SSK :: Volume #69

#6885: So relaxed

At this time, he can the hands and feet and using, climbing up with total concentration, even can occasionally be separated from the blade. 这时候,他可以手脚并用,聚精会神的攀爬,甚至可以偶尔脱离刀。 He felt that his speed was also faster, perhaps was climbs a wall adeptly, here bricks and stones quite firm reason. 他感觉自己的速度也更加快了,也许是爬墙娴熟了,这里的砖石又颇为坚固的缘故吧。 However no matter how, its speed upward finally was quick, above visibled faintly the exit|to speak. 不过不管如何,它往上的速度总算是快了,上面隐约可见出口。 This Ye Qian understands to look at the truth of mountain Pao dead horse, knows distance in fact also specially far. 这次叶谦深谙望山跑死马的道理,知道实际上的距离还特别特别的远。 Mother egg, what a pity cannot use the spirit strength, here rule held the egg, if placed usually such selects the distance is the matter that the intention moved.” Ye Qian thinks that does not know, waits for me to come up, they have gone through customs.” “妈蛋,可惜不能动用灵力,这里的规则太操蛋了,如果放在平常这么点距离就是心念一动的事情。”叶谦想,“也不知道,等我上去,他们是不是都已经通关了。” He is full of grievances, does not have means that at this moment, he only has upward crawling, has crawled, till top. 他满腹牢骚,却也没有办法,此时此刻,他唯有向上爬,一直爬,直到顶为止。 Without cultivation base, he at most is the strength quite strong average person. 没有修为,他顶多就是个力量比较强的普通人。 The space advance void jumps, must consume the spirit strength. 无论是空间突进还是虚空跳跃,都是要消耗灵力的。 The physical strength is limited, this does not have half, Ye Qian then to feel very tired. 体力是有限的,这才没有一半,叶谦便感到非常倦怠。 Therefore he inserts the blade above, the whole person sits on the hilt takes a short break. 于是他将刀插在上面,整个人坐在刀柄上稍事休息。 His god looks at the light beam of top of the head, at this moment such short distance wants to contact like the expectation. 他愣神地看着头顶的光束,此刻那样短暂的距离想要接触就像奢望一样。 Suddenly, in the air experiences a strange fluctuation, here world strength in airborne surges quickly, collects in a direction crazily! 突然,空气中出现一丝奇怪的波动,这里的天地力量倏地于空中涌动,疯狂地朝一个方向汇集! What's the matter? At this time had the condition.” “怎么回事?偏偏这种时候出现状况。” Ye Qian looks at the surroundings vigilantly, he at this moment, after climbing up was so long, remaining not many strengths. 叶谦警惕地看着周围,此刻的他,在攀爬了这么久之后,剩下了没多少力气。 The people who he at this moment lacks the strength to truss up a chicken not necessarily are victorious, did not have the ability to deal with again any is unusual! 此刻的他就连手无缚鸡之力的人都未必打得过,根本没能耐再应付任何异常了! The change has continued for a long time, Ye Qian can feel the day earth deities strength in tower in crazy passing! 异动持续了许久,叶谦能够感觉到塔内的天地灵力在疯狂的流逝! „Have some people gone through customs?” “难道已经有人通关了?” Thinks it over, Ye Qian only has also thought of this possibility. 想来想去,叶谦也只想到了这种可能。 But had not heard the Xinghai sect smelting trial mystical place unexpectedly is the disposable consumables. 但从来没听说过星海宗试炼秘境竟是一次性的消耗品。 If, is so difficult to be inadequate the Xinghai sects to elect each time sovereign, needs to arrange? 若是如此,难不成星海宗每次选宗主,都需要重新筹备? The Xinghai sects are no doubt filthy rich, does not have to this situation luxuriously. 星海宗固然财大气粗,却也没有奢侈到这种地步。 What a pity other time people, nobody cannot reply his heart inside question, therefore he also can only guess randomly. 可惜时间没有其他人,没有人能够回答他心里面的疑问,所以他也只能是乱猜。 But he can actually feel that on the surrounding wall, the bricks and stones become less crowded suddenly. 但他却能感觉到,周围的墙壁上,砖石突然松动。 He looked under, there bricks and stones crash-bang crash, seemed torrential rain. 他看了看下方,那里一块块砖石哗啦啦的坠落,好似下了一场滂沱大雨。 But his position, builds the wall the stone becomes very loose, the probably entire high tower can the avalanche disintegration be ordinary. 而他所处的位置,砌成墙壁的石块变得非常松动,好像整座高塔都会崩塌解体一般。 At this time, he noted, here day earth deities strength became very thin. 这时候,他注意到,这里的天地灵力变得非常稀薄。 Who will maintain the spirit strength of mystical place to absorb completely?” Ye Qian suspected. “难道说谁将维持秘境的灵力全部吸收掉了?”叶谦猜想。 But actually which person has the so huge attraction? 但究竟哪个人拥有如此庞大的吸引力? However, Ye Qian cannot control that many. 不过,叶谦也管不了那么多。 At this moment his position, suddenly avalanche, stone like, from the sky falls in torrents, but the below raindrop rapid disintegration tenesmuss! 此刻他所处的位置,骤然崩塌,石块就像自天空倾泻而下的雨滴迅速解体下坠! Hateful, this damn suppression has not relieved!” “可恶,这该死的压制还是没有解除!” Ye Qian is feeling weak of body, unwilling roaring. 叶谦感受着身体的虚弱,不甘的怒吼。 Difficult to be inadequate, can he fall from the sky today unexpectedly at the scene? 难不成,他今日竟要陨落当场吗? But, but also so many matters, were waiting for he processes. 可,还有那么多的事情,等待着他去处理。 Was dying in any case, but also manages that many to do. 罢了罢了,反正都要死了,还管那么多干嘛。 Ye Qian closes the eye, whatever the body tenesmuss infinitely, welcomed the arrival of death open-minded. 叶谦闭上眼睛,任凭身体无限下坠,豁达地迎接死亡的到来。 , The Ye Qian fierce opening pupil, wipes the Purple Gold color ray to explode to shoot swiftly. 倏忽间,叶谦猛的睁开眸子,一抹紫金色的光芒爆射而出。 Day does not perish I!” “天不亡我!” Feels strength that in the body is full, Ye Qian thought that seemed has separated for 10,000 years. 感受着身体内充盈的力量,叶谦觉得好似隔了10000年。 Although almost late, but, came back eventually, so long as the strength return of whole body, that has anything is not the matter. 虽说差点晚了,不过,终究还是回来了,只要浑身的力量回归,那发生什么就都不是事。 The body abundant spirit strength, making Ye Qian unable to bear *, but that sound...... 身体充沛的灵力,让叶谦忍不住*,可那声音…… Luckily nobody hears, otherwise others also think that he is the psychological abnormality, is in yy anything. 幸亏没有人听到,若不然别人还以为他是个心理变态,正在yy什么呢。 The Ye Qian corners of the mouth bring back the smile, the intention move, the whole person disappears in instantaneously airborne. 叶谦嘴角勾起微笑,心念一动,整个人瞬间消失在空中。 The innumerable stones crash, falls the tiny bits on the ground! 无数石块坠落,在地上摔得稀碎! But maps the Ye Qian view, is actually not the world of collapsing. 但映入叶谦眼帘的,却并非坍塌的世界。 But is another new channel, the small and narrow channel end, was still that type wound the winding staircase. 而是又一道新的通道,小而狭窄的通道尽头,仍然是那种蜿蜒曲折的楼梯。 Fourth?” Ye Qian muttered one, turned head pie behind the space of avalanche, said that „after cultivation base restored, did not have what influence, to be exquisite, that the space jump still grasped made me take a look above has anything!” “第四层吗?”叶谦咕哝一声,回头暼了一眼身后崩塌的空间,说道,“修为恢复之后没有什么影响,空间跳跃仍然把握的非常精妙,那就让我瞧瞧上面有什么吧!” ...... …… Does not have the corpse, does not have the bloodstain, sign that has not fought, even some people have come continually the trace does not have, this place of undistinguished appearance, what special situation also there is?” Ye Qian stands in the fourth entrance, looks at the empty main hall, had the question. “没有尸体,没有血迹,没有打斗的迹象,甚至连有人来过的痕迹都没有,这个其貌不扬的地方,又有什么特殊的情况?”叶谦站在第四层的门口,看着空荡荡的大殿,不禁起了疑问。 Said is empty, strict is also actually not true. 说是空荡荡,严格来说却也并非如此。 Because in the opposite position of this main hall, should have the next entrance place, at this moment actually only has a stage. 因为在这个大殿的对面位置,本应该有下一层入口的地方,此刻竟然只有一座高台。 But in stage, is carving the stone chair of fierce ominous beast! 而高台上,则有一座雕刻着狰狞凶兽的石椅! What rule is this?” “这又是什么规律?” Ye Qian both eyes with rapt attention, saw stone chair the position seemingly is not located in the middle of stone platform, but toward left avertence. 叶谦双目凝神,看到石椅的位置貌似并不位于石台的中间,而是往左偏了一些。 Although wants to gain many news, but the thing in main hall was really too few! 虽然想要获取更多地讯息,但大殿内的东西实在是太少了! But can examine only carefully, only then occupies the smelting trial tall Tower fifth entrance stone chair in stage and stage. 而唯一能够让人仔细查看的,只有占住试炼高塔第五层入口的高台和高台上的石椅。 „Can't the obvious trace, as if only proceed?” “没有明显的痕迹,似乎只能往前走了?” Ye Qian does not have other means that has to shrug, grips tightly the blade in the hand, slowly proceeds. 叶谦没有别的办法,只好耸了耸肩,将刀紧紧握在手中,慢慢往前走。 He walked cautiously for a long time, has not actually discovered any danger. 只是,他小心翼翼地走了许久,却没有发现任何危险。 When he stands above the stage, in a low voice cursed, understands that was equal to vain so being long a moment ago anxiously. 当他站在高台之上的时候,才低声咒骂,明白刚才等于是白白紧张了那么久。 The chair left, does not have what special reason. 椅子偏左边,并没有什么特殊的原因。 When he sees situated in the middle that black xu xu cave entrance, knows that this goes to the next channel. 当他看到位于中间那个黑魆魆的洞口之时,就知道这是去往下一层的通道。 It seems like from the beginning the chair has blocked entrance. 看来一开始椅子是堵住了入口的。 He examined the chair carefully, discovered that side has two eyelets, as if has hidden any thing, but here is completely empty. 他仔细的查看了椅子,发现旁边有两个小孔,似乎藏过什么东西,但这里却空空如也。 Thing as if had been robbed by others, but here danger was also relieved.” “东西似乎已经被别人抢走了,而这里危险也被解除了。” Ye Qian was guessing, may think where was not right. 叶谦猜测着,可又觉得哪里不对。 He looked at all around, has thought is very long, finally yes what's the matter. 他看了看四周,想了很久,终于明白怎么回事。 Here all were too clean, at all not like some people have come the appearance. 这里的一切太干净了,根本不像有人在此间来过的样子。 Moreover, if has institution, that can't so the non- scar? 而且,如果真的有机关,那也不会如此不留痕迹吧? Let alone, was difficult to be inadequate the institution to malfunction? 更何况,难不成机关失灵了? When he passes through, unexpectedly a little sound? 在他经过的时候,竟然一点儿动静都没有? But here definitely people have come. 但这里肯定有人来过。 Ye Qian hits at heart the assured say/way. 叶谦打心里笃定道。 But if, is these people have come , haven't they encountered any danger? 可是,如果真的是那些人来过,那他们没有遇到任何危险? That was very easy to understand, that answer was, took the smelting trial here, has protected somebody in Xinghai sect mystical place in this! 那就很容易理解了,那答案就是,本来在这里作为试炼的,是一直在此守护星海宗秘境的某个人! But that person, already not here. The chair is the best proof, the above light dust, has demonstrated the time of departure. 而那个人,已不在此处。椅子就是最好的证明,上面薄薄的尘土,显示了离开的时间。 It seems like, the protector of that fourth smelting trial, when can greatly the destruction Xinghai sects, fought.” Ye Qian guessed. “看来,那位第四层试炼的守护者,在大能覆灭星海宗的时候,也去战斗了。”叶谦猜测道。 Has flung the head, since the fourth any thing does not have, Ye Qian also chooses no longer manages this. 甩了甩脑袋,既然第四层什么东西都没有,叶谦也选择不再管这一层。 No matter how, here should determine that did not have dangerously. 不管如何,这里应该确定是没有危险了。 Ye Qian looked at the following channel, twittering said: „Did this want fifth? Also really like a dream.” 叶谦看了看下面的通道,呢喃道:“这就要第五层了吗?还真的像一场梦一样。” He jumps to leap, directly enters the channel. 他纵身一跃,直接进入通道。 One fiery like is the intense summer heat, from inside to outside wraps him! 一股火热像是酷暑一样,将他由内而外的包裹住! In narrow and small channel space, air seemed is twisted generally, solar surface general blazing. 狭小的通道空间里,空气好似被扭曲了一般,太阳表面一般的炽热。 Lying trough, suddenly in the summer?” “卧槽,突然夏天了?” Ye Qian thought that but he not possibly realizes immediately. 叶谦心想,但他马上意识到不可能。 Present he like was just not at third, at this moment his cultivation base not by any anything suppression. 现在的他不像刚刚在第三层一样,此刻他的修为没有被任何任何东西压制。 He is genuine the powerhouses of Glimpse Dao Realm boundary eight heavy intermediate stages, how by trivial cool summer heat? 那他就是货真价实的窥道境境八重中期的强者,岂会被区区酷暑热到? Does not need to think, is a round new test, but will this test, as if send out the huge quantity of heat? 不用多想,又是一轮新的考验,而这个考验,似乎会散发出巨大的热量? Ye Qian wipes the thin perspiration that the head presented that sighed. 叶谦抹了抹脑袋出现的细汗,不禁感叹。 Then just stood a while to be sweating profusely, if inside temperature increasing, that can melt? 这才刚刚站了一会儿就满头大汗,要是里面温度递增的话,那岂不是要融化掉? But does not draw the turning head arrow, even if now he regretted, wants to exit following the old route, does not have the means. 但开弓没有回头箭,现在他即便后悔了,想要顺着原路出去,也没有办法。 Is thinking the appearance of third avalanche, his whole body startles, who knows that first two can also disintegrate? 想着第三层崩塌的样子,他浑身激灵,谁知道前两层会不会也分崩离析了? Suppressed blazing of heading on, Ye Qian is proceeding several steps, discovered that has not imagined the heat degree of exaggerating to increase progressively, then relaxed. 强忍着扑面而来的炽热,叶谦往前走了几步,发现并没有想象中夸张的热度递增,便松了口气。 Ye Qian looks at the air that twists at present, thinks: Other people passed, do you go through customs to be so quick?” 叶谦看着眼前扭曲的空气,想:“其他人都已经通过了吧,你们通关有那么快吗?” Saw the marvelous sight different matter of Xinghai sect, the powerhouse of Ye Qian to Glimpse Dao Realm has not held any confidence. 见多了星海宗的奇景异事,叶谦窥道境界的强者也不抱什么信心了。 Ye Ming, must wait for me!” “还有叶明,可得等着我啊!” He was reading a given name gently, as if twittering the name of sweetheart, if not for the corner of the eye presented cold intent, perhaps everyone will be deceived on time. 他轻轻地念着一个名讳,仿佛呢喃着情人的名字,若不是眼角出现了一道冷意,恐怕每个人都会被骗过去 He no longer hesitates, slowly passes through channel, after the staircase, arrives at fifth of high tower smelting trial. 他不再迟疑,慢慢走过通道,经过楼梯,来到高塔试炼的第五层。 Roaring of fire!” “火之怒吼!” Here like front four, is not stems from the mentality of protection smelting trial probably. 这里不像前面四层,大概也是出于保护试炼者的心态。 In the entrance, appeared unexpectedly was considered as on is side the gold-plating of prompt the signboard. 在入口处,竟然出现了算得上是提示的镀金边牌匾。 Good aggressive name, that makes me have a look, hot roaring, has fiercely how!” “好霸气的名字,那就让我看看,火的怒吼,有多么的厉害吧!” Ye Qian chuckle, the steps enter. 叶谦轻笑一声,踏步而入。 The front is lavas, area is ordinary like the lake, the temperature of here burning hot as if roasts the air distorted. 面前是一片熔岩,面积就像湖泊一般,这里炙热的温度似乎将空气都烤得变了形。 As if similar to the third entry way, but actually does not climb a wall. 似乎是类似于第三层的通关方式,但却不是爬墙。 But this time is the jump, in the great distance very far place, has prominent rocks, the twists and turns paces back and forth, to the opposite shore of distant place. 这次而是跳跃,在相隔很远的地方,有着一块块突出的岩石,曲折徘徊,一直到远方的对岸。 There, exquisite cave entrance, flowed rapidly in this period densely, as if there is monster to appear and disappear. 那里,有一个小巧的洞口,其间氤氲涌流,似乎有妖怪出没。 That as if leads to the sixth entrance? 那似乎是通往第六层的入口? However, Ye Qian to that strange picture attraction, at this moment, he has not been looking at bulge Dayanshi. 不过,叶谦并没有对那奇怪的景象吸引,此刻,他正看着一块块凸起的大岩石。 Lying trough, this is must jump these rock on time.” Ye Qian is wild with joy, „was also too simple!” “卧槽,这是要跳这些岩石过去。”叶谦不禁狂喜,“也太简单了吧!” What a pity, all are often contrary to what expects, his voice has not fallen, in the lava lake, suddenly spout the fire dragon common lava column! 可惜,一切往往都事与愿违,他话音还未落,熔岩湖泊里,突然喷涌出火龙一般的熔岩柱! Lies... Lying trough?!” Ye Qian almost dropped the chin, this temperature, once bumps into must die without doubt.” “卧…卧槽?!”叶谦几乎跌落了下巴,“这温度,一旦碰上必死无疑啊。”
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