SSK :: Volume #71

#7053: Chance

The ancient grave after all is the sect duty, one should obtain, should by the sect gate uniform-process. 古墓毕竟是宗派任务,一应获得,应由宗门统一处理。 Especially to the treasures of Glimpse Dao Realm nine intensity of gravity body ranks, cannot calculate by the private harvest. 尤其是到了窥道境九重强者尸体级别的宝物,更不能以私人收获来算。 The contribution turns over to the contribution, the merit to turn over to the merit, but the treasure, is sect gate. 贡献归贡献,功劳归功劳,但宝物,是宗门的。 If no one , the flame got dark at that time radiantly directly, no problem, but so many disciples look, after the flame comes back radiantly , can only on give the leader, then the leader handles. 若当时没有人也就罢了,炎璀璨直接黑下来,没任何毛病,但那么多宗门弟子看着,炎璀璨回来后只能上交给掌门,然后掌门处置。 Flame radiant elder priority, but he is the Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy peaks. 炎璀璨长老只有优先权限,但他已经是窥道境九重巅峰。 He cannot use, but he is not a loner, the later generation disciples should not be too many. 他用不到,但他不是孤家寡人,后辈门生不要太多。 This is the helplessness of disciple, enjoys the benefits at the same time, will have many fetters. 这就是宗门弟子的无奈,享受福利的同时,也会有不少束缚。 Even if to flame radiant this cultivation base rank, same must maintain the gate general situation and custom. 哪怕到了炎璀璨这个修为级别,也一样要维护宗门大局和规矩。 The feudal official gate, north the saliva the person of day of crack corpse should not be too many. 将臣门内,垂涎北天裂尸体的人不要太多。 Must know, so long as refining up this corpse, the main road way to Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy peaks, does not have the slightest bit hindrance again. 要知道只要炼化这具尸体,通往窥道境九重巅峰的大道之途,再无半分阻碍。 This is a main road, this is an immortal, no one will turn a blind eye. 这是大道,这是长生,没人会视若无睹。 The male corpse in Ye Qian hand, is similar to the corpse value of latter minister Menbei day of crack, simply is the priceless treasure. 叶谦手中的这具男子尸体,与后卿门北天裂的尸体价值相若,简直是无价之宝。 I cannot want!” Liu Su is known as some in a terrified way said, she even retroceded a distance, if the common little thing, Big Brother Ye delivers her, she happily also without enough time, but this treasure is not good, is too simply big, has exceeded her tolerance range. “我不能要!”刘素素有些惶恐地说道,她甚至后退了点距离,若是寻常小东西,叶大哥送她,她高兴还来不及,但这个宝物不行,简直太大,已经超过她的承受范围。 Ye Qian sees that slightly cannot think that the frowned head, asked: I had promised you before, looks for this life to you feudal official zombie?” 叶谦见状,微不可觉地皱了皱眉头,问道:“我以前是不是答应过你,给你找一个本命将臣僵尸?” Liu Susu shakes the head, said to Ye Qian earnestly: Big Brother Ye, cracked a joke at that time, you cannot that joke take seriously, said again, such precious thing gives me, I also not necessarily can defend!” 刘素素摇头,认真对叶谦说道:“叶大哥,当时只是开玩笑,你不能那玩笑当真,再说,这么贵重的东西给我,我也未必守得住!” Ye Qian hears word smiles, in the eye has the applause saying: You have this disposition, really should not live in evil way sect gate, is interested in specializing in the correct path merit law, relax, absolutely not compared with you feudal official gate difference and that's the end!” 叶谦闻言一笑,眼中带着赞许说道:“你有这个心性,真不该生在邪道宗门,有没有兴趣专修正道功法,放心,绝对不比你们将臣门差就是了!” Ye Qian this does not crack a joke, in his opinion, Liu Susu this personality, obviously is the correct path seedling, is contrary to the evil way to harm others to benefit oneself simply, occupies completely the world cheap core objective. 叶谦这回可不是开玩笑,在他看来,刘素素这种性格,明显是正道苗子,简直有违邪道损人利己,占尽天下便宜的核心宗旨。 With Ye Qian, he handles affairs completely as one desires, but is partial to the correct path after all, saved a life, can think repays, but if he is the demon outlet, like this life-saving obligation, not thinks the report, that can only kill the savior, is good to settle this causes and effects. 就跟叶谦,他行事全部随心,但总归还是偏向正道,被人救命,会想着报答回去,但如果他是邪魔外道,像这种救命大恩,无以为报,那就只能杀了救命恩人,好了结这个因果。 Big Brother Ye Liu Susu is listening to Ye Qian obvious teasing, somewhat shamed angry Jiao Huan. 叶大哥”刘素素听着叶谦明显的调侃,有些羞恼地矫唤了一声。 Ok, did not crack a joke!” Ye Qian frivolous teasing demeanor, stern say/way: “好了,不开玩笑!”叶谦轻浮的调侃声色,正色道: You thought that at that time was the joke, but your Big Brother Ye effective and influential word, the exit|to speak complied, will achieve, usually usually you do not need to be offended. “你觉得当时是玩笑,但你叶大哥一言九鼎,出口答应,就会做到,素素你不必介怀。 Let alone, priceless treasure in your eye, in my eyes, but is the useless thing, is not worth a red cent. 更何况,你眼中的无价之宝,在我眼中,不过是无用之物,一文不值。 Moreover, so long as yourself do not give oneself away, no one knows that this corpse you, they do not think, I will see somebody off this thing conveniently! ” 而且,只要你自己不露出马脚,没人会知道这具尸体在你这边,他们也不会想到,我会把这东西随手送人!” I cannot want!” Liu Susu shakes the head, this treasure value is too big, selling her was also insufficient. “我不能要!”刘素素还是摇头,这宝物价值太大,卖了她也不够。 The little girls is a little gruff! Ye Qian sighed at heart, felt that cultivated the behavior is a little defeated, delivers the treasure no one to want, a little injured the honor. 小姑娘有点倔啊!叶谦心里叹了口气,感觉做人有点失败,送宝都没人要,有点伤脸面。 Cherished the enmity of jade library not to report? “怀玉书舍的仇不想报了? Where don't your birth parents, want to know? 你亲生父母在哪里,不想知道? Cherishes the jade library to look for you and your grandfather troubles, are you useful? 怀玉书舍要找你和你爷爷麻烦,你有什么用? Without enough cultivation base, what can you make? 没有足够的修为,你能做什么? With your aptitude, catches up with the family background of corpse person in addition, your Glimpse Dao Realm 7-layer starts, each small boundary is the huge difficulty! 以你的资质,加上赶尸人的出身,你窥道境七重开始,每个小境界都是天大的困难! The practicing resources, are the broken boundary bottleneck, can be stranded you saying that the heart collapses! 无论是修行资源,还是破境瓶颈,都能困得你道心崩溃! I comply to give you to look for this life the feudal official zombie, you are receiving. 我答应给你找本命将臣僵尸,你就收着。 When your cultivation base is low, must understand to obtain the chance, no matter this chance, is you snatches to struggle to steal, others bestow. 当你修为低的时候,要懂得获得机缘,不管这机缘,是你抢来争来偷来,还是别人赠送。 I am an antecedent, draws your, is the chance, if some day, you catch up, can draw my, that is my chance, practices this matter, besides foe, peer. ” 我是前行者,拉你一把,便是机缘,若有朝一日,你后来居上,能够拉我一把,那就是我的机缘,修行这回事,除了仇敌,还有同行者。” Ye Qian said that also does not give Liu Susu response time, the long sleeve wields, sends out the room Liu Susu and male body together, closes the door, then calculates that settles this matter. 叶谦说完,也不给刘素素反应的时间,长袖一挥,将刘素素与男子尸体一同送出房间,关上房门,便算了结此事。 The book is a minor matter, he words speaking of this, Liu Susu was unable to get over an emotion the comprehension, her say/way way also only stops in this, Ye Qian will not put the energy to be one of them again, he said after all, has achieved, but you did not appreciate kindness rendered, are not related with Ye Qian. 本就是件小事,他已经将话说到这份上,刘素素还不能释怀领悟,那她的道途也就仅止于此,叶谦也不会再放精力在其中,毕竟他说的,已经做到,但你不领情,就和叶谦没关系了。 Out of the door does not have the sound long time, after small quarter, out of the door hears thump thump thump the sounds of three discounts. 门外良久没有动静,小一刻钟后,门外传来咚咚咚三声扣头的响声。 Many thanks the senior, the great kindness, usually usually always remembered lifelong!” “多谢前辈,大恩大德,素素终身铭记!” Liu Susu voice brings to be tenacious and chilly, has not called Ye Qian again is Big Brother Ye. 刘素素的声音带着坚韧与清冷,没有再称呼叶谦叶大哥 She is very clear, accepts this corpse, even if only her wishful thinking, their personal relationships really nothing left. 她心里很清楚,收下这具尸体,哪怕只是她的一厢情愿,两人那点私情就真的荡然无存。 But Ye Qian final each few words, like a sharp incomparable sword, prick in her heart, her heart, her self-respect, her weak, her base and low, her being incapable, complete dripping with blood presents in her front. 叶谦最后的每一句话,都像一把锋利无比的剑,刺入她的心中,将她的心,她的自尊,她的虚弱,她的卑微,她的无力,全部鲜血淋漓的呈现在她的面前。 She only wants to know where the own birth parents, she deferred to the custom that the bosom jade library set to sing a drama completely, she even obtained the commitment of bosom jade library, pledged that led her to see the birth parents. 她只想知道自己亲生父母在哪里,她完全按照怀玉书舍定下的规矩来唱了一出大戏,她甚至得到了怀玉书舍的承诺,承诺带她去见亲生父母。 But cherished the jade library to tear up all easily! 但怀玉书舍轻而易举地撕毁了一切! They make to faint she, leads her to the ancient grave, planned that offers sacrifices she to treat as the key of last checkpoint! 他们弄晕她,将她带到古墓,打算献祭她当做最后一道关卡的钥匙! From beginning to end, no one gives her an explanation! 至始至终,都没人给她一个解释! Even if her following flame radiant elder comes back, cherishes that side the jade library to have no response. 哪怕她跟着炎璀璨长老回来,怀玉书舍那边都没任何反应。 Had not explained, anything does not have. 没有解释,什么都没有。 Turns a blind eye, does not care at all! 视若无睹,毫不在意! She wants justice, therefore will say to Ye Qian a moment ago on own initiative, the grandfather makes her do not go out, feared that side the bosom jade library looks for trouble, this is a probe, probing Ye Qian can help her on own initiative. 她想要一个公道,所以才会在刚才主动对叶谦说,爷爷让她不要出去,怕怀玉书舍那边找麻烦,这是个试探,试探叶谦会不会主动帮她。 What a pity, her calculation failed. 可惜,她的小算盘落空了。 Can say to grandfather Liu on such as Ye Qian, their two clear. 就如叶谦对爷爷刘能所言,他们两清了。 Once she accepts this corpse, two people also two clear. 一旦她收下这具尸体,两人也两清了。 She does not want to receive, these words that but Ye Qian spoke, the brutal fact complete slightest will finish now her front. 她不想收,但叶谦说的那些话,将残酷的事实全部分毫毕现在她的面前。 Is beyond control she not to accept. 由不得她不接受。 Grandfather Liu can be too old, can only depend on her. 爷爷刘能已经太老了,只能靠她自己。 Without this huge chance, they forever feudal official gate, basest and lowest catching up corpse person. 没有这个天大的机缘,他们就永远是将臣门内,最卑微的赶尸人。 Senior is laborious, sooner rests, usually usually asks to be excused!” “前辈一路辛苦,早些休息,素素告退!” This is the words that Liu Susu finally spoke, she receives that male corpse outside door, is stepping the slow and firm footsteps, walks toward own room, no one can count on, she can only count on itself. 这是刘素素最后说的话,她收起房门外的那具男子尸体,迈着缓慢而坚定的脚步,往自己的房间走去,没人能够指望,她只能指望自己。 She cherished the jade library to sell twice, sold to grandfather Liu to be able one time, sold to after one time, minister gate. 她被怀玉书舍卖了两次,一次卖给爷爷刘能,一次卖给后卿门。 Is undesirable that has happened more than three times, cherishes the jade library to bestow her, she can 11 double also goes back. 事不过三,怀玉书舍赐给她的,她会一一加倍还回去。 Ye Qian in the guest room, hears the sound of footsteps that Liu Susu leaves, finally relaxes. 叶谦在客房内,听到刘素素离开的脚步声,终于松了口气。 Cuts off the fetters personally, Ye Qian felt that is actually poor. 亲手斩断羁绊,叶谦感觉其实并不怎么好。 He rarely such cruel treats a girl. 他很少这么残忍的对待一个女孩。 But Liu Susu is different, how even if Ye Qian did help her report the enmity of bosom jade library to be able? 但刘素素不同,就算叶谦帮她报了怀玉书舍的仇又能如何? Ye Qian is impossible to keep the feudal official gate does not walk! 叶谦又不可能一直留在将臣门不走! When he can shelter Liu Su Soichi, cannot protect first. 他能庇护刘素素一时,不能守护一世。 If some day Ye Qian leaves, Liu Susu person is completely still weak! 若有朝一日叶谦离开,刘素素依旧人尽可欺! It looks like in Ye Qian, can hold by small old Liu, saves Liu Susu, found this life to Liu Susu the feudal official zombie, is changes the clear master grandson two people life-saving efforts. 叶谦看来,受小老儿刘能所托,将刘素素救回来,又给刘素素找到本命将臣僵尸,便算是换清爷孙两人的救命之恩。 He can also leave the feudal official gate at any time. 他也就可以随时离开将臣门。 Meanwhile, Ye Qian is very at heart clear, this matter was actually far from the conclusion. 但同时,叶谦心里很清楚,这件事其实远没有结束。 Liu Susu colluded with latter minister gate the feudal official gate traitor within, escorts to the ancient grave, cherishes the jade library by the traitor within use, the book is the influence of traitor within, Ye Qian is not really clear. 刘素素是被将臣门内奸与后卿门勾结,送往古墓的,怀玉书舍是被内奸利用,还是本就是内奸的势力,叶谦真不清楚。 Walks away, Liu can remain with Liu Susu the feudal official gate calmly and steadily, Ye Qian is really in doubt at heart. 就这么一走了之,刘能和刘素素能不能安稳留在将臣门,叶谦心里真拿不准。 Said that was favor two clear, if Ye Qian really can disregard the danger of savior to walk away, he was not Ye Qian. 说是人情两清,叶谦若真能无视救命恩人的危险一走了之,他就不是叶谦了。 Keeps the feudal official gate some time, at least first helps the Liu Family master grandson has supported dangerously a while ago, when Liu Susu the corpse refinement cost life of that man the feudal official zombie, was equal to having strength protections of Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy peaks completely. 留在将臣门一段时间,至少先帮刘家爷孙撑过最危险的前段时间,等刘素素完全将那男子的尸体炼制成本命将臣僵尸,就等于有了一个窥道境九重巅峰的战力守护。 Even if this protection, the true Glimpse Dao Realm nine heavy peak followers have not come powerful, but will not at least miss are too many. 哪怕这守护,没真正的窥道境九重巅峰修炼者来得强大,但至少也不会差太多。 Even if Ye Qian walked, can still relatively safely. 叶谦即便走了,也能相对安心点。 Cherishes that side the jade library, Ye Qian in these days, if looks for trouble, Ye Qian will also solve conveniently, but if does not come, he is also disinclined to pay attention too. 怀玉书舍那边,叶谦在的这段时间,若是来找麻烦,叶谦也会顺手解决,但若是不来,他也懒得理会太多。 How long refines this life to want as for Liu Susu the feudal official zombie, Ye Qian has really not known, but at the latest non- over one month, the quick words will also take more than ten days, after all Liu Susu cultivation base is too low, difference that corpse are too many, will definitely affect some progress. 至于刘素素炼制本命将臣僵尸要多久,叶谦还真不知道,不过最迟不会超过一个月,快的话也需要十余天,毕竟刘素素的修为太低,差那尸体太多,肯定会影响一些进度。 However, Ye Qian does not miss this time. 不过,叶谦也不差这点时间。 „Did senior, you bully the young lady?” “前辈,你是不是欺负大小姐了?” Here Ye Qian is still considering, the gate was shoved open suddenly, young child Liu Mandate of Heaven raised the gift box to mumble the mouth to run. 这边叶谦还在思量,门忽被推开,小童刘奉天提着食盒嘟囔着嘴跑了进来。 Young lady leaves, in the eye is teardrops, almost fell!” “大小姐离开的时候,眼里面都是泪珠子,差点就掉下来了!” „” Ye Qian old face one red, he really considers for Liu Susu actually, will tell these truth. “”叶谦老脸一红,他倒是真的为了刘素素着想,才会说那些真话。 But the truth, is often brutal. 但真话,往往都非常残酷。 Annoys to cry the younger sister, even if Ye Qian the facial skin is thick, is not a little comfortable. 把妹子惹哭,叶谦哪怕脸皮再厚,也有点不自在。 Who makes you come?” Ye Qian does not want to chat in this aspect from the start, the shift topic asked. “谁让你过来的?”叶谦压根不想在这方面聊天,转移话题问。 Master lets, he said that your was laborious, has nothing can return, can only make the kitchen make a delicious meal, is joined to the liquor to carry to come to you!” Young child Liu Mandate of Heaven is going against head biangular, blinks the eye to look at Ye Qian, has the God color of inquisition, senior, will you be so laborious, how come back also to have the mood to bully the young lady?” “老爷让的,他说您这趟辛苦了,也没什么可以回报的,就只能让厨房做了点可口的饭菜,配上酒给您端过来!”小童刘奉天顶着头上的双角,眨巴眨巴眼睛望着叶谦,带着探究的神色道,“前辈,您这么辛苦,回来怎么还会有心情欺负大小姐?” I was listen!” Ye Qian ill-humoredly white young child Liu Mandate of Heaven eyes, you reported not to put down for your family young lady! What's wrong, wants to hit me one to vent anger?” “我算是听出来了!”叶谦没好气地白了小童刘奉天一眼,“你这是替你们家大小姐报不平来着!怎么,想打我一顿出气吗?” Ok?” Young child Liu Mandate of Heaven eyes one bright, brandishes the fist to say especially excitedly: Senior felt relieved, I hit the person is not pain, one fist, you make me hit a fist, then I help you urge the young lady, the woman, roars well! I helped her vent anger, she was not mad your!” “可以吗?”小童刘奉天眼睛一亮,特兴奋地挥舞着拳头道:“前辈放心,我打人不疼的,就一拳,你让我打一拳,然后我帮你去劝劝大小姐,女人嘛,哄哄就好!我帮她出气了,她就不生你的气了!” That was really thanks you!” Ye Qian showed the whites of the eyes fiercely, eats the food and wine, in the hand the chopsticks was referring to behind, „, let alone I did not give you opportunity, from behind dozen!” “那真是太感谢你了!”叶谦猛翻白眼,吃着酒菜,手中筷子指了指后面,“别说我不给你机会,从后面打!” Good!” Young child Liu Mandate of Heaven laughs, jumps to Ye Qian directly behind, the fist of meat meat, pounds Ye Qian to conduct the back directly. “好的!”小童刘奉天哈哈一笑,直接跳到叶谦身后,肉肉的拳头,就直接砸到叶谦背上。 Again key point, upward 1 points “再重点,往上一点” Right, the key point, the left comes a fist again “对,再重点,左边来一拳” This, yes, comes a fist again “就这样,对对对,再来一拳” Or your two fist same places, 1 points, on the shoulder hits several fists again upward “要不你两个拳头一起吧,再往上一点,肩膀上多打几拳” Have not hit the shoulder, on the waist also comes several times “别一直打肩膀啊,腰上也来几次” Ye Qian is eating the meal at the same time, is drinking the young wine, some also people give to relax the muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation, comfortable wants to groan simply two. 叶谦一边吃着饭菜,喝着小酒,身后还有人给舒筋活络,舒服的简直想要哼哼两声。 „” “哇” Weeping sound, young child Liu Mandate of Heaven responded finally, this was giving Ye Qian to pound the back the massage, was mad directly cries. 一声哭声,小童刘奉天终于反应过来,这是在给叶谦捶背按摩,直接被气哭。 Senior you bullies person “前辈你欺负人” Liu Mandate of Heaven is wiping tears, was running painstakingly. 刘奉天抹着眼泪,苦着跑了出去。 Side getting what one deserves senior does not have the girl, even the children bully “活该前辈身边没有姑娘,连小孩子都欺负” Out of the door transmitted the Liu Mandate of Heaven immature weeping voice, the Ye Qian corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, black line 门外传来刘奉天稚嫩的哭腔,叶谦嘴角抽了抽,一头黑线
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