SSK :: Volume #56

#5569: Strange sneak attack

Ye Qian one hear, the gods in beautiful know unexpectedly only then ten meters range, this can see, because oneself once when the magical powers boundary swallowed to absorb a King level remnant soul the number to come out. His god knows the intensity, is two times of beautiful! 叶谦一听,娜美的神识居然只有十米的范围,这就可以看出,自己因为曾经在神通境的时候就吞噬吸收一个王者级残魂的号出来了。他的神识强度,是娜美的两倍! The beautiful is also not common King level military, but her the Saint level powerhouse exists! However, her god knows intensity, actually also only then general of Ye Qian, Ye Qian knows this aspect in the god obviously, has exceeded same step military completely. 娜美也并不是一般的王者级武者,她的身后可是有一位圣级强者存在!然而,她的神识强度,却也就只有叶谦的一般,可见叶谦在神识这方面,完全超越了同阶武者。 Compared with words, the Ye Qian present god knows the intensity, was supposing near King level peak degree. This really does not dare to imagine, must know that his cultivation is, but also just stepped into the King tertiary. 比较一下的话,叶谦如今的神识强度,估摸着是将近王者级巅峰的程度了。这实在是不敢想象,要知道,他的修为,还才刚刚踏入王者三重。 Ye Qian silent long time, said: God knew to be reduced such situation, then, then we must everywhere be careful. This place, does not know that will have anything, but except this unknown danger beyond, came from the danger of person, who knows that these people can live evil intent to our hearts, wants to kill people to seize valuable anything.” 叶谦默然了半晌,说道:“神识被压缩到了如此的地步,那么,接下来我们就必须要处处小心了。这个地方,也不知道会有什么,但除去这未知的危险外,还有来自人的危险,谁知道那些人会不会对我们心生歹意,想要杀人夺宝什么的。” The beautiful nodded, actually as if remembered anything to resemble to result, rubbed on the face carelessly, as if has taken any mask, has thrown into the Chu ring. Moreover, this mask is quite unexpectedly mysterious, change is not only only her appearance, as if changed including the aura and skin color. 娜美点了点头,却仿佛想起了什么似得,在脸上胡乱一揉,似乎拿下了一个什么面具,丢进了储物戒指里。而且,这面具居然颇为神奇,改变的不仅仅只是她的容貌,连气息和肤色似乎都改变了。 Now the mask removes, immediately returned to original state that hurriedly careless beautiful. 现在面具一去掉,顿时就还原了那个风风火火大大咧咧的娜美。 She snort, does not evade Ye Qian, has taken off clothes, naturally is a coat, then takes one set of fiery red clothing from the Chu ring, shortly, by a diminutive hemp face man, turned into a good-looking miss. 她哼了一声,也不避讳叶谦,就脱下了身上的衣服,当然是外套,然后从储物戒指里取出来一套火红的衣衫,顷刻间,就由一个矮小的麻脸汉子,变成了一个俊俏的姑娘。 Ye Qian touches the nose, serious nod said: Em, was like this more attractive, compared with just now that simply, such one lost!” 叶谦摸了摸鼻子,一本正经的点头说道:“恩,还是这样好看多了,比起方才那简直,强了那么一丢丢!” You!” Comfortable nose wrinkled, looked angrily at Ye Qian saying: I had not discovered, Second Brother you unexpectedly mouth such poor!” “你!”娜美气的鼻子都皱起来了,怒视着叶谦道:“我还真没有发现,二哥你居然这么的嘴贫!” Aha, you do not have the discovery are many!” Ye Qian smiled, then has restrained smiling face, said: Was good, now is not cracking a joke time, no matter we have anything, leaves depart is too far. I take the lead, under your attention behind.” “啊哈,你没发现的还多着呢!”叶谦笑了笑,便收敛了笑容,说道:“好了,现在可不是开玩笑的时候,咱们俩不管发生什么,都别离的太远。我走在前面,你多注意下后面。” The beautiful then calmed down, snort one is complied, but roughly is a little childishness also, also did not shout Ye Qian, raised the step to walk toward front. 娜美这才消了气,哼了一声算是答应了下来,但约莫是有点儿气还在,也不喊叶谦,提步就朝着前面走去。 Ye Qian smiled, will stop by calling out her, a brow wrinkle, shouted to clear the way suddenly: Be careful!” 叶谦笑了笑,正要叫住她,却忽然眉头一皱,喝道:“小心!” When Ye Qian shouted careful, the beautiful had realized actually also has not suited, she is an extremely powerful master, don't, because the age and sex underestimated her. Let alone, her still Saint level powerhouse exists, perhaps the inside story is Ye Qian is unable to imagine! 叶谦喊出小心的时候,娜美其实也已经察觉到了不对劲,她本身便是个极为强悍的高手,可别因为年纪和性别就小看了她。更别说,她的身后还有一位圣级强者存在,底蕴或许是叶谦都无法想象的! Courts death!” beautiful cold snort, handle Ye Qian has not seen the weapon appeared in the beautiful hand, obviously, this was not the ordinary weapon, but was a magic weapon! Can present the magic weapon in beautiful hand, naturally cannot be any trash goods, Ye Qian slightly looked at one, knows that this looks like seems the thing of exquisite magic club, perhaps in the hand can compared with resulting, also became known with the god wild cauldron. “找死!”娜美冷哼一声,一柄叶谦并未见过的武器出现在了娜美手中,显而易见的,这并不是什么普通的武器,而是一件法宝!能够出现在娜美手中的法宝,自然不会是什么垃圾货色,叶谦只是略微看了一眼,就知道这看起来仿佛是个小巧魔棒的东西,恐怕自己手里能够比得过的,也就大白和神荒鼎了。 But god wild cauldron and becoming known, may be the magical instruments, in this beautiful hand, it is estimated that was the best quality goods magic weapon. 而神荒鼎和大白,可都是神器啊,这娜美手中的,估计是极品法宝了。 Flame extinguishes!” At the same time that cold snort a beautiful, in the hand the magic club wields, in the hand as if also presses to pinch finger joints with the thumb, obviously has released some secret technique. Before seeing only her body, suddenly erupts a piece of burning hot the flame, this flame comes was really too towering, seemed is the same there to the feeling of person, but in the front of this flame, actually similarly bewildered appearance a person. “炎灭!”冷哼一声的娜美,手中魔棒挥出去的同时,手中似乎还按按掐诀,显然释放了某种秘术。只见她的身前,忽然爆发出一片炙热的火光,这火光来的实在是太突兀了,给人的感觉就仿佛是本就是在那里一样,而就在这火光的面前,却同样莫名其妙的出现了一个人。 This person is short, a thin monkey appearance just like, but this is not the key point. The key point is the sudden appearance of this person, the secret technique that the Bina beautiful uses towering. 这人身材矮小,活脱脱的一个瘦猴模样,但这并不是重点。重点是这个人的突然出现,比娜美施展出的秘术都更加的突兀。 That is not flickers to move, not possibly with Ye Qian space advance same masterstroke energy, but is he existed there! 那并不是什么瞬移,更不可能是和叶谦空间突进一样的神技能,而是他本来就存在于那里! But after this person appears suddenly, a pair of hand is then common just like the eagle claw, grasps toward the neck of beautiful. 而这人忽然出现之后,一双手便宛如鹰爪一般,朝着娜美的脖子抓去。 Although was sneak attacked, but the beautiful is not absolutely affable. As sonic boom drinks, the flame that her displays extinguishes the secret technique, the might is quite astonishing, is only in one second extremely in the wink of an eye, roaring flame then surrounded the beautiful. 虽然是被偷袭,可娜美绝对不是好惹的。随着一声爆喝,她那施展出来的炎灭秘术,威力相当惊人,只是在万分之一秒的瞬息之间,一股烈焰便将娜美包围在了其中。 This protects the method, attacks the method. Because this roaring flame is centered on the beautiful, erupts to go toward all around. Even if is away from the beautiful to have several meters far Ye Qian, can feel, that is an astonishing temperature, even if Ye Qian has very strong confidence regarding own mortal body, he did not think one under the flame of this temperature, meets to send lossless. 这是防护手段,同时也是攻击手段。因为这烈焰是以娜美为中心,朝着四周爆发而去。哪怕是隔着娜美有几米远的叶谦,都能够感受得到,那是一种惊人的温度,即便是叶谦对于自己肉身有很强的信心,他也不觉得自己在这种温度的火焰之下,会毫发无损。 But shocking appeared, the diminutive man who was hit by the flame, has not felt unexpectedly completely general , to continue to attack to go toward the beautiful. Flame solid bombardment on him, even can see his pair of hand somewhat burned black, however this person who the high temperature of flame roasts roasts still does not have the slight stop, as if no including the response of pain. 但让人震惊的一幕出现了,那被火焰击中的矮小男人,居然完全没有感觉一般的,继续朝着娜美攻击而去。火焰结结实实的轰击在他身上,甚至都可以看见他那一双手都被火焰的高温炙烤的有些焦黑了,然而此人依然没有丝毫的停顿,似乎连痛楚的反应都没有。 The beautiful in the attack that under startled erupts suddenly, possibly is not her top strength, but is not absolutely easy to resist. But, this person unexpectedly such stiffly carries on the shoulder, including by spontaneous reaction of high-temperature flame ignition not a wee bit. 娜美在惊慌之下骤然爆发出来的攻击,可能并非是她的顶尖实力,但绝对也不是那么容易抵挡的。可是,这个人居然就这么硬生生的扛着,连被高温火焰灼烧的自然反应都没有一丁点。 Person ready dead?” The Ye Qian moral nature moves slightly, because he can think that is the status in this beautiful. Her back has a Saint level powerhouse, this no doubt is the good deed, but a Saint level powerhouse not necessarily does not have the personal enemy, but this personal enemy, may be more formidable than the common person. “死士么?”叶谦心底微微一动,因为他能够想到的,就是这娜美的身份。她的背后有一位圣级强者,这固然是好事,但一位圣级强者未必没有仇家,而这种仇家,或许会比寻常人更为强大。 Ye Qian thought that has the personal enemies in beautiful in secret with, entered in this Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, after finding the beautiful, sneak attacks in secret. 叶谦觉得,是有娜美的仇家暗中跟来,也进入了这阴阳八卦之中,找到娜美之后暗中偷袭。 But quick, Ye Qian has overturned this view. Because of him suddenly some strange feeling, that is, present short person man, perhaps he is not a live person! 可很快的,叶谦就推翻了这个看法。因为他忽然有了一种古怪的感觉,那就是,眼前的这个矮个子男人,或许他不是活人! A live person, how even if again formidable, suddenly was hit by the flame, definitely subconscious had responded, but this person not. Moreover is not only this, the flame secret technique of this person completely fearless beautiful, a pair of hand still stared also ruthlessly spicy incomparable pinches toward the neck of beautiful. 一个活人,哪怕是再如何强大,忽然遭到火焰的袭击,肯定会下意识的有所反应,但这个人并没有。而且还不仅仅是这,此人完全无惧娜美的火焰秘术,一双手仍然直勾勾也狠辣无比的朝着娜美的脖子掐去。 As if regarding him, in the world did not have compared with seizing a beautiful neck more important matter, even if his body is roasted by the burning hot flame, even if his pair of hand, must scorch, he does not have any response! But this is not normal, even if above the imagination as person your tolerance, but your body will actually make the response of instinct, that is unable to restrain. 似乎对于他来说,世界上已经没有了比掐住娜美脖子更重要的事情了,哪怕是他的身体正在被炙热的火焰烤着,哪怕他的那一双手,已经都要烧焦了,他都没有任何的反应!可这根本就不正常,哪怕作为人你的忍耐力超乎想象,但你的身体却会做出本能的反应,那根本就是无法克制住的。 May on this person, Ye Qian unable to see any point. 可在这个人身上,叶谦看不见任何一点。 These are flash's matter, the flame are unable to prevent this person, the beautiful book is sneak attacked, this thinks that the flame extinguishes the secret technique to be able the accomplishment, has not thought that absolutely does not have any use, the beautiful is also caught off guard. Once lost the situation, in addition the person of this sneak attack so strange, the beautiful unavoidably has also become confused, was suddenly startled. 这些都是一瞬间的事情,火焰无法阻止此人,娜美本就是在被偷袭,本以为炎灭秘术可以建功,没想到根本就没有任何的用处,娜美也是措手不及。一旦失去了先机,再加上这偷袭之人如此的诡异,娜美也免不了慌了手脚,一时间惊慌了起来。 Ye Qian naturally cannot stand by, if actually changes into is Ye Qian, that feared that is the similar situation, powerful ten times of match, strange ten times, Ye Qian can deal in the same old way. This then can see, beautiful here, although the talent is astonishing, cultivates not to be bad, but the Saint level powerhouse protects, she indeed has not experienced the boundary of life and death. 叶谦自然再也不能袖手旁观了,其实如果换成是叶谦,那怕是同样的情况,对手的实力强大十倍,诡异十倍,叶谦照样可以应对。这便可以看出,娜美这里,虽然天赋惊人,修为也不差,但有一位圣级强者守护,她的确是没怎么经历过生死之境。 But that subtle moment of life-and-death friendship, most can stimulate the potential of person. 而生死之交的那微妙一刻,是最能激发人的潜能的。 The Ye Qian personal appearance dodges, then appeared before the beautiful body was not far, because the flame of high temperature is the beautiful the sneak attacked instantaneous release, naturally is the undifferentiated attack, Ye Qian must deal. But he actually actually relies on powerful cultivation is, spirit strength agitation, although is insufficient to counter-balance all flame, but the remaining might, are warm by a fire regarding Ye Qian. 叶谦身形一闪,便已经出现在了娜美身前不远,高温的火焰因为是娜美在被偷袭的瞬间释放而出,自然是无差别的攻击,叶谦也要应对。但他却硬是凭借强悍的修为,灵力鼓动,虽然不至于抵消所有的火焰,但剩下的威力,对于叶谦来说不过是烤火罢了。 As soon as he appears, is a foot tramples toward the person of that sneak attack, Ye Qian can use to become known actually, but Ye Qian also knows that in this Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, has not known has many crisis, becomes known this type of top-secret weapon, good that little uses. Moreover, the use becomes known also has consumption, Ye Qian does not think that the person of this sneak attack is worth him using. 他一出现,便是一脚朝着那偷袭之人踹去,叶谦其实是可以动用大白的,但叶谦也知道,在这阴阳八卦之中,还不知道有多少的危机,大白这种绝密武器,还是少动用的好。而且,动用大白也不是没有消耗的,叶谦不认为这个偷袭之人值得他动用。 Let alone, he also wants to grasp lives, what existence has a look at the person of this sneak attack is, unexpectedly can the fearless sore spot. If the use becomes known, this sword gets down, this person will estimate the dregs not remaining 更何况,他也想抓活的,看看这偷袭之人到底是什么样的存在,居然可以无惧痛处。如果动用大白的话,这一剑下去,这人估计渣都不会剩下一点 But the person of that sneak attack, as if had not felt Ye Qian exists to be the same, does not dodge regarding that foot of Ye Qian completely does not evade. Ye Qian this script comes also many subsequent parties, the result has not all used, then a solid foot trampled in that person. 而那偷袭之人,似乎根本就没有感觉到叶谦的存在一样,对于叶谦的那一脚完全不闪不避。叶谦这一脚本来还有许多后手的,结果全没有用上,便结结实实的一脚踹在了那人身上。 Tramples when this person, Ye Qian then strange feelings, he thought that he did not kick completely likely on the body of person, but trampled on a steel and iron rock general. Should have the elasticity that absolutely does not have. 踹在这人身上的时候,叶谦便有一种奇异的感觉,他觉得自己完全不像是踢在了人的身上,而是踹在了一块钢铁岩石上面一般。该有的弹性,完全没有。 But the effect has, that person was kicked by a Ye Qian foot, when immediately the somersault get lost. 但效果还是有的,那人被叶谦一脚踢中,顿时当空翻滚出去。 But the beautiful is somewhat startled, but was also insufficient to lose the square inch, saw how this opportunity will let off, was one drinks greatly, in the hand seemed like the toy common magic club magic weapon, unexpectedly lengthened the thickening instantaneously, turned into a club. The beautiful such is lifting club, pounds toward a that person of club. 而娜美虽然是有些惊慌,但也不至于失去了方寸,眼看这种机会如何会放过,又是一声大喝,手中原本看上去像是个玩具一般的魔棒法宝,居然瞬间变长变粗,变成了一根棒子。娜美就这么举着棒子,朝着那人一棒子砸去。 Puff.” One, completely is very stuffy sound, that person has suffered a Ye Qian foot first, now is a such rudely stick, flies upside down directly, pounded on the wall. “噗。”的一声,完全是很闷的声音,那人先是挨了叶谦一脚,现在又是这么势大力沉的一棒,直接倒飞出去,砸在了墙上。 May from beginning to end, this person of Lian Menheng not send out, hits drops on the wall on the ground, did not have the sound. 可至始至终,这人连闷哼一声都没有发出,撞在墙上跌落在地上,没了声息。 All right?” Ye Qian goes forward to ask. “没事吧?”叶谦上前问道。 The beautiful naturally is all right, may be sneak attacked, moreover made her reveal flurriedly, this Jeanne beautiful thought in front of Ye Qian lost the Boss face, immediately ablazed with anger to arrive at side that person, who must mention him comes to see is dares to sneak attack itself. 娜美自然没什么事,可被人偷袭,而且让她显露了慌乱,这让娜美觉得在叶谦面前丢了老大面子,顿时怒气冲冲走到那人身边,就要把他提起来看看到底是什么人敢偷袭自己。 However at this moment, that person has actually lifted, to the beautiful strange he he smiles, black smoke then since then in the population throws toward the beautiful 然而就在这时,那人却抬起了头来,对着娜美诡异的呵呵一笑,一股黑烟便从此人口中朝着娜美扑去 Ps: Slightly letter public number has cleared, everybody direct search step thousand sails increase attention! 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