SGG :: Volume #32

#3191: Cannot say the name

Chapter 3191 第3191章 Cannot say the name 不能言之名 Bao'er blinking looks at Luo Jide, for a long time asked: „Do you know me?” 宝儿眨着眼睛看着洛基德,许久才问道:“你认识我?” Is...... no no no......” Luo Jide somewhat speaks incoherently. “是……不不不……”洛基德有些语无伦次。 „Didn't the understanding know?” Bao'er is frowning to ask. “到底认识还是不认识?”宝儿皱着眉头问道。 this humble one knows existence of Sir, but never sees genuine appearance of oversized person.” Luo Jide said hastily. 在下知道大人的存在,但是从未见过大人的真容。”洛基德连忙说道。 "Oh, then you think that who I am? ” Bao'er eyes narrowed looks at Luo Jide. “哦,那么你认为我是谁?”宝儿眯起眼睛看着洛基德 Luo Jide smiles bitterly was saying: this humble one does not dare saying that cannot say, if said the Sir your name, feared that was this Verse wants Heaven and Earth turning upside down.” 洛基德苦笑着说道:“在下不敢说也不能说,若是说出大人您的名字,怕是这世界都要翻天覆地了。” What is this?” Before Bao'er eyes glitters, strange expression. “这是什么意思呢?”宝儿眼睛中闪烁前奇异地神色 Sir, please must believe, my Luo Jide is loyal your, so long as you want, this humble one can for the Sir your torn body and crushed bones Soul entirely to extinguish also refuses to hesitate.” Luo Jide earnestly said. “大人,请您务必相信,我洛基德是忠于您的,只要您愿意,在下可以为了大人您粉身碎骨灵魂俱灭也在所不惜。”洛基德认真地说道 Your speech Bao'er does not like like this very much, if you spoke with me again, I tore in half this Paperman.” Bao'er takes Paperman, strikes an attitude to rip. “你这样说话宝儿很不喜欢,如果你再这么和我说话,我就把这张纸人撕成两半。”宝儿拿着纸人,作势欲撕。 Luo Jide is actually a tranquility of face: If this can safeguard the secret of Sir, Luo Jide is willing to sacrifice own life.” 洛基德却是一脸的平静:“如果这样能够保住大人的秘密,洛基德愿意献出自己的生命。” Then, Luo Jide unexpectedly closed eyes, a dying without a qualm appearance. 说罢,洛基德竟然闭上了眼睛,一副从容就义的模样。 You really think that I don't dare to kill people?” Bao'er's small face gloomy. “你真以为我不敢杀人?”宝儿的小脸阴沉了下来。 Can you die for the Sir, is being honored of this humble one.” Luo Jide sincere saying. “能够为大人您而死,是在下的荣幸。”洛基德诚恳的说道。 Bao'er stared at Luo Jide to look some little time, suddenly took up in the hand Paperman to Luo Jide one move, Luo Jide's body immediately was flying toward Paperman . Moreover the body getting smaller, gathered with Paperman for a body finally. 宝儿盯着洛基德看了好一会儿,突然拿起手中纸人对着洛基德一招,洛基德的身体顿时向着纸人飞了过来,而且身体越来越小,最后和纸人合为了一体。 originally is only Paperman of sketch, at this time had the facial features and colors, turned into a colored slip of paper person. 原本只是一个剪影的纸人,这时候有了五官和色彩,变成了一个彩色的纸片人。 When you want to say that comes to speak with me again.” Bao'er somewhat angry puts out a book, clamped the Luo Jide transformed into slip of paper person in the book. “等你什么时候想说了,再来和我说话。”宝儿有些气恼的拿出一本书,把洛基德所化的纸片人夹在了书中。 Completes all these, Bao'er pushed the sunglasses on face, muttered: This fellow what's the matter, seeming like really does not fear death to be the same.” 做完这一切,宝儿推了推脸上的墨镜,喃喃自语道:“这个家伙到底是怎么回事,看起来好像真的不怕死一样。” The Dragoness servant is ordered to wait for Han Sen outside Feng Family ancient castle, saw that Han Sen comes out from ancient castle, walks said indifferently: „To see Bao'er to come with me.” 龙女仆奉命在凤家古堡外等待韩森,看到韩森古堡内出来,就走过去淡淡地说道:“想要见宝儿就跟我来。” Good.” Han Sen has not spoken the idle talk, nods directly, follows after behind walking of Dragoness servant. “好。”韩森也没有多说废话,直接点了点头,跟在龙女仆的身后走去。 The Dragoness servant opened space channel, bringing Han Sen to pass through the channel together, before arriving at that summit Paper Shrine . 龙女仆开启了空间通道,带着韩森一起穿过了通道,来到了那座山巅的纸神庙前。 You first wait here.” Before arriving at God's Shrine(s), the Dragoness servant stopped, then bows to Paper Shrine was saying: Sir Minister, Han Sen came.” “你先在此等候。”来到神庙前,龙女仆停了下来,然后躬身对着纸神庙内说道:“部长大人,韩森来了。” But waited for a while, has not actually heard Luo Jide's to reply, Dragoness servant cannot help but slightly frowned, bows to say again: Some growing up people, I brought Han Sen.” 可是等了一会儿,却没有听到洛基德的回答,龙女仆不由得微微皱眉,再次躬身道:“部分长大人,我把韩森带来了。” Still no one replied, but the God's Shrine(s) paper gate was shoved open, a lovable girl walked. 依然没有人回答,只是神庙的纸门被人推开,一个可爱的女孩从中走了出来。 The Dragoness servant noticed that Bao'er walks first to gawk, then probably wants to understand what, the immediately violent anger, one hand grasps to Bao'er, simultaneously drinks to ask: You Sir Minister how?” 龙女仆看到宝儿走出来先是一楞,然后像是想明白了什么,顿时暴怒而起,一手抓向宝儿,同时喝问道:“你把部长大人怎么样了?” wēng! 嗡! Wooden Sword flew from Bao'er, in her front, that Wooden Sword was horizontally ordinary, but Sword Intent on sword actually just like Divinity general sacred inviolable, unexpectedly forcibly made the Dragoness servant fall on the ground, since the back is unable to be straight, seemed is pressed by the terrifying heavy sword is conducting the back general. 一只木剑宝儿身上飞了起来,横在了她的面前,那木剑普通无比,可是剑上的剑意却犹如神祇一般神圣不可侵犯,竟然硬生生龙女仆落在了地上,脊背都无法直起,好似被恐怖重剑压在背上一般。 Father, you come quite slow.” Bao'er throws to the Han Sen bosom, complained. “爸爸,你来的好慢啊。”宝儿扑到韩森怀里,抱怨道。 I feared is too quick, you play is unhappy.” Han Sen said with a smile, saw Bao'er to be all right, in his heart also relaxes, asked: Luo Jide?” “我怕来的太快,你玩的不开心。”韩森笑道,见到宝儿没事,他心中也松了一口气,又问道:“洛基德呢?” He here.” Bao'er opens the bosom book, then took the Luo Jide's slip of paper. “他在这里。”宝儿把怀里的书打开,然后把洛基德的纸片拿了出来。 „Is this Luo Jide?” Han Sen somewhat looks at the slip of paper person surprisedly, the appearance to is the Luo Jide's appearance, to imitate to perfection / true to life, was only mini, how to see Paperman that drew. “这是洛基德?”韩森有些惊讶地看着纸片人,模样到是洛基德的模样,惟妙惟肖,只是迷你了很多,怎么看都只是画上去的纸人 What looks at to look? If not Venerable Bao'er here, today you died.” Luo Jide looks by Han Sen like this, immediately is angry extremely. “看什么看?如果不是宝儿大人在此,今天你死定了。”洛基德韩森这样看着,顿时气恼万分。 Is real Ai, will also speak.” Han Sen feels the good interest, put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers the head of slip of paper person, the feel was really paper nothing more. “是真的,还会说话。”韩森感觉好趣,伸手捏住了纸片人的脑袋,手感果然就是一张纸而已 Puts...... to open me......” Luo Jide to yell ashamed and resentfully, but he is stranded in the slip of paper now, simply does not have the resistance, was mentioned the head to raise by Han Sen. “放放放……开我……”洛基德羞愤地大叫,可是他现在被困在纸片里面,根本没有抵抗能力,被韩森提起脑袋提了起来。 Lets loose Sir Minister!” The Dragoness servant bellows angrily, is very hard is wanting to stand up, but under that Sword Intent oppresses, the skeleton of her whole body ka ka makes noise, seems soon cut off to be the same, cannot stand up. “放开部长大人!”龙女仆愤怒地大吼,挺硬着想要站起身来,可是在那剑意的压迫之下,她全身的骨骼咔咔作响,仿佛就快要断掉一样,还是没有能够站起来 Also good fierce Sword Intent, Mister Jian I imagine wants to be stronger, worthily was once Great Qin First Swordsman.” Han Sen looks at Wooden Sword, in the heart surprised. “好厉害的剑意,剑先生比我想象中的还要强一些,不愧是曾经的大秦第一剑客。”韩森看着木剑,心中惊讶。 Strength of that Dragoness servant perhaps and Beheading Consort is almost the same, Sword Intent suppression of unexpectedly on by Wooden Sword, this Sword Intent the honestly of Master was made people feel the terrifying. 龙女仆的实力恐怕和断头皇后相差无几,竟然被一柄木剑上的剑意压制,这剑意主人实在让人感觉恐怖。 How will he turn into this?” Han Sen gave back to Bao'er slip of paper person Luo Jide, somewhat curious asked. “他怎么会变成这样?”韩森把纸片人洛基德还给了宝儿,有些好奇地问道。 Bao'er pushed the sunglasses on face to say with a smile: I simulated his ability, then used on him nothing more, his Strength was very never expected that interesting.” 宝儿推了推脸上的墨镜笑道:“我只是模拟了他的能力,然后用在了他自己身上而已,没想到他的力量还挺有趣的。” I to gave to forget it.” Han Sen then thinks, Bao'er also sunglasses that Treasure, but has not thought that the ability of sunglasses equally is also useful in Empire Great Universe. “我到是把它给忘记了。”韩森这才想起来,宝儿身上还有墨镜那件宝贝,只是没想到墨镜的能力在帝国大宇宙也一样有用。 Bao'er expression somewhat odd, told Han Sen these words that Luo Jide spoke. 宝儿神色有些古怪,把洛基德说的那些话告诉了韩森 Han Sen listened is also surprised, looks that playing card person Luo Jide asked: Luo Jide, do you know the Bao'er's family background? If your agrees said that I can comply to put you.” 韩森听了也是惊讶,看着纸牌人洛基德问道:“洛基德,你知道宝儿的出身?如果你肯说出来,我可以答应放了你。” Luo Jide disdain curls the lip saying: You do not have the qualifications and this Sir speak.” 洛基德不屑地撇了撇嘴说道:“你没有资格和本大人说话。” Spoke with my father well.” Bao'er put out a hand to draw on the Luo Jide face. “好好和我老爸说话。”宝儿伸手在洛基德脸上拉了一把。 Hurts......” Luo Jide immediately to call out pitifully. “疼疼疼……”洛基德顿时惨叫起来。 Ok, first went back to say again, received Mister Jian's Wooden Sword, that was to him the extremely precious thing, went back later to give back to Mister Jian.” Han Sen said. “算了,先回去再说吧,把剑先生的木剑收回来,想必那是对他来说极为珍贵之物,回去之后要还给剑先生。”韩森说道。 Although that Wooden Sword is common thing, but on the sword is actually reposing Jian Bugu's Sword Intent, waits, if Jian Bugu's Lifebase Sword Artifact, is only Han Sen is not quite clear, how Jian Bugu will make Lifebase Sword Artifact with such ordinary Wooden Sword. 木剑虽然是凡物,但是剑上却寄托着剑不孤的剑意,等若是剑不孤的本命剑器,只是韩森不太明白,剑不孤怎么会用这么一把普通的木剑本命剑器 This Sword Intent of sword again how strong, itself actually collapses at the first blow, if meets Expert that realm sufficiently and Mister Jian contends with, this handled sword point with did not have. 这把剑的剑意再怎么强,本身却不堪一击,若是遇到境界足以和剑先生抗衡的强者,这柄剑就连一点用也没有了。 Bao'er received Wooden Sword, Dragoness servant immediately regained the freedom, the body changed into black giant dragon instantaneously, is roaring threw to Han Sen and Bao'er. 宝儿收了木剑,龙女顿时恢复了自由,身体瞬间化为了黑色巨龙,怒吼着向韩森宝儿扑了过来。 Boom! 嘭! Han Sen condenses Strength, a fist flying upside down that the Dragoness servant rumbled, the entire mountain that huge body pounded swayed. 韩森凝聚力量,一拳把龙女仆轰的倒飞了出去,那巨大的身躯砸的整座山岳都摇晃了一下。 Do not kill her!” Luo Jide called out. “不要杀她!”洛基德叫道。 Father, forgives her life.” Bao'er blinks to say. “老爸,饶她一命吧。”宝儿眨了眨眼说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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