SGG :: Volume #25

#2476: Unicorn Beast group

Han Sen knows why finally Lan Du did not bundle him, because Lan Du knows that this goes to the Sovereign-Extreme Clan station is not definitely peaceful, if he grabbed Han Sen to meet the enemy again, honestly was extremely troublesome. 韩森终于知道兰度为什么不捆他了,因为兰度知道这一路去皇极族的驻地肯定不会太平,他若是抓着韩森再去应敌,实在太过麻烦。 Might as well makes Han Sen run, but can also help him share a pressure. 还不如让韩森自己跑,还能够帮他分担一点压力。 You to are good of calculation, but did you also underestimate my Han Sen? Really thinks that imprint did eat to decide me?” In the Han Sen heart sneers secretly, but the under foot has not actually been idling, runs in the opposite direction. “你到是算计的好,可你也太小看我韩森了吧?真以为一个烙印就吃定我了吗?”韩森心中暗自冷笑,可是脚下却没有闲着,向着相反的方向跑去。 But has not run far, sees another direction among rosy clouds, one crowd of golden Unicorn Beast tread the cloud to come, hiding the sky and covering the earth does not compare the beforehand white Unicorn Beast group to be few. 可是还没有跑多远,就看到另外一个方向的云霞之间,一群金色的独角兽踏云而来,铺天盖地不比之前的白色独角兽群少。 Han Sen complexion changed, but also wants to trade the direction again, but actually saw that other direction unexpectedly have the Unicorn Beast group, among rosy clouds everywhere is various color Unicorn Beast, does not know many. 韩森脸色一变,还想再换方向,可是却看到其它方向竟然也有独角兽群,云霞之间到处都是各种颜色的独角兽,也不知道到底有多少。 I go, how will suddenly have so many Xenospecies?” Han Sen drew a blade charged into the Unicorn Beast group, the place of blade light flashing, the blood fluttered about, immediately killed several Unicorn Beast. “我去,怎么突然会有这么多异种?”韩森拔刀冲向了独角兽群,刀光闪动之处,鲜血纷飞,顿时斩杀了好几只独角兽 Hunts and kills Duke Grade golden color Unicorn Beast, detected Xenospecies Genes.” “猎杀公爵级金色独角兽,发现异种基因。” Is real Xenospecies What! slay of Han Sen in the Unicorn Beast group, the Ghost Tooth Blade mistake wide expanse Unicorn Beast straw is harvested the life generally. “都是真的异种啊!韩森独角兽群之中撕杀,鬼牙刀过处大片独角兽似稻草一般被收割生命。 But Unicorn Beast still fierce do not fear to/clashes, the Han Sen harsh in every word, among the moments does not know that killed many Unicorn Beast. 可是独角兽们依然悍不畏死的冲上来,韩森刀刀见血,片刻之间就已经不知道杀了多少匹独角兽 suddenly heard one long hiss the sound, in the Unicorn Beast group big two times of golden Unicorn Beast charged compared with ordinary golden Unicorn Beast, golden screw single-horn of top of the head, bringing the sound of tearing space to hit to Han Sen. 突然听到一声长嘶之声,独角兽群中一匹比普通金色独角兽大了两倍的金色独角兽冲锋了过来,头顶的金色螺旋独角,带着破空之音撞向韩森 A Han Sen blade chops above Unicorn Beast single-horn, the blade and golden single-horn friction has the metal hit the sound of junction cry, Han Sen that shakes flew high to turn, from the sky delimited several hundred meters, stopped the figure. 韩森一刀劈在独角兽独角之上,刀刃与金色独角摩擦产生金属撞击的交鸣之声,震的韩森凌空翻了出去,在空中划出几百米,才止住了身形。 Also without and other Han Sen recovered, another black giant Unicorn Beast attacked, the terrifying of its Strength, was not completely inferior in golden Unicorn Beast. 还没有等韩森回过神来,另外一只就又有一匹黑色的巨型独角兽冲击了过来,其力量之恐怖,完全不逊色于刚才的金色独角兽 A Han Sen fist bang to black Unicorn Beast that the charge comes, the icy light falls on black Unicorn Beast, but outside it unexpectedly glitters black light barrier, that light barrier takes its single-horn as sharp, probably spindle-shaped. 韩森一拳轰向冲锋而来的黑色独角兽,冰光落在黑色独角兽身上,可是它外竟然闪烁起一个黑色光罩,那光罩以它的独角为尖,像是一个梭形。 The icy light fell on above, immediately is refracted, unexpectedly cannot pass through its spindle-shaped Domain. 冰光落在上面,顿时被折射了出去,竟然没有能够穿过它的梭形领域 Boom! 嘭! black Unicorn Beast hits on Han Sen, immediately cracks-up the Han Sen's body, changes into the Illusion digestion, but the Han Sen's figure has appeared in battlefield another side. 黑色独角兽撞在韩森身上,顿时韩森的身体撞碎,化为幻影消化,而韩森的身形已经出现在战场的另一边。 I go, how even did the white Unicorn Beast kings run up to me to come? Lan Du not in that side?” Han Sen saw that white giant Unicorn Beast also turned toward him to clash, in immediately heart one startled, but also thought Lan Du in the pit he. “我去,怎么连白色独角兽王都跑到我这边来了?兰度不是在那边吗?”韩森看到一匹白色的巨型独角兽也向着他这边冲了过来,顿时心中一惊,还以为兰度在坑他。 But looks in an instant, discovered that Lan Du with seven-colored Unicorn Beast Great Battle, that seven-colored Unicorn Beast in the eyes Seven-Colored Divine Light twinkle, among one shatter Sun and Moon stars, unexpectedly is being Godly Transformation Grade Unicorn Beast. 可是转眼一瞧,就发现兰度在与一头七彩独角兽大战,那七彩独角兽眼中七彩神光闪烁,一眼之间破碎日月星辰,竟然是一匹神化级独角兽 Hapless, will unexpectedly bump into Godly Transformation Grade Xenospecies?” In Han Sen heart depressed, even Lan Du, to Godly Transformation Grade Xenospecies, were still suppressed, seeming like the situation is poor. “到底是有多倒霉,竟然会碰上神化级异种?”韩森心中郁闷,即便是兰度,对上了神化级异种,也被压制住了,看起来情况不怎么好。 But large quantities of Unicorn Beast groups, because of the participation such terrifying fight, flushed to Han Sen, is only Half-Step Godly Transformation Grade Unicorn Beast, has four that Han Sen sees, in addition resembles the sea of clouds general Unicorn Beast group, if Han Sen is really struggles hard here, even if perhaps kills both hands all collapse blood, is impossible to kill off these Unicorn Beast. 而大批的独角兽群,因为参与不了那样恐怖的战斗,都向韩森这边冲了过来,只是半步神化级独角兽,韩森看到的就已经有四只,再加上似云海一般的独角兽群,韩森若真是在这里苦战,恐怕就算是杀到双手皆崩血,也不可能杀光这些独角兽 A red Unicorn Beast king flushed shortly, the Han Sen intention moves, left in the eyes bloody glow bloomed, changes into the body of bloody shadow, instantly mapped in that red Unicorn Beast eyes. 眼看着一匹红色的独角兽王又冲了过来,韩森心念一动,左眼中血光绽放,化为血影之身,刹那间映入了那匹红色独角兽眼睛之中。 suddenly lost the goal, all Unicorn Beast gawk, the vision sizes up, is seeking for the Han Sen's trace, but where no one has seen him to go. 突然失去了目标,所有独角兽都是一楞,目光四下里打量,都在寻找韩森的踪影,可是谁也没有看到他去了哪里。 Han Sen the in the eyes stay in red Unicorn Beast king, has not mapped in the eye pupil of another Unicorn Beast immediately, so rapidly movement, shuttle of non-stop in the Unicorn Beast group. 韩森并没有在红色独角兽王的眼中停留,立刻就又映入了另一匹独角兽的眼眸之中,如此快速移动,在独角兽群中不停的穿梭。 Although these Unicorn Beast kings have Half-Step Godly Transformation Strength, Han Sen to also not necessarily fears them, strange that but this crowd of single-horn groups come, Han Sen always felt that some are not quite right. 虽然那些独角兽王都有半步神化实力,韩森到也未必就怕它们,不过这群独角群来的奇怪,韩森总感觉有些不太对劲。 He unceasing movement in the Unicorn Beast group, the mapping enters different Unicorn Beast in the eyes, went toward the battlefield edge, transferred some little time, has not discovered exceptionally the place. 他在独角兽群中不断的移动,映射进入不同的独角兽眼中,向着战场的边缘而去,转了好一会儿,也没有发现异常之处。 Was I am oversensitive? This is also good, happen to seizes the chance to get rid of Lan Du, he tied down by that Godly Transformation Grade Unicorn Beast, perhaps is more unfortunate than fortunate, even if can escape from the life, still had no time to care about me.” During the Han Sen intention rotations, had arrived at the most edge of Unicorn Beast group, flushed from outermost Unicorn Beast in the eyes, instantly changes into stream of light to escape to the distant place. “难道是我多心了?这样也好,正好趁机摆脱兰度,他被那匹神化级独角兽缠住,恐怕是凶多吉少,就算能够逃脱性命,也无暇顾及到我了。”韩森心念转动之间,已经到了独角兽群的最边缘,从最外边的一只独角兽眼中冲了出来,刹那间化为一道流光遁向远处。 Boom! 嘭! Han Sen felt oneself hit probably on a steel plate, the face hit was soon flat, the nosebleed spurted directly. 韩森感觉自己像是撞在了一块钢板上面,脸都撞在快要扁了,鼻血直接就喷了出来。 What thing?” Han Sen looks to the front, but what had not seen, puts out a hand to touch, actually discovered that an invisible barrier keeps off there. “什么东西?”韩森望向前方,可是什么也没有看到,伸手去摸,却发现一道无形的屏障挡在那里。 Really has the issue!” A Han Sen hand according to the invisible barrier, figure instantly ran out of several hundred li (0.5 km) upwardly, the invisible barrier that but the palm touches has existed, as if no end. “果然有问题!”韩森一只手按在无形的屏障上面,身形刹那间向上冲出了数百里,可是手掌触及的无形屏障一直存在,仿佛没有尽头。 Han Sen is running out of over a thousand li (0.5 km) horizontally, that invisible barrier remains, simply does not know this barrier some big scopes. 韩森又横着冲出上千里,那无形的屏障依然还是存在,根本不知道这屏障到底有多大的范围。 Who is? Who is being up to mischief?” In Han Sen heart with amazement, if this barrier covered the entire battlefield region, is the Godly Transformation Grade character is supporting absolutely, otherwise simply is impossible to reach this intensity and scale. “是谁?到底是谁在搞鬼?”韩森心中骇然,若是这屏障笼罩了整个战场区域的话,绝对是神化级的人物在支撑,否则根本不可能达到这种强度和规模。 Han Sen opened Profound Deciphering Domain, simultaneously Violet Butterfly Divine Lens also opens in right in the eyes, looks to that invisible barrier. 韩森开启了洞玄领域,同时紫蝶神瞳镜也在右眼中开启,看向那无形的屏障。 Immediately sees the wall of transparent Chain of Order blocked his way together, the vision looks toward all around, the place of as far as the eye can see, the wall of that transparent Chain of Order has covered the entire vault of heaven, simply could not see the end. 立刻就看到有一道透明的秩序链之墙挡住了他的去路,目光往四周看去,目光所及之处,那透明的秩序链之墙已经覆盖了整个苍穹,根本看不到尽头。 Really is Godly Transformation Grade Expert is being up to mischief!” Han Sen took a deep breath, why he does not know that Godly Transformation Expert not personally make a move, but blocked entire battlefield, but Han Sen is a little clear, he cannot go out now. “果然是神化级强者在搞鬼!”韩森深吸了一口气,他不知道为什么那神化强者没有亲自出手,只是封锁了整个战场,不过有一点韩森很清楚,他现在出不去了。 suddenly, Han Sen only felt that the fingertip heat of left hand little finger, one group of ash-grey light shadow flushed from his little finger, is that together imprint on his phalanx. 突然,韩森只感觉左手小指的指尖一热,一团灰色的光影从他的小指中冲了出来,正是他指骨上的那一道烙印 imprint was separated from his small phalanx automatically, changed into Lan Du phantom in front of Han Sen instantaneously. 烙印自动从他的小指骨上脱离了出来,瞬间在韩森面前化为了兰度虚影 Do not run again, here had been blocked by Godly Transformation Grade Expert, only if we kill off here Xenospecies, otherwise can only die here.” imprint transformed into Lan Du phantom said indifferently. “不要再跑了,这里已经被神化级强者封锁了,除非我们杀光这里的异种,否则就只能死在这里。”烙印所化兰度虚影淡淡地说道 Why?” Han Sen knits the brows to ask. “为什么?”韩森皱眉问道。 Without why, the only reason because of our not strong enough, even if thousand is unwilling, actually also can only make that to play with chess piece above stock palm.” The phantom dissipation of Lan Du does not see gradually, obviously was Strength has consumed completely. “没有为什么,唯一的原因就是因为我们不够强,纵然有千般的不甘心,却也只能做那被人玩弄于股掌之上的棋子。”兰度虚影渐渐消散不见,显然是力量已经消耗尽了。
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