SSK :: Volume #71

#7019: Town city God control

The ice little as if pure heart retaliation, tilts the head swiveleye Zhao Chao one eyes, skillful? However is......” 凌少似乎纯心报复,歪着头斜视赵超一眼,“有多巧?不过是……” Has not waited for to approach/insult less/small saying that in the wind appears a azure clothes white clothing, the fine gauze obstructs the surface, space between eyebrows sand bright eyes Girl, faint trace light pure silver hair Rourou flutters after behind, Girl from right takes down a quality compensation blue hairlace gracefully, grips an attractive knot. 未等凌少说完,风中现出一青衣素裹,轻纱遮面,眉间点砂的明眸少女,丝丝光纯的银发柔柔地飘在身后,少女从右婉取下一条水蓝色的发带,扎成一个漂亮的结。 „......” to approach/insult less/small are absentminded, after having gotten back one's composure instantaneously, does not have the sentiment of showing tender affection to shove open in the bosom uncouthly book Ji, runs up to the dangerous stage edge anxiously, waved to roar excitedly: ” Beautiful woman, the beautiful woman, looks here, here looks...... ” “啊……”凌少失魂落魄,瞬间回过神后毫无怜香惜玉之情粗鲁推开怀中书姬,巴巴地跑到悬台沿,兴奋挥手吼了起来:”美人,美人,看这边,看这边……” A numerous leggings fine white silk is startled by the behavior that to approach/insult less/small come stares dumbfounded, Zhao Chao lifts the sleeve to obstruct the surface hastily, to is congealing to whisper low voice fragrant: ” This person, did not have on time in the winter, what evil fire sends...... ” 一众绔纨被凌少突然而来的行为惊得瞠目结舌,赵超更是连忙抬袖遮面,小声对着凝香嘀咕道:”这人,冬天还没过去,发得哪门子邪火……” Also under the careful plan silver-haired Girl, Zhao Chao muttered: ” Has not seen her beautifully, poor breast poor buttocks, young, so to be how big to ice few lethality? ” 又仔细打算下银发少女,赵超喃喃自语道:”也没见她有多美啊,贫乳贫臀的,豆蔻年华,怎么对凌少杀伤力这么大呢?” Saying, Zhao Chao looks to ice few looks becomes strange. Concentrates covers mouth titter fragrant, white Zhao Chao, anything had not said. 说着,赵超望向凌少的眼神变得诡异起来。凝香捂嘴偷笑,白了眼赵超,什么也没说。 As if cherishes is being afraid the similarly bad idea, a numerous leggings fine white silk looked to ice few vision were many several strangeness. 似乎怀惴着同样不良的想法,一众绔纨望向凌少的目光中都多了几丝诡异。 After several snap fingers, sees plan that to approach/insult less/small had not stood still, at that rave, Zhao Chao actually cannot tolerate as before, tea in thinking over hand, mouth ambiguously whisper: ”, This time is not in the family/home cancels an account in any case, luxurious, these many purple level book Ji, do not miss this money...... ” 几个弹指后,见凌少仍没停歇的打算,依旧在那狂吼,赵超却是看不过眼,掂量掂量手里的茶盏,嘴里含糊地叽咕着:”唔,反正这次是家里消账,奢侈一把,这么多紫级书姬啊,不差这点钱……” Loses along with the tea hand in hand to to approach/insult less/small, center the back of the head, sees to approach/insult less/small to turn the head annoyedly, Zhao Chao does not send the opportunity of young tiger to him, throws over the skull face to reprimand: ” Has resulted, blindly what to roar, forgot this theater box to have the strategy isolation? Do not forget her to have big using, should not be disgraceful here, you are disgraced unimportant, do not implicate us, a person looks! ” 随手把手中茶丢向凌少,正中后脑勺,见凌少恼火地转过头,赵超不给他发彪的机会,披头盖脸地斥道:”得了,瞎吼什么,忘了这包厢有阵法隔绝么?别忘了她可有大用,别在这儿丢人现眼的,你丢人不要紧,可别连累我们,一圈人都看着呢!” Numerous leggings fine white silk heart has is coinciding intimately: ” Is...... ” 众绔纨心有戚戚地附合着:”就是就是……” The expression that to approach/insult less/small are angry just likes by uses/gives Guohuan the technique, turns into the grey in a flash, did not say a word, at once returns to the dangerous stage edge, ice few half body to find out, both eyes wished one could to stare the eye socket. What a pity on that stage once more falls into darkness, anything also takes a look does not see. The however several breaths, the firefly light buoy is spatial, everywhere dances in the air, finally all invests in a palace lantern. 凌少大怒的表情犹如被施过幻术般,转瞬间变成灰色,一言不发,旋即又回到悬台沿,凌少半个身子都已探出,双眼恨不得瞪出眼眶。可惜那台上再次陷入黑暗,什么也瞅不见。不过几息,点点萤光浮空,漫天飞舞,最终全部投入一盏宫灯里。 Taking advantage of fluorescence that the palace lantern sends out, vaguely can distinguish according to sitting on armor character stage, what in the hand is selecting the palace lantern was formerly silver-haired Girl, at the same time, the guqin string and woodwind ensemble transmitted, piao piao was remote, recently was sometimes far. However what makes the person lean to be drunk, silver-haired Girl just likes the sounds of nature recites the sound to gather the ancient qin tune to resound: 借着宫灯散发出的萤光,依稀可以辨出依坐在甲字台上,手里挑着宫灯的正是先前的银发少女,于此同时,古琴丝竹乐传来,缥缥渺渺,时近时远。然而更让人倾醉的是,银发少女恍如天籁般的吟唱声合着古琴曲响起: Night the azure fox binds the element waist filament charming smile to turn one's eye on to hope that the fresh posture tender calm step looks back searches myriad Yao......” “夜出青狐妖裹素腰纤媚笑流目盼生姿娇从容步回首一探万千瑶……” Space and time as if in this moment rapid passing, silver-haired Girl is selecting the palace lantern, steps on the lotus steps to walk in the library, would past events reappearing at present: 时空似乎在这一刻飞速的流逝,银发少女的挑着宫灯,踩着莲步行走在书舍中,总会有一幕幕往事浮现眼前: Perhaps Girl the smoke regards to flatter line at the session, numerous sentiment dances \; Perhaps is liberal with the speech and countenance, iced cold \; Perhaps is drunk in the buildings the pillar of the state, looks sentiment reason disputes that in crazily the library performs, vicissitudes of life \; Also or in Risheng moonset, before the step , when intravenous drip spirit dance in world, in mouth snort/hum not a well-known folk song. 或是少女席间烟视媚行,众情歌舞\;或是不吝辞色,冷若冰霜\;或是醉依楼间栋梁,痴痴地看着书舍里演出的一幕幕情缘纠葛,悲欢离合\;又或是于日升月落,阶前点滴之时灵舞于天地,嘴中哼着一曲不知名的小调。 Only invariable, was each dusk, Girl with a smile will rely on the column to overlook to pass by each pedestrian in library, in the pupil the deep place association is containing the earnest hope. 唯一不变的,便是每个黄昏,少女都会含笑倚栏俯视路过书舍的每一个行人,眸中深处总会蕴藏着热切的期盼。 Has not known many years, already disappeared without a trace toward the item familiar person where, the Girl appearance has not had the half minute change, but the bright eyes as before, actually such as stop the water tranquilly not to have the least bit mighty waves, that daily relies on the column as if also to spread out with a smile becomes the custom, only in that bright eyes most deep place, can find indistinctly wipes the desperate hope. Finally, Girl arrives at the bamboo grove after library. 不知过了多少年,往目熟悉的人早已不知去向何处,少女模样未曾有半分改变,而明眸依旧,却如止水般平静不起半点波澜,那每日的含笑倚栏似乎也衍变成习惯,只在那明眸最深处,能够隐约瞧见一抹绝望的期盼。最终,少女来到书舍后的竹林。 Is this then cloud Zhu who the same day helps her to change from? Sees that bamboo of front line, in Girl pupils were finally many vitality/angry, however Girl has not stopped, the place that finally stays is a wild thick patch of grass, does not see it and surrounding thick patch of grass has what distinction, silver-haired Girl pastes the thick patch of grass fox to bend down in the thick patch of grass, the look is gazing at some direction blurredly. 这便是当日助她化形的云竹吧?看到最前方的那根竹子,少女眸间终于多了丝生气,然而少女并没有停止,最终停留的地方是一处野草丛,也不见其与周围草丛有何分别,银发少女贴着草丛狐般伏在草丛中,眼神迷离地注视着某个方向。 Girl even more appears in the charming pupil, an obscure background producing an inverted image in which of student, Qing Feng has blown, tucks in a fine gauze corner/horn, actually sees under that silver-haired Girl to the utmost charming facial expression, the mouth line outlined an arc to be shy unexpectedly and sweet happy expression. The veil falls, bright eyes closed, the Girl sounds of nature singing sound collects interest, the entire This stage falls into the chaos, one flattered sound reverberation that flattered: ” Young Master, but this azure fox that side the azure mound makes, you take a look, this small appearance, small wound on this leg, is not the villain blows, so long as is a woman, appointed who saw has not moved, let alone the plum girl in that bosom jade library...... ” 少女愈发显得妩媚的眸中,一个书生的模糊背景倒映其中,清风吹过,撩起轻纱一角,却见那银发少女极尽妩媚的神情下,嘴线居然勾勒出一弧青涩而又甜蜜的笑意。面纱落下,明眸闭合,少女的天籁般的歌声收息,整个甲子台陷入混沌,却有一谄媚讨好的声音回荡其中:”公子,这青狐可是青丘那边弄来的,您瞅瞅,这小模样,这腿上的小伤,啧啧,不是小人吹,只要是女人,任谁见了不动心,更何况那怀玉书舍的梅姑娘呢……” Is having the strong nasal, does not know that the bright folk song is not known by which family/home loose man snort/hum, the entire space was also started to drag fluctuating like the swing. In a minute, stops finally, an insulating clamp narrow slit breaks the chaos, although this slit seemed blocked by an inferior colored glaze, but can still see slit another end indistinctly, the pair of hand, holds the water blue strip thing to hug to grip obviously is being the lead leg of beasts, tied an attractive knot, both hands left, the person also departed, the folk song was gradually far, the slit raised, a white clothing, the long radiation threw over. When slit closed, can hear one indistinctly well satisfied ahem the sound. 带着浓重的鼻音,不知明的小调被不知被谁家风流男子哼出,整个空间也开始如秋千般摇曳起伏。片刻,终于停上,一线夹窄的缝隙破开混沌,虽然这道缝隙仿佛被一劣质琉璃所阻,但仍可以隐约看到缝隙另一端,正有一双手,持着水蓝色的条状物抱扎着明显是兽类的前腿,打了个漂亮的结,双手离开,人亦离去,小调渐远,缝隙微扬,一席白衣,长发散披。缝隙闭合时,隐约可以听到一声心满意足哼唧声。 The next to last act major drama sang, the warm applauding sound shot up to the sky, before this was, effect that some programs have not presented. 压轴大戏唱完,热烈的叫好声冲天而起,这是之前又有的节目都没有出现的效果。 Clearly, azure flattered the fox to conquer all people. The following person, suddenly has not responded that so the melody, lingers in the room . Moreover, penetrates in the hearts of all people directly, lets the person heart fresh mood, is unable to suppress. 很明显,青媚狐征服了所有人。下面的人,一时间都还没反应过来,如此曲调,余音绕梁,而且,直接穿透所有人的心里面,让人心生情绪,无法抑制。 The applause is warm, is without a peer. 掌声热烈非凡,不可匹敌。 Big Brother Ye, Little brother, you go back first, abandon the main that side to comply to tell me the life experience, one side leading me to live parental there to see, short several days, long, then in January/one month, I will come back, don't worry!” 叶大哥,小弟,你们先回去,舍主那边答应告诉我身世,带我去生父母那里见一面,短则数天,长则一月,我就会回来,不用担心!” Big Brother Ye, many thanks you, wait for the element element to come back, decide however repay you well!” 叶大哥,多谢你,等素素回来,定然好好报答您!” After this is Liu Susu performs, finally with Ye Qian, the words that Liu Mandate of Heaven spoke, said that she enters inside the bosom jade library. 这是刘素素表演后最后与叶谦,刘奉天说的话,说完,她就进入怀玉书舍内里。 Because has the strategy isolation, Ye Qian does not know that the bosom jade library deep place has anything, but Liu Mandate of Heaven look is dispirited, is not very happy, distinguishes in the crossroad with Ye Qian, looks white discourteous. 因为有着阵法隔绝,叶谦也不知道怀玉书舍深处有什么,不过刘奉天神色怏怏,并不是很高兴,与叶谦在路口分别,去找白非礼。 This is Liu Susu choice, except for her grandfather Liu can, where other people be able to manage. 这是刘素素的选择,除了她爷爷刘能,旁人哪里能管。 Looked again Liu can not appear from beginning to end, Ye Qian does not believe that Liu can not know, thinks also has tacitly approved, he therefore also the house that rents toward the Mongolian school that side walks. 再看刘能至始至终没有出现,叶谦可不相信刘能一点也不知道,想必也是默认了,他于是也就往蒙学堂那边租住的宅子走去。 The day has faded, such as the moist crowd already returned itself, cherishes outside the jade library also only then a numerous leggings fine white silk arch cups one hand in the other across the chest at will, snores is disinclined to hit again, then respectively dispersed. Only then to approach/insult less/small a face drooping head, place has not sighed despondently. 天已渐明,如潮般的人群早已退回自家,怀玉书舍外也只有一众绔纨随意地拱拱手,连个打呼都懒得再打,便各自散了。只有凌少一脸抑郁地耷拉头,有一声没一声地叹气。 Is little different from the ice, Zhao Chao is actually mindless smiles very cheerfully. He looks at the sky, the feeling was really happy. But nearby to approach/insult less/small, simply were speechless, has not seen person such taking pleasure in others' misfortunes of so obvious. 与凌少不同,赵超却是没心没肺地笑得非常欢快。他看着天空,感觉真的是开心极了。而旁边的凌少,简直是无语了,从来没看到一个人如此的幸灾乐祸的这般明显的。 This is the pack of scoundrels in legend, is the plastic brothers. 这就是传说中的狐朋狗友,还是塑料兄弟啊。 I said Zhao less/small, you put on an act, my this also feels better at heart!” Ice little weak, starts to scold Zhao Chao verbosely is not, you said that the brothers do have a liking for a beautiful woman to be easy? Or changes individual!” “我说赵少,你就是装个样子,我这心里也好受点啊!”凌少无力地着,又开始絮絮叨叨地数落赵超的不是,“你说,兄弟看上个美人儿容易吗?要不换个人吧!” If Zhao Chao safely the element listened to the ice little about half double-hour idle talk with ease, content a few words can summarize actually: His Zhao Chao does not right! Until to approach/insult Shaokou the dry tongue crack, Zhao Chao just now the racket his shoulder, sincerely consoles saying: Do not be silly, to approach/insult less/small, you know that is relating anything, I pledged with your life: You dare to meddle, have extended that which I have chopped!” 赵超安然若素地轻松听了凌少近半个时辰废话,内容其实一句话就能概括:他赵超做得不对!直到凌少口干舌裂,赵超方才拍拍他的肩膀,语重心长地劝慰道:“别傻了,凌少,你知道关系着什么,我拿你的命发誓:你敢插手,伸了那只,我就剁了哪个!” Knows that your such cold blood......” to approach/insult less/small the absentmindedly nan language, he is waving: Walked, does not have the meaning, your I was have completely understood, only then the utility, did not have the brothers!” “就知道你这么冷血……”凌少失魂落魄地喃语着,他挥挥手:“走了走了,没意思,你这人我算是看透了,只有功利,没有兄弟!” Zhao Chao looked at to approach/insult less/small one eyes ill-humoredly, develops , to continue to develop, here just saw a play, knows that developed?” 赵超没好气地看了凌少一眼,“演,继续演,这边刚看完戏,就知道演上了?” Really is the brothers, you understand me!” to approach/insult Shaowen said that immediately traded the vice- face, beaming with joy hell Zhao Chao has put arms around shoulders, asked dreadfully with a smile: „Under discussed that after you did, again how making the Younger Brother I eat a soup to give back to you?” “果然是兄弟,还是你了解我!”凌少闻言,顿时换了副面孔,眉开眼笑地狱赵超勾肩搭背,猥琐地笑着问道:“商量下,你搞到手后,让弟弟我喝个头汤再还给你如何?” Zhao Chao looked at to approach/insult less/small one eyes, you feared that wants dead, she involves any you are not does not know that is not the intact body, when the time comes has the accident/surprise in the ancient grave, fills to have no way to make up for the old ancestor your my entire family their anger......” 赵超看了凌少一眼,“你怕是真想死了,她牵扯到什么你不是不知道,不是完璧之身,到时候在古墓出现意外,把你我全家填进去都没法弥补老祖他们的怒火……” By a Zhao Chao such saying, to approach/insult less/small immediately were faded. 被赵超这么一说,凌少顿时蔫了。 Well?” Zhao Chao has not paid attention to to approach/insult less/small, in eye full is the doubts looks to the forms of not far away one after the other two chases. Micro under the eyebrow, Zhao Chao corners of the mouth have shaken, almost cannot hear the sound drop to whisper: Mother, I also spoke thoughtlessly, here had the honorable person to develop! I really am a talent! As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced!” “咦?”赵超没理会凌少,眼中满是疑惑地看向不远处一前一后两道追逐的身影。微缩了下眉,赵超嘴角一抖,几乎听不到声滴嘀咕一句:“娘的,我也就随口说说,这边就有真人演上了!我真是个天才啊!言出法随啊!” To to approach/insult Shaonian back is a palm of the hand, Zhao Chao elegantly pursues to that two forms, walks, sees a play!” 冲着凌少蔫了的背部就是一巴掌,赵超飘逸地追向那两道身影,“走,看戏去!” Is sad to approach/insult less/small by the Zhao Chao sudden palm of the hand were made has almost not responded, hears succinct spoken language that Zhao Chao does not crack a joke , the ship by oneself has the handed down in the family qing gong, overtakes Zhao Chao easily, asked curiously: Whose play?” 正悲伤着的凌少被赵超突如其来的巴掌弄得差点没反应过来,听到赵超不似开玩笑的简练言语,也自运起家传的轻功,轻易追上赵超,好奇地问道:“谁的戏?” Zhao Chao smiles mystically, lifts the chin to hint the front two forms, ” look! ” to approach/insult less/small follow direction that Zhao Chao hints to look, „, that raises the sword did not cherish the jade library a moment ago, Wei Xuanwu who offers the sprawling drunk battleground? Who front that is, owed him several hundred two money to extinguish his entire family, looked at this murderous aura, ant estimate several hundred miles away can feel......” 赵超神秘地笑笑,微抬下巴示意前方两个身影,”自己看!”凌少顺着赵超示意的方向望去,“咦,那个提剑的不是刚才怀玉书舍,献醉卧沙场的魏玄武吗?前面那个是谁,欠他几百两银子还是灭了他全家啊,瞧这杀气,几百里外的蚂蚁估计都能感觉到……” „......” Unknowingly, ice few split visions shoot a look at not far away to have the character who numerous threaten, in the hand raise are proliferating the tiny acupuncture needle all over the body, flood cold light catches up with toward here the feudal official disciple, looks at that entire the feudal official gate count unique makings and standard clothing, to approach/insult less/small looks subconsciously to their front medal. “呃……”不经意间,凌少余光瞥到不远处正有一众气势汹汹的人物,手中提着通体遍布细小毫针,泛着寒光的将臣门弟子往这边赶来,看那整个将臣门都数得上独一无二的气质与制式服饰,凌少下意识望向他们胸前的胸章。 Really, the blood red medal surfaces the boat two intersecting town God control, but under the town God manages that severe Qi to be threatening, God hates town city Gods who the ghost tires to manage four character grass scripts...... 果然,血红色的胸章上浮着两根交叉着的镇神管,而镇神管下方正是那厉气逼人、神憎鬼厌的“镇城神管”四字草书……
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