹不疼娘不爱,这要是生下来,他恐怕更加不受待见了。 In the Ye Xing heart sighed one darkly, if the original master has not died, the later day definitely does not feel better. 叶星心中暗叹一声,若是原主人没死,以后的日子肯定不好过了。 However he is actually indifferent, he needs the status of original master, the father is not sore, mother does not love, he does not matter! 不过他倒是无所谓,他只是需要原主人的身份而已,爹不疼,娘不爱,他无所谓! Suddenly, by the ear broadcasts the Xiaoqing's sound: Young Master, did you understand?” 突然,耳旁传来小青的声音:“少爷,你明白了吗?” Ye Xing received the vision immediately, nods, said: Small gift!” 叶星顿时将目光收了回来,点点头,道:“小意思!” Although he looked at Xiaoqing one, but Xiaoqing cultivation scene Ye Xing early scanned in Superbrain, Power of Stars of her within the body runs Ye Xing to be clear. 虽然他只是看了小青一眼,但小青修炼的情景叶星早已经扫描进了超脑之中,就连她体内的星辰之力运行叶星都一清二楚。 Ye Xing is the same with Xiaoqing immediately, 5 internal parts, has closed eyes, calms the mind to refresh one's spirits, beyond patrolling thing, induces the Heavens stars. 叶星顿时和小青一样,五心向天,闭上了双眼,静心宁神,神游物外,感应诸天星辰。 The time of merely crossing blinking, Ye Xing then felt that has rushing strength from the endless remote place landing, covers on him. 仅仅过了一个眨眼的时间,叶星便感觉到有一股澎湃的力量从无尽遥远的地方降落,笼罩在他身上。 In an instant, in his induction, presented jet black sky, indistinct, the outline of giant stars, that strength of rushing, falls from that giant jet black stars, making his body have an extremely happy feeling. 刹那间,他的感应中,出现了一片漆黑的天空,隐隐约约,有一颗巨大星辰的轮廓,那一道道澎湃的力量,正是从那巨大漆黑的星辰中落下,让他的身体有一种极其舒畅的感觉。 Those who made Ye Xing surprised was, he felt that his body intensity was increasing, strength was promoting. 更令叶星吃惊的是,他感觉到他的身体强度在增加,力量在提升。 Few...... Young Master, you...... Did you induce Power of Stars really?” “少……少爷,你……你真的感应到了星辰之力?” The Xiaoqing palm is caressing the lip, in eye completely is the color of shock, looks above Ye Xing's. 小青手掌抚着嘴唇,眼中尽是震惊之色,看着叶星的上方。 Above this moment Ye Xing's no longer is the roof, but presented the difference, turned into jet black sky. 此刻叶星的上方不再是屋顶,而是出现了异样,化成了一片漆黑的天空。 In the Ye Xing's induction, in that jet black sky, has a giant stars outline indistinctly, but in the Xiaoqing eye, is actually a darkness, anything could not see that with the induction stars that she understands, widely divergent. 叶星的感应中,那漆黑的天空中,隐隐约约有一颗巨大星辰的轮廓,但在小青眼中,却是一片漆黑,什么都看不到,与她所了解的感应星辰,大相径庭。 The first induction stars, will present the out of phase, induces any stars, in the out of phase will manifest, calls Astrology! 第一次感应星辰,都会出现异相,感应什么星辰,异相中都会体现出来,称之为星相 Astrology, is different according to the stars of induction, has the division of height, is the capital qualitative important component! 星相,根据感应的星辰不同,有高低之分,是资质的重要组成部分! Xiaoqing has not heard, presented the out of phase obviously, but actually a darkness, cannot see any Astrology example. 小青还从来没听说过,明明出现了异相,但却一片漆黑,看不到任何星相的例子。 However, the out of phase appears, and Power of Stars fluctuation that rushes, was actually the certificate, Ye Xing's indeed firmly induced Power of Stars, at this moment was receiving and instructing Power of Stars to enter the body, the to strengthen body. 但是,异相出现,并且那澎湃的星辰之力波动,却是证明,叶星的的确确已经感应到了星辰之力,此刻正在接引星辰之力入体,强化身体。 This makes Xiaoqing unbelievable, Ye Xing obviously is the waste body, before does not know that has attempted many times, has not induced Power of Stars, this time induced unexpectedly all of a sudden, was almost 'where water flows, a canal is formed', did not have a setback! 这让小青难以置信,叶星明明是废体,以前不知道尝试过多少次,都没有感应到星辰之力,这次竟然一下子就感应到了,几乎是水到渠成,没有一点挫折! But to her knowledge, first time receives and instructs Power of Stars to quench the body, requires very long time, quick also wants small one hour, slow possibly needs one all day! 而据她所知,第一次接引星辰之力淬体,需要很久的时间,快的也要小半个时辰,慢的可能需要一整天! Young Master he is because before , spent a lot of time to induce Power of Stars, did this time from all sides added that let the induction of this direct 'where water flows, a canal is formed' Power of Stars?” “难道少爷他是因为以前花了很多时间感应星辰之力,这前前后后的时间加起来,才让他这次直接水到渠成的感应到了星辰之力?” In the Xiaoqing heart so changed mind, remembers once Ye Xing to induce Power of Stars has used the time, in addition a half year has not had several months, secret passage: Originally Young Master is not the waste body, but was only the intelligence misses the unequalled situation? 小青心中如此转念,想起曾经叶星感应星辰之力所用过的时间,加起来没有半年也有几个月,不禁暗道:原来少爷不是废体,而只是资质差到了无与伦比的地步啊? Power of Stars enters the body, instinct to strengthen the Ye Xing's body, the effect is striking, but Ye Xing detected that was been truly few by Power of Stars of body absorption, the major part drained. 星辰之力入体,本能的强化叶星的身体,效果斐然,但叶星发觉,真正被身体吸收的星辰之力很少,绝大部分都流失掉了。 Power of Stars that because induce extremely rushes, therefore, is only very small part of Power of Stars is absorbed by the body, makes the intensity of body enhance fast. 只是因为自己感应的星辰之力太过澎湃,所以,仅是很小一部分星辰之力被身体吸收,也让身体的强度在快速提高。 A Ye Xing intention revolution, then defers to the way of Xiaoqing within the body Power of Stars revolution, controls Power of Stars in body to revolve. 叶星心念一转,便按照小青体内星辰之力运转的方式,控制身体中的星辰之力运转起来。 Superbrain then scans the Ye Xing's body quickly, has discovered three meridians of Xiaoqing revolution Power of Stars, Power of Stars of control within the body, flushes away to that three meridians. 超脑很快便将叶星的身体都扫描一遍,找出了小青运转星辰之力的三条经脉,控制体内的星辰之力,向那三条经脉中冲去。 In an instant, massive Power of Stars, gathered in three meridians, delivered by three meridians to various body places again, Ye Xing absorbs Power of Stars speed, compared with formerly absorption carelessly, exploded rises ten times to continue. 刹那间,大量的星辰之力,都汇聚在了三条经脉之中,再由三条经脉送至身体各处,叶星吸收星辰之力速度,比起先前胡乱的吸收,爆涨了十倍不止。 The Ye Xing's body every time, in to strengthen, strength successively explodes rises, the time about half quarter passes by, above the Ye Xing jet black sky dissipated, has shut off the connection of Power of Stars. 叶星的身体每时每刻,都在强化,力量更是节节爆涨,大约半刻钟的时间过去,叶星上方的漆黑天空才消逝,切断了星辰之力的连接。 This time Ye Xing, the body intensity and strength, before has not induced the stars, promoting one time to continue, he felt that the whole body has filled strength. 此时的叶星,身体强度、力量,比起未感应星辰之前,提升了一倍都不止,他感觉全身都充满了力量 Ye Xing body intensity in Superbrain and Xiaoqing's compares, discovered that own body is slightly better, but Xiaoqing is Martial Dao First Layer Martial Artist, this was expressing Ye Xing has stepped into Martial Dao, cultivation base has also achieved Martial Dao First Layer, the place of his dantian, has formed One Dao Star Ring. 叶星超脑中与小青的身体强度比较,发现自己的身体还要略胜一筹,而小青武道一重武者,这表示着叶星已经踏入武道,修为也达到了武道一重,他的丹田之处,形成了一道星环 This is Ye Xing arrives at the Stars Continent first evening, he in has trod the Martial Dao first step, in the heart is very excited, he wants to become the expert of top dog and King vainly hoped for that started to walk the journey. 这才是叶星来到星辰大陆的第一个晚上,他就在已经踏出了武道的第一步,心中十分兴奋,他想成为人上人、王中王的高手梦想,已经迈开了征程。 In the Ye Xing heart was full of the heroic spirit, in the sound has filled saying of hope: Stars Continent, my Ye Xing came, I meet cultivation become peerless expert, goes all over the world, I do not come in Stars Continent in vain!” 叶星心中充满了豪气,声音中充满了希望的说道:“星辰大陆,我叶星来了,我一定会修炼绝世高手,走遍天下,不枉我在星辰大陆来一趟!” Xiaoqing naturally cannot listen to dark intent in Ye Xing words, but listened to Ye Xing saying that wanted cultivation to become peerless expert, actually puff smiled. 小青自然听不出叶星话语中的暗意,但是听叶星说要修炼绝世高手,却不禁噗哧一笑。 It looks like in Xiaoqing, this Young Master intelligence missed the person of god altogether indignant and unequalled situation, cultivation became peerless expert, completely was a joke! 小青看来,她这个少爷的资质差到了人神共愤、无与伦比的地步,修炼绝世高手,完全是个笑话! Xiaoqing covers mouth to say with a smile: Young Master, you just induced the stars now, cultivation to Martial Dao First Layer does not know when must arrive, was also too far from peerless expert, missed the long distance simply!” 小青捂嘴笑道:“少爷,你现在才刚刚感应星辰呢,修炼武道一重都不知道要到什么时候,离绝世高手也太远了,简直差了十万八千里!” Despises regarding Xiaoqing's, Ye Xing does not care, asks: You said to me that what realm wants cultivation, is peerless expert? Why did I miss the long distance?” 对于小青的轻视,叶星并不在意,问道:“你给我说说,要修炼到什么境界,才算是绝世高手?我为什么差了十万八千里?” Xiaoqing said: Martial Dao altogether nine big realm, first Third Layer exercises, calls Martial Disciple, is the Basic stage, Third Layer, produces Internal Strength, can be true Martial Artist!” 小青说道:“武道一共有九大境界,前三重只是锻炼身体,称之为武徒,是入门阶段,中三重,产生内劲,才能算是真正的武者!” Here, the Xiaoqing's sound started to be spirited, filled to yearn: Only then achieves Seventh Layer, Internal Strength manifestation, separates offends somebody spatially, calls Martial Dao Great Master, can be expert, but Martial Dao Seventh Layer is also only a side dominates, if takes a broad view at entire Falling Star Country, is not anything, only then achieves Martial Dao Eighth Layer Martial Scholar, is extraordinary expert.” 说到这里,小青的声音开始激昂起来,充满向往:“只有达到第七重,内劲外放,隔空伤人,称之为武道大师,才能算是高手,但武道七重也只是一方称雄,若是放眼整个落星国,也不算什么,只有达到武道八重宗师,才算是了不得的高手。” Xiaoqing's expression first transformation: But Falling Star Country, true first-class expert, is actually Martial Dao Ninth Layer Great Martial Scholar! And, even if Martial Dao Ninth Layer Great Martial Scholar, works as not to the peerless expert four characters!” 小青的语气一变:“可落星国,真正的一流高手,却是武道九重大宗师!并且,即使是武道九重大宗师,也当不得绝世高手四字!” Ye Xing asked: How is peerless expert?” 叶星问道:“怎样才算是绝世高手呢?” The Xiaoqing vision hopes for that reveals the color of respect, deep inspiration after said: 小青目光希冀,露出崇敬之色,深深的吸了一口气后才道: Surmounts Martial Dao Ninth Layer Martial Saint, can be peerless expert, a person may keep off 'magnificent army with thousands of men and horses'!”( “超越武道九重武圣,才能算是绝世高手,一个人可挡千军万马!”( …… ……
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