SSK :: Volume #74

#7368: Combining

On this day, the clear and boundless sky, guy country capital city Chang'an is extremely busy. 这一日,晴空万里,大汉国都城长安热闹非凡。 Because of the offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony, sets up today, therefore not person in Chang'an, from afar catches up, hopes that can participate in this magnificent ceremony once in hundred years. 因为祭天大典,就在今日开办,因此很多不在长安的人,也千里迢迢的赶来,希望能够参与这百年一遇的盛典。 What is rarer, unexpectedly can witness to pass on the country imperial jade seal! Qin Dynasty perished, the world three points, people of purple desolate, had not heard again the news that passed on the country imperial jade seal, only knew definitely in the three-country imperial families. 更难得的是,居然可以亲眼目睹传国玉玺!要知道,秦朝灭亡,天下三分,紫荒界的人们,就再也没有听说过传国玉玺的消息,只知道肯定是在三国皇室之中。 However, regarding that existence that can be said as purple desolate only true Supreme Treasure, everyone desires something greatly. 但是,对于那块可以说是紫荒界唯一真正至宝的存在,所有人都心向往之。 Offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony the place of conducting, in eastern suburbs of Changancheng, here has a hill, named Purple Mountain. On Purple Mountain, the hearsay had Divine Dragon to circle, therefore there is dragon Qi, here is always the picnic place of guy imperial family, the non- average person can the mountaineering. 祭天大典的举办之处,就在长安城东郊,这里有一座小山,名为紫金山紫金山上,传闻有神龙曾经盘旋过,因此有龙气,这里历来都是大汉皇家的郊游场所,非一般人可以登山。 However, today, the Purple Mountain actually opening to the outside world, permits the people mountaineering visit. 不过,今天,紫金山却对外开放了,允许广大民众登山参观。 To put it bluntly, this is hopes that Ye Qian can go. 说白了,这就是希望叶谦能够进去。 In fact, Ye Qian had entered Purple Mountain, position that he is, but also very special, in accompanying of guy country three imperial princes. 事实上,叶谦早就已经进入了紫金山,他所在的位置,还非常的特殊,就在大汉国三皇子的随从之中。 Mentioned also skillfully, Ye Qian did not have the means facing the treasure close at hand, was somewhat depressed, a short time ago went to the restaurant to drink, accidental/surprised and person argued. The Ye Qian anything temperament, where will be light the bonus opposite party, who knows that person unexpectedly is the guy country three emperor's sons' subordinates. But Ye Qian show due respect for the feelings, still had not hit in the same old way. 说来也巧,叶谦面对宝物近在眼前却毫无办法,有些郁闷,前不久去酒楼喝酒,意外的和人发生争执。叶谦什么脾气,哪里会轻饶对方,可谁知道那人居然是大汉国三皇子的手下。但叶谦依然没给面子,照样打了一顿。 Afterward, three imperial princes, not only has not blamed Ye Qian, instead very appreciates him, expressed the meaning of gathering. Obviously, this imperial prince wants to come one to treat worthies and scholars with courtesy, appealingly to his camp, helping him compete for the throne. 事后,三皇子非但没责怪叶谦,反而十分欣赏他,表达了招揽之意。显然,这位皇子是想来一手礼贤下士,吸引人到他的阵营,帮他争夺皇位。 Ye Qian was disinclined to respond this boy, may change mind thinks, perhaps close to three imperial princes , helping itself rob the imperial jade seal. 叶谦本来懒得搭理这小子,可转念一想,接近三皇子,或许有利于自己去抢夺玉玺。 Therefore, yielded with a show of reluctance to follow side three imperial princes, exposed such several strengths, making three imperial princes appreciate him, regarded as the most efficient subordinate. 于是,就半推半就跟在了三皇子身边,也展露了那么几手实力,让三皇子十分的欣赏他,视为自己最得力的下属。 Offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony matter, three imperial princes must certainly participate, naturally must take Ye Qian. 祭天大典这种事情,三皇子肯定要参加,也自然要把叶谦带上。 High noon, the offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony starts, the guy country emperors first are on the altar, reading one was long and smelly oration, is over-detailed formalities. 正午时分,祭天大典开始,大汉国皇帝先是登上祭坛,念了一篇又长又臭的祭文,然后又是一番繁文缛节。 When Ye Qian some were impatient, the climax came finally, an old taoist priest holds a sandal wood box, before arriving at the guy emperor body, treating a matter seriously hands over in the box the emperor hand. 就在叶谦都有些等不耐烦的时候,重头戏终于来了,一名老道士捧着一个檀木盒子,来到了大汉皇帝身前,郑重其事的将盒子交到皇帝手中。 The emperor opens in the altar general box, holds a side to carve the jade of coiled dragon, is another imperial jade seal, is finally together the treasure of grasping principles! 皇帝在祭坛上将盒子打开,捧出一方雕着蟠龙的玉石,正是另外一块玉玺,也是最后一块悟道之宝! This imperial jade seal comes to, Ye Qian then felt on oneself, that two imperial jade seals are trembling to tremble, if not receive them in the space ring, only feared that might jump. 这一块玉玺现身的同时,叶谦便感觉自己身上,那两块玉玺在颤颤发抖,如果不是把它们收在空间戒指里面,只怕很可能会跳出去。 But at this time, the guy emperor also looked surprisedly to the imperial jade seal in hand, because of that imperial jade seal, is also trembling together slightly, as if very exciting appearance. 而这个时候,大汉皇帝也惊奇的看向手中的玉玺,因为那一块玉玺,也在微微发抖,似乎很是激动的模样。 Since the millenniums the next three points, passed on the country imperial jade seal also to be divided into three day before yesterday, later, these three imperial jade seals have not met again. Now, this possibly is first time. 自从千年前天下三分,传国玉玺也一分为三,之后,这三块玉玺是再也没有重新碰面过。如今,这可能是头一次。 Therefore, no one knows the imperial jade seal to combine, what scene is. 所以,也没人知道玉玺合二为一,到底是个什么样的场景。 However, the guy country emperors have never seen the imperial jade seal so, he understands quickly,, another two imperial jade seals, in nearby! 但是,大汉国皇帝从未见过玉玺如此,他很快就明白过来,果然,另外两块玉玺,就在附近! Really mysterious experts, imperial jade seal of Yan and Song robbing, arrived at the guy country capital city, at present also on this Purple Mountain. 没想到,果然有一个神秘高手,将燕国和宋国的玉玺给抢走了,并且,来到了大汉国都城,目前也在这紫金山上。 …… …… But the guy emperor is the mood fiercely is excited, because, this also is really his good luck. If he can also leave behind these two imperial jade seals today, he completed the greatest magnificent feat, the millenniums later, will pass on the country imperial jade seal to combine! 但大汉皇帝却是心情猛地激动起来,因为,这也实在是他的好运。如果他今日能够将这两枚玉玺也留下,那么,他就完成了最伟大的壮举,在千年之后,将传国玉玺重新合二为一! Depending on this, he can make the guy country continue again for several thousand years! But he, becomes existence that endures the Beehan country founding a country great-grandfathergreat-grandmother greatly like that! 就凭这一项,他就能够让大汉国再度延续数千年!而他,也会成为堪比汉国开国太祖那般伟大的存在! Thinks of this, the guy emperors heart trembles excitedly. 一想到这,大汉皇帝都心头激动发抖。 He is also very confident, because of today, on this Purple Mountain, except that outside the messengers in Yan Song, the hidden world powerhouses in two man (Han) countries', revered the basic shell! 他也很有信心,因为今天,在这紫金山上,除去燕国宋国的使者外,还有两名汉国的隐世强者,尊主级! So strength, even if that person who robbed Yan Song imperial jade seal really reveres the basic shell powerhouse, but how? 如此实力,即便那个抢走燕国宋国玉玺的人真的是尊主级强者,但那又如何? So long as the fellow dares to come, definitely will stay behind by them! 只要那家伙敢现身,就必然会被他们留下! The guy emperor thinks, other know the person of this matter, thinks. 大汉皇帝是这么想的,其他知道这事儿的人,也是这么想的。 Otherwise, they will not plan for a long time, wages a war to do the offering sacrifice to heaven grand ceremony, attracts Ye Qian to come. 否则的话,他们不会谋划许久,大动干戈搞出个祭天大典来,吸引叶谦过来。 This time Ye Qian, had seen under the altar, that four seem like the especially noticeable person, an appearance unusual old man, was the Yan country masters. But old man who wears the bright yellow long gown, is not hard to guess, should be the Song three sovereign uncles. 此时的叶谦,早已经看见了祭坛下方,那四个看起来格外引人注目的人,一名模样奇特的老者,想必是燕国国师了。而一个身穿明黄色袍服的老者,不难猜测,应该是宋国三皇叔了。 But before, that old taoist priest who held the imperial jade seal to give the guy the emperor, had the similar imposing manner. One person, is actually a great general who wears the armor. 而之前,那个捧着玉玺交给大汉皇帝的老道士,也拥有同样的气势。还有一人,却是一个身披盔甲的大将。 These four people, naturally were the powerhouses of four Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy levels. 这四人,自然就是四名窥道境九重级别的强者了。 Those who make people be inconceivable, the man (Han) country strength is indeed strongest, his military most powerhouse, reveres the basic shell unexpectedly, does this let other two national ratios? 让人难以想象的是,汉国的确实力最强,其军方最强者,居然是尊主级,这让其他两个国家怎么比? Ye Qian smiles lightly, this strength? 叶谦淡淡一笑,就这份实力吗? Before changing into, although he has the strength of surpassing level challenge, but, was actually worried that very much can have the accident/surprise, after all, his double fist difficult enemy four, what unusual strange capability if the opposite party has, can in the sewers capsize? 换成以前,虽然他拥有越级挑战的实力,但是,却也很担心会发生意外,毕竟,他双拳难敌四手,万一对方有个什么奇特诡异的能力,岂不是会阴沟里翻船? However, present Ye Qian, actually confident. Two grasping principles treasures in the hand, he understanding of the space principle, no longer had been initially like that. 然而,如今的叶谦,却已经信心十足了。两块悟道之宝在手,他对空间法则的理解,早已经不再是当初那般了。 Present he, space advance, once puts forth, surrounding area in two kilometers, optional appearance, and even the space fluctuates does not have. Exceeded once two times! 现在的他,空间突进,一旦使出,方圆两公里内,随意出现,且连空间波动都没有。超越了曾经两倍! Depending on this, what to do these four people can take him? 就凭这一手,这四人又能拿他怎么办? He also waits again seriously, the treasures of 2/3 grasping principles, can bring about the so remarkable change. Once he obtained the treasure of entire grasping principles, how can also? 他再也等不得了,三分之二的悟道之宝,就能带来如此惊人的变化。一旦他得到了整个悟道之宝,又将会如何? Therefore, the next flash, Ye Qian appeared above the altar. 于是,下一瞬间,叶谦出现在了祭坛之上。 In the altar braves individual suddenly, naturally is causes others to call out in alarm one, bewildered. Most bewildered naturally was three imperial princes, he looked at Ye Qian in altar startled, had a look own behind, compelled at heart ignorant...... hiss, didn't this fellow just in me, how go into the altar to come up behind? 祭坛上忽然冒出来个人,自然是引得其他人惊呼一声,莫名其妙。最莫名其妙的自然是三皇子了,他愕然的看了看祭坛上的叶谦,又看看自己的身后,心里懵逼了……嘶,这家伙刚刚不是在我身后吗,怎么跑到祭坛上去了? But the appearance of Ye Qian, naturally makes altar below four revere the basic shell powerhouse to go into action, four people appeared before the guy emperor body instantaneously, protected it. 叶谦的出现,自然让祭坛下方四名尊主级强者行动起来,四人瞬间出现在了大汉皇帝身前,将其守护住。 Beginning guy emperor when one startled, quick calms down, to be what replaces it is wild with joy, he looks at Ye Qian to laugh: Good, your excellency is really the good guts color. So the lineup, you also dare to appear unexpectedly!” 大汉皇帝初时一惊,很快就冷静下来,取而代之的是狂喜,他看着叶谦哈哈大笑:“好,阁下果然是好胆色。如此阵容,你居然也敢出现!” …… …… The guy emperor hehe smiles: Your excellency, if can offer that two imperial jade seals on own initiative, I ensure no one can harm you.” 大汉皇帝呵呵一笑:“阁下若是能主动奉上那两枚玉玺,寡人保证,无人能够伤害到你。” He even wants saying that if you give me these two imperial jade seals, I can give your guy king nobility! But considering side also two person in Yan and Song, this saying has not said that in any case, after waiting to kill Ye Qian, hasn't the imperial jade seal in the man (Han) country, how later, how thought along with him? 他甚至想说,如果你把这两个玉玺都交给我,那我可以给你大汉国王爵!但考虑到旁边还有两个燕国和宋国的人,这话还是没说出口,反正,等干掉叶谦之后,玉玺还是在汉国,之后怎么样,还不是随他怎么想? Ye Qian laughs: I do not hand over, can you harm me?” 叶谦哈哈大笑:“我不交出来,你们又能伤害到我吗?” Extremely arrogant!” At this time, that wore the Song three sovereign uncles of bright yellow long gown to angrily roar: Trivial Glimpse Dao Realm eight heavy peaks, dares before this king rampant?” “狂妄!”这时候,那身穿明黄色袍服的宋国三皇叔怒吼一声:“区区窥道境八重巅峰,也敢在本王面前嚣张?” This person is Uncle Song Guo huang, does not propose the strength, the status is extraordinary, results in the strength to reach a basic shell furthermore, where is willing to tolerate Ye Qian to be rampant? Angrily roars, is a fist goes toward the Ye Qian bang, a fist moves, principle accompanying, a seemingly simple fist, contains the say/way of several types of principle! 此人是宋国皇叔,不提实力,地位早已非凡,更兼得实力达到尊主级,哪里肯容忍叶谦嚣张?怒吼一声,便是一拳朝着叶谦轰去,一拳即动,法则随行,看似简简单单的一拳,却包含着数种法则之道! But, the say/way of his principle are many, actually is also only the fur/superficial knowledge, are many, does not have the space principle! 但偏偏,他的法则之道再多,却也只是皮毛,再多,却也没有空间法则! Ye Qian sneers, cross previous step, not only fended his fist, in the hand grasped, the imperial jade seal in guy emperor hand, had arrived in the Ye Qian hand! 叶谦冷笑一声,跨前一步,不仅闪避开了他这一拳,手中一握,那大汉皇帝手中的玉玺,已然到了叶谦手中! Space principle?!” His, is startled several to revere the basic shell powerhouse to call out in alarm immediately makes noise. Because they are certainly clear, passing on the country imperial jade seal is wonderful, is because its contains the mystery of space principle. “空间法则?!”他这一手,顿时就惊得几名尊主级强者惊呼出声。因为他们当然清楚,传国玉玺之所以神妙,便是因为其蕴含着空间法则的奥妙。 But this mysterious young people, have the space principle unexpectedly! 而这个神秘的年轻人,居然拥有空间法则! No wonder, this fellow will want the collection simultaneous/uniform three imperial jade seals, because he wants to be passed on the space principle in country imperial jade seal! 怪不得,这个家伙会想要集齐三块玉玺,因为他想要得到传国玉玺之中的空间法则! Also is gawking doing? Killed him, snatches the imperial jade seal!” The guy emperor roared angrily, never expected that among a blink, own imperial jade seal did not have...... “还愣着干什么?杀了他,抢回玉玺!”大汉皇帝愤怒咆哮,没想到一眨眼间,自己的玉玺也没了…… Four revere the basic shell powerhouse is not scruple, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform acts, however, Ye Qian actually does not meet, the figure in a flash, had arrived at about dozens zhang (3.33 m). 四名尊主级强者也不迟疑,齐齐出手,然而,叶谦却根本不接,身形一晃,早已经到了数十丈开外。 He beckons with the hand, hehe said with a smile: Comes to come, making me slowly take a look slowly, this grasping principles treasure, is actually what.” 他摆了摆手,呵呵笑道:“慢来慢来,让我瞧瞧,这块悟道之宝,究竟是个啥样的。” Saying, him is then taking out another two imperial jade seals, three imperial jade seals send out the dazzling misty auspicious sign ray suddenly, combines into one slowly, often has the jade powder to fall, these are the vulgar jade that afterward the three countries supplemented. 说着,他便将另外两块玉玺取出,三块玉玺猛然间发出璀璨夺目的蒙蒙紫气光芒,缓缓合而为一,其中不时的有玉粉落下,那些都是后来三国补充进去的俗玉。 Nowadays, three genuine biography country imperial jade seals return to a body, these mixed jade are naturally hard to fuse. 现如今,三块真正的传国玉玺重归一体,这些杂玉自然难以融合。 Soon, in the sky, the purple light is eye-catching, the fist big jade soul appears in the midair together. The jade soul seems like as if the jade nature, above has not portrayed any writing and trace, but, the most profound marvelous feeling, appears instantaneously. 不多时,天空之中,紫光夺目,一块拳头大的玉魄出现在半空之中。玉魄看上去仿佛玉质,其上没有刻画任何文字和纹路,但是,一股玄之又玄的奇妙感觉,却瞬间出现。 But why does not know, has the three imperial jade seals of space principle, actually after the fusion, actually returns to the chaos, did not have any attribute. 但不知道为何,原本有着空间法则的三枚玉玺,却在融合后,却复返混沌,没有了任何属性。 Ye Qian is excited, this is the treasure of grasping principles must seek. 叶谦激动万分,果然,这就是自己要寻找的悟道之宝。 Had this jade soul, no matter oneself want to comprehend the space main road principle, is the comprehension destruction principle, absolutely is easy! 有了这块玉魄,自己不管自己想要领悟空间大道法则,还是领悟毁灭法则,绝对是轻而易举! Haha, bye-bye, the elder brother has no free time to accompany you to play, must go back to comprehend this jade soul well!” “哈哈,诸位,拜拜了,哥没空陪你们玩耍,要回去好好参悟这块玉魄了!” Ye Qian laughs, the grasping principles jade soul will squeeze in storage ring, the void jump starts, the body vanishes in same place, appears again already beyond one kilometer, but during the breath, the Ye Qian sound then vanishes in everyone's line of sight. 叶谦哈哈大笑,将悟道玉魄塞入储物戒指,虚空跳跃发动,身体消失在原地,再次出现已经在一公里外,不过呼吸间,叶谦的声音便消失在所有人的视线中。 The grasping principles jade soul succeeds in obtaining, Ye Qian keeps purple desolate not to have the significance, hurried to find to receive and instruct transmission, returned to the Great Universe dynasty is the correct principle, was good because , the Great Universe dynasty are not too few in receiving and instructing transmission that this left behind, Ye Qian entered looked for one, stepped into receives and instructs transmission, the space channel appeared together, Ye Qian strided in directly, the ray flashes, vanished thoroughly does not see. 悟道玉魄到手,叶谦留在紫荒界已经没有意义,还是赶紧找到接引传送阵,回到大宇皇朝才是正理,好在,大宇皇朝在此界留下的接引传送阵不算太少,叶谦就进找了一个,踏入接引传送阵,一道空间通道出现,叶谦直接跨入其中,光芒一闪,彻底消失不见。 After that purple desolate is spreading a legend of mysterious person, some said that he is a super powerhouse, some said that he is the killing without batting an eye demon god. 此后,紫荒界流传着一位神秘人的传说,有的说他是个超级强者,有的说他是个杀人不眨眼的魔神。 However, by the fellow who the squirrel status cultivates demon beast sovereign, occasionally will talk over several: Although the fellow is fearful, pouring is also good...... 不过,有一位以松鼠身份修炼成魔兽皇者的家伙,偶尔会念叨几句:那家伙虽然可怕,倒也还算不错……
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