SGG :: Volume #35

#3459: Adverse current

Chapter 3461 第3461章 Adverse current 逆流 Light Goddess saw that on Crape Myrtle also presented violet light stream, obviously his Strength is also draining, said hastily: Sir, is quicker starts Gene Pantheon, Resetting Great Universe.” 光明女神看到紫薇身上也出现了紫色光流,显然他的力量也在流失,连忙说道:“大人,快些启动基因神殿,重启大宇宙吧。” Entire Gene Pantheon is vibrating, resembles to strip from in the air. 整个基因神殿都在震动,似是正在从虚空之中剥离出来。 Audience Spiritual God knows, this does not strip from in the air, but is Gene Pantheon with the the Great Universe's Rules peeling, loses the control to Great Universe. 神灵都知道,这并不是从虚空之中剥离,而是基因神殿正与大宇宙的规则剥离,失去对大宇宙的控制权。 Obviously is because Gene Monument Strength is extremely powerful, has started to become the new Universe management tool, is replacing the the Gene Pantheon's position. 显然是因为基因碑力量太过强大,已经开始成为了新的宇宙管理工具,正在取代基因神殿的位置。 Sir, does not do wrestles finally, feared that was without enough time......, if waited again, feared that is the opportunity that the even/including wrestled finally does not have......” Instant Goddess also to urge. “大人,再不做最后一搏,怕是就来不及了……若是再等下去,怕是连最后一搏的机会都没有了……”刹那女神也劝道。 Crape Myrtle looked at one with Universe core Rule(s) peeling Gene Pantheon, looked at The Wall of Evolution to be, expression was dignified, actually never said a word. 紫薇看了一眼正在与宇宙核心规则剥离的基因神殿,又看了看进化之壁所在,神色凝重,却始终不发一言。 Various Universe places have the mighty current gathering of violet, Strength of small and weak life quick on outflow was similar, then they discovered, they started to have the strange change. 宇宙各处都有紫色的洪流汇聚,弱小的生命的力量很快就流失的差不多了,然后他们发现,自身开始产生了离奇的变化。 Life that these die of old age gradually, after losing Strength, instead starts recover one's youthful vigor. 那些垂垂老去的生命,在失去了力量之后,反而开始返老还童 At first they are very excited, but is quick they to discover, this is only the start of big terrifying. 开始他们还很兴奋,可是很快他们就发现,这只是大恐怖的开始。 The Two Great Universes time is flowing backwards probably general, they are experiencing beforehand passing but actually, while experiencing these passing, their suddenly round with, oneself was short of what probably. 两大宇宙的时光好像都在倒流一般,他们正在倒着经历以前的过往,在经历那些过往的同时,他们突然发同,自己好像少了一些什么。 When they want to ponder oneself forgot what time, why actually the discovery including oneself must ponder that this issue could not think. 等他们想要去思考自己忘记了什么的时候,却发现连自己为什么要思考这个问题都想不起来了。 Small and weak they naturally cannot know when their Timespace reversal, is cancelled with karma that they are connected. 弱小的他们自然不会知道,在他们身上的时空逆转之时,与他们相关联的因果正在被抹去。 This was only just started, powerful creature can also resist these Strength, when they noticed that creature one by one degenerated, when was cancelled already has had karma Fate, shock unimaginable in heart. 这只是刚刚开始,强大的生物还能够抵抗那些力量,可是当他们看到身边的生物一个个退化,被抹去已经发生过的因果命运之时,心中的震撼难以想象 Damn! / deserves death...... Qin Xiu does he want to do?” In Divine Chaos Society is also sound of the alarmed and afraid roaring, they also felt the change of within the body. 该死……秦修他到底想要干什么?”神乱会之内也是一片惊惧咆哮之声,他们也感觉了身体内的变化。 Powerful such as they, although is also insufficient to be reversed the time, is the discovery of their appalled, oneself part of memories gradually are vanishing. 强大如他们,虽然还不至于被逆转时光,可是他们都惊骇的发现,自己的一部分记忆正在逐渐消失。 At their Evolution degrees, the remote tiny matter, can remember even again clearly, is absolutely impossible to forget, they, that karma that only then a possibility, that is connected with it related is cancelled, they will unable to remember these matters. 以他们的进化程度,就算再久远细小的事情,都能够记得清清楚楚,绝对不可能遗忘,他们记不起来,那就只有一种可能性,那就是与之相关联的因果联系被抹去了,他们才会想不起那些事。 Is powerful creature, at this time is scared, they know that Evolution has how difficultly, such Timespace reversal, to them, simply is Cataclysm. 越是强大的生物,此时就越是恐慌,他们才知道进化有多么的艰难,这样的时空逆转,对于他们来说,简直就是一场灾难 What is more fearful, no one knows that Qin Xiu wants Timespace to reverse to what degree, Timespace that if reverses restores before they were born, then they in the future can looking like now are so born, and arrives this step, this is who is unable to forecast. 更可怕的是,谁也不知道秦修要所时空逆转到什么程度,若是逆转的时空恢复到他们出生之前,那么他们将来能将像现在这般出世,并且走到这一步,这是谁也无法预测的。 Damn! / deserves death, Qin Xiu simply is not reversing Timespace, his is to cancel this Timespace, before compulsory makes Great Universe return to his Younger Sister to give him, Bloodline.” Moon God complexion ugly saying. 该死,秦修根本就不是在逆转时空,他这是想要抹去这一段时空,强制性令大宇宙回到他妹妹血脉给予他之前。”月神脸色难看的说道。 Tai Yi (Supreme One) looks Strength that on oneself is sending out, said indifferently: You said right, Timespace originally is irreversible, except destroys, cancels Timespace that one can do, naturally can make a fresh start.” 太一看着自己身上正在散发的力量,淡然说道:“你说的没错,时空本来就是不可逆的,除一能做的就是摧毁,抹去一段时空,自然就能够重新开始。” But Timespace, if were really cancelled, beforehand Timespace can also continue to continue?” Moon/Month God said. “可是时空若真的被抹去,以前的时空还能够继续延续下去吗?”月神说道 No one knows, because some people have never done this, even Spiritual God, still can only pursue the Timespace trace, returns to returning to a Mirage of the Past, but cannot genuine reversal Timespace, Qin Xiu be among Universe first can think, and person who dares to do that at least he believes like this yes.” Tai Yi (Supreme One) said. “没人知道,因为从未有人这样做过,就算是神灵,也只能追逐时空的痕迹,回到过去的幻景之中,而不能够真正的逆转时空,秦修宇宙间第一个敢这么想,并且敢这么去做的人,至少他相信这样是可以的。”太一说道。 „Does he believe to be useful? Can we compensate him to compensate the life? It is not good, must block him.” Moon God clenches teeth to say. “他相信有什么用?难道我们都要赔着他去赔命吗?不行,必须要拦下他。”月神咬牙道。 She found Tai Yi (Supreme One) with great difficulty, can with Tai Yi (Supreme One), her not be together easy to experience beforehand that passing with great difficulty finally again, even Qin Xiu can be successful, before she does not want to return . 她好不容易才找到太一,好不容易终于可以和太一在一起了,她不容易再去经历以前的那种过往,就算秦修能够成功,她也不希望回到以前。 „, No one has been able to prevent Qin Xiu without enough time now.” Tai Yi (Supreme One) said. “来不及了,现在已经没有谁能够阻止秦修。”太一说道。 You and aren't Crape Myrtle jointly good?” Moon God asked. “你和紫薇联手也不行吗?”月神问道。 Tai Yi (Supreme One) shakes the head: „It is not good, if before Crape Myrtle has not defeated Bao'er, or is he Bao'er's potential completely has not stimulated beforehand also to be possible, but now, no one can prevent him. Qin Xiu own Strength has been equal to with Universe, he grasped Gene Monument let alone, but Gene Monument now is Great Universe Manager, can draw support from big the Strength of the Universe's myriad things, in addition Bao'er of another with being equal to Universe, in this Universe does not have any has lived Spirit’s Strength with him to contend again, can only accompany him to bet together.” 太一摇头:“不行,若是在紫薇没有打败宝儿之前,或者是他没有把宝儿的潜能完全激发之前还有可能,但是现在,没有人能够阻止他。秦修自己的力量已经等于同宇宙,更何况他又掌握了基因碑,而基因碑现在已经是大宇宙管理者,可以借助大宇宙万物的力量,再加上另外一个同等于宇宙宝儿,这宇宙中已经再没有任何生灵的力量可以与他抗衡,只能陪他一起赌一把。” Tai Yi (Supreme One) when the speech, many terrifying creature tearing space, had fired into Qin Xiu, wants to prevent him to reverse Timespace. 太一在说话之时,已经有诸多恐怖生物破空而起,冲向了秦修,想要阻止他逆转时空 Divine Chaos Society, Spiritual God and Two Great Universes World Breaking Expert and Flower Garden in the Sky many human, regardless of before were the enemy is a friend, now actually drops out the prejudice, one by one tearing space killed to Qin Xiu. 神乱会神灵两大宇宙破界强者空中花园的诸多人类,无论以前是敌是友,现在却都抛下了成见,一个个破空杀向秦修 Two Great Universes all Expert become the Qin Xiu's enemy, no one is willing to be erased among the trace in this Verse. 两大宇宙的所有强者都成为了秦修的敌人,没有谁愿意被抹去在这个世界间的痕迹。 Terrifying Strength wreaks havoc in Universe, resembles can destroy all, but Qin Xiu is holding Wan'er, sits above the Gene Monument stone monument base, is actually only a face looks at Wan'er gently, looks but not see that innumerable terrifying Expert and hiding the sky and covering the earth Strength, or should say that his simply has not looked up. 恐怖的力量宇宙间肆虐,似是能够摧毁一切,可是秦修抱着宛儿,坐在基因碑的碑座之上,却只是一脸温柔地看着宛儿,对于那无数的恐怖强者铺天盖地力量视而不见,或者应该说他根本没有抬头去看。 How powerful creature, they are away from Qin Xiu and Gene Monument are nearer, Strength on the more rapidness of passing, when their Strength bang to Qin Xiu, halo that on Gene Monument sends out, actually clean that all Strength absorb, has not flowed off any trace. 只是无论是多么强大的生物,他们距离秦修基因碑越近,身上的力量就流逝的越快,而当他们的力量轰向秦修之时,基因碑上散发的光晕,却把所有的力量都吸收的一干二净,没有流下任何痕迹。 Absorbed their Strength Gene Monument, changed more powerful fearful, devour(ing) their Strength speed also changes is quicker. 吸收了他们力量基因碑,变的更加强大可怕,吞噬他们力量的速度也变的更快。 immediately, entire Universe imitated Buddhist Scripture to undergo the big terrifying to be ordinary, terrifying creature of numerous side powerful master level is trembling, looks hates to the Qin Xiu's look angrily dreads panic-stricken. 一时间,整个宇宙都仿佛经历了大恐怖一般,众多一方雄主级的恐怖生物都在瑟瑟发抖,望向秦修的眼神即愤怒仇恨又畏惧惊恐。 Even if there is unwilling disclaimer, bombardment Gene Monument that time after time goes all out, finally is actually all, their Strength become the Gene Monument tonic, making the speed that Timespace reverses change was quicker. 纵然有不甘放弃者,一次次拼命的轰击基因碑,结果却都是一切,他们的力量成为了基因碑的补品,令时空逆转的速度变的更快了。 Sees friends and family member, even is enemy one by one degenerates even vanishes, the land rivers and streams mountain changes, the All Heavens stars move but actually, the vicissitudes reverse, immediately desperate spreads in entire Great Universe. 眼看着身边的朋友、亲人,甚至是敌人一个个退化甚至消失,大地江河山岳变化,诸天星辰倒移,沧海桑田逆转,一时间绝望在整个大宇宙之内蔓延。 Does "God, save us? ” The entire sky purple light ascends, the myriad things adverse current backs up, the innumerable lives wept with grief the hope. “神呢,救救我们吧?”漫天紫光升腾,万物逆流倒退,无数生灵悲泣祈求。 Spiritual God that but they implored, now is actually unable to defend oneself, has Spiritual God to start to dissipate, because Idol in God's Shrine(s) also Timespace reversed to vanish, degenerated by had not had ancient era that Spiritual God presented. 可是他们所祈求的神灵,如今却是自身难保,已经有神灵开始消散,神庙内的神像也因为时空逆转而消失,退化以了未曾有神灵出现的古老时代 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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