Inthatflash that Iron Headed Pantherfalls to the ground, Ye Xingtosidereboundsinstantaneously.
在铁头豹落地的那一刹那,叶星瞬间向旁边跳开。Really, the Iron Headed Panthervitalityis formidable, even ifreceived the fatalinjury, struggledwas throwingtoYe Xing, if notYe Xingwere reduced toquickly, perhapswill be drawnto be buried along with the deadbyIron Headed Panther.
After kicking outthisstrikesfinally, the body of Iron Headed Pantheris twitching, obviouslyarrived at the lifeend.
扑出这最后一击之后,铁头豹的身体抽动着,显然已经到了生命尽头。Ye Xingalsogreatlyrelaxed!叶星也大大松了一口气!Althoughwith the Iron Headed Pantherconfrontationprocess, Iron Headed Pantherlinkshislower hem cornernot to bump into, but, the feelings of Ye Xingexhaustedprostrations, likely were the personhave actually fought.
The Ye Xingdeep breath the one breath, has adjusted the aura, looks at the Iron Headed Panthercorpse, on the facecannot help buthas shown the excitedsmiling face.叶星深呼吸了一口气,调整了一下气息,看着铁头豹的尸体,脸上不由自主的露出了兴奋的笑容。ThisIron Headed Pantherstrength, captures and killsMartial Dao Fourth Layergenuine warriorsufficiently, toMartial Dao Second Layer of Martial Disciple, thiswasformidabletoexistence of extreme.
这头铁头豹的实力,足以捕杀武道四重的真正武者,相对于武道二重的武徒而言,这是强大到了极点的存在。But, suchexistence, actuallydiedunderhisbow and arrow, thisindeedis worth a proudmatter.
可是,这样的存在,却死在了他的弓箭之下,这的确是值得自豪的一件事。Determined that Iron Headed Pantherdied, Ye XingwalkedtoScarlet Blood Lingzhi.
确定铁头豹已死,叶星向赤血灵芝走了过去。Has not waited forYe Xingto arrive in front ofScarlet Blood Lingzhi, the summit of frontmountain peak, presentedfivepeoplesuddenly.
还不等叶星走到赤血灵芝面前,前方的山峰之巅,突然间出现了五个人。Ye Xingbecause ofhunting and killingIron Headed Pantherhas treated it lightly, frequentlyis paying attention toall around, the flash that fivepeoplepresent, was then realizedbyYe Xing.叶星并没有因为猎杀了铁头豹而掉以轻心,时刻关注着四周,五人出现的第一瞬间,便被叶星察觉。Thislets the mentality that Ye Xingrelaxes, instantaneousandcollapsestightly, in the hearthas an inexplicableirritation.
这让叶星放松的心态,瞬间又紧崩起来,心中有股莫名的烦躁。Scarlet Blood Lingzhihas not arrived in hishand, at this timepresentedfivepeople of teams, thisis not the goodmatter.赤血灵芝还没到他手中,这时候出现了一个五人队伍,这可不是什么好事情。Beforehunting and killingIron Headed Panther, Ye Xinghas observedall around, has not discoveredotherpeople.
在猎杀铁头豹之前,叶星观察过四周,没有发现其他人。However, althoughYe Xing the eyesightis formidable, but where alsoby no meanscansee, when hescans the perspectivedistanceis limited, andis unable a perspectivemountain peak, thereforehas not discoveredbehindmountain peakthesefivepeople.
但是,叶星虽然目力强大,但也并非什么地方都能看到,他扫描时的透视距离有限,并且也无法透视一座山峰,所以并没有发现山峰后面的这五个人。ButhekillsIron Headed Panthertime, fivepeopleare attractedby the roar that Iron Headed Panthersends out.
而他射杀铁头豹的时候,五人被铁头豹发出的吼声吸引过来。Fivepeople of formswere scannedinSuperbrainbyYe Xing, in the Ye Xingheartis startledimmediately.
五人的身影被叶星扫描进超脑中,叶星心中顿时一惊。Thesefivepeoplemaybe extraordinary, aboutboth sidesgrasps the bow and arrow, obviouslyisHunter, isMartial Dao Third Layercultivation base.
这五个人可了不得,左右两旁的都手持弓箭,显然都是猎手,都是武道三重的修为。Butanotherthreepeople, thencompletelyisMartial Dao Fourth Layergenuine warrior, standsinmost that eventhere isMartial Dao Fourth LayerLate-stagecultivation base.
而另外三人,则全部都是武道四重的真正武者,站在最中间的那个,甚至有武道四重后期的修为。Looks attheiryoung, is the fifteen or sixteen years oldappearances, withowncould not missmany, obviouslystemmed from the Martial Daoaristocratic family.
看他们的年纪都不大,都是十五六岁的样子,跟自己差不了多少,显然是出自于武道世家。EspeciallythatMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, isyoung, Ye Xingscannedhisage, is only less than 15years old.
尤其是那个武道四重的武者,最是年轻,叶星扫描了他的年纪,才15岁不到。InYe Familyyounger generationonlyMartial Dao Fourth LayerYe Qing, Martial Dao Third Layerwhenthisage, obviously, thispersonoris the talentextremely, either the family backgroundMartial Daoaristocratic family, is much more formidablecompared withGreen Leaf TownYe Family.叶家后辈中唯一一个武道四重的叶青,在这个年纪时还是武道三重,可见,此人要么就是天才绝顶,要么出身的武道世家,比起青叶镇叶家要强大得多。Ye Xinghas anchored the footsteps, has not continuedtoScarlet Blood Lingzhiapproaches, the position that theyare, may notsee clearlyScarlet Blood Lingzhi, butYe Xing, ifapproaches, the opposite partywill certainly see.叶星停住了脚步,没有继续向赤血灵芝靠近,他们所在的方位,不一定能够看清楚赤血灵芝,但叶星若靠近,对方一定会看到。„Severalfriends, Ihunt and killIron Headed Pantherinthis, startledsorrowtoeverybody, was really embarrassed!”
“几位朋友,我在此猎杀铁头豹,惊忧到各位了,真是不好意思!”Ye Xingholds the fist in the other hand, smilesfivepeopletomountainwas greeting.叶星抱拳,微笑着向山上五人打了声招呼。Heselectedto hunt and killIron Headed Panther, explained that ownstrength, thenalsosaidpolitely, believes that the opposite partywill dreadhisstrength, leftdirectly.
他点出自己猎杀了铁头豹,说明自己的实力,然后又说得客气,相信对方会忌惮他的实力,直接离开。So long asfivepeopleleave, hehas pickedScarlet Blood Lingzhi, immediatelywalks.
The Iron Headed Panthercorpseinnot far away, herealsodoes not haveotherpeople, obviouslyYe Xing said that absolutely true, thiscommandfivepeople of somecomplexionschanged countenance.铁头豹的尸体就在不远处,此处又没有其他人,可见叶星所言,千真万确,这令五人都有些脸色动容。Canhunt and killIron Headed Panther, thatmaybe unusual, at least, even if theirfivepeoplecollaborates, does not dareto starttoIron Headed Panther.
能够猎杀铁头豹,那可非同一般,至少,哪怕是他们五人联手,也不敢向铁头豹下手。Infivepeople, comes betweenthatMartial Dao Fourth LayerLate-stagecultivation baseyoungestyouth, in secrettoanotherfourpeople the hand signal that makesoneto striketo kill.
五人中,居中那个武道四重后期修为年纪最小的少年,暗中向另外四人做了一个击杀的手势。Thensimilarlysmileswas sayingtoYe Xing: „FriendgoodArchery Technique, Iron Headed Pantheris not the ordinarypersoncanhunt and kill, reallymadeoneadmire, does not know how the friendcalled, waswhereperson?”
然后同样微笑着向叶星说道:“朋友好箭术,铁头豹可不是一般的人能够猎杀的,真是令人敬佩,不知朋友如何称呼,是哪里人士?”During the speeches, thispersonwalkedto the mountain, the followingfourpeoplefollowimmediately.
说话间,此人已经向山下走来,后面四人立即跟上。InYe Xingheartonecold, opposite party the hand signal in secret, butwas scannedclear.叶星心中一寒,对方的暗中手势,可是被扫描得一清二楚。Thatmingles amongveteranHunterinClear Sky Mountain Range to sendhimin the deathtrap, that, butthesefivepeople, obviouslyare onlyseveral years old , sois unexpectedly vicious, is really makesYe Xingfearful.
那个混迹在青云山脉中的资深猎手想致他于死地,那也罢了,可这五人,明显都才十几岁,竟然也如此狠毒,实在是令叶星心寒。Stars Continent, reallyon the society under the rulewithEarth, has the essenceto be different.星辰大陆,果然与地球上的法治社会,有着本质不同。Sinceknew the opposite partyintention, Ye Xingthenknows, Scarlet Blood Lingzhicould not preserve, fivepeopledescended the mountain, so long asis not the blind person, mustdiscoverScarlet Blood Lingzhi.
既然知道了对方的意图,叶星便知道,赤血灵芝保不住了,五人下了山,只要不是瞎子,不可能不发现赤血灵芝。Only the idea of now, onlyhasto pickScarlet Blood Lingzhi, makes a getaway!
唯今之计,唯有采下赤血灵芝,逃之夭夭!AlthoughinYe Xingheartcold, onfaceis having the smileas before, walkstowardScarlet Blood Lingzhi, said: „Below Luo Zhen, Pingyang Countyperson, does not know where severalfriendsdo come from?”叶星心中虽寒,脸上却依旧带着微笑,向赤血灵芝走去,道:“在下罗真,平阳县人士,不知几位朋友来自哪里?”OnYe Xingwill not informhisreal name, heoncehad certainly looked atimmortalvariantnovel«ImmeasurableRealImmortal»onEarth, insideleading roleisLuo Zhen, the Pingyang Countyperson, happen tobringsto talk nonsense.叶星当然不会报上自己的真名,他在地球上曾看过一本仙侠小说《无量真仙》,里面的主角就是罗真,平阳县人,正好拿来胡扯。„Pingyang Countyperson......?”
The Amethyst Mountain Regionsubordinateis the majorcities, variouscitysubordinatesarevarioussmall towns, not the countysystem, the Martial Dao Fourth Layeryouthon first hearingheardthatsomewhatis in a dazeactually.紫山郡下属是各大城,各城下属是各小镇,并无县制,武道四重少年乍一听闻,倒是有些发愣。Howeverhesmilesimmediately, whyhaggles over a family background of deceased person?
不过他随即一笑,何必计较一个死人的出身?HerehasScarlet Blood Lingzhi, theyalreadyknew, andalso after the planhunts and killsIron Headed Panther, has pickedScarlet Blood Lingzhi.
这里有一株赤血灵芝,他们早就知道了,并且还打算猎杀铁头豹之后采了赤血灵芝。But, after onehaggles over, theyhave not startedtoIron Headed Panthereventually, the reasonwasIron Headed Pantherspeed was too quick, ifcould not killIron Headed Panther, thatby the fate that Iron Headed Pantherkilled, was hardto escape.
可是,一番计较之后,他们终究还是没有对铁头豹下手,原因就是铁头豹的速度太快了,若是杀不死铁头豹,那就是被铁头豹杀死的下场,难以逃命。But, Iron Headed Pantherdiednow, butYe Xingmaybe easier than to copein their eyesa lotIron Headed Panther.
可是,现在铁头豹已死,而叶星在他们眼中可比铁头豹容易对付得多了。Even ifYe XingArchery Techniqueis outstanding, but, theyhavefivepeople, andthere aretwoMartial Dao Third LayerHunter, threetrueMartial Artist.
纵然叶星箭术超群,可是,他们有五个人,并且有两个武道三重的猎手,三个真正的武者。In their opinion, waitedto approach the distance, even ifYe Xing'sArchery Techniquewere strong, haddead endone.
在他们看来,等靠近了距离,纵然叶星的箭术再强,也只有死路一条。„Youhave remembered, IcalledXiong Qicai, fromSky-Blue City......?”
The Martial Dao Fourth Layeryouthtalked and laughed merrily, but, saw the leafto approachScarlet Blood Lingzhi, andbeganto picksuddenly, immediatelycomplexionfirst transformation, has seen clearly the Ye Xing'splan, lifted the handto wield.武道四重的少年谈笑风声,可是,见叶靠近了赤血灵芝,并且突然间动手去采,顿时脸色一变,洞察了叶星的计划,抬手一挥。Whiz
嗖AbouttwoHunter, draw, twoarrowsexplodeto shoot, killstoYe Xing.
左右两个猎手,同时开弓,两根箭矢爆射而出,杀向叶星。hateful可恨Twoarrowyoungpathsbothby the Ye Xingscanning in Superbrain, the result of calculatingarehe can only fend.
两支箭夭的轨迹都被叶星扫描中了超脑之中,计算出的结果是他只能闪避。Ifcontinuesto pickScarlet Blood Lingzhi, howregardless ofheavoids, at leastwill hit a targetbyarrows.
若是继续采下赤血灵芝,无论他如何躲避,至少会被一支箭矢射中。Opposite partyfivehuman desiretohimindeathtrap, if the arrow, hemustdiewithout doubt, is definitely difficultto escape!
对方五人欲致他于死地,若是中箭,他必死无疑,决难逃生!Does not needto considerthatin the Ye Xingheartthenhas the resolution, the bodyleave, thendodgesto the one side, has evaded the attacks of twoarrows.
The nextflash, Ye Xingsets outat the same time, has put outtwoCyan Metal Arrow(s), makes contact with the iron-gray roughcastbow.
嗖Bendstwoarrows, takestwoHunterthroat.
一弓开两箭,直取两位猎手咽喉。And, after Ye Xingarchery, has not stayed, speeddisplays the limit, turns aroundto run.
并且,叶星射箭之后,没有丝毫停留,速度发挥到极限,转身就跑。Even if in a hurryshoots, Ye Xingbendstwoarrowsalsoaccurateincomparable, is mainly the distance of both sides, only then50-60meters, inthisdistance, Ye Xing'sarrowsnaturallyis the casenotemptysends.
哪怕是仓促之间的一射,叶星一弓开两箭也精准无比,主要是双方的距离只有五六十米,这个距离内,叶星的箭矢自然是例无虚发。Dodging of twoHunterinstinct, butXiong Qicaione on the left and other on the righttwoMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, get rid, theysimultaneouslychop a blade, chopsto flyYe Xing'sarrows.
两位猎手本能的闪躲,但熊奇才一左一右两位武道四重的武者,纷纷出手,两人同时劈出一刀,将叶星的箭矢劈飞。Sameinstantaneous, the Xiong Qicaibodyrises with a spring, such as a gooselifts off, hisbodyfalls to the ground, has selected unexpectedly onlyon the leave of grass, leaps several feetforwardfloating, obviouslyhas displayedLightness Art Movement Skill.
同一瞬间,熊奇才身体一跃而起,如一只大雁升空,他身体落地,竟然仅在草叶上点了一下,又向前飘跃数丈,显然是施展了轻功身法。Ye Xingcanhunt and killIron Headed Panther, Xiong QicaialsodreadedtoYe Xing'sArchery Technique.叶星能够猎杀铁头豹,熊奇才对叶星的箭术也非常忌惮。IfsnatchedYe Xing'sScarlet Blood Lingzhi, Ye Xingbears a grudge, Archery TechniquesoexcellentHunterretaliatesinClear Sky Mountain Range, even if Martial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, is hardto be relieved.
若是抢了叶星的赤血灵芝,叶星怀恨在心,一个箭术如此高超的猎手在青云山脉中报复,哪怕是武道五重的武者,也难以安心。For this reason, Xiong Qicaisaw that Ye Xinghas made the decision, muststriketo killYe Xing, bynever recurringtrouble.
正因如此,熊奇才一看到叶星就做出了决定,要将叶星击杀,以绝后患。NowYe Xingwantsto run away, Xiong QicainaturallycannotmakeYe Xingrun away, otherwise, is theirtroubles.
现在叶星欲逃,熊奇才自然是不能让叶星逃走,否则,接下来就是他们的麻烦。InClear Sky Mountain Range, is sparselikethismountain valleytrees, the field of visionbroadplace, is scarce, the majority ofplacesare the remote mountainjungle.
在青云山脉中,像这个山谷树木稀疏、视野宽阔的地方,非常稀少,大部分地方都是深山密林。Suchplace, Archery TechniqueexcellentHunter was really toofearful!
这样的地方,一位箭术高超的猎手实在是太可怕了!DisplaysLightness Art Movement SkillXiong Qicai, such asbold, is almost not slower than Iron Headed Panthermany, pursuesrapidlytoYe Xing.
施展轻功身法的熊奇才,如兔起鹘落,几乎不比铁头豹慢多少,急速向叶星追来。Ye Xingturned headto sweepone, the Xiong Qicaiformhas swept into Superbraininstantaneously, speed that heranforwarddid not reduce, separatedstands up from failurespatially, projected an arrow, the perpendicular incidenceXiong Qicaipit of the stomach.叶星回头扫了一眼,熊奇才的身影瞬间扫入超脑之中,他向前奔跑的速度不减,一个隔空翻身之间,射出一箭,直射熊奇才心窝。Xiong Qicailookonestartled, somoment, can Ye Xing in escapingactuallyalsohit back?熊奇才神色一惊,如此关头,叶星在逃跑中竟然还能够还手?Ye Xing'sArchery Techniqueimagineshimis more fearful than!叶星的箭术比他想象中更可怕!Most critically, the time that thisarrowcomeswas too right, speedis also quick, makingXiong Qicaifendradicallywithout enough time.
A Xiong Qicaibladekeeps offin the front, blockedshouldinjecthispit of the stomach an arrow, sent out a resounding.熊奇才一刀挡在胸前,才挡住了本该射入他心窝的一箭,发出一声脆响。frighteningstrength that onarrowstransmitsletshisspeedforwardimmediately, the body that justjumpedfell, amongdistancerapidmove backwithYe Xing.箭矢上传来的恐怖力量顿时让他向前的速度一顿,刚刚跃起的身体又落了下来,与叶星之间的距离迅速拉远。Whiz
嗖Ye Xingonlyneededto come an arrowagain, canmakeXiong Qicaireceive a biggerthreat, may injureunder his secondarrow, buttwoarrowsyoungexplodetohimat this timeshootto come, Ye Xinghas tostop the secondarrow, avoids the twoarrowattacks of opposite party.
原本叶星只需要再来一箭,便可让熊奇才受到更大的威胁,可能会伤在他第二箭下,可是此时又有两支箭夭向他爆射而来,叶星不得不中止了第二箭,躲避掉对方的两箭攻击。At this time, Ye XingrantotwoHunterbeyondhundredmeters, twoHunterbrowwrinkles, thishas surpassedtheiraccuratefiring distance, mustreceive the bow, the stridedescends the mountainto pursue.
此时,叶星已经跑离两位猎手百米之外,两位猎手眉头一皱,这已经超出了他们的精准射程,只得收弓,大步下山追来。Meanwhile, twoMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, displaysLightness Art Movement Skill, pursuestoYe Xing.
与此同时,两位武道四重的武者,也施展轻功身法,追向叶星。Ifonly thentwo, Ye Xingwantsto fightonefightdepending onArchery Techniquewiththembut actually, hehas very bigconfidence, even iffacingMartial Dao Fourth Layergenuine warrior, canmakethem unable depending onArchery Techniquenearbody, looks likehunts and killsIron Headed Pantherto be the same.
若是只有一个两个,叶星倒想凭箭术和他们斗上一斗,他有很大的信心,哪怕是面对武道四重的真正武者,也可以凭箭术让他们无法近身,就像是猎杀铁头豹一样。But, the opposite partyhasfive, Ye Xingactuallydoes not prolong contact, iffalls into the encirclement, thenlifedanger.
可是,对方有五个,叶星却是一点也不恋战,若是陷入包围,则性命危矣。HeisHunter, so long aswithdrew, inthisClear Sky Mountain Range, is hishome game.
他是一个猎手,只要脱了身,在这青云山脉中,接下来就是他的主场。Ye Xingonce for a while the back reflection12arrows, preventingthreeto displayLightness Art Movement SkillMartial Artistto approach, has mountedanother side of the mountain valleysmallhillsidequickly.叶星时不时回射12箭,阻止三个施展轻功身法的武者靠近,很快登上了山谷另一边的小山坡。
After the hillside, several metershighprecipice, underhasriversto pass through, Ye Xingjumpedwithout hesitation.
山坡之后,有一个数十米高的悬崖,下方有一条河流经过,叶星毫不犹豫的跳了下去。„Icancome back......!”WhenXiong Qicaiand the otherspursuedtoprecipiceby, Ye Xingvanisheddoes not see, the remainingsoundsare only reverberating.
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