SGG :: Volume #32

#3200: One handled sword

Chapter 3200 第3200章 One handled sword 柄剑 In in the air, Thunder Light, Heaven and Earth has seemed like only ripped open big opening together across the sky, entire sky weapon is the rainstorm is ordinary, falls in torrents by the obliterating the Heavens and razing the Earth power and influence under. 只在虚空之中,一道雷光横空而过,天地像是被撕开了一个大口子似的,漫天的兵器似是暴雨一般,以毁天灭地的威势倾泄而下。 A scream that Qin Bai frightens, holds to hide toward nearby Baili Tianya behind. 秦白吓的一声尖叫,抱头就往旁边的百里天涯身后躲。 Baili Tianya actually smiles bitterly, has not condensed Strength to prevent these obliterating the Heavens and razing the Earth weapon rain. 百里天涯却只是苦笑一声,并没有凝聚力量阻挡那些毁天灭地兵刃雨。 The next second, the weapon rain falls in the land, across their bodies, has not actually injured to their slightest, but the entire sky pitiful yell sound, explosive sound, the calling out in grief sound and wail actually interwove a Hell symphony. 下一秒,兵刃雨落在大地上,穿过他们的身体,却并没有伤到他们分毫,只是漫天的惨叫声、爆炸声、悲鸣声、哭泣声却交织成了一首地狱的交响曲。 Han Sen their vision sees, all around turned into Shura battlefield probably, the innumerable lives by weapon rain kill(ed) of that terrifying, the land were cut the crack by weapon, the mountain peak are bevelled, the river was levelled, loss of life rivers of blood, a Heaven and Earth gloom. 韩森他们目光所见,四周好像变成了修罗战场,无数的生灵被那恐怖的兵刃斩杀,大地被兵刃斩裂,山峰被削平,大河被填平,生灵涂炭血流成河,天地一片惨淡。 Legend Weaponry Heaven once sat Ancient Battlefield, had ancient times Weapon God to lower Divine Might in this, tortured to death creature that blasphemed Spiritual God innumerably, Heaven and Earth was destroyed in a moment, because honestly was frigid, some initial imprint in in the air Everlasting and Imperishable, when raining will repeat past one.” Baili Tianya answered. “传说兵刃天曾经是一坐古战场,有远古的兵神在此降下神威,虐杀无数亵渎神灵生物,天地都被毁于一旦,因为实在过于惨烈,当初的部分烙印虚空之中万古不朽,每当落雨之时就会重演当年的一幕。”百里天涯解释道。 Although clear(ly) knows that these are only Illusion, is that obliterating the Heavens and razing the Earth scene honestly is extremely terrifying, moreover also Divine Might exists, the average person knows perfectly well is Illusion, is actually hard to bear the attack of mind. 虽然明知道那些都只是幻象,可是那毁天灭地的景象实在太过恐怖,而且其中还有神威存在,一般人明知是幻象,却也难以承受心灵的打击。 Qin Bai hides in Baili Tianya is a point with does not have behind, the attack of this mind, can only withstand. 秦白躲在百里天涯身后却是一点用也没有,这种心灵的打击,只能自己一个人承受。 Qin Bai complexion is ugly, as if soon spits blood, his simply has not borne so terrifying mind attack, can only hold the head to shout: Han Sen saves me.” 秦白脸色难看之极,似乎就快要吐出血来,他根本没有承受过如此恐怖的心灵打击,只能抱着脑袋大喊:“韩森救我。” Han Sen sighed: Crown Prince Your Highness, something others cannot help you, can only face, here had a family law secret art, you line, should feel better in accordance with the law.” 韩森叹道:“太子殿下,有些事情别人是帮不了你的,只能自己面对,我这里有一门法诀,你依法而行,应该会好过一些。” Han Sen was saying then read a soul nurturing solidifying Intent method to the Qin Bai hear, although his voice was not loud, but can actually pass through that Illusion battlefield sad fierce sound, fell into the Qin Bai's ear directly, let Qin Bai hear of clarity. 韩森说着便把一种养神凝意的法门念给秦白听,他的声音虽然不大,可是却能够穿过那幻影战场的悲烈声音,直接落入秦白的耳中,让秦白听的清清楚楚。 Qin Bai covers the head to yell: I am quite uncomfortable, getting down how now this situation I study, tries to find other solution quickly.” 秦白捂着脑袋大叫道:“我好难受,现在这种情况我怎么学的下去,快想别的办法。” Is because uncomfortable, must therefore study, studied can feel better, in addition, no one helped you, I believe that you should be able to achieve.” Han Sen repeated to read. “就是因为难受,所以才要学,学了才能好受,除此之外,没有人帮得了你,我相信你应该能够做到。”韩森又重复念了一遍。 Qin Bai both legs trembles, complexion is pale, only felt that in the chest Qi and Blood surges uncomfortable fierce, actually also can only the strong self-stabilization mind, clench teeth to remember Han Sen said that according to method soul nurturing solidifying Intent that he teaches, contends with that Heaven and Earth Divine Might general mind attack. 秦白双腿打颤,脸色苍白,只感觉胸中气血翻腾难受的厉害,却也只能强自镇定心神,咬牙去记忆韩森所说,按照他教的方法养神凝意,与那天地神威一般的心灵打击抗衡。 Qin Bai originally is not stupid, even is it can be said that gifted, because wants to play all the time, not much that therefore studies, has no recourse at this time, studying to arrive is quick , when are not many have studied a fur/superficial knowledge, although was unable to resist Divine Might in that Illusion, actually also felt better much. 秦白本就不笨,甚至可以说是天资聪颖,只是因为太贪玩,所以才学的不怎么样,此时迫不得已,学起来到是快的很,不多时就已经学了一点皮毛,虽然还无法对抗那幻象中的神威,却也好过了不少。 Gets to know the benefits, Qin Bai then goes all out Secret Method that deferred to Han Sen saying that but in a while, that Illusion has restrained, both legs that Qin Bai shivered one soft, sat on the ground. 尝到了甜头,秦白这才拼命按照韩森所说的法诀去做,不过没过多久,那幻象就已经收敛,秦白颤抖的双腿一软,一屁股坐在了地上。 Han Sen, your Secret Method, although is useful, is the use is not big, doesn't have other method?” Qin Bai complained. 韩森,你那法诀虽然有用,可是用处不大,就没有别的方法吗?”秦白抱怨道。 No, you thought that the use is not big, that is because you just started to study, practiced was long, the use was big.” Han Sen said with a smile. “没有,你觉得用处不大,那是因为你才刚刚开始学习,练的久了,用处就大了。”韩森笑道。 Mister Han said right, Crown Prince Your Highness should practice, in Weaponry Heaven will frequently present these ancient times God Battle Illusion, sometimes will even continue for several hours.” Baili Tianya said in the one side. 韩先生说的没错,太子殿下还是应该多加练习,兵刃天中经常会出现这些远古神战幻象,有时候甚至会持续好几个小时。”百里天涯在一旁说道。 Qin Bai listened to immediately to turn into sour face(ed): If we had known, I did not follow, Han Sen, you may give others a bad time me.” 秦白听了顿时变成了苦瓜脸:“早知道如此,我就不跟着来了,韩森,你可把我害苦了。” Han Sen laughs: Was painstakingly bitter, but didn't you find it very interesting? Can't you see these scenes in Sovereign Palace? Later after returning to Sovereign Palace, these ministers said again your naivete, you can ask them, may once come Weaponry Heaven, may once see this grade of Divine Might, asked that who they are ignorant?” 韩森哈哈大笑:“苦是苦了点,不过你不觉得很有意思吗?你在皇宫内怎么也见不到这些景象吧?以后回到了皇宫之后,那些大臣再说你的年幼无知,你就可以问问他们,可曾来过兵刃天,可曾见过这等神威,问他们到底是谁无知?” Qin Bai hear of eyes shined, he most hates was others says him to be naive, because he violated each time wrong, or wants to handle anything, will be complained to Emperor Jingzhen by these ministers, the most word that used was naive. 秦白听的眼睛一亮,他最恨的就是别人说他年幼无知,因为他每次犯了一点错,或者是想做什么事情,就会被那些大臣向景真帝告状,其中用的最多的一个词就是年幼无知。 Now Qin Bai hears these four characters to have the impulsion that wish hits the wall, now listened to Han Sen this saying, suddenly felt very rational. 现在秦白听见这四个字就有种想要撞墙的冲动,现在听韩森这一说,顿觉十分有理。 Good, these ministers enjoy the sumptuous lifestyle in home every day, but this Crown Prince has actually rushed to this and other places of wonderful danger, I looked, their also face said that this Crown Prince is naive.” A Qin Bai face said bitterly. “不错,那些大臣每日都在家中享受锦衣玉食,而本太子却已经闯过这等奇险之地,我看以后他们还有脸说本太子年幼无知。”秦白一脸恨恨地说道。 Han Sen knows that even again many of Qin Bai experience, these ministers will say him to be naive, but really ignorant and false ignorance, there is a very big difference, experiences some to be always meddlesome. 韩森知道就算秦白经历的再多,那些大臣还是会说他年幼无知,但是真的无知和假的无知,还是有很大差异的,多经历一些总是好事。 Han Sen, you give me to explain quickly in detail that Secret Method, I want to be quicker realize am good.” Qin Bai somewhat impatient saying. 韩森,你快给我详细讲解一下那法诀,我要快些练成才好。”秦白有些迫不及待的说道。 Qin Bai works, although a little three minutes of heat degree, in this Weaponry Heaven, he thinks that is not lasting is not good, otherwise later presents Illusion time, he must receive a crime. 秦白做事虽然有点三分钟热度,不过在这兵刃天之内,他想不持久也不行,否则以后出现一次幻象,他就要受一次罪。 Actually most average people are like Qin Bai, many things were not compelled that Step, does not know oneself strong. 其实大多数普通人都和秦白一样,很多事不被逼到那一步,就不会知道自己有多强。 Read the multi- volume book to be inferior that line of ten thousand groups of True Meaning lay in this, studying to be loaf, travels actually cannot be loaf, comes across the matter to probably solve, did not solve must suffer hardship. 读多卷书不如行万路的真义就在于此,读书可以偷懒,行路却不能偷懒,遇到了事情就必须得解决,不解决就要受罪。 Han Sen teaches to teach that Secret Method to Qin Bai all the way slowly, that Secret Method is not Gene Technique, method that but concentrate the psyche read firmly, which Verse is unable in equally to be general. 韩森一路上慢慢把那法诀教传授给秦白,那法诀并不是什么基因术,只是一种凝神固念的法门,无法在哪个世界都一样通用。 Qin Bai this study going all out especially, looked Baili Tianya and Jia Shizhen nod secretly, thought that the decision of this Your Majesty is really correct, does not make Qin Bai come out to experience something, he cannot grow up in the palace forever. 秦白这一次学的格外卖力,看的百里天涯贾似真暗自点头,心想这一次陛下的决定果然是正确的,不让秦白出来经历一些事情,他在宫内就永远长不大。 Unlike former these Imperial Prince, he was the Your Majesty only child, Emperor Jingzhen, only then his such son, no pressure of competition, was favored by the entire harem, without eating owed to be cheated badly oversized, growth was very naturally slow. 与以前的那些皇子不同,他是陛下的独苗,景真帝只有他这么一个儿子,毫无竞争压力,被整个后宫所宠,没有吃过大亏上过大当,成长的自然就很慢。 However they regarding Han Sen actually also awe even more, the law of Han Sen's view, he passes to the technique of Qin Bai concentrate the psyche now, exceptionally, even they listened to mysteriously greatly by the benefit. 不过他们对于韩森却也越发的敬畏,无论是韩森的观器之法,还是现在他传给秦白凝神之术,都玄奥异常,连他们听了都大受裨益。 This person is what origin, an institute studies is startled like Celestial simply.” Jia Shizhen looks strangely to the Han Sen's look even more. “此人到底是何来历,一身所学简直惊如天人。”贾似真看向韩森的眼神越发的古怪。 Good more than 100 li (0.5 km), Jian Bugu pointed at front one saying: That handled sword that I saw before should there, never expected that experience its unexpectedly also.” 行了一百余里,剑不孤指着前方一处说道:“我以前见到的那柄剑应该就在那里,没想到经历它竟然还在。” The people looked at the past following his finger, saw only in front Weapon Grove, unexpectedly vacated a region, other places everywhere were weapon, there dozens li (0.5 km) range was actually spacious, did not have including weapon. 众人顺着他的手指看过去,只见前方的兵刃森林之中,竟然空出了一片区域,其它地方到处都是兵刃,那里数十里范围之内却是一片空旷,连一把兵刃都没有。 Han Sen concentrates the eyes carefully sizes up that spacious place, sees in the central location, is really inserting handled sword. 韩森凝目仔细打量那空旷之处,见在中央位置,果然插着一柄剑 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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