SGG :: Volume #25

#2496: Lets loose that peacock

Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King goes crazy probably same is whipping the wing, body seven-colored Divine Light blooms, all around void tears the one after another drain gutter. 天霞孔雀王像是发了疯一样拍打着翅膀,身上七彩神光绽放,把四周的虚空都撕裂出一道道的天沟。 But simply is useless, its belly has been increasing, making Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King non-stop call out in grief the pitiful yell. 可是却根本没有用,它的肚子还是一直在变大,令天霞孔雀王不停地悲鸣惨叫。 When dumbfoundedness that Han Sen and the others look, in many, balloon that probably the belly of that Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King has risen, moreover is big in rising of non-stop, body supported seemed like soon transparent generally, making one be worried very much, its belly can explode directly. 韩森等人都看的目瞪口呆,没过多时,那天霞孔雀王的肚子已经涨的像是气球似的,而且还在不停的涨大,皮肉都被撑的像是快要透明了一般,让人很是担心,它的肚子会不会直接爆开。 Really, Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King not lets people down, in slating explosive sound, its belly unexpectedly blasted out big hole directly. 果然,天霞孔雀王不负众望,在一声雷鸣般的爆炸声中,它的肚子竟然被直接炸开了一个大洞 Saw only inside to have one group of giant milk white cloud clusters to well up, clearly was that rosy clouds material that the black cricket secreted. 只见里面有一团巨大的奶白色云团涌了出来,分明就是黑色蟋蟀分泌出的那种云霞般的物质。 Is so fierce?” Han Sen is startled, originally he thinks that these milk white cloud clusters have no destructive power, but actually cannot think that thing unexpectedly can support to explode the belly of Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King. “这么猛?”韩森大吃一惊,原本他以为那些奶白色的云团没什么破坏力,可是却想不到那东西竟然能够撑爆天霞孔雀王的肚子。 Eats good that the thing really must see clearly, Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King is classical material for negative education, saw that thing one has sole possession, also in does not see clearly is clean, now was supported to explode the belly, does not know that can also live?” In the Han Sen heart moved, stops Great White Whale to look at the past to that Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King. “吃东西果然还是要看清楚的好,天霞孔雀王就是一个经典的反面教材,看到好东西就一口独吞,也不看清楚里面干不干净,现在被撑爆了肚子,也不知道还能不能活?”韩森心中一动,停下了大白鲸向那的天霞孔雀王看过去。 After seeing only the belly breakage of Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King, seven-colored God Blood had soon drained off, from the sky struggles is calling out in grief to continue, whips the wing to charge into that to roll rosy clouds, but its Seven-Colored Divine Light flickers, could not soon have seen, simply is incapable of launching the attack again. 只见天霞孔雀王的肚子破裂之后,七彩神血已经快要流干了,在空中挣扎着悲鸣不止,拍打着翅膀想要冲向那团云霞,可是它身上的七彩神光忽明忽暗,已经快要看不到了,根本无力再发动攻击。 The rosy clouds group has not paid attention to Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King, unexpectedly turns toward Han Sen to flutter. 云霞团没有理会天霞孔雀王,竟然又向着韩森这边飘了过来。 Good opportunity! Bao'er, you drive Great White Whale.” In Han Sen heart wild with joy, grasped Little Red Bird, ran out of Great White Whale, received heavily damaged Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King to fly toward that. “好机会!宝儿,你驾驶大白鲸。”韩森心中狂喜,一把抓起了小红鸟,冲出了大白鲸,向着那受了重创的天霞孔雀王飞了过去。 Small red, looked your.” Han Sen flung Little Red Bird directly to Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King. “小红,看你的了。”韩森直接把小红鸟甩向了天霞孔雀王 called out of Little Red Bird grief and indignation, the body from the sky changed into Fire Phoenix, but it does not dare to start to Han Sen, has to vent the anger on that pitiful Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King. 小红鸟悲愤的叫了一声,身体在空中化为了火凤凰的,不过它也不敢对韩森下手,只好把怒火都发泄在了那只可怜的天霞孔雀王身上。 Flaming scarlet flame hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King, turned into Purgatory to be ordinary entire Verse instantaneously, that Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King originally has been seriously injured, has left refuses stubbornly far, where also resisted lived in Little Red Bird's Phoenix Flame, the burnt pitiful yell continued, whips the wing to fly away, honestly that what a pity it injured was too heavy. 熊熊赤焰铺天盖地的涌向天霞孔雀王,瞬间就把整个世界变成了炼狱一般,那天霞孔雀王本就已经受了重伤,已经离死不远了,哪里还抵挡的住小红鸟的凤凰炎,被烧的惨叫不止,拍打着翅膀想要飞走,可惜它伤的实在太重了。 Before it with a Meng Lie war, the severe wound had not recovered, now is broken open within the body to flow dirty, a leg had entered the Gate of Death. 之前它与蒙烈的一战,重伤还没有痊愈,现在又被撑破了身体内脏都流了出来,一条腿已经跨进了鬼门关。 If makes Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King recuperate well, has several hundred years over a thousand years to could restore, if there is Universe rare treasure to assist, possibly can also want to be quicker. 若是让天霞孔雀王自己好好休养,有个几百年上千年也许能够恢复过来,若是有宇宙奇珍相助,可能还会要快一些。 But makes it fight with Godly Transformation Expert again, that is helpless. 可是让它再与神化强者战斗,那却是已经无能为力了。 Looks that the Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King burnt pitiful yell continues, plumage and flesh burnt red, is ordinary just like the heat iron slab, but is actually still struggling had not been dying, wants to escape from Little Red Bird's Phoenix Flame. 看着天霞孔雀王被烧的惨叫不止,一身羽毛与血肉都被烧的通红,宛若烧红的铁块一般,可是却还在挣扎着没有死去,想要逃出小红鸟的凤凰炎 What a pity it is impossible to escape, was being pursued the fever by Little Red Bird, life force become weaker and weaker, Seven-Colored Divine Light could not have seen. 可惜它已经不可能逃得掉了,被小红鸟一路追着烧,身上的生机越来越弱,七彩神光都已经看不到了。 Saw that Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King life force soon cuts off, the wing has patted motionless, the body crashes in the flame, has followed to yell that in Little Red Bird behind Han Sen while rushes: Lets loose the that peacock to make me come.” 眼看着天霞孔雀王生机就快要断绝,翅膀已经拍不动了,身体在火焰中坠落,一直跟在小红鸟身后的韩森一边大叫一边冲了上去:“放开那只孔雀让我来。” Han Sen is grasping Soul-Locking Thunder Psythorn, flew had lost by Awareness Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King, was pounding to the head of Peacock King. 韩森握着定魄雷神刺,飞到了已经失去了意识天霞孔雀王旁边,对着孔雀王的脑袋就砸了下去。 The god of thunder thorn pounds above the head of Peacock King, cannot crush and injure its head, however pulsing silver thunderbolts actually passed, electricity Peacock King has lost the body of Awareness to shiver. 雷神刺砸在孔雀王的头颅之上,没有能够把它的头颅砸伤,但是跳动银色雷电却透了进去,电的孔雀王已经失去意识的身体又颤抖了一下。 Han Sen brushing continuously above, the hit Peacock King body twitched continuously several, but had not heard the prompt sound that hunts and kills. 韩森连续不断的抽打在上面,打的孔雀王身子连绵抽搐了几下,可是一直没有听到猎杀的提示声音。 This Strike and Kill 10 million/whatever happens must be above me, Great Emperor Jade Sovereign and Tathagata Buddha and Goddess Bodhisattva blesses, must have Beast Soul What! Han Sen smashes the head of Peacock King crazily, while in the heart prayed secretly. “这个击杀千万要算在我头上啊,玉皇大帝、如来佛祖、观世音菩萨保佑,一定要出兽魂啊!韩森一边狂砸孔雀王的头,一边心中暗自祈祷。 That Peacock King has not moved completely, Han Sen has not heard the sound that hunts and kills, can only clench teeth to continue to pound. 孔雀王都已经完全不动弹了,韩森还是没有听到猎杀的声音,只能咬着牙继续砸。 Hunts and kills Godly Transformation Xenospecies Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King, obtains Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King Beast Soul, detected Xenospecies Genes.” “猎杀神化异种天霞孔雀王,获得天霞孔雀王兽魂,发现异种基因。” When Han Sen had suspected that hunted and killed to fall on Little Red Bird, sound suddenly resounded in the mind, made Han Sen eat a person of crude fruit to be ordinary instantaneously probably, whole body 108,000 pore comfortable soon moaned. 韩森都已经怀疑是不是猎杀落在了小红鸟头上的时候,一个声音突然在脑海中响起,瞬间让韩森像是吃了人生果一般,全身上下十万八千个毛孔都舒服的快要呻吟出来了 Godly Transformation Beast Soul...... also obtained Godly Transformation Beast Soul...... in the Han Sen heart to like finally, could not attend to tidying up the Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King corpse, looked at Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King Beast Soul directly is what type. 神化兽魂……终于又得到神化兽魂了……”韩森心中欢喜,也顾不上收拾天霞孔雀王的尸体,直接就去看天霞孔雀王兽魂到底是什么类型。 Weapon...... gives me to come the weapon...... weapon then it will be alright......” in the Han Sen heart to yell. “武器……给我来把武器……一把武器就行……”韩森心中大叫。 Godly Transformation Beast Soul Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King: Soul Armor-Type (Incomplete). 神化兽魂天霞孔雀王:魂甲型(残缺) Soul Armor-Type! Fuck, this is also enthusiastic compared with the weapon, was developed, was really developed!” Han Sen almost jumps excitedly. 魂甲型我靠,这比武器还来劲,发达了,真的发达了!”韩森兴奋地差点就蹦起来。 Godly Transformation Grade soul armor, has Godly Transformation Grade Defensive Power at the same time, will also obtain Godly Transformation Beast Soul Strength blessing, although Transmorphic Beast Soul is different, can have the body and Strength of Godly Transformation Grade directly, but has Godly Transformation Grade Strength blessing, can promote Godly Transformation Grade Battle Power. 神化级魂甲,拥有神化级防御力的同时,还会获得神化兽魂力量加持,虽然不似融合变身兽魂一样,可以直接拥有神化级的身体和力量,不过拥有神化级力量加持,也能够把战力提升到神化级 Had this Peacock King soul armor, Han Sen was equal to the qualification that had and Godly Transformation Expert fights. 拥有了这一件孔雀王魂甲,韩森就等于拥有了和神化强者一战的本钱。 What meaning wait/etc....... this is Incomplete? Is this damage Beast Soul? It is not right, had not heard Beast Soul can also damage......” Han Sen to see the Incomplete two characters in following illustration, a moment ago pleasantly surprised mood immediately cool. “等等……这个残缺是什么意思?这是损坏的兽魂吗?不对啊,从没听说过兽魂还能够损坏……”韩森看到后面注解中的残缺两个字,刚才惊喜的心情顿时凉了下来。 Summoned Peacock King soul armor directly, sees only grey white feather attire that peacock's feathers interweaves becomes to appear outside the Han Sen body. 直接把孔雀王魂甲召唤了出来,只见一身孔雀羽交织而成的灰白色羽衣出现在韩森身外。 Is soul armor, is the soul clothes is rather more appropriate, grey white feather attire throws over on Han Sen, probably a plumage cloak, behind grey white feather attire, the colored peacock design, is that Heavenly Afterglow Peacock King appearance, now it is drawing in the wing, has not opened its peacock's feathers. 与其说是魂甲,不如说是魂衣更合适,灰白色羽衣披在韩森身上,像是一件羽毛披风,在灰白色羽衣背后,有一只彩色的孔雀图案,就是那天霞孔雀王的模样,现在它收拢着羽翼,并没有张开它的孔雀羽 The Han Sen intention moves, sees only behind feather attire Seven-Colored Divine Light to ascend, changes into Peacock King phantom that honorable spreads the tail, protects and sustains in Han Sen's behind, flooded into Han Sen within the body terrors to extreme Strength, changes into seven-colored Chain of Order blessing above Han Sen's every inchs Fleshly Body. 韩森心念一动,只见羽衣背后七彩神光升腾而起,化为一尊开屏的孔雀王虚影,护持在韩森的身后,一股股恐怖到了极点的力量涌入韩森体内,化为七彩秩序链加持韩森的每一寸肉体之上。 Feels body within the body that terrifying Strength, Han Sen was feeling oneself can probably fist destroy a Verse. 感受着身体内的那股恐怖力量,韩森感觉自己好像可以一拳毁灭世界 Strange, this Peacock King Soul Attire has not damaged, is complete soul armor, why will behind have the illustration of Incomplete?” In the Han Sen heart is somewhat puzzled, he felt obviously Strength of soul clothes is Godly Transformation Grade. “奇怪,这件孔雀王魂衣并没有损坏,是完整的一件魂甲,为什么后面会有残缺的注解呢?”韩森心中有些不解,他明明感觉魂衣的力量就是神化级的。
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