SGG :: Volume #34

#3387: Elder Fu Tu

Chapter 3389 第3389章 Elder Fu Tu 浮屠长老 Han Sen follows to proceed, after stone clock(s) that Ancient Demon keeps silent behind transfers, the risk was smaller, can distinguish the time speed of flow of each region, so long as seeking death, will not have the too big danger generally. 韩森跟在古魔身后默不作声的往前走,石钟都转起来之后,危险性就小了很多,可以分辨出各个区域的时间流速,只要不自己作死,一般不会有太大的危险。 Han Sen actually wants to ask Ancient Demon, does he have with Zang Daotian and Great Heavenly Demon finally robs Chaos's relic, if such a asked, Ancient Demon knew him at that time also, therefore Han Sen bore had not asked. 韩森其实很想问古魔,他最后有没有和葬道天大天魔抢夺乱的遗物,不过若是这么一问,古魔就知道他当时也在,所以韩森还是忍住了没有问。 Ancient Demon walks while said: You follow I is also useless, where I do not know Heaven's Clock, just like you , can only try one's luck.” 古魔边走边说道:“你跟着我也没有用,我也不知道天之时钟在哪里,和你一样,也只能在碰运气。” Your luck is always better than me, with you, opportunity also greatly.” Han Sen actually remains unmoved, still follows behind Ancient Demon. “你运气一向比我好,跟着你,机会也大点。”韩森却是不为所动,依然跟在古魔后面。 Ancient Demon walks while said: Heaven's Clock hidden in these stone clock(s), but no one knows that which is Heaven's Clock.” 古魔边走边说道:“天之时钟就隐藏于这些石钟之内,但是谁也不知道到底哪一个是天之时钟。” You do not seem like a that point to grasp do not have, comes here risky person.” Han Sen honestly too understood Ancient Demon. “你不像是那种一点把握都没有,就来这里冒险的人。”韩森实在太了解古魔了。 Ancient Demon sighed lightly: „, How I told you to distinguish Heaven's Clock, but you cannot follow again I.” 古魔轻叹道:“也罢,我告诉你怎么分辨天之时钟,不过你不能再跟着我。” You feared that I follow you, is you have known that Heaven's Clock's is at?” Han Sen eyes narrowed asked. “你这么怕我跟着你,难道是你已经知道天之时钟的所在?”韩森眯起眼睛问道。 Ancient Demon shakes the head to say reluctantly: Where if I know Heaven's Clock, such long time will not have attained. I do not want to make you follow I, you follow I, does not have the good deed each time, even if my luck were good to find, finally must be snatched by you, why did I waste time? If you insist on following I, I do not look.” 古魔无奈地摇头道:“如果我知道天之时钟在哪里,也不会这么久的时间还没有拿到了。我只是不想让你跟着我,你跟着我,每次都没有好事,就算我运气好找到了,最后也要被你抢去,我又何必浪费时间?若是你执意跟着我,那我不找也罢。” Han Sen touches the nose, to yes right, he who Ancient Demon said follows each time Ancient Demon, is occupies Ancient Demon's to be cheap, if Ancient Demon really does not look, does not have the advantage to them. 韩森摸了摸鼻子,古魔说的到是没错,他每次跟着古魔,都是占古魔的便宜,古魔若是真的不找了,对他们都没有好处。 Good, you told me to distinguish the Heaven's Clock's method, we separated to try one's luck, but you must answer me an issue.” Han Sen said. “好吧,你告诉我分辨天之时钟的方法,我们分开去碰运气,不过你还得回答我一个问题。”韩森说道。 You want to know why I have become Heaven's Ruler, actually must come Time Heaven is right?” Ancient Demon said. “你想知道我为什么已经成为了天之主宰,却还要来时之天对吗?”古魔道。 Good.” Han Sen nods. “不错。”韩森点点头。 Ancient Demon hesitated the moment, started talking: Told you also to might as well, I came Time Heaven, was not to obtain Ruler's Position, but wanted to attain Heaven's Clock.” 古魔沉吟了片刻,才开口说道:“告诉你也无妨,我来时之天,并不是为了获得主宰之位,而是想要拿到天之时钟。” What has to distinguish?” Han Sen knits the brows to ask. “有什么区别吗?”韩森皱眉问道。 Naturally has the difference, attaining Heaven's Clock may not become Ruler. Naturally, when can attain the bell, I can also consider to give up other 1st-Layered Heaven Ruler status, becomes Time Heaven Ruler, that was it would be the best.” Ancient Demon said. “当然有区别,拿到天之时钟不一定要成为主宰。当然,如果能够拿到时之钟的话,我也可以考虑放弃另外一重天主宰身份,成为时之天主宰,那是最好不过了。”古魔道。 What do you want Heaven's Clock to make?” Han Sen also asked. “你要天之时钟做什么?”韩森又问道。 Heaven's Clock can accelerate time or reverses time, I need to do a matter with it, this is you must know an answer, I have replied.” Ancient Demon said. 天之时钟可以加速时间或者逆转时间,我需要用它去做一件事,这是你要知道一个答案,我已经回答了。”古魔说道。 Good, how told me to seek for Heaven's Clock.” Han Sen understands the Ancient Demon's meaning, has not asked again. “好吧,告诉我怎么寻找天之时钟。”韩森明白古魔的意思,就没有再问下去。 Ancient Demon seeking for the Heaven's Clock's direction told Han Sen, then said goodbye to go. 古魔把寻找天之时钟的方向告诉了韩森,然后就告辞而去。 meet again/goodbye.” Han Sen friendly said goodbye with Ancient Demon. 再见。”韩森友好的与古魔告别。 Other after our, meet again/goodbye.” Ancient Demon was actually left, formed the sharp contrast with Han Sen's is reluctant to leave that did not return. “我们还是以后都别再见了。”古魔却是头也不回的走掉了,与韩森的恋恋不舍形成了鲜明的对比。 Han Sen regretted that licked the lip, if can follow Ancient Demon, then found the Heaven's Clock's opportunity to be certainly bigger, but he also knows truth that cannot go too far, if annoyed Ancient Demon seriously, when the time comes let alone looks for Heaven's Clock, feared that is Ancient Demon may design to frame him. 韩森惋惜的舔了舔嘴唇,若是能够跟着古魔,那么找到天之时钟的机会一定会大很多,可是他也知道不能欺人太甚的道理,若是当真把古魔惹毛了,到时候别说找天之时钟,怕是古魔有可能设计陷害他。 After looking Ancient Demon did not have the trace, Han Sen sized up around one, goes in another direction. 看着古魔没了踪影之后,韩森才打量了一下四周,向着另外一个方向而去。 Ancient Demon teaches his method to be very simple, it can be said that a very stupid method, but actually very effective. 古魔教给他的方法很简单,可以说是一个很笨的方法,但是却非常的有效。 Heaven's Clock in this innumerable stone clock(s), is only regardless of the naked eye what ability, where cannot distinguish Heaven's Clock. 天之时钟就在这无数的石钟之内,只是无论用肉眼还是什么能力,都分辨不出天之时钟到底在哪里。 Wanted to find Heaven's Clock, can only stone clock(s) stone clock(s) probed, Heaven's Clock and ordinary clock seemingly had no difference, but Heaven's Clock's pointer actually and ordinary stone clock(s) pointer not quite the same. 想要找到天之时钟,就只能一个石钟一个石钟的去试探,天之时钟和普通时钟看起来没什么区别,不过天之时钟的指针却和普通的石钟指针不太一样 So long as interviews on pointer, can know that is Heaven's Clock. 只要在指针上面试一下,就可以知道那是不是天之时钟 However Time Heaven stone clock(s) many cannot count, wanting one by one to try pointer, does not know that must ending that tries many years to try, therefore gets up only to depend on the luck. 不过时之天石钟多的不可计数,想要一个个去试指针,不知道要试多少年才能够试的完,所以说起来还是只能靠运气。 Like touching prize, the luck is good, first can touch the first prize, if the luck is not good, must touch to last is good. 就像摸奖一样,运气好,第一张就可以摸到头奖,若是运气不好,说不定要摸到最后一张才行。 Han Sen does not have other means that can only try with Ancient Demon's this method. 韩森也没有别的办法,只能用古魔的这个方法去试。 Now pointer is revolving, that method is unuseful, after must wait for pointer to stop, can attempt. 现在指针都在旋转,那方法不能使用,必须要等指针停下来之后,才能够去尝试。 Ancient Demon does not wait to attempt here, wants to come here stone clock(s) to be appraised, elsewhere I also have a look.” Han Sen comes is too late, does not know that these stone clock(s) are others has tried, can only try one by one. 古魔不等在这里尝试,想来这里的石钟应该都已经被鉴定过了,我也去别处看看吧。”韩森来的太晚,不知道那些石钟是别人试过的,只能一个挨着一个去试。 Walked shortly, suddenly sees above opposite stone clock(s), several World Breaking Creature, the leader, is Divine Chaos Society's an Elder, Han Sen when previous Great Battle has seen him. 走了没多久,突然看到对面的一座石钟之上,有几个破界生物,其中为首者,是神乱会的一位长老,韩森在上次大战的时候见过他。 Han Sen, these looked where time you also toward do run?” That Elder also saw Han Sen, immediately brings several World Breaking Beast to clash, quick encircled Han Sen. 韩森,这一次看你还往哪里跑?”那长老也看到了韩森,立刻带着几头破界兽冲了过来,很快就把韩森围在了其中。 Han Sen's body originally runs not quickly, moreover here has the manufacture of clock region, the direction that can run away is also very limited. 韩森的身体本来就跑不快,而且这里有着时钟区域的制造,能够逃走的方向也十分有限。 You are really also haunted by the ghost.” Han Sen sized up that Elder and several World Breaking Beast one, actually not care. “你们还真是阴魂不散。”韩森打量了那长老和几头破界兽一眼,却是并不怎么在意。 Although his body Combat Power is not high, is with strong, this an Elder and several World Breaking Beast want to kill him is not easy. 他的身体战斗力虽然不高,可是遇强则强,就这一位长老和几头破界兽想要杀他却也不容易。 Our Sir Society Master wants you dead, how also to tolerate you to live in the world. This Elder named Fu Tu, after dying, do not forget that was Elder killed you.” Elder Fu Tu is saying, raised the head, a immediately pagoda flung, the instantly cover approached Han Sen. “我们会长大人想要你死,又岂能容你活在世上。本长老名为浮屠,死了之后,别忘记是本长老杀了你。”浮屠长老说着,一抬头,顿时一座宝塔甩了出来,刹那间罩向了韩森 That pagoda 18, the golden light is all over the body radiant, resembling is the god tower is ordinary, arrived at the Han Sen's top of the head to Instant of hand. 那宝塔有十八层,通体金光璀璨,似是神塔一般,离手的刹那就到了韩森的头顶。 The Han Sen figure accelerated suddenly, avoided suppression of pagoda, looks that the pagoda pounded from him. 韩森身形陡然间加速,躲开了宝塔的镇压,看着宝塔从他面前砸了下去。 Elder Fu Tu is startled slightly, after his Heaven Connecting Pagoda locked on the goal, the opposite party is almost impossible to escape, but Han Sen actually easily avoided Heaven Connecting Pagoda suppression, lets his somewhat surprised. 浮屠长老微微一怔,他的通天浮屠锁定了目标之后,对方几乎不可能逃脱,可是韩森却轻易躲开了通天浮屠镇压,让他微微有些意外 Almost simultaneously, that five World Breaking Beast make the sound of roaring, wind fire thunderbolts and other Strength hiding the sky and covering the earth toward Han Sen body volume one in the past. 几乎是在同时,那五头破界兽都发出咆哮之音,风火雷电等各种力量铺天盖地的向着韩森身上卷了过去。 The World Breaking Grade Strength terrifying is boundless, almost covered the entire stone clock(s) region, Han Sen actually still walked randomly in various Strength, did not seem to come under an influence. 破界级力量恐怖无边,几乎笼罩了整个石钟区域,韩森却依然在各种力量之间游走,似乎没有受到一点影响。 Secret being startled that Elder Fu Tu looks, these five World Breaking Beast of his side, have over 60 World Breaking Magnitude, even if cannot win Han Sen, is still insufficient unable to bump into him to be right completely. 浮屠长老看的暗暗吃惊,他身边的这五头破界兽,都拥有六十以上的破界率,就算打不赢韩森,也不至于完全碰不到他才对。 Now but looks at the Han Sen's appearance, but depends upon movement of position, plays jokes upon among five World Breaking Beast in Guzhang. 可是现在看韩森的模样,只是依靠位置的移动,就把五头破界兽戏耍于股掌之间。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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