SAG :: Volume #1 武道九重篇

#18: The clan meets ( Part 3 )

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Ye Xing induces the Power of Stars matter, except for maidservant Xiaoqing, only then Ye Feihong, Liu E and Liu Shuangling three people know. 叶星感应星辰之力的事,除了丫环小青,就只有叶飞鸿柳娥柳霜玲三人知晓。 16 years old induce Power of Stars, even if are not the waste bodies, are actually not the matter that is worth publicizing, and are born on the second embryo, Ye Feihong and Liu E have not cared this matter obviously, will not mention to others. 16岁才感应星辰之力,纵然不是废体,却也不是什么值得宣扬的事,并且恰逢第二胎降生,叶飞鸿柳娥显然没将这事放在心上,更不会向别人提起。 But Liu Shuangling has not been serious Ye Xing, afterward almost forgot this in her opinion is not worthy of mentioning minor matter, naturally has not spread the news. 柳霜玲更没有将叶星当一回事,事后几乎都忘了这件在她看来是微不足道的小事,当然也没有将消息传开。 Has to induce Power of Stars, is unable to judge from the semblance, the people of Ye Family also think that Ye Xing has not induced the waste body of Power of Stars as before. 有没有感应星辰之力,是无法从外表判断的,叶家之人都还以为叶星依旧是没有感应星辰之力的废体。 At this moment, listened to Ye Xing saying that suddenly he has stepped into Martial Dao, and Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, wasn't the person of Ye Family, which surprised the chin to fall place? 此刻,突然间听叶星说他已经踏入武道,并且还是武道三重修为,叶家之人,哪还不惊讶得下巴掉了一地? In Pavilion Stage, in the Ye Feihong vision has revealed the color of shock, one month ago, Ye Xing induces Power of Stars, now possibly has achieved Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base? 阁台中,叶飞鸿的目光中露出了震惊之色,一个月前,叶星才感应星辰之力,现在怎么可能就达到了武道三重修为 If Ye Xing did have Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base really? In the Ye Feihong heart rushes, then their this [lineage/vein] the position of Patriarch, can Inheritance get down as before? 如果叶星真的有了武道三重修为叶飞鸿心中不禁澎湃起来,那么他们这一脉的家主之位,岂不是依旧可以传承下去? Although 16 years old have not become true Martial Artist, the future achievement is limited, but Ye Xing short one month achieves Martial Dao Third Layer from the induction stars, was makes in the Ye Feihong heart surge the confidence! 虽然16岁还没有成为真正的武者,未来的成就有限,可叶星短短一个月的时间从感应星辰达到武道三重,却是让叶飞鸿心中涌起了信心! However, when Ye Feihong remembers ten days ago Ye Xing goes home, oneself give his palm of the hand, in the heart flood the fluctuation sank. 然而,当叶飞鸿想起十天前叶星回家时,自己给他的一巴掌,心中泛起的波动又沉了下去。 Ye Feihong has not cared Ye Xing, therefore, after having slapped Ye Xing, has not thought that at this moment he realized, fathers and sons friendship between he and Ye Xing, as if remained endlessly. 叶飞鸿没有将叶星放在心上,所以,打了叶星一巴掌后也并没有过于多想,此刻他才意识到,他和叶星之间的父子情分,似乎已经所剩无已。 Feihong father's younger brother, what's all this about?” By the Ye Feihong ear, hears Ye Yunlong the sound of inquiry. 飞鸿叔父,这是怎么回事?”叶飞鸿耳旁,传来叶云龙的询问之声。 The Ye Feihong look embarrasedly, said: Young Lord, Ye Xing he indeed already induced Power of Stars, is not the waste body, but, I did not pay attention to him, actually does not know him unexpectedly already Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, does not know that he said is really fake!” 叶飞鸿神色讪讪,道:“少主,叶星他的确早已感应星辰之力,不是废体,只是,我一直对他不甚关注,却不知道他竟然已经武道三重修为,也不知他所言是真是假!” One month of cultivation arrives at Martial Dao Third Layer, this really shocks everybody, Ye Feihong had not pointed out specially, Ye Xing is one month ago induces Power of Stars. 一个月修炼武道三重,这实在是太惊世骇俗,叶飞鸿并没有特别点明,叶星是一个月前才感应星辰之力 Ye Yunlong receives the eyeground the Ye Feihong facial expression, in the heart understands clearly, said: Really [gold/metal] does not fear the fire to build up, since he is not the waste body, allows him to attend the clan meeting.” 叶云龙叶飞鸿的神情收之眼底,心中了然,道:“真金不怕火炼,既然他不是废体,就让他参加族会吧。” Has the Ye Yunlong start to talk, natural nobody opposed that tests Ye Xing cultivation base whether was true this pass to exempt. 叶云龙开口,自然无人反对,测试叶星修为是否属实这一关都免了。 In the Ye Hu eye glitters the excited ray, even if Ye Xing is Martial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple, in his opinion, possibly is not the Ye Qing's match. 叶虎眼中闪烁出兴奋的光芒,就算叶星武道三重的武徒,在他看来,也绝不可能是叶青的对手。 And, the Ye Xing's strength is not bad, is very big with the probability that Ye Qing bumps into, he anticipated very much that Ye Xing by one that his elder brother Ye Qing beats violently! 并且,叶星的实力不差,和叶青碰上的机率很大,他很期待,叶星被他哥哥叶青狠揍的一幕! The rule of clan meeting is very simple, 22 pairs of wars, the winner is promoted, the winner eliminates, if can enter first three, can obtain the reward of family, particularly the first reward is rich, according to what has been heard is middle grade medicinal ingredients. 族会的规则很简单,22对战,胜者晋级,胜者淘汰,若能进入前三,能够获得家族的奖励,尤其是第一的奖励非常丰富,据闻是一株中品药材 middle grade medicinal ingredients regarding the Green Leaf Town Ye Family like this small family, was the extremely precious goods, in the past such high reward, this time has not been Great Elder vigorously requests, and Elder strength went against the support, the family decided that rewarded with the middle grade medicinal ingredients achievement. 中品药材对于青叶镇叶家这样的小家族,算是极其珍贵的物品了,往年都没有这么高的奖励,这一次是大长老极力要求,并且诸位长老力顶支持,家族才决定用中品药材作为奖励。 As for the Great Elder intention, is obvious, has in Ye Qing this younger generation only genuine warrior to attend the clan meeting, first belongs to him. 至于大长老的意图,非常明显,有叶青这个后辈中唯一的真正武者参加族会,第一非他莫属。 Attended the clan meeting altogether has 31 people, first round Ye Qing is drawing a bye, but after adding on Ye Xing, just right 32, add up to 16 pairs, that did not have existence of drawing a bye. 原本参加族会的共有31人,第一轮叶青是轮空者,但加上叶星之后,正好32个,凑成16对,那就没有轮空者的存在了。 Most radiant star of Ye Qing in as younger generation, naturally is the arrangement in first, his match called Ye Dan, was an age already 17, cultivation base was Martial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple. 叶青作为后辈中最璀璨的明星,自然是安排在第一场,他的对手叫叶丹,是一位年纪已经17,修为武道三重的武徒 Ye Dan knew that is not the Ye Qing's match, but a war, what a pity, Martial Dao Third Layer, has a giant gully with Martial Dao Fourth Layer as before with every effort, the disparity is too big. 叶丹自知不是叶青的对手,但依旧尽力一战,可惜,武道三重,和武道四重之间有一道巨大的沟壑,差距太大。 They fight the first move, Ye Dan are then struck to fly by a Ye Qing palm, have Internal Strength Martial Artist, to Martial Disciple, is extremely fearful, formidable invincible. 两人交手第一招,叶丹便被叶青一掌击飞,拥有内劲武者,相对于武徒而言,太过可怕,强大无敌。 In vision of expression and worship that the people exclaim in surprise, the Ye Qing corner of the eye swept Ye Xing one unintentionally, the corners of the mouth had the self-satisfied smiling face to leave the stage. 在众人惊叹的语气与崇拜的目光中,叶青眼角有意无意的扫了叶星一眼,嘴角带着得意的笑容退场。 The following several fights, progress is quite quick, participates in younger generation of clan meeting near half is Martial Dao Second Layer cultivation base, to avoid Martial Dao Third Layer eliminates prematurely, therefore in the first round fight, Martial Dao Second Layer faces is the Martial Dao Third Layer match, the fight naturally progresses is quite quick. 接下来的几场战斗,进展都比较快,参加族会的后辈将近一半是武道二重修为,为了避免武道三重过早淘汰,所以第一轮战斗中,武道二重所面临的都是武道三重的对手,战斗自然进展比较快。 Ninth is Ye Xing, has been in a while then one's turn him, his first match, similarly is Martial Dao Second Layer of Martial Disciple, is only 14 years old, named Ye Zhi, is the female of Chief Deacon. 第九场是叶星,没过多久便轮到了他,他的第一个对手,同样是一位武道二重的武徒,只有14岁,名叫叶芝,是首席执事之女。 Ye Family's Chief Deacon, is the Patriarch trusted friend, but, Ye Zhi may not have too to pay attention to Ye Xing. 叶家的首席执事,是家主的心腹,但是,叶芝可没有太将叶星放在眼里。 Elder Brother Ye Xing, had not heard you induce Power of Stars, now said suddenly one have achieved Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, this may really be unbelievable!” 叶星哥,一直都没听说你感应星辰之力,现在突然间说自己达到了武道三重修为,这可真是令人难以相信呢!” The Ye Zhi chuckle, did not believe the past waste body obviously, some day, cultivation base also above her. 叶芝轻笑,显然不相信昔日的废体,有朝一日,修为还在她之上。 Ye Xing light saying: „, You try not to know, why can guess?” 叶星淡淡的说道:“是不是,你试一试不就知道了,何必要猜?” Good, I try your truth!” “好,我就来试一试你的真伪!” Ye Zhi scolds tenderly, the jade palm extends, then continuously pats to Ye Xing, and within the body resounds a resounding. 叶芝一声娇叱,玉掌一伸,便向叶星连续拍来,并且体内响起一阵脆响。 Low Grade Martial Arts Chain Palm! Simultaneously also has utilized Bone Exploding Fist strength! 下品武学连环掌!同时还运用了骨爆拳力量 Bone Exploding Fist is the strong skeleton skill at martial arts, is not the fight technique, if only puts together the strength, with Bone Exploding Fist, Ye Zhi takes the female directly, is in the weak trend in the strength aspect inborn, naturally enhances strong points and avoids weaknesses, depending on the Martial Technique win. 骨爆拳是强壮骨骼的拳术,不是战斗技法,如果仅是拼力气,直接用骨爆拳就可以,叶芝作为女子,在力量方面天生处于弱势,自然是扬长避短,凭武技取胜。 Ye Zhi Chain Palm cultivation roughly, Ye Xing eyes blazed, its was not affected , in within the body explosive, a fist strike leaves, center palm of Ye Zhi. 叶芝连环掌修炼得十分粗糙,叶星目光如炬,根本不受其影响,体内一阵爆响,一拳击出,正中叶芝的掌心。 Ye Xing 30% strength have not used continually, Ye Zhi on oh blood-curdling scream, was repelled by a Ye Xing fist, draws back ten several steps continually. 叶星连三成的力量都没有使用,叶芝就哎呀一声惨叫,被叶星一拳击退,连退十数步。 Is difficult to bear with Ye Xing fist relative palm ache, the entire arm soft effort air/Qi, cannot raise. 叶星拳头相对的手掌疼痛难当,整条手臂都软绵绵的用不上力气,提不起来。 Among a move, Ye Zhi is defeated! 一招之间,叶芝落败! The eye sees, compared with answered Ye Xing to say one were Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, had the impulse, the person of Ye Family, performed all shocks. 眼睛所见,比起直接听叶星说自己是武道三重修为,更加有冲击力,叶家之人,尽皆震撼。 Ye Xing has not utilized Martial Technique, only displays Bone Exploding Fist, a superficial fist defeats Martial Dao Second Layer Ye Zhi, obviously, his cultivation base reached Martial Dao Third Layer, absolutely true. 叶星没有运用武技,仅是施展骨爆拳,轻描淡写的一拳就将武道二重叶芝击败,可见,他的修为已达武道三重,千真万确。 Once waste body, now has become Martial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple, this grade of change, is really makes the people of Ye Family feel unbelievable. 曾经的废体,如今已成武道三重的武徒,这等变化,实在是让叶家之人感到难以置信。 One month, merely one month, was he really to Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, how this unexpectedly possible?” “一个月,仅仅一个月的时间,他竟然真的到了武道三重修为,这怎么可能?” Although Liu Shuangling is a wife's or mother's family, but will have decided as in the future is the person of Ye Family, in participating in 32 people of clan meeting, before Ye Xing said that his cultivation base reached Martial Dao Third Layer, Liu Shuangling does not believe absolutely, but actually has to believe now, in the heart shocks extremely. 柳霜玲虽是外戚,但日后已经定为是叶家之人,也在参加族会的32人之中,之前叶星说他的修为已达武道三重,柳霜玲是绝对不相信,可现在却不得不信,心中极为震撼。 Fortuitous encounter! It seems like recently he was not in home, there is a fortuitous encounter, but the fortuitous encounter cannot accompany the life, did not have the fortuitous encounter, this ordinary as before ordinary, he is absolutely impossible to compare favorably with Elder Brother Ye Qing, later I must approach toward Elder Brother Ye Qing!” “奇遇!看来这些日子他不在家中,有了奇遇,不过奇遇总不能陪伴一生,没有了奇遇,该平凡的依旧平凡,他是绝对不可能比得上叶青哥的,以后我还是得朝叶青哥靠近!” In the Liu Shuangling heart the secret passage, the deep breath, why is not knowing, sees Ye Xing to rise, in her heart always thought that felt suffocated likely, is very uncomfortable. 柳霜玲心中暗道,深深的呼吸着,不知道为何,看到叶星崛起,她心中总觉得像是憋了一口气,十分难受。 On the scene does not shock the Ye Xing strength only, perhaps only had Ye Hu, he looks at the Ye Xing's vision, was disclosing mean, as well as anticipated: Snort! Now makes you show off, now crest of wave is bigger, waits to be beaten violently by my brother, your honor loses more much!” 在场唯一不震惊叶星实力的,恐怕唯有叶虎了,他看着叶星的目光,透露着一丝阴狠,以及期待:“哼!现在让你出尽风头,现在风头越大,等下被我哥狠揍,你的脸面就丢得越多!” Ye Hu heart Middle-stage is hoping Ye Xing bumps into Ye Hu earlier, but, what making him unable to expect, after the first round competition ended, entered the second round younger generation juniors to draw lots, he drew one group with Ye Xing unexpectedly. 叶虎中期盼着叶星早点碰上叶虎,可是,令他料想不到的是,当第一轮比赛结束后,进入第二轮的后辈子弟抽签,他竟然和叶星抽到了一组。 On the Ye Hu face has covered immediately then cold air, with Ye Xing one group, this made him then think of him instantaneously by the Ye Xing continually fan two ear and area around it, and kicked a picture of foot ruthlessly. 叶虎脸上顿时便蒙上了一层寒气,和叶星一组,这让他瞬间便想到了他被叶星连搧两个耳光并且狠踢一脚的画面。 However, does not know that the person of inside story, knew when Ye Xing and Ye Hu one group, has actually shown the become exhilarated facial expression. 不过,不知内情的人,得知叶星叶虎一组时,却都露出了兴致勃勃的神情。 Between Ye Xing and Ye Hu have the contradiction, this is the well-known matter, one month ago, Ye Xing had been taught one time by Ye Hu, and also has competed with the rock climbing with Ye Hu, finally also lost, but also has broken the head. 叶星叶虎之间有矛盾,这是众所周知的事,一个月前,叶星就被叶虎教训过一次,并且还和叶虎比试了攀岩,结果也输了,还摔伤了脑袋。 Now, Ye Xing is Martial Dao Third Layer cultivation base, with Ye Hu cultivation base quite, the people of Ye Family wants to have a look, the Ye Xing's strength has been the what kind degree, with Ye Hu actually who who is weak! 现在,叶星已是武道三重修为,和叶虎修为相当,叶家之人都想看看,叶星的实力达到了何等程度,与叶虎之间究竟谁强谁弱! Elder Ye Feizhou of management clan meeting, knows obviously the anticipation of Ye Family people, he also wants to know, actually the Ye Xing's strength how, the fight of Ye Xing and Ye Hu, arranged in second. 主持族会的长辈叶飞舟,显然知道叶家众人的期待,或者,他也想知道,叶星的实力究竟如何,将叶星叶虎的战斗,安排在了第二场。 The first fight, is Ye Qing goes on stage as before, simple agile, a move has defeated the match, wins again one round. 第一场战斗,依旧是叶青上场,简单利索的,一招就击败了对手,再胜一轮。 The fight was quickly one's turn second, Ye Xing has walked into the Martial Art field center, on the face is having a faint smile expression, looks at Ye Hu, waited for the latter to come up. 战斗很快便轮到了第二场,叶星走入演武场中心,脸上带着一种似笑非笑的表情,看着叶虎,等后者上来。 Ye Hu and Ye Xing, are Martial Dao Third Layer, and steps into shortly after Martial Dao Third Layer, actually who is more formidable? 叶虎叶星,都是武道三重,并且都踏入武道三重不久,究竟谁更强大呢? The person of Ye Family stared in a big way the eye, the vision hopes for that hopeful looks in the Martial Art field, was waiting for war between Ye Xing and a Ye Hu. 叶家之人一个个瞪大了眼睛,目光希冀,满怀期待的看着演武场上,等待着叶星叶虎之间的一战。 However, the Ye Hu action, has actually gone beyond the expectations of person of all Ye Family. 然而,叶虎的举动,却是超出了所有叶家之人的预料。 He has not walked into the Martial Art field, is only forward one step, from participating in audiences younger generation of clan meeting, then said: I admit defeat!” 他并未走入演武场中,只是向前一步,从参加族会的众后辈中走了出来,便说道:“我认输!” Previous time one was exploded by Ye Xing hits, in the Ye Hu heart has created the shadow, which also dares to begin with Ye Xing. 上次被叶星一顿爆打,叶虎心中已经造成阴影了,哪还敢与叶星动手。 Now Ye Hu waits for his elder brother Ye Qing to help him revenge, beats violently Ye Xing, lets him and Ye Xing fights, does not dare absolutely. 现在叶虎就等着他哥哥叶青帮他报仇,狠揍叶星,让他自己和叶星战斗,绝对不敢。 Admits defeat?” “认输?” Around the Martial Art field, has resounded a sound of snorting contemptuously immediately. 演武场四周,顿时响起了一遍嗤之以鼻的声音。 Their hopeful is waiting for the fight of Ye Xing and Ye Hu, finally was actually Ye Hu directly admitted defeat, in the heart was not feeling well very much. 他们满怀期待的等着叶星叶虎的战斗,结果却是叶虎直接认输了,心中很是不爽。 On Pavilion Stage, the Great Elder Ye Tianzhong complexion was mad blue! 阁台上,大长老叶天重的脸色都气青了! He always looks down upon Ye Xing, more than once said that Ye Xing is wastes the grain the waste, is now, his grandson Ye Hu, actually does not dare with a Ye Hu war, to be looked down upon by the Ye Family people. 他一向看不起叶星,不止一次说叶星是浪费粮食的废物,可是现在,他的孙子叶虎,却不敢与叶虎一战,被叶家众人都瞧不起。 What is this? To be inferior including the waste? The Ye Tianzhong nose was mad simply crookedly. 这算什么?岂不是连废物都不如?叶天重简直鼻子都气歪了。 …… ・・・ Today one, will restore one day as before tomorrow two! Recommendation ticket anything, the brothers please throw, the arrow god definitely is a crisp askew story! Does not make disappointed!( 今天依旧一更,明天会恢复一日两更!推荐票什么的,兄弟们请投上,箭神肯定是个爽歪歪的故事!不让各位失望!( …… ……
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