SGG :: Volume #35

#3455: I am waiting for you

Chapter 3457 第3457章 I am waiting for you 我等着你 Saw that Human Emperor Universe's Power must rumble on Bao'er, but that Strength resembles solidified in in the air, seemed like freeze generally, was stopping less than three chi (0.33 m) place from Bao'er. 眼看着人帝宇宙之力就要轰在宝儿身上,可是那力量像凝固在了虚空之中,就好像是定格了一般,在距离宝儿不足三尺的地方停了下来。 The people are in the heart one happy, thinks that was Han Sen came back, was the vision actually, had not actually seen that some people appeared to block Human Emperor, instead was Human Emperor is maintaining the stance of fist, lowered the head, the body has been shivering. 众人都是心中一喜,以为是韩森回来了,可是目光却及,却没有看到有人出现拦下人帝,反而是人帝自己保持着出拳的姿态,低着头,身体一直在颤抖着。 Really was loses face.” A sound passes from the Human Emperor mouth, was only this sound and sound is completely different. “真是太丢脸了。”一个声音自人帝的口中传出来,只是这声音与刚才的声音却完全不同。 The people gawk, did not have bright white haired to live anything, actually hears the Human Emperor sound, but during this sound is panic-stricken has the intense vibrato: How you...... you can......” 众人都是一楞,还没有明白发生了什么事,却又听到人帝的声音,只是这个声音惊恐之中带着强烈的颤音:“你……你怎么会……” This sound is like the previous Human Emperor sound, but absolutely does not have a moment ago like that the powerful self-confidence at this time, even also fear. 这个声音与先前的人帝声音是一样的,只是这时候已经完全没有了刚才那般强大的自信,甚至还有恐惧在内。 originally plans to wait for time again, after waiting for this body and Soul conforms completely, recaptures the body, is your behavior, will let soon receive me of this body also to be shamed, therefore has to take back the body ahead of time.” That indifferent and arrogant sound resounds again, this people listen distinctly, although that sound sends out from the Human Emperor mouth, but is actually not the Human Emperor sound. 原本打算再等一段时间,等这身体与灵魂完全整合之后再夺回身体,可是你的行为,让即将接收这身体的我也感到耻辱,所以不得不提前收回身体。”那冷漠而高傲的声音再次响起,这一次众人都听分明,那声音虽然从人帝的口中发出,可是却绝非是人帝的声音。 Who Qin Xiu...... the Sir......” Divine Chaos Society has creature to obey genuine Master of that sound is. 秦修……大人……”神乱会已经有生物听从了那声音的真正主人是谁。 Qin Xiu...... his unexpectedly is also the startled color is strange in......” Chaos and Crape Myrtle. 秦修……他竟然还在……”乱和紫薇也是惊色古怪。 This body is mine, you gave up any idea of that claims him from my in the hand, the my body and Soul are the absolute matches, but your Soul had been scattered by me absorbs fusion, how do you struggle with me?” The Human Emperor sound is shivering. “这身体是我的,你休想从我手中夺走他,我的身体与灵魂是绝对的匹配,而你的灵魂已经被我打散吸收融合,你怎么和我争?”人帝的声音颤抖着。 These important?” After the Qin Xiu's sound said that above the body of Human Emperor, full violet hair sets upright, violet halo that as soars to the heavens dances in the air. “那些重要吗?”秦修的声音说完之后,人帝的身体之上,满头紫发倒竖而起,随着冲天的紫色光晕飞舞。 The head of Human Emperor also lifted finally, in a pair of eyes unexpectedly lives four eyes, two eyes in eyes are gradually changing. 人帝的头也终于抬了起来,一双眼睛之内竟然生有四个瞳孔,一只眼睛内的两个瞳孔正在逐渐变化。 In which bright violet eyes is gradually enlarging, but another eyes actually getting smaller. 其中的一个明亮的紫色瞳孔正在逐渐放大,而另外一个瞳孔却越来越小。 The sound that „...... impossible......” Human Emperor not to wail stopped from the mouth, in a pair of eyes , was only left over pair of eyes. “不……不可能……”人帝哀号的声音自口中嘎然而止,一双眼睛之中,也只剩下了一对瞳孔 Although this time body, looked with big of change, but why did not know, seeming like actually changed a person to be ordinary probably, that air/Qi qualitative changed honestly to be extremely intense. 虽然这时候的身体,看起来和刚才的变化之大,可是不知道为什么,看起来却像是换了一个人一般,那种气质的改变实在太过强烈。 Obviously same body, because air/Qi qualitative to transform, actually a being reborn feeling. 明明一样的身体,只是因为气质的转换,却给人一种脱胎换骨的感觉。 Cult Lord......” Bloodlife Cult many Holy Disciple see this, is the facial color like the earth, they naturally guessed correctly that what happened. 教主……”血命教的诸多圣徒看到这一幕,都是面色如土,他们自然都猜到发生了什么事。 originally absorbed Qin Xiu's Human Emperor, now is actually instead seized the body by Qin Xiu, refined Soul. 原本吸收了秦修的人帝,如今却反被秦修夺了身体,炼化了灵魂 Chaos and Crape Myrtle's complexion is not quite attractive, although Human Emperor is powerful, but his Strength in the end captures by External Power, itself has not fully adapted to that level Strength, some mental state cultivation base also issues. 乱和紫薇的脸色也不太好看,人帝虽然强大,可是他的力量终究是靠外力夺得,本身还没有完全适应那种层次的力量,心境修为也有些问题。 If Human Emperor grasps this body, after Bao'er treads that Step, the also very big opportunity can defeat him, but Master of this body changed into Qin Xiu, the probability that then Bao'er can win significantly reduces. 若是人帝掌握这具身体,宝儿踏出那一步之后,还有很大的机会可以打败他,可是这身体的主人换成了秦修,那么宝儿能赢的机率就大幅度降低。 Qin Xiu looked at Bao'er, walked without consulting anybody. 秦修看了一眼宝儿,径自走了过去。 Cannot injure my Elder Sister!” Before Han Ling'er, has been flushing, at this time before had rushed to the Bao'er body, opened both hands to keep off in front of Bao'er, big eyes is staring Qin Xiu wickedly. “不许伤害我姐姐!”韩灵儿之前就一直在冲过来,此时已经冲到了宝儿身前,张开双手挡在了宝儿面前,大眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着秦修 Qin Xiu actually shows a faint smile: You called Han Ling'er was right?” 秦修却只是微微一笑:“你叫韩灵儿对吧?” I am Han Ling'er, what kind of?” Han Ling'er eyes stares Qin Xiu, in the heart is somewhat feeling weak. “我就是韩灵儿,怎么样?”韩灵儿眼睛瞪着秦修,心中却是有些发虚。 „Really good, with your aptitude, if you grew up, evolves the pinnacle Strength of this body, genuine can tread that Step, feared that is among this Universe, was difficult to find with you matches the enemy.” Qin Xiu said. “真的很不错,以你的资质,若是等你长大,将这身体的力量衍化到极致,真正能够踏出那一步,怕是这宇宙间,再难找到与你匹配之敌。”秦修说道。 You know that my fiercely good, cannot you injure Elder Sister Bao'er.” Han Ling'er said. “你知道我的厉害就好,不许你伤害宝儿姐。”韩灵儿说道。 Now you were too small, I could not have waited for you to grow up.” Qin Xiu was saying puts out a hand to grasp, Han Ling'er's body immediately seemed like by Invisible Strength is held generally, instantly fell in the Qin Xiu's palm, carried with the hand the collar to raise by Qin Xiu one. “不过现在你还是太小了,我已经等不到你长大了。”秦修说着伸手一抓,韩灵儿的身体顿时像是被一股无形的力量吸住了一般,刹那间落在了秦修的掌中,被秦修一只手提着衣领提了起来。 Lets loose Ling'er!” Huangfu Jing, Wang Yuhang and the others clearly know not to beat, actually flushed. “放开灵儿!”皇甫静王宇航等人明知道不敌,却还是冲了上来。 The Qin Xiu vision concentrates, Timespace seemed solidified, the figure of people by freeze, is unable to move again little bit. 秦修目光一凝,时空仿佛都被凝固,众人的身形都被定格,再也无法动弹半分 I am not Human Emperor, regarding killing a child has no interest.” Qin Xiu was saying throws conveniently, the Han Ling'er's body was thrown. “我不是人帝,对于杀一个孩子没什么兴趣。”秦修说着随手一抛,韩灵儿的身体就被抛了出去。 Quick fell on is decided in the Huangfu Jing bosom that is unable to move same place, Huangfu Jing also restored to own control, happen to caught Han Ling'er that dropped from Spirit Body status. 很快就落在了被定在原地无法动弹的皇甫静怀里,皇甫静也恢复了对自身的控制能力,正好接住了从灵体状态跌落出来的韩灵儿 Favors her, now here is also not her battlefield.” Qin Xiu does not look at Huangfu Jing and Han Ling'er, arrived in front of Bao'er without consulting anybody. “看好她,现在这里还不是她的战场。”秦修也不看皇甫静韩灵儿,径自走到了宝儿面前。 Bao'er had not moved, but is staring at Qin Xiu, she before and a Human Emperor war, Human Emperor, although is powerful, is actually not able to make Bao'er feel the pressure, is facing Qin Xiu, in the Bao'er heart actually cannot bear produce the tremendous pressure and palpitation. 宝儿一直没有动,只是盯着秦修,她之前与人帝一战,人帝虽然强大,却无法让宝儿感觉到压力,可是面对秦修,宝儿心中却忍不住产生巨大的压力和悸动。 Bao'er, walks.” Chaos's form tearing space came, to keep off in front of Bao'er, put out a hand a palm to hit on Bao'er, must infiltrate in the air the Bao'er's body, making her seize the chance to flee. 宝儿,走。”乱的身影破空而来,挡在了宝儿前面,伸手一掌打在宝儿身上,就要把宝儿的身体打入虚空之中,让她趁机遁走。 But her palm has not touched Bao'er, the feeling body was fettered by Strength, unexpectedly is unable to move. 可是她的手掌还没有碰触到宝儿,就感觉身体被一股力量所束缚,竟然是无法动弹了。 Sir Society Master , you can also be said as the my mother, I should thank you to give me the life.” Qin Xiu looks at Chaos said. 会长大人,算起来,你也可以说是我的母亲,我应该感谢你赋予我生命。”秦修看着乱说道 You if also thought and the former friendship, put Bao'er.” Discovered randomly own body unexpectedly definitely is unable to move, in the heart cannot help but appalled, Universe Grade's Strength imagines her is more fearful. “你还若念及旧情,就放了宝儿。”乱发现自己的身体竟然完全无法动弹,心中不由得更加惊骇,宇宙级的力量比她想象中的还要可怕。 Beforehand Human Emperor simply is unable to display Universe Grade genuine Strength, now traded the Qin Xiu control body, finally manifested the great strength of Universe Grade. 之前的人帝根本无法发挥出宇宙级真正力量,现在换了秦修掌控身体,才终于体现出了宇宙级的强大。 Although randomly lost most Strength, did not have Fleshly Body, even if so, wants to surround her is not an easy matter, Qin Xiu actually easily can achieve. 乱虽然失去了大部分的力量,也没有了肉体,可是就算如此,想要困住她也绝不是一件容易的事,秦修却轻易能够做到。 Qin Xiu looked at chaotic one, said indifferently: I do not have the patience to wait again, therefore was sorry very much, I cannot make her leave.” 秦修看了乱一眼,淡淡地说道:“我已经没有耐心再等下去了,所以很抱歉,我不能让她离开。” When speech, Qin Xiu stretched out the palm, everyone thinks he must to Bao'er make a move time, actually saw him to use the stroke of right hand index finger on the left wrist, immediately to have sparkling and translucent such as the violet crystal common blood bead to flow from the wound place, a little bit drifted to go toward Bao'er. 说话之时,秦修伸出了手掌,所有人都以为他要对宝儿出手的时候,却见他用右手食指在左手腕上面一划,顿时晶莹紫晶一般的血珠自伤口处流了出来,一滴滴向着宝儿飘浮而去。 Drinks these blood, it can help your rapidly and Gene Seed fusion, I am waiting for you.” Qin Xiu made the blood in wound flow out unceasingly. “饮下这些血,它可以助你快速基因种子融合,我等着你。”秦修令伤口中的血液不断流出。 The people are one dull, no one has thought that Qin Xiu unexpectedly will do, compared with Human Emperor, Qin Xiu simply is Lunatic. 众人都是一呆,谁也没有想到秦修竟然会这么干,与人帝相比,秦修简直就是一个疯子 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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